diff --git a/lang/calamares_ar.ts b/lang/calamares_ar.ts
index d0f30ee90..d094e50dd 100644
--- a/lang/calamares_ar.ts
+++ b/lang/calamares_ar.ts
@@ -447,6 +447,24 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost.
فشل تفحص نظام الملفات في القسم %1.
+ CheckerWidget
+ This computer does not satisfy the minimum requirements for installing %1.<br/>Installation cannot continue. <a href="#details">Details...</a>
+ This computer does not satisfy some of the recommended requirements for installing %1.<br/>Installation can continue, but some features might be disabled.
+ For best results, please ensure that this computer:
@@ -1537,62 +1555,6 @@ Some file systems need external tools to be installed for them to be supported.
فشل المثبِت في تحديث جدول الأقسام على القرص '%1'.
- GreetingPage
- <h1>Welcome to the %1 installer.</h1><br/>This program will ask you some questions and set up %2 on your computer.
- <h>أهلا بك في مثبِت %1.</h><br/> سيقوم هذا البرنامج بسؤالك بعض الأسئلة و سيقوم بإعداد %2 على كمبيوترك.
- About %1 installer
- <h1>%1</h1><br/><strong>%2<br/>for %3</strong><br/><br/>Copyright 2014-2015 Teo Mrnjavac <teo@kde.org><br/>Thanks to: Anke Boersma, Aurélien Gâteau, Kevin Kofler, Philip Müller, Pier Luigi Fiorini and Rohan Garg.<br/><br/><a href="http://calamares.io/">Calamares</a> development is sponsored by <br/><a href="http://www.blue-systems.com/">Blue Systems</a> - Liberating Software.
- %1 support
- Form
- &Release notes
- &Known issues
- &Support
- &About
- GreetingViewStep
- Welcome
- أهلا بك
@@ -2151,61 +2113,6 @@ Some file systems need external tools to be installed for them to be supported.
- PreparePage
- For best results, please ensure that this computer:
- من فضلك للحصول على النتائج الأفضل تأكد من أن هذا الكمبيوتر:
- This computer does not satisfy the minimum requirements for installing %1.
-Installation cannot continue.
- لا يلبي هذا الكمبيوتر المتتطلبات الدنيا لتثبيت %1.
-لا يمكن إكمال التثبيت.
- This computer does not satisfy some of the recommended requirements for installing %1.
-Installation can continue, but some features might be disabled.
- لا يلبي هذا الكمبيوتر بعض المتتطلبات الموصى بها لتثبيت %1.
-يمكن إكمال التثبيت, لكن ربما سيتم إلغاء تفعيل بعض الميزات.
- PrepareViewStep
- Gathering system information...
- جاري جمع معلومات عن النظام...
- has at least %1 GB available drive space
- يوجد على الأقل مساحة %1 GB متوفرة على القرص
- has at least %1 GB working memory
- يوجد على الأقل %1 GB من الذاكرة الشغالة
- is plugged in to a power source
- موصول بمصدر تغذية
- is connected to the Internet
- موصول بالإنترنت
- Prepare
- التحضير
@@ -2419,6 +2326,54 @@ Installation can continue, but some features might be disabled.
+ RequirementsChecker
+ Gathering system information...
+ has at least %1 GB available drive space
+ There is not enough drive space. At least %1 GB is required.
+ has at least %1 GB working memory
+ The system does not have enough working memory. At least %1 GB is required.
+ is plugged in to a power source
+ The system is not plugged in to a power source.
+ is connected to the Internet
+ The system is not connected to the Internet.
@@ -2853,4 +2808,65 @@ Installation can continue, but some features might be disabled.
+ WelcomePage
+ Form
+ &Language:
+ &Release notes
+ &Known issues
+ &Support
+ &About
+ <h1>Welcome to the %1 installer.</h1><br/>This program will ask you some questions and set up %2 on your computer.
+ About %1 installer
+ <h1>%1</h1><br/><strong>%2<br/>for %3</strong><br/><br/>Copyright 2014-2015 Teo Mrnjavac <teo@kde.org><br/>Thanks to: Anke Boersma, Aurélien Gâteau, Kevin Kofler, Philip Müller, Pier Luigi Fiorini and Rohan Garg.<br/><br/><a href="http://calamares.io/">Calamares</a> development is sponsored by <br/><a href="http://www.blue-systems.com/">Blue Systems</a> - Liberating Software.
+ %1 support
+ WelcomeViewStep
+ Welcome
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/lang/calamares_ast.ts b/lang/calamares_ast.ts
index 6fe980b96..4cead1905 100644
--- a/lang/calamares_ast.ts
+++ b/lang/calamares_ast.ts
@@ -448,6 +448,24 @@ L'instalador colará y perderánse toles camudancies.
Falló la comprobación del sistema de ficheros na partición %1.
+ CheckerWidget
+ This computer does not satisfy the minimum requirements for installing %1.<br/>Installation cannot continue. <a href="#details">Details...</a>
+ This computer does not satisfy some of the recommended requirements for installing %1.<br/>Installation can continue, but some features might be disabled.
+ For best results, please ensure that this computer:
@@ -1538,62 +1556,6 @@ Dellos sistemes de ficheros riquen la instalación de ferramientes esternes pa t
L'instalador falló al anovar la tabla particiones nel discu '%1'.
- GreetingPage
- <h1>Welcome to the %1 installer.</h1><br/>This program will ask you some questions and set up %2 on your computer.
- <h1>Bienllegáu al instalador %1.</h1><br/>Esti pograma fadráte delles entrugues pa configurar %2 nel to ordenador..
- About %1 installer
- Tocante al instalador %1
- <h1>%1</h1><br/><strong>%2<br/>for %3</strong><br/><br/>Copyright 2014-2015 Teo Mrnjavac <teo@kde.org><br/>Thanks to: Anke Boersma, Aurélien Gâteau, Kevin Kofler, Philip Müller, Pier Luigi Fiorini and Rohan Garg.<br/><br/><a href="http://calamares.io/">Calamares</a> development is sponsored by <br/><a href="http://www.blue-systems.com/">Blue Systems</a> - Liberating Software.
- %1 support
- Form
- &Release notes
- &Known issues
- &Support
- &About
- &Tocante a
- GreetingViewStep
- Welcome
- Bienllegáu
@@ -2152,61 +2114,6 @@ Dellos sistemes de ficheros riquen la instalación de ferramientes esternes pa t
- PreparePage
- For best results, please ensure that this computer:
- Pa los meyores resultaos, asegúrate por favor qu'esti ordenador:
- This computer does not satisfy the minimum requirements for installing %1.
-Installation cannot continue.
- Esti ordenador nun cumple colos requisitos mínimos pa instalar %1.
-La instalación nun siguirá
- This computer does not satisfy some of the recommended requirements for installing %1.
-Installation can continue, but some features might be disabled.
- Esti ordenador nun cumple con dellos requisitos aconseyaos pa instalar %1.
-La instalación pue siguir, pero delles carauterístiques pudieron deshabilitase.
- PrepareViewStep
- Gathering system information...
- Recoyendo información del sistema...
- has at least %1 GB available drive space
- tien polo menos %1 GB d'espaciu disponibles
- has at least %1 GB working memory
- tien polo menos %1 GB de memoria de trabayu
- is plugged in to a power source
- ta enchufáu a una fonte d'enerxía
- is connected to the Internet
- ta coneutáu a internet
- Prepare
- Tresnáu
@@ -2420,6 +2327,54 @@ La instalación pue siguir, pero delles carauterístiques pudieron deshabilitase
+ RequirementsChecker
+ Gathering system information...
+ has at least %1 GB available drive space
+ There is not enough drive space. At least %1 GB is required.
+ has at least %1 GB working memory
+ The system does not have enough working memory. At least %1 GB is required.
+ is plugged in to a power source
+ The system is not plugged in to a power source.
+ is connected to the Internet
+ The system is not connected to the Internet.
@@ -2854,4 +2809,65 @@ La instalación pue siguir, pero delles carauterístiques pudieron deshabilitase
+ WelcomePage
+ Form
+ &Language:
+ &Release notes
+ &Known issues
+ &Support
+ &About
+ <h1>Welcome to the %1 installer.</h1><br/>This program will ask you some questions and set up %2 on your computer.
+ About %1 installer
+ <h1>%1</h1><br/><strong>%2<br/>for %3</strong><br/><br/>Copyright 2014-2015 Teo Mrnjavac <teo@kde.org><br/>Thanks to: Anke Boersma, Aurélien Gâteau, Kevin Kofler, Philip Müller, Pier Luigi Fiorini and Rohan Garg.<br/><br/><a href="http://calamares.io/">Calamares</a> development is sponsored by <br/><a href="http://www.blue-systems.com/">Blue Systems</a> - Liberating Software.
+ %1 support
+ WelcomeViewStep
+ Welcome
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/lang/calamares_bg.ts b/lang/calamares_bg.ts
index ab4899c0f..e77c2b1c4 100644
--- a/lang/calamares_bg.ts
+++ b/lang/calamares_bg.ts
@@ -448,6 +448,24 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost.
Проверката на файловата система на дял %1 се провали.
+ CheckerWidget
+ This computer does not satisfy the minimum requirements for installing %1.<br/>Installation cannot continue. <a href="#details">Details...</a>
+ This computer does not satisfy some of the recommended requirements for installing %1.<br/>Installation can continue, but some features might be disabled.
+ For best results, please ensure that this computer:
@@ -1538,62 +1556,6 @@ Some file systems need external tools to be installed for them to be supported.
Инсталатора не успя да актуализира файлова система върху дял %1.
- GreetingPage
- <h1>Welcome to the %1 installer.</h1><br/>This program will ask you some questions and set up %2 on your computer.
- <h1>Добре дошли в инсталатора на %1.</h1><br/>Тази програма ще ви попита няколко въпроса и ще конфигурира %2 на вашият компютър.
- About %1 installer
- Относно инсталатор %1
- <h1>%1</h1><br/><strong>%2<br/>for %3</strong><br/><br/>Copyright 2014-2015 Teo Mrnjavac <teo@kde.org><br/>Thanks to: Anke Boersma, Aurélien Gâteau, Kevin Kofler, Philip Müller, Pier Luigi Fiorini and Rohan Garg.<br/><br/><a href="http://calamares.io/">Calamares</a> development is sponsored by <br/><a href="http://www.blue-systems.com/">Blue Systems</a> - Liberating Software.
- %1 support
- %1 поддръжка
- Form
- Форма
- &Release notes
- &Бележки по изданието
- &Known issues
- &Съществуващи проблеми
- &Support
- &Поддръжка
- &About
- Относно
- GreetingViewStep
- Welcome
- Добре дошли
@@ -2152,61 +2114,6 @@ Some file systems need external tools to be installed for them to be supported.
- PreparePage
- For best results, please ensure that this computer:
- За най-добри резултати, моля бъдете сигурни че този компютър:
- This computer does not satisfy the minimum requirements for installing %1.
-Installation cannot continue.
- Този компютър не отговаря на минималните изисквания за инсталиране %1.
-Инсталацията не може да продължи.
- This computer does not satisfy some of the recommended requirements for installing %1.
-Installation can continue, but some features might be disabled.
- Този компютър не отговаря на някои от препоръчителните изисквания за инсталиране %1.
-Инсталацията може да продължи, но някои свойства могат да бъдат неналични.
- PrepareViewStep
- Gathering system information...
- Събиране на системна информация...
- has at least %1 GB available drive space
- има поне %1 ГБ свободено дисково пространство
- has at least %1 GB working memory
- има поне %1 ГБ работна памет
- is plugged in to a power source
- е включен към източник на захранване
- is connected to the Internet
- е свързан към интернет
- Prepare
- Подготви
@@ -2420,6 +2327,54 @@ Installation can continue, but some features might be disabled.
+ RequirementsChecker
+ Gathering system information...
+ has at least %1 GB available drive space
+ There is not enough drive space. At least %1 GB is required.
+ has at least %1 GB working memory
+ The system does not have enough working memory. At least %1 GB is required.
+ is plugged in to a power source
+ The system is not plugged in to a power source.
+ is connected to the Internet
+ The system is not connected to the Internet.
@@ -2854,4 +2809,65 @@ Installation can continue, but some features might be disabled.
+ WelcomePage
+ Form
+ &Language:
+ &Release notes
+ &Known issues
+ &Support
+ &About
+ <h1>Welcome to the %1 installer.</h1><br/>This program will ask you some questions and set up %2 on your computer.
+ About %1 installer
+ <h1>%1</h1><br/><strong>%2<br/>for %3</strong><br/><br/>Copyright 2014-2015 Teo Mrnjavac <teo@kde.org><br/>Thanks to: Anke Boersma, Aurélien Gâteau, Kevin Kofler, Philip Müller, Pier Luigi Fiorini and Rohan Garg.<br/><br/><a href="http://calamares.io/">Calamares</a> development is sponsored by <br/><a href="http://www.blue-systems.com/">Blue Systems</a> - Liberating Software.
+ %1 support
+ WelcomeViewStep
+ Welcome
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/lang/calamares_ca.ts b/lang/calamares_ca.ts
index 30f15e916..7afcb515b 100644
--- a/lang/calamares_ca.ts
+++ b/lang/calamares_ca.ts
@@ -448,6 +448,24 @@ L'instal·lador es tancarà i tots els canvis es perdran.
La comprovació del sistema de fitxers de la partició %1 ha fallat.
+ CheckerWidget
+ This computer does not satisfy the minimum requirements for installing %1.<br/>Installation cannot continue. <a href="#details">Details...</a>
+ This computer does not satisfy some of the recommended requirements for installing %1.<br/>Installation can continue, but some features might be disabled.
+ For best results, please ensure that this computer:
@@ -1538,62 +1556,6 @@ Alguns sistemes de fitxers requereixen la instal·lació d'eines externes p
L'instal·lador no ha pogut actualitzar la taula de particions del disc '%1'.
- GreetingPage
- <h1>Welcome to the %1 installer.</h1><br/>This program will ask you some questions and set up %2 on your computer.
- <h1>Benvinguts a l'instal·lador %1.</h1><br/>Aquest programa us preguntarà unes quantes coses i instal·larà %2 a l'ordinador.
- About %1 installer
- Quant a l'instal·lador %1
- <h1>%1</h1><br/><strong>%2<br/>for %3</strong><br/><br/>Copyright 2014-2015 Teo Mrnjavac <teo@kde.org><br/>Thanks to: Anke Boersma, Aurélien Gâteau, Kevin Kofler, Philip Müller, Pier Luigi Fiorini and Rohan Garg.<br/><br/><a href="http://calamares.io/">Calamares</a> development is sponsored by <br/><a href="http://www.blue-systems.com/">Blue Systems</a> - Liberating Software.
- <h1>%1</h1><br/><strong>%2<br/>per a %3</strong><br/><br/>Copyright 2014-2015 Teo Mrnjavac <teo@kde.org><br/>Agraïments: Anke Boersma, Aurélien Gâteau, Kevin Kofler, Philip Müller, Pier Luigi Fiorini i Rohan Garg. El desenvolupament de <br/><br/><a href="http://calamares.io/">Calamares</a> està patrocinat per <br/><a href="http://www.blue-systems.com/">Blue Systems</a> - Liberating Software.
- %1 support
- %1 suport
- Form
- Formulari
- &Release notes
- &Notes de la versió
- &Known issues
- &Problemes coneguts
- &Support
- &Suport
- &About
- &Quant a
- GreetingViewStep
- Welcome
- Benvinguts
@@ -2152,61 +2114,6 @@ Alguns sistemes de fitxers requereixen la instal·lació d'eines externes p
- PreparePage
- For best results, please ensure that this computer:
- Per obtenir els millors resultats, assegureu-vos, si us plau, que aquest ordinador:
- This computer does not satisfy the minimum requirements for installing %1.
-Installation cannot continue.
- Aquest ordinador no satisfà els requisits mínims per instal·lar-hi %1.
-La instal·lació no pot continuar.
- This computer does not satisfy some of the recommended requirements for installing %1.
-Installation can continue, but some features might be disabled.
- Aquest ordinador no satisfà alguns dels requisits recomanats per instal·lar-hi %1.
-La instal·lació pot continuar, però algunes característiques podrien ser desactivades.
- PrepareViewStep
- Gathering system information...
- Recopilant informació del sistema...
- has at least %1 GB available drive space
- té com a mínim %1 GB disponibles d'espai de disc.
- has at least %1 GB working memory
- té com a mínim %1 GB de memòria de treball
- is plugged in to a power source
- està connectat a una font de corrent
- is connected to the Internet
- està connectat a Internet
- Prepare
- Prepara
@@ -2420,6 +2327,54 @@ La instal·lació pot continuar, però algunes característiques podrien ser des
<strong>%3</strong><br/><br/>%1 s'instal·larà a %2.<br/><font color="red">Atenció: </font> totes les dades de la partició%2 es perdran.
+ RequirementsChecker
+ Gathering system information...
+ has at least %1 GB available drive space
+ There is not enough drive space. At least %1 GB is required.
+ has at least %1 GB working memory
+ The system does not have enough working memory. At least %1 GB is required.
+ is plugged in to a power source
+ The system is not plugged in to a power source.
+ is connected to the Internet
+ The system is not connected to the Internet.
@@ -2854,4 +2809,65 @@ La instal·lació pot continuar, però algunes característiques podrien ser des
+ WelcomePage
+ Form
+ &Language:
+ &Release notes
+ &Known issues
+ &Support
+ &About
+ <h1>Welcome to the %1 installer.</h1><br/>This program will ask you some questions and set up %2 on your computer.
+ About %1 installer
+ <h1>%1</h1><br/><strong>%2<br/>for %3</strong><br/><br/>Copyright 2014-2015 Teo Mrnjavac <teo@kde.org><br/>Thanks to: Anke Boersma, Aurélien Gâteau, Kevin Kofler, Philip Müller, Pier Luigi Fiorini and Rohan Garg.<br/><br/><a href="http://calamares.io/">Calamares</a> development is sponsored by <br/><a href="http://www.blue-systems.com/">Blue Systems</a> - Liberating Software.
+ %1 support
+ WelcomeViewStep
+ Welcome
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/lang/calamares_cs_CZ.ts b/lang/calamares_cs_CZ.ts
index 2d98d6f08..5fa87602b 100644
--- a/lang/calamares_cs_CZ.ts
+++ b/lang/calamares_cs_CZ.ts
@@ -447,6 +447,24 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost.
Kontrola souborového systému na oddílu %1 selhala.
+ CheckerWidget
+ This computer does not satisfy the minimum requirements for installing %1.<br/>Installation cannot continue. <a href="#details">Details...</a>
+ This computer does not satisfy some of the recommended requirements for installing %1.<br/>Installation can continue, but some features might be disabled.
+ For best results, please ensure that this computer:
@@ -1537,62 +1555,6 @@ Některé souborové systémy vyžadují instalaci externích nástrojů. Jisté
Instalátor selhal při aktualizaci tabulky oddílů na disku '%1'.
- GreetingPage
- <h1>Welcome to the %1 installer.</h1><br/>This program will ask you some questions and set up %2 on your computer.
- <h1>Vítejte v instalátoru %1.</h1><br/>Tento program Vám bude pokládat otázky a nastaví %2 na Váš počítač.
- About %1 installer
- <h1>%1</h1><br/><strong>%2<br/>for %3</strong><br/><br/>Copyright 2014-2015 Teo Mrnjavac <teo@kde.org><br/>Thanks to: Anke Boersma, Aurélien Gâteau, Kevin Kofler, Philip Müller, Pier Luigi Fiorini and Rohan Garg.<br/><br/><a href="http://calamares.io/">Calamares</a> development is sponsored by <br/><a href="http://www.blue-systems.com/">Blue Systems</a> - Liberating Software.
- %1 support
- Form
- &Release notes
- &Known issues
- &Support
- &About
- GreetingViewStep
- Welcome
- Vítejte
@@ -2151,61 +2113,6 @@ Některé souborové systémy vyžadují instalaci externích nástrojů. Jisté
- PreparePage
- For best results, please ensure that this computer:
- Prosím ujištěte se, že tento počítač:
- This computer does not satisfy the minimum requirements for installing %1.
-Installation cannot continue.
- Tento počítač nedosahuje minimální požadavky pro instalaci %1.
-Instalace nemůže pokračovat.
- This computer does not satisfy some of the recommended requirements for installing %1.
-Installation can continue, but some features might be disabled.
- Tento počítač nedosahuje minimální požadavky pro instalaci %1.
-Instalace může pokračovat, ale některé prvky nemusí fungovat.
- PrepareViewStep
- Gathering system information...
- Shromažďuji informace o systému...
- has at least %1 GB available drive space
- má minimálně %1 GB dostupného místa na disku.
- has at least %1 GB working memory
- má alespoň %1 GB operační paměti
- is plugged in to a power source
- je připojený ke zdroji napájení
- is connected to the Internet
- je připojený k Internetu
- Prepare
- Připravit
@@ -2419,6 +2326,54 @@ Instalace může pokračovat, ale některé prvky nemusí fungovat.
+ RequirementsChecker
+ Gathering system information...
+ has at least %1 GB available drive space
+ There is not enough drive space. At least %1 GB is required.
+ has at least %1 GB working memory
+ The system does not have enough working memory. At least %1 GB is required.
+ is plugged in to a power source
+ The system is not plugged in to a power source.
+ is connected to the Internet
+ The system is not connected to the Internet.
@@ -2853,4 +2808,65 @@ Instalace může pokračovat, ale některé prvky nemusí fungovat.Uživatelé
+ WelcomePage
+ Form
+ &Language:
+ &Release notes
+ &Known issues
+ &Support
+ &About
+ <h1>Welcome to the %1 installer.</h1><br/>This program will ask you some questions and set up %2 on your computer.
+ About %1 installer
+ <h1>%1</h1><br/><strong>%2<br/>for %3</strong><br/><br/>Copyright 2014-2015 Teo Mrnjavac <teo@kde.org><br/>Thanks to: Anke Boersma, Aurélien Gâteau, Kevin Kofler, Philip Müller, Pier Luigi Fiorini and Rohan Garg.<br/><br/><a href="http://calamares.io/">Calamares</a> development is sponsored by <br/><a href="http://www.blue-systems.com/">Blue Systems</a> - Liberating Software.
+ %1 support
+ WelcomeViewStep
+ Welcome
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/lang/calamares_da.ts b/lang/calamares_da.ts
index b0f09d1d9..9b0414091 100644
--- a/lang/calamares_da.ts
+++ b/lang/calamares_da.ts
@@ -448,6 +448,24 @@ Installationsprogrammet vil stoppe og alle ændringer vil gå tabt.Filsystem tjekket på partition %1 fejlede.
+ CheckerWidget
+ This computer does not satisfy the minimum requirements for installing %1.<br/>Installation cannot continue. <a href="#details">Details...</a>
+ This computer does not satisfy some of the recommended requirements for installing %1.<br/>Installation can continue, but some features might be disabled.
+ For best results, please ensure that this computer:
@@ -1538,62 +1556,6 @@ Nogle filsystemer kræver at eksterne værktøjer skal installeres for at være
Installationsprogrammet fejlede i at opdatere partitionstabel på disk '%1'.
- GreetingPage
- <h1>Welcome to the %1 installer.</h1><br/>This program will ask you some questions and set up %2 on your computer.
- <h1>Velkommen til %1 installationsprogrammet.</h1><br/>Dette program vil stille dig nogle spørgsmål og sætte %2 op på din computer.
- About %1 installer
- Om %1 installationsprogrammet
- <h1>%1</h1><br/><strong>%2<br/>for %3</strong><br/><br/>Copyright 2014-2015 Teo Mrnjavac <teo@kde.org><br/>Thanks to: Anke Boersma, Aurélien Gâteau, Kevin Kofler, Philip Müller, Pier Luigi Fiorini and Rohan Garg.<br/><br/><a href="http://calamares.io/">Calamares</a> development is sponsored by <br/><a href="http://www.blue-systems.com/">Blue Systems</a> - Liberating Software.
- %1 support
- Form
- Form
- &Release notes
- &Known issues
- &Support
- &About
- &Om
- GreetingViewStep
- Welcome
- Velkommen
@@ -2152,61 +2114,6 @@ Nogle filsystemer kræver at eksterne værktøjer skal installeres for at være
- PreparePage
- For best results, please ensure that this computer:
- For de bedste resultater, forsikrer dig at computeren:
- This computer does not satisfy the minimum requirements for installing %1.
-Installation cannot continue.
- Denne computer overholder ikke minimumskravene for at installere %1.
-Installation kan ikke fortsætte.
- This computer does not satisfy some of the recommended requirements for installing %1.
-Installation can continue, but some features might be disabled.
- Denne computer overholder ikke alle anbefalede krav for at installere %1.
-Installation kan fortsætte, men nogle features kan være deaktiveret.
- PrepareViewStep
- Gathering system information...
- Samler system information...
- has at least %1 GB available drive space
- har mindst %1 GB fri harddisk plads
- has at least %1 GB working memory
- har mindst %1 GB hukkommelse
- is plugged in to a power source
- er tilsluttet strømkilde
- is connected to the Internet
- er forbundet til internettet
- Prepare
- Forbered
@@ -2420,6 +2327,54 @@ Installation kan fortsætte, men nogle features kan være deaktiveret.
+ RequirementsChecker
+ Gathering system information...
+ has at least %1 GB available drive space
+ There is not enough drive space. At least %1 GB is required.
+ has at least %1 GB working memory
+ The system does not have enough working memory. At least %1 GB is required.
+ is plugged in to a power source
+ The system is not plugged in to a power source.
+ is connected to the Internet
+ The system is not connected to the Internet.
@@ -2854,4 +2809,65 @@ Installation kan fortsætte, men nogle features kan være deaktiveret.Brugere
+ WelcomePage
+ Form
+ &Language:
+ &Release notes
+ &Known issues
+ &Support
+ &About
+ <h1>Welcome to the %1 installer.</h1><br/>This program will ask you some questions and set up %2 on your computer.
+ About %1 installer
+ <h1>%1</h1><br/><strong>%2<br/>for %3</strong><br/><br/>Copyright 2014-2015 Teo Mrnjavac <teo@kde.org><br/>Thanks to: Anke Boersma, Aurélien Gâteau, Kevin Kofler, Philip Müller, Pier Luigi Fiorini and Rohan Garg.<br/><br/><a href="http://calamares.io/">Calamares</a> development is sponsored by <br/><a href="http://www.blue-systems.com/">Blue Systems</a> - Liberating Software.
