diff --git a/lang/calamares_ar.ts b/lang/calamares_ar.ts
index 76b15c0d6..e8c9fa06f 100644
--- a/lang/calamares_ar.ts
+++ b/lang/calamares_ar.ts
@@ -1344,12 +1344,12 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost.
اختر قرصا:
+ Before:قبل:
+ After:بعد:
@@ -2141,12 +2141,12 @@ Some file systems need external tools to be installed for them to be supported.
+ Before:قبل:
+ After:بعد:
@@ -2369,52 +2369,52 @@ Installation can continue, but some features might be disabled.
+ Select where to install %1.<br/><font color="red">Warning: </font>this will delete all files on the selected partition.
+ The selected item does not appear to be a valid partition.
+ %1 cannot be installed on empty space. Please select an existing partition.
+ %1 cannot be installed on an extended partition. Please select an existing primary or logical partition.
+ %1 cannot be installed on this partition.
+ Data partition (%1)
+ Unknown system partition (%1)
+ %1 system partition (%2)
+ <strong>%4</strong><br/><br/>The partition %1 is too small for %2. Please select a partition with capacity at least %3 GiB.
+ <strong>%3</strong><br/><br/>%1 will be installed on %2.<br/><font color="red">Warning: </font>all data on partition%2 will be lost.
diff --git a/lang/calamares_ast.ts b/lang/calamares_ast.ts
index d761230de..88414349b 100644
--- a/lang/calamares_ast.ts
+++ b/lang/calamares_ast.ts
@@ -1345,12 +1345,12 @@ L'instalador colará y perderánse toles camudancies.
Esbillar preséu:
+ Before:Enantes:
+ After:Dempués:
@@ -2142,12 +2142,12 @@ Dellos sistemes de ficheros riquen la instalación de ferramientes esternes pa t
+ Before:Enantes:
+ After:Dempués:
@@ -2370,52 +2370,52 @@ La instalación pue siguir, pero delles carauterístiques pudieron deshabilitase
+ Select where to install %1.<br/><font color="red">Warning: </font>this will delete all files on the selected partition.Esbilla u quies instalar %1. <br/><font color="red">Avisu: </font>esto desaniciará tolos ficheros na partición esbillada.
+ The selected item does not appear to be a valid partition.Los elementos esbillaos nun paecen ser una partición válida.
+ %1 cannot be installed on empty space. Please select an existing partition.%1 nun pue instalase nun espaciu baleru, Por favor, esbilla una partición esistente.
+ %1 cannot be installed on an extended partition. Please select an existing primary or logical partition.%1 nun pue instalase nuna partición estendida. Por favor, esbilla una partición primaria o lloxica esistente.
+ %1 cannot be installed on this partition.%1 nun pue instalase nesta partición.
+ Data partition (%1)Partición de datos (%1)
+ Unknown system partition (%1)Partición del sistema desconocida (%1)
+ %1 system partition (%2)
+ <strong>%4</strong><br/><br/>The partition %1 is too small for %2. Please select a partition with capacity at least %3 GiB.
+ <strong>%3</strong><br/><br/>%1 will be installed on %2.<br/><font color="red">Warning: </font>all data on partition%2 will be lost.
diff --git a/lang/calamares_bg.ts b/lang/calamares_bg.ts
index 3c24f41fb..e3d9b7bf7 100644
--- a/lang/calamares_bg.ts
+++ b/lang/calamares_bg.ts
@@ -1345,12 +1345,12 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost.
Избери устройство:
+ Before:Преди:
+ After:След:
@@ -2142,12 +2142,12 @@ Some file systems need external tools to be installed for them to be supported.
+ Before:Преди:
+ After:След:
@@ -2370,52 +2370,52 @@ Installation can continue, but some features might be disabled.
+ Select where to install %1.<br/><font color="red">Warning: </font>this will delete all files on the selected partition.Изберете къде да инсталирате %1.<br/><font color="red">Предупреждение: </font>това ще изтрие всички файлове върху избраният дял.
+ The selected item does not appear to be a valid partition.Избраният предмет не изглежда да е валиден дял
+ %1 cannot be installed on empty space. Please select an existing partition.%1 не може да бъде инсталиран на празно пространство. Моля изберете съществуващ дял.
+ %1 cannot be installed on an extended partition. Please select an existing primary or logical partition.%1 не може да бъде инсталиран върху разширен дял. Моля изберете съществуващ основен или логически дял.
+ %1 cannot be installed on this partition.%1 не може да бъде инсталиран върху този дял.
+ Data partition (%1)Дял на данните (%1)
+ Unknown system partition (%1)Непознат системен дял (%1)
+ %1 system partition (%2)%1 системен дял (%2)
+ <strong>%4</strong><br/><br/>The partition %1 is too small for %2. Please select a partition with capacity at least %3 GiB.
+ <strong>%3</strong><br/><br/>%1 will be installed on %2.<br/><font color="red">Warning: </font>all data on partition%2 will be lost.
diff --git a/lang/calamares_ca.ts b/lang/calamares_ca.ts
index f8953d339..4b38867f7 100644
--- a/lang/calamares_ca.ts
+++ b/lang/calamares_ca.ts
@@ -1345,12 +1345,12 @@ L'instal·lador es tancarà i tots els canvis es perdran.
Seleccioneu el disc:
+ Before:Abans:
+ After:Després:
@@ -2142,12 +2142,12 @@ Alguns sistemes de fitxers requereixen la instal·lació d'eines externes p
Disc <strong>%1</strong> (%2)
+ Before:Abans:
+ After:Després:
@@ -2370,52 +2370,52 @@ La instal·lació pot continuar, però algunes característiques podrien ser des
+ Select where to install %1.<br/><font color="red">Warning: </font>this will delete all files on the selected partition.Seleccioneu on instal·lar %1.<br/><font color="red">Advertència: </font>això eliminarà tots els fitxers de la partició seleccionada.
+ The selected item does not appear to be a valid partition.L'element seleccionat no sembla una partició vàlida.
+ %1 cannot be installed on empty space. Please select an existing partition.No es pot instal·lar %1 en un espai lliure. Si us plau, seleccioneu una partició ja existent.
+ %1 cannot be installed on an extended partition. Please select an existing primary or logical partition.No es pot instal·lar %1 en una partició estesa. Si us plau, seleccioneu una partició primària o lògica ja existent.
+ %1 cannot be installed on this partition.No es pot instal·lar %1 en aquesta partició.
+ Data partition (%1)Partició de dades (%1)
+ Unknown system partition (%1)Partició del sistema desconeguda (%1)
+ %1 system partition (%2)%1 partició del sistema (%2)
+ <strong>%4</strong><br/><br/>The partition %1 is too small for %2. Please select a partition with capacity at least %3 GiB.<strong>%4</strong><br/><br/>La partitició %1 és massa petita per a %2. Si us plau, seleccioneu una partició amb una capacitat de com a mínim %3 GB.
+ <strong>%3</strong><br/><br/>%1 will be installed on %2.<br/><font color="red">Warning: </font>all data on partition%2 will be lost.<strong>%3</strong><br/><br/>%1 s'instal·larà a %2.<br/><font color="red">Atenció: </font> totes les dades de la partició%2 es perdran.
diff --git a/lang/calamares_cs_CZ.ts b/lang/calamares_cs_CZ.ts
index ce0f5dbf5..36c0ccc0d 100644
--- a/lang/calamares_cs_CZ.ts
+++ b/lang/calamares_cs_CZ.ts
@@ -1344,12 +1344,12 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost.
Zvolit mechaniku:
+ Before:Předtím:
+ After:Potom:
@@ -2141,12 +2141,12 @@ Některé souborové systémy vyžadují instalaci externích nástrojů. Jisté
+ Before:Před:
+ After:Po:
@@ -2369,52 +2369,52 @@ Instalace může pokračovat, ale některé prvky nemusí fungovat.
+ Select where to install %1.<br/><font color="red">Warning: </font>this will delete all files on the selected partition.
+ The selected item does not appear to be a valid partition.
+ %1 cannot be installed on empty space. Please select an existing partition.
+ %1 cannot be installed on an extended partition. Please select an existing primary or logical partition.
+ %1 cannot be installed on this partition.
+ Data partition (%1)
+ Unknown system partition (%1)
+ %1 system partition (%2)
+ <strong>%4</strong><br/><br/>The partition %1 is too small for %2. Please select a partition with capacity at least %3 GiB.
+ <strong>%3</strong><br/><br/>%1 will be installed on %2.<br/><font color="red">Warning: </font>all data on partition%2 will be lost.
diff --git a/lang/calamares_da.ts b/lang/calamares_da.ts
index f3c5e026d..ac975638a 100644
--- a/lang/calamares_da.ts
+++ b/lang/calamares_da.ts
@@ -1345,12 +1345,12 @@ Installationsprogrammet vil stoppe og alle ændringer vil gå tabt.Vælg drev:
+ Before:Før:
+ After:Efter:
@@ -2142,12 +2142,12 @@ Nogle filsystemer kræver at eksterne værktøjer skal installeres for at være
+ Before:Før:
+ After:Efter:
@@ -2370,52 +2370,52 @@ Installation kan fortsætte, men nogle features kan være deaktiveret.&Disk:
+ Select where to install %1.<br/><font color="red">Warning: </font>this will delete all files on the selected partition.Vælg hvor %1 skal installeres.<br/><font color="red">Advarsel: </font>dette vil slette alle filerne på den valgte partition.
+ The selected item does not appear to be a valid partition.Det valgte emne ser ikke ud til at være en gyldig partition.
+ %1 cannot be installed on empty space. Please select an existing partition.%1 kan ikke installeres på tomt plads. Vælg venligst en eksisterende partition.
+ %1 cannot be installed on an extended partition. Please select an existing primary or logical partition.%1 kan ikke installeres på en udvidet partition. Vælg venligst en eksisterende primær eller logisk partition.
+ %1 cannot be installed on this partition.%1 kan ikke installeres på denne partition.
+ Data partition (%1)Data partition (%1)
+ Unknown system partition (%1)Ukendt system partition (%1)
+ %1 system partition (%2)%1 system partition (%2)
+ <strong>%4</strong><br/><br/>The partition %1 is too small for %2. Please select a partition with capacity at least %3 GiB.
+ <strong>%3</strong><br/><br/>%1 will be installed on %2.<br/><font color="red">Warning: </font>all data on partition%2 will be lost.
diff --git a/lang/calamares_de.ts b/lang/calamares_de.ts
index 5df81361f..552de1049 100644
--- a/lang/calamares_de.ts
+++ b/lang/calamares_de.ts
@@ -1345,12 +1345,12 @@ Dies wird das Installationsprogramm beenden und alle Änderungen gehen verloren.
