diff --git a/lang/calamares_ar.ts b/lang/calamares_ar.ts
index 9ffec35bb..e50dd84bf 100644
--- a/lang/calamares_ar.ts
+++ b/lang/calamares_ar.ts
@@ -354,17 +354,17 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost.
+ <strong>Manual partitioning</strong><br/>You can create or resize partitions yourself.<strong>تقسيم يدويّ</strong><br/>يمكنك إنشاء أو تغيير حجم الأقسام بنفسك.
+ Boot loader location:مكان محمّل الإقلاع:
+ %1 will be shrunk to %2MB and a new %3MB partition will be created for %4.سيتقلّص %1 إلى %2م.بايت وقسم %3م.بايت آخر جديد سيُنشأ ل%4.
@@ -375,108 +375,108 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost.
+ Current:الحاليّ:
+ Reuse %1 as home partition for %2.
+ <strong>Select a partition to shrink, then drag the bottom bar to resize</strong><strong>اختر قسمًا لتقليصه، ثمّ اسحب الشّريط السّفليّ لتغيير حجمه </strong>
+ <strong>Select a partition to install on</strong><strong>اختر القسم حيث سيكون التّثبيت عليه</strong>
+ An EFI system partition cannot be found anywhere on this system. Please go back and use manual partitioning to set up %1.تعذّر إيجاد قسم النّظام EFI في أيّ مكان. فضلًا ارجع واستخدم التّقسيم اليدويّ لإعداد %1.
+ The EFI system partition at %1 will be used for starting %2.قسم النّظام EFI على %1 سيُستخدم لبدء %2.
+ EFI system partition:قسم نظام EFI:
+ This storage device does not seem to have an operating system on it. What would you like to do?<br/>You will be able to review and confirm your choices before any change is made to the storage device.لا يبدو أن في جهاز التّخزين أيّ نظام تشغيل. ما الذي تودّ فعله؟<br/>يمكنك مراجعة الاختيارات وتأكيدها قبل تطبيقها على جهاز التّخزين.
+ <strong>Erase disk</strong><br/>This will <font color="red">delete</font> all data currently present on the selected storage device.<strong>مسح القرص</strong><br/>هذا س<font color="red">يمسح</font> كلّ البيانات الموجودة في جهاز التّخزين المحدّد.
+ This storage device has %1 on it. What would you like to do?<br/>You will be able to review and confirm your choices before any change is made to the storage device.على جهاز التّخزين %1. ما الذي تودّ فعله؟<br/>يمكنك مراجعة الاختيارات وتأكيدها قبل تطبيقها على جهاز التّخزين.
+ No Swap
+ Reuse Swap
+ Swap (no Hibernate)
+ Swap (with Hibernate)
+ Swap to file
+ <strong>Install alongside</strong><br/>The installer will shrink a partition to make room for %1.<strong>ثبّت جنبًا إلى جنب</strong><br/>سيقلّص المثبّت قسمًا لتفريغ مساحة لِ %1.
+ <strong>Replace a partition</strong><br/>Replaces a partition with %1.<strong>استبدل قسمًا</strong><br/>يستبدل قسمًا مع %1 .
+ This storage device already has an operating system on it. What would you like to do?<br/>You will be able to review and confirm your choices before any change is made to the storage device.على جهاز التّخزين هذا نظام تشغيل ذأصلًا. ما الذي تودّ فعله؟<br/>يمكنك مراجعة الاختيارات وتأكيدها قبل تطبيقها على جهاز التّخزين.
+ This storage device has multiple operating systems on it. What would you like to do?<br/>You will be able to review and confirm your choices before any change is made to the storage device.على جهاز التّخزين هذا عدّة أنظمة تشغيل. ما الذي تودّ فعله؟<br/>يمكنك مراجعة الاختيارات وتأكيدها قبل تطبيقها على جهاز التّخزين.
@@ -739,6 +739,14 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost.
تعذّر فتح ملفّ groups للقراءة.
+ CreateVolumeGroupDialog
+ Create Volume Group
@@ -1576,7 +1584,7 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost.
+ font-weight: normalfont-weight: normal
@@ -1606,22 +1614,22 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost.
<small>سيُستخدم الاسم لإظهار الحاسوب للآخرين عبر الشّبكة.</small>
+ Log in automatically without asking for the password.لِج آليًّا بدون طلب كلمة مرور.
+ Use the same password for the administrator account.استخدم نفس كلمة المرور لحساب المدير.
+ Choose a password for the administrator account.اختر كلمة مرور لحساب المدير.
+ <small>Enter the same password twice, so that it can be checked for typing errors.</small><small>أدخل ذات كلمة المرور مرّتين، للتّأكد من عدم وجود أخطاء طباعيّة.</small>
@@ -1767,17 +1775,17 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost.
+ Are you sure you want to create a new partition table on %1?أمتأكّد من إنشاء جدول تقسيم جديد على %1؟
+ Can not create new partition
+ The partition table on %1 already has %2 primary partitions, and no more can be added. Please remove one primary partition and add an extended partition, instead.
@@ -2048,6 +2056,11 @@ Output:
Language (Country)%1 (%2)
+ (no mount point)
+ RemoveVolumeGroupJob
@@ -2295,6 +2308,14 @@ Output:
فشل المثبّت في تغيير حجم القسم %1 على القرص '%2'.
+ ResizeVolumeGroupDialog
+ Resize Volume Group
@@ -2704,33 +2725,33 @@ Output:
+ Your username is too long.اسم المستخدم طويل جدًّا.
+ Your username contains invalid characters. Only lowercase letters and numbers are allowed.يحوي اسم المستخدم محارف غير صالح. المسموح هو الأحرف الصّغيرة والأرقام فقط.
+ Your hostname is too short.اسم المضيف قصير جدًّا.
+ Your hostname is too long.اسم المضيف طويل جدًّا.
+ Your hostname contains invalid characters. Only letters, numbers and dashes are allowed.يحوي اسم المضيف محارف غير صالحة. المسموح فقط الأحرف والأرقام والشُّرط.
+ Your passwords do not match!لا يوجد تطابق في كلمات السر!
@@ -2747,7 +2768,7 @@ Output:
- VolumeGroupDialog
+ Create Volume Group
diff --git a/lang/calamares_ast.ts b/lang/calamares_ast.ts
index a9e45db84..880df1180 100644
--- a/lang/calamares_ast.ts
+++ b/lang/calamares_ast.ts
@@ -107,7 +107,7 @@
- Instalar
+ Instalación
@@ -354,17 +354,17 @@ L'instalador va colar y van perdese tolos cambeos.
+ <strong>Manual partitioning</strong><br/>You can create or resize partitions yourself.<strong>Particionáu manual</strong><br/>Vas poder crear o redimensionar particiones.
+ Boot loader location:Allugamientu del xestor d'arrinque:
+ %1 will be shrunk to %2MB and a new %3MB partition will be created for %4.%1 va redimensionase a %2MB y va crease una partición nueva de %s3MB pa %4.
@@ -375,108 +375,108 @@ L'instalador va colar y van perdese tolos cambeos.
+ Current:Anguaño:
+ Reuse %1 as home partition for %2.Reusu de %s como partición d'aniciu pa %2.
+ <strong>Select a partition to shrink, then drag the bottom bar to resize</strong><strong>Esbilla una partición a redimensionar, dempués arrastra la barra baxera pa facelo</strong>
+ <strong>Select a partition to install on</strong><strong>Esbilla una partición na qu'instalar</strong>
+ An EFI system partition cannot be found anywhere on this system. Please go back and use manual partitioning to set up %1.Nun pudo alcontrase per nenyures una partición del sistema EFI. Volvi p'atrás y usa'l particionáu manual pa configurar %1, por favor.
+ The EFI system partition at %1 will be used for starting %2.La partición del sistema EFI en %1 va usase p'aniciar %2.
+ EFI system partition:Partición del sistema EFI:
+ This storage device does not seem to have an operating system on it. What would you like to do?<br/>You will be able to review and confirm your choices before any change is made to the storage device.Esti preséu d'almacenamientu nun paez que tenga un sistema operativu nelli. ¿Qué te prestaría facer?<br/>Vas ser a revisar y confirmar lo qu'escueyas enantes de que se faiga cualesquier cambéu nel preséu d'almacenamientu.
+ <strong>Erase disk</strong><br/>This will <font color="red">delete</font> all data currently present on the selected storage device.<strong>Desaniciu d'un discu</strong><br/>Esto va <font color="red">desaniciar</font> tolos datos presentes nel preséu d'almacenamientu esbilláu.
+ This storage device has %1 on it. What would you like to do?<br/>You will be able to review and confirm your choices before any change is made to the storage device.Esti preséu d'almacenamientu tien %1 nelli. ¿Qué te prestaría facer?<br/>Vas ser a revisar y confirmar lo qu'escueyas enantes de que se faiga cualesquier cambéu nel preséu d'almacenamientu.
+ No SwapEnsin intercambéu
+ Reuse SwapReusar un intercambéu
+ Swap (no Hibernate)Intercambéu (ensin ivernación)
+ Swap (with Hibernate)Intercambéu (con ivernación)
+ Swap to fileIntercambéu nun ficheru
+ <strong>Install alongside</strong><br/>The installer will shrink a partition to make room for %1.<strong>Instalación anexa</strong><br/>L'instalador va redimensionar una partición pa dexar sitiu a %1.
+ <strong>Replace a partition</strong><br/>Replaces a partition with %1.<strong>Troquéu d'una partición</strong><br/>Troca una parción con %1.
+ This storage device already has an operating system on it. What would you like to do?<br/>You will be able to review and confirm your choices before any change is made to the storage device.Esti preséu d'almacenamientu yá tien un sistema operativu nelli. ¿Qué te prestaría facer?<br/>Vas ser a revisar y confirmar lo qu'escueyas enantes de que se faiga cualesquier cambéu nel preséu d'almacenamientu.
+ This storage device has multiple operating systems on it. What would you like to do?<br/>You will be able to review and confirm your choices before any change is made to the storage device.Esti preséu d'almacenamientu tien varios sistemes operativos nelli. ¿Qué te prestaría facer?<br/>Vas ser a revisar y confirmar lo qu'escueyas enantes de que se faiga cualesquier cambéu nel preséu d'almacenamientu.
@@ -739,6 +739,14 @@ L'instalador va colar y van perdese tolos cambeos.
Nun pue abrise pa la llectura'l ficheru de grupos.
+ CreateVolumeGroupDialog
+ Create Volume Group
@@ -1010,7 +1018,7 @@ L'instalador va colar y van perdese tolos cambeos.
<html><head/><body><p>When this box is checked, your system will restart immediately when you click on <span style=" font-style:italic;">Done</span> or close the installer.</p></body></html>
- <html><head/><body><p>Cuando se conseñe esti caxellu, el sistema va reaniciase nel intre al facer clic en <span style=" font-style:italic;">Fecho</span> o al zarrar l'instalador.</p></body></html>
+ <html><head/><body><p>Cuando se conseñe esti caxellu, el sistema va reaniciase nel intre al calcar <span style=" font-style:italic;">Fecho</span> o al zarrar l'instalador.</p></body></html>
@@ -1576,7 +1584,7 @@ L'instalador va colar y van perdese tolos cambeos.
+ font-weight: normalfont-weight: normal
@@ -1606,22 +1614,22 @@ L'instalador va colar y van perdese tolos cambeos.
<small>Esti nome va usase si quies facer qu'esti ordenador seya visible a otres máquines nuna rede.</small>
+ Log in automatically without asking for the password.Aniciar sesión automáticamente ensin pidir la contraseña.
+ Use the same password for the administrator account.Usar la mesma contraseña pa la cuenta d'alministrador.
+ Choose a password for the administrator account.Escueyi una contraseña pa la cuenta alministrativa.
+ <small>Enter the same password twice, so that it can be checked for typing errors.</small><small>Introduz la mesma contraseña dos vegaes pa que pueas comprobar los fallos d'escritura.</small>
@@ -1767,17 +1775,17 @@ L'instalador va colar y van perdese tolos cambeos.
I&nstalar el xestor d'arrinque en:
+ Are you sure you want to create a new partition table on %1?¿De xuru que quies crear una tabla de particiones nueva en %1?
+ Can not create new partitionNun pue crease la partición nueva
+ The partition table on %1 already has %2 primary partitions, and no more can be added. Please remove one primary partition and add an extended partition, instead.La tabla de particiones en %1 yá tien %2 particiones primaries y nun puen amestase más. Desanicia una partición primaria y amiesta otra estendida.
@@ -1909,7 +1917,7 @@ L'instalador va colar y van perdese tolos cambeos.