+ %1 support
+ WelcomeViewStep
+ Welcome
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/lang/calamares_de.ts b/lang/calamares_de.ts
index 937e42c24..9de86e905 100644
--- a/lang/calamares_de.ts
+++ b/lang/calamares_de.ts
@@ -448,6 +448,24 @@ Dies wird das Installationsprogramm beenden und alle Änderungen gehen verloren.
Die Überprüfung des Dateisystems auf Partition %1 scheiterte.
+ CheckerWidget
+ This computer does not satisfy the minimum requirements for installing %1.<br/>Installation cannot continue. <a href="#details">Details...</a>
+ This computer does not satisfy some of the recommended requirements for installing %1.<br/>Installation can continue, but some features might be disabled.
+ For best results, please ensure that this computer:
@@ -1538,62 +1556,6 @@ Einige Dateisysteme erfordern die Installation externer Programme, um unterstüt
Das Aktualisieren der Partitionstabelle auf Datenträger '%1' ist fehlgeschlagen.
- GreetingPage
- <h1>Welcome to the %1 installer.</h1><br/>This program will ask you some questions and set up %2 on your computer.
- <h1>Willkommen zum %1 Installationsprogramm.</h1><br/>Es werden Ihnen ein paar Fragen gestellt, und %2 wird auf Ihrem Computer installiert.
- About %1 installer
- Über %1 das Installationsprogramm
- <h1>%1</h1><br/><strong>%2<br/>for %3</strong><br/><br/>Copyright 2014-2015 Teo Mrnjavac <teo@kde.org><br/>Thanks to: Anke Boersma, Aurélien Gâteau, Kevin Kofler, Philip Müller, Pier Luigi Fiorini and Rohan Garg.<br/><br/><a href="http://calamares.io/">Calamares</a> development is sponsored by <br/><a href="http://www.blue-systems.com/">Blue Systems</a> - Liberating Software.
- <h1>%1</h1><br/><strong>%2<br/>for %3</strong><br/><br/>Copyright 2014-2015 Teo Mrnjavac <teo@kde.org><br/>Dank an: Anke Boersma, Aurélien Gâteau, Kevin Kofler, Philip Müller, Pier Luigi Fiorini and Rohan Garg.<br/><br/>Die Entwicklung von <a href="http://calamares.io/">Calamares</a> wird unterstützt von <br/><a href="http://www.blue-systems.com/">Blue Systems</a> - Liberating Software.
- %1 support
- %1 Hilfe
- Form
- Form
- &Release notes
- & Anmerkungen
- &Known issues
- & bekannte Probleme
- &Support
- & Hilfe
- &About
- &Über
- GreetingViewStep
- Welcome
- Willkommen
@@ -2152,61 +2114,6 @@ Einige Dateisysteme erfordern die Installation externer Programme, um unterstüt
- PreparePage
- For best results, please ensure that this computer:
- Für das beste Ergebnis stellen Sie bitte sicher, dass dieser Computer:
- This computer does not satisfy the minimum requirements for installing %1.
-Installation cannot continue.
- Dieser Computer erfüllt nicht die Mindestvoraussetzungen für die Installation von %1.
-Installation kann nicht fortgesetzt werden.
- This computer does not satisfy some of the recommended requirements for installing %1.
-Installation can continue, but some features might be disabled.
- Dieser Computer erfüllt nicht nicht alle Voraussetzungen von %1.
-Die Installation wird fortgesetzt, es werden eventuell nicht alle Funktionen verfügbar sein.
- PrepareViewStep
- Gathering system information...
- Sammle Systeminformationen...
- has at least %1 GB available drive space
- mindestens %1 GB freien Festplattenplatz hat
- has at least %1 GB working memory
- mindestens %1 GB Arbeitsspeicher hat
- is plugged in to a power source
- an eine Stromquelle angeschlossen ist
- is connected to the Internet
- mit dem Internet verbunden ist
- Prepare
- Vorbereiten
@@ -2420,6 +2327,54 @@ Die Installation wird fortgesetzt, es werden eventuell nicht alle Funktionen ver
<strong>%3</strong><br/><br/>%1 wird auf %2 installiert.<br/><font color="red">Warnung: </font>Sämtliche Daten auf Partition%2 werden verloren gehen.
+ RequirementsChecker
+ Gathering system information...
+ has at least %1 GB available drive space
+ There is not enough drive space. At least %1 GB is required.
+ has at least %1 GB working memory
+ The system does not have enough working memory. At least %1 GB is required.
+ is plugged in to a power source
+ The system is not plugged in to a power source.
+ is connected to the Internet
+ The system is not connected to the Internet.
@@ -2854,4 +2809,65 @@ Die Installation wird fortgesetzt, es werden eventuell nicht alle Funktionen ver
+ WelcomePage
+ Form
+ &Language:
+ &Release notes
+ &Known issues
+ &Support
+ &About
+ <h1>Welcome to the %1 installer.</h1><br/>This program will ask you some questions and set up %2 on your computer.
+ About %1 installer
+ <h1>%1</h1><br/><strong>%2<br/>for %3</strong><br/><br/>Copyright 2014-2015 Teo Mrnjavac <teo@kde.org><br/>Thanks to: Anke Boersma, Aurélien Gâteau, Kevin Kofler, Philip Müller, Pier Luigi Fiorini and Rohan Garg.<br/><br/><a href="http://calamares.io/">Calamares</a> development is sponsored by <br/><a href="http://www.blue-systems.com/">Blue Systems</a> - Liberating Software.
+ %1 support
+ WelcomeViewStep
+ Welcome
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/lang/calamares_el.ts b/lang/calamares_el.ts
index 797a96da2..30086ffcf 100644
--- a/lang/calamares_el.ts
+++ b/lang/calamares_el.ts
@@ -447,6 +447,24 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost.
Ο έλεγχος του συστήματος αρχείων στη κατάτμηση %1 απέτυχε.
+ CheckerWidget
+ This computer does not satisfy the minimum requirements for installing %1.<br/>Installation cannot continue. <a href="#details">Details...</a>
+ This computer does not satisfy some of the recommended requirements for installing %1.<br/>Installation can continue, but some features might be disabled.
+ For best results, please ensure that this computer:
@@ -1536,62 +1554,6 @@ Some file systems need external tools to be installed for them to be supported.
- GreetingPage
- <h1>Welcome to the %1 installer.</h1><br/>This program will ask you some questions and set up %2 on your computer.
- About %1 installer
- <h1>%1</h1><br/><strong>%2<br/>for %3</strong><br/><br/>Copyright 2014-2015 Teo Mrnjavac <teo@kde.org><br/>Thanks to: Anke Boersma, Aurélien Gâteau, Kevin Kofler, Philip Müller, Pier Luigi Fiorini and Rohan Garg.<br/><br/><a href="http://calamares.io/">Calamares</a> development is sponsored by <br/><a href="http://www.blue-systems.com/">Blue Systems</a> - Liberating Software.
- %1 support
- Form
- &Release notes
- &Known issues
- &Support
- &About
- GreetingViewStep
- Welcome
@@ -2150,59 +2112,6 @@ Some file systems need external tools to be installed for them to be supported.
- PreparePage
- For best results, please ensure that this computer:
- This computer does not satisfy the minimum requirements for installing %1.
-Installation cannot continue.
- This computer does not satisfy some of the recommended requirements for installing %1.
-Installation can continue, but some features might be disabled.
- PrepareViewStep
- Gathering system information...
- has at least %1 GB available drive space
- has at least %1 GB working memory
- is plugged in to a power source
- is connected to the Internet
- Prepare
@@ -2416,6 +2325,54 @@ Installation can continue, but some features might be disabled.
+ RequirementsChecker
+ Gathering system information...
+ has at least %1 GB available drive space
+ There is not enough drive space. At least %1 GB is required.
+ has at least %1 GB working memory
+ The system does not have enough working memory. At least %1 GB is required.
+ is plugged in to a power source
+ The system is not plugged in to a power source.
+ is connected to the Internet
+ The system is not connected to the Internet.
@@ -2850,4 +2807,65 @@ Installation can continue, but some features might be disabled.
+ WelcomePage
+ Form
+ &Language:
+ &Release notes
+ &Known issues
+ &Support
+ &About
+ <h1>Welcome to the %1 installer.</h1><br/>This program will ask you some questions and set up %2 on your computer.
+ About %1 installer
+ <h1>%1</h1><br/><strong>%2<br/>for %3</strong><br/><br/>Copyright 2014-2015 Teo Mrnjavac <teo@kde.org><br/>Thanks to: Anke Boersma, Aurélien Gâteau, Kevin Kofler, Philip Müller, Pier Luigi Fiorini and Rohan Garg.<br/><br/><a href="http://calamares.io/">Calamares</a> development is sponsored by <br/><a href="http://www.blue-systems.com/">Blue Systems</a> - Liberating Software.
+ %1 support
+ WelcomeViewStep
+ Welcome
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/lang/calamares_en.ts b/lang/calamares_en.ts
index 331e4a435..fa381e493 100644
--- a/lang/calamares_en.ts
+++ b/lang/calamares_en.ts
@@ -448,6 +448,24 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost.
The file system check on partition %1 failed.
+ CheckerWidget
+ This computer does not satisfy the minimum requirements for installing %1.<br/>Installation cannot continue. <a href="#details">Details...</a>
+ This computer does not satisfy the minimum requirements for installing %1.<br/>Installation cannot continue. <a href="#details">Details...</a>
+ This computer does not satisfy some of the recommended requirements for installing %1.<br/>Installation can continue, but some features might be disabled.
+ This computer does not satisfy some of the recommended requirements for installing %1.<br/>Installation can continue, but some features might be disabled.
+ For best results, please ensure that this computer:
+ For best results, please ensure that this computer:
@@ -1538,62 +1556,6 @@ Some file systems need external tools to be installed for them to be supported.
The installer failed to update partition table on disk '%1'.
- GreetingPage
- <h1>Welcome to the %1 installer.</h1><br/>This program will ask you some questions and set up %2 on your computer.
- <h1>Welcome to the %1 installer.</h1><br/>This program will ask you some questions and set up %2 on your computer.
- About %1 installer
- About %1 installer
- <h1>%1</h1><br/><strong>%2<br/>for %3</strong><br/><br/>Copyright 2014-2015 Teo Mrnjavac <teo@kde.org><br/>Thanks to: Anke Boersma, Aurélien Gâteau, Kevin Kofler, Philip Müller, Pier Luigi Fiorini and Rohan Garg.<br/><br/><a href="http://calamares.io/">Calamares</a> development is sponsored by <br/><a href="http://www.blue-systems.com/">Blue Systems</a> - Liberating Software.
- <h1>%1</h1><br/><strong>%2<br/>for %3</strong><br/><br/>Copyright 2014-2015 Teo Mrnjavac <teo@kde.org><br/>Thanks to: Anke Boersma, Aurélien Gâteau, Kevin Kofler, Philip Müller, Pier Luigi Fiorini and Rohan Garg.<br/><br/><a href="http://calamares.io/">Calamares</a> development is sponsored by <br/><a href="http://www.blue-systems.com/">Blue Systems</a> - Liberating Software.
- %1 support
- %1 support
- Form
- Form
- &Release notes
- &Release notes
- &Known issues
- &Known issues
- &Support
- &Support
- &About
- &About
- GreetingViewStep
- Welcome
- Welcome
@@ -2152,61 +2114,6 @@ Some file systems need external tools to be installed for them to be supported.
- PreparePage
- For best results, please ensure that this computer:
- For best results, please ensure that this computer:
- This computer does not satisfy the minimum requirements for installing %1.
-Installation cannot continue.
- This computer does not satisfy the minimum requirements for installing %1.
-Installation cannot continue.
- This computer does not satisfy some of the recommended requirements for installing %1.
-Installation can continue, but some features might be disabled.
- This computer does not satisfy some of the recommended requirements for installing %1.
-Installation can continue, but some features might be disabled.
- PrepareViewStep
- Gathering system information...
- Gathering system information...
- has at least %1 GB available drive space
- has at least %1 GB available drive space
- has at least %1 GB working memory
- has at least %1 GB working memory
- is plugged in to a power source
- is plugged in to a power source
- is connected to the Internet
- is connected to the Internet
- Prepare
- Prepare
@@ -2420,6 +2327,54 @@ Installation can continue, but some features might be disabled.
<strong>%3</strong><br/><br/>%1 will be installed on %2.<br/><font color="red">Warning: </font>all data on partition%2 will be lost.
+ RequirementsChecker
+ Gathering system information...
+ Gathering system information...
+ has at least %1 GB available drive space
+ has at least %1 GB available drive space
+ There is not enough drive space. At least %1 GB is required.
+ There is not enough drive space. At least %1 GB is required.
+ has at least %1 GB working memory
+ has at least %1 GB working memory
+ The system does not have enough working memory. At least %1 GB is required.
+ The system does not have enough working memory. At least %1 GB is required.
+ is plugged in to a power source
+ is plugged in to a power source
+ The system is not plugged in to a power source.
+ The system is not plugged in to a power source.
+ is connected to the Internet
+ is connected to the Internet
+ The system is not connected to the Internet.
+ The system is not connected to the Internet.
@@ -2854,4 +2809,65 @@ Installation can continue, but some features might be disabled.
+ WelcomePage
+ Form
+ Form
+ &Language:
+ &Language:
+ &Release notes
+ &Release notes
+ &Known issues
+ &Known issues
+ &Support
+ &Support
+ &About
+ &About
+ <h1>Welcome to the %1 installer.</h1><br/>This program will ask you some questions and set up %2 on your computer.
+ <h1>Welcome to the %1 installer.</h1><br/>This program will ask you some questions and set up %2 on your computer.
+ About %1 installer
+ About %1 installer
+ <h1>%1</h1><br/><strong>%2<br/>for %3</strong><br/><br/>Copyright 2014-2015 Teo Mrnjavac <teo@kde.org><br/>Thanks to: Anke Boersma, Aurélien Gâteau, Kevin Kofler, Philip Müller, Pier Luigi Fiorini and Rohan Garg.<br/><br/><a href="http://calamares.io/">Calamares</a> development is sponsored by <br/><a href="http://www.blue-systems.com/">Blue Systems</a> - Liberating Software.
+ <h1>%1</h1><br/><strong>%2<br/>for %3</strong><br/><br/>Copyright 2014-2015 Teo Mrnjavac <teo@kde.org><br/>Thanks to: Anke Boersma, Aurélien Gâteau, Kevin Kofler, Philip Müller, Pier Luigi Fiorini and Rohan Garg.<br/><br/><a href="http://calamares.io/">Calamares</a> development is sponsored by <br/><a href="http://www.blue-systems.com/">Blue Systems</a> - Liberating Software.
+ %1 support
+ %1 support
+ WelcomeViewStep
+ Welcome
+ Welcome
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/lang/calamares_en_GB.ts b/lang/calamares_en_GB.ts
index f563ff07f..45bd4b58c 100644
--- a/lang/calamares_en_GB.ts
+++ b/lang/calamares_en_GB.ts
@@ -448,6 +448,24 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost.
The file system check on partition %1 failed.
+ CheckerWidget
+ This computer does not satisfy the minimum requirements for installing %1.<br/>Installation cannot continue. <a href="#details">Details...</a>
+ This computer does not satisfy some of the recommended requirements for installing %1.<br/>Installation can continue, but some features might be disabled.
+ For best results, please ensure that this computer:
@@ -1538,62 +1556,6 @@ Some file systems need external tools to be installed for them to be supported.
The installer failed to update partition table on disk '%1'.
- GreetingPage
- <h1>Welcome to the %1 installer.</h1><br/>This program will ask you some questions and set up %2 on your computer.
- <h1>Welcome to the %1 installer.</h1><br/>This program will ask you some questions and set up %2 on your computer.
- About %1 installer
- About %1 installer
- <h1>%1</h1><br/><strong>%2<br/>for %3</strong><br/><br/>Copyright 2014-2015 Teo Mrnjavac <teo@kde.org><br/>Thanks to: Anke Boersma, Aurélien Gâteau, Kevin Kofler, Philip Müller, Pier Luigi Fiorini and Rohan Garg.<br/><br/><a href="http://calamares.io/">Calamares</a> development is sponsored by <br/><a href="http://www.blue-systems.com/">Blue Systems</a> - Liberating Software.
- <h1>%1</h1><br/><strong>%2<br/>for %3</strong><br/><br/>Copyright 2014-2015 Teo Mrnjavac <teo@kde.org><br/>Thanks to: Anke Boersma, Aurélien Gâteau, Kevin Kofler, Philip Müller, Pier Luigi Fiorini and Rohan Garg.<br/><br/><a href="http://calamares.io/">Calamares</a> development is sponsored by <br/><a href="http://www.blue-systems.com/">Blue Systems</a> - Liberating Software.
- %1 support
- %1 support
- Form
- Form
- &Release notes
- &Release notes
- &Known issues
- &Known issues
- &Support
- &Support
- &About
- &About
- GreetingViewStep
- Welcome
- Welcome
@@ -2152,61 +2114,6 @@ Some file systems need external tools to be installed for them to be supported.
- PreparePage
- For best results, please ensure that this computer:
- For best results, please ensure that this computer:
- This computer does not satisfy the minimum requirements for installing %1.
-Installation cannot continue.
- This computer does not satisfy the minimum requirements for installing %1.
-Installation cannot continue.
- This computer does not satisfy some of the recommended requirements for installing %1.
-Installation can continue, but some features might be disabled.
- This computer does not satisfy some of the recommended requirements for installing %1.
-Installation can continue, but some features might be disabled.
- PrepareViewStep
- Gathering system information...
- Gathering system information...
- has at least %1 GB available drive space
- has at least %1 GB available drive space
- has at least %1 GB working memory
- has at least %1 GB working memory
- is plugged in to a power source
- is plugged in to a power source
- is connected to the Internet
- is connected to the Internet
- Prepare
- Prepare
@@ -2420,6 +2327,54 @@ Installation can continue, but some features might be disabled.
<strong>%3</strong><br/><br/>%1 will be installed on %2.<br/><font color="red">Warning: </font>all data on partition%2 will be lost.
+ RequirementsChecker
+ Gathering system information...
+ has at least %1 GB available drive space
+ There is not enough drive space. At least %1 GB is required.
+ has at least %1 GB working memory
+ The system does not have enough working memory. At least %1 GB is required.
+ is plugged in to a power source
+ The system is not plugged in to a power source.
+ is connected to the Internet
+ The system is not connected to the Internet.
@@ -2854,4 +2809,65 @@ Installation can continue, but some features might be disabled.
+ WelcomePage
+ Form
+ &Language:
+ &Release notes
+ &Known issues
+ &Support
+ &About
+ <h1>Welcome to the %1 installer.</h1><br/>This program will ask you some questions and set up %2 on your computer.
+ About %1 installer
+ <h1>%1</h1><br/><strong>%2<br/>for %3</strong><br/><br/>Copyright 2014-2015 Teo Mrnjavac <teo@kde.org><br/>Thanks to: Anke Boersma, Aurélien Gâteau, Kevin Kofler, Philip Müller, Pier Luigi Fiorini and Rohan Garg.<br/><br/><a href="http://calamares.io/">Calamares</a> development is sponsored by <br/><a href="http://www.blue-systems.com/">Blue Systems</a> - Liberating Software.
+ %1 support
+ WelcomeViewStep
+ Welcome
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/lang/calamares_es.ts b/lang/calamares_es.ts
index cdbf4c527..51ded2af5 100644
--- a/lang/calamares_es.ts
+++ b/lang/calamares_es.ts
@@ -448,6 +448,24 @@ Saldrá del instalador y se perderán todos los cambios.
La verificación del sistema de archivos en la partición %1 ha fallado.
+ CheckerWidget
+ This computer does not satisfy the minimum requirements for installing %1.<br/>Installation cannot continue. <a href="#details">Details...</a>
+ This computer does not satisfy some of the recommended requirements for installing %1.<br/>Installation can continue, but some features might be disabled.
+ For best results, please ensure that this computer:
@@ -1538,62 +1556,6 @@ Algunos sistemas de archivos requieren de la instalación de herramientas extern
El instalador falló al actualizar la tabla de particiones del disco '%1'.
- GreetingPage
- <h1>Welcome to the %1 installer.</h1><br/>This program will ask you some questions and set up %2 on your computer.
- <h1>Bienvenido al instalador %1.</h1><br/>Este programa le hará algunas preguntas y configurará %2 en su computadora.
- About %1 installer
- Acerca del instalador de %1
- <h1>%1</h1><br/><strong>%2<br/>for %3</strong><br/><br/>Copyright 2014-2015 Teo Mrnjavac <teo@kde.org><br/>Thanks to: Anke Boersma, Aurélien Gâteau, Kevin Kofler, Philip Müller, Pier Luigi Fiorini and Rohan Garg.<br/><br/><a href="http://calamares.io/">Calamares</a> development is sponsored by <br/><a href="http://www.blue-systems.com/">Blue Systems</a> - Liberating Software.
- %1 support
- Form
- Formulario
- &Release notes
- &Known issues
- &Support
- &About
- &Acerca de
- GreetingViewStep
- Welcome
- Bienvenido
@@ -2152,61 +2114,6 @@ Algunos sistemas de archivos requieren de la instalación de herramientas extern
- PreparePage
- For best results, please ensure that this computer:
- Para obtener mejores resultados, verifique que este equipo:
- This computer does not satisfy the minimum requirements for installing %1.
-Installation cannot continue.
- Este equipo no satisface los requisitos mínimos de instalación %1.
-La instalación no puede continuar.
- This computer does not satisfy some of the recommended requirements for installing %1.
-Installation can continue, but some features might be disabled.
- Este equipo no cumple alguno de los requisitos recomendados de la instalación %1.
-La instalación puede continuar pero algunas características podrían no estar disponibles.
- PrepareViewStep
- Gathering system information...
- Obteniendo información del sistema...
- has at least %1 GB available drive space
- tiene al menos %1 GB de espacio de unidad disponible
- has at least %1 GB working memory
- tiene al menos %1 GB de memoria para trabajar
- is plugged in to a power source
- está conectado a una fuente de energía
- is connected to the Internet
- está conectado a Internet
- Prepare
- Preparar
@@ -2420,6 +2327,54 @@ La instalación puede continuar pero algunas características podrían no estar
+ RequirementsChecker
+ Gathering system information...
+ has at least %1 GB available drive space
+ There is not enough drive space. At least %1 GB is required.
+ has at least %1 GB working memory
+ The system does not have enough working memory. At least %1 GB is required.
+ is plugged in to a power source
+ The system is not plugged in to a power source.
+ is connected to the Internet
+ The system is not connected to the Internet.
@@ -2854,4 +2809,65 @@ La instalación puede continuar pero algunas características podrían no estar
+ WelcomePage
+ Form
+ &Language:
+ &Release notes
+ &Known issues
+ &Support
+ &About
+ <h1>Welcome to the %1 installer.</h1><br/>This program will ask you some questions and set up %2 on your computer.
+ About %1 installer
+ <h1>%1</h1><br/><strong>%2<br/>for %3</strong><br/><br/>Copyright 2014-2015 Teo Mrnjavac <teo@kde.org><br/>Thanks to: Anke Boersma, Aurélien Gâteau, Kevin Kofler, Philip Müller, Pier Luigi Fiorini and Rohan Garg.<br/><br/><a href="http://calamares.io/">Calamares</a> development is sponsored by <br/><a href="http://www.blue-systems.com/">Blue Systems</a> - Liberating Software.
+ %1 support
+ WelcomeViewStep
+ Welcome
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/lang/calamares_es_ES.ts b/lang/calamares_es_ES.ts
index f6a14ce6d..bdd418657 100644
--- a/lang/calamares_es_ES.ts
+++ b/lang/calamares_es_ES.ts
@@ -448,6 +448,24 @@ El instalador se cerrará y se perderán todos los cambios.
La verificación del sistema de ficheros de la partición %1 ha fallado.
+ CheckerWidget
+ This computer does not satisfy the minimum requirements for installing %1.<br/>Installation cannot continue. <a href="#details">Details...</a>
+ This computer does not satisfy some of the recommended requirements for installing %1.<br/>Installation can continue, but some features might be disabled.
+ For best results, please ensure that this computer:
@@ -1538,62 +1556,6 @@ Algunos sistemas de ficheros necesitan instalar herramientas externas para ser s
El instalador no ha podido actualizar la tabla de particiones en el disco '%1'.
- GreetingPage
- <h1>Welcome to the %1 installer.</h1><br/>This program will ask you some questions and set up %2 on your computer.
- <h1>Bienvenido al instalador de %1.</h1><br/>El programa te hará algunas preguntas y configurará %2 en tu ordenador.
- About %1 installer
- Sobre el instalador %1
- <h1>%1</h1><br/><strong>%2<br/>for %3</strong><br/><br/>Copyright 2014-2015 Teo Mrnjavac <teo@kde.org><br/>Thanks to: Anke Boersma, Aurélien Gâteau, Kevin Kofler, Philip Müller, Pier Luigi Fiorini and Rohan Garg.<br/><br/><a href="http://calamares.io/">Calamares</a> development is sponsored by <br/><a href="http://www.blue-systems.com/">Blue Systems</a> - Liberating Software.
- %1 support
- Soporte %1
- Form
- Formulario
- &Release notes
- Notas de lanzamiento
- &Known issues
- Problemas conocidos
- &Support
- &Soporte
- &About
- Sobre
- GreetingViewStep
- Welcome
- Bienvenido
@@ -2152,61 +2114,6 @@ Algunos sistemas de ficheros necesitan instalar herramientas externas para ser s
- PreparePage
- For best results, please ensure that this computer:
- Para un mejor resultado asegurate que este ordenador:
- This computer does not satisfy the minimum requirements for installing %1.
-Installation cannot continue.
- El ordenador no cumple con los requisitos mínimos para la instalación &1.
-No se puede continuar con la instalación.
- This computer does not satisfy some of the recommended requirements for installing %1.
-Installation can continue, but some features might be disabled.
- El ordenador no cumple con alguno de los requisitos recomendados para la instalación &1.
-Se puede continuar con la instalación pero algunas de las características pueden no estás disponibles.
- PrepareViewStep
- Gathering system information...
- Recogiendo información sobre el sistema...
- has at least %1 GB available drive space
- Tenga disponibles por lo menos %1 GB libres
- has at least %1 GB working memory
- Tenga disponibles por lo menos %1 GB de memoria
- is plugged in to a power source
- está enchufado a la corriente
- is connected to the Internet
- esté conectado a internet
- Prepare
- Preparar
@@ -2420,6 +2327,54 @@ Se puede continuar con la instalación pero algunas de las características pued
<strong>%3</strong><br/><br/>%1 se instalará en %2.<br/><font color="red">Aviso: </font>se eliminaran todos los datos de la partición %2.