Wähle Laufwerk:
+ Before:Davor:
+ After:Danach:
@@ -2142,12 +2142,12 @@ Einige Dateisysteme erfordern die Installation externer Programme, um unterstüt
Festplatte <strong>%1</strong> (%2)
+ Before:Bevor:
+ After:Danach:
@@ -2370,52 +2370,52 @@ Die Installation wird fortgesetzt, es werden eventuell nicht alle Funktionen ver
+ Select where to install %1.<br/><font color="red">Warning: </font>this will delete all files on the selected partition.Wählen Sie den Installationsort für %1.<br/><font color="red">Warnung: </font>dies wird alle Daten auf der ausgewählten Partition löschen.
+ The selected item does not appear to be a valid partition.Die aktuelle Auswahl entspricht keiner gültigen Partition.
+ %1 cannot be installed on empty space. Please select an existing partition.%1 kann nicht auf einer freien Fläche installiert werden. Wählen Sie bitte eine existierende Partition aus.
+ %1 cannot be installed on an extended partition. Please select an existing primary or logical partition.%1 kann nicht auf einer erweiterten Partition installiert werden. Wählen Sie bitte eine primäre oder logische Partition aus.
+ %1 cannot be installed on this partition.%1 kann auf dieser Partition nicht installiert werden
+ Data partition (%1)Datenpartition (%1)
+ Unknown system partition (%1)Unbekannte Systempartition (%1)
+ %1 system partition (%2)%1 Systempartition (%2)
+ <strong>%4</strong><br/><br/>The partition %1 is too small for %2. Please select a partition with capacity at least %3 GiB.<strong>%4</strong><br/><br/>Die Partition %1 ist zu klein für %2. Bitte wähle eine Partition mit einer Kapazität von mindestens %3 GiB.
+ <strong>%3</strong><br/><br/>%1 will be installed on %2.<br/><font color="red">Warning: </font>all data on partition%2 will be lost.<strong>%3</strong><br/><br/>%1 wird auf %2 installiert.<br/><font color="red">Warnung: </font>Sämtliche Daten auf Partition%2 werden verloren gehen.
diff --git a/lang/calamares_el.ts b/lang/calamares_el.ts
index a5a5d686e..b761cdfd1 100644
--- a/lang/calamares_el.ts
+++ b/lang/calamares_el.ts
@@ -1344,12 +1344,12 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost.
+ Before:
+ After:
@@ -2140,12 +2140,12 @@ Some file systems need external tools to be installed for them to be supported.
+ Before:
+ After:
@@ -2366,52 +2366,52 @@ Installation can continue, but some features might be disabled.
+ Select where to install %1.<br/><font color="red">Warning: </font>this will delete all files on the selected partition.
+ The selected item does not appear to be a valid partition.
+ %1 cannot be installed on empty space. Please select an existing partition.
+ %1 cannot be installed on an extended partition. Please select an existing primary or logical partition.
+ %1 cannot be installed on this partition.
+ Data partition (%1)
+ Unknown system partition (%1)
+ %1 system partition (%2)
+ <strong>%4</strong><br/><br/>The partition %1 is too small for %2. Please select a partition with capacity at least %3 GiB.
+ <strong>%3</strong><br/><br/>%1 will be installed on %2.<br/><font color="red">Warning: </font>all data on partition%2 will be lost.
diff --git a/lang/calamares_en.ts b/lang/calamares_en.ts
index d10bc4373..b6fe6d2a4 100644
--- a/lang/calamares_en.ts
+++ b/lang/calamares_en.ts
@@ -1345,12 +1345,12 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost.
Select drive:
+ Before:Before:
+ After:After:
@@ -2142,12 +2142,12 @@ Some file systems need external tools to be installed for them to be supported.
Disk <strong>%1</strong> (%2)
+ Before:Before:
+ After:After:
@@ -2370,52 +2370,52 @@ Installation can continue, but some features might be disabled.
+ Select where to install %1.<br/><font color="red">Warning: </font>this will delete all files on the selected partition.Select where to install %1.<br/><font color="red">Warning: </font>this will delete all files on the selected partition.
+ The selected item does not appear to be a valid partition.The selected item does not appear to be a valid partition.
+ %1 cannot be installed on empty space. Please select an existing partition.%1 cannot be installed on empty space. Please select an existing partition.
+ %1 cannot be installed on an extended partition. Please select an existing primary or logical partition.%1 cannot be installed on an extended partition. Please select an existing primary or logical partition.
+ %1 cannot be installed on this partition.%1 cannot be installed on this partition.
+ Data partition (%1)Data partition (%1)
+ Unknown system partition (%1)Unknown system partition (%1)
+ %1 system partition (%2)%1 system partition (%2)
+ <strong>%4</strong><br/><br/>The partition %1 is too small for %2. Please select a partition with capacity at least %3 GiB.<strong>%4</strong><br/><br/>The partition %1 is too small for %2. Please select a partition with capacity at least %3 GiB.
+ <strong>%3</strong><br/><br/>%1 will be installed on %2.<br/><font color="red">Warning: </font>all data on partition%2 will be lost.<strong>%3</strong><br/><br/>%1 will be installed on %2.<br/><font color="red">Warning: </font>all data on partition%2 will be lost.
diff --git a/lang/calamares_en_GB.ts b/lang/calamares_en_GB.ts
index 775b702d5..9d6315b10 100644
--- a/lang/calamares_en_GB.ts
+++ b/lang/calamares_en_GB.ts
@@ -1345,12 +1345,12 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost.
Select drive:
+ Before:Before:
+ After:After:
@@ -2142,12 +2142,12 @@ Some file systems need external tools to be installed for them to be supported.
Disk <strong>%1</strong> (%2)
+ Before:Before:
+ After:After:
@@ -2370,52 +2370,52 @@ Installation can continue, but some features might be disabled.
+ Select where to install %1.<br/><font color="red">Warning: </font>this will delete all files on the selected partition.Select where to install %1.<br/><font color="red">Warning: </font>this will delete all files on the selected partition.
+ The selected item does not appear to be a valid partition.The selected item does not appear to be a valid partition.
+ %1 cannot be installed on empty space. Please select an existing partition.%1 cannot be installed on empty space. Please select an existing partition.
+ %1 cannot be installed on an extended partition. Please select an existing primary or logical partition.%1 cannot be installed on an extended partition. Please select an existing primary or logical partition.
+ %1 cannot be installed on this partition.%1 cannot be installed on this partition.
+ Data partition (%1)Data partition (%1)
+ Unknown system partition (%1)Unknown system partition (%1)
+ %1 system partition (%2)%1 system partition (%2)
+ <strong>%4</strong><br/><br/>The partition %1 is too small for %2. Please select a partition with capacity at least %3 GiB.<strong>%4</strong><br/><br/>The partition %1 is too small for %2. Please select a partition with capacity at least %3 GiB.
+ <strong>%3</strong><br/><br/>%1 will be installed on %2.<br/><font color="red">Warning: </font>all data on partition%2 will be lost.<strong>%3</strong><br/><br/>%1 will be installed on %2.<br/><font color="red">Warning: </font>all data on partition%2 will be lost.
diff --git a/lang/calamares_es.ts b/lang/calamares_es.ts
index e6167f324..5f29e5428 100644
--- a/lang/calamares_es.ts
+++ b/lang/calamares_es.ts
@@ -1345,12 +1345,12 @@ Saldrá del instalador y se perderán todos los cambios.
Seleccionar disco de almacenamiento:
+ Before:Antes:
+ After:Despúes:
@@ -2142,12 +2142,12 @@ Algunos sistemas de archivos requieren de la instalación de herramientas extern
+ Before:Antes:
+ After:Después:
@@ -2370,52 +2370,52 @@ La instalación puede continuar pero algunas características podrían no estar
+ Select where to install %1.<br/><font color="red">Warning: </font>this will delete all files on the selected partition.Seleccione dónde instalar %1.<br/><font color="red">Advertencia: </font>esto eliminará todos los archivos en la partición seleccionada.
+ The selected item does not appear to be a valid partition.El ítem seleccionado no parece ser una partición válida.
+ %1 cannot be installed on empty space. Please select an existing partition.%1 no puede ser instalado en un espacio vacío. Por favor seleccione una partición existente.
+ %1 cannot be installed on an extended partition. Please select an existing primary or logical partition.%1 no puede ser instalado en una partición extendida. Por favor seleccione una partición primaria o una partición lógica existente.
+ %1 cannot be installed on this partition.No se puede instalar %1 en esta partición.
+ Data partition (%1)Partición de datos (%1)
+ Unknown system partition (%1)Partición de sistema desconocida (%1)
+ %1 system partition (%2)Partición de sistema %1 (%2)
+ <strong>%4</strong><br/><br/>The partition %1 is too small for %2. Please select a partition with capacity at least %3 GiB.
+ <strong>%3</strong><br/><br/>%1 will be installed on %2.<br/><font color="red">Warning: </font>all data on partition%2 will be lost.
diff --git a/lang/calamares_es_ES.ts b/lang/calamares_es_ES.ts
index c0277da20..c384156b0 100644
--- a/lang/calamares_es_ES.ts
+++ b/lang/calamares_es_ES.ts
@@ -1345,12 +1345,12 @@ El instalador se cerrará y se perderán todos los cambios.
Selecciona la unidad:
+ Before:Antes:
+ After:Después:
@@ -2142,12 +2142,12 @@ Algunos sistemas de ficheros necesitan instalar herramientas externas para ser s
Disco <strong>%1</strong> (%2)
+ Before:Antes:
+ After:Después:
@@ -2370,52 +2370,52 @@ Se puede continuar con la instalación pero algunas de las características pued
+ Select where to install %1.<br/><font color="red">Warning: </font>this will delete all files on the selected partition.Selecciona donde instalar %1.<br/><font color="red">Aviso: </font>Se borrarán todos los archivos de la partición seleccionada.
+ The selected item does not appear to be a valid partition.El objeto seleccionado no parece ser una particón válida.
+ %1 cannot be installed on empty space. Please select an existing partition.%1 no se puede instalar en un sitio vacío. Selecciona una partición existente.
+ %1 cannot be installed on an extended partition. Please select an existing primary or logical partition.%1 no se puede instalar en una partición extendida. Selecciona una partición primaria o lógica.
+ %1 cannot be installed on this partition.No se puede instalar %1 en esta partición.
+ Data partition (%1)Partición de datos (%1)
+ Unknown system partition (%1)Partición de sistema desconocida (%1)
+ %1 system partition (%2)%1 partición de sistema (%2)
+ <strong>%4</strong><br/><br/>The partition %1 is too small for %2. Please select a partition with capacity at least %3 GiB.<strong>%4</strong><br/><br/>La partición %1 no es lo suficientemente grande para %2. Selecciona otra partición que tenga al menos %3 GiB.
+ <strong>%3</strong><br/><br/>%1 will be installed on %2.<br/><font color="red">Warning: </font>all data on partition%2 will be lost.<strong>%3</strong><br/><br/>%1 se instalará en %2.<br/><font color="red">Aviso: </font>se eliminaran todos los datos de la partición %2.
diff --git a/lang/calamares_es_MX.ts b/lang/calamares_es_MX.ts
index d249a3d09..dd893aa12 100644
--- a/lang/calamares_es_MX.ts
+++ b/lang/calamares_es_MX.ts
@@ -1350,12 +1350,12 @@ El instalador terminará y se perderán todos los cambios.