Please choose a look-and-feel for the KDE Plasma Desktop. You can also skip this step and configure the look-and-feel once the system is installed. Clicking on a look-and-feel selection will give you a live preview of that look-and-feel.
- Escueyi un aspeutu pal escritoriu de KDE Plasma, por favor. Tamién pues saltar esti pasu y configurar l'aspeutu nel momentu que s'instale'l sistema. Faciendo clic nuna aspeutu, esti va date una previsualización en direuto de cómo se ve.
+ Escueyi un aspeutu pal escritoriu de KDE Plasma, por favor. Tamién pues saltar esti pasu y configurar l'aspeutu nel momentu que s'instale'l sistema. Calcando nun aspeutu, esti va date una previsualización en direuto de cómo se ve.
@@ -2051,6 +2059,11 @@ Salida:
Language (Country)%1 (%2)
+ (no mount point)
+ RemoveVolumeGroupJob
@@ -2298,6 +2311,14 @@ Salida:
L'instalador falló al redimensionar la partición %1 nel discu «%2».
+ ResizeVolumeGroupDialog
+ Resize Volume Group
+ Redimensionar el grupu de volúmenes
@@ -2673,12 +2694,12 @@ Salida:
<html><head/><body><p><a href="placeholder"><span style=" text-decoration: underline; color:#2980b9;">Click here for more information about user feedback</span></a></p></body></html>
- <html><head/><body><p><a href="placeholder"><span style=" text-decoration: underline; color:#2980b9;">Fai clic equí pa más información tocante al siguimientu d'usuarios</span></a></p></body></html>
+ <html><head/><body><p><a href="placeholder"><span style=" text-decoration: underline; color:#2980b9;">Calca equí pa más información tocante al siguimientu d'usuarios</span></a></p></body></html>Install tracking helps %1 to see how many users they have, what hardware they install %1 to and (with the last two options below), get continuous information about preferred applications. To see what will be sent, please click the help icon next to each area.
- Instalar el rastrexu ayuda a %1 a saber cuantos usuarios tien, el hardware qu'usen pa instalar %1 y (coles dos opciones d'embaxo), consiguir información continua tocante a les aplicaciones preferíes. Pa ver lo que va unviase, fai clic nel iconu d'ayuda al llau de cada área.
+ Instalar el rastrexu ayuda a %1 a saber cuantos usuarios tien, el hardware qu'usen pa instalar %1 y (coles dos opciones d'embaxo), consiguir información continua tocante a les aplicaciones preferíes. Pa ver lo que va unviase, calca l'iconu d'ayuda al llau de cada área.
@@ -2707,33 +2728,33 @@ Salida:
+ Your username is too long.El nome d'usuariu ye perllargu.
+ Your username contains invalid characters. Only lowercase letters and numbers are allowed.El nome d'usuariu contién caráuteres non válidos. Namái se permiten les lletres minúscules y los númberos.
+ Your hostname is too short.El nome d'agospiu ye percurtiu.
+ Your hostname is too long.El nome d'agospiu ye perllargu.
+ Your hostname contains invalid characters. Only letters, numbers and dashes are allowed.El nome d'agospiu contién caráuteres non válidos. Namái se permiten lletres, númberos y guiones.
+ Your passwords do not match!¡Les contraseñes nun concasen!
@@ -2750,8 +2771,8 @@ Salida:
- VolumeGroupDialog
- VolumeGroupDialog
+ Create Volume Group
diff --git a/lang/calamares_be.ts b/lang/calamares_be.ts
index d914b8086..a99a5dbe2 100644
--- a/lang/calamares_be.ts
+++ b/lang/calamares_be.ts
@@ -353,17 +353,17 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost.
+ <strong>Manual partitioning</strong><br/>You can create or resize partitions yourself.
+ Boot loader location:
+ %1 will be shrunk to %2MB and a new %3MB partition will be created for %4.
@@ -374,108 +374,108 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost.
+ Current:
+ Reuse %1 as home partition for %2.
+ <strong>Select a partition to shrink, then drag the bottom bar to resize</strong>
+ <strong>Select a partition to install on</strong>
+ An EFI system partition cannot be found anywhere on this system. Please go back and use manual partitioning to set up %1.
+ The EFI system partition at %1 will be used for starting %2.
+ EFI system partition:
+ This storage device does not seem to have an operating system on it. What would you like to do?<br/>You will be able to review and confirm your choices before any change is made to the storage device.
+ <strong>Erase disk</strong><br/>This will <font color="red">delete</font> all data currently present on the selected storage device.
+ This storage device has %1 on it. What would you like to do?<br/>You will be able to review and confirm your choices before any change is made to the storage device.
+ No Swap
+ Reuse Swap
+ Swap (no Hibernate)
+ Swap (with Hibernate)
+ Swap to file
+ <strong>Install alongside</strong><br/>The installer will shrink a partition to make room for %1.
+ <strong>Replace a partition</strong><br/>Replaces a partition with %1.
+ This storage device already has an operating system on it. What would you like to do?<br/>You will be able to review and confirm your choices before any change is made to the storage device.
+ This storage device has multiple operating systems on it. What would you like to do?<br/>You will be able to review and confirm your choices before any change is made to the storage device.
@@ -738,6 +738,14 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost.
+ CreateVolumeGroupDialog
+ Create Volume Group
@@ -1575,7 +1583,7 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost.
+ font-weight: normal
@@ -1605,22 +1613,22 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost.
+ Log in automatically without asking for the password.
+ Use the same password for the administrator account.
+ Choose a password for the administrator account.
+ <small>Enter the same password twice, so that it can be checked for typing errors.</small>
@@ -1766,17 +1774,17 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost.
+ Are you sure you want to create a new partition table on %1?
+ Can not create new partition
+ The partition table on %1 already has %2 primary partitions, and no more can be added. Please remove one primary partition and add an extended partition, instead.
@@ -2047,6 +2055,11 @@ Output:
Language (Country)
+ (no mount point)
+ RemoveVolumeGroupJob
@@ -2294,6 +2307,14 @@ Output:
+ ResizeVolumeGroupDialog
+ Resize Volume Group
@@ -2703,33 +2724,33 @@ Output:
+ Your username is too long.
+ Your username contains invalid characters. Only lowercase letters and numbers are allowed.
+ Your hostname is too short.
+ Your hostname is too long.
+ Your hostname contains invalid characters. Only letters, numbers and dashes are allowed.
+ Your passwords do not match!
@@ -2746,7 +2767,7 @@ Output:
- VolumeGroupDialog
+ Create Volume Group
diff --git a/lang/calamares_bg.ts b/lang/calamares_bg.ts
index 117df47b9..145cce2dc 100644
--- a/lang/calamares_bg.ts
+++ b/lang/calamares_bg.ts
@@ -355,17 +355,17 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost.
+ <strong>Manual partitioning</strong><br/>You can create or resize partitions yourself.<strong>Самостоятелно поделяне</strong><br/>Можете да създадете или преоразмерите дяловете сами.
+ Boot loader location:Локация на програмата за начално зареждане:
+ %1 will be shrunk to %2MB and a new %3MB partition will be created for %4.%1 ще се смали до %2МБ и нов %3МБ дял ще бъде създаден за %4.
@@ -376,108 +376,108 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost.
+ Current:Сегашен:
+ Reuse %1 as home partition for %2.Използване на %1 като домашен дял за %2
+ <strong>Select a partition to shrink, then drag the bottom bar to resize</strong><strong>Изберете дял за смаляване, после влачете долната лента за преоразмеряване</strong>
+ <strong>Select a partition to install on</strong><strong>Изберете дял за инсталацията</strong>
+ An EFI system partition cannot be found anywhere on this system. Please go back and use manual partitioning to set up %1.EFI системен дял не е намерен. Моля, опитайте пак като използвате ръчно поделяне за %1.
+ The EFI system partition at %1 will be used for starting %2.EFI системен дял в %1 ще бъде използван за стартиране на %2.
+ EFI system partition:EFI системен дял:
+ This storage device does not seem to have an operating system on it. What would you like to do?<br/>You will be able to review and confirm your choices before any change is made to the storage device.Това устройство за съхранение няма инсталирана операционна система. Какво ще правите?<br/>Ще може да прегледате и потвърдите избора си, преди да се направят промени по устройството за съхранение.
+ <strong>Erase disk</strong><br/>This will <font color="red">delete</font> all data currently present on the selected storage device.<strong>Изтриване на диска</strong><br/>Това ще <font color="red">изтрие</font> всички данни върху устройството за съхранение.
+ This storage device has %1 on it. What would you like to do?<br/>You will be able to review and confirm your choices before any change is made to the storage device.Това устройство за съхранение има инсталиран %1. Какво ще правите?<br/>Ще може да прегледате и потвърдите избора си, преди да се направят промени по устройството за съхранение.
+ No Swap
+ Reuse Swap
+ Swap (no Hibernate)
+ Swap (with Hibernate)
+ Swap to file
+ <strong>Install alongside</strong><br/>The installer will shrink a partition to make room for %1.<strong>Инсталирайте покрай</strong><br/>Инсталатора ще раздроби дяла за да направи място за %1.
+ <strong>Replace a partition</strong><br/>Replaces a partition with %1.<strong>Замени дял</strong><br/>Заменя този дял с %1.
+ This storage device already has an operating system on it. What would you like to do?<br/>You will be able to review and confirm your choices before any change is made to the storage device.Това устройство за съхранение има инсталирана операционна система. Какво ще правите?<br/>Ще може да прегледате и потвърдите избора си, преди да се направят промени по устройството за съхранение.
+ This storage device has multiple operating systems on it. What would you like to do?<br/>You will be able to review and confirm your choices before any change is made to the storage device.Това устройство за съхранение има инсталирани операционни системи. Какво ще правите?<br/>Ще може да прегледате и потвърдите избора си, преди да се направят промени по устройството за съхранение.
@@ -740,6 +740,14 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost.
Не може да се отвори файла на групите за четене.
+ CreateVolumeGroupDialog
+ Create Volume Group
@@ -1577,7 +1585,7 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost.
+ font-weight: normalfont-weight: нормална
@@ -1607,22 +1615,22 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost.
<small>Това име ще бъде използвано ако направите компютъра видим за други при мрежа.</small>
+ Log in automatically without asking for the password.Влизайте автоматично, без питане за паролата.
+ Use the same password for the administrator account.Използвайте същата парола за администраторския акаунт.
+ Choose a password for the administrator account.Изберете парола за администраторския акаунт.
+ <small>Enter the same password twice, so that it can be checked for typing errors.</small><small>Внесете същата парола два пъти, за да може да бъде проверена за правописни грешки.</small>
@@ -1768,17 +1776,17 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost.
+ Are you sure you want to create a new partition table on %1?Сигурни ли сте че искате да създадете нова таблица на дяловете върху %1?
+ Can not create new partitionНе може да се създаде нов дял
+ The partition table on %1 already has %2 primary partitions, and no more can be added. Please remove one primary partition and add an extended partition, instead.Таблицата на дяловете на %1 вече има %2 главни дялове, повече не може да се добавят. Моля, премахнете един главен дял и добавете разширен дял, на негово място.
@@ -2051,6 +2059,11 @@ Output:
Language (Country)%1 (%2)
+ (no mount point)
+ RemoveVolumeGroupJob
@@ -2298,6 +2311,14 @@ Output:
Инсталатора не успя да преоразмери дял %1 върху диск '%2'.
+ ResizeVolumeGroupDialog
+ Resize Volume Group
@@ -2707,33 +2728,33 @@ Output:
+ Your username is too long.Вашето потребителско име е твърде дълго.
+ Your username contains invalid characters. Only lowercase letters and numbers are allowed.Потребителското ви име съдържа непозволени символи! Само малки букви и числа са позволени.
+ Your hostname is too short.Вашето име на хоста е твърде кратко.
+ Your hostname is too long.Вашето име на хоста е твърде дълго.
+ Your hostname contains invalid characters. Only letters, numbers and dashes are allowed.Вашето име на хоста съдържа непозволени символи! Само букви, цифри и тирета са позволени.
+ Your passwords do not match!Паролите Ви не съвпадат!
@@ -2750,7 +2771,7 @@ Output:
- VolumeGroupDialog
+ Create Volume Group
diff --git a/lang/calamares_ca.ts b/lang/calamares_ca.ts
index 529c0e427..e17b85ced 100644
--- a/lang/calamares_ca.ts
+++ b/lang/calamares_ca.ts
@@ -128,7 +128,7 @@
Running command %1 %2
- Executant l'ordre %1 %2
+ S'executa l'ordre %1 %2
@@ -136,7 +136,7 @@
Running %1 operation.