+ RequirementsChecker
+ Gathering system information...
+ has at least %1 GB available drive space
+ There is not enough drive space. At least %1 GB is required.
+ has at least %1 GB working memory
+ The system does not have enough working memory. At least %1 GB is required.
+ is plugged in to a power source
+ The system is not plugged in to a power source.
+ is connected to the Internet
+ The system is not connected to the Internet.
@@ -2854,4 +2809,65 @@ Se puede continuar con la instalación pero algunas de las características pued
+ WelcomePage
+ Form
+ &Language:
+ &Release notes
+ &Known issues
+ &Support
+ &About
+ <h1>Welcome to the %1 installer.</h1><br/>This program will ask you some questions and set up %2 on your computer.
+ About %1 installer
+ <h1>%1</h1><br/><strong>%2<br/>for %3</strong><br/><br/>Copyright 2014-2015 Teo Mrnjavac <teo@kde.org><br/>Thanks to: Anke Boersma, Aurélien Gâteau, Kevin Kofler, Philip Müller, Pier Luigi Fiorini and Rohan Garg.<br/><br/><a href="http://calamares.io/">Calamares</a> development is sponsored by <br/><a href="http://www.blue-systems.com/">Blue Systems</a> - Liberating Software.
+ %1 support
+ WelcomeViewStep
+ Welcome
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/lang/calamares_es_MX.ts b/lang/calamares_es_MX.ts
index 8f1e6a51c..da7031e27 100644
--- a/lang/calamares_es_MX.ts
+++ b/lang/calamares_es_MX.ts
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
With this operation, the partition <strong>%1</strong> which contains %4 will be shrunk to %2MB and a new %3MB partition will be created for %5.
+ Con esta operación, la partición <strong>%1</strong>, que contiene %4 será reducida a %2MB y una nueva partición de %3MB será creada para %5.
@@ -370,7 +370,7 @@ El instalador terminará y se perderán todos los cambios.
Continue with setup?
+ Continuar con la instalación?
@@ -380,12 +380,12 @@ El instalador terminará y se perderán todos los cambios.
&Install now
+ &Instalar ahoraGo &back
+ &Regresar
@@ -452,6 +452,24 @@ El instalador terminará y se perderán todos los cambios.
La verificación del sistema de archivos en la partición %1. ha fallado.
+ CheckerWidget
+ This computer does not satisfy the minimum requirements for installing %1.<br/>Installation cannot continue. <a href="#details">Details...</a>
+ This computer does not satisfy some of the recommended requirements for installing %1.<br/>Installation can continue, but some features might be disabled.
+ For best results, please ensure that this computer:
@@ -1094,12 +1112,12 @@ El instalador terminará y se perderán todos los cambios.
Delete partition %1.
+ Eliminar la partición %1.Delete partition <strong>%1</strong>.
+ Eliminar la partición <strong>%1</strong>.
@@ -1543,62 +1561,6 @@ Para soportar algunos archivos de sistema se necesitan instalar herramientas ext
El instalador falló al actualizar la tabla de partición en el disco '%1'.
- GreetingPage
- <h1>Welcome to the %1 installer.</h1><br/>This program will ask you some questions and set up %2 on your computer.
- <h1>Bienvenido al instalador de %1.</h1><br/>El programa te hará algunas preguntas y configurará %2 en tu equipo.
- About %1 installer
- Acerca del instalador %1
- <h1>%1</h1><br/><strong>%2<br/>for %3</strong><br/><br/>Copyright 2014-2015 Teo Mrnjavac <teo@kde.org><br/>Thanks to: Anke Boersma, Aurélien Gâteau, Kevin Kofler, Philip Müller, Pier Luigi Fiorini and Rohan Garg.<br/><br/><a href="http://calamares.io/">Calamares</a> development is sponsored by <br/><a href="http://www.blue-systems.com/">Blue Systems</a> - Liberating Software.
- %1 support
- Form
- Forma
- &Release notes
- &Known issues
- &Support
- &About
- &Acerca de
- GreetingViewStep
- Welcome
- Bienvenido
@@ -2157,61 +2119,6 @@ Para soportar algunos archivos de sistema se necesitan instalar herramientas ext
- PreparePage
- For best results, please ensure that this computer:
- Para mejores resultados, por favor verifique que esta computadora:
- This computer does not satisfy the minimum requirements for installing %1.
-Installation cannot continue.
- Esta computadora no cumple los requisitos mínimos de instalación %1.
-La instalación no puede continuar.
- This computer does not satisfy some of the recommended requirements for installing %1.
-Installation can continue, but some features might be disabled.
- Esta computadora no cumple alguno de los requisitos recomendados de la instalación %1.
-La instalación puede continuar pero algunas características podrían no estar disponibles.
- PrepareViewStep
- Gathering system information...
- Obteniendo información del sistema...
- has at least %1 GB available drive space
- tiene al menos %1 GB de espacio en disco disponible
- has at least %1 GB working memory
- tiene al menos %1 GB de memoria para trabajar
- is plugged in to a power source
- está conectado a una fuente de energía
- is connected to the Internet
- Está conectado a Internet
- Prepare
- Preparar
@@ -2427,6 +2334,54 @@ Formulario de &comprobación:
+ RequirementsChecker
+ Gathering system information...
+ has at least %1 GB available drive space
+ There is not enough drive space. At least %1 GB is required.
+ has at least %1 GB working memory
+ The system does not have enough working memory. At least %1 GB is required.
+ is plugged in to a power source
+ The system is not plugged in to a power source.
+ is connected to the Internet
+ The system is not connected to the Internet.
@@ -2861,4 +2816,65 @@ Formulario de &comprobación:
+ WelcomePage
+ Form
+ &Language:
+ &Release notes
+ &Known issues
+ &Support
+ &About
+ <h1>Welcome to the %1 installer.</h1><br/>This program will ask you some questions and set up %2 on your computer.
+ About %1 installer
+ <h1>%1</h1><br/><strong>%2<br/>for %3</strong><br/><br/>Copyright 2014-2015 Teo Mrnjavac <teo@kde.org><br/>Thanks to: Anke Boersma, Aurélien Gâteau, Kevin Kofler, Philip Müller, Pier Luigi Fiorini and Rohan Garg.<br/><br/><a href="http://calamares.io/">Calamares</a> development is sponsored by <br/><a href="http://www.blue-systems.com/">Blue Systems</a> - Liberating Software.
+ %1 support
+ WelcomeViewStep
+ Welcome
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/lang/calamares_es_PR.ts b/lang/calamares_es_PR.ts
index b5c69d716..7ccde241d 100644
--- a/lang/calamares_es_PR.ts
+++ b/lang/calamares_es_PR.ts
@@ -447,6 +447,24 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost.
+ CheckerWidget
+ This computer does not satisfy the minimum requirements for installing %1.<br/>Installation cannot continue. <a href="#details">Details...</a>
+ This computer does not satisfy some of the recommended requirements for installing %1.<br/>Installation can continue, but some features might be disabled.
+ For best results, please ensure that this computer:
@@ -1536,62 +1554,6 @@ Some file systems need external tools to be installed for them to be supported.
- GreetingPage
- <h1>Welcome to the %1 installer.</h1><br/>This program will ask you some questions and set up %2 on your computer.
- About %1 installer
- <h1>%1</h1><br/><strong>%2<br/>for %3</strong><br/><br/>Copyright 2014-2015 Teo Mrnjavac <teo@kde.org><br/>Thanks to: Anke Boersma, Aurélien Gâteau, Kevin Kofler, Philip Müller, Pier Luigi Fiorini and Rohan Garg.<br/><br/><a href="http://calamares.io/">Calamares</a> development is sponsored by <br/><a href="http://www.blue-systems.com/">Blue Systems</a> - Liberating Software.
- %1 support
- Form
- &Release notes
- &Known issues
- &Support
- &About
- GreetingViewStep
- Welcome
@@ -2150,59 +2112,6 @@ Some file systems need external tools to be installed for them to be supported.
- PreparePage
- For best results, please ensure that this computer:
- This computer does not satisfy the minimum requirements for installing %1.
-Installation cannot continue.
- This computer does not satisfy some of the recommended requirements for installing %1.
-Installation can continue, but some features might be disabled.
- PrepareViewStep
- Gathering system information...
- has at least %1 GB available drive space
- has at least %1 GB working memory
- is plugged in to a power source
- is connected to the Internet
- Prepare
@@ -2416,6 +2325,54 @@ Installation can continue, but some features might be disabled.
+ RequirementsChecker
+ Gathering system information...
+ has at least %1 GB available drive space
+ There is not enough drive space. At least %1 GB is required.
+ has at least %1 GB working memory
+ The system does not have enough working memory. At least %1 GB is required.
+ is plugged in to a power source
+ The system is not plugged in to a power source.
+ is connected to the Internet
+ The system is not connected to the Internet.
@@ -2850,4 +2807,65 @@ Installation can continue, but some features might be disabled.
+ WelcomePage
+ Form
+ &Language:
+ &Release notes
+ &Known issues
+ &Support
+ &About
+ <h1>Welcome to the %1 installer.</h1><br/>This program will ask you some questions and set up %2 on your computer.
+ About %1 installer
+ <h1>%1</h1><br/><strong>%2<br/>for %3</strong><br/><br/>Copyright 2014-2015 Teo Mrnjavac <teo@kde.org><br/>Thanks to: Anke Boersma, Aurélien Gâteau, Kevin Kofler, Philip Müller, Pier Luigi Fiorini and Rohan Garg.<br/><br/><a href="http://calamares.io/">Calamares</a> development is sponsored by <br/><a href="http://www.blue-systems.com/">Blue Systems</a> - Liberating Software.
+ %1 support
+ WelcomeViewStep
+ Welcome
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/lang/calamares_et.ts b/lang/calamares_et.ts
index 08bfd269a..c6eec52f1 100644
--- a/lang/calamares_et.ts
+++ b/lang/calamares_et.ts
@@ -425,6 +425,24 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost.
+ CheckerWidget
+ This computer does not satisfy the minimum requirements for installing %1.<br/>Installation cannot continue. <a href="#details">Details...</a>
+ This computer does not satisfy some of the recommended requirements for installing %1.<br/>Installation can continue, but some features might be disabled.
+ For best results, please ensure that this computer:
@@ -1514,62 +1532,6 @@ Some file systems need external tools to be installed for them to be supported.
- GreetingPage
- <h1>Welcome to the %1 installer.</h1><br/>This program will ask you some questions and set up %2 on your computer.
- About %1 installer
- <h1>%1</h1><br/><strong>%2<br/>for %3</strong><br/><br/>Copyright 2014-2015 Teo Mrnjavac <teo@kde.org><br/>Thanks to: Anke Boersma, Aurélien Gâteau, Kevin Kofler, Philip Müller, Pier Luigi Fiorini and Rohan Garg.<br/><br/><a href="http://calamares.io/">Calamares</a> development is sponsored by <br/><a href="http://www.blue-systems.com/">Blue Systems</a> - Liberating Software.
- %1 support
- Form
- &Release notes
- &Known issues
- &Support
- &About
- GreetingViewStep
- Welcome
@@ -2128,59 +2090,6 @@ Some file systems need external tools to be installed for them to be supported.
- PreparePage
- For best results, please ensure that this computer:
- This computer does not satisfy the minimum requirements for installing %1.
-Installation cannot continue.
- This computer does not satisfy some of the recommended requirements for installing %1.
-Installation can continue, but some features might be disabled.
- PrepareViewStep
- Gathering system information...
- has at least %1 GB available drive space
- has at least %1 GB working memory
- is plugged in to a power source
- is connected to the Internet
- Prepare
@@ -2394,6 +2303,54 @@ Installation can continue, but some features might be disabled.
+ RequirementsChecker
+ Gathering system information...
+ has at least %1 GB available drive space
+ There is not enough drive space. At least %1 GB is required.
+ has at least %1 GB working memory
+ The system does not have enough working memory. At least %1 GB is required.
+ is plugged in to a power source
+ The system is not plugged in to a power source.
+ is connected to the Internet
+ The system is not connected to the Internet.
@@ -2828,4 +2785,65 @@ Installation can continue, but some features might be disabled.
+ WelcomePage
+ Form
+ &Language:
+ &Release notes
+ &Known issues
+ &Support
+ &About
+ <h1>Welcome to the %1 installer.</h1><br/>This program will ask you some questions and set up %2 on your computer.
+ About %1 installer
+ <h1>%1</h1><br/><strong>%2<br/>for %3</strong><br/><br/>Copyright 2014-2015 Teo Mrnjavac <teo@kde.org><br/>Thanks to: Anke Boersma, Aurélien Gâteau, Kevin Kofler, Philip Müller, Pier Luigi Fiorini and Rohan Garg.<br/><br/><a href="http://calamares.io/">Calamares</a> development is sponsored by <br/><a href="http://www.blue-systems.com/">Blue Systems</a> - Liberating Software.
+ %1 support
+ WelcomeViewStep
+ Welcome
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/lang/calamares_eu.ts b/lang/calamares_eu.ts
index 3ff2dc83c..5de432b97 100644
--- a/lang/calamares_eu.ts
+++ b/lang/calamares_eu.ts
@@ -445,6 +445,24 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost.
%1 partizioko fitxategi sistemaren aztertketak huts egin du.
+ CheckerWidget
+ This computer does not satisfy the minimum requirements for installing %1.<br/>Installation cannot continue. <a href="#details">Details...</a>
+ This computer does not satisfy some of the recommended requirements for installing %1.<br/>Installation can continue, but some features might be disabled.
+ For best results, please ensure that this computer:
@@ -1534,62 +1552,6 @@ Some file systems need external tools to be installed for them to be supported.
- GreetingPage
- <h1>Welcome to the %1 installer.</h1><br/>This program will ask you some questions and set up %2 on your computer.
- About %1 installer
- <h1>%1</h1><br/><strong>%2<br/>for %3</strong><br/><br/>Copyright 2014-2015 Teo Mrnjavac <teo@kde.org><br/>Thanks to: Anke Boersma, Aurélien Gâteau, Kevin Kofler, Philip Müller, Pier Luigi Fiorini and Rohan Garg.<br/><br/><a href="http://calamares.io/">Calamares</a> development is sponsored by <br/><a href="http://www.blue-systems.com/">Blue Systems</a> - Liberating Software.
- %1 support
- Form
- &Release notes
- &Known issues
- &Support
- &About
- GreetingViewStep
- Welcome
@@ -2148,59 +2110,6 @@ Some file systems need external tools to be installed for them to be supported.
- PreparePage
- For best results, please ensure that this computer:
- This computer does not satisfy the minimum requirements for installing %1.
-Installation cannot continue.
- This computer does not satisfy some of the recommended requirements for installing %1.
-Installation can continue, but some features might be disabled.
- PrepareViewStep
- Gathering system information...
- has at least %1 GB available drive space
- has at least %1 GB working memory
- is plugged in to a power source
- is connected to the Internet
- Prepare
@@ -2414,6 +2323,54 @@ Installation can continue, but some features might be disabled.
+ RequirementsChecker
+ Gathering system information...
+ has at least %1 GB available drive space
+ There is not enough drive space. At least %1 GB is required.
+ has at least %1 GB working memory
+ The system does not have enough working memory. At least %1 GB is required.
+ is plugged in to a power source
+ The system is not plugged in to a power source.
+ is connected to the Internet
+ The system is not connected to the Internet.
@@ -2848,4 +2805,65 @@ Installation can continue, but some features might be disabled.
+ WelcomePage
+ Form
+ &Language:
+ &Release notes
+ &Known issues
+ &Support
+ &About
+ <h1>Welcome to the %1 installer.</h1><br/>This program will ask you some questions and set up %2 on your computer.
+ About %1 installer
+ <h1>%1</h1><br/><strong>%2<br/>for %3</strong><br/><br/>Copyright 2014-2015 Teo Mrnjavac <teo@kde.org><br/>Thanks to: Anke Boersma, Aurélien Gâteau, Kevin Kofler, Philip Müller, Pier Luigi Fiorini and Rohan Garg.<br/><br/><a href="http://calamares.io/">Calamares</a> development is sponsored by <br/><a href="http://www.blue-systems.com/">Blue Systems</a> - Liberating Software.
+ %1 support
+ WelcomeViewStep
+ Welcome
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/lang/calamares_fa.ts b/lang/calamares_fa.ts
index 72a51f259..c328e7d9d 100644
--- a/lang/calamares_fa.ts
+++ b/lang/calamares_fa.ts
@@ -425,6 +425,24 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost.
+ CheckerWidget
+ This computer does not satisfy the minimum requirements for installing %1.<br/>Installation cannot continue. <a href="#details">Details...</a>
+ This computer does not satisfy some of the recommended requirements for installing %1.<br/>Installation can continue, but some features might be disabled.
+ For best results, please ensure that this computer:
@@ -1514,62 +1532,6 @@ Some file systems need external tools to be installed for them to be supported.
- GreetingPage
- <h1>Welcome to the %1 installer.</h1><br/>This program will ask you some questions and set up %2 on your computer.
- About %1 installer
- <h1>%1</h1><br/><strong>%2<br/>for %3</strong><br/><br/>Copyright 2014-2015 Teo Mrnjavac <teo@kde.org><br/>Thanks to: Anke Boersma, Aurélien Gâteau, Kevin Kofler, Philip Müller, Pier Luigi Fiorini and Rohan Garg.<br/><br/><a href="http://calamares.io/">Calamares</a> development is sponsored by <br/><a href="http://www.blue-systems.com/">Blue Systems</a> - Liberating Software.
- %1 support
- Form
- &Release notes
- &Known issues
- &Support
- &About
- GreetingViewStep
- Welcome
@@ -2128,59 +2090,6 @@ Some file systems need external tools to be installed for them to be supported.
- PreparePage
- For best results, please ensure that this computer:
- This computer does not satisfy the minimum requirements for installing %1.
-Installation cannot continue.
- This computer does not satisfy some of the recommended requirements for installing %1.
-Installation can continue, but some features might be disabled.
- PrepareViewStep
- Gathering system information...
- has at least %1 GB available drive space
- has at least %1 GB working memory
- is plugged in to a power source
- is connected to the Internet
- Prepare
@@ -2394,6 +2303,54 @@ Installation can continue, but some features might be disabled.
+ RequirementsChecker
+ Gathering system information...
+ has at least %1 GB available drive space
+ There is not enough drive space. At least %1 GB is required.
+ has at least %1 GB working memory
+ The system does not have enough working memory. At least %1 GB is required.
+ is plugged in to a power source
+ The system is not plugged in to a power source.
+ is connected to the Internet
+ The system is not connected to the Internet.
@@ -2828,4 +2785,65 @@ Installation can continue, but some features might be disabled.
+ WelcomePage
+ Form
+ &Language:
+ &Release notes
+ &Known issues
+ &Support
+ &About
+ <h1>Welcome to the %1 installer.</h1><br/>This program will ask you some questions and set up %2 on your computer.
+ About %1 installer
+ <h1>%1</h1><br/><strong>%2<br/>for %3</strong><br/><br/>Copyright 2014-2015 Teo Mrnjavac <teo@kde.org><br/>Thanks to: Anke Boersma, Aurélien Gâteau, Kevin Kofler, Philip Müller, Pier Luigi Fiorini and Rohan Garg.<br/><br/><a href="http://calamares.io/">Calamares</a> development is sponsored by <br/><a href="http://www.blue-systems.com/">Blue Systems</a> - Liberating Software.
+ %1 support
+ WelcomeViewStep
+ Welcome
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/lang/calamares_fi_FI.ts b/lang/calamares_fi_FI.ts
index 2fb7719a5..67d7df6c8 100644
--- a/lang/calamares_fi_FI.ts
+++ b/lang/calamares_fi_FI.ts
@@ -448,6 +448,24 @@ Asennusohjelma sulkeutuu ja kaikki muutoksesi katoavat.
Tiedostojärjestelmän tarkistus osiolla %1 epäonnistui.
+ CheckerWidget
+ This computer does not satisfy the minimum requirements for installing %1.<br/>Installation cannot continue. <a href="#details">Details...</a>
+ This computer does not satisfy some of the recommended requirements for installing %1.<br/>Installation can continue, but some features might be disabled.
+ For best results, please ensure that this computer:
@@ -1538,62 +1556,6 @@ Jotkin tiedostojärjestelmät vaativat ulkoisia työkaluja jotta ovat tuettuja.
Asennusohjelma on epäonnistunut osiointitaulun päivityksessä levylle '%1'.
- GreetingPage
- <h1>Welcome to the %1 installer.</h1><br/>This program will ask you some questions and set up %2 on your computer.
- <h1>Tervetuloa %1:n asnnukseen.</h1><br/>Ohjelma kysyy sinulta muutamia kysymyksiä ja asentaa %2:n tietokoneellesi.
- About %1 installer
- Tietoa %1 asennusohjelmasta
- <h1>%1</h1><br/><strong>%2<br/>for %3</strong><br/><br/>Copyright 2014-2015 Teo Mrnjavac <teo@kde.org><br/>Thanks to: Anke Boersma, Aurélien Gâteau, Kevin Kofler, Philip Müller, Pier Luigi Fiorini and Rohan Garg.<br/><br/><a href="http://calamares.io/">Calamares</a> development is sponsored by <br/><a href="http://www.blue-systems.com/">Blue Systems</a> - Liberating Software.
- %1 support
- Form
- Lomake
- &Release notes
- &Known issues
- &Support
- &About
- &Tietoa
- GreetingViewStep
- Welcome
- Tervetuloa
@@ -2152,60 +2114,6 @@ Jotkin tiedostojärjestelmät vaativat ulkoisia työkaluja jotta ovat tuettuja.
- PreparePage
- For best results, please ensure that this computer:
- Saadaksesi parhaan lopputuloksen, tarkista että tämä tietokone:
- This computer does not satisfy the minimum requirements for installing %1.
-Installation cannot continue.
- Tämä tietokone ei täytä vähittäisvaatimuksia asennukseen %1. Asennusta ei voida jatkaa.
- This computer does not satisfy some of the recommended requirements for installing %1.
-Installation can continue, but some features might be disabled.
- Tämä tietokone ei täytä vähittäisvaatimuksia asennukseen %1.
-Asennusta voidaan jatkaa, mutta joitakin ominaisuuksia voi olla kytketty pois.
- PrepareViewStep
- Gathering system information...
- Kerätään järjestelmän tietoja...
- has at least %1 GB available drive space
- sisältää vähintään %1 GB käytettävissä olevaa asematilaa
- has at least %1 GB working memory
- sisältää vähintään %1 GB muistia
- is plugged in to a power source
- on yhdistetty virtalähteeseen
- is connected to the Internet
- on yhdistetty internetiin
- Prepare
- Valmistele
@@ -2419,6 +2327,54 @@ Asennusta voidaan jatkaa, mutta joitakin ominaisuuksia voi olla kytketty pois.
+ RequirementsChecker
+ Gathering system information...
+ has at least %1 GB available drive space
+ There is not enough drive space. At least %1 GB is required.
+ has at least %1 GB working memory
+ The system does not have enough working memory. At least %1 GB is required.
+ is plugged in to a power source
+ The system is not plugged in to a power source.
+ is connected to the Internet
+ The system is not connected to the Internet.
@@ -2853,4 +2809,65 @@ Asennusta voidaan jatkaa, mutta joitakin ominaisuuksia voi olla kytketty pois.
+ WelcomePage
+ Form
+ &Language:
+ &Release notes
+ &Known issues
+ &Support
+ &About
+ <h1>Welcome to the %1 installer.</h1><br/>This program will ask you some questions and set up %2 on your computer.
+ About %1 installer
+ <h1>%1</h1><br/><strong>%2<br/>for %3</strong><br/><br/>Copyright 2014-2015 Teo Mrnjavac <teo@kde.org><br/>Thanks to: Anke Boersma, Aurélien Gâteau, Kevin Kofler, Philip Müller, Pier Luigi Fiorini and Rohan Garg.<br/><br/><a href="http://calamares.io/">Calamares</a> development is sponsored by <br/><a href="http://www.blue-systems.com/">Blue Systems</a> - Liberating Software.
+ %1 support
+ WelcomeViewStep
+ Welcome
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/lang/calamares_fr.ts b/lang/calamares_fr.ts
index 588fb6cb3..476909e37 100644
--- a/lang/calamares_fr.ts
+++ b/lang/calamares_fr.ts
@@ -448,6 +448,24 @@ L'installateur se fermera et les changements seront perdus.
La vérification du système de fichiers sur la partition %1 a échoué.
+ CheckerWidget
+ This computer does not satisfy the minimum requirements for installing %1.<br/>Installation cannot continue. <a href="#details">Details...</a>
+ Cet ordinateur ne satisfait pas les minimum prérequis pour installer %1.<br/>L'installation ne peut pas continuer. <a href="#details">Détails...</a>
+ This computer does not satisfy some of the recommended requirements for installing %1.<br/>Installation can continue, but some features might be disabled.
+ Cet ordinateur ne satisfait pas certains des prérequis recommandés pour installer %1.<br/>L'installation peut continuer, mais certaines fonctionnalités pourraient être désactivées.
+ For best results, please ensure that this computer:
+ Pour de meilleur résultats, merci de s'assurer que cet ordinateur :
@@ -1538,62 +1556,6 @@ Certains systèmes de fichiers nécessitent l'installation d'outils ex
Le programme d'installation n'a pu mettre à jour la table de partitionnement sur le disque '%1'.
- GreetingPage
- <h1>Welcome to the %1 installer.</h1><br/>This program will ask you some questions and set up %2 on your computer.
- <h1>Bienvenue sur le programme d'installation %1.</h1><br/>Ce programme va vous poser quelques questions et configurer %2 sur votre ordinateur.
- About %1 installer
- À propos de l'installateur %1
- <h1>%1</h1><br/><strong>%2<br/>for %3</strong><br/><br/>Copyright 2014-2015 Teo Mrnjavac <teo@kde.org><br/>Thanks to: Anke Boersma, Aurélien Gâteau, Kevin Kofler, Philip Müller, Pier Luigi Fiorini and Rohan Garg.<br/><br/><a href="http://calamares.io/">Calamares</a> development is sponsored by <br/><a href="http://www.blue-systems.com/">Blue Systems</a> - Liberating Software.
- <h1>%1</h1><br/><strong>%2<br/>pour %3<br/><br/>Copyright 2014-2015 Teo Mrnjavac <teo@kde.org><br/> Remerciements à : Anke Boersma, Aurélien Gâteau, Kevin Kofler, Philip Müller, Pier Luigi Fiorini et Rohan Garg.<br/><br/>Le développement de <a href="http://calamares.io/">Calamares</a> est sponsorisé par <br/><a href="http://www.blue-systems.com/">Blue Systems</a> - Libère le logiciel.