Dispositivo seleccionado:
+ Before:Antes:
+ After:Después:
@@ -2147,12 +2147,12 @@ Para soportar algunos archivos de sistema se necesitan instalar herramientas ext
+ Before:Antes:
+ After:Después:
@@ -2377,52 +2377,52 @@ Formulario de &comprobación:
+ Select where to install %1.<br/><font color="red">Warning: </font>this will delete all files on the selected partition.Selecciona donde instalar %1.<br/><font color="red">Aviso: </font>Se borrarán todos los archivos de la partición seleccionada.
+ The selected item does not appear to be a valid partition.El elemento seleccionado no parece ser una partición válida.
+ %1 cannot be installed on empty space. Please select an existing partition.%1 no se puede instalar en un espacio vacío. Selecciona una partición existente.
+ %1 cannot be installed on an extended partition. Please select an existing primary or logical partition.%1 no se puede instalar en una partición extendida. Selecciona una partición primaria o lógica.
+ %1 cannot be installed on this partition.No se puede instalar %1 en esta partición.
+ Data partition (%1)Partición de datos (%1)
+ Unknown system partition (%1)Partición de sistema desconocida (%1)
+ %1 system partition (%2)%1 partición de sistema (%2)
+ <strong>%4</strong><br/><br/>The partition %1 is too small for %2. Please select a partition with capacity at least %3 GiB.
+ <strong>%3</strong><br/><br/>%1 will be installed on %2.<br/><font color="red">Warning: </font>all data on partition%2 will be lost.
diff --git a/lang/calamares_es_PR.ts b/lang/calamares_es_PR.ts
index adf3b8c9e..28beba0a5 100644
--- a/lang/calamares_es_PR.ts
+++ b/lang/calamares_es_PR.ts
@@ -1344,12 +1344,12 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost.
+ Before:
+ After:
@@ -2140,12 +2140,12 @@ Some file systems need external tools to be installed for them to be supported.
+ Before:
+ After:
@@ -2366,52 +2366,52 @@ Installation can continue, but some features might be disabled.
+ Select where to install %1.<br/><font color="red">Warning: </font>this will delete all files on the selected partition.
+ The selected item does not appear to be a valid partition.
+ %1 cannot be installed on empty space. Please select an existing partition.
+ %1 cannot be installed on an extended partition. Please select an existing primary or logical partition.
+ %1 cannot be installed on this partition.
+ Data partition (%1)
+ Unknown system partition (%1)
+ %1 system partition (%2)
+ <strong>%4</strong><br/><br/>The partition %1 is too small for %2. Please select a partition with capacity at least %3 GiB.
+ <strong>%3</strong><br/><br/>%1 will be installed on %2.<br/><font color="red">Warning: </font>all data on partition%2 will be lost.
diff --git a/lang/calamares_et.ts b/lang/calamares_et.ts
index fef8d3fe8..f6c1ff562 100644
--- a/lang/calamares_et.ts
+++ b/lang/calamares_et.ts
@@ -1322,12 +1322,12 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost.
+ Before:
+ After:
@@ -2118,12 +2118,12 @@ Some file systems need external tools to be installed for them to be supported.
+ Before:
+ After:
@@ -2344,52 +2344,52 @@ Installation can continue, but some features might be disabled.
+ Select where to install %1.<br/><font color="red">Warning: </font>this will delete all files on the selected partition.
+ The selected item does not appear to be a valid partition.
+ %1 cannot be installed on empty space. Please select an existing partition.
+ %1 cannot be installed on an extended partition. Please select an existing primary or logical partition.
+ %1 cannot be installed on this partition.
+ Data partition (%1)
+ Unknown system partition (%1)
+ %1 system partition (%2)
+ <strong>%4</strong><br/><br/>The partition %1 is too small for %2. Please select a partition with capacity at least %3 GiB.
+ <strong>%3</strong><br/><br/>%1 will be installed on %2.<br/><font color="red">Warning: </font>all data on partition%2 will be lost.
diff --git a/lang/calamares_eu.ts b/lang/calamares_eu.ts
index 19c26e922..c15ee5b77 100644
--- a/lang/calamares_eu.ts
+++ b/lang/calamares_eu.ts
@@ -1342,12 +1342,12 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost.
+ Before:
+ After:
@@ -2138,12 +2138,12 @@ Some file systems need external tools to be installed for them to be supported.
+ Before:
+ After:
@@ -2364,52 +2364,52 @@ Installation can continue, but some features might be disabled.
+ Select where to install %1.<br/><font color="red">Warning: </font>this will delete all files on the selected partition.
+ The selected item does not appear to be a valid partition.
+ %1 cannot be installed on empty space. Please select an existing partition.
+ %1 cannot be installed on an extended partition. Please select an existing primary or logical partition.
+ %1 cannot be installed on this partition.
+ Data partition (%1)
+ Unknown system partition (%1)
+ %1 system partition (%2)
+ <strong>%4</strong><br/><br/>The partition %1 is too small for %2. Please select a partition with capacity at least %3 GiB.
+ <strong>%3</strong><br/><br/>%1 will be installed on %2.<br/><font color="red">Warning: </font>all data on partition%2 will be lost.
diff --git a/lang/calamares_fa.ts b/lang/calamares_fa.ts
index b8d92dff6..1aa8e0323 100644
--- a/lang/calamares_fa.ts
+++ b/lang/calamares_fa.ts
@@ -1322,12 +1322,12 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost.
+ Before:
+ After:
@@ -2118,12 +2118,12 @@ Some file systems need external tools to be installed for them to be supported.
+ Before:
+ After:
@@ -2344,52 +2344,52 @@ Installation can continue, but some features might be disabled.
+ Select where to install %1.<br/><font color="red">Warning: </font>this will delete all files on the selected partition.
+ The selected item does not appear to be a valid partition.
+ %1 cannot be installed on empty space. Please select an existing partition.
+ %1 cannot be installed on an extended partition. Please select an existing primary or logical partition.
+ %1 cannot be installed on this partition.
+ Data partition (%1)
+ Unknown system partition (%1)
+ %1 system partition (%2)
+ <strong>%4</strong><br/><br/>The partition %1 is too small for %2. Please select a partition with capacity at least %3 GiB.
+ <strong>%3</strong><br/><br/>%1 will be installed on %2.<br/><font color="red">Warning: </font>all data on partition%2 will be lost.
diff --git a/lang/calamares_fi_FI.ts b/lang/calamares_fi_FI.ts
index 7aec7a576..9509cc052 100644
--- a/lang/calamares_fi_FI.ts
+++ b/lang/calamares_fi_FI.ts
@@ -1345,12 +1345,12 @@ Asennusohjelma sulkeutuu ja kaikki muutoksesi katoavat.
Valitse asema:
+ Before:Ennen:
+ After:Jälkeen:
@@ -2142,12 +2142,12 @@ Jotkin tiedostojärjestelmät vaativat ulkoisia työkaluja jotta ovat tuettuja.
+ Before:Ennen:
+ After:Jälkeen:
@@ -2369,52 +2369,52 @@ Asennusta voidaan jatkaa, mutta joitakin ominaisuuksia voi olla kytketty pois.
+ Select where to install %1.<br/><font color="red">Warning: </font>this will delete all files on the selected partition.Valitse minne %1 asennetaan.<br/><font color="red">Varoitus: </font>tämä poistaa kaikki tiedostot valitulta osiolta.
+ The selected item does not appear to be a valid partition.Valitsemaasi kohta ei näytä olevan kelvollinen osio.
+ %1 cannot be installed on empty space. Please select an existing partition.%1 ei voi asentaa tyhjään tilaan. Valitse olemassa oleva osio.
+ %1 cannot be installed on an extended partition. Please select an existing primary or logical partition.%1 ei voida asentaa jatketun osion. Valitse olemassa oleva ensisijainen tai looginen osio.
+ %1 cannot be installed on this partition.%1 ei voida asentaa tähän osioon.
+ Data partition (%1)Data osio (%1)
+ Unknown system partition (%1)Tuntematon järjestelmä osio (%1)
+ %1 system partition (%2)%1 järjestelmäosio (%2)
+ <strong>%4</strong><br/><br/>The partition %1 is too small for %2. Please select a partition with capacity at least %3 GiB.
+ <strong>%3</strong><br/><br/>%1 will be installed on %2.<br/><font color="red">Warning: </font>all data on partition%2 will be lost.
diff --git a/lang/calamares_fr.ts b/lang/calamares_fr.ts
index 99a26e27a..c3d51e84e 100644
--- a/lang/calamares_fr.ts
+++ b/lang/calamares_fr.ts
@@ -1345,12 +1345,12 @@ L'installateur se fermera et les changements seront perdus.
Sélectionner le disque :
+ Before:Avant :
+ After:Après :
@@ -1456,12 +1456,12 @@ Certains systèmes de fichiers nécessitent l'installation d'outils ex
Install %2 on %3 system partition <strong>%1</strong>.
+ Installer %2 sur la partition système %3 <strong>%1</strong>.Set up %3 partition <strong>%1</strong> with mount point <strong>%2</strong>.
+ Configurer la partition %3 <strong>%1</strong> avec le point de montage <strong>%2</strong>.
@@ -1553,7 +1553,7 @@ Certains systèmes de fichiers nécessitent l'installation d'outils ex
<h1>%1</h1><br/><strong>%2<br/>for %3</strong><br/><br/>Copyright 2014-2015 Teo Mrnjavac <teo@kde.org><br/>Thanks to: Anke Boersma, Aurélien Gâteau, Kevin Kofler, Philip Müller, Pier Luigi Fiorini and Rohan Garg.<br/><br/><a href="http://calamares.io/">Calamares</a> development is sponsored by <br/><a href="http://www.blue-systems.com/">Blue Systems</a> - Liberating Software.
+ <h1>%1</h1><br/><strong>%2<br/>pour %3<br/><br/>Copyright 2014-2015 Teo Mrnjavac <teo@kde.org><br/> Remerciements à : Anke Boersma, Aurélien Gâteau, Kevin Kofler, Philip Müller, Pier Luigi Fiorini et Rohan Garg.<br/><br/>Le développement de <a href="http://calamares.io/">Calamares</a> est sponsorisé par <br/><a href="http://www.blue-systems.com/">Blue Systems</a> - Libère le logiciel.
@@ -1625,7 +1625,7 @@ Certains systèmes de fichiers nécessitent l'installation d'outils ex
The system locale setting affects the language and character set for some command line user interface elements.<br/>The current setting is <strong>%1</strong>.
+ Les paramètres régionaux systèmes affectent la langue et le jeu de caractère pour la ligne de commande et différents éléments d'interface.<br/>Le paramètre actuel est <strong>%1</strong>.