- Executant l'operació %1.
+ S'executa l'operació %1.
@@ -333,7 +333,7 @@ L'instal·lador es tancarà i tots els canvis es perdran.
For best results, please ensure that this computer:
- Per obtenir els millors resultats, assegureu-vos, si us plau, que aquest ordinador:
+ Per obtenir els millors resultats, assegureu-vos, si us plau, que aquest ordinador...
@@ -354,17 +354,17 @@ L'instal·lador es tancarà i tots els canvis es perdran.
+ <strong>Manual partitioning</strong><br/>You can create or resize partitions yourself.
- <strong>Particions manuals</strong><br/>Podeu crear o redimensionar les particions vosaltres mateixos.
+ <strong>Particions manuals</strong><br/>Podeu crear o canviar la mida de les particions vosaltres mateixos.
+ Boot loader location:Ubicació del gestor d'arrencada:
+ %1 will be shrunk to %2MB and a new %3MB partition will be created for %4.%1 s'encongirà a %2 MB i es crearà una partició nova de %3 MB per a %4.
@@ -375,108 +375,108 @@ L'instal·lador es tancarà i tots els canvis es perdran.
+ Current:Actual:
+ Reuse %1 as home partition for %2.Reutilitza %1 com a partició de l'usuari per a %2.
+ <strong>Select a partition to shrink, then drag the bottom bar to resize</strong><strong>Seleccioneu una partició per encongir i arrossegueu-la per redimensinar-la</strong>
+ <strong>Select a partition to install on</strong><strong>Seleccioneu una partició per fer-hi la instal·lació</strong>
+ An EFI system partition cannot be found anywhere on this system. Please go back and use manual partitioning to set up %1.No s'ha pogut trobar enlloc una partició EFI en aquest sistema. Si us plau, torneu enrere i use les particions manuals per configurar %1.
+ The EFI system partition at %1 will be used for starting %2. La partició EFI de sistema a %1 s'usarà per iniciar %2.
+ EFI system partition:Partició EFI del sistema:
+ This storage device does not seem to have an operating system on it. What would you like to do?<br/>You will be able to review and confirm your choices before any change is made to the storage device.Aquest dispositiu d'emmagatzematge no sembla que tingui un sistema operatiu. Què voleu fer?<br/>Podreu revisar i confirmar la tria abans que es faci cap canvi al dispositiu.
+ <strong>Erase disk</strong><br/>This will <font color="red">delete</font> all data currently present on the selected storage device.<strong>Esborra el disc</strong><br/>Això <font color="red">suprimirà</font> totes les dades del dispositiu seleccionat.
+ This storage device has %1 on it. What would you like to do?<br/>You will be able to review and confirm your choices before any change is made to the storage device.Aquest dispositiu d'emmagatzematge té %1. Què voleu fer?<br/>Podreu revisar i confirmar la tria abans que es faci cap canvi al dispositiu.
+ No SwapSense intercanvi
+ Reuse SwapReutilitza l'intercanvi
+ Swap (no Hibernate)Intercanvi (sense hibernació)
+ Swap (with Hibernate)Intercanvi (amb hibernació)
+ Swap to file
- Intercanvi a fitxer
+ Intercanvi en fitxer
+ <strong>Install alongside</strong><br/>The installer will shrink a partition to make room for %1.<strong>Instal·la al costat</strong><br/>L'instal·lador reduirà una partició per fer espai per a %1.
+ <strong>Replace a partition</strong><br/>Replaces a partition with %1.<strong>Reemplaça una partició</strong><br/>Reemplaça una partició per %1.
+ This storage device already has an operating system on it. What would you like to do?<br/>You will be able to review and confirm your choices before any change is made to the storage device.Aquest dispositiu d'emmagatzematge ja té un sistema operatiu. Què voleu fer?<br/>Podreu revisar i confirmar la tria abans que es faci cap canvi al dispositiu.
+ This storage device has multiple operating systems on it. What would you like to do?<br/>You will be able to review and confirm your choices before any change is made to the storage device.Aquest dispositiu d'emmagatzematge ja múltiples sistemes operatius. Què voleu fer?<br/>Podreu revisar i confirmar la tria abans que es faci cap canvi al dispositiu.
@@ -491,7 +491,7 @@ L'instal·lador es tancarà i tots els canvis es perdran.
Clearing mounts for partitioning operations on %1.
- Netejant els muntatges per a les operacions del particionament de %1.
+ Es netegen els muntatges per a les operacions de les particions a %1.
@@ -509,7 +509,7 @@ L'instal·lador es tancarà i tots els canvis es perdran.
Clearing all temporary mounts.
- Netejant tots els muntatges temporals.
+ Es netegen tots els muntatges temporals.
@@ -642,7 +642,7 @@ L'instal·lador es tancarà i tots els canvis es perdran.
Creating new %1 partition on %2.
- Creant la partició nova %1 a %2.
+ Es crea la partició nova %1 a %2.
@@ -683,17 +683,17 @@ L'instal·lador es tancarà i tots els canvis es perdran.
Create new %1 partition table on %2.
- Crea una nova taula de particions %1 a %2.
+ Crea una taula de particions nova %1 a %2.Create new <strong>%1</strong> partition table on <strong>%2</strong> (%3).
- Crea una nova taula de particions <strong>%1</strong> a <strong>%2</strong> (%3).
+ Crea una taula de particions nova <strong>%1</strong> a <strong>%2</strong> (%3).Creating new %1 partition table on %2.
- Creant la nova taula de particions %1 a %2.
+ Es crea la taula de particions nova %1 a %2.
@@ -716,7 +716,7 @@ L'instal·lador es tancarà i tots els canvis es perdran.
Creating user %1.
- Creant l'usuari %1.
+ Es crea l'usuari %1.
@@ -739,6 +739,14 @@ L'instal·lador es tancarà i tots els canvis es perdran.
No es pot obrir el fitxer groups per ser llegit.
+ CreateVolumeGroupDialog
+ Create Volume Group
+ Crea un grup de volums
@@ -754,7 +762,7 @@ L'instal·lador es tancarà i tots els canvis es perdran.
Creating new volume group named %1.
- Creant el grup de volums nou anomenat %1.
+ Es crea el grup de volums nou anomenat %1.
@@ -796,7 +804,7 @@ L'instal·lador es tancarà i tots els canvis es perdran.
Deleting partition %1.
- Suprimint la partició %1.
+ Se suprimeix la partició %1.
@@ -959,7 +967,7 @@ L'instal·lador es tancarà i tots els canvis es perdran.
Please enter the same passphrase in both boxes.
- Si us plau, introduïu la mateixa contrasenya a les dues caselles.
+ Si us plau, escriviu la mateixa contrasenya a les dues caselles.
@@ -997,7 +1005,7 @@ L'instal·lador es tancarà i tots els canvis es perdran.
Setting up mount points.
- Establint els punts de muntatge.
+ S'estableixen els punts de muntatge.
@@ -1020,7 +1028,7 @@ L'instal·lador es tancarà i tots els canvis es perdran.
<h1>All done.</h1><br/>%1 has been installed on your computer.<br/>You may now restart into your new system, or continue using the %2 Live environment.
- <h1>Tot fet.</h1><br/>%1 s'ha instal·lat a l'ordinador.<br/>Ara podeu reiniciar-lo per tal d'accedir al sistema operatiu nou o bé continuar utilitzant l'entorn autònom de %2.
+ <h1>Tot fet.</h1><br/>%1 s'ha instal·lat a l'ordinador.<br/>Ara podeu reiniciar-lo per tal d'accedir al sistema operatiu nou o bé continuar usant l'entorn autònom de %2.
@@ -1061,7 +1069,7 @@ L'instal·lador es tancarà i tots els canvis es perdran.
Formatting partition %1 with file system %2.
- Formatant la partició %1 amb el sistema de fitxers %2.
+ Es formata la partició %1 amb el sistema de fitxers %2.
@@ -1084,7 +1092,7 @@ L'instal·lador es tancarà i tots els canvis es perdran.
Executing script: <code>%1</code>
- Executant l'script <code>%1</code>
+ S'executa l'script <code>%1</code>
@@ -1256,7 +1264,7 @@ L'instal·lador es tancarà i tots els canvis es perdran.
Loading location data...
- Carregant les dades de la ubicació...
+ Es carreguen les dades d'ubicació...
@@ -1576,7 +1584,7 @@ L'instal·lador es tancarà i tots els canvis es perdran.
+ font-weight: normalfont-weight: normal
@@ -1593,7 +1601,7 @@ L'instal·lador es tancarà i tots els canvis es perdran.
<small>Enter the same password twice, so that it can be checked for typing errors. A good password will contain a mixture of letters, numbers and punctuation, should be at least eight characters long, and should be changed at regular intervals.</small>
- <small>Introduïu la mateixa contrasenya dues vegades, de manera que se'n puguin comprovar els errors de mecanografia. Una bona contrasenya contindrà una barreja de lletres, nombres i signes de puntuació, hauria de tenir un mínim de 8 caràcters i s'hauria de modificar a intervals regulars de temps.</small>
+ <small>Escriviu la mateixa contrasenya dues vegades, de manera que se'n puguin comprovar els errors de mecanografia. Una bona contrasenya contindrà una barreja de lletres, números i signes de puntuació, hauria de tenir un mínim de 8 caràcters i s'hauria de modificar a intervals regulars de temps.</small>
@@ -1606,24 +1614,24 @@ L'instal·lador es tancarà i tots els canvis es perdran.
<small>Aquest nom s'utilitzarà en cas que feu visible per a altres aquest ordinador en una xarxa.</small>
+ Log in automatically without asking for the password.Entra automàticament sense demanar la contrasenya.
+ Use the same password for the administrator account.Usa la mateixa contrasenya per al compte d'administració.
+ Choose a password for the administrator account.Trieu una contrasenya per al compte d'administració.
+ <small>Enter the same password twice, so that it can be checked for typing errors.</small>
- <small>Introduïu la mateixa contrasenya dues vegades, per tal de poder-ne comprovar els errors de mecanografia.</small>
+ <small>Escriviu la mateixa contrasenya dues vegades, per tal de poder-ne comprovar els errors de mecanografia.</small>
@@ -1767,17 +1775,17 @@ L'instal·lador es tancarà i tots els canvis es perdran.
I&nstal·la el gestor d'arrencada a:
+ Are you sure you want to create a new partition table on %1?Esteu segurs que voleu crear una nova taula de particions a %1?
+ Can not create new partitionNo es pot crear la partició nova
+ The partition table on %1 already has %2 primary partitions, and no more can be added. Please remove one primary partition and add an extended partition, instead.La taula de particions de %1 ja té %2 particions primàries i no se n'hi poden afegir més. Si us plau, suprimiu una partició primària i afegiu-hi una partició ampliada.
@@ -1787,7 +1795,7 @@ L'instal·lador es tancarà i tots els canvis es perdran.
Gathering system information...
- Recopilant informació del sistema...
+ Es recopila informació del sistema...
@@ -2051,6 +2059,11 @@ Sortida:
Language (Country)%1 (%2)
+ (no mount point)
+ (sense punt de muntatge)
+ RemoveVolumeGroupJob
@@ -2151,12 +2164,12 @@ Sortida:
Gathering system information...
- Recopilant informació del sistema...
+ Es recopila informació del sistema...has at least %1 GB available drive space
- té com a mínim %1 GB d'espai de disc disponible.
+ tingui com a mínim %1 GB d'espai de disc disponible.
@@ -2166,7 +2179,7 @@ Sortida:
has at least %1 GB working memory
- té com a mínim %1 GB de memòria de treball
+ tingui com a mínim %1 GB de memòria de treball.
@@ -2176,17 +2189,17 @@ Sortida:
is plugged in to a power source
- està connectat a una font de corrent
+ estigui connectat a una presa de corrent.The system is not plugged in to a power source.
- El sistema no està connectat a una font de corrent.
+ El sistema no està connectat a una presa de corrent.is connected to the Internet
- està connectat a Internet
+ estigui connectat a Internet.
@@ -2209,7 +2222,7 @@ Sortida:
Resize Filesystem Job
- Tasca de canvi de mida d'un sistema de fitxers
+ Tasca de canviar de mida un sistema de fitxers
@@ -2219,7 +2232,7 @@ Sortida:
The file-system resize job has an invalid configuration and will not run.
- La tasca de canvi de mida d'un sistema de fitxers té una configuració no vàlida i no s'executarà.
+ La tasca de canviar de mida un sistema de fitxers té una configuració no vàlida i no s'executarà.
@@ -2231,7 +2244,7 @@ Sortida:
Calamares cannot start KPMCore for the file-system resize job.