- %1 support
- Support %1
- Form
- Formulaire
- &Release notes
- &Notes de publications
- &Known issues
- &Problèmes connus
- &Support
- &Support
- &About
- &À propos
- GreetingViewStep
- Welcome
- Bienvenue
@@ -2152,61 +2114,6 @@ Certains systèmes de fichiers nécessitent l'installation d'outils ex
Après :
- PreparePage
- For best results, please ensure that this computer:
- Pour les meilleurs résultats, assurez-vous que cet ordinateur :
- This computer does not satisfy the minimum requirements for installing %1.
-Installation cannot continue.
- Cet ordinateur ne satisfait pas les conditions requises pour installer %1.
-L'installation ne peut pas continuer.
- This computer does not satisfy some of the recommended requirements for installing %1.
-Installation can continue, but some features might be disabled.
- Cet ordinateur ne satisfait pas les conditions requises pour installer %1.
-L'installation peut continuer, mais certaines fonctionnalités peuvent être désactivées.
- PrepareViewStep
- Gathering system information...
- Récupération des informations système...
- has at least %1 GB available drive space
- a au moins %1 Go de d'espace disque disponible
- has at least %1 GB working memory
- a au moins %1 Go de mémoire de travail
- is plugged in to a power source
- est branché à une source de courant
- is connected to the Internet
- est connecté à Internet
- Prepare
- Préparer
@@ -2420,6 +2327,54 @@ L'installation peut continuer, mais certaines fonctionnalités peuvent êtr
<strong>%3</strong><br/><br/>%1 sera installé sur %2. <br/><font color="red">Attention: </font>toutes les données sur la partition %2 seront perdues.
+ RequirementsChecker
+ Gathering system information...
+ Récupération des informations système...
+ has at least %1 GB available drive space
+ a au moins %1 Go d'espace disque disponible
+ There is not enough drive space. At least %1 GB is required.
+ Il n'y a pas assez d'espace disque. Au moins %1 Go sont requis.
+ has at least %1 GB working memory
+ a au moins %1 Go de mémoire vive
+ The system does not have enough working memory. At least %1 GB is required.
+ Le système n'a pas assez de mémoire vive. Au moins %1 Go sont requis.
+ is plugged in to a power source
+ est relié à une source de courant
+ The system is not plugged in to a power source.
+ Le système n'est pas relié à une source de courant.
+ is connected to the Internet
+ est connecté à Internet
+ The system is not connected to the Internet.
+ Le système n'est pas connecté à Internet.
@@ -2854,4 +2809,65 @@ L'installation peut continuer, mais certaines fonctionnalités peuvent êtr
+ WelcomePage
+ Form
+ Formulaire
+ &Language:
+ &Langue:
+ &Release notes
+ &Notes de publication
+ &Known issues
+ &Problèmes connus
+ &Support
+ &Support
+ &About
+ &À propos
+ <h1>Welcome to the %1 installer.</h1><br/>This program will ask you some questions and set up %2 on your computer.
+ <h1>Bienvenue dans l'installateur de %1.</h1><br/>Ce programme vous posera quelques question pour configurer %2 sur votre ordinateur.
+ About %1 installer
+ À propos de l'installateur %1
+ <h1>%1</h1><br/><strong>%2<br/>for %3</strong><br/><br/>Copyright 2014-2015 Teo Mrnjavac <teo@kde.org><br/>Thanks to: Anke Boersma, Aurélien Gâteau, Kevin Kofler, Philip Müller, Pier Luigi Fiorini and Rohan Garg.<br/><br/><a href="http://calamares.io/">Calamares</a> development is sponsored by <br/><a href="http://www.blue-systems.com/">Blue Systems</a> - Liberating Software.
+ <h1>%1</h1><br/><strong>%2<br/>pour %3</strong><br/><br/>Copyright 2014-2015 Teo Mrnjavac <teo@kde.org><br/>Merci à : Anke Boersma, Aurélien Gâteau, Kevin Kofler, Philip Müller, Pier Luigi Fiorini et Rohan Garg.<br/><br/>Le développement de <a href="http://calamares.io/">Calamares</a> est sponsorisé par <br/><a href="http://www.blue-systems.com/">Blue Systems</a> - Libérons le logiciel
+ %1 support
+ Support de %1
+ WelcomeViewStep
+ Welcome
+ Bienvenue
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/lang/calamares_gl.ts b/lang/calamares_gl.ts
index cb0e0a297..56285731c 100644
--- a/lang/calamares_gl.ts
+++ b/lang/calamares_gl.ts
@@ -429,6 +429,24 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost.
+ CheckerWidget
+ This computer does not satisfy the minimum requirements for installing %1.<br/>Installation cannot continue. <a href="#details">Details...</a>
+ This computer does not satisfy some of the recommended requirements for installing %1.<br/>Installation can continue, but some features might be disabled.
+ For best results, please ensure that this computer:
@@ -1518,62 +1536,6 @@ Some file systems need external tools to be installed for them to be supported.
- GreetingPage
- <h1>Welcome to the %1 installer.</h1><br/>This program will ask you some questions and set up %2 on your computer.
- About %1 installer
- <h1>%1</h1><br/><strong>%2<br/>for %3</strong><br/><br/>Copyright 2014-2015 Teo Mrnjavac <teo@kde.org><br/>Thanks to: Anke Boersma, Aurélien Gâteau, Kevin Kofler, Philip Müller, Pier Luigi Fiorini and Rohan Garg.<br/><br/><a href="http://calamares.io/">Calamares</a> development is sponsored by <br/><a href="http://www.blue-systems.com/">Blue Systems</a> - Liberating Software.
- %1 support
- Form
- &Release notes
- &Known issues
- &Support
- &About
- GreetingViewStep
- Welcome
@@ -2132,59 +2094,6 @@ Some file systems need external tools to be installed for them to be supported.
- PreparePage
- For best results, please ensure that this computer:
- This computer does not satisfy the minimum requirements for installing %1.
-Installation cannot continue.
- This computer does not satisfy some of the recommended requirements for installing %1.
-Installation can continue, but some features might be disabled.
- PrepareViewStep
- Gathering system information...
- has at least %1 GB available drive space
- has at least %1 GB working memory
- is plugged in to a power source
- is connected to the Internet
- Prepare
@@ -2398,6 +2307,54 @@ Installation can continue, but some features might be disabled.
+ RequirementsChecker
+ Gathering system information...
+ has at least %1 GB available drive space
+ There is not enough drive space. At least %1 GB is required.
+ has at least %1 GB working memory
+ The system does not have enough working memory. At least %1 GB is required.
+ is plugged in to a power source
+ The system is not plugged in to a power source.
+ is connected to the Internet
+ The system is not connected to the Internet.
@@ -2832,4 +2789,65 @@ Installation can continue, but some features might be disabled.
+ WelcomePage
+ Form
+ &Language:
+ &Release notes
+ &Known issues
+ &Support
+ &About
+ <h1>Welcome to the %1 installer.</h1><br/>This program will ask you some questions and set up %2 on your computer.
+ About %1 installer
+ <h1>%1</h1><br/><strong>%2<br/>for %3</strong><br/><br/>Copyright 2014-2015 Teo Mrnjavac <teo@kde.org><br/>Thanks to: Anke Boersma, Aurélien Gâteau, Kevin Kofler, Philip Müller, Pier Luigi Fiorini and Rohan Garg.<br/><br/><a href="http://calamares.io/">Calamares</a> development is sponsored by <br/><a href="http://www.blue-systems.com/">Blue Systems</a> - Liberating Software.
+ %1 support
+ WelcomeViewStep
+ Welcome
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/lang/calamares_gu.ts b/lang/calamares_gu.ts
index b7c766b7d..1b4a6f0c9 100644
--- a/lang/calamares_gu.ts
+++ b/lang/calamares_gu.ts
@@ -425,6 +425,24 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost.
+ CheckerWidget
+ This computer does not satisfy the minimum requirements for installing %1.<br/>Installation cannot continue. <a href="#details">Details...</a>
+ This computer does not satisfy some of the recommended requirements for installing %1.<br/>Installation can continue, but some features might be disabled.
+ For best results, please ensure that this computer:
@@ -1514,62 +1532,6 @@ Some file systems need external tools to be installed for them to be supported.
- GreetingPage
- <h1>Welcome to the %1 installer.</h1><br/>This program will ask you some questions and set up %2 on your computer.
- About %1 installer
- <h1>%1</h1><br/><strong>%2<br/>for %3</strong><br/><br/>Copyright 2014-2015 Teo Mrnjavac <teo@kde.org><br/>Thanks to: Anke Boersma, Aurélien Gâteau, Kevin Kofler, Philip Müller, Pier Luigi Fiorini and Rohan Garg.<br/><br/><a href="http://calamares.io/">Calamares</a> development is sponsored by <br/><a href="http://www.blue-systems.com/">Blue Systems</a> - Liberating Software.
- %1 support
- Form
- &Release notes
- &Known issues
- &Support
- &About
- GreetingViewStep
- Welcome
@@ -2128,59 +2090,6 @@ Some file systems need external tools to be installed for them to be supported.
- PreparePage
- For best results, please ensure that this computer:
- This computer does not satisfy the minimum requirements for installing %1.
-Installation cannot continue.
- This computer does not satisfy some of the recommended requirements for installing %1.
-Installation can continue, but some features might be disabled.
- PrepareViewStep
- Gathering system information...
- has at least %1 GB available drive space
- has at least %1 GB working memory
- is plugged in to a power source
- is connected to the Internet
- Prepare
@@ -2394,6 +2303,54 @@ Installation can continue, but some features might be disabled.
+ RequirementsChecker
+ Gathering system information...
+ has at least %1 GB available drive space
+ There is not enough drive space. At least %1 GB is required.
+ has at least %1 GB working memory
+ The system does not have enough working memory. At least %1 GB is required.
+ is plugged in to a power source
+ The system is not plugged in to a power source.
+ is connected to the Internet
+ The system is not connected to the Internet.
@@ -2828,4 +2785,65 @@ Installation can continue, but some features might be disabled.
+ WelcomePage
+ Form
+ &Language:
+ &Release notes
+ &Known issues
+ &Support
+ &About
+ <h1>Welcome to the %1 installer.</h1><br/>This program will ask you some questions and set up %2 on your computer.
+ About %1 installer
+ <h1>%1</h1><br/><strong>%2<br/>for %3</strong><br/><br/>Copyright 2014-2015 Teo Mrnjavac <teo@kde.org><br/>Thanks to: Anke Boersma, Aurélien Gâteau, Kevin Kofler, Philip Müller, Pier Luigi Fiorini and Rohan Garg.<br/><br/><a href="http://calamares.io/">Calamares</a> development is sponsored by <br/><a href="http://www.blue-systems.com/">Blue Systems</a> - Liberating Software.
+ %1 support
+ WelcomeViewStep
+ Welcome
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/lang/calamares_hi.ts b/lang/calamares_hi.ts
index 9efd4ac33..0deade417 100644
--- a/lang/calamares_hi.ts
+++ b/lang/calamares_hi.ts
@@ -426,6 +426,24 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost.
+ CheckerWidget
+ This computer does not satisfy the minimum requirements for installing %1.<br/>Installation cannot continue. <a href="#details">Details...</a>
+ This computer does not satisfy some of the recommended requirements for installing %1.<br/>Installation can continue, but some features might be disabled.
+ For best results, please ensure that this computer:
@@ -1515,62 +1533,6 @@ Some file systems need external tools to be installed for them to be supported.
- GreetingPage
- <h1>Welcome to the %1 installer.</h1><br/>This program will ask you some questions and set up %2 on your computer.
- About %1 installer
- <h1>%1</h1><br/><strong>%2<br/>for %3</strong><br/><br/>Copyright 2014-2015 Teo Mrnjavac <teo@kde.org><br/>Thanks to: Anke Boersma, Aurélien Gâteau, Kevin Kofler, Philip Müller, Pier Luigi Fiorini and Rohan Garg.<br/><br/><a href="http://calamares.io/">Calamares</a> development is sponsored by <br/><a href="http://www.blue-systems.com/">Blue Systems</a> - Liberating Software.
- %1 support
- Form
- &Release notes
- &Known issues
- &Support
- &About
- GreetingViewStep
- Welcome
@@ -2129,59 +2091,6 @@ Some file systems need external tools to be installed for them to be supported.
- PreparePage
- For best results, please ensure that this computer:
- This computer does not satisfy the minimum requirements for installing %1.
-Installation cannot continue.
- This computer does not satisfy some of the recommended requirements for installing %1.
-Installation can continue, but some features might be disabled.
- PrepareViewStep
- Gathering system information...
- has at least %1 GB available drive space
- has at least %1 GB working memory
- is plugged in to a power source
- is connected to the Internet
- Prepare
@@ -2395,6 +2304,54 @@ Installation can continue, but some features might be disabled.
+ RequirementsChecker
+ Gathering system information...
+ has at least %1 GB available drive space
+ There is not enough drive space. At least %1 GB is required.
+ has at least %1 GB working memory
+ The system does not have enough working memory. At least %1 GB is required.
+ is plugged in to a power source
+ The system is not plugged in to a power source.
+ is connected to the Internet
+ The system is not connected to the Internet.
@@ -2829,4 +2786,65 @@ Installation can continue, but some features might be disabled.
+ WelcomePage
+ Form
+ &Language:
+ &Release notes
+ &Known issues
+ &Support
+ &About
+ <h1>Welcome to the %1 installer.</h1><br/>This program will ask you some questions and set up %2 on your computer.
+ About %1 installer
+ <h1>%1</h1><br/><strong>%2<br/>for %3</strong><br/><br/>Copyright 2014-2015 Teo Mrnjavac <teo@kde.org><br/>Thanks to: Anke Boersma, Aurélien Gâteau, Kevin Kofler, Philip Müller, Pier Luigi Fiorini and Rohan Garg.<br/><br/><a href="http://calamares.io/">Calamares</a> development is sponsored by <br/><a href="http://www.blue-systems.com/">Blue Systems</a> - Liberating Software.
+ %1 support
+ WelcomeViewStep
+ Welcome
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/lang/calamares_hr.ts b/lang/calamares_hr.ts
index 0f0f402a1..3b3d24df5 100644
--- a/lang/calamares_hr.ts
+++ b/lang/calamares_hr.ts
@@ -447,6 +447,24 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost.
Provjera datotečnog sustava na particiji %1 nije uspjela
+ CheckerWidget
+ This computer does not satisfy the minimum requirements for installing %1.<br/>Installation cannot continue. <a href="#details">Details...</a>
+ This computer does not satisfy some of the recommended requirements for installing %1.<br/>Installation can continue, but some features might be disabled.
+ For best results, please ensure that this computer:
@@ -1536,62 +1554,6 @@ Some file systems need external tools to be installed for them to be supported.
Instalacijski program nije uspio nadograditi particijsku tablicu na disku %1.
- GreetingPage
- <h1>Welcome to the %1 installer.</h1><br/>This program will ask you some questions and set up %2 on your computer.
- <h1>Dobrodošli u %1 instalacijski program.</h1><br/>Ovaj program će vas pitati neka pitanja i pripremiti %2 na vašem računalu.
- About %1 installer
- <h1>%1</h1><br/><strong>%2<br/>for %3</strong><br/><br/>Copyright 2014-2015 Teo Mrnjavac <teo@kde.org><br/>Thanks to: Anke Boersma, Aurélien Gâteau, Kevin Kofler, Philip Müller, Pier Luigi Fiorini and Rohan Garg.<br/><br/><a href="http://calamares.io/">Calamares</a> development is sponsored by <br/><a href="http://www.blue-systems.com/">Blue Systems</a> - Liberating Software.
- %1 support
- Form
- &Release notes
- &Known issues
- &Support
- &About
- GreetingViewStep
- Welcome
- Dobrodošli
@@ -2150,59 +2112,6 @@ Some file systems need external tools to be installed for them to be supported.
- PreparePage
- For best results, please ensure that this computer:
- Za najbolje rezultate, molimo osigurajte da je ovo računalo:
- This computer does not satisfy the minimum requirements for installing %1.
-Installation cannot continue.
- This computer does not satisfy some of the recommended requirements for installing %1.
-Installation can continue, but some features might be disabled.
- PrepareViewStep
- Gathering system information...
- Skupljanje informacija o sustavu...
- has at least %1 GB available drive space
- ima barem %1 GB dostupne slobodne memorije na disku
- has at least %1 GB working memory
- ima barem %1 GB radne memorije
- is plugged in to a power source
- je spojen na izvor struje
- is connected to the Internet
- je spojen na Internet
- Prepare
- Pripremi
@@ -2416,6 +2325,54 @@ Installation can continue, but some features might be disabled.
+ RequirementsChecker
+ Gathering system information...
+ has at least %1 GB available drive space
+ There is not enough drive space. At least %1 GB is required.
+ has at least %1 GB working memory
+ The system does not have enough working memory. At least %1 GB is required.
+ is plugged in to a power source
+ The system is not plugged in to a power source.
+ is connected to the Internet
+ The system is not connected to the Internet.
@@ -2850,4 +2807,65 @@ Installation can continue, but some features might be disabled.
+ WelcomePage
+ Form
+ &Language:
+ &Release notes
+ &Known issues
+ &Support
+ &About
+ <h1>Welcome to the %1 installer.</h1><br/>This program will ask you some questions and set up %2 on your computer.
+ About %1 installer
+ <h1>%1</h1><br/><strong>%2<br/>for %3</strong><br/><br/>Copyright 2014-2015 Teo Mrnjavac <teo@kde.org><br/>Thanks to: Anke Boersma, Aurélien Gâteau, Kevin Kofler, Philip Müller, Pier Luigi Fiorini and Rohan Garg.<br/><br/><a href="http://calamares.io/">Calamares</a> development is sponsored by <br/><a href="http://www.blue-systems.com/">Blue Systems</a> - Liberating Software.
+ %1 support
+ WelcomeViewStep
+ Welcome
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/lang/calamares_hu.ts b/lang/calamares_hu.ts
index 791b409a3..e50c6451a 100644
--- a/lang/calamares_hu.ts
+++ b/lang/calamares_hu.ts
@@ -448,6 +448,24 @@ Minden változtatás elveszik, ha kilépsz a telepítőből.
A fájlrendszer ellenőrzés a(z) %1 partíción sikertelen.
+ CheckerWidget
+ This computer does not satisfy the minimum requirements for installing %1.<br/>Installation cannot continue. <a href="#details">Details...</a>
+ This computer does not satisfy some of the recommended requirements for installing %1.<br/>Installation can continue, but some features might be disabled.
+ For best results, please ensure that this computer:
@@ -1539,62 +1557,6 @@ Néhány fájlrendszernek külső ezközre van szüksége a telepítéshez és t
A telepítő nem tudta frissíteni a partíciós táblát a %1 lemezen.
- GreetingPage
- <h1>Welcome to the %1 installer.</h1><br/>This program will ask you some questions and set up %2 on your computer.
- <h1>Üdvözöl a %1 telepítő.</h1><br/>Ez a program fel fog tenni néhány kérdést és %2 -t telepíti a számítógépre.
- About %1 installer
- A %1 telepítőről
- <h1>%1</h1><br/><strong>%2<br/>for %3</strong><br/><br/>Copyright 2014-2015 Teo Mrnjavac <teo@kde.org><br/>Thanks to: Anke Boersma, Aurélien Gâteau, Kevin Kofler, Philip Müller, Pier Luigi Fiorini and Rohan Garg.<br/><br/><a href="http://calamares.io/">Calamares</a> development is sponsored by <br/><a href="http://www.blue-systems.com/">Blue Systems</a> - Liberating Software.
- <h1>%1</h1><br/><strong>%2<br/>for %3</strong><br/><br/>Minden jog fenntartva 2014-2015 Teo Mrnjavac <teo@kde.org><br/>Köszönet: Anke Boersma, Aurélien Gâteau, Kevin Kofler, Philip Müller, Pier Luigi Fiorini and Rohan Garg.<br/><br/><a href="http://calamares.io/">Calamares</a> fejlesztés támogatói: <br/><a href="http://www.blue-systems.com/">Blue Systems</a> - szoftver, ami felszabadít.
- %1 support
- °%1 támogatás
- Form
- Adatlap
- &Release notes
- &Kiadási megjegyzések
- &Known issues
- &Ismert hibák
- &Support
- &Támogatás
- &About
- $Rólam
- GreetingViewStep
- Welcome
- Üdvözöllek
@@ -2153,61 +2115,6 @@ Néhány fájlrendszernek külső ezközre van szüksége a telepítéshez és t
- PreparePage
- For best results, please ensure that this computer:
- A legjobb eredményért kérlek győződj meg ez a számítógép:
- This computer does not satisfy the minimum requirements for installing %1.
-Installation cannot continue.
- Ez a számítógép nem felel meg a minimum követelményeknek a %1 telepítéséhez.
-Telepítés nem folytatható.
- This computer does not satisfy some of the recommended requirements for installing %1.
-Installation can continue, but some features might be disabled.
- Ez a számítógép nem felel meg a minimum követelményeknek a %1 telepítéséhez.
-Telepítés folytatható de néhány tulajdonság valószínűleg nem lesz elérhető.
- PrepareViewStep
- Gathering system information...
- Rendszerinformáció gyűjtése...
- has at least %1 GB available drive space
- van legalább %1 GB elérhető lemezterület
- has at least %1 GB working memory
- van legalább %1 GB elérhető memória
- is plugged in to a power source
- csatlakoztatva van külső áramforráshoz
- is connected to the Internet
- csatlakozik az internethez
- Prepare
- Előkészület
@@ -2421,6 +2328,54 @@ Telepítés folytatható de néhány tulajdonság valószínűleg nem lesz elér
<strong>%3</strong><br/><br/>%1 installálva lesz a következőre: %2.<br/><font color="red">Figyelmeztetés: </font>a partíción %2 minden törölve lesz.
+ RequirementsChecker
+ Gathering system information...
+ has at least %1 GB available drive space
+ There is not enough drive space. At least %1 GB is required.
+ has at least %1 GB working memory
+ The system does not have enough working memory. At least %1 GB is required.
+ is plugged in to a power source
+ The system is not plugged in to a power source.
+ is connected to the Internet
+ The system is not connected to the Internet.
@@ -2855,4 +2810,65 @@ Telepítés folytatható de néhány tulajdonság valószínűleg nem lesz elér
+ WelcomePage
+ Form
+ &Language:
+ &Release notes
+ &Known issues
+ &Support
+ &About
+ <h1>Welcome to the %1 installer.</h1><br/>This program will ask you some questions and set up %2 on your computer.
+ About %1 installer
+ <h1>%1</h1><br/><strong>%2<br/>for %3</strong><br/><br/>Copyright 2014-2015 Teo Mrnjavac <teo@kde.org><br/>Thanks to: Anke Boersma, Aurélien Gâteau, Kevin Kofler, Philip Müller, Pier Luigi Fiorini and Rohan Garg.<br/><br/><a href="http://calamares.io/">Calamares</a> development is sponsored by <br/><a href="http://www.blue-systems.com/">Blue Systems</a> - Liberating Software.
+ %1 support
+ WelcomeViewStep
+ Welcome
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/lang/calamares_id.ts b/lang/calamares_id.ts
index 7690ef783..a6c8f5116 100644
--- a/lang/calamares_id.ts
+++ b/lang/calamares_id.ts
@@ -447,6 +447,24 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost.
Pemeriksaan sistem berkas pada partisi %1 gagal.
+ CheckerWidget
+ This computer does not satisfy the minimum requirements for installing %1.<br/>Installation cannot continue. <a href="#details">Details...</a>
+ This computer does not satisfy some of the recommended requirements for installing %1.<br/>Installation can continue, but some features might be disabled.
+ For best results, please ensure that this computer:
@@ -1537,62 +1555,6 @@ Beberapa berkas sistem memerlukan penginstalan perangkat eksternal supaya diduku
Penginstal gagal memperbarui tabel partisi pada disk '%1'.
- GreetingPage
- <h1>Welcome to the %1 installer.</h1><br/>This program will ask you some questions and set up %2 on your computer.
- <h1>Selamat datang di penginstal %1.</h1><br/>Program ini akan mengajukan Anda beberapa pertanyaan dan menyetel %2 pada komputer Anda.
- About %1 installer
- <h1>%1</h1><br/><strong>%2<br/>for %3</strong><br/><br/>Copyright 2014-2015 Teo Mrnjavac <teo@kde.org><br/>Thanks to: Anke Boersma, Aurélien Gâteau, Kevin Kofler, Philip Müller, Pier Luigi Fiorini and Rohan Garg.<br/><br/><a href="http://calamares.io/">Calamares</a> development is sponsored by <br/><a href="http://www.blue-systems.com/">Blue Systems</a> - Liberating Software.
- %1 support
- Form
- &Release notes
- &Known issues
- &Support
- &About
- GreetingViewStep
- Welcome
- Selamat Datang
@@ -2151,61 +2113,6 @@ Beberapa berkas sistem memerlukan penginstalan perangkat eksternal supaya diduku
- PreparePage
- For best results, please ensure that this computer:
- Untuk hasil terbaik, mohon pastikan bahwa komputer ini:
- This computer does not satisfy the minimum requirements for installing %1.
-Installation cannot continue.
- Komputer ini tidak dapat memenuhi syarat minimum untuk menginstal %1.
-Penginstalan tidak dapat dilanjutkan.
- This computer does not satisfy some of the recommended requirements for installing %1.
-Installation can continue, but some features might be disabled.
- Komputer ini tidak dapat memenuhi beberapa syarat yang direkomendasikan untuk menginstal %1.
-Penginstalan dapat dilanjutkan, namun beberap fitur akan ditiadakan.
- PrepareViewStep
- Gathering system information...
- Mengumpulkan informasi sistem...
- has at least %1 GB available drive space
- memiliki paling sedikit %1 GB ruang drive tersedia
- has at least %1 GB working memory
- memiliki paling sedikit %1 GB memori bekerja
- is plugged in to a power source
- terhubung dengan sumber listrik
- is connected to the Internet
- terkoneksi dengan internet
- Prepare
- Persiapan
@@ -2419,6 +2326,54 @@ Penginstalan dapat dilanjutkan, namun beberap fitur akan ditiadakan.
+ RequirementsChecker
+ Gathering system information...
+ has at least %1 GB available drive space
+ There is not enough drive space. At least %1 GB is required.
+ has at least %1 GB working memory
+ The system does not have enough working memory. At least %1 GB is required.