@@ -2099,7 +2099,7 @@ Certains systèmes de fichiers nécessitent l'installation d'outils ex
Install %1 <strong>alongside</strong> another operating system.
+ Installer %1 <strong>à côté</strong>d'un autre système d'exploitation.
@@ -2119,7 +2119,7 @@ Certains systèmes de fichiers nécessitent l'installation d'outils ex
Install %1 <strong>alongside</strong> another operating system on disk <strong>%2</strong> (%3).
+ Installer %1 <strong>à côté</strong> d'un autre système d'exploitation sur le disque <strong>%2</strong> (%3).
@@ -2142,12 +2142,12 @@ Certains systèmes de fichiers nécessitent l'installation d'outils ex
Disque <strong>%1</strong> (%2)
+ Before:Avant :
+ After:Après :
@@ -2370,52 +2370,52 @@ L'installation peut continuer, mais certaines fonctionnalités peuvent êtr
+ Select where to install %1.<br/><font color="red">Warning: </font>this will delete all files on the selected partition.Sélectionnez où installer %1.<br/><font color="red">Attention: </font>Ceci supprimera tous les fichiers de la partition sélectionnée.
+ The selected item does not appear to be a valid partition.L'objet sélectionné ne semble pas être une partition valide.
+ %1 cannot be installed on empty space. Please select an existing partition.%1 ne peut pas être installé sur un espace vide. Veuillez sélectionner une partition existante.
+ %1 cannot be installed on an extended partition. Please select an existing primary or logical partition.%1 ne peut pas être installé sur une partition étendue. Veuillez sélectionner une partition primaire ou logique existante.
+ %1 cannot be installed on this partition.%1 ne peut pas être installé sur cette partition.
+ Data partition (%1)Partition de données (%1)
+ Unknown system partition (%1)Partition système inconnue (%1)
+ %1 system partition (%2)Partition système %1 (%2)
+ <strong>%4</strong><br/><br/>The partition %1 is too small for %2. Please select a partition with capacity at least %3 GiB.<strong>%4</strong><br/><br/>La partition %1 est trop petite pour %2. Veuillez sélectionner une partition ayant une capacité d'au moins %3 Gio.
+ <strong>%3</strong><br/><br/>%1 will be installed on %2.<br/><font color="red">Warning: </font>all data on partition%2 will be lost.<strong>%3</strong><br/><br/>%1 sera installé sur %2. <br/><font color="red">Attention: </font>toutes les données sur la partition %2 seront perdues.
diff --git a/lang/calamares_gl.ts b/lang/calamares_gl.ts
index 4aed958e5..bc8d3a379 100644
--- a/lang/calamares_gl.ts
+++ b/lang/calamares_gl.ts
@@ -1326,12 +1326,12 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost.
+ Before:
+ After:
@@ -2122,12 +2122,12 @@ Some file systems need external tools to be installed for them to be supported.
+ Before:
+ After:
@@ -2348,52 +2348,52 @@ Installation can continue, but some features might be disabled.
+ Select where to install %1.<br/><font color="red">Warning: </font>this will delete all files on the selected partition.
+ The selected item does not appear to be a valid partition.
+ %1 cannot be installed on empty space. Please select an existing partition.
+ %1 cannot be installed on an extended partition. Please select an existing primary or logical partition.
+ %1 cannot be installed on this partition.
+ Data partition (%1)
+ Unknown system partition (%1)
+ %1 system partition (%2)
+ <strong>%4</strong><br/><br/>The partition %1 is too small for %2. Please select a partition with capacity at least %3 GiB.
+ <strong>%3</strong><br/><br/>%1 will be installed on %2.<br/><font color="red">Warning: </font>all data on partition%2 will be lost.
diff --git a/lang/calamares_hi.ts b/lang/calamares_hi.ts
index 4e11da017..2f0b2f976 100644
--- a/lang/calamares_hi.ts
+++ b/lang/calamares_hi.ts
@@ -1323,12 +1323,12 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost.
+ Before:
+ After:
@@ -2119,12 +2119,12 @@ Some file systems need external tools to be installed for them to be supported.
+ Before:
+ After:
@@ -2345,52 +2345,52 @@ Installation can continue, but some features might be disabled.
+ Select where to install %1.<br/><font color="red">Warning: </font>this will delete all files on the selected partition.
+ The selected item does not appear to be a valid partition.
+ %1 cannot be installed on empty space. Please select an existing partition.
+ %1 cannot be installed on an extended partition. Please select an existing primary or logical partition.
+ %1 cannot be installed on this partition.
+ Data partition (%1)
+ Unknown system partition (%1)
+ %1 system partition (%2)
+ <strong>%4</strong><br/><br/>The partition %1 is too small for %2. Please select a partition with capacity at least %3 GiB.
+ <strong>%3</strong><br/><br/>%1 will be installed on %2.<br/><font color="red">Warning: </font>all data on partition%2 will be lost.
diff --git a/lang/calamares_hr.ts b/lang/calamares_hr.ts
index db0c945d5..e8b22fba9 100644
--- a/lang/calamares_hr.ts
+++ b/lang/calamares_hr.ts
@@ -1344,12 +1344,12 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost.
Odaberi disk:
+ Before:Prije:
+ After:Poslije:
@@ -2140,12 +2140,12 @@ Some file systems need external tools to be installed for them to be supported.
+ Before:Prije:
+ After:Poslije:
@@ -2366,52 +2366,52 @@ Installation can continue, but some features might be disabled.
+ Select where to install %1.<br/><font color="red">Warning: </font>this will delete all files on the selected partition.
+ The selected item does not appear to be a valid partition.
+ %1 cannot be installed on empty space. Please select an existing partition.
+ %1 cannot be installed on an extended partition. Please select an existing primary or logical partition.
+ %1 cannot be installed on this partition.
+ Data partition (%1)
+ Unknown system partition (%1)
+ %1 system partition (%2)
+ <strong>%4</strong><br/><br/>The partition %1 is too small for %2. Please select a partition with capacity at least %3 GiB.
+ <strong>%3</strong><br/><br/>%1 will be installed on %2.<br/><font color="red">Warning: </font>all data on partition%2 will be lost.
diff --git a/lang/calamares_hu.ts b/lang/calamares_hu.ts
index 62cb5a46e..96b52ad47 100644
--- a/lang/calamares_hu.ts
+++ b/lang/calamares_hu.ts
@@ -1346,12 +1346,12 @@ Ezzel minden programja, dokumentuma, fotója, zenéje és minden egyéb fájlja
Válassz meghajtót:
+ Before:Előtte:
+ After:Utána:
@@ -2143,12 +2143,12 @@ Néhány fájlrendszernek külső ezközre van szüksége a telepítéshez és t
Lemez <strong>%1</strong> (%2)
+ Before:Előtte:
+ After:Utána:
@@ -2371,52 +2371,52 @@ Telepítés folytatható de néhány tulajdonság valószínűleg nem lesz elér
+ Select where to install %1.<br/><font color="red">Warning: </font>this will delete all files on the selected partition.Válaszd ki az telepítés helyét %1.<br/><font color="red">Figyelmeztetés: </font>minden fájl törölve lesz a kiválasztott partíción.
+ The selected item does not appear to be a valid partition.A kiválasztott elem nem tűnik érvényes partíciónak.
+ %1 cannot be installed on empty space. Please select an existing partition.%1 nem telepíthető, kérlek válassz egy létező partíciót.
+ %1 cannot be installed on an extended partition. Please select an existing primary or logical partition.%1 nem telepíthető a kiterjesztett partícióra. Kérlek, válassz egy létező elsődleges vagy logikai partíciót.
+ %1 cannot be installed on this partition.Nem lehet telepíteni a következőt %1 erre a partícióra.
+ Data partition (%1)Adat partíció (%1)
+ Unknown system partition (%1)Ismeretlen rendszer partíció (%1)
+ %1 system partition (%2)%1 rendszer partíció (%2)
+ <strong>%4</strong><br/><br/>The partition %1 is too small for %2. Please select a partition with capacity at least %3 GiB.<strong>%4</strong><br/><br/>A partíció %1 túl kicsi a következőhöz %2. Kérlek, válassz egy legalább %3 GB- os partíciót.
+ <strong>%3</strong><br/><br/>%1 will be installed on %2.<br/><font color="red">Warning: </font>all data on partition%2 will be lost.<strong>%3</strong><br/><br/>%1 installálva lesz a következőre: %2.<br/><font color="red">Figyelmeztetés: </font>a partíción %2 minden törölve lesz.
diff --git a/lang/calamares_id.ts b/lang/calamares_id.ts
index 4b188738a..df82a15e6 100644
--- a/lang/calamares_id.ts
+++ b/lang/calamares_id.ts
@@ -1344,12 +1344,12 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost.
Pilih drive:
+ Before:Sebelum:
+ After:Sesudah:
@@ -2141,12 +2141,12 @@ Beberapa berkas sistem memerlukan penginstalan perangkat eksternal supaya diduku
+ Before:Sebelum:
+ After:Sesudah:
@@ -2369,52 +2369,52 @@ Penginstalan dapat dilanjutkan, namun beberap fitur akan ditiadakan.
+ Select where to install %1.<br/><font color="red">Warning: </font>this will delete all files on the selected partition.
+ The selected item does not appear to be a valid partition.
+ %1 cannot be installed on empty space. Please select an existing partition.
+ %1 cannot be installed on an extended partition. Please select an existing primary or logical partition.
+ %1 cannot be installed on this partition.
+ Data partition (%1)
+ Unknown system partition (%1)
+ %1 system partition (%2)
+ <strong>%4</strong><br/><br/>The partition %1 is too small for %2. Please select a partition with capacity at least %3 GiB.
+ <strong>%3</strong><br/><br/>%1 will be installed on %2.<br/><font color="red">Warning: </font>all data on partition%2 will be lost.
diff --git a/lang/calamares_it_IT.ts b/lang/calamares_it_IT.ts
index 18f021974..99a43b25a 100644
--- a/lang/calamares_it_IT.ts
+++ b/lang/calamares_it_IT.ts
@@ -1345,12 +1345,12 @@ Il programma di installazione sarà chiuso, e tutte le modifiche andranno perse.
Seleziona il disco:
+ Before:Prima:
+ After:Dopo:
@@ -2142,12 +2142,12 @@ Alcuni file system necessitano l'installazione di strumenti esterni per ess
Disco <strong>%1</strong> (%2)
+ Before:Prima:
+ After:Dopo:
@@ -2369,52 +2369,52 @@ Installation can continue, but some features might be disabled.
+ Select where to install %1.<br/><font color="red">Warning: </font>this will delete all files on the selected partition.Seleziona dove installare %1.<br/><font color="red">Attenzione: </font>questo elimina tutti i file nella partizione selezionata.
+ The selected item does not appear to be a valid partition.L'elemento selezionato non sembra una partizione valida.
+ %1 cannot be installed on empty space. Please select an existing partition.%1 non può essere installato su dello spazio vuoto. Seleziona una partizione esistente.