- El Calamares no pot iniciar KPMCore per a la tasca de canvi de mida d'un sistema de fitxers.
+ El Calamares no pot iniciar KPMCore per a la tasca de canviar de mida un sistema de fitxers.
@@ -2280,22 +2293,30 @@ Sortida:
Resize partition %1.
- Redimensiona la partició %1.
+ Canvia la mida de la partició %1.Resize <strong>%2MB</strong> partition <strong>%1</strong> to <strong>%3MB</strong>.
- Redimensiona la partició de <strong>%2MB</strong> <strong>%1</strong> a <strong>%3MB</strong>.
+ Canvia la mida de la partició de <strong>%2MB</strong>, <strong>%1</strong>, a <strong>%3MB</strong>.Resizing %2MB partition %1 to %3MB.
- Canviant la mida de la partició %1 de %2MB a %3MB.
+ Es canvia la mida de la partició %1 de %2MB a %3MB.The installer failed to resize partition %1 on disk '%2'.
- L'instal·lador no ha pogut redimensionar la partició %1 del disc '%2'.
+ L'instal·lador no ha pogut canviar la mida de la partició %1 del disc %2.
+ ResizeVolumeGroupDialog
+ Resize Volume Group
+ Canvia la mida del grup de volums
@@ -2314,7 +2335,7 @@ Sortida:
The installer failed to resize a volume group named '%1'.
- L'instal·lador ha fallat canviar la mida del grup de volums anomenat "%1".
+ L'instal·lador no ha pogut canviar la mida del grup de volums anomenat "%1".
@@ -2322,7 +2343,7 @@ Sortida:
Scanning storage devices...
- Escanejant els dispositius d'emmagatzematge...
+ S'escanegen els dispositius d'emmagatzematge...
@@ -2345,7 +2366,7 @@ Sortida:
Setting hostname %1.
- Establint el nom d'amfitrió %1.
+ S'estableix el nom d'amfitrió %1.
@@ -2440,7 +2461,7 @@ Sortida:
Clearing flags on partition <strong>%1</strong>.
- Netejant les banderes de la partició <strong>%1</strong>.
+ Es netegen les banderes de la partició <strong>%1</strong>.
@@ -2483,7 +2504,7 @@ Sortida:
Setting password for user %1.
- Establint la contrasenya de l'usuari %1.
+ S'estableix la contrasenya per a l'usuari %1.
@@ -2707,33 +2728,33 @@ Sortida:
+ Your username is too long.El nom d'usuari és massa llarg.
+ Your username contains invalid characters. Only lowercase letters and numbers are allowed.El nom d'usuari conté caràcters no vàlids. Només s'hi admeten lletres i números.
+ Your hostname is too short.El nom d'amfitrió és massa curt.
+ Your hostname is too long.El nom d'amfitrió és massa llarg.
+ Your hostname contains invalid characters. Only letters, numbers and dashes are allowed.El nom d'amfitrió conté caràcters no vàlids. Només s'hi admeten lletres, números i guions.
+ Your passwords do not match!Les contrasenyes no coincideixen!
@@ -2750,8 +2771,8 @@ Sortida:
- VolumeGroupDialog
- Diàleg del grup de volums
+ Create Volume Group
+ Crea un grup de volums
@@ -2842,7 +2863,7 @@ Sortida:
<h1>Welcome to the %1 installer.</h1>
- <h1>Benvingut a l'instal·lador de %1.</h1>
+ <h1>Us donem la benvinguda a l'instal·lador de %1.</h1>
@@ -2870,7 +2891,7 @@ Sortida:
- Benvingut
+ Benvinguda
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/lang/calamares_cs_CZ.ts b/lang/calamares_cs_CZ.ts
index a338c41b3..4c96bd33d 100644
--- a/lang/calamares_cs_CZ.ts
+++ b/lang/calamares_cs_CZ.ts
@@ -354,17 +354,17 @@ Instalační program bude ukončen a všechny změny ztraceny.
+ <strong>Manual partitioning</strong><br/>You can create or resize partitions yourself.<strong>Ruční rozdělení datového úložiště</strong><br/>Oddíly si můžete vytvořit nebo zvětšit/zmenšit stávající sami.
+ Boot loader location:Umístění zaváděcího oddílu:
+ %1 will be shrunk to %2MB and a new %3MB partition will be created for %4.%1 bude zmenšen na %2MB a nový %3MB oddíl pro %4 bude vytvořen.
@@ -375,108 +375,108 @@ Instalační program bude ukončen a všechny změny ztraceny.
+ Current:Aktuální:
+ Reuse %1 as home partition for %2.Zrecyklovat %1 na oddíl pro domovské složky %2.
+ <strong>Select a partition to shrink, then drag the bottom bar to resize</strong><strong>Vyberte oddíl, který chcete zmenšit, poté posouváním na spodní liště změňte jeho velikost.</strong>
+ <strong>Select a partition to install on</strong><strong>Vyberte oddíl na který nainstalovat</strong>
+ An EFI system partition cannot be found anywhere on this system. Please go back and use manual partitioning to set up %1.Nebyl nalezen žádný EFI systémový oddíl. Vraťte se zpět a nastavte %1 pomocí ručního rozdělení.
+ The EFI system partition at %1 will be used for starting %2.Pro zavedení %2 se využije EFI systémový oddíl %1.
+ EFI system partition:EFI systémový oddíl:
+ This storage device does not seem to have an operating system on it. What would you like to do?<br/>You will be able to review and confirm your choices before any change is made to the storage device.Zdá se, že na tomto úložném zařízení není žádný operační systém. Jak chcete postupovat?<br/>Než budou provedeny jakékoli změny na úložných zařízeních, bude zobrazen jejich přehled a budete požádáni o jejich potvrzení.
+ <strong>Erase disk</strong><br/>This will <font color="red">delete</font> all data currently present on the selected storage device.<strong>Vymazat datové úložiště</strong><br/>Touto volbou budou <font color="red">smazána</font> všechna data, která se nyní nachází na vybraném úložišti.
+ This storage device has %1 on it. What would you like to do?<br/>You will be able to review and confirm your choices before any change is made to the storage device.Na tomto úložném zařízení bylo nalezeno %1. Jak chcete postupovat?<br/>Než budou provedeny jakékoli změny na úložných zařízeních, bude zobrazen jejich přehled a budete požádáni o jejich potvrzení.
+ No SwapŽádný odkládací prostor (swap)
+ Reuse SwapPoužít existující odkládací prostor
+ Swap (no Hibernate)Odkládací prostor (bez uspávání na disk)
+ Swap (with Hibernate)Odkládací prostor (s uspáváním na disk)
+ Swap to fileOdkládat do souboru
+ <strong>Install alongside</strong><br/>The installer will shrink a partition to make room for %1.<strong>Nainstalovat vedle</strong><br/>Instalátor zmenší oddíl a vytvoří místo pro %1.
+ <strong>Replace a partition</strong><br/>Replaces a partition with %1.<strong>Nahradit oddíl</strong><br/>Původní oddíl bude nahrazen %1.
+ This storage device already has an operating system on it. What would you like to do?<br/>You will be able to review and confirm your choices before any change is made to the storage device.Na tomto úložném zařízení se už nachází operační systém. Jak chcete postupovat?<br/>Než budou provedeny jakékoli změny na úložných zařízeních, bude zobrazen jejich přehled a budete požádáni o jejich potvrzení.
+ This storage device has multiple operating systems on it. What would you like to do?<br/>You will be able to review and confirm your choices before any change is made to the storage device.Na tomto úložném zařízení se už nachází několik operačních systémů. Jak chcete postupovat?<br/>Než budou provedeny jakékoli změny na úložných zařízeních, bude zobrazen jejich přehled změn a budete požádáni o jejich potvrzení.
@@ -739,6 +739,14 @@ Instalační program bude ukončen a všechny změny ztraceny.
Nepodařilo se otevřít soubor groups pro čtení.
+ CreateVolumeGroupDialog
+ Create Volume Group
+ Vytvořit skupinu svazků
@@ -1576,7 +1584,7 @@ Instalační program bude ukončen a všechny změny ztraceny.
+ font-weight: normalšířka písma: normální
@@ -1606,22 +1614,22 @@ Instalační program bude ukončen a všechny změny ztraceny.
<small>Pod tímto názvem se bude počítač zobrazovat ostatním počítačům v síti.</small>
+ Log in automatically without asking for the password.Po spuštění systému se přihlásit automaticky bez hesla.
+ Use the same password for the administrator account.Použít stejné heslo i pro účet správce systému.
+ Choose a password for the administrator account.Zvolte si heslo pro účet správce systému.
+ <small>Enter the same password twice, so that it can be checked for typing errors.</small><small>Vložte stejné heslo dvakrát pro kontrolu překlepů.</small>
@@ -1767,17 +1775,17 @@ Instalační program bude ukončen a všechny změny ztraceny.
Zavaděč systému &nainstalovat na:
+ Are you sure you want to create a new partition table on %1?Opravdu chcete na %1 vytvořit novou tabulku oddílů?
+ Can not create new partitionNevytvářet nový oddíl
+ The partition table on %1 already has %2 primary partitions, and no more can be added. Please remove one primary partition and add an extended partition, instead.Tabulka oddílů na %1 už obsahuje %2 hlavních oddílů a proto už není možné přidat další. Odeberte jeden z hlavních oddílů a namísto něj vytvořte rozšířený oddíl.
@@ -2051,6 +2059,11 @@ Výstup:
Language (Country)%1 (%2)
+ (no mount point)
+ (žádný přípojný bod)
+ RemoveVolumeGroupJob
@@ -2298,6 +2311,14 @@ Výstup:
Instalátoru se nezdařilo změnit velikost oddílu %1 na jednotce „%2“.
+ ResizeVolumeGroupDialog
+ Resize Volume Group
+ Změnit velikost skupiny svazků
@@ -2707,33 +2728,33 @@ Výstup:
+ Your username is too long.Vaše uživatelské jméno je příliš dlouhé.
+ Your username contains invalid characters. Only lowercase letters and numbers are allowed.Vaše uživatelské jméno obsahuje neplatné znaky. Jsou povolena pouze malá písmena a (arabské) číslice.
+ Your hostname is too short.Název stroje je příliš krátký.
+ Your hostname is too long.Název stroje je příliš dlouhý.
+ Your hostname contains invalid characters. Only letters, numbers and dashes are allowed.Název stroje obsahuje neplatné znaky. Jsou povoleny pouze písmena, číslice a spojovníky.
+ Your passwords do not match!Zadání hesla se neshodují!
@@ -2750,8 +2771,8 @@ Výstup:
- VolumeGroupDialog
- Dialog skupiny svazků
+ Create Volume Group
+ Vytvořit skupinu svazků
diff --git a/lang/calamares_da.ts b/lang/calamares_da.ts
index 604a177fb..b9f5d8598 100644
--- a/lang/calamares_da.ts
+++ b/lang/calamares_da.ts
@@ -354,17 +354,17 @@ Installationsprogrammet vil stoppe og alle ændringer vil gå tabt.Efter:
+ <strong>Manual partitioning</strong><br/>You can create or resize partitions yourself.<strong>Manuel partitionering</strong><br/>Du kan selv oprette og ændre størrelse på partitioner.
+ Boot loader location:Placering af bootloader:
+ %1 will be shrunk to %2MB and a new %3MB partition will be created for %4.%1 vil blive skrumpet til %2 MB og en ny %3 MB partition vil blive oprettet for %4.
@@ -375,108 +375,108 @@ Installationsprogrammet vil stoppe og alle ændringer vil gå tabt.
+ Current:Nuværende:
+ Reuse %1 as home partition for %2.Genbrug %1 som hjemmepartition til %2.
+ <strong>Select a partition to shrink, then drag the bottom bar to resize</strong><strong>Vælg en partition der skal mindskes, træk herefter den nederste bjælke for at ændre størrelsen</strong>
+ <strong>Select a partition to install on</strong><strong>Vælg en partition at installere på</strong>
+ An EFI system partition cannot be found anywhere on this system. Please go back and use manual partitioning to set up %1.En EFI-partition blev ikke fundet på systemet. Gå venligst tilbage og brug manuel partitionering til at opsætte %1.
+ The EFI system partition at %1 will be used for starting %2.EFI-systempartitionen ved %1 vil blive brugt til at starte %2.
+ EFI system partition:EFI-systempartition:
+ This storage device does not seem to have an operating system on it. What would you like to do?<br/>You will be able to review and confirm your choices before any change is made to the storage device.Lagerenheden ser ikke ud til at indeholde et styresystem. Hvad ønsker du at gøre?<br/>Du vil få mulighed for at se og bekræfte dine valg før der sker ændringer til lagerenheden.