+ is plugged in to a power source
+ The system is not plugged in to a power source.
+ is connected to the Internet
+ The system is not connected to the Internet.
@@ -2853,4 +2808,65 @@ Penginstalan dapat dilanjutkan, namun beberap fitur akan ditiadakan.Pengguna
+ WelcomePage
+ Form
+ &Language:
+ &Release notes
+ &Known issues
+ &Support
+ &About
+ <h1>Welcome to the %1 installer.</h1><br/>This program will ask you some questions and set up %2 on your computer.
+ About %1 installer
+ <h1>%1</h1><br/><strong>%2<br/>for %3</strong><br/><br/>Copyright 2014-2015 Teo Mrnjavac <teo@kde.org><br/>Thanks to: Anke Boersma, Aurélien Gâteau, Kevin Kofler, Philip Müller, Pier Luigi Fiorini and Rohan Garg.<br/><br/><a href="http://calamares.io/">Calamares</a> development is sponsored by <br/><a href="http://www.blue-systems.com/">Blue Systems</a> - Liberating Software.
+ %1 support
+ WelcomeViewStep
+ Welcome
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/lang/calamares_it_IT.ts b/lang/calamares_it_IT.ts
index 435b1e9b9..787814869 100644
--- a/lang/calamares_it_IT.ts
+++ b/lang/calamares_it_IT.ts
@@ -448,6 +448,24 @@ Il programma di installazione sarà chiuso, e tutte le modifiche andranno perse.
Il controllo del file system sulla partizione %1 non è riuscito.
+ CheckerWidget
+ This computer does not satisfy the minimum requirements for installing %1.<br/>Installation cannot continue. <a href="#details">Details...</a>
+ This computer does not satisfy some of the recommended requirements for installing %1.<br/>Installation can continue, but some features might be disabled.
+ For best results, please ensure that this computer:
@@ -1538,62 +1556,6 @@ Alcuni file system necessitano l'installazione di strumenti esterni per ess
Il programma di installazione non è riuscito ad aggiornare la tabella delle partizioni sul disco '%1'.
- GreetingPage
- <h1>Welcome to the %1 installer.</h1><br/>This program will ask you some questions and set up %2 on your computer.
- <h1>Benvenuto nel programma di installazione di %1.</h1><br/>Ti verranno poste alcune domande e %2 sarà installato sul tuo computer.
- About %1 installer
- Informazioni sul programma di installazione %1
- <h1>%1</h1><br/><strong>%2<br/>for %3</strong><br/><br/>Copyright 2014-2015 Teo Mrnjavac <teo@kde.org><br/>Thanks to: Anke Boersma, Aurélien Gâteau, Kevin Kofler, Philip Müller, Pier Luigi Fiorini and Rohan Garg.<br/><br/><a href="http://calamares.io/">Calamares</a> development is sponsored by <br/><a href="http://www.blue-systems.com/">Blue Systems</a> - Liberating Software.
- <h1>%1</h1><br/><strong>%2<br/>per %3</strong><br/><br/>Copyright 2014-2015 Teo Mrnjavac <teo@kde.org><br/>Grazie a: Anke Boersma, Aurélien Gâteau, Kevin Kofler, Philip Müller, Pier Luigi Fiorini and Rohan Garg.Lo sviluppo di <br/><br/><a href="http://calamares.io/">Calamares</a> è sostenuto da <br/><a href="http://www.blue-systems.com/">Blue Systems</a> - Liberating Software.
- %1 support
- %1 supporto
- Form
- Modulo
- &Release notes
- &Note di rilascio
- &Known issues
- &Problemi conosciuti
- &Support
- &Supporto
- &About
- &Informazioni su
- GreetingViewStep
- Welcome
- Benvenuto
@@ -2152,60 +2114,6 @@ Alcuni file system necessitano l'installazione di strumenti esterni per ess
- PreparePage
- For best results, please ensure that this computer:
- Per ottenere prestazioni ottimali, assicurarsi che questo computer:
- This computer does not satisfy the minimum requirements for installing %1.
-Installation cannot continue.
- Questo computer non soddisfa i requisiti minimi per l'installazione di %1.
-L'installazione non può continuare.
- This computer does not satisfy some of the recommended requirements for installing %1.
-Installation can continue, but some features might be disabled.
- Questo computer non soddisfa alcuni requisiti raccomandati per l'installazione di %1. L'installazione può continuare ma alcune funzionalità potrebbero essere disattivate.
- PrepareViewStep
- Gathering system information...
- Raccolta informazioni sul sistema...
- has at least %1 GB available drive space
- ha almeno %1 GB di spazio libero
- has at least %1 GB working memory
- ha almeno %1 GB di memoria
- is plugged in to a power source
- è collegato a una presa di alimentazione
- is connected to the Internet
- è connesso a Internet
- Prepare
- Prepara
@@ -2419,6 +2327,54 @@ Installation can continue, but some features might be disabled.
<strong>%3</strong><br/><br/>%1 verrà installato su %2.<br/><font color="red">Warning: </font>Tutti i dati sulla partizione %2 verranno persi.
+ RequirementsChecker
+ Gathering system information...
+ has at least %1 GB available drive space
+ There is not enough drive space. At least %1 GB is required.
+ has at least %1 GB working memory
+ The system does not have enough working memory. At least %1 GB is required.
+ is plugged in to a power source
+ The system is not plugged in to a power source.
+ is connected to the Internet
+ The system is not connected to the Internet.
@@ -2853,4 +2809,65 @@ Installation can continue, but some features might be disabled.
+ WelcomePage
+ Form
+ &Language:
+ &Release notes
+ &Known issues
+ &Support
+ &About
+ <h1>Welcome to the %1 installer.</h1><br/>This program will ask you some questions and set up %2 on your computer.
+ About %1 installer
+ <h1>%1</h1><br/><strong>%2<br/>for %3</strong><br/><br/>Copyright 2014-2015 Teo Mrnjavac <teo@kde.org><br/>Thanks to: Anke Boersma, Aurélien Gâteau, Kevin Kofler, Philip Müller, Pier Luigi Fiorini and Rohan Garg.<br/><br/><a href="http://calamares.io/">Calamares</a> development is sponsored by <br/><a href="http://www.blue-systems.com/">Blue Systems</a> - Liberating Software.
+ %1 support
+ WelcomeViewStep
+ Welcome
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/lang/calamares_ja.ts b/lang/calamares_ja.ts
index 1dfb7bcd0..3fd39281c 100644
--- a/lang/calamares_ja.ts
+++ b/lang/calamares_ja.ts
@@ -448,6 +448,24 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost.
%1 のファイルシステムのチェックに失敗しました。
+ CheckerWidget
+ This computer does not satisfy the minimum requirements for installing %1.<br/>Installation cannot continue. <a href="#details">Details...</a>
+ This computer does not satisfy some of the recommended requirements for installing %1.<br/>Installation can continue, but some features might be disabled.
+ For best results, please ensure that this computer:
@@ -1538,62 +1556,6 @@ Some file systems need external tools to be installed for them to be supported.
インストーラーはディスク '%1' 上のパーティションテーブルのアップデートに失敗しました。
- GreetingPage
- <h1>Welcome to the %1 installer.</h1><br/>This program will ask you some questions and set up %2 on your computer.
- <h1>%1 インストーラーにようこそ。</h1><br/>このプログラムはコンピュータに %2 をセットアップするために、いくつか質問をします。
- About %1 installer
- %1 インストーラーについて
- <h1>%1</h1><br/><strong>%2<br/>for %3</strong><br/><br/>Copyright 2014-2015 Teo Mrnjavac <teo@kde.org><br/>Thanks to: Anke Boersma, Aurélien Gâteau, Kevin Kofler, Philip Müller, Pier Luigi Fiorini and Rohan Garg.<br/><br/><a href="http://calamares.io/">Calamares</a> development is sponsored by <br/><a href="http://www.blue-systems.com/">Blue Systems</a> - Liberating Software.
- %1 support
- %1 サポート
- Form
- フォーム
- &Release notes
- リリースノート(&R)
- &Known issues
- 既知の問題(&K)
- &Support
- サポート(&S)
- &About
- 説明(&A)
- GreetingViewStep
- Welcome
- ようこそ
@@ -2152,61 +2114,6 @@ Some file systems need external tools to be installed for them to be supported.
- PreparePage
- For best results, please ensure that this computer:
- 良好な結果を得るために、このコンピュータについて以下の項目を確認して下さい:
- This computer does not satisfy the minimum requirements for installing %1.
-Installation cannot continue.
- このコンピュータは、 %1 をインストールするための最低要件を満たしていません。
- This computer does not satisfy some of the recommended requirements for installing %1.
-Installation can continue, but some features might be disabled.
- このコンピュータは、 %1 をインストールするための推奨条件をいくつか満たしていません。
- PrepareViewStep
- Gathering system information...
- システム情報を取得中...
- has at least %1 GB available drive space
- 最低 %1 GBのディスク空き領域があること
- has at least %1 GB working memory
- 最低 %1 GBのワーキングメモリーがあること
- is plugged in to a power source
- 電源が接続されていること
- is connected to the Internet
- インターネットに接続されていること
- Prepare
- 準備
@@ -2420,6 +2327,54 @@ Installation can continue, but some features might be disabled.
+ RequirementsChecker
+ Gathering system information...
+ has at least %1 GB available drive space
+ There is not enough drive space. At least %1 GB is required.
+ has at least %1 GB working memory
+ The system does not have enough working memory. At least %1 GB is required.
+ is plugged in to a power source
+ The system is not plugged in to a power source.
+ is connected to the Internet
+ The system is not connected to the Internet.
@@ -2854,4 +2809,65 @@ Installation can continue, but some features might be disabled.
+ WelcomePage
+ Form
+ &Language:
+ &Release notes
+ &Known issues
+ &Support
+ &About
+ <h1>Welcome to the %1 installer.</h1><br/>This program will ask you some questions and set up %2 on your computer.
+ About %1 installer
+ <h1>%1</h1><br/><strong>%2<br/>for %3</strong><br/><br/>Copyright 2014-2015 Teo Mrnjavac <teo@kde.org><br/>Thanks to: Anke Boersma, Aurélien Gâteau, Kevin Kofler, Philip Müller, Pier Luigi Fiorini and Rohan Garg.<br/><br/><a href="http://calamares.io/">Calamares</a> development is sponsored by <br/><a href="http://www.blue-systems.com/">Blue Systems</a> - Liberating Software.
+ %1 support
+ WelcomeViewStep
+ Welcome
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/lang/calamares_kk.ts b/lang/calamares_kk.ts
index e794401cf..9e651a21c 100644
--- a/lang/calamares_kk.ts
+++ b/lang/calamares_kk.ts
@@ -425,6 +425,24 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost.
+ CheckerWidget
+ This computer does not satisfy the minimum requirements for installing %1.<br/>Installation cannot continue. <a href="#details">Details...</a>
+ This computer does not satisfy some of the recommended requirements for installing %1.<br/>Installation can continue, but some features might be disabled.
+ For best results, please ensure that this computer:
@@ -1514,62 +1532,6 @@ Some file systems need external tools to be installed for them to be supported.
- GreetingPage
- <h1>Welcome to the %1 installer.</h1><br/>This program will ask you some questions and set up %2 on your computer.
- About %1 installer
- <h1>%1</h1><br/><strong>%2<br/>for %3</strong><br/><br/>Copyright 2014-2015 Teo Mrnjavac <teo@kde.org><br/>Thanks to: Anke Boersma, Aurélien Gâteau, Kevin Kofler, Philip Müller, Pier Luigi Fiorini and Rohan Garg.<br/><br/><a href="http://calamares.io/">Calamares</a> development is sponsored by <br/><a href="http://www.blue-systems.com/">Blue Systems</a> - Liberating Software.
- %1 support
- Form
- &Release notes
- &Known issues
- &Support
- &About
- GreetingViewStep
- Welcome
@@ -2128,59 +2090,6 @@ Some file systems need external tools to be installed for them to be supported.
- PreparePage
- For best results, please ensure that this computer:
- This computer does not satisfy the minimum requirements for installing %1.
-Installation cannot continue.
- This computer does not satisfy some of the recommended requirements for installing %1.
-Installation can continue, but some features might be disabled.
- PrepareViewStep
- Gathering system information...
- has at least %1 GB available drive space
- has at least %1 GB working memory
- is plugged in to a power source
- is connected to the Internet
- Prepare
@@ -2394,6 +2303,54 @@ Installation can continue, but some features might be disabled.
+ RequirementsChecker
+ Gathering system information...
+ has at least %1 GB available drive space
+ There is not enough drive space. At least %1 GB is required.
+ has at least %1 GB working memory
+ The system does not have enough working memory. At least %1 GB is required.
+ is plugged in to a power source
+ The system is not plugged in to a power source.
+ is connected to the Internet
+ The system is not connected to the Internet.
@@ -2828,4 +2785,65 @@ Installation can continue, but some features might be disabled.
+ WelcomePage
+ Form
+ &Language:
+ &Release notes
+ &Known issues
+ &Support
+ &About
+ <h1>Welcome to the %1 installer.</h1><br/>This program will ask you some questions and set up %2 on your computer.
+ About %1 installer
+ <h1>%1</h1><br/><strong>%2<br/>for %3</strong><br/><br/>Copyright 2014-2015 Teo Mrnjavac <teo@kde.org><br/>Thanks to: Anke Boersma, Aurélien Gâteau, Kevin Kofler, Philip Müller, Pier Luigi Fiorini and Rohan Garg.<br/><br/><a href="http://calamares.io/">Calamares</a> development is sponsored by <br/><a href="http://www.blue-systems.com/">Blue Systems</a> - Liberating Software.
+ %1 support
+ WelcomeViewStep
+ Welcome
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/lang/calamares_lt.ts b/lang/calamares_lt.ts
index b83a45060..5fa0e039d 100644
--- a/lang/calamares_lt.ts
+++ b/lang/calamares_lt.ts
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
With this operation, the partition <strong>%1</strong> which contains %4 will be shrunk to %2MB and a new %3MB partition will be created for %5.
+ Po šios operacijos, skaidinys <strong>%1</strong> kuriame yra %4 bus sumažintas iki %2MB ir bus sukurtas naujas %3MB skaidinys sistemai %5.
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@
- Statusas
+ Būsena
@@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
- Perkrauti
+ Paleisti iš naujo
@@ -227,7 +227,7 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
- Baigta
+ Atlikta
@@ -386,7 +386,7 @@ Diegimo programa užbaigs darbą ir visi pakeitimai bus prarasti.
- &Išeiti
+ &Baigti
@@ -448,6 +448,24 @@ Diegimo programa užbaigs darbą ir visi pakeitimai bus prarasti.
%1 skaidinio failų sistemos patikra nepavyko.
+ CheckerWidget
+ This computer does not satisfy the minimum requirements for installing %1.<br/>Installation cannot continue. <a href="#details">Details...</a>
+ Šis kompiuteris netenkina minimalių %1 diegimo reikalavimų.<br/>Diegimas negali būti tęsiamas. <a href="#details">Išsamiau...</a>
+ This computer does not satisfy some of the recommended requirements for installing %1.<br/>Installation can continue, but some features might be disabled.
+ Šis kompiuteris netenkina kai kurių %1 diegimo rekomenduojamų reikalavimų.<br/>Diegimas gali būti tęsiamas, bet kai kurios funkcijos gali būti išjungtos.
+ For best results, please ensure that this computer:
+ Norėdami pasiekti geriausių rezultatų, įsitikinkite kad šis kompiuteris:
@@ -490,7 +508,7 @@ Diegimo programa užbaigs darbą ir visi pakeitimai bus prarasti.
<strong>Replace a partition with %1</strong><br/>You will be offered a choice of which partition to erase.
+ <strong>Pakeisti skadinį, įrašant %1</strong><br/>Galėsite pasirinkti, kurį skaidinį norite ištrinti.
@@ -1402,7 +1420,7 @@ Kai kurios failų sistemos tam, kad būtų palaikomos, reikalauja, kad būtų į
Read Label
- Nuskaityti etikete
+ Nuskaityti etiketę
@@ -1412,7 +1430,7 @@ Kai kurios failų sistemos tam, kad būtų palaikomos, reikalauja, kad būtų į
Read Usage
- Nuskaityti apkrova
+ Nuskaityti apkrovą
@@ -1538,62 +1556,6 @@ Kai kurios failų sistemos tam, kad būtų palaikomos, reikalauja, kad būtų į
Diegimo programai nepavyko atnaujinti skaidinių lentelės diske '%1'.
- GreetingPage
- <h1>Welcome to the %1 installer.</h1><br/>This program will ask you some questions and set up %2 on your computer.
- <h1>Sveiki atvykę į %1 diegimo programą.</h1><br/>Ši programa užduos jums kelis klausimus ir padės jūsų kompiuteryje nustatyti %2.
- About %1 installer
- Apie %1 diegimo programą
- <h1>%1</h1><br/><strong>%2<br/>for %3</strong><br/><br/>Copyright 2014-2015 Teo Mrnjavac <teo@kde.org><br/>Thanks to: Anke Boersma, Aurélien Gâteau, Kevin Kofler, Philip Müller, Pier Luigi Fiorini and Rohan Garg.<br/><br/><a href="http://calamares.io/">Calamares</a> development is sponsored by <br/><a href="http://www.blue-systems.com/">Blue Systems</a> - Liberating Software.
- <h1>%1</h1><br/><strong>%2<br/>sistemai %3</strong><br/><br/>Autorinės Teisės 2014-2015 Teo Mrnjavac <teo@kde.org><br/>Dėkojame: Anke Boersma, Aurélien Gâteau, Kevin Kofler, Philip Müller, Pier Luigi Fiorini and Rohan Garg.<br/><br/><a href="http://calamares.io/">Calamares</a> kūrimą remia <br/><a href="http://www.blue-systems.com/">Blue Systems</a> - Išlaisvinanti Programinė Įranga.
- %1 support
- %1 palaikymas
- Form
- Forma
- &Release notes
- &Laidos informacija
- &Known issues
- Ž&inomos problemos
- &Support
- &Palaikymas
- &About
- &Apie
- GreetingViewStep
- Welcome
- Pasisveikinimas
@@ -1865,7 +1827,7 @@ Kai kurios failų sistemos tam, kad būtų palaikomos, reikalauja, kad būtų į
Recreate existing file system@action:button
- Atkurti egzistuojančia failų sistemą
+ Atkurti esamą failų sistemą
@@ -1883,7 +1845,7 @@ Kai kurios failų sistemos tam, kad būtų palaikomos, reikalauja, kad būtų į
- Statusas:
+ Būsena:
@@ -2109,7 +2071,7 @@ Kai kurios failų sistemos tam, kad būtų palaikomos, reikalauja, kad būtų į
<strong>Replace</strong> a partition with %1.
+ <strong>Pakeisti</strong> skaidinį, įrašant %1.
@@ -2129,7 +2091,7 @@ Kai kurios failų sistemos tam, kad būtų palaikomos, reikalauja, kad būtų į
<strong>Replace</strong> a partition on disk <strong>%2</strong> (%3) with %1.
+ <strong>Pakeisti</strong> skaidinį diske <strong>%2</strong> (%3), įrašant %1.
@@ -2152,61 +2114,6 @@ Kai kurios failų sistemos tam, kad būtų palaikomos, reikalauja, kad būtų į
- PreparePage
- For best results, please ensure that this computer:
- Norint pasiekti geriausių rezultatų, įsitikinkite kad šis kompiuteris:
- This computer does not satisfy the minimum requirements for installing %1.
-Installation cannot continue.
- Šis kompiuteris netenkina minimalių %1 diegimo reikalavimų.
-Diegimas negali būti tęsiamas.
- This computer does not satisfy some of the recommended requirements for installing %1.
-Installation can continue, but some features might be disabled.
- Šis kompiuteris netenkina kai kurių %1 diegimo rekomenduojamų reikalavimų.
-Diegimas gali būti tęsiamas, bet kai kurios funkcijos gali būti išjungtos.
- PrepareViewStep
- Gathering system information...
- Renkama sistemos informacija...
- has at least %1 GB available drive space
- turi bent %1 GB laisvos disko vietos
- has at least %1 GB working memory
- turi bent %1 GB darbinės atminties
- is plugged in to a power source
- yra įjungtas į energijos šaltinį
- is connected to the Internet
- yra prijungtas prie Interneto
- Prepare
- Paruošimas
@@ -2244,7 +2151,7 @@ Diegimas gali būti tęsiamas, bet kai kurios funkcijos gali būti išjungtos.
KDE Release Builder
- KDE Išleidimo kurėjas
+ KDE Išleidimo kūrėjas
@@ -2420,6 +2327,54 @@ Diegimas gali būti tęsiamas, bet kai kurios funkcijos gali būti išjungtos.
<strong>%3</strong><br/><br/>%1 sistema bus įdiegta skaidinyje %2.<br/><font color="red">Įspėjimas: </font>visi duomenys skaidinyje%2 bus prarasti.
+ RequirementsChecker
+ Gathering system information...
+ Renkama sistemos informacija...
+ has at least %1 GB available drive space
+ turi bent %1 GB laisvos vietos diske
+ There is not enough drive space. At least %1 GB is required.
+ Neužtenka vietos diske. Reikia bent %1 GB.
+ has at least %1 GB working memory
+ turi bent %1 GB darbinės atminties
+ The system does not have enough working memory. At least %1 GB is required.
+ Sistemai neužtenka darbinės atminties. Reikia bent %1 GB.
+ is plugged in to a power source
+ yra įjungtas į maitinimo šaltinį
+ The system is not plugged in to a power source.
+ Sistema nėra įjungta į maitinimo šaltinį.
+ is connected to the Internet
+ yra prijungtas prie Interneto
+ The system is not connected to the Internet.
+ Sistema nėra prijungta prie Interneto.
@@ -2854,4 +2809,65 @@ Diegimas gali būti tęsiamas, bet kai kurios funkcijos gali būti išjungtos.
+ WelcomePage
+ Form
+ Forma
+ &Language:
+ Ka&lba:
+ &Release notes
+ Lai&dos informacija
+ &Known issues
+ Ž&inomos problemos
+ &Support
+ &Palaikymas
+ &About
+ &Apie
+ <h1>Welcome to the %1 installer.</h1><br/>This program will ask you some questions and set up %2 on your computer.
+ <h1>Sveiki atvykę į %1 diegimo programą.</h1><br/>Ši programa užduos jums kelis klausimus ir padės jūsų kompiuteryje nustatyti %2.
+ About %1 installer
+ Apie %1 diegimo programą
+ <h1>%1</h1><br/><strong>%2<br/>for %3</strong><br/><br/>Copyright 2014-2015 Teo Mrnjavac <teo@kde.org><br/>Thanks to: Anke Boersma, Aurélien Gâteau, Kevin Kofler, Philip Müller, Pier Luigi Fiorini and Rohan Garg.<br/><br/><a href="http://calamares.io/">Calamares</a> development is sponsored by <br/><a href="http://www.blue-systems.com/">Blue Systems</a> - Liberating Software.
+ <h1>%1</h1><br/><strong>%2<br/>sistemai %3</strong><br/><br/>Autorinės Teisės 2014-2015 Teo Mrnjavac <teo@kde.org><br/>Dėkojame: Anke Boersma, Aurélien Gâteau, Kevin Kofler, Philip Müller, Pier Luigi Fiorini and Rohan Garg.<br/><br/><a href="http://calamares.io/">Calamares</a> kūrimą remia <br/><a href="http://www.blue-systems.com/">Blue Systems</a> - Išlaisvinanti Programinė Įranga.
+ %1 support
+ %1 palaikymas
+ WelcomeViewStep
+ Welcome
+ Pasisveikinimas
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/lang/calamares_nb.ts b/lang/calamares_nb.ts
index da9212ca6..f83d68da4 100644
--- a/lang/calamares_nb.ts
+++ b/lang/calamares_nb.ts
@@ -448,6 +448,24 @@ Installasjonsprogrammet vil avsluttes og alle endringer vil gå tapt.Sjekk av filsystem på partisjon %1 har feilet.
+ CheckerWidget
+ This computer does not satisfy the minimum requirements for installing %1.<br/>Installation cannot continue. <a href="#details">Details...</a>
+ This computer does not satisfy some of the recommended requirements for installing %1.<br/>Installation can continue, but some features might be disabled.
+ For best results, please ensure that this computer:
@@ -1537,62 +1555,6 @@ Some file systems need external tools to be installed for them to be supported.
- GreetingPage
- <h1>Welcome to the %1 installer.</h1><br/>This program will ask you some questions and set up %2 on your computer.
- About %1 installer
- <h1>%1</h1><br/><strong>%2<br/>for %3</strong><br/><br/>Copyright 2014-2015 Teo Mrnjavac <teo@kde.org><br/>Thanks to: Anke Boersma, Aurélien Gâteau, Kevin Kofler, Philip Müller, Pier Luigi Fiorini and Rohan Garg.<br/><br/><a href="http://calamares.io/">Calamares</a> development is sponsored by <br/><a href="http://www.blue-systems.com/">Blue Systems</a> - Liberating Software.
- %1 support
- Form
- &Release notes
- &Known issues
- &Support
- &About
- GreetingViewStep
- Welcome
@@ -2151,59 +2113,6 @@ Some file systems need external tools to be installed for them to be supported.
- PreparePage
- For best results, please ensure that this computer:
- This computer does not satisfy the minimum requirements for installing %1.
-Installation cannot continue.
- This computer does not satisfy some of the recommended requirements for installing %1.
-Installation can continue, but some features might be disabled.
- PrepareViewStep
- Gathering system information...
- has at least %1 GB available drive space
- has at least %1 GB working memory
- is plugged in to a power source
- is connected to the Internet
- Prepare
@@ -2417,6 +2326,54 @@ Installation can continue, but some features might be disabled.
+ RequirementsChecker
+ Gathering system information...
+ has at least %1 GB available drive space
+ There is not enough drive space. At least %1 GB is required.
+ has at least %1 GB working memory
+ The system does not have enough working memory. At least %1 GB is required.
+ is plugged in to a power source
+ The system is not plugged in to a power source.
+ is connected to the Internet
+ The system is not connected to the Internet.
@@ -2851,4 +2808,65 @@ Installation can continue, but some features might be disabled.
+ WelcomePage
+ Form
+ &Language:
+ &Release notes
+ &Known issues
+ &Support
+ &About
+ <h1>Welcome to the %1 installer.</h1><br/>This program will ask you some questions and set up %2 on your computer.
