- Do all the status indication in one component, but vary
the top-level message based on whether the mandatory
requirements are satisfied.
- Vary color and icon based on each requirement's *mandatory* setting.
clean up obsolete lines in welcomeq.qml
add requirement section from welcome.conf to welcomeq.conf
data shows correctly in Recommended.qml, fails to show any in Requirements.qml if run without admin rights
reads data from languagesModel correctly, debug added to see index changes
code cleanup
button layout improved
install info text added, better spacing of text
about button no longer commented out, 3 reasons:
- info provided by any about is standard, will be odd if it can't be found
- about.qml is a seperate file, can be completely adjusted
- not showing it takes away the options for new QML cala users to see what is possible with Loader, thus stopping new possible contributors
using Loader, can be reused for other widgets conversion
leave onClick example with full path, commneted out
title text for About is hardcoded, discuss option to make this configurable in welcome.conf
background color hardcoded, tested to work well in dark themes too