+ <strong>Erase disk</strong><br/>This will <font color="red">delete</font> all data currently present on the selected storage device.<strong>Slet disk</strong><br/>Det vil <font color="red">slette</font> alt data på den valgte lagerenhed.
+ This storage device has %1 on it. What would you like to do?<br/>You will be able to review and confirm your choices before any change is made to the storage device.Lagerenheden har %1 på sig. Hvad ønsker du at gøre?<br/>Du vil få mulighed for at se og bekræfte dine valg før det sker ændringer til lagerenheden.
+ No SwapIngen swap
+ Reuse SwapGenbrug swap
+ Swap (no Hibernate)Swap (ingen dvale)
+ Swap (with Hibernate)Swap (med dvale)
+ Swap to fileSwap til fil
+ <strong>Install alongside</strong><br/>The installer will shrink a partition to make room for %1.<strong>Installér ved siden af</strong><br/>Installationsprogrammet vil mindske en partition for at gøre plads til %1.
+ <strong>Replace a partition</strong><br/>Replaces a partition with %1.<strong>Erstat en partition</strong><br/>Erstatter en partition med %1.
+ This storage device already has an operating system on it. What would you like to do?<br/>You will be able to review and confirm your choices before any change is made to the storage device.Lagerenheden indeholder allerede et styresystem. Hvad ønsker du at gøre?<br/>Du vil få mulighed for at se og bekræfte dine valg før der sker ændringer til lagerenheden.
+ This storage device has multiple operating systems on it. What would you like to do?<br/>You will be able to review and confirm your choices before any change is made to the storage device.Lagerenheden indeholder flere styresystemer. Hvad ønsker du at gøre?<br/>Du vil få mulighed for at se og bekræfte dine valg før der sker ændringer til lagerenheden.
@@ -739,6 +739,14 @@ Installationsprogrammet vil stoppe og alle ændringer vil gå tabt.Kan ikke åbne gruppernes fil til læsning.
+ CreateVolumeGroupDialog
+ Create Volume Group
+ Opret diskområdegruppe
@@ -1576,7 +1584,7 @@ Installationsprogrammet vil stoppe og alle ændringer vil gå tabt.
+ font-weight: normalfont-weight: normal
@@ -1606,22 +1614,22 @@ Installationsprogrammet vil stoppe og alle ændringer vil gå tabt.<small>Navnet bruges, hvis du gør computeren synlig for andre på et netværk.</small>
+ Log in automatically without asking for the password.Log ind automatisk uden at spørge efter adgangskoden.
+ Use the same password for the administrator account.Brug den samme adgangskode til administratorkontoen.
+ Choose a password for the administrator account.Vælg en adgangskode til administratorkontoen.
+ <small>Enter the same password twice, so that it can be checked for typing errors.</small><small>Skriv den samme adgangskode to gange, så det kan blive tjekket for skrivefejl.</small>
@@ -1767,17 +1775,17 @@ Installationsprogrammet vil stoppe og alle ændringer vil gå tabt.I&nstallér bootloader på:
+ Are you sure you want to create a new partition table on %1?Er du sikker på, at du vil oprette en ny partitionstabel på %1?
+ Can not create new partitionKan ikke oprette ny partition
+ The partition table on %1 already has %2 primary partitions, and no more can be added. Please remove one primary partition and add an extended partition, instead.Partitionstabellen på %1 har allerede %2 primære partitioner, og der kan ikke tilføjes flere. Fjern venligst en primær partition og tilføj i stedet en udvidet partition.
@@ -2051,6 +2059,11 @@ Output:
Language (Country)%1 (%2)
+ (no mount point)
+ (intet monteringspunkt)
+ RemoveVolumeGroupJob
@@ -2298,6 +2311,14 @@ Output:
Installationsprogrammet kunne ikke ændre størrelse på partition %1 på disk '%2'.
+ ResizeVolumeGroupDialog
+ Resize Volume Group
+ Ændr størrelse på diskområdegruppe
@@ -2707,33 +2728,33 @@ Output:
+ Your username is too long.Dit brugernavn er for langt.
+ Your username contains invalid characters. Only lowercase letters and numbers are allowed.Dit brugernavn indeholder ugyldige tegn. Kun små bogstaver og tal er tilladt.
+ Your hostname is too short.Dit værtsnavn er for kort.
+ Your hostname is too long.Dit værtsnavn er for langt.
+ Your hostname contains invalid characters. Only letters, numbers and dashes are allowed.Dit værtsnavn indeholder ugyldige tegn. Kun bogstaver, tal og tankestreger er tilladt.
+ Your passwords do not match!Dine adgangskoder er ikke ens!
@@ -2750,8 +2771,8 @@ Output:
- VolumeGroupDialog
- Diskområdegruppe-dialog
+ Create Volume Group
+ Opret diskområdegruppe
diff --git a/lang/calamares_de.ts b/lang/calamares_de.ts
index 7df2f108b..2e387059b 100644
--- a/lang/calamares_de.ts
+++ b/lang/calamares_de.ts
@@ -354,17 +354,17 @@ Dies wird das Installationsprogramm beenden und alle Änderungen gehen verloren.
+ <strong>Manual partitioning</strong><br/>You can create or resize partitions yourself.<strong>Manuelle Partitionierung</strong><br/>Sie können Partitionen eigenhändig erstellen oder in der Grösse verändern.
+ Boot loader location:Installationsziel des Bootloaders:
+ %1 will be shrunk to %2MB and a new %3MB partition will be created for %4.%1 wird auf %2MB verkleinert und eine neue Partition mit einer Größe von %3MB wird für %4 erstellt werden.
@@ -375,108 +375,108 @@ Dies wird das Installationsprogramm beenden und alle Änderungen gehen verloren.
+ Current:Aktuell:
+ Reuse %1 as home partition for %2.%1 als Home-Partition für %2 wiederverwenden.
+ <strong>Select a partition to shrink, then drag the bottom bar to resize</strong><strong>Wählen Sie die zu verkleinernde Partition, dann ziehen Sie den Regler, um die Größe zu ändern</strong>
+ <strong>Select a partition to install on</strong><strong>Wählen Sie eine Partition für die Installation</strong>
+ An EFI system partition cannot be found anywhere on this system. Please go back and use manual partitioning to set up %1.Es wurde keine EFI-Systempartition auf diesem System gefunden. Bitte gehen Sie zurück und nutzen Sie die manuelle Partitionierung für das Einrichten von %1.
+ The EFI system partition at %1 will be used for starting %2.Die EFI-Systempartition %1 wird benutzt, um %2 zu starten.
+ EFI system partition:EFI-Systempartition:
+ This storage device does not seem to have an operating system on it. What would you like to do?<br/>You will be able to review and confirm your choices before any change is made to the storage device.Auf diesem Speichermedium scheint kein Betriebssystem installiert zu sein. Was möchten Sie tun?<br/>Sie können Ihre Auswahl überprüfen und bestätigen, bevor Änderungen auf diesem Speichermedium vorgenommen werden.
+ <strong>Erase disk</strong><br/>This will <font color="red">delete</font> all data currently present on the selected storage device.<strong>Festplatte löschen</strong><br/>Dies wird alle vorhandenen Daten auf dem gewählten Speichermedium <font color="red">löschen</font>.
+ This storage device has %1 on it. What would you like to do?<br/>You will be able to review and confirm your choices before any change is made to the storage device.Auf diesem Speichermedium ist %1 installiert. Was möchten Sie tun?<br/>Sie können Ihre Auswahl überprüfen und bestätigen, bevor Änderungen an dem Speichermedium vorgenommen werden.
+ No SwapKein Swap
+ Reuse SwapSwap wiederverwenden
+ Swap (no Hibernate)Swap (ohne Ruhezustand)
+ Swap (with Hibernate)Swap (mit Ruhezustand)
+ Swap to fileSwap in Datei
+ <strong>Install alongside</strong><br/>The installer will shrink a partition to make room for %1.<strong>Parallel dazu installieren</strong><br/>Das Installationsprogramm wird eine Partition verkleinern, um Platz für %1 zu schaffen.
+ <strong>Replace a partition</strong><br/>Replaces a partition with %1.<strong>Ersetze eine Partition</strong><br/>Ersetzt eine Partition durch %1.
+ This storage device already has an operating system on it. What would you like to do?<br/>You will be able to review and confirm your choices before any change is made to the storage device.Dieses Speichermedium enthält bereits ein Betriebssystem. Was möchten Sie tun?<br/>Sie können Ihre Auswahl überprüfen und bestätigen, bevor Änderungen an dem Speichermedium vorgenommen wird.
+ This storage device has multiple operating systems on it. What would you like to do?<br/>You will be able to review and confirm your choices before any change is made to the storage device.Auf diesem Speichermedium sind mehrere Betriebssysteme installiert. Was möchten Sie tun?<br/>Sie können Ihre Auswahl überprüfen und bestätigen, bevor Änderungen an dem Speichermedium vorgenommen werden.
@@ -739,6 +739,14 @@ Dies wird das Installationsprogramm beenden und alle Änderungen gehen verloren.
Kann groups-Datei nicht zum Lesen öffnen.
+ CreateVolumeGroupDialog
+ Create Volume Group
+ Erstelle Volume Group
@@ -1576,7 +1584,7 @@ Dies wird das Installationsprogramm beenden und alle Änderungen gehen verloren.
+ font-weight: normalfont-weight: normal
@@ -1606,22 +1614,22 @@ Dies wird das Installationsprogramm beenden und alle Änderungen gehen verloren.
<small>Dieser Name wird benutzt, wenn Sie den Computer im Netzwerk sichtbar machen.</small>
+ Log in automatically without asking for the password.Automatisches Einloggen ohne Passwortabfrage.
+ Use the same password for the administrator account.Nutze das gleiche Passwort auch für das Administratorkonto.
+ Choose a password for the administrator account.Wählen Sie ein Passwort für das Administrationskonto.
+ <small>Enter the same password twice, so that it can be checked for typing errors.</small><small>Geben Sie das Passwort zweimal ein, um es auf Tippfehler zu prüfen.</small>
@@ -1767,17 +1775,17 @@ Dies wird das Installationsprogramm beenden und alle Änderungen gehen verloren.
I&nstalliere Bootloader auf:
+ Are you sure you want to create a new partition table on %1?Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie eine neue Partitionstabelle auf %1 erstellen möchten?
+ Can not create new partitionNeue Partition kann nicht erstellt werden
+ The partition table on %1 already has %2 primary partitions, and no more can be added. Please remove one primary partition and add an extended partition, instead.Die Partitionstabelle auf %1 hat bereits %2 primäre Partitionen und weitere können nicht hinzugefügt werden. Bitte entfernen Sie eine primäre Partition und fügen Sie stattdessen eine erweiterte Partition hinzu.
@@ -2051,6 +2059,11 @@ Ausgabe:
Language (Country)%1 (%2)
+ (no mount point)
+ (kein Einhängepunkt)
+ RemoveVolumeGroupJob
@@ -2298,6 +2311,14 @@ Ausgabe:
Das Installationsprogramm konnte die Grösse von Partition %1 auf Datenträger '%2' nicht ändern.
+ ResizeVolumeGroupDialog
+ Resize Volume Group
+ Größe der Volume Group verändern
@@ -2707,33 +2728,33 @@ Ausgabe:
+ Your username is too long.Ihr Nutzername ist zu lang.
+ Your username contains invalid characters. Only lowercase letters and numbers are allowed.Ihr Nutzername enthält ungültige Zeichen. Nur Kleinbuchstaben und Ziffern sind erlaubt.
+ Your hostname is too short.Ihr Hostname ist zu kurz.
+ Your hostname is too long.Ihr Hostname ist zu lang.
+ Your hostname contains invalid characters. Only letters, numbers and dashes are allowed.Ihr Hostname enthält ungültige Zeichen. Nur Buchstaben, Ziffern und Striche sind erlaubt.
+ Your passwords do not match!Ihre Passwörter stimmen nicht überein!
@@ -2750,8 +2771,8 @@ Ausgabe:
- VolumeGroupDialog
- VolumeGroupDialog
+ Create Volume Group
+ Erstelle Volume Group
diff --git a/lang/calamares_el.ts b/lang/calamares_el.ts
index f2e8e262c..780303db7 100644
--- a/lang/calamares_el.ts
+++ b/lang/calamares_el.ts
@@ -354,17 +354,17 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost.
+ <strong>Manual partitioning</strong><br/>You can create or resize partitions yourself.<strong>Χειροκίνητη τμηματοποίηση</strong><br/>Μπορείτε να δημιουργήσετε κατατμήσεις ή να αλλάξετε το μέγεθός τους μόνοι σας.