+ About %1 installer
+ <h1>%1</h1><br/><strong>%2<br/>for %3</strong><br/><br/>Copyright 2014-2015 Teo Mrnjavac <teo@kde.org><br/>Thanks to: Anke Boersma, Aurélien Gâteau, Kevin Kofler, Philip Müller, Pier Luigi Fiorini and Rohan Garg.<br/><br/><a href="http://calamares.io/">Calamares</a> development is sponsored by <br/><a href="http://www.blue-systems.com/">Blue Systems</a> - Liberating Software.
+ %1 support
+ WelcomeViewStep
+ Welcome
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/lang/calamares_nl.ts b/lang/calamares_nl.ts
index 9f545265c..03f72a96b 100644
--- a/lang/calamares_nl.ts
+++ b/lang/calamares_nl.ts
@@ -448,6 +448,24 @@ Het installatieprogramma zal afsluiten en alle wijzigingen zullen verloren gaan.
Controle van bestandssysteem partitie %1 mislukt.
+ CheckerWidget
+ This computer does not satisfy the minimum requirements for installing %1.<br/>Installation cannot continue. <a href="#details">Details...</a>
+ This computer does not satisfy some of the recommended requirements for installing %1.<br/>Installation can continue, but some features might be disabled.
+ For best results, please ensure that this computer:
@@ -1538,62 +1556,6 @@ Sommige bestandssystemen vereisen externe programma's om ondersteund te wor
Installatieprogramma heeft gefaald om de partitietabel bij te werken op schijf '%1'.
- GreetingPage
- <h1>Welcome to the %1 installer.</h1><br/>This program will ask you some questions and set up %2 on your computer.
- <h1>Welkom bij het %1 installatieprogramma.</h1><br/>Dit programma zal u enkele vragen stellen en %2 op uw computer installeren.
- About %1 installer
- Over %1 installatieprogramma
- <h1>%1</h1><br/><strong>%2<br/>for %3</strong><br/><br/>Copyright 2014-2015 Teo Mrnjavac <teo@kde.org><br/>Thanks to: Anke Boersma, Aurélien Gâteau, Kevin Kofler, Philip Müller, Pier Luigi Fiorini and Rohan Garg.<br/><br/><a href="http://calamares.io/">Calamares</a> development is sponsored by <br/><a href="http://www.blue-systems.com/">Blue Systems</a> - Liberating Software.
- <h1>%1</h1><br/><strong>%2<br/>voor %3</strong><br/><br/>Copyright 2014-2015 Teo Mrnjavac <teo@kde.org><br/>Met dank aan: Anke Boersma, Aurélien Gâteau, Kevin Kofler, Philip Müller, Pier Luigi Fiorini en Rohan Garg.<br/><br/>De ontwikkeling van <a href="http://calamares.io/">Calamares</a> is gesponsord door <br/><a href="http://www.blue-systems.com/">Blue Systems</a> - Liberating Software.
- %1 support
- %1 ondersteuning
- Form
- Vorm
- &Release notes
- &Uitgave nota's
- &Known issues
- &Known issues
- &Support
- &Ondersteuning
- &About
- &Over
- GreetingViewStep
- Welcome
- Welkom
@@ -2152,61 +2114,6 @@ Sommige bestandssystemen vereisen externe programma's om ondersteund te wor
- PreparePage
- For best results, please ensure that this computer:
- Voor het beste resultaat, gelieve ervoor te zorgen dat deze computer:
- This computer does not satisfy the minimum requirements for installing %1.
-Installation cannot continue.
- Deze computer voldoet niet aan de minimale vereisten voor het installeren van % 1.
-De installatie kan niet worden voortgezet.
- This computer does not satisfy some of the recommended requirements for installing %1.
-Installation can continue, but some features might be disabled.
- Deze computer voldoet niet aan alle aanbevolen vereisten voor het installeren van %1.
-De installatie kan doorgaan, maar sommige functies werken mogelijk niet.
- PrepareViewStep
- Gathering system information...
- Systeeminformatie verzamelen...
- has at least %1 GB available drive space
- over ten minste %1 GB vrije schijfruimte beschikt
- has at least %1 GB working memory
- over ten minste 1% GB werkgeheugen beschikt
- is plugged in to a power source
- aangesloten is op een stroombron
- is connected to the Internet
- verbonden is met het internet
- Prepare
- Voorbereiden
@@ -2420,6 +2327,54 @@ De installatie kan doorgaan, maar sommige functies werken mogelijk niet.<strong>%3</strong><br/><br/>%1 zal geïnstalleerd worden op %2.<br/><font color="red">Opgelet: </font>alle gegevens op partitie %2 zullen verloren gaan.
+ RequirementsChecker
+ Gathering system information...
+ has at least %1 GB available drive space
+ There is not enough drive space. At least %1 GB is required.
+ has at least %1 GB working memory
+ The system does not have enough working memory. At least %1 GB is required.
+ is plugged in to a power source
+ The system is not plugged in to a power source.
+ is connected to the Internet
+ The system is not connected to the Internet.
@@ -2854,4 +2809,65 @@ De installatie kan doorgaan, maar sommige functies werken mogelijk niet.Gebruikers
+ WelcomePage
+ Form
+ &Language:
+ &Release notes
+ &Known issues
+ &Support
+ &About
+ <h1>Welcome to the %1 installer.</h1><br/>This program will ask you some questions and set up %2 on your computer.
+ About %1 installer
+ <h1>%1</h1><br/><strong>%2<br/>for %3</strong><br/><br/>Copyright 2014-2015 Teo Mrnjavac <teo@kde.org><br/>Thanks to: Anke Boersma, Aurélien Gâteau, Kevin Kofler, Philip Müller, Pier Luigi Fiorini and Rohan Garg.<br/><br/><a href="http://calamares.io/">Calamares</a> development is sponsored by <br/><a href="http://www.blue-systems.com/">Blue Systems</a> - Liberating Software.
+ %1 support
+ WelcomeViewStep
+ Welcome
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/lang/calamares_pl.ts b/lang/calamares_pl.ts
index fbbd15db7..2982ad449 100644
--- a/lang/calamares_pl.ts
+++ b/lang/calamares_pl.ts
@@ -448,6 +448,24 @@ Instalator zostanie zamknięty i wszystkie zmiany zostaną utracone.Wystąpił błąd sprawdzania systemu plików na partycji %1.
+ CheckerWidget
+ This computer does not satisfy the minimum requirements for installing %1.<br/>Installation cannot continue. <a href="#details">Details...</a>
+ This computer does not satisfy some of the recommended requirements for installing %1.<br/>Installation can continue, but some features might be disabled.
+ For best results, please ensure that this computer:
@@ -1538,62 +1556,6 @@ Niektóre systemy plików wymagają zainstalowania zewnętrznych narzędzi, aby
Instalator nie mógł zaktualizować tablicy partycji na dysku '%1'.
- GreetingPage
- <h1>Welcome to the %1 installer.</h1><br/>This program will ask you some questions and set up %2 on your computer.
- <h1>Witaj w instalatorze %1.</h1><br/>Ten program zada Ci garść pytań i zainstaluje %2 na Twoim komputerze.
- About %1 installer
- O instalatorze %1
- <h1>%1</h1><br/><strong>%2<br/>for %3</strong><br/><br/>Copyright 2014-2015 Teo Mrnjavac <teo@kde.org><br/>Thanks to: Anke Boersma, Aurélien Gâteau, Kevin Kofler, Philip Müller, Pier Luigi Fiorini and Rohan Garg.<br/><br/><a href="http://calamares.io/">Calamares</a> development is sponsored by <br/><a href="http://www.blue-systems.com/">Blue Systems</a> - Liberating Software.
- <h1>%1</h1><br/><strong>%2<br/>dla %3</strong><br/><br/>Prawa autorskie 2014-2015 Teo Mrnjavac <teo@kde.org><br/>Podziękowania dla: Anke Boersma, Aurélien Gâteau, Kevin Kofler, Philip Müller, Pier Luigi Fiorini and Rohan Garg.<br/><br/>Rozwój <a href="http://calamares.io/">Calamares</a> jest sponsorowany przez <br/><a href="http://www.blue-systems.com/">Blue Systems</a> - Wyzwalane oprogramowanie.
- %1 support
- wsparcie %1
- Form
- Form
- &Release notes
- &Informacje o wydaniu
- &Known issues
- &Znane problemy
- &Support
- &Wsparcie
- &About
- &Informacje
- GreetingViewStep
- Welcome
- Witamy
@@ -2152,61 +2114,6 @@ Niektóre systemy plików wymagają zainstalowania zewnętrznych narzędzi, aby
- PreparePage
- For best results, please ensure that this computer:
- Dla osiągnięcia najlepszych rezultatów upewnij się, że ten komputer:
- This computer does not satisfy the minimum requirements for installing %1.
-Installation cannot continue.
- Ten komputer nie spełnia minimalnych wymagań, niezbędnych do instalacji %1.
-Instalator nie może kontynuować.
- This computer does not satisfy some of the recommended requirements for installing %1.
-Installation can continue, but some features might be disabled.
- Ten komputer nie spełnia wszystkich, zalecanych do instalacji %1 wymagań.
-Instalacja może być kontynuowana, ale niektóre opcje mogą być niedostępne.
- PrepareViewStep
- Gathering system information...
- Zbieranie informacji o systemie...
- has at least %1 GB available drive space
- ma przynajmniej %1 GB dostępnego miejsca na dysku
- has at least %1 GB working memory
- ma przynajmniej %1 GB pamięci roboczej
- is plugged in to a power source
- jest podłączony do źródła zasilania
- is connected to the Internet
- jest podłączony do Internetu
- Prepare
- Przygotowanie
@@ -2420,6 +2327,54 @@ Instalacja może być kontynuowana, ale niektóre opcje mogą być niedostępne.
<strong>%3</strong><br/><br/>%1 zostanie zainstalowany na %2.<br/><font color="red">Uwaga: </font>wszystkie dane z partycji %2 zostaną utracone.
+ RequirementsChecker
+ Gathering system information...
+ has at least %1 GB available drive space
+ There is not enough drive space. At least %1 GB is required.
+ has at least %1 GB working memory
+ The system does not have enough working memory. At least %1 GB is required.
+ is plugged in to a power source
+ The system is not plugged in to a power source.
+ is connected to the Internet
+ The system is not connected to the Internet.
@@ -2854,4 +2809,65 @@ Instalacja może być kontynuowana, ale niektóre opcje mogą być niedostępne.
+ WelcomePage
+ Form
+ &Language:
+ &Release notes
+ &Known issues
+ &Support
+ &About
+ <h1>Welcome to the %1 installer.</h1><br/>This program will ask you some questions and set up %2 on your computer.
+ About %1 installer
+ <h1>%1</h1><br/><strong>%2<br/>for %3</strong><br/><br/>Copyright 2014-2015 Teo Mrnjavac <teo@kde.org><br/>Thanks to: Anke Boersma, Aurélien Gâteau, Kevin Kofler, Philip Müller, Pier Luigi Fiorini and Rohan Garg.<br/><br/><a href="http://calamares.io/">Calamares</a> development is sponsored by <br/><a href="http://www.blue-systems.com/">Blue Systems</a> - Liberating Software.
+ %1 support
+ WelcomeViewStep
+ Welcome
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/lang/calamares_pl_PL.ts b/lang/calamares_pl_PL.ts
index 03568e130..62a99d0e9 100644
--- a/lang/calamares_pl_PL.ts
+++ b/lang/calamares_pl_PL.ts
@@ -447,6 +447,24 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost.
Wystąpił błąd sprawdzania systemu plików na partycji %1.
+ CheckerWidget
+ This computer does not satisfy the minimum requirements for installing %1.<br/>Installation cannot continue. <a href="#details">Details...</a>
+ This computer does not satisfy some of the recommended requirements for installing %1.<br/>Installation can continue, but some features might be disabled.
+ For best results, please ensure that this computer:
@@ -1537,62 +1555,6 @@ Niektóre z systemów plików wymagają zewnętrznych narzędzi, aby mogły być
Instalator nie mógł zaktualizować tablicy partycji na dysku '%1'.
- GreetingPage
- <h1>Welcome to the %1 installer.</h1><br/>This program will ask you some questions and set up %2 on your computer.
- <h1>Witaj w instalatorze %1.</h1><br/>Ten program zada Ci garść pytań i zainstaluje %2 na Twoim komputerze.
- About %1 installer
- <h1>%1</h1><br/><strong>%2<br/>for %3</strong><br/><br/>Copyright 2014-2015 Teo Mrnjavac <teo@kde.org><br/>Thanks to: Anke Boersma, Aurélien Gâteau, Kevin Kofler, Philip Müller, Pier Luigi Fiorini and Rohan Garg.<br/><br/><a href="http://calamares.io/">Calamares</a> development is sponsored by <br/><a href="http://www.blue-systems.com/">Blue Systems</a> - Liberating Software.
- %1 support
- Form
- &Release notes
- &Known issues
- &Support
- &About
- GreetingViewStep
- Welcome
- Witamy
@@ -2151,61 +2113,6 @@ Niektóre z systemów plików wymagają zewnętrznych narzędzi, aby mogły być
- PreparePage
- For best results, please ensure that this computer:
- Dla osiągnięcia najlepszych rezultatów upewnij się, że ten komputer:
- This computer does not satisfy the minimum requirements for installing %1.
-Installation cannot continue.
- Ten komputer nie spełnia minimalnych wymagań, niezbędnych do instalacji %1.
-Nie możemy kontynuować.
- This computer does not satisfy some of the recommended requirements for installing %1.
-Installation can continue, but some features might be disabled.
- Ten komputer nie spełnia wszystkich, zalecanych wymagań, do instalacji %1.
-Instalacja może być kontynuowana, ale niektóre opcje mogą być niedostępne.
- PrepareViewStep
- Gathering system information...
- Zbieranie informacji o systemie...
- has at least %1 GB available drive space
- ma przynajmniej %1 GB dostępnego miejsca na dysku
- has at least %1 GB working memory
- ma przynajmniej %1 GB pamięci roboczej
- is plugged in to a power source
- jest podłączony do źródła zasilania
- is connected to the Internet
- jest podłączony do Internetu
- Prepare
- Przygotowanie
@@ -2419,6 +2326,54 @@ Instalacja może być kontynuowana, ale niektóre opcje mogą być niedostępne.
+ RequirementsChecker
+ Gathering system information...
+ has at least %1 GB available drive space
+ There is not enough drive space. At least %1 GB is required.
+ has at least %1 GB working memory
+ The system does not have enough working memory. At least %1 GB is required.
+ is plugged in to a power source
+ The system is not plugged in to a power source.
+ is connected to the Internet
+ The system is not connected to the Internet.
@@ -2853,4 +2808,65 @@ Instalacja może być kontynuowana, ale niektóre opcje mogą być niedostępne.
+ WelcomePage
+ Form
+ &Language:
+ &Release notes
+ &Known issues
+ &Support
+ &About
+ <h1>Welcome to the %1 installer.</h1><br/>This program will ask you some questions and set up %2 on your computer.
+ About %1 installer
+ <h1>%1</h1><br/><strong>%2<br/>for %3</strong><br/><br/>Copyright 2014-2015 Teo Mrnjavac <teo@kde.org><br/>Thanks to: Anke Boersma, Aurélien Gâteau, Kevin Kofler, Philip Müller, Pier Luigi Fiorini and Rohan Garg.<br/><br/><a href="http://calamares.io/">Calamares</a> development is sponsored by <br/><a href="http://www.blue-systems.com/">Blue Systems</a> - Liberating Software.
+ %1 support
+ WelcomeViewStep
+ Welcome
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/lang/calamares_pt_BR.ts b/lang/calamares_pt_BR.ts
index f28706789..5c27dcaf1 100644
--- a/lang/calamares_pt_BR.ts
+++ b/lang/calamares_pt_BR.ts
@@ -448,6 +448,24 @@ O instalador será fechado e todas as alterações serão perdidas.A verificação do sistema de arquivo na partição %1 falhou.
+ CheckerWidget
+ This computer does not satisfy the minimum requirements for installing %1.<br/>Installation cannot continue. <a href="#details">Details...</a>
+ This computer does not satisfy some of the recommended requirements for installing %1.<br/>Installation can continue, but some features might be disabled.
+ For best results, please ensure that this computer:
@@ -1538,62 +1556,6 @@ Alguns sistemas de arquivos necessitam de ferramentas externas para serem suport
O instalador falhou ao atualizar a tabela de partições no disco '%1'.
- GreetingPage
- <h1>Welcome to the %1 installer.</h1><br/>This program will ask you some questions and set up %2 on your computer.
- <h1>Bem-vindo ao instalador do %1.</h1><br/>Esse programa fará algumas perguntas e instalará o %2 no computador.
- About %1 installer
- Sobre %1 intalador
- <h1>%1</h1><br/><strong>%2<br/>for %3</strong><br/><br/>Copyright 2014-2015 Teo Mrnjavac <teo@kde.org><br/>Thanks to: Anke Boersma, Aurélien Gâteau, Kevin Kofler, Philip Müller, Pier Luigi Fiorini and Rohan Garg.<br/><br/><a href="http://calamares.io/">Calamares</a> development is sponsored by <br/><a href="http://www.blue-systems.com/">Blue Systems</a> - Liberating Software.
- %1 support
- Form
- Formulário
- &Release notes
- Notas de lançamento
- &Known issues
- Problemas conhecidos
- &Support
- Suporte
- &About
- &Sobre
- GreetingViewStep
- Welcome
- Bem vindo
@@ -2152,61 +2114,6 @@ Alguns sistemas de arquivos necessitam de ferramentas externas para serem suport
- PreparePage
- For best results, please ensure that this computer:
- Para melhores resultados, por favor certifique-se de que este computador:
- This computer does not satisfy the minimum requirements for installing %1.
-Installation cannot continue.
- Este computador não satisfaz os requisitos mínimos para a instalação %1.
-A instalação não pode continuar.
- This computer does not satisfy some of the recommended requirements for installing %1.
-Installation can continue, but some features might be disabled.
- Este computador não satisfaz algumas das recomendações para instalação do %1.
-A instalação pode continuar, mas alguns recursos podem ser desativados.
- PrepareViewStep
- Gathering system information...
- Recolhendo informações do sistema...
- has at least %1 GB available drive space
- tem pelo menos %1 GB de espaço disponível no disco
- has at least %1 GB working memory
- tem pelo menos %1 GB de memória
- is plugged in to a power source
- está ligado à uma fonte de energia
- is connected to the Internet
- está conectado a internet
- Prepare
- Preparar
@@ -2420,6 +2327,54 @@ A instalação pode continuar, mas alguns recursos podem ser desativados.
+ RequirementsChecker
+ Gathering system information...
+ has at least %1 GB available drive space
+ There is not enough drive space. At least %1 GB is required.
+ has at least %1 GB working memory
+ The system does not have enough working memory. At least %1 GB is required.
+ is plugged in to a power source
+ The system is not plugged in to a power source.
+ is connected to the Internet
+ The system is not connected to the Internet.
@@ -2854,4 +2809,65 @@ A instalação pode continuar, mas alguns recursos podem ser desativados.Usuários
+ WelcomePage
+ Form
+ &Language:
+ &Release notes
+ &Known issues
+ &Support
+ &About
+ <h1>Welcome to the %1 installer.</h1><br/>This program will ask you some questions and set up %2 on your computer.
+ About %1 installer
+ <h1>%1</h1><br/><strong>%2<br/>for %3</strong><br/><br/>Copyright 2014-2015 Teo Mrnjavac <teo@kde.org><br/>Thanks to: Anke Boersma, Aurélien Gâteau, Kevin Kofler, Philip Müller, Pier Luigi Fiorini and Rohan Garg.<br/><br/><a href="http://calamares.io/">Calamares</a> development is sponsored by <br/><a href="http://www.blue-systems.com/">Blue Systems</a> - Liberating Software.
+ %1 support
+ WelcomeViewStep
+ Welcome
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/lang/calamares_pt_PT.ts b/lang/calamares_pt_PT.ts
index 6f9e1ab70..ce241c547 100644
--- a/lang/calamares_pt_PT.ts
+++ b/lang/calamares_pt_PT.ts
@@ -447,6 +447,24 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost.
A verificação do sistema de ficheiros na partição% 1 falhou.
+ CheckerWidget
+ This computer does not satisfy the minimum requirements for installing %1.<br/>Installation cannot continue. <a href="#details">Details...</a>
+ This computer does not satisfy some of the recommended requirements for installing %1.<br/>Installation can continue, but some features might be disabled.
+ For best results, please ensure that this computer:
@@ -1537,62 +1555,6 @@ Alguns sistemas de ficheiros necessitam de ferramentas externas para serem supor
O instalador falhou ao actualizar a tabela de partições no disco '%1'.
- GreetingPage
- <h1>Welcome to the %1 installer.</h1><br/>This program will ask you some questions and set up %2 on your computer.
- <h1>Bem-vindo ao %1 instalador.</h1><br/>Este programa irá fazer-lhe algumas perguntas e configurar %2 no seu computador.
- About %1 installer
- Sobre %1 instalador
- <h1>%1</h1><br/><strong>%2<br/>for %3</strong><br/><br/>Copyright 2014-2015 Teo Mrnjavac <teo@kde.org><br/>Thanks to: Anke Boersma, Aurélien Gâteau, Kevin Kofler, Philip Müller, Pier Luigi Fiorini and Rohan Garg.<br/><br/><a href="http://calamares.io/">Calamares</a> development is sponsored by <br/><a href="http://www.blue-systems.com/">Blue Systems</a> - Liberating Software.
- <h1>%1</h1><br/><strong>%2<br/>para %3</strong><br/><br/>Direitos de Cópia 2014-2015 Teo Mrnjavac <teo@kde.org><br/>Agradecimentos: Anke Boersma, Aurélien Gâteau, Kevin Kofler, Philip Müller, Pier Luigi Fiorini e Rohan Garg.<br/><br/><a href="http://calamares.io/">Calamares</a> desenvolvimento patrocinado por <br/><a href="http://www.blue-systems.com/">Blue Systems</a> - Liberating Software.
- %1 support
- %1 suporte
- Form
- Forma
- &Release notes
- &Notas de lançamento
- &Known issues
- &Problemas conhecidos
- &Support
- &Suporte
- &About
- &Sobre
- GreetingViewStep
- Welcome
- Bem-vindo
@@ -2151,61 +2113,6 @@ Alguns sistemas de ficheiros necessitam de ferramentas externas para serem supor
- PreparePage
- For best results, please ensure that this computer:
- Para melhores resultados, por favor certifique-se de que este computador:
- This computer does not satisfy the minimum requirements for installing %1.
-Installation cannot continue.
- Este computador não satisfaz os requisitos mínimos para instalr %1.
-A instalação não poderá prosseguir.
- This computer does not satisfy some of the recommended requirements for installing %1.
-Installation can continue, but some features might be disabled.
- Este computador não satisfaz algumas das recomendações para instalação do %1.
-A instalação pode continuar, mas alguns recursos podem ser desativados.
- PrepareViewStep
- Gathering system information...
- A recolher informações do sistema...
- has at least %1 GB available drive space
- tem pelo menos %1 GB disponíveis em disco
- has at least %1 GB working memory
- tem pelo menos %1 GB de memória
- is plugged in to a power source
- está ligado a uma fonte de energia
- is connected to the Internet
- está ligado a internet
- Prepare
- Preparar
@@ -2419,6 +2326,54 @@ A instalação pode continuar, mas alguns recursos podem ser desativados.<strong>%3</strong><br/><br/>%1 será instalado em %2.<br/><font color="red">Aviso: </font>todos os dados na partição %2 serão perdidos.
+ RequirementsChecker
+ Gathering system information...
+ has at least %1 GB available drive space
+ There is not enough drive space. At least %1 GB is required.
+ has at least %1 GB working memory
+ The system does not have enough working memory. At least %1 GB is required.
+ is plugged in to a power source
+ The system is not plugged in to a power source.
+ is connected to the Internet
+ The system is not connected to the Internet.
@@ -2853,4 +2808,65 @@ A instalação pode continuar, mas alguns recursos podem ser desativados.Utilizadores
+ WelcomePage
+ Form
+ &Language:
+ &Release notes
+ &Known issues
+ &Support
+ &About
+ <h1>Welcome to the %1 installer.</h1><br/>This program will ask you some questions and set up %2 on your computer.
+ About %1 installer
+ <h1>%1</h1><br/><strong>%2<br/>for %3</strong><br/><br/>Copyright 2014-2015 Teo Mrnjavac <teo@kde.org><br/>Thanks to: Anke Boersma, Aurélien Gâteau, Kevin Kofler, Philip Müller, Pier Luigi Fiorini and Rohan Garg.<br/><br/><a href="http://calamares.io/">Calamares</a> development is sponsored by <br/><a href="http://www.blue-systems.com/">Blue Systems</a> - Liberating Software.
+ %1 support
+ WelcomeViewStep
+ Welcome
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/lang/calamares_ro.ts b/lang/calamares_ro.ts
index 22158e37d..6c4176a63 100644
--- a/lang/calamares_ro.ts
+++ b/lang/calamares_ro.ts
@@ -448,6 +448,24 @@ Instalatorul va ieși, iar toate modificările vor fi pierdute.
Verificarea sistemului de fișiere pe %1 a eșuat.
+ CheckerWidget
+ This computer does not satisfy the minimum requirements for installing %1.<br/>Installation cannot continue. <a href="#details">Details...</a>
+ This computer does not satisfy some of the recommended requirements for installing %1.<br/>Installation can continue, but some features might be disabled.
+ For best results, please ensure that this computer:
@@ -1538,62 +1556,6 @@ Anumite sisteme de fișiere au nevoie de unelte externe instalate pentru suport.
Instalatorul n-a putut actualiza tabela de partiții pe discul „%1”.
- GreetingPage
- <h1>Welcome to the %1 installer.</h1><br/>This program will ask you some questions and set up %2 on your computer.
- <h1>Bine ați venit la instalatorul %1</h1><br/>Acest program vă va pune niște întrebări și va configura %2 pe calculatorul dvs.
- About %1 installer
- Despre instalatorul %1
- <h1>%1</h1><br/><strong>%2<br/>for %3</strong><br/><br/>Copyright 2014-2015 Teo Mrnjavac <teo@kde.org><br/>Thanks to: Anke Boersma, Aurélien Gâteau, Kevin Kofler, Philip Müller, Pier Luigi Fiorini and Rohan Garg.<br/><br/><a href="http://calamares.io/">Calamares</a> development is sponsored by <br/><a href="http://www.blue-systems.com/">Blue Systems</a> - Liberating Software.
- %1 support
- Form
- Formular
- &Release notes
- &Known issues
- &Support
- &About
- &Despre
- GreetingViewStep
- Welcome
- Bine ați venit
@@ -2152,61 +2114,6 @@ Anumite sisteme de fișiere au nevoie de unelte externe instalate pentru suport.