+ %1 cannot be installed on an extended partition. Please select an existing primary or logical partition.%1 non può essere installato su una partizione estesa. Seleziona una partizione primaria o logica esistente.
+ %1 cannot be installed on this partition.%1 non può essere installato su questa partizione.
+ Data partition (%1)Partizione dati (%1)
+ Unknown system partition (%1)Partizione di sistema sconosciuta (%1)
+ %1 system partition (%2)%1 partizione di sistema (%2)
+ <strong>%4</strong><br/><br/>The partition %1 is too small for %2. Please select a partition with capacity at least %3 GiB.<strong>%4</strong><br/><br/>La partizione %1 è troppo piccola per %2. Seleziona una partizione con una capacità di almeno %3 GB.
+ <strong>%3</strong><br/><br/>%1 will be installed on %2.<br/><font color="red">Warning: </font>all data on partition%2 will be lost.<strong>%3</strong><br/><br/>%1 verrà installato su %2.<br/><font color="red">Warning: </font>Tutti i dati sulla partizione %2 verranno persi.
diff --git a/lang/calamares_ja.ts b/lang/calamares_ja.ts
index 753a8a06d..7d836a43c 100644
--- a/lang/calamares_ja.ts
+++ b/lang/calamares_ja.ts
@@ -1345,12 +1345,12 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost.
+ Before:前 :
+ After:後 :
@@ -2142,12 +2142,12 @@ Some file systems need external tools to be installed for them to be supported.
+ Before:前:
+ After:後:
@@ -2370,52 +2370,52 @@ Installation can continue, but some features might be disabled.
+ Select where to install %1.<br/><font color="red">Warning: </font>this will delete all files on the selected partition.%1 をインストールする場所を選択してください。<br/><font color="red">警告: </font>この操作は選択したパーティションのファイルを全て削除します。
+ The selected item does not appear to be a valid partition.選択した項目は適切なパーティション上に存在しません。
+ %1 cannot be installed on empty space. Please select an existing partition.%1 は空き容量にインストールできません。他のパーティションを選択してください。
+ %1 cannot be installed on an extended partition. Please select an existing primary or logical partition.%1 は拡張パーティションにインストールできません。プライマリまたは論理パーティションを選択してください。
+ %1 cannot be installed on this partition.%1 はこのパーティションにインストールできません。
+ Data partition (%1)データパーティション (%1)
+ Unknown system partition (%1)未知のシステムパーティション (%1)
+ %1 system partition (%2)%1 システムパーティション (%2)
+ <strong>%4</strong><br/><br/>The partition %1 is too small for %2. Please select a partition with capacity at least %3 GiB.
+ <strong>%3</strong><br/><br/>%1 will be installed on %2.<br/><font color="red">Warning: </font>all data on partition%2 will be lost.
diff --git a/lang/calamares_kk.ts b/lang/calamares_kk.ts
index 9395367f0..33f87fde6 100644
--- a/lang/calamares_kk.ts
+++ b/lang/calamares_kk.ts
@@ -1322,12 +1322,12 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost.
+ Before:
+ After:
@@ -2118,12 +2118,12 @@ Some file systems need external tools to be installed for them to be supported.
+ Before:
+ After:
@@ -2344,52 +2344,52 @@ Installation can continue, but some features might be disabled.
+ Select where to install %1.<br/><font color="red">Warning: </font>this will delete all files on the selected partition.
+ The selected item does not appear to be a valid partition.
+ %1 cannot be installed on empty space. Please select an existing partition.
+ %1 cannot be installed on an extended partition. Please select an existing primary or logical partition.
+ %1 cannot be installed on this partition.
+ Data partition (%1)
+ Unknown system partition (%1)
+ %1 system partition (%2)
+ <strong>%4</strong><br/><br/>The partition %1 is too small for %2. Please select a partition with capacity at least %3 GiB.
+ <strong>%3</strong><br/><br/>%1 will be installed on %2.<br/><font color="red">Warning: </font>all data on partition%2 will be lost.
diff --git a/lang/calamares_lt.ts b/lang/calamares_lt.ts
index 2cfd1e213..787691ded 100644
--- a/lang/calamares_lt.ts
+++ b/lang/calamares_lt.ts
@@ -473,12 +473,12 @@ Diegėjas užbaigs darbą ir visi pakeitimai bus prarasti.
<strong>Erase disk and install %1</strong><br/>You will be offered a choice of which disk to erase.
+ <strong>Ištrinti diską ir įdiegti %1</strong><br/>Jums bus suteiktas pasirinkimas, kuri diską norite ištrinti.<strong>Install %2 alongside %1</strong><br/>The installer will shrink the %1 volume to make room for %2. You can choose which operating system you want each time the computer starts up.
+ <strong>Įdiegti %2 šalia %1</strong><br/>Diegėjas sumažins %1 tomą, kad atlaisvintų vietą sistemai %2. Kaskart įjungę kompiuterį, galėsite pasirinkti, kurią operacinę sistemą naudoti.
@@ -500,7 +500,7 @@ Diegėjas užbaigs darbą ir visi pakeitimai bus prarasti.
<strong>Install %1 alongside your current operating system</strong><br/>The installer will shrink an existing volume to make room for %2. You can choose which operating system you want each time the computer starts up.
+ <strong>Įdiegti %1 šalia jūsų esamos operacinės sistemos</strong><br/>Diegėjas sumažins esamą tomą, kad atlaisvintų vietą sistemai %2. Kaskart įjungę kompiuterį, galėsite pasirinkti, kurią operacinę sistemą naudoti.
@@ -510,7 +510,7 @@ Diegėjas užbaigs darbą ir visi pakeitimai bus prarasti.
<strong>Install %1 alongside your current operating systems</strong><br/>The installer will shrink an existing volume to make room for %2. You can choose which operating system you want each time the computer starts up.
+ <strong>Įdiegti %1 šalia jūsų esamų operacinių sistemų</strong><br/>Diegėjas sumažins esamą tomą, kad atlaisvintų vietą sistemai %2. Kaskart įjungę kompiuterį, galėsite pasirinkti, kurią operacinę sistemą naudoti.
@@ -1345,12 +1345,12 @@ Diegėjas užbaigs darbą ir visi pakeitimai bus prarasti.
Pasirinkite diską:
+ Before:Prieš:
+ After:Po:
@@ -1451,7 +1451,7 @@ Kai kurios failų sistemos tam, kad būtų palaikomos, reikalauja, kad būtų į
Set up <strong>new</strong> %2 partition with mount point <strong>%1</strong>.
+ Nustatyti <strong>naują</strong> %2 skirsnį su prijungimo tašku <strong>%1</strong>.
@@ -1461,7 +1461,7 @@ Kai kurios failų sistemos tam, kad būtų palaikomos, reikalauja, kad būtų į
Set up %3 partition <strong>%1</strong> with mount point <strong>%2</strong>.
+ Nustatyti %3 skirsnį <strong>%1</strong> su prijungimo tašku <strong>%2</strong>.
@@ -1510,7 +1510,7 @@ Kai kurios failų sistemos tam, kad būtų palaikomos, reikalauja, kad būtų į
Format <strong>%3MB</strong> partition <strong>%1</strong> with file system <strong>%2</strong>.
+ Formatuoti <strong>%3MB</strong> skirsnį <strong>%1</strong> su failų sistema <strong>%2</strong>.
@@ -1553,7 +1553,7 @@ Kai kurios failų sistemos tam, kad būtų palaikomos, reikalauja, kad būtų į
<h1>%1</h1><br/><strong>%2<br/>for %3</strong><br/><br/>Copyright 2014-2015 Teo Mrnjavac <teo@kde.org><br/>Thanks to: Anke Boersma, Aurélien Gâteau, Kevin Kofler, Philip Müller, Pier Luigi Fiorini and Rohan Garg.<br/><br/><a href="http://calamares.io/">Calamares</a> development is sponsored by <br/><a href="http://www.blue-systems.com/">Blue Systems</a> - Liberating Software.
+ <h1>%1</h1><br/><strong>%2<br/>sistemai %3</strong><br/><br/>Autorinės Teisės 2014-2015 Teo Mrnjavac <teo@kde.org><br/>Dėkojame: Anke Boersma, Aurélien Gâteau, Kevin Kofler, Philip Müller, Pier Luigi Fiorini and Rohan Garg.<br/><br/><a href="http://calamares.io/">Calamares</a> kūrimą remia <br/><a href="http://www.blue-systems.com/">Blue Systems</a> - Išlaisvinanti Programinė Įranga.
@@ -2119,7 +2119,7 @@ Kai kurios failų sistemos tam, kad būtų palaikomos, reikalauja, kad būtų į
Install %1 <strong>alongside</strong> another operating system on disk <strong>%2</strong> (%3).
+ Įdiegti %1 <strong>šalia</strong> kitos operacinės sistemos diske <strong>%2</strong> (%3).
@@ -2134,20 +2134,20 @@ Kai kurios failų sistemos tam, kad būtų palaikomos, reikalauja, kad būtų į
<strong>Manual</strong> partitioning on disk <strong>%1</strong> (%2).
+ <strong>Rankinis</strong> skaidymas diske <strong>%1</strong> (%2).Disk <strong>%1</strong> (%2)
+ Diskas <strong>%1</strong> (%2)
+ Before:Prieš:
+ After:Po:
@@ -2370,52 +2370,52 @@ Diegimas gali būti tęsiamas, bet kai kurios funkcijos gali būti išjungtos.
+ Select where to install %1.<br/><font color="red">Warning: </font>this will delete all files on the selected partition.Pasirinkite, kur norėtumėte įdiegti %1.<br/><font color="red">Įspėjimas: </font>tai ištrins visus, pasirinktame skirsnyje esančius, failus.
+ The selected item does not appear to be a valid partition.Pasirinktas elementas neatrodo kaip teisingas skirsnis.
+ %1 cannot be installed on empty space. Please select an existing partition.%1 negali būti įdiegta laisvoje vietoje. Prašome pasirinkti esamą skirsnį.
+ %1 cannot be installed on an extended partition. Please select an existing primary or logical partition.%1 negali būti įdiegta išplėstame skirsnyje. Prašome pasirinkti esamą pirminį ar loginį skirsnį.
+ %1 cannot be installed on this partition.%1 negali būti įdiegta šiame skirsnyje.
+ Data partition (%1)Duomenų skirsnis (%1)
+ Unknown system partition (%1)Nežinomas sistemos skirsnis (%1)
+ %1 system partition (%2)%1 sistemos skirsnis (%2)
+ <strong>%4</strong><br/><br/>The partition %1 is too small for %2. Please select a partition with capacity at least %3 GiB.
+ <strong>%4</strong><br/><br/>Skirsnis %1 yra pernelyg mažas sistemai %2. Prašome pasirinkti skirsnį, kurio dydis siektų bent %3 GiB.