+ Boot loader location:Τοποθεσία προγράμματος εκκίνησης:
+ %1 will be shrunk to %2MB and a new %3MB partition will be created for %4.Το %1 θα συρρικνωθεί σε %2MB και μία νέα κατάτμηση %3MB θα δημιουργηθεί για το %4.
@@ -375,108 +375,108 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost.
+ Current:Τρέχον:
+ Reuse %1 as home partition for %2.
+ <strong>Select a partition to shrink, then drag the bottom bar to resize</strong><strong>Επιλέξτε ένα διαμέρισμα για σμίκρυνση, και μετά σύρετε το κάτω τμήμα της μπάρας για αλλαγή του μεγέθους</strong>
+ <strong>Select a partition to install on</strong><strong>Επιλέξτε διαμέρισμα για την εγκατάσταση</strong>
+ An EFI system partition cannot be found anywhere on this system. Please go back and use manual partitioning to set up %1.Πουθενά στο σύστημα δεν μπορεί να ανιχθευθεί μία κατάτμηση EFI. Παρακαλώ επιστρέψτε πίσω και χρησιμοποιήστε τη χειροκίνητη τμηματοποίηση για την εγκατάσταση του %1.
+ The EFI system partition at %1 will be used for starting %2.Η κατάτμηση συστήματος EFI στο %1 θα χρησιμοποιηθεί για την εκκίνηση του %2.
+ EFI system partition:Κατάτμηση συστήματος EFI:
+ This storage device does not seem to have an operating system on it. What would you like to do?<br/>You will be able to review and confirm your choices before any change is made to the storage device.Η συσκευή αποθήκευσης δεν φαίνεται να διαθέτει κάποιο λειτουργικό σύστημα. Τί θα ήθελες να κάνεις;<br/>Θα έχεις την δυνατότητα να επιβεβαιώσεις και αναθεωρήσεις τις αλλαγές πριν γίνει οποιαδήποτε αλλαγή στην συσκευή αποθήκευσης.
+ <strong>Erase disk</strong><br/>This will <font color="red">delete</font> all data currently present on the selected storage device.<strong>Διαγραφή του δίσκου</strong><br/>Αυτό θα <font color="red">διαγράψει</font> όλα τα αρχεία στην επιλεγμένη συσκευή αποθήκευσης.
+ This storage device has %1 on it. What would you like to do?<br/>You will be able to review and confirm your choices before any change is made to the storage device.
+ No Swap
+ Reuse Swap
+ Swap (no Hibernate)
+ Swap (with Hibernate)
+ Swap to file
+ <strong>Install alongside</strong><br/>The installer will shrink a partition to make room for %1.<strong>Εγκατάσταση σε επαλληλία</strong><br/>Η εγκατάσταση θα συρρικνώσει μία κατάτμηση για να κάνει χώρο για το %1.
+ <strong>Replace a partition</strong><br/>Replaces a partition with %1.<strong>Αντικατάσταση μίας κατάτμησης</strong><br/>Αντικαθιστά μία κατάτμηση με το %1.
+ This storage device already has an operating system on it. What would you like to do?<br/>You will be able to review and confirm your choices before any change is made to the storage device.
+ This storage device has multiple operating systems on it. What would you like to do?<br/>You will be able to review and confirm your choices before any change is made to the storage device.
@@ -739,6 +739,14 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost.
Δεν είναι δυνατό το άνοιγμα του αρχείου ομάδων για ανάγνωση.
+ CreateVolumeGroupDialog
+ Create Volume Group
@@ -1576,7 +1584,7 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost.
+ font-weight: normalfont-weight: normal
@@ -1606,22 +1614,22 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost.
<small>Αυτό το όνομα θα χρησιμοποιηθεί αν κάνετε τον υπολογιστή ορατό στους άλλους σε ένα δίκτυο.</small>
+ Log in automatically without asking for the password.Σύνδεση αυτόματα χωρίς να ζητείται κωδικός πρόσβασης.
+ Use the same password for the administrator account.Χρησιμοποιήστε τον ίδιο κωδικό πρόσβασης για τον λογαριασμό διαχειριστή.
+ Choose a password for the administrator account.Επιλέξτε ένα κωδικό για τον λογαριασμό διαχειριστή.
+ <small>Enter the same password twice, so that it can be checked for typing errors.</small><small>Εισάγετε τον ίδιο κωδικό δύο φορές, ώστε να γίνει έλεγχος για τυπογραφικά σφάλματα.</small>
@@ -1767,17 +1775,17 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost.
+ Are you sure you want to create a new partition table on %1?Θέλετε σίγουρα να δημιουργήσετε έναν νέο πίνακα κατατμήσεων στο %1;
+ Can not create new partition
+ The partition table on %1 already has %2 primary partitions, and no more can be added. Please remove one primary partition and add an extended partition, instead.
@@ -2048,6 +2056,11 @@ Output:
Language (Country)%1 (%2)
+ (no mount point)
+ RemoveVolumeGroupJob
@@ -2295,6 +2308,14 @@ Output:
Η εγκατάσταση απέτυχε να αλλάξει το μέγεθος της κατάτμησης %1 στον δίσκο '%2'.
+ ResizeVolumeGroupDialog
+ Resize Volume Group
@@ -2704,33 +2725,33 @@ Output:
+ Your username is too long.Το όνομα χρήστη είναι πολύ μακρύ.
+ Your username contains invalid characters. Only lowercase letters and numbers are allowed.Το όνομα χρήστη περιέχει μη έγκυρους χαρακτήρες. Επιτρέπονται μόνο πεζά γράμματα και αριθμητικά ψηφία.
+ Your hostname is too short.Το όνομα υπολογιστή είναι πολύ σύντομο.
+ Your hostname is too long.Το όνομα υπολογιστή είναι πολύ μακρύ.
+ Your hostname contains invalid characters. Only letters, numbers and dashes are allowed.Το όνομα υπολογιστή περιέχει μη έγκυρους χαρακτήρες. Επιτρέπονται μόνο γράμματα, αριθμητικά ψηφία και παύλες.
+ Your passwords do not match!Οι κωδικοί πρόσβασης δεν ταιριάζουν!
@@ -2747,7 +2768,7 @@ Output:
- VolumeGroupDialog
+ Create Volume Group
diff --git a/lang/calamares_en.ts b/lang/calamares_en.ts
index 78e30bc6f..1d4c76161 100644
--- a/lang/calamares_en.ts
+++ b/lang/calamares_en.ts
@@ -354,17 +354,17 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost.
+ <strong>Manual partitioning</strong><br/>You can create or resize partitions yourself.<strong>Manual partitioning</strong><br/>You can create or resize partitions yourself.
+ Boot loader location:Boot loader location:
+ %1 will be shrunk to %2MB and a new %3MB partition will be created for %4.%1 will be shrunk to %2MB and a new %3MB partition will be created for %4.
@@ -375,108 +375,108 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost.
+ Current:Current:
+ Reuse %1 as home partition for %2.Reuse %1 as home partition for %2.
+ <strong>Select a partition to shrink, then drag the bottom bar to resize</strong><strong>Select a partition to shrink, then drag the bottom bar to resize</strong>
+ <strong>Select a partition to install on</strong><strong>Select a partition to install on</strong>
+ An EFI system partition cannot be found anywhere on this system. Please go back and use manual partitioning to set up %1.An EFI system partition cannot be found anywhere on this system. Please go back and use manual partitioning to set up %1.
+ The EFI system partition at %1 will be used for starting %2.The EFI system partition at %1 will be used for starting %2.
+ EFI system partition:EFI system partition:
+ This storage device does not seem to have an operating system on it. What would you like to do?<br/>You will be able to review and confirm your choices before any change is made to the storage device.This storage device does not seem to have an operating system on it. What would you like to do?<br/>You will be able to review and confirm your choices before any change is made to the storage device.
+ <strong>Erase disk</strong><br/>This will <font color="red">delete</font> all data currently present on the selected storage device.<strong>Erase disk</strong><br/>This will <font color="red">delete</font> all data currently present on the selected storage device.
+ This storage device has %1 on it. What would you like to do?<br/>You will be able to review and confirm your choices before any change is made to the storage device.This storage device has %1 on it. What would you like to do?<br/>You will be able to review and confirm your choices before any change is made to the storage device.
+ No SwapNo Swap
+ Reuse SwapReuse Swap
+ Swap (no Hibernate)Swap (no Hibernate)
+ Swap (with Hibernate)Swap (with Hibernate)
+ Swap to fileSwap to file
+ <strong>Install alongside</strong><br/>The installer will shrink a partition to make room for %1.<strong>Install alongside</strong><br/>The installer will shrink a partition to make room for %1.
+ <strong>Replace a partition</strong><br/>Replaces a partition with %1.<strong>Replace a partition</strong><br/>Replaces a partition with %1.
+ This storage device already has an operating system on it. What would you like to do?<br/>You will be able to review and confirm your choices before any change is made to the storage device.This storage device already has an operating system on it. What would you like to do?<br/>You will be able to review and confirm your choices before any change is made to the storage device.
+ This storage device has multiple operating systems on it. What would you like to do?<br/>You will be able to review and confirm your choices before any change is made to the storage device.This storage device has multiple operating systems on it. What would you like to do?<br/>You will be able to review and confirm your choices before any change is made to the storage device.
@@ -739,6 +739,14 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost.
Cannot open groups file for reading.
+ CreateVolumeGroupDialog
+ Create Volume Group
+ Create Volume Group
@@ -1576,7 +1584,7 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost.
+ font-weight: normalfont-weight: normal
@@ -1606,22 +1614,22 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost.
<small>This name will be used if you make the computer visible to others on a network.</small>
+ Log in automatically without asking for the password.Log in automatically without asking for the password.
+ Use the same password for the administrator account.Use the same password for the administrator account.
+ Choose a password for the administrator account.Choose a password for the administrator account.
+ <small>Enter the same password twice, so that it can be checked for typing errors.</small><small>Enter the same password twice, so that it can be checked for typing errors.</small>
@@ -1767,17 +1775,17 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost.
I&nstall boot loader on:
+ Are you sure you want to create a new partition table on %1?Are you sure you want to create a new partition table on %1?
+ Can not create new partitionCan not create new partition
+ The partition table on %1 already has %2 primary partitions, and no more can be added. Please remove one primary partition and add an extended partition, instead.The partition table on %1 already has %2 primary partitions, and no more can be added. Please remove one primary partition and add an extended partition, instead.
@@ -2051,6 +2059,11 @@ Output:
Language (Country)%1 (%2)
+ (no mount point)
+ (no mount point)
+ RemoveVolumeGroupJob
@@ -2298,6 +2311,14 @@ Output:
The installer failed to resize partition %1 on disk '%2'.
+ ResizeVolumeGroupDialog
+ Resize Volume Group
+ Resize Volume Group
@@ -2707,33 +2728,33 @@ Output:
+ Your username is too long.Your username is too long.
+ Your username contains invalid characters. Only lowercase letters and numbers are allowed.Your username contains invalid characters. Only lowercase letters and numbers are allowed.
+ Your hostname is too short.Your hostname is too short.
+ Your hostname is too long.Your hostname is too long.
+ Your hostname contains invalid characters. Only letters, numbers and dashes are allowed.Your hostname contains invalid characters. Only letters, numbers and dashes are allowed.
+ Your passwords do not match!Your passwords do not match!
@@ -2750,8 +2771,8 @@ Output:
- VolumeGroupDialog
- VolumeGroupDialog
+ Create Volume Group
+ Create Volume Group
diff --git a/lang/calamares_en_GB.ts b/lang/calamares_en_GB.ts
index 3ff99776d..01edc6f59 100644
--- a/lang/calamares_en_GB.ts
+++ b/lang/calamares_en_GB.ts
@@ -354,17 +354,17 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost.
+ <strong>Manual partitioning</strong><br/>You can create or resize partitions yourself.<strong>Manual partitioning</strong><br/>You can create or resize partitions yourself.
+ Boot loader location:Boot loader location:
+ %1 will be shrunk to %2MB and a new %3MB partition will be created for %4.%1 will be shrunk to %2MB and a new %3MB partition will be created for %4.
@@ -375,108 +375,108 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost.
+ Current:Current:
+ Reuse %1 as home partition for %2.Reuse %1 as home partition for %2.
+ <strong>Select a partition to shrink, then drag the bottom bar to resize</strong><strong>Select a partition to shrink, then drag the bottom bar to resize</strong>
+ <strong>Select a partition to install on</strong><strong>Select a partition to install on</strong>
+ An EFI system partition cannot be found anywhere on this system. Please go back and use manual partitioning to set up %1.An EFI system partition cannot be found anywhere on this system. Please go back and use manual partitioning to set up %1.