- PreparePage
- For best results, please ensure that this computer:
- Pentru rezultate optime, asigurați-vă că acest calculator:
- This computer does not satisfy the minimum requirements for installing %1.
-Installation cannot continue.
- Acest calculator nu satisface cerințele minime pentru instalarea %1.
-Instalarea nu poate continua:
- This computer does not satisfy some of the recommended requirements for installing %1.
-Installation can continue, but some features might be disabled.
- Acest calculator nu satisface anumite cerințe recomandate pentru instalarea %1.
-Instalarea poate continua, dar anumite funcții ar putea fi dezactivate.
- PrepareViewStep
- Gathering system information...
- Se adună informații despre sistem...
- has at least %1 GB available drive space
- are cel puțin %1 GB disponibil pe disc
- has at least %1 GB working memory
- are cel puțin %1 GB de memorie funcțională
- is plugged in to a power source
- este conectat la o sursă de curent
- is connected to the Internet
- este conectat la Internet
- Prepare
- Pregătește
@@ -2420,6 +2327,54 @@ Instalarea poate continua, dar anumite funcții ar putea fi dezactivate.
+ RequirementsChecker
+ Gathering system information...
+ has at least %1 GB available drive space
+ There is not enough drive space. At least %1 GB is required.
+ has at least %1 GB working memory
+ The system does not have enough working memory. At least %1 GB is required.
+ is plugged in to a power source
+ The system is not plugged in to a power source.
+ is connected to the Internet
+ The system is not connected to the Internet.
@@ -2854,4 +2809,65 @@ Instalarea poate continua, dar anumite funcții ar putea fi dezactivate.Utilizatori
+ WelcomePage
+ Form
+ &Language:
+ &Release notes
+ &Known issues
+ &Support
+ &About
+ <h1>Welcome to the %1 installer.</h1><br/>This program will ask you some questions and set up %2 on your computer.
+ About %1 installer
+ <h1>%1</h1><br/><strong>%2<br/>for %3</strong><br/><br/>Copyright 2014-2015 Teo Mrnjavac <teo@kde.org><br/>Thanks to: Anke Boersma, Aurélien Gâteau, Kevin Kofler, Philip Müller, Pier Luigi Fiorini and Rohan Garg.<br/><br/><a href="http://calamares.io/">Calamares</a> development is sponsored by <br/><a href="http://www.blue-systems.com/">Blue Systems</a> - Liberating Software.
+ %1 support
+ WelcomeViewStep
+ Welcome
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/lang/calamares_ru.ts b/lang/calamares_ru.ts
index 030492844..24388a8e0 100644
--- a/lang/calamares_ru.ts
+++ b/lang/calamares_ru.ts
@@ -447,6 +447,24 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost.
Проверка файловой системы на разделе %1 завершилась неудачей.
+ CheckerWidget
+ This computer does not satisfy the minimum requirements for installing %1.<br/>Installation cannot continue. <a href="#details">Details...</a>
+ This computer does not satisfy some of the recommended requirements for installing %1.<br/>Installation can continue, but some features might be disabled.
+ For best results, please ensure that this computer:
@@ -1537,62 +1555,6 @@ Some file systems need external tools to be installed for them to be supported.
Установщик не смог обновить таблицу разделов на диске '%1'.
- GreetingPage
- <h1>Welcome to the %1 installer.</h1><br/>This program will ask you some questions and set up %2 on your computer.
- <h1>Добро пожаловать в установщик %1.</h1><br/>Эта программа поможет установить %2 на этом компьютере, задав Вам несколько вопросов.
- About %1 installer
- О установщике %1
- <h1>%1</h1><br/><strong>%2<br/>for %3</strong><br/><br/>Copyright 2014-2015 Teo Mrnjavac <teo@kde.org><br/>Thanks to: Anke Boersma, Aurélien Gâteau, Kevin Kofler, Philip Müller, Pier Luigi Fiorini and Rohan Garg.<br/><br/><a href="http://calamares.io/">Calamares</a> development is sponsored by <br/><a href="http://www.blue-systems.com/">Blue Systems</a> - Liberating Software.
- <h1>%1</h1><br/><strong>%2<br/>для %3</strong><br/><br/>Copyright 2014-2015 Teo Mrnjavac <teo@kde.org><br/>При участии: Anke Boersma, Aurélien Gâteau, Kevin Kofler, Philip Müller, Pier Luigi Fiorini и Rohan Garg.<br/><br/><a href="http://calamares.io/">Calamares</a> разработан при поддержке <br/><a href="http://www.blue-systems.com/">Blue Systems</a> - Liberating Software.
- %1 support
- %1 поддержка
- Form
- Геометрия
- &Release notes
- &Примечания к выпуску
- &Known issues
- &Известные проблемы
- &Support
- П&оддержка
- &About
- &О
- GreetingViewStep
- Welcome
- Добро пожаловать
@@ -2151,61 +2113,6 @@ Some file systems need external tools to be installed for them to be supported.
- PreparePage
- For best results, please ensure that this computer:
- Для дальнейшего продолжения, пожалуйста проверьте указанные данные:
- This computer does not satisfy the minimum requirements for installing %1.
-Installation cannot continue.
- Этот компьютер не удовлетворяет минимальным требованиям для установки %1.
-Установка не может быть продолжена.
- This computer does not satisfy some of the recommended requirements for installing %1.
-Installation can continue, but some features might be disabled.
- Этот компьютер не удовлетворяет некоторым рекомендуемым требованиям для установки %1.
-Установка может быть продолжена, но некоторые возможности могут быть недоступны.
- PrepareViewStep
- Gathering system information...
- Сбор информации о системе...
- has at least %1 GB available drive space
- доступно как минимум %1 ГБ свободного дискового пространства
- has at least %1 GB working memory
- доступно как минимум %1 ГБ оперативной памяти
- is plugged in to a power source
- подключено сетевое питание
- is connected to the Internet
- подсоединен к интернет
- Prepare
- Подготовить
@@ -2419,6 +2326,54 @@ Installation can continue, but some features might be disabled.
<strong>%3</strong><br/><br/>%1 будет установлен в %2.<br/><font color="red">Внимание: </font>все данные на разделе %2 будут потеряны.
+ RequirementsChecker
+ Gathering system information...
+ has at least %1 GB available drive space
+ There is not enough drive space. At least %1 GB is required.
+ has at least %1 GB working memory
+ The system does not have enough working memory. At least %1 GB is required.
+ is plugged in to a power source
+ The system is not plugged in to a power source.
+ is connected to the Internet
+ The system is not connected to the Internet.
@@ -2853,4 +2808,65 @@ Installation can continue, but some features might be disabled.
+ WelcomePage
+ Form
+ &Language:
+ &Release notes
+ &Known issues
+ &Support
+ &About
+ <h1>Welcome to the %1 installer.</h1><br/>This program will ask you some questions and set up %2 on your computer.
+ About %1 installer
+ <h1>%1</h1><br/><strong>%2<br/>for %3</strong><br/><br/>Copyright 2014-2015 Teo Mrnjavac <teo@kde.org><br/>Thanks to: Anke Boersma, Aurélien Gâteau, Kevin Kofler, Philip Müller, Pier Luigi Fiorini and Rohan Garg.<br/><br/><a href="http://calamares.io/">Calamares</a> development is sponsored by <br/><a href="http://www.blue-systems.com/">Blue Systems</a> - Liberating Software.
+ %1 support
+ WelcomeViewStep
+ Welcome
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/lang/calamares_sk.ts b/lang/calamares_sk.ts
index 5cfbfd5fc..e38c4ae51 100644
--- a/lang/calamares_sk.ts
+++ b/lang/calamares_sk.ts
@@ -431,6 +431,24 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost.
Kontrola súborového systému na partícii %1 zlyhala.
+ CheckerWidget
+ This computer does not satisfy the minimum requirements for installing %1.<br/>Installation cannot continue. <a href="#details">Details...</a>
+ This computer does not satisfy some of the recommended requirements for installing %1.<br/>Installation can continue, but some features might be disabled.
+ For best results, please ensure that this computer:
@@ -1520,62 +1538,6 @@ Some file systems need external tools to be installed for them to be supported.
- GreetingPage
- <h1>Welcome to the %1 installer.</h1><br/>This program will ask you some questions and set up %2 on your computer.
- About %1 installer
- <h1>%1</h1><br/><strong>%2<br/>for %3</strong><br/><br/>Copyright 2014-2015 Teo Mrnjavac <teo@kde.org><br/>Thanks to: Anke Boersma, Aurélien Gâteau, Kevin Kofler, Philip Müller, Pier Luigi Fiorini and Rohan Garg.<br/><br/><a href="http://calamares.io/">Calamares</a> development is sponsored by <br/><a href="http://www.blue-systems.com/">Blue Systems</a> - Liberating Software.
- %1 support
- Form
- &Release notes
- &Known issues
- &Support
- &About
- GreetingViewStep
- Welcome
- Vitajte
@@ -2134,61 +2096,6 @@ Some file systems need external tools to be installed for them to be supported.
- PreparePage
- For best results, please ensure that this computer:
- Pre najlepšie výsledky, prosím zabezpečte toto pre počítač:
- This computer does not satisfy the minimum requirements for installing %1.
-Installation cannot continue.
- Tento počítač nespĺňa minimálne požiadavky na inštaláciu %1.
-Inštalácia nemôže pokračovať.
- This computer does not satisfy some of the recommended requirements for installing %1.
-Installation can continue, but some features might be disabled.
- Tento počítač nespĺňa niektoré odporúčané požiadavky na inštaláciu %1.
-Inštalácia môže pokračovať, ale niektoré vylepšenia budú vypnuté.
- PrepareViewStep
- Gathering system information...
- Zbieranie systémových informácií...
- has at least %1 GB available drive space
- máte aspoň %1 GB dostupného priestoru na disku
- has at least %1 GB working memory
- máte aspoň %1 GB pracovnej pamäti
- is plugged in to a power source
- je zapnutý v sieťovej zásuvke
- is connected to the Internet
- je pripojený na Internet
- Prepare
- Priprav
@@ -2402,6 +2309,54 @@ Inštalácia môže pokračovať, ale niektoré vylepšenia budú vypnuté.
+ RequirementsChecker
+ Gathering system information...
+ has at least %1 GB available drive space
+ There is not enough drive space. At least %1 GB is required.
+ has at least %1 GB working memory
+ The system does not have enough working memory. At least %1 GB is required.
+ is plugged in to a power source
+ The system is not plugged in to a power source.
+ is connected to the Internet
+ The system is not connected to the Internet.
@@ -2836,4 +2791,65 @@ Inštalácia môže pokračovať, ale niektoré vylepšenia budú vypnuté.Používatelia
+ WelcomePage
+ Form
+ &Language:
+ &Release notes
+ &Known issues
+ &Support
+ &About
+ <h1>Welcome to the %1 installer.</h1><br/>This program will ask you some questions and set up %2 on your computer.
+ About %1 installer
+ <h1>%1</h1><br/><strong>%2<br/>for %3</strong><br/><br/>Copyright 2014-2015 Teo Mrnjavac <teo@kde.org><br/>Thanks to: Anke Boersma, Aurélien Gâteau, Kevin Kofler, Philip Müller, Pier Luigi Fiorini and Rohan Garg.<br/><br/><a href="http://calamares.io/">Calamares</a> development is sponsored by <br/><a href="http://www.blue-systems.com/">Blue Systems</a> - Liberating Software.
+ %1 support
+ WelcomeViewStep
+ Welcome
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/lang/calamares_sl.ts b/lang/calamares_sl.ts
index cd2d4b295..cb65aa297 100644
--- a/lang/calamares_sl.ts
+++ b/lang/calamares_sl.ts
@@ -448,6 +448,24 @@ Namestilni program se bo končal in vse spremembe bodo izgubljene.
Preverjanje datotečnega sistema na razdelku %1 je spodletelo.
+ CheckerWidget
+ This computer does not satisfy the minimum requirements for installing %1.<br/>Installation cannot continue. <a href="#details">Details...</a>
+ This computer does not satisfy some of the recommended requirements for installing %1.<br/>Installation can continue, but some features might be disabled.
+ For best results, please ensure that this computer:
@@ -1538,62 +1556,6 @@ Nekateri datotečni sistemi za podprtost zahtevajo namestitev zunanjih orodij. V
Namestilniku ni uspelo posodobiti razpredelnice razdelkov na disku '%1'.
- GreetingPage
- <h1>Welcome to the %1 installer.</h1><br/>This program will ask you some questions and set up %2 on your computer.
- <h1>Dobrodošli v namestilniku %1.</h1><br/>Ta program vam bo zastavil nekaj vprašanj in nastavil %2 na vašem računalniku.
- About %1 installer
- <h1>%1</h1><br/><strong>%2<br/>for %3</strong><br/><br/>Copyright 2014-2015 Teo Mrnjavac <teo@kde.org><br/>Thanks to: Anke Boersma, Aurélien Gâteau, Kevin Kofler, Philip Müller, Pier Luigi Fiorini and Rohan Garg.<br/><br/><a href="http://calamares.io/">Calamares</a> development is sponsored by <br/><a href="http://www.blue-systems.com/">Blue Systems</a> - Liberating Software.
- %1 support
- Form
- &Release notes
- &Known issues
- &Support
- &About
- GreetingViewStep
- Welcome
- Dobrodošli
@@ -2152,61 +2114,6 @@ Nekateri datotečni sistemi za podprtost zahtevajo namestitev zunanjih orodij. V
- PreparePage
- For best results, please ensure that this computer:
- Za najboljše rezultate se prepričajte, da vaš računalnik izpolnjuje naslednje zahteve:
- This computer does not satisfy the minimum requirements for installing %1.
-Installation cannot continue.
- Ta računalnik ne izpolnjuje minimalnih zahtev za namestitev %1.
-Namestitve ni mogoče nadaljevati.
- This computer does not satisfy some of the recommended requirements for installing %1.
-Installation can continue, but some features might be disabled.
- Ta računalnik ne izpolnjuje nekaterih priporočenih zahtev za namestitev %1.
-Namestitev je možno nadaljevati, vendar se lahko zgodi, da bodo nekatere možnosti onemogočene.
- PrepareViewStep
- Gathering system information...
- Zbiranje informacij o sistemu ...
- has at least %1 GB available drive space
- ima vsaj %1 GB razpoložljivega prostora na disku
- has at least %1 GB working memory
- ima vsaj %1 GB delovnega pomnilnika
- is plugged in to a power source
- je priklopljen na vir napajanja
- is connected to the Internet
- je povezan s spletom
- Prepare
- Pripravi
@@ -2420,6 +2327,54 @@ Namestitev je možno nadaljevati, vendar se lahko zgodi, da bodo nekatere možno
+ RequirementsChecker
+ Gathering system information...
+ has at least %1 GB available drive space
+ There is not enough drive space. At least %1 GB is required.
+ has at least %1 GB working memory
+ The system does not have enough working memory. At least %1 GB is required.
+ is plugged in to a power source
+ The system is not plugged in to a power source.
+ is connected to the Internet
+ The system is not connected to the Internet.
@@ -2854,4 +2809,65 @@ Namestitev je možno nadaljevati, vendar se lahko zgodi, da bodo nekatere možno
+ WelcomePage
+ Form
+ &Language:
+ &Release notes
+ &Known issues
+ &Support
+ &About
+ <h1>Welcome to the %1 installer.</h1><br/>This program will ask you some questions and set up %2 on your computer.
+ About %1 installer
+ <h1>%1</h1><br/><strong>%2<br/>for %3</strong><br/><br/>Copyright 2014-2015 Teo Mrnjavac <teo@kde.org><br/>Thanks to: Anke Boersma, Aurélien Gâteau, Kevin Kofler, Philip Müller, Pier Luigi Fiorini and Rohan Garg.<br/><br/><a href="http://calamares.io/">Calamares</a> development is sponsored by <br/><a href="http://www.blue-systems.com/">Blue Systems</a> - Liberating Software.
+ %1 support
+ WelcomeViewStep
+ Welcome
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/lang/calamares_sr.ts b/lang/calamares_sr.ts
index a1e67e1f6..3580bcf85 100644
--- a/lang/calamares_sr.ts
+++ b/lang/calamares_sr.ts
@@ -447,6 +447,24 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost.
Провера фајл система на партицији %1 није успела.
+ CheckerWidget
+ This computer does not satisfy the minimum requirements for installing %1.<br/>Installation cannot continue. <a href="#details">Details...</a>
+ This computer does not satisfy some of the recommended requirements for installing %1.<br/>Installation can continue, but some features might be disabled.
+ For best results, please ensure that this computer:
@@ -1537,62 +1555,6 @@ Some file systems need external tools to be installed for them to be supported.
- GreetingPage
- <h1>Welcome to the %1 installer.</h1><br/>This program will ask you some questions and set up %2 on your computer.
- About %1 installer
- <h1>%1</h1><br/><strong>%2<br/>for %3</strong><br/><br/>Copyright 2014-2015 Teo Mrnjavac <teo@kde.org><br/>Thanks to: Anke Boersma, Aurélien Gâteau, Kevin Kofler, Philip Müller, Pier Luigi Fiorini and Rohan Garg.<br/><br/><a href="http://calamares.io/">Calamares</a> development is sponsored by <br/><a href="http://www.blue-systems.com/">Blue Systems</a> - Liberating Software.
- %1 support
- Form
- &Release notes
- &Known issues
- &Support
- &About
- GreetingViewStep
- Welcome
@@ -2151,59 +2113,6 @@ Some file systems need external tools to be installed for them to be supported.
- PreparePage
- For best results, please ensure that this computer:
- This computer does not satisfy the minimum requirements for installing %1.
-Installation cannot continue.
- This computer does not satisfy some of the recommended requirements for installing %1.
-Installation can continue, but some features might be disabled.
- PrepareViewStep
- Gathering system information...
- has at least %1 GB available drive space
- has at least %1 GB working memory
- is plugged in to a power source
- is connected to the Internet
- Prepare
@@ -2417,6 +2326,54 @@ Installation can continue, but some features might be disabled.
+ RequirementsChecker
+ Gathering system information...
+ has at least %1 GB available drive space
+ There is not enough drive space. At least %1 GB is required.
+ has at least %1 GB working memory
+ The system does not have enough working memory. At least %1 GB is required.
+ is plugged in to a power source
+ The system is not plugged in to a power source.
+ is connected to the Internet
+ The system is not connected to the Internet.
@@ -2851,4 +2808,65 @@ Installation can continue, but some features might be disabled.
+ WelcomePage
+ Form
+ &Language:
+ &Release notes
+ &Known issues
+ &Support
+ &About
+ <h1>Welcome to the %1 installer.</h1><br/>This program will ask you some questions and set up %2 on your computer.
+ About %1 installer
+ <h1>%1</h1><br/><strong>%2<br/>for %3</strong><br/><br/>Copyright 2014-2015 Teo Mrnjavac <teo@kde.org><br/>Thanks to: Anke Boersma, Aurélien Gâteau, Kevin Kofler, Philip Müller, Pier Luigi Fiorini and Rohan Garg.<br/><br/><a href="http://calamares.io/">Calamares</a> development is sponsored by <br/><a href="http://www.blue-systems.com/">Blue Systems</a> - Liberating Software.
+ %1 support
+ WelcomeViewStep
+ Welcome
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/lang/calamares_sr@latin.ts b/lang/calamares_sr@latin.ts
index 043595977..9f7b7a871 100644
--- a/lang/calamares_sr@latin.ts
+++ b/lang/calamares_sr@latin.ts
@@ -448,6 +448,24 @@ Instaler će se zatvoriti i sve promjene će biti izgubljene.
Provjera fajl sistema na particiji %1 nije uspjela.
+ CheckerWidget
+ This computer does not satisfy the minimum requirements for installing %1.<br/>Installation cannot continue. <a href="#details">Details...</a>
+ This computer does not satisfy some of the recommended requirements for installing %1.<br/>Installation can continue, but some features might be disabled.
+ For best results, please ensure that this computer:
@@ -1538,62 +1556,6 @@ Neki od fajl sistema zahtjevaju instalaciju eksternih alata. Ali sve operacije s
- GreetingPage
- <h1>Welcome to the %1 installer.</h1><br/>This program will ask you some questions and set up %2 on your computer.
- <h1>Dobrodošli na %1 instaler</h1><br/>Ovaj program će vas upitati par pitanja i postaviti %2 na vaš računar.
- About %1 installer
- <h1>%1</h1><br/><strong>%2<br/>for %3</strong><br/><br/>Copyright 2014-2015 Teo Mrnjavac <teo@kde.org><br/>Thanks to: Anke Boersma, Aurélien Gâteau, Kevin Kofler, Philip Müller, Pier Luigi Fiorini and Rohan Garg.<br/><br/><a href="http://calamares.io/">Calamares</a> development is sponsored by <br/><a href="http://www.blue-systems.com/">Blue Systems</a> - Liberating Software.
- %1 support
- Form
- &Release notes
- &Known issues
- &Support
- &About
- GreetingViewStep
- Welcome
- Dobrodošli
@@ -2152,59 +2114,6 @@ Neki od fajl sistema zahtjevaju instalaciju eksternih alata. Ali sve operacije s
- PreparePage
- For best results, please ensure that this computer:
- Za najbolje rezultate, uvjetite se da li ovaj računar:
- This computer does not satisfy the minimum requirements for installing %1.
-Installation cannot continue.
- This computer does not satisfy some of the recommended requirements for installing %1.
-Installation can continue, but some features might be disabled.
- PrepareViewStep
- Gathering system information...
- has at least %1 GB available drive space
- ima najmanje %1GB slobodnog prostora na disku
- has at least %1 GB working memory
- ima bar %1GB radne memorije
- is plugged in to a power source
- je priključen na izvor struje
- is connected to the Internet
- ima vezu sa internetom
- Prepare
- Priprema
@@ -2418,6 +2327,54 @@ Installation can continue, but some features might be disabled.
+ RequirementsChecker
+ Gathering system information...
+ has at least %1 GB available drive space
+ There is not enough drive space. At least %1 GB is required.
+ has at least %1 GB working memory
+ The system does not have enough working memory. At least %1 GB is required.
+ is plugged in to a power source
+ The system is not plugged in to a power source.
+ is connected to the Internet
+ The system is not connected to the Internet.
@@ -2852,4 +2809,65 @@ Installation can continue, but some features might be disabled.
+ WelcomePage
+ Form
+ &Language:
+ &Release notes
+ &Known issues
+ &Support
+ &About
+ <h1>Welcome to the %1 installer.</h1><br/>This program will ask you some questions and set up %2 on your computer.
+ About %1 installer
+ <h1>%1</h1><br/><strong>%2<br/>for %3</strong><br/><br/>Copyright 2014-2015 Teo Mrnjavac <teo@kde.org><br/>Thanks to: Anke Boersma, Aurélien Gâteau, Kevin Kofler, Philip Müller, Pier Luigi Fiorini and Rohan Garg.<br/><br/><a href="http://calamares.io/">Calamares</a> development is sponsored by <br/><a href="http://www.blue-systems.com/">Blue Systems</a> - Liberating Software.
+ %1 support
+ WelcomeViewStep
+ Welcome
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/lang/calamares_sv.ts b/lang/calamares_sv.ts
index 2380a1ab5..d231e3119 100644
--- a/lang/calamares_sv.ts
+++ b/lang/calamares_sv.ts
@@ -448,6 +448,24 @@ Alla ändringar kommer att gå förlorade.
Filsystemkontrollen på partition %1 misslyckades.
+ CheckerWidget
+ This computer does not satisfy the minimum requirements for installing %1.<br/>Installation cannot continue. <a href="#details">Details...</a>
+ This computer does not satisfy some of the recommended requirements for installing %1.<br/>Installation can continue, but some features might be disabled.
+ For best results, please ensure that this computer:
@@ -1538,62 +1556,6 @@ Vissa filsystem behöver externa verktyg installerade för att de skall kunna st
Installationsprogrammet misslyckades med att uppdatera partitionstabellen på disk '%1'.
- GreetingPage
- <h1>Welcome to the %1 installer.</h1><br/>This program will ask you some questions and set up %2 on your computer.
- <h1>Välkommen till installationsprogrammet för %1.</h1><br/>Detta program kommer att ställa dig några frågor och installera %2 på din dator.
- About %1 installer
- Om %1-installationsprogrammet
- <h1>%1</h1><br/><strong>%2<br/>for %3</strong><br/><br/>Copyright 2014-2015 Teo Mrnjavac <teo@kde.org><br/>Thanks to: Anke Boersma, Aurélien Gâteau, Kevin Kofler, Philip Müller, Pier Luigi Fiorini and Rohan Garg.<br/><br/><a href="http://calamares.io/">Calamares</a> development is sponsored by <br/><a href="http://www.blue-systems.com/">Blue Systems</a> - Liberating Software.
- %1 support
- Form
- Formulär
- &Release notes
- &Known issues
- &Support
- &About
- Om
- GreetingViewStep
- Welcome
- Välkommen
@@ -2152,61 +2114,6 @@ Vissa filsystem behöver externa verktyg installerade för att de skall kunna st
- PreparePage
- For best results, please ensure that this computer:
- För bästa resultat, vänligen se till att datorn:
- This computer does not satisfy the minimum requirements for installing %1.
-Installation cannot continue.
- Denna dator uppfyller inte minimikraven för att installera %1.
-Installationen kan inte fortsätta.
- This computer does not satisfy some of the recommended requirements for installing %1.
-Installation can continue, but some features might be disabled.
- Denna dator uppfyller inte vissa av de rekommenderade kraven för att installera %1.
-Installationen kan fortsätta, men vissa funktioner kan komma att avaktiveras.
- PrepareViewStep
- Gathering system information...
- Samlar systeminformation...
- has at least %1 GB available drive space
- har minst %1 GB tillgängligt utrymme på hårddisken
- has at least %1 GB working memory
- har minst %1 GB arbetsminne
- is plugged in to a power source
- är ansluten till en strömkälla
- is connected to the Internet
- är ansluten till internet
- Prepare
- Förbered
@@ -2420,6 +2327,54 @@ Installationen kan fortsätta, men vissa funktioner kan komma att avaktiveras.
+ RequirementsChecker
+ Gathering system information...
+ has at least %1 GB available drive space
+ There is not enough drive space. At least %1 GB is required.
+ has at least %1 GB working memory
+ The system does not have enough working memory. At least %1 GB is required.
+ is plugged in to a power source
+ The system is not plugged in to a power source.
+ is connected to the Internet
+ The system is not connected to the Internet.