+ <strong>%3</strong><br/><br/>%1 will be installed on %2.<br/><font color="red">Warning: </font>all data on partition%2 will be lost.<strong>%3</strong><br/><br/>%1 sistema bus įdiegta skirsnyje %2.<br/><font color="red">Įspėjimas: </font>visi duomenys skirsnyje%2 bus prarasti.
diff --git a/lang/calamares_nb.ts b/lang/calamares_nb.ts
index 9af69231f..4867d3784 100644
--- a/lang/calamares_nb.ts
+++ b/lang/calamares_nb.ts
@@ -1345,12 +1345,12 @@ Installasjonsprogrammet vil avsluttes og alle endringer vil gå tapt.
+ Before:
+ After:
@@ -2141,12 +2141,12 @@ Some file systems need external tools to be installed for them to be supported.
+ Before:
+ After:
@@ -2367,52 +2367,52 @@ Installation can continue, but some features might be disabled.
+ Select where to install %1.<br/><font color="red">Warning: </font>this will delete all files on the selected partition.
+ The selected item does not appear to be a valid partition.
+ %1 cannot be installed on empty space. Please select an existing partition.
+ %1 cannot be installed on an extended partition. Please select an existing primary or logical partition.
+ %1 cannot be installed on this partition.
+ Data partition (%1)
+ Unknown system partition (%1)
+ %1 system partition (%2)
+ <strong>%4</strong><br/><br/>The partition %1 is too small for %2. Please select a partition with capacity at least %3 GiB.
+ <strong>%3</strong><br/><br/>%1 will be installed on %2.<br/><font color="red">Warning: </font>all data on partition%2 will be lost.
diff --git a/lang/calamares_nl.ts b/lang/calamares_nl.ts
index ebcb52618..2459018f8 100644
--- a/lang/calamares_nl.ts
+++ b/lang/calamares_nl.ts
@@ -1345,12 +1345,12 @@ Het installatieprogramma zal afsluiten en alle wijzigingen zullen verloren gaan.
Selecteer schijf:
+ Before:Voor:
+ After:Na:
@@ -2142,12 +2142,12 @@ Sommige bestandssystemen vereisen externe programma's om ondersteund te wor
Schijf <strong>%1</strong> (%2)
+ Before:Voor:
+ After:Na:
@@ -2370,52 +2370,52 @@ De installatie kan doorgaan, maar sommige functies werken mogelijk niet.&Schijf:
+ Select where to install %1.<br/><font color="red">Warning: </font>this will delete all files on the selected partition.Selecteer waar %1 te installeren.<br/><font color="red">Opgelet: </font>dit zal alle bestanden op deze partitie verwijderen.
+ The selected item does not appear to be a valid partition.Het geselecteerde item lijkt geen geldige partitie te zijn.
+ %1 cannot be installed on empty space. Please select an existing partition.% 1 kan niet op lege ruimte worden geïnstalleerd. Gelieve een bestaande partitie te selecteren.
+ %1 cannot be installed on an extended partition. Please select an existing primary or logical partition.%1 kan niet geïnstalleerd worden op een uitgebreide partitie. Gelieve een bestaande primaire of logische partitie te selecteren.
+ %1 cannot be installed on this partition.%1 kan niet op deze partitie geinstalleerd worden.
+ Data partition (%1)Gegevenspartitie (%1)
+ Unknown system partition (%1)Onbekende systeempartitie (%1)
+ %1 system partition (%2)%1 systeempartitie (%2)
+ <strong>%4</strong><br/><br/>The partition %1 is too small for %2. Please select a partition with capacity at least %3 GiB.<strong>%4</strong><br/><br/>Partitie %1 is te klein voor %2. Gelieve een partitie te selecteren met een capaciteit van minstens %3 GiB.
+ <strong>%3</strong><br/><br/>%1 will be installed on %2.<br/><font color="red">Warning: </font>all data on partition%2 will be lost.<strong>%3</strong><br/><br/>%1 zal geïnstalleerd worden op %2.<br/><font color="red">Opgelet: </font>alle gegevens op partitie %2 zullen verloren gaan.
diff --git a/lang/calamares_pl.ts b/lang/calamares_pl.ts
index daa6098ce..3cd965da6 100644
--- a/lang/calamares_pl.ts
+++ b/lang/calamares_pl.ts
@@ -1345,12 +1345,12 @@ Instalator zostanie zamknięty i wszystkie zmiany zostaną utracone.Wybierz napęd:
+ Before:Przed:
+ After:Po:
@@ -2142,12 +2142,12 @@ Niektóre systemy plików wymagają zainstalowania zewnętrznych narzędzi, aby
Dysk <strong>%1</strong> (%2)
+ Before:Przed:
+ After:Po:
@@ -2370,52 +2370,52 @@ Instalacja może być kontynuowana, ale niektóre opcje mogą być niedostępne.
+ Select where to install %1.<br/><font color="red">Warning: </font>this will delete all files on the selected partition.Wskaż gdzie zainstalować %1.<br/><font color="red">Uwaga: </font>na wybranej partycii zostaną usunięte wszystkie pliki.
+ The selected item does not appear to be a valid partition.Wybrany element zdaje się nie być poprawną partycją.
+ %1 cannot be installed on empty space. Please select an existing partition.Nie można zainstalować %1 na pustej przestrzeni. Prosimy wybrać istniejącą partycję.
+ %1 cannot be installed on an extended partition. Please select an existing primary or logical partition.Nie można zainstalować %1 na rozszerzonej partycji. Prosimy wybrać istniejącą partycję podstawową lub logiczną.
+ %1 cannot be installed on this partition.%1 nie może zostać zainstalowany na tej partycji.
+ Data partition (%1)Partycja z danymi (%1)
+ Unknown system partition (%1)Nieznana partycja systemowa (%1)
+ %1 system partition (%2)%1 partycja systemowa (%2)
+ <strong>%4</strong><br/><br/>The partition %1 is too small for %2. Please select a partition with capacity at least %3 GiB.<strong>%4</strong><br/><br/>Partycja %1 jest zbyt mała dla %2. Prosimy wybrać partycję o pojemności przynajmniej %3 GB.
+ <strong>%3</strong><br/><br/>%1 will be installed on %2.<br/><font color="red">Warning: </font>all data on partition%2 will be lost.<strong>%3</strong><br/><br/>%1 zostanie zainstalowany na %2.<br/><font color="red">Uwaga: </font>wszystkie dane z partycji %2 zostaną utracone.
diff --git a/lang/calamares_pl_PL.ts b/lang/calamares_pl_PL.ts
index 9e0c46295..dbd159560 100644
--- a/lang/calamares_pl_PL.ts
+++ b/lang/calamares_pl_PL.ts
@@ -1344,12 +1344,12 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost.
Wybierz napęd:
+ Before:Przed:
+ After:Po:
@@ -2141,12 +2141,12 @@ Niektóre z systemów plików wymagają zewnętrznych narzędzi, aby mogły być
+ Before:Przed:
+ After:Po:
@@ -2369,52 +2369,52 @@ Instalacja może być kontynuowana, ale niektóre opcje mogą być niedostępne.
+ Select where to install %1.<br/><font color="red">Warning: </font>this will delete all files on the selected partition.
+ The selected item does not appear to be a valid partition.
+ %1 cannot be installed on empty space. Please select an existing partition.
+ %1 cannot be installed on an extended partition. Please select an existing primary or logical partition.
+ %1 cannot be installed on this partition.
+ Data partition (%1)
+ Unknown system partition (%1)
+ %1 system partition (%2)
+ <strong>%4</strong><br/><br/>The partition %1 is too small for %2. Please select a partition with capacity at least %3 GiB.
+ <strong>%3</strong><br/><br/>%1 will be installed on %2.<br/><font color="red">Warning: </font>all data on partition%2 will be lost.
diff --git a/lang/calamares_pt_BR.ts b/lang/calamares_pt_BR.ts
index 0405ed917..7eb33c723 100644
--- a/lang/calamares_pt_BR.ts
+++ b/lang/calamares_pt_BR.ts
@@ -1345,12 +1345,12 @@ O instalador será fechado e todas as alterações serão perdidas.Selecione o drive:
+ Before:Antes:
+ After:Depois:
@@ -2142,12 +2142,12 @@ Alguns sistemas de arquivos necessitam de ferramentas externas para serem suport
+ Before:Antes:
+ After:Depois:
@@ -2370,52 +2370,52 @@ A instalação pode continuar, mas alguns recursos podem ser desativados.&Disco:
+ Select where to install %1.<br/><font color="red">Warning: </font>this will delete all files on the selected partition.Selecione onde instalar %1.<br/><font color="red">Aviso: </font>isso irá apagar todos os arquivos na partição selecionada.
+ The selected item does not appear to be a valid partition.O item selecionado não parece ser uma partição válida.
+ %1 cannot be installed on empty space. Please select an existing partition.%1 não pode ser instalado no espaço vazio. Por favor, selecione uma partição existente.
+ %1 cannot be installed on an extended partition. Please select an existing primary or logical partition.%1 não pode ser instalado numa partição estendida. Por favor selecione uma partição primária ou partição lógica existente.
+ %1 cannot be installed on this partition.%1 não pode ser instalado nesta partição.
+ Data partition (%1)Partição de dados (%1)
+ Unknown system partition (%1)Partição do sistema desconhecida (%1)
+ %1 system partition (%2)%1 Partição do sistema (%2)
+ <strong>%4</strong><br/><br/>The partition %1 is too small for %2. Please select a partition with capacity at least %3 GiB.
+ <strong>%3</strong><br/><br/>%1 will be installed on %2.<br/><font color="red">Warning: </font>all data on partition%2 will be lost.
diff --git a/lang/calamares_pt_PT.ts b/lang/calamares_pt_PT.ts
index f47810a09..0ae748262 100644
--- a/lang/calamares_pt_PT.ts
+++ b/lang/calamares_pt_PT.ts
@@ -1344,12 +1344,12 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost.
Seleccionar drive:
+ Before:Anterior:
+ After:Seguinte:
@@ -2141,12 +2141,12 @@ Alguns sistemas de ficheiros necessitam de ferramentas externas para serem supor
Disco <strong>%1</strong> (%2)
+ Before:Antes:
+ After:Depois:
@@ -2369,52 +2369,52 @@ A instalação pode continuar, mas alguns recursos podem ser desativados.&Disco:
+ Select where to install %1.<br/><font color="red">Warning: </font>this will delete all files on the selected partition.Selecione onde instalar %1.<br/><font color="red">Aviso: </font>isto apagará todos os ficheiros na partição selecionada.
+ The selected item does not appear to be a valid partition.O item selecionado aparenta não ser uma partição válida.
+ %1 cannot be installed on empty space. Please select an existing partition.%1 não pode ser instalado em espaço vazio. Por favor selecione uma partição existente.
+ %1 cannot be installed on an extended partition. Please select an existing primary or logical partition.%1 não pode ser instalado numa partição estendida. Por favor selecione uma partição primária ou partição lógica.
+ %1 cannot be installed on this partition.%1 não pode ser instalado nesta partição.