+ The EFI system partition at %1 will be used for starting %2.The EFI system partition at %1 will be used for starting %2.
+ EFI system partition:EFI system partition:
+ This storage device does not seem to have an operating system on it. What would you like to do?<br/>You will be able to review and confirm your choices before any change is made to the storage device.This storage device does not seem to have an operating system on it. What would you like to do?<br/>You will be able to review and confirm your choices before any change is made to the storage device.
+ <strong>Erase disk</strong><br/>This will <font color="red">delete</font> all data currently present on the selected storage device.<strong>Erase disk</strong><br/>This will <font color="red">delete</font> all data currently present on the selected storage device.
+ This storage device has %1 on it. What would you like to do?<br/>You will be able to review and confirm your choices before any change is made to the storage device.This storage device has %1 on it. What would you like to do?<br/>You will be able to review and confirm your choices before any change is made to the storage device.
+ No Swap
+ Reuse Swap
+ Swap (no Hibernate)
+ Swap (with Hibernate)
+ Swap to file
+ <strong>Install alongside</strong><br/>The installer will shrink a partition to make room for %1.<strong>Install alongside</strong><br/>The installer will shrink a partition to make room for %1.
+ <strong>Replace a partition</strong><br/>Replaces a partition with %1.<strong>Replace a partition</strong><br/>Replaces a partition with %1.
+ This storage device already has an operating system on it. What would you like to do?<br/>You will be able to review and confirm your choices before any change is made to the storage device.This storage device already has an operating system on it. What would you like to do?<br/>You will be able to review and confirm your choices before any change is made to the storage device.
+ This storage device has multiple operating systems on it. What would you like to do?<br/>You will be able to review and confirm your choices before any change is made to the storage device.This storage device has multiple operating systems on it. What would you like to do?<br/>You will be able to review and confirm your choices before any change is made to the storage device.
@@ -739,6 +739,14 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost.
Cannot open groups file for reading.
+ CreateVolumeGroupDialog
+ Create Volume Group
@@ -1576,7 +1584,7 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost.
+ font-weight: normalfont-weight: normal
@@ -1606,22 +1614,22 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost.
<small>This name will be used if you make the computer visible to others on a network.</small>
+ Log in automatically without asking for the password.Log in automatically without asking for the password.
+ Use the same password for the administrator account.Use the same password for the administrator account.
+ Choose a password for the administrator account.Choose a password for the administrator account.
+ <small>Enter the same password twice, so that it can be checked for typing errors.</small><small>Enter the same password twice, so that it can be checked for typing errors.</small>
@@ -1767,17 +1775,17 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost.
+ Are you sure you want to create a new partition table on %1?Are you sure you want to create a new partition table on %1?
+ Can not create new partitionCan not create new partition
+ The partition table on %1 already has %2 primary partitions, and no more can be added. Please remove one primary partition and add an extended partition, instead.The partition table on %1 already has %2 primary partitions, and no more can be added. Please remove one primary partition and add an extended partition, instead.
@@ -2051,6 +2059,11 @@ Output:
Language (Country)%1 (%2)
+ (no mount point)
+ RemoveVolumeGroupJob
@@ -2298,6 +2311,14 @@ Output:
The installer failed to resize partition %1 on disk '%2'.
+ ResizeVolumeGroupDialog
+ Resize Volume Group
@@ -2707,33 +2728,33 @@ Output:
+ Your username is too long.Your username is too long.
+ Your username contains invalid characters. Only lowercase letters and numbers are allowed.Your username contains invalid characters. Only lowercase letters and numbers are allowed.
+ Your hostname is too short.Your hostname is too short.
+ Your hostname is too long.Your hostname is too long.
+ Your hostname contains invalid characters. Only letters, numbers and dashes are allowed.Your hostname contains invalid characters. Only letters, numbers and dashes are allowed.
+ Your passwords do not match!Your passwords do not match!
@@ -2750,7 +2771,7 @@ Output:
- VolumeGroupDialog
+ Create Volume Group
diff --git a/lang/calamares_eo.ts b/lang/calamares_eo.ts
index 64157f1c2..689fedd2c 100644
--- a/lang/calamares_eo.ts
+++ b/lang/calamares_eo.ts
@@ -354,17 +354,17 @@ La instalilo forlasos kaj ĉiuj ŝanĝoj perdos.
+ <strong>Manual partitioning</strong><br/>You can create or resize partitions yourself.
+ Boot loader location:
+ %1 will be shrunk to %2MB and a new %3MB partition will be created for %4.
@@ -375,108 +375,108 @@ La instalilo forlasos kaj ĉiuj ŝanĝoj perdos.
+ Current:
+ Reuse %1 as home partition for %2.
+ <strong>Select a partition to shrink, then drag the bottom bar to resize</strong>
+ <strong>Select a partition to install on</strong>
+ An EFI system partition cannot be found anywhere on this system. Please go back and use manual partitioning to set up %1.
+ The EFI system partition at %1 will be used for starting %2.
+ EFI system partition:
+ This storage device does not seem to have an operating system on it. What would you like to do?<br/>You will be able to review and confirm your choices before any change is made to the storage device.
+ <strong>Erase disk</strong><br/>This will <font color="red">delete</font> all data currently present on the selected storage device.
+ This storage device has %1 on it. What would you like to do?<br/>You will be able to review and confirm your choices before any change is made to the storage device.
+ No Swap
+ Reuse Swap
+ Swap (no Hibernate)
+ Swap (with Hibernate)
+ Swap to file
+ <strong>Install alongside</strong><br/>The installer will shrink a partition to make room for %1.
+ <strong>Replace a partition</strong><br/>Replaces a partition with %1.
+ This storage device already has an operating system on it. What would you like to do?<br/>You will be able to review and confirm your choices before any change is made to the storage device.
+ This storage device has multiple operating systems on it. What would you like to do?<br/>You will be able to review and confirm your choices before any change is made to the storage device.
@@ -739,6 +739,14 @@ La instalilo forlasos kaj ĉiuj ŝanĝoj perdos.
+ CreateVolumeGroupDialog
+ Create Volume Group
@@ -1576,7 +1584,7 @@ La instalilo forlasos kaj ĉiuj ŝanĝoj perdos.
+ font-weight: normal
@@ -1606,22 +1614,22 @@ La instalilo forlasos kaj ĉiuj ŝanĝoj perdos.
+ Log in automatically without asking for the password.
+ Use the same password for the administrator account.
+ Choose a password for the administrator account.
+ <small>Enter the same password twice, so that it can be checked for typing errors.</small>
@@ -1767,17 +1775,17 @@ La instalilo forlasos kaj ĉiuj ŝanĝoj perdos.
+ Are you sure you want to create a new partition table on %1?
+ Can not create new partition
+ The partition table on %1 already has %2 primary partitions, and no more can be added. Please remove one primary partition and add an extended partition, instead.
@@ -2048,6 +2056,11 @@ Output:
Language (Country)%1(%2)
+ (no mount point)
+ RemoveVolumeGroupJob
@@ -2295,6 +2308,14 @@ Output:
+ ResizeVolumeGroupDialog
+ Resize Volume Group
@@ -2704,33 +2725,33 @@ Output:
+ Your username is too long.
+ Your username contains invalid characters. Only lowercase letters and numbers are allowed.
+ Your hostname is too short.
+ Your hostname is too long.
+ Your hostname contains invalid characters. Only letters, numbers and dashes are allowed.
+ Your passwords do not match!
@@ -2747,7 +2768,7 @@ Output:
- VolumeGroupDialog
+ Create Volume Group
diff --git a/lang/calamares_es.ts b/lang/calamares_es.ts
index abd123730..c477d3e6b 100644
--- a/lang/calamares_es.ts
+++ b/lang/calamares_es.ts
@@ -355,17 +355,17 @@ Saldrá del instalador y se perderán todos los cambios.
+ <strong>Manual partitioning</strong><br/>You can create or resize partitions yourself.<strong>Particionado manual </strong><br/> Usted puede crear o cambiar el tamaño de las particiones usted mismo.
+ Boot loader location:Ubicación del cargador de arranque:
+ %1 will be shrunk to %2MB and a new %3MB partition will be created for %4.%1 se contraerá a %2 MB y se creará una nueva partición de %3 MB para %4.
@@ -376,108 +376,108 @@ Saldrá del instalador y se perderán todos los cambios.
+ Current:Corriente
+ Reuse %1 as home partition for %2.Volver a usar %1 como partición home para %2
+ <strong>Select a partition to shrink, then drag the bottom bar to resize</strong><strong>Seleccione una partición para reducir el tamaño, a continuación, arrastre la barra inferior para cambiar el tamaño</strong>
+ <strong>Select a partition to install on</strong><strong>Seleccione una partición para instalar en</strong>
+ An EFI system partition cannot be found anywhere on this system. Please go back and use manual partitioning to set up %1.No se puede encontrar una partición de sistema EFI en ningún lugar de este sistema. Por favor, vuelva y use el particionamiento manual para establecer %1.
+ The EFI system partition at %1 will be used for starting %2.La partición de sistema EFI en %1 se usará para iniciar %2.
+ EFI system partition:Partición del sistema EFI:
+ This storage device does not seem to have an operating system on it. What would you like to do?<br/>You will be able to review and confirm your choices before any change is made to the storage device.Este dispositivo de almacenamiento no parece tener un sistema operativo en él. ¿Qué quiere hacer?<br/>Podrá revisar y confirmar sus elecciones antes de que se haga cualquier cambio en el dispositivo de almacenamiento.
+ <strong>Erase disk</strong><br/>This will <font color="red">delete</font> all data currently present on the selected storage device.<strong>Borrar disco</strong><br/>Esto <font color="red">borrará</font> todos los datos presentes actualmente en el dispositivo de almacenamiento.
+ This storage device has %1 on it. What would you like to do?<br/>You will be able to review and confirm your choices before any change is made to the storage device.%1 se encuentra instalado en este dispositivo de almacenamiento. ¿Qué desea hacer?<br/>Podrá revisar y confirmar su elección antes de que cualquier cambio se haga efectivo en el dispositivo de almacenamiento.
+ No Swap
+ Sin Swap
+ Reuse Swap
+ Reusar Swap
+ Swap (no Hibernate)
+ Swap (sin hibernación)
+ Swap (with Hibernate)
+ Swap (con hibernación)
+ Swap to file
+ Swap a archivo
+ <strong>Install alongside</strong><br/>The installer will shrink a partition to make room for %1.<strong>Instalar junto al otro SO</strong><br/>El instalador reducirá la partición del SO existente para tener espacio para instalar %1.
+ <strong>Replace a partition</strong><br/>Replaces a partition with %1.<strong>Reemplazar una partición</strong><br/>Reemplazar una partición con %1.
+ This storage device already has an operating system on it. What would you like to do?<br/>You will be able to review and confirm your choices before any change is made to the storage device.Este dispositivo de almacenamiento parece que ya tiene un sistema operativo instalado en él. ¿Qué desea hacer?<br/>Podrá revisar y confirmar su elección antes de que cualquier cambio se haga efectivo en el dispositivo de almacenamiento.
+ This storage device has multiple operating systems on it. What would you like to do?<br/>You will be able to review and confirm your choices before any change is made to the storage device.Este dispositivo de almacenamiento contiene múltiples sistemas operativos instalados en él. ¿Qué desea hacer?<br/>Podrá revisar y confirmar su elección antes de que cualquier cambio se haga efectivo en el dispositivo de almacenamiento.
@@ -740,6 +740,14 @@ Saldrá del instalador y se perderán todos los cambios.
No es posible abrir el archivo de grupos del sistema.
+ CreateVolumeGroupDialog
+ Create Volume Group
+ Crear grupo de volúmenes
@@ -1577,7 +1585,7 @@ Saldrá del instalador y se perderán todos los cambios.
+ font-weight: normaltamaño de la fuente: normal
@@ -1607,22 +1615,22 @@ Saldrá del instalador y se perderán todos los cambios.
<small>Este nombre será utilizado si hace este equipo visible para otros en una red.</small>
+ Log in automatically without asking for the password.Conectarse automaticamente sin pedir la contraseña.
+ Use the same password for the administrator account.Usar la misma contraseña para la cuenta de administrador.
+ Choose a password for the administrator account.Elegir una contraseña para la cuenta de administrador.
+ <small>Enter the same password twice, so that it can be checked for typing errors.</small><small>Escriba dos veces la contraseña para que se puede verificar en caso de errores al escribir.</small>
@@ -1768,17 +1776,17 @@ Saldrá del instalador y se perderán todos los cambios.