@@ -2854,4 +2809,65 @@ Installationen kan fortsätta, men vissa funktioner kan komma att avaktiveras.
+ WelcomePage
+ Form
+ &Language:
+ &Release notes
+ &Known issues
+ &Support
+ &About
+ <h1>Welcome to the %1 installer.</h1><br/>This program will ask you some questions and set up %2 on your computer.
+ About %1 installer
+ <h1>%1</h1><br/><strong>%2<br/>for %3</strong><br/><br/>Copyright 2014-2015 Teo Mrnjavac <teo@kde.org><br/>Thanks to: Anke Boersma, Aurélien Gâteau, Kevin Kofler, Philip Müller, Pier Luigi Fiorini and Rohan Garg.<br/><br/><a href="http://calamares.io/">Calamares</a> development is sponsored by <br/><a href="http://www.blue-systems.com/">Blue Systems</a> - Liberating Software.
+ %1 support
+ WelcomeViewStep
+ Welcome
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/lang/calamares_th.ts b/lang/calamares_th.ts
index 43c686e69..e6f95da63 100644
--- a/lang/calamares_th.ts
+++ b/lang/calamares_th.ts
@@ -448,6 +448,24 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost.
การตรวจสอบระบบไฟล์บนพาร์ทิชัน %1 ล้มเหลว
+ CheckerWidget
+ This computer does not satisfy the minimum requirements for installing %1.<br/>Installation cannot continue. <a href="#details">Details...</a>
+ This computer does not satisfy some of the recommended requirements for installing %1.<br/>Installation can continue, but some features might be disabled.
+ For best results, please ensure that this computer:
@@ -1538,62 +1556,6 @@ Some file systems need external tools to be installed for them to be supported.
ตัวติดตั้งไม่สามารถอัพเดทตารางพาร์ทิชันบนดิสก์ '%1'
- GreetingPage
- <h1>Welcome to the %1 installer.</h1><br/>This program will ask you some questions and set up %2 on your computer.
- <h1>ยินดีต้อนรับเข้าสู่ตัวติดตั้ง %1 </h1><br/>โปรแกรมนี้จะถามคุณบางคำถามและติดตั้ง %2 บนคอมพิวเตอร์ของคุณ
- About %1 installer
- เกี่ยวกับตัวติดตั้ง %1
- <h1>%1</h1><br/><strong>%2<br/>for %3</strong><br/><br/>Copyright 2014-2015 Teo Mrnjavac <teo@kde.org><br/>Thanks to: Anke Boersma, Aurélien Gâteau, Kevin Kofler, Philip Müller, Pier Luigi Fiorini and Rohan Garg.<br/><br/><a href="http://calamares.io/">Calamares</a> development is sponsored by <br/><a href="http://www.blue-systems.com/">Blue Systems</a> - Liberating Software.
- %1 support
- Form
- ฟอร์ม
- &Release notes
- &Known issues
- &Support
- &About
- &A เกี่ยวกับ
- GreetingViewStep
- Welcome
- ยินดีต้อนรับ
@@ -2152,61 +2114,6 @@ Some file systems need external tools to be installed for them to be supported.
- PreparePage
- For best results, please ensure that this computer:
- เพื่อผลลัพธ์ที่ดีที่สุด กรุณายืนยันว่าคอมพิวเตอร์เครื่องนี้:
- This computer does not satisfy the minimum requirements for installing %1.
-Installation cannot continue.
- คอมพิวเตอร์เครื่องนี้มีคุณสมบัติไม่ครบความต้องการขั้นต่ำของการติดตั้ง %1
- This computer does not satisfy some of the recommended requirements for installing %1.
-Installation can continue, but some features might be disabled.
- คอมพิวเตอร์เครื่องนี้ขาดคุณสมบัติที่แนะนำบางประการสำหรับการติดตั้ง %1
-สามารถดำเนินการติดตั้งต่อไปได้ แต่คุณลักษณะบางอย่างอาจถูกปิดการใช้งาน
- PrepareViewStep
- Gathering system information...
- กำลังรวบรวมข้อมูลของระบบ...
- has at least %1 GB available drive space
- มีพื้นที่บนไดรฟ์เหลืออย่างน้อย %1 GB
- has at least %1 GB working memory
- มีพื้นที่หน่วยความจำอย่างน้อย %1 GB
- is plugged in to a power source
- เชื่อมต่อปลั๊กเข้ากับแหล่งจ่ายไฟ
- is connected to the Internet
- เชื่อมต่อกับอินเตอร์เน็ต
- Prepare
- เตรียมตัว
@@ -2420,6 +2327,54 @@ Installation can continue, but some features might be disabled.
+ RequirementsChecker
+ Gathering system information...
+ has at least %1 GB available drive space
+ There is not enough drive space. At least %1 GB is required.
+ has at least %1 GB working memory
+ The system does not have enough working memory. At least %1 GB is required.
+ is plugged in to a power source
+ The system is not plugged in to a power source.
+ is connected to the Internet
+ The system is not connected to the Internet.
@@ -2854,4 +2809,65 @@ Installation can continue, but some features might be disabled.
+ WelcomePage
+ Form
+ &Language:
+ &Release notes
+ &Known issues
+ &Support
+ &About
+ <h1>Welcome to the %1 installer.</h1><br/>This program will ask you some questions and set up %2 on your computer.
+ About %1 installer
+ <h1>%1</h1><br/><strong>%2<br/>for %3</strong><br/><br/>Copyright 2014-2015 Teo Mrnjavac <teo@kde.org><br/>Thanks to: Anke Boersma, Aurélien Gâteau, Kevin Kofler, Philip Müller, Pier Luigi Fiorini and Rohan Garg.<br/><br/><a href="http://calamares.io/">Calamares</a> development is sponsored by <br/><a href="http://www.blue-systems.com/">Blue Systems</a> - Liberating Software.
+ %1 support
+ WelcomeViewStep
+ Welcome
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/lang/calamares_tr_TR.ts b/lang/calamares_tr_TR.ts
index 5eb1b98e0..ce90f7534 100644
--- a/lang/calamares_tr_TR.ts
+++ b/lang/calamares_tr_TR.ts
@@ -448,6 +448,24 @@ Yükleyiciden çıkınca tüm değişiklikler kaybedilecek.
Bölüm üzerinde dosya sistemi kontrolü başarısız oldu %1.
+ CheckerWidget
+ This computer does not satisfy the minimum requirements for installing %1.<br/>Installation cannot continue. <a href="#details">Details...</a>
+ This computer does not satisfy some of the recommended requirements for installing %1.<br/>Installation can continue, but some features might be disabled.
+ For best results, please ensure that this computer:
@@ -1538,62 +1556,6 @@ Bazı dosya sistemlerinin desteklenmesi ve düzenlenmesi için ek uygulamalar ge
Yükleyici '%1' diskinde bölümleme tablosunu güncelleyemedi.
- GreetingPage
- <h1>Welcome to the %1 installer.</h1><br/>This program will ask you some questions and set up %2 on your computer.
- <h1>%1 Sistem Yükleyiciye Hoşgeldiniz.</h1><br/>Bu program size bazı sorular soracak ve bilgisayarınıza %2 kuracak.
- About %1 installer
- %1 sistem yükleyici hakkında
- <h1>%1</h1><br/><strong>%2<br/>for %3</strong><br/><br/>Copyright 2014-2015 Teo Mrnjavac <teo@kde.org><br/>Thanks to: Anke Boersma, Aurélien Gâteau, Kevin Kofler, Philip Müller, Pier Luigi Fiorini and Rohan Garg.<br/><br/><a href="http://calamares.io/">Calamares</a> development is sponsored by <br/><a href="http://www.blue-systems.com/">Blue Systems</a> - Liberating Software.
- <h1>%1</h1><br/><strong>%2<br/>for %3</strong><br/><br/>Telif Hakkı 2014-2015 Teo Mrnjavac <teo@kde.org><br/>Teşekkürler: Anke Boersma, Aurélien Gâteau, Kevin Kofler, Philip Müller, Pier Luigi Fiorini and Rohan Garg.<br/><br/><a href="http://calamares.io/">Calamares</a> Gelişim sponsoru: <br/><a href="http://www.blue-systems.com/">Blue Systems</a> - Teknoloji ile daha iyi bir dünya.
- %1 support
- %1 destek
- Form
- Biçim
- &Release notes
- &Sürüm notları
- &Known issues
- &Bilinen hatalar
- &Support
- &Destek
- &About
- &Hakkında
- GreetingViewStep
- Welcome
- Hoşgeldiniz
@@ -2152,61 +2114,6 @@ Bazı dosya sistemlerinin desteklenmesi ve düzenlenmesi için ek uygulamalar ge
- PreparePage
- For best results, please ensure that this computer:
- En iyi sonucu elde etmek için bilgisayarınızın aşağıdaki gereksinimleri karşıladığından emin olunuz:
- This computer does not satisfy the minimum requirements for installing %1.
-Installation cannot continue.
- Bu bilgisayara %1 yüklemek için minimum gereksinimler karşılanamadı.
-Kurulum devam edemiyor.
- This computer does not satisfy some of the recommended requirements for installing %1.
-Installation can continue, but some features might be disabled.
- Bu bilgisayara %1 yüklemek için önerilen gereksinimlerin bazıları karşılanamadı.
-Kuruluma devam edebilirsiniz fakat bazı özellikler devre dışı kalabilir.
- PrepareViewStep
- Gathering system information...
- Sistem bilgileri toplanıyor...
- has at least %1 GB available drive space
- En az %1 GB disk alanı olduğundan...
- has at least %1 GB working memory
- En az %1 GB bellek bulunduğundan...
- is plugged in to a power source
- Bir güç kaynağına takılı olduğundan...
- is connected to the Internet
- İnternete bağlı olduğundan...
- Prepare
- Hazırlıklar
@@ -2420,6 +2327,54 @@ Kuruluma devam edebilirsiniz fakat bazı özellikler devre dışı kalabilir.<strong>%3</strong><br/><br/>%2 üzerine %1 kuracak.<br/><font color="red">Uyarı: </font>partition%2 üzerindeki tüm veriler kaybedilecek.
+ RequirementsChecker
+ Gathering system information...
+ has at least %1 GB available drive space
+ There is not enough drive space. At least %1 GB is required.
+ has at least %1 GB working memory
+ The system does not have enough working memory. At least %1 GB is required.
+ is plugged in to a power source
+ The system is not plugged in to a power source.
+ is connected to the Internet
+ The system is not connected to the Internet.
@@ -2854,4 +2809,65 @@ Kuruluma devam edebilirsiniz fakat bazı özellikler devre dışı kalabilir.Kullanıcı Seçenekleri
+ WelcomePage
+ Form
+ &Language:
+ &Release notes
+ &Known issues
+ &Support
+ &About
+ <h1>Welcome to the %1 installer.</h1><br/>This program will ask you some questions and set up %2 on your computer.
+ About %1 installer
+ <h1>%1</h1><br/><strong>%2<br/>for %3</strong><br/><br/>Copyright 2014-2015 Teo Mrnjavac <teo@kde.org><br/>Thanks to: Anke Boersma, Aurélien Gâteau, Kevin Kofler, Philip Müller, Pier Luigi Fiorini and Rohan Garg.<br/><br/><a href="http://calamares.io/">Calamares</a> development is sponsored by <br/><a href="http://www.blue-systems.com/">Blue Systems</a> - Liberating Software.
+ %1 support
+ WelcomeViewStep
+ Welcome
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/lang/calamares_uk.ts b/lang/calamares_uk.ts
index 6dfbfe180..4d5d0321a 100644
--- a/lang/calamares_uk.ts
+++ b/lang/calamares_uk.ts
@@ -441,6 +441,24 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost.
+ CheckerWidget
+ This computer does not satisfy the minimum requirements for installing %1.<br/>Installation cannot continue. <a href="#details">Details...</a>
+ This computer does not satisfy some of the recommended requirements for installing %1.<br/>Installation can continue, but some features might be disabled.
+ For best results, please ensure that this computer:
@@ -1530,62 +1548,6 @@ Some file systems need external tools to be installed for them to be supported.
- GreetingPage
- <h1>Welcome to the %1 installer.</h1><br/>This program will ask you some questions and set up %2 on your computer.
- About %1 installer
- <h1>%1</h1><br/><strong>%2<br/>for %3</strong><br/><br/>Copyright 2014-2015 Teo Mrnjavac <teo@kde.org><br/>Thanks to: Anke Boersma, Aurélien Gâteau, Kevin Kofler, Philip Müller, Pier Luigi Fiorini and Rohan Garg.<br/><br/><a href="http://calamares.io/">Calamares</a> development is sponsored by <br/><a href="http://www.blue-systems.com/">Blue Systems</a> - Liberating Software.
- %1 support
- Form
- &Release notes
- &Known issues
- &Support
- &About
- GreetingViewStep
- Welcome
@@ -2144,59 +2106,6 @@ Some file systems need external tools to be installed for them to be supported.
- PreparePage
- For best results, please ensure that this computer:
- This computer does not satisfy the minimum requirements for installing %1.
-Installation cannot continue.
- This computer does not satisfy some of the recommended requirements for installing %1.
-Installation can continue, but some features might be disabled.
- PrepareViewStep
- Gathering system information...
- has at least %1 GB available drive space
- has at least %1 GB working memory
- is plugged in to a power source
- is connected to the Internet
- Prepare
@@ -2410,6 +2319,54 @@ Installation can continue, but some features might be disabled.
+ RequirementsChecker
+ Gathering system information...
+ has at least %1 GB available drive space
+ There is not enough drive space. At least %1 GB is required.
+ has at least %1 GB working memory
+ The system does not have enough working memory. At least %1 GB is required.
+ is plugged in to a power source
+ The system is not plugged in to a power source.
+ is connected to the Internet
+ The system is not connected to the Internet.
@@ -2844,4 +2801,65 @@ Installation can continue, but some features might be disabled.
+ WelcomePage
+ Form
+ &Language:
+ &Release notes
+ &Known issues
+ &Support
+ &About
+ <h1>Welcome to the %1 installer.</h1><br/>This program will ask you some questions and set up %2 on your computer.
+ About %1 installer
+ <h1>%1</h1><br/><strong>%2<br/>for %3</strong><br/><br/>Copyright 2014-2015 Teo Mrnjavac <teo@kde.org><br/>Thanks to: Anke Boersma, Aurélien Gâteau, Kevin Kofler, Philip Müller, Pier Luigi Fiorini and Rohan Garg.<br/><br/><a href="http://calamares.io/">Calamares</a> development is sponsored by <br/><a href="http://www.blue-systems.com/">Blue Systems</a> - Liberating Software.
+ %1 support
+ WelcomeViewStep
+ Welcome
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/lang/calamares_ur.ts b/lang/calamares_ur.ts
index 53a97575c..8552efbbd 100644
--- a/lang/calamares_ur.ts
+++ b/lang/calamares_ur.ts
@@ -425,6 +425,24 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost.
+ CheckerWidget
+ This computer does not satisfy the minimum requirements for installing %1.<br/>Installation cannot continue. <a href="#details">Details...</a>
+ This computer does not satisfy some of the recommended requirements for installing %1.<br/>Installation can continue, but some features might be disabled.
+ For best results, please ensure that this computer:
@@ -1514,62 +1532,6 @@ Some file systems need external tools to be installed for them to be supported.
- GreetingPage
- <h1>Welcome to the %1 installer.</h1><br/>This program will ask you some questions and set up %2 on your computer.
- About %1 installer
- <h1>%1</h1><br/><strong>%2<br/>for %3</strong><br/><br/>Copyright 2014-2015 Teo Mrnjavac <teo@kde.org><br/>Thanks to: Anke Boersma, Aurélien Gâteau, Kevin Kofler, Philip Müller, Pier Luigi Fiorini and Rohan Garg.<br/><br/><a href="http://calamares.io/">Calamares</a> development is sponsored by <br/><a href="http://www.blue-systems.com/">Blue Systems</a> - Liberating Software.
- %1 support
- Form
- &Release notes
- &Known issues
- &Support
- &About
- GreetingViewStep
- Welcome
@@ -2128,59 +2090,6 @@ Some file systems need external tools to be installed for them to be supported.
- PreparePage
- For best results, please ensure that this computer:
- This computer does not satisfy the minimum requirements for installing %1.
-Installation cannot continue.
- This computer does not satisfy some of the recommended requirements for installing %1.
-Installation can continue, but some features might be disabled.
- PrepareViewStep
- Gathering system information...
- has at least %1 GB available drive space
- has at least %1 GB working memory
- is plugged in to a power source
- is connected to the Internet
- Prepare
@@ -2394,6 +2303,54 @@ Installation can continue, but some features might be disabled.
+ RequirementsChecker
+ Gathering system information...
+ has at least %1 GB available drive space
+ There is not enough drive space. At least %1 GB is required.
+ has at least %1 GB working memory
+ The system does not have enough working memory. At least %1 GB is required.
+ is plugged in to a power source
+ The system is not plugged in to a power source.
+ is connected to the Internet
+ The system is not connected to the Internet.
@@ -2828,4 +2785,65 @@ Installation can continue, but some features might be disabled.
+ WelcomePage
+ Form
+ &Language:
+ &Release notes
+ &Known issues
+ &Support
+ &About
+ <h1>Welcome to the %1 installer.</h1><br/>This program will ask you some questions and set up %2 on your computer.
+ About %1 installer
+ <h1>%1</h1><br/><strong>%2<br/>for %3</strong><br/><br/>Copyright 2014-2015 Teo Mrnjavac <teo@kde.org><br/>Thanks to: Anke Boersma, Aurélien Gâteau, Kevin Kofler, Philip Müller, Pier Luigi Fiorini and Rohan Garg.<br/><br/><a href="http://calamares.io/">Calamares</a> development is sponsored by <br/><a href="http://www.blue-systems.com/">Blue Systems</a> - Liberating Software.
+ %1 support
+ WelcomeViewStep
+ Welcome
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/lang/calamares_zh_CN.ts b/lang/calamares_zh_CN.ts
index d5c0a26d9..05bafd643 100644
--- a/lang/calamares_zh_CN.ts
+++ b/lang/calamares_zh_CN.ts
@@ -447,6 +447,24 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost.
检查分区 %1 上的文件系统失败。
+ CheckerWidget
+ This computer does not satisfy the minimum requirements for installing %1.<br/>Installation cannot continue. <a href="#details">Details...</a>
+ This computer does not satisfy some of the recommended requirements for installing %1.<br/>Installation can continue, but some features might be disabled.
+ For best results, please ensure that this computer:
@@ -1537,62 +1555,6 @@ Some file systems need external tools to be installed for them to be supported.
- GreetingPage
- <h1>Welcome to the %1 installer.</h1><br/>This program will ask you some questions and set up %2 on your computer.
- <h1>欢迎来到 %1 安装程序。</h1><br/>这个程序将询问您一些问题并在您的计算机上安装 %2。
- About %1 installer
- 关于 %1 安装程序
- <h1>%1</h1><br/><strong>%2<br/>for %3</strong><br/><br/>Copyright 2014-2015 Teo Mrnjavac <teo@kde.org><br/>Thanks to: Anke Boersma, Aurélien Gâteau, Kevin Kofler, Philip Müller, Pier Luigi Fiorini and Rohan Garg.<br/><br/><a href="http://calamares.io/">Calamares</a> development is sponsored by <br/><a href="http://www.blue-systems.com/">Blue Systems</a> - Liberating Software.
- %1 support
- %1 支持
- Form
- &Release notes
- &Known issues
- 已知问题(&K)
- &Support
- 支持(&S)
- &About
- 关于(&A)
- GreetingViewStep
- Welcome
- 欢迎
@@ -2151,61 +2113,6 @@ Some file systems need external tools to be installed for them to be supported.
- PreparePage
- For best results, please ensure that this computer:
- 为了更好的效果,请保证此计算机:
- This computer does not satisfy the minimum requirements for installing %1.
-Installation cannot continue.
- 此计算机不满足安装 %1 的最低配置。
- This computer does not satisfy some of the recommended requirements for installing %1.
-Installation can continue, but some features might be disabled.
- 此计算机不满足安装 %1 的某些推荐配置。
- PrepareViewStep
- Gathering system information...
- 正在收集系统信息...
- has at least %1 GB available drive space
- 有至少 %1 GB 可用磁盘空间
- has at least %1 GB working memory
- 有至少 %1 GB 可用内存
- is plugged in to a power source
- 已连接到电源
- is connected to the Internet
- 已连接到网络
- Prepare
- 准备
@@ -2419,6 +2326,54 @@ Installation can continue, but some features might be disabled.
+ RequirementsChecker
+ Gathering system information...
+ has at least %1 GB available drive space
+ There is not enough drive space. At least %1 GB is required.
+ has at least %1 GB working memory
+ The system does not have enough working memory. At least %1 GB is required.
+ is plugged in to a power source
+ The system is not plugged in to a power source.
+ is connected to the Internet
+ The system is not connected to the Internet.
@@ -2853,4 +2808,65 @@ Installation can continue, but some features might be disabled.
+ WelcomePage
+ Form
+ &Language:
+ &Release notes
+ &Known issues
+ &Support
+ &About
+ <h1>Welcome to the %1 installer.</h1><br/>This program will ask you some questions and set up %2 on your computer.
+ About %1 installer
+ <h1>%1</h1><br/><strong>%2<br/>for %3</strong><br/><br/>Copyright 2014-2015 Teo Mrnjavac <teo@kde.org><br/>Thanks to: Anke Boersma, Aurélien Gâteau, Kevin Kofler, Philip Müller, Pier Luigi Fiorini and Rohan Garg.<br/><br/><a href="http://calamares.io/">Calamares</a> development is sponsored by <br/><a href="http://www.blue-systems.com/">Blue Systems</a> - Liberating Software.
+ %1 support
+ WelcomeViewStep
+ Welcome
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/lang/calamares_zh_TW.ts b/lang/calamares_zh_TW.ts
index bed1d2302..f2d0808a9 100644
--- a/lang/calamares_zh_TW.ts
+++ b/lang/calamares_zh_TW.ts
@@ -448,6 +448,24 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost.
在分割區 %1 上的檔案系統檢查失敗。
+ CheckerWidget
+ This computer does not satisfy the minimum requirements for installing %1.<br/>Installation cannot continue. <a href="#details">Details...</a>
+ This computer does not satisfy some of the recommended requirements for installing %1.<br/>Installation can continue, but some features might be disabled.
+ For best results, please ensure that this computer:
@@ -1538,62 +1556,6 @@ Some file systems need external tools to be installed for them to be supported.
安裝程式在磁碟 '%1' 上更新分割區表格失敗。
- GreetingPage
- <h1>Welcome to the %1 installer.</h1><br/>This program will ask you some questions and set up %2 on your computer.
- <h1>歡迎使用 %1 安裝程式。</h1><br/>本程式將會問您一些問題並在您的電腦上安裝及設定 %2 。
- About %1 installer
- 關於 %1 安裝程式
- <h1>%1</h1><br/><strong>%2<br/>for %3</strong><br/><br/>Copyright 2014-2015 Teo Mrnjavac <teo@kde.org><br/>Thanks to: Anke Boersma, Aurélien Gâteau, Kevin Kofler, Philip Müller, Pier Luigi Fiorini and Rohan Garg.<br/><br/><a href="http://calamares.io/">Calamares</a> development is sponsored by <br/><a href="http://www.blue-systems.com/">Blue Systems</a> - Liberating Software.
- <h1>%1</h1><br/><strong>%2<br/>為 %3</strong><br/><br/>Copyright 2014-2015 Teo Mrnjavac <teo@kde.org><br/>感謝:Anke Boersma, Aurélien Gâteau, Kevin Kofler, Philip Müller, Pier Luigi Fiorini 及 Rohan Garg。<br/><br/><a href="http://calamares.io/">Calamares</a> 開發由 <br/><a href="http://www.blue-systems.com/">Blue Systems</a> - Liberating Software 贊助。
- %1 support
- %1 支援
- Form
- 型式
- &Release notes
- 發行註記(&R)
- &Known issues
- 已知問題(&K)
- &Support
- 支援(&S)
- &About
- 關於(&A)
- GreetingViewStep
- Welcome
- 歡迎
@@ -2152,61 +2114,6 @@ Some file systems need external tools to be installed for them to be supported.
- PreparePage
- For best results, please ensure that this computer:
- 為了得到最佳的結果,請確保此電腦:
- This computer does not satisfy the minimum requirements for installing %1.
-Installation cannot continue.
- 此電腦未滿足安裝 %1 的最低配備。
- This computer does not satisfy some of the recommended requirements for installing %1.
-Installation can continue, but some features might be disabled.
- 此電腦未滿足一些安裝 %1 的推薦需求。
- PrepareViewStep
- Gathering system information...
- 蒐集系統資訊中...
- has at least %1 GB available drive space
- 有至少 %1 GB 的可用磁碟空間
- has at least %1 GB working memory
- 有至少 %1 GB 的可用記憶體
- is plugged in to a power source
- 已插入外接電源
- is connected to the Internet
- 已連上網際網路
- Prepare
- 準備中
@@ -2420,6 +2327,54 @@ Installation can continue, but some features might be disabled.
<strong>%3</strong><br/><br/>%1 將會安裝在 %2 上。<br/><font color="red">警告: </font>所有在分割區 %2 上的資料都將會遺失。
+ RequirementsChecker
+ Gathering system information...
+ has at least %1 GB available drive space
+ There is not enough drive space. At least %1 GB is required.
+ has at least %1 GB working memory
+ The system does not have enough working memory. At least %1 GB is required.
+ is plugged in to a power source
+ The system is not plugged in to a power source.
+ is connected to the Internet
+ The system is not connected to the Internet.
@@ -2854,4 +2809,65 @@ Installation can continue, but some features might be disabled.
+ WelcomePage
+ Form
+ &Language:
+ &Release notes
+ &Known issues
+ &Support
+ &About
+ <h1>Welcome to the %1 installer.</h1><br/>This program will ask you some questions and set up %2 on your computer.
+ About %1 installer
+ <h1>%1</h1><br/><strong>%2<br/>for %3</strong><br/><br/>Copyright 2014-2015 Teo Mrnjavac <teo@kde.org><br/>Thanks to: Anke Boersma, Aurélien Gâteau, Kevin Kofler, Philip Müller, Pier Luigi Fiorini and Rohan Garg.<br/><br/><a href="http://calamares.io/">Calamares</a> development is sponsored by <br/><a href="http://www.blue-systems.com/">Blue Systems</a> - Liberating Software.
+ %1 support
+ WelcomeViewStep
+ Welcome
\ No newline at end of file