+ Data partition (%1)Partição de Dados (%1)
+ Unknown system partition (%1)Partição de sistema desconhecido (%1)
+ %1 system partition (%2)%1 partição de sistema (%2)
+ <strong>%4</strong><br/><br/>The partition %1 is too small for %2. Please select a partition with capacity at least %3 GiB.<strong>%4</strong><br/><br/>A partição %1 é demasiado pequena para %2. Por favor selecione uma partição com pelo menos %3 GiB de capacidade.
+ <strong>%3</strong><br/><br/>%1 will be installed on %2.<br/><font color="red">Warning: </font>all data on partition%2 will be lost.<strong>%3</strong><br/><br/>%1 será instalado em %2.<br/><font color="red">Aviso: </font>todos os dados na partição %2 serão perdidos.
diff --git a/lang/calamares_ro.ts b/lang/calamares_ro.ts
index cdb19914e..574181432 100644
--- a/lang/calamares_ro.ts
+++ b/lang/calamares_ro.ts
@@ -1345,12 +1345,12 @@ Instalatorul va ieși, iar toate modificările vor fi pierdute.
Selectați discul:
+ Before:Înainte:
+ After:După:
@@ -2142,12 +2142,12 @@ Anumite sisteme de fișiere au nevoie de unelte externe instalate pentru suport.
+ Before:Înainte:
+ After:După:
@@ -2370,52 +2370,52 @@ Instalarea poate continua, dar anumite funcții ar putea fi dezactivate.&Disc:
+ Select where to install %1.<br/><font color="red">Warning: </font>this will delete all files on the selected partition.
+ The selected item does not appear to be a valid partition.
+ %1 cannot be installed on empty space. Please select an existing partition.
+ %1 cannot be installed on an extended partition. Please select an existing primary or logical partition.
+ %1 cannot be installed on this partition.
+ Data partition (%1)Partiție de date (%1)
+ Unknown system partition (%1)Partiție de sistem necunoscută (%1)
+ %1 system partition (%2)%1 partiție de sistem (%2)
+ <strong>%4</strong><br/><br/>The partition %1 is too small for %2. Please select a partition with capacity at least %3 GiB.
+ <strong>%3</strong><br/><br/>%1 will be installed on %2.<br/><font color="red">Warning: </font>all data on partition%2 will be lost.
diff --git a/lang/calamares_ru.ts b/lang/calamares_ru.ts
index c21d430b4..ce603c309 100644
--- a/lang/calamares_ru.ts
+++ b/lang/calamares_ru.ts
@@ -1344,12 +1344,12 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost.
Выбрать диск:
+ Before:До:
+ After:После:
@@ -2141,12 +2141,12 @@ Some file systems need external tools to be installed for them to be supported.
Диск <strong>%1</strong> (%2)
+ Before:До:
+ After:После:
@@ -2369,52 +2369,52 @@ Installation can continue, but some features might be disabled.
+ Select where to install %1.<br/><font color="red">Warning: </font>this will delete all files on the selected partition.Выберите где установить %1.<br/><font color="red">Внимание: </font>Это удалит все файлы на выбранном разделе.
+ The selected item does not appear to be a valid partition.Похоже выбранный элемент не является разделом.
+ %1 cannot be installed on empty space. Please select an existing partition.%1 не может быть установлен вне раздела. Пожалуйста выберите существующий раздел.
+ %1 cannot be installed on an extended partition. Please select an existing primary or logical partition.%1 не может быть установлен напрямик в расширенный раздел. Пожалуйста выберите существующий основной или логический раздел.
+ %1 cannot be installed on this partition.%1 не может быть установлен в этот раздел.
+ Data partition (%1)Раздел данных (%1)
+ Unknown system partition (%1)Неизвестный системный раздел (%1)
+ %1 system partition (%2)%1 системный раздел (%2)
+ <strong>%4</strong><br/><br/>The partition %1 is too small for %2. Please select a partition with capacity at least %3 GiB.<strong>%4</strong><br/><br/>Раздел %1 слишком мал для %2. Пожалуйста выберите раздел объемом от %3 ГиБ.
+ <strong>%3</strong><br/><br/>%1 will be installed on %2.<br/><font color="red">Warning: </font>all data on partition%2 will be lost.<strong>%3</strong><br/><br/>%1 будет установлен в %2.<br/><font color="red">Внимание: </font>все данные на разделе %2 будут потеряны.
diff --git a/lang/calamares_sk.ts b/lang/calamares_sk.ts
index 5c7253d3f..60f6570b7 100644
--- a/lang/calamares_sk.ts
+++ b/lang/calamares_sk.ts
@@ -1328,12 +1328,12 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost.
Zvoliť disk:
+ Before:Predtým:
+ After:Potom:
@@ -2124,12 +2124,12 @@ Some file systems need external tools to be installed for them to be supported.
+ Before:Predtým:
+ After:Potom:
@@ -2352,52 +2352,52 @@ Inštalácia môže pokračovať, ale niektoré vylepšenia budú vypnuté.
+ Select where to install %1.<br/><font color="red">Warning: </font>this will delete all files on the selected partition.
+ The selected item does not appear to be a valid partition.
+ %1 cannot be installed on empty space. Please select an existing partition.
+ %1 cannot be installed on an extended partition. Please select an existing primary or logical partition.
+ %1 cannot be installed on this partition.
+ Data partition (%1)
+ Unknown system partition (%1)
+ %1 system partition (%2)
+ <strong>%4</strong><br/><br/>The partition %1 is too small for %2. Please select a partition with capacity at least %3 GiB.
+ <strong>%3</strong><br/><br/>%1 will be installed on %2.<br/><font color="red">Warning: </font>all data on partition%2 will be lost.
diff --git a/lang/calamares_sl.ts b/lang/calamares_sl.ts
index facbe8ee1..5a44739af 100644
--- a/lang/calamares_sl.ts
+++ b/lang/calamares_sl.ts
@@ -1345,12 +1345,12 @@ Namestilni program se bo končal in vse spremembe bodo izgubljene.
Izbor diska:
+ Before:Prej:
+ After:Potem:
@@ -2142,12 +2142,12 @@ Nekateri datotečni sistemi za podprtost zahtevajo namestitev zunanjih orodij. V
+ Before:Pred:
+ After:Potem:
@@ -2370,52 +2370,52 @@ Namestitev je možno nadaljevati, vendar se lahko zgodi, da bodo nekatere možno
+ Select where to install %1.<br/><font color="red">Warning: </font>this will delete all files on the selected partition.
+ The selected item does not appear to be a valid partition.
+ %1 cannot be installed on empty space. Please select an existing partition.
+ %1 cannot be installed on an extended partition. Please select an existing primary or logical partition.
+ %1 cannot be installed on this partition.
+ Data partition (%1)
+ Unknown system partition (%1)
+ %1 system partition (%2)
+ <strong>%4</strong><br/><br/>The partition %1 is too small for %2. Please select a partition with capacity at least %3 GiB.
+ <strong>%3</strong><br/><br/>%1 will be installed on %2.<br/><font color="red">Warning: </font>all data on partition%2 will be lost.
diff --git a/lang/calamares_sr.ts b/lang/calamares_sr.ts
index 1401808bf..b3ffa92d9 100644
--- a/lang/calamares_sr.ts
+++ b/lang/calamares_sr.ts
@@ -1344,12 +1344,12 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost.
+ Before:
+ After:
@@ -2141,12 +2141,12 @@ Some file systems need external tools to be installed for them to be supported.
+ Before:
+ After:
@@ -2367,52 +2367,52 @@ Installation can continue, but some features might be disabled.
+ Select where to install %1.<br/><font color="red">Warning: </font>this will delete all files on the selected partition.
+ The selected item does not appear to be a valid partition.
+ %1 cannot be installed on empty space. Please select an existing partition.
+ %1 cannot be installed on an extended partition. Please select an existing primary or logical partition.
+ %1 cannot be installed on this partition.
+ Data partition (%1)
+ Unknown system partition (%1)
+ %1 system partition (%2)
+ <strong>%4</strong><br/><br/>The partition %1 is too small for %2. Please select a partition with capacity at least %3 GiB.
+ <strong>%3</strong><br/><br/>%1 will be installed on %2.<br/><font color="red">Warning: </font>all data on partition%2 will be lost.
diff --git a/lang/calamares_sr@latin.ts b/lang/calamares_sr@latin.ts
index 69d12647a..3b901894a 100644
--- a/lang/calamares_sr@latin.ts
+++ b/lang/calamares_sr@latin.ts
@@ -1345,12 +1345,12 @@ Instaler će se zatvoriti i sve promjene će biti izgubljene.
Odaberi disk:
+ Before:Prije:
+ After:Poslije:
@@ -2142,12 +2142,12 @@ Neki od fajl sistema zahtjevaju instalaciju eksternih alata. Ali sve operacije s
+ Before:Prije:
+ After:Poslije:
@@ -2368,52 +2368,52 @@ Installation can continue, but some features might be disabled.
+ Select where to install %1.<br/><font color="red">Warning: </font>this will delete all files on the selected partition.
+ The selected item does not appear to be a valid partition.
+ %1 cannot be installed on empty space. Please select an existing partition.
+ %1 cannot be installed on an extended partition. Please select an existing primary or logical partition.
+ %1 cannot be installed on this partition.
+ Data partition (%1)
+ Unknown system partition (%1)
+ %1 system partition (%2)
+ <strong>%4</strong><br/><br/>The partition %1 is too small for %2. Please select a partition with capacity at least %3 GiB.
+ <strong>%3</strong><br/><br/>%1 will be installed on %2.<br/><font color="red">Warning: </font>all data on partition%2 will be lost.
diff --git a/lang/calamares_sv.ts b/lang/calamares_sv.ts
index 870e5ac2a..fa7d7e5ee 100644
--- a/lang/calamares_sv.ts
+++ b/lang/calamares_sv.ts
@@ -1345,12 +1345,12 @@ Alla ändringar kommer att gå förlorade.
Välj enhet:
+ Before:Före:
+ After:Efter:
@@ -2142,12 +2142,12 @@ Vissa filsystem behöver externa verktyg installerade för att de skall kunna st
+ Before:Före:
+ After:Efter:
@@ -2370,52 +2370,52 @@ Installationen kan fortsätta, men vissa funktioner kan komma att avaktiveras.
+ Select where to install %1.<br/><font color="red">Warning: </font>this will delete all files on the selected partition.Välj var du vill installera %1.<br/><font color="red">Varning: </font>detta kommer att radera alla filer på den valda partitionen.
+ The selected item does not appear to be a valid partition.Det valda alternativet verkar inte vara en giltig partition.
+ %1 cannot be installed on empty space. Please select an existing partition.%1 kan inte installeras i tomt utrymme. Välj en existerande partition.
+ %1 cannot be installed on an extended partition. Please select an existing primary or logical partition.%1 kan inte installeras på en utökad partition. Välj en existerande primär eller logisk partition.
+ %1 cannot be installed on this partition.%1 kan inte installeras på den här partitionen.
+ Data partition (%1)Datapartition (%1)
+ Unknown system partition (%1)Partition med okänt system (%1)
+ %1 system partition (%2)Systempartition för %1 (%2)
+ <strong>%4</strong><br/><br/>The partition %1 is too small for %2. Please select a partition with capacity at least %3 GiB.
+ <strong>%3</strong><br/><br/>%1 will be installed on %2.<br/><font color="red">Warning: </font>all data on partition%2 will be lost.
diff --git a/lang/calamares_th.ts b/lang/calamares_th.ts
index 3c18e89a0..75fb54149 100644
--- a/lang/calamares_th.ts
+++ b/lang/calamares_th.ts
@@ -1345,12 +1345,12 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost.
+ Before:ก่อน:
+ After:หลัง:
@@ -2142,12 +2142,12 @@ Some file systems need external tools to be installed for them to be supported.
+ Before:ก่อน:
+ After:หลัง:
@@ -2370,52 +2370,52 @@ Installation can continue, but some features might be disabled.
&D ดิสก์:
+ Select where to install %1.<br/><font color="red">Warning: </font>this will delete all files on the selected partition.เลือกที่ที่จะติดตั้ง %1<br/><font color="red">คำเตือน: </font>ตัวเลือกนี้จะลบไฟล์ทั้งหมดบนพาร์ทิชันที่เลือก
+ The selected item does not appear to be a valid partition.ไอเทมที่เลือกไม่ใช่พาร์ทิชันที่ถูกต้อง
+ %1 cannot be installed on empty space. Please select an existing partition.ไม่สามารถติดตั้ง %1 บนพื้นที่ว่าง กรุณาเลือกพาร์ทิชันที่มี
+ %1 cannot be installed on an extended partition. Please select an existing primary or logical partition.ไม่สามารถติดตั้ง %1 บนพาร์ทิชัน extended กรุณาเลือกพาร์ทิชันหลักหรือพาร์ทิชันโลจิคัลที่มีอยู่
+ %1 cannot be installed on this partition.ไม่สามารถติดตั้ง %1 บนพาร์ทิชันนี้
+ Data partition (%1)พาร์ทิชันข้อมูล (%1)
+ Unknown system partition (%1)พาร์ทิชันระบบที่ไม่รู้จัก (%1)
+ %1 system partition (%2)%1 พาร์ทิชันระบบ (%2)
+ <strong>%4</strong><br/><br/>The partition %1 is too small for %2. Please select a partition with capacity at least %3 GiB.
+ <strong>%3</strong><br/><br/>%1 will be installed on %2.<br/><font color="red">Warning: </font>all data on partition%2 will be lost.
diff --git a/lang/calamares_tr_TR.ts b/lang/calamares_tr_TR.ts
index 670e4919b..daee6284e 100644
--- a/lang/calamares_tr_TR.ts
+++ b/lang/calamares_tr_TR.ts
@@ -1345,12 +1345,12 @@ Yükleyiciden çıkınca tüm değişiklikler kaybedilecek.
Sürücü seç:
+ Before:Önce:
+ After:Sonra:
@@ -2142,12 +2142,12 @@ Bazı dosya sistemlerinin desteklenmesi ve düzenlenmesi için ek uygulamalar ge
Disk <strong>%1</strong> (%2)
+ Before:Önce:
+ After:Sonra:
@@ -2370,52 +2370,52 @@ Kuruluma devam edebilirsiniz fakat bazı özellikler devre dışı kalabilir.&Disk:
+ Select where to install %1.<br/><font color="red">Warning: </font>this will delete all files on the selected partition.%1 yüklenecek yeri seçin.<br/><font color="red">Uyarı: </font>Bu işlem seçili disk üzerindeki tüm dosyaları silecek.
+ The selected item does not appear to be a valid partition.Seçili nesne, geçerli bir disk bölümü olarak görünmüyor.
+ %1 cannot be installed on empty space. Please select an existing partition.%1 tanımlanmamış boş bir alana kurulamaz. Lütfen geçerli bir disk bölümü seçin.
+ %1 cannot be installed on an extended partition. Please select an existing primary or logical partition.%1 uzatılmış bir disk bölümüne kurulamaz. Geçerli bir, birincil disk ya da mantıksal disk bölümü seçiniz.
+ %1 cannot be installed on this partition.%1 bu disk bölümüne yüklenemedi.
+ Data partition (%1)Veri diski (%1)
+ Unknown system partition (%1)Tanımlanamayan sistem diski (%1)
+ %1 system partition (%2)%1 sistem diski (%2)
+ <strong>%4</strong><br/><br/>The partition %1 is too small for %2. Please select a partition with capacity at least %3 GiB.<strong>%4</strong><br/><br/>disk bölümü %2 için %1 daha küçük. Lütfen, en az %3 GB kapasiteli bir disk bölümü seçiniz.
+ <strong>%3</strong><br/><br/>%1 will be installed on %2.<br/><font color="red">Warning: </font>all data on partition%2 will be lost.<strong>%3</strong><br/><br/>%2 üzerine %1 kuracak.<br/><font color="red">Uyarı: </font>partition%2 üzerindeki tüm veriler kaybedilecek.
diff --git a/lang/calamares_uk.ts b/lang/calamares_uk.ts
index e6096798d..8e8a234f2 100644
--- a/lang/calamares_uk.ts
+++ b/lang/calamares_uk.ts
@@ -1338,12 +1338,12 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost.
+ Before:
+ After:
@@ -2134,12 +2134,12 @@ Some file systems need external tools to be installed for them to be supported.
+ Before:
+ After:
@@ -2360,52 +2360,52 @@ Installation can continue, but some features might be disabled.
+ Select where to install %1.<br/><font color="red">Warning: </font>this will delete all files on the selected partition.
+ The selected item does not appear to be a valid partition.
+ %1 cannot be installed on empty space. Please select an existing partition.
+ %1 cannot be installed on an extended partition. Please select an existing primary or logical partition.
+ %1 cannot be installed on this partition.
+ Data partition (%1)
+ Unknown system partition (%1)
+ %1 system partition (%2)
+ <strong>%4</strong><br/><br/>The partition %1 is too small for %2. Please select a partition with capacity at least %3 GiB.
+ <strong>%3</strong><br/><br/>%1 will be installed on %2.<br/><font color="red">Warning: </font>all data on partition%2 will be lost.
diff --git a/lang/calamares_ur.ts b/lang/calamares_ur.ts
index 2de619dc5..4734a5418 100644
--- a/lang/calamares_ur.ts
+++ b/lang/calamares_ur.ts
@@ -1322,12 +1322,12 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost.
+ Before:
+ After:
@@ -2118,12 +2118,12 @@ Some file systems need external tools to be installed for them to be supported.
+ Before:
+ After:
@@ -2344,52 +2344,52 @@ Installation can continue, but some features might be disabled.
+ Select where to install %1.<br/><font color="red">Warning: </font>this will delete all files on the selected partition.
+ The selected item does not appear to be a valid partition.
+ %1 cannot be installed on empty space. Please select an existing partition.
+ %1 cannot be installed on an extended partition. Please select an existing primary or logical partition.
+ %1 cannot be installed on this partition.
+ Data partition (%1)
+ Unknown system partition (%1)
+ %1 system partition (%2)
+ <strong>%4</strong><br/><br/>The partition %1 is too small for %2. Please select a partition with capacity at least %3 GiB.
+ <strong>%3</strong><br/><br/>%1 will be installed on %2.<br/><font color="red">Warning: </font>all data on partition%2 will be lost.
diff --git a/lang/calamares_zh_CN.ts b/lang/calamares_zh_CN.ts
index 8fcac8490..34c36198a 100644
--- a/lang/calamares_zh_CN.ts
+++ b/lang/calamares_zh_CN.ts
@@ -1344,12 +1344,12 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost.
+ Before:之前:
+ After:之后:
@@ -2141,12 +2141,12 @@ Some file systems need external tools to be installed for them to be supported.
+ Before:之前:
+ After:之后:
@@ -2369,52 +2369,52 @@ Installation can continue, but some features might be disabled.
+ Select where to install %1.<br/><font color="red">Warning: </font>this will delete all files on the selected partition.
+ The selected item does not appear to be a valid partition.
+ %1 cannot be installed on empty space. Please select an existing partition.
+ %1 cannot be installed on an extended partition. Please select an existing primary or logical partition.
+ %1 cannot be installed on this partition.无法安装(%1)到此分区.
+ Data partition (%1)数据分区(%1)
+ Unknown system partition (%1)未知系统分区(%1)
+ %1 system partition (%2)
+ <strong>%4</strong><br/><br/>The partition %1 is too small for %2. Please select a partition with capacity at least %3 GiB.
+ <strong>%3</strong><br/><br/>%1 will be installed on %2.<br/><font color="red">Warning: </font>all data on partition%2 will be lost.
diff --git a/lang/calamares_zh_TW.ts b/lang/calamares_zh_TW.ts
index 45d0c0970..4a2724b4d 100644
--- a/lang/calamares_zh_TW.ts
+++ b/lang/calamares_zh_TW.ts
@@ -1345,12 +1345,12 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost.
+ Before:之前:
+ After:之後:
@@ -2142,12 +2142,12 @@ Some file systems need external tools to be installed for them to be supported.
磁碟 <strong>%1</strong> (%2)
+ Before:之前:
+ After:之後:
@@ -2370,52 +2370,52 @@ Installation can continue, but some features might be disabled.
磁碟 (&D):
+ Select where to install %1.<br/><font color="red">Warning: </font>this will delete all files on the selected partition.<b>選取要安裝 %1 的地方。</b><br/><font color="red">警告:</font>這將會刪除所有已選取的分割區上的檔案。
+ The selected item does not appear to be a valid partition.已選取的項目可能並不是有效的分割區。
+ %1 cannot be installed on empty space. Please select an existing partition.%1 無法在空白的空間中安裝。請選取一個存在的分割區。
+ %1 cannot be installed on an extended partition. Please select an existing primary or logical partition.%1 無法在延伸分割區上安裝。請選取一個存在的主要或邏輯分割區。
+ %1 cannot be installed on this partition.%1 無法在此分割區上安裝。
+ Data partition (%1)資料分割區 (%1)
+ Unknown system partition (%1)未知的系統分割區 (%1)
+ %1 system partition (%2)%1 系統分割區 (%2)
+ <strong>%4</strong><br/><br/>The partition %1 is too small for %2. Please select a partition with capacity at least %3 GiB.<strong>%4</strong><br/><br/>分割區 %1 對 %2 來說太小了。請選取一個容量至少有 %3 GiB 的分割區。
+ <strong>%3</strong><br/><br/>%1 will be installed on %2.<br/><font color="red">Warning: </font>all data on partition%2 will be lost.<strong>%3</strong><br/><br/>%1 將會安裝在 %2 上。<br/><font color="red">警告: </font>所有在分割區 %2 上的資料都將會遺失。