Instalar gestor de arranque en:
+ Are you sure you want to create a new partition table on %1?¿Está seguro de querer crear una nueva tabla de particiones en %1?
+ Can not create new partitionNo se puede crear una partición nueva
+ The partition table on %1 already has %2 primary partitions, and no more can be added. Please remove one primary partition and add an extended partition, instead.La tabla de particiones en %1 tiene %2 particiones primarias y no se pueden agregar más. Por favor remueva una partición primaria y agregue una partición extendida en su reemplazo.
@@ -2052,6 +2060,11 @@ Salida:
Language (Country)%1 (%2)
+ (no mount point)
+ (sin punto de montaje)
+ RemoveVolumeGroupJob
@@ -2299,6 +2312,14 @@ Salida:
El instalador ha fallado a la hora de reducir la partición %1 en el disco '%2'.
+ ResizeVolumeGroupDialog
+ Resize Volume Group
+ Cambiar el tamaño del grupo de volúmenes
@@ -2708,33 +2729,33 @@ Salida:
+ Your username is too long.Su nombre de usuario es demasiado largo.
+ Your username contains invalid characters. Only lowercase letters and numbers are allowed.Su nombre de usuario contiene caracteres inválidos. Solo se admiten letras minúsculas y números.
+ Your hostname is too short.El nombre del Host es demasiado corto.
+ Your hostname is too long.El nombre del Host es demasiado largo.
+ Your hostname contains invalid characters. Only letters, numbers and dashes are allowed.El nombre del Host contiene caracteres inválidos. Solo se admiten letras, números y guiones.
+ Your passwords do not match!¡Sus contraseñas no coinciden!
@@ -2751,8 +2772,8 @@ Salida:
- VolumeGroupDialog
+ Create Volume Group
+ Crear grupo de volúmenes
diff --git a/lang/calamares_es_MX.ts b/lang/calamares_es_MX.ts
index 9d473372f..afd59c824 100644
--- a/lang/calamares_es_MX.ts
+++ b/lang/calamares_es_MX.ts
@@ -354,17 +354,17 @@ El instalador terminará y se perderán todos los cambios.
+ <strong>Manual partitioning</strong><br/>You can create or resize partitions yourself.<strong>Particionado manual </strong><br/> Puede crear o cambiar el tamaño de las particiones usted mismo.
+ Boot loader location:Ubicación del cargador de arranque:
+ %1 will be shrunk to %2MB and a new %3MB partition will be created for %4.%1 será reducido a %2MB y una nueva partición %3MB will be created for %4.
@@ -375,109 +375,109 @@ El instalador terminará y se perderán todos los cambios.
+ Current:Actual:
+ Reuse %1 as home partition for %2.Reuse %1 como partición home para %2.
+ <strong>Select a partition to shrink, then drag the bottom bar to resize</strong> <strong>Seleccione una partición para reducir el tamaño, a continuación, arrastre la barra inferior para redimencinar</strong>
+ <strong>Select a partition to install on</strong> <strong>Seleccione una partición para instalar</strong>
+ An EFI system partition cannot be found anywhere on this system. Please go back and use manual partitioning to set up %1.No se puede encontrar en el sistema una partición EFI. Por favor vuelva atrás y use el particionamiento manual para configurar %1.
+ The EFI system partition at %1 will be used for starting %2.La partición EFI en %1 será usada para iniciar %2.
+ EFI system partition:Partición de sistema EFI:
+ This storage device does not seem to have an operating system on it. What would you like to do?<br/>You will be able to review and confirm your choices before any change is made to the storage device.Este dispositivo de almacenamiento parece no tener un sistema operativo en el. ¿que le gustaría hacer?<br/> Usted podrá revisar y confirmar sus elecciones antes que cualquier cambio se realice al dispositivo de almacenamiento.
+ <strong>Erase disk</strong><br/>This will <font color="red">delete</font> all data currently present on the selected storage device.<strong>Borrar disco</strong> <br/>Esto <font color="red">borrará</font> todos los datos presentes actualmente en el dispositivo de almacenamiento seleccionado.
+ This storage device has %1 on it. What would you like to do?<br/>You will be able to review and confirm your choices before any change is made to the storage device.Este dispositivo de almacenamiento tiene %1 en el. ¿Que le gustaría hacer? <br/>Usted podrá revisar y confirmar sus elecciones antes de que cualquier cambio se realice al dispositivo de almacenamiento.
+ No Swap
+ Reuse Swap
+ Swap (no Hibernate)
+ Swap (with Hibernate)
+ Swap to file
+ <strong>Install alongside</strong><br/>The installer will shrink a partition to make room for %1.<strong>Instalar junto a</strong> <br/>El instalador reducirá una partición con el fin de hacer espacio para %1.
+ <strong>Replace a partition</strong><br/>Replaces a partition with %1.<strong>Reemplazar una partición</strong> <br/>Reemplaza una partición con %1.
+ This storage device already has an operating system on it. What would you like to do?<br/>You will be able to review and confirm your choices before any change is made to the storage device.Este dispositivo de almacenamiento ya tiene un sistema operativo en el. ¿Que le gustaría hacer?<br/> Usted podrá revisar y confirmar sus elecciones antes que cualquier cambio se realice al dispositivo de almacenamiento.
+ This storage device has multiple operating systems on it. What would you like to do?<br/>You will be able to review and confirm your choices before any change is made to the storage device.Este dispositivo de almacenamiento tiene múltiples sistemas operativos en el. ¿Que le gustaria hacer?<br/> Usted podrá revisar y confirmar sus elecciones antes que cualquier cambio se realice al dispositivo de almacenamiento.
@@ -740,6 +740,14 @@ El instalador terminará y se perderán todos los cambios.
No se puede abrir el archivo groups para lectura.
+ CreateVolumeGroupDialog
+ Create Volume Group
@@ -1577,7 +1585,7 @@ El instalador terminará y se perderán todos los cambios.
+ font-weight: normalTamaño de fuente: normal
@@ -1607,22 +1615,22 @@ El instalador terminará y se perderán todos los cambios.
<small>Este nombre sera usado si hace esta computadora visible para otros en una red.</small>
+ Log in automatically without asking for the password.Iniciar sesión automáticamente sin preguntar por la contraseña.
+ Use the same password for the administrator account.Usar la misma contraseña para la cuenta de administrador.
+ Choose a password for the administrator account.Elegir una contraseña para la cuenta de administrador.
+ <small>Enter the same password twice, so that it can be checked for typing errors.</small><small>Escribe dos veces la contraseña para comprobar si tiene errores</small>
@@ -1768,17 +1776,17 @@ El instalador terminará y se perderán todos los cambios.
+ Are you sure you want to create a new partition table on %1?¿Está seguro de querer crear una nueva tabla de particiones en %1?
+ Can not create new partitionNo se puede crear nueva partición
+ The partition table on %1 already has %2 primary partitions, and no more can be added. Please remove one primary partition and add an extended partition, instead.La tabla de partición en %1 ya tiene %2 particiones primarias, y no pueden agregarse mas. Favor remover una partición primaria y en cambio, agregue una partición extendida.
@@ -2052,6 +2060,11 @@ Salida
Language (Country)%1 (%2)
+ (no mount point)
+ RemoveVolumeGroupJob
@@ -2300,6 +2313,14 @@ Salida
El instalador ha fallado al reducir la partición %1 en el disco '%2'.
+ ResizeVolumeGroupDialog
+ Resize Volume Group
@@ -2709,33 +2730,33 @@ Salida
+ Your username is too long.Tu nombre de usuario es demasiado largo.
+ Your username contains invalid characters. Only lowercase letters and numbers are allowed.Tu nombre de usuario contiene caracteres no válidos. Solo se pueden usar letras minúsculas y números.
+ Your hostname is too short.El nombre de tu equipo es demasiado corto.
+ Your hostname is too long.El nombre de tu equipo es demasiado largo.
+ Your hostname contains invalid characters. Only letters, numbers and dashes are allowed.Tu nombre de equipo contiene caracteres no válidos Sólo se pueden usar letras, números y guiones.
+ Your passwords do not match!Las contraseñas no coinciden!
@@ -2752,7 +2773,7 @@ Salida
- VolumeGroupDialog
+ Create Volume Group
diff --git a/lang/calamares_es_PR.ts b/lang/calamares_es_PR.ts
index 7b17fad8c..5e340e1c6 100644
--- a/lang/calamares_es_PR.ts
+++ b/lang/calamares_es_PR.ts
@@ -353,17 +353,17 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost.
+ <strong>Manual partitioning</strong><br/>You can create or resize partitions yourself.
+ Boot loader location:
+ %1 will be shrunk to %2MB and a new %3MB partition will be created for %4.
@@ -374,108 +374,108 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost.
+ Current:
+ Reuse %1 as home partition for %2.
+ <strong>Select a partition to shrink, then drag the bottom bar to resize</strong>
+ <strong>Select a partition to install on</strong>
+ An EFI system partition cannot be found anywhere on this system. Please go back and use manual partitioning to set up %1.
+ The EFI system partition at %1 will be used for starting %2.
+ EFI system partition:
+ This storage device does not seem to have an operating system on it. What would you like to do?<br/>You will be able to review and confirm your choices before any change is made to the storage device.
+ <strong>Erase disk</strong><br/>This will <font color="red">delete</font> all data currently present on the selected storage device.
+ This storage device has %1 on it. What would you like to do?<br/>You will be able to review and confirm your choices before any change is made to the storage device.
+ No Swap
+ Reuse Swap
+ Swap (no Hibernate)
+ Swap (with Hibernate)
+ Swap to file
+ <strong>Install alongside</strong><br/>The installer will shrink a partition to make room for %1.
+ <strong>Replace a partition</strong><br/>Replaces a partition with %1.
+ This storage device already has an operating system on it. What would you like to do?<br/>You will be able to review and confirm your choices before any change is made to the storage device.
+ This storage device has multiple operating systems on it. What would you like to do?<br/>You will be able to review and confirm your choices before any change is made to the storage device.
@@ -738,6 +738,14 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost.
+ CreateVolumeGroupDialog
+ Create Volume Group
@@ -1575,7 +1583,7 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost.
+ font-weight: normal
@@ -1605,22 +1613,22 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost.
+ Log in automatically without asking for the password.
+ Use the same password for the administrator account.
+ Choose a password for the administrator account.
+ <small>Enter the same password twice, so that it can be checked for typing errors.</small>
@@ -1766,17 +1774,17 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost.
+ Are you sure you want to create a new partition table on %1?
+ Can not create new partition
+ The partition table on %1 already has %2 primary partitions, and no more can be added. Please remove one primary partition and add an extended partition, instead.
@@ -2047,6 +2055,11 @@ Output:
Language (Country)
+ (no mount point)
+ RemoveVolumeGroupJob
@@ -2294,6 +2307,14 @@ Output:
+ ResizeVolumeGroupDialog
+ Resize Volume Group
@@ -2703,33 +2724,33 @@ Output:
+ Your username is too long.
+ Your username contains invalid characters. Only lowercase letters and numbers are allowed.
+ Your hostname is too short.
+ Your hostname is too long.
+ Your hostname contains invalid characters. Only letters, numbers and dashes are allowed.
+ Your passwords do not match!
@@ -2746,7 +2767,7 @@ Output:
- VolumeGroupDialog
+ Create Volume Group
diff --git a/lang/calamares_et.ts b/lang/calamares_et.ts
index fa61cfa35..f12ade006 100644
--- a/lang/calamares_et.ts
+++ b/lang/calamares_et.ts
@@ -354,17 +354,17 @@ Paigaldaja sulgub ning kõik muutused kaovad.
+ <strong>Manual partitioning</strong><br/>You can create or resize partitions yourself.<strong>Käsitsi partitsioneerimine</strong><br/>Sa võid ise partitsioone luua või nende suurust muuta.
+ Boot loader location:Käivituslaaduri asukoht:
+ %1 will be shrunk to %2MB and a new %3MB partition will be created for %4.%1 vähendatakse suuruseni %2MB ja %4 jaoks luuakse uus %3MB partitsioon.
@@ -375,108 +375,108 @@ Paigaldaja sulgub ning kõik muutused kaovad.
+ Current:Hetkel:
+ Reuse %1 as home partition for %2.Taaskasuta %1 %2 kodupartitsioonina.
+ <strong>Select a partition to shrink, then drag the bottom bar to resize</strong><strong>Vali vähendatav partitsioon, seejärel sikuta alumist riba suuruse muutmiseks</strong>
+ <strong>Select a partition to install on</strong><strong>Vali partitsioon, kuhu paigaldada</strong>
+ An EFI system partition cannot be found anywhere on this system. Please go back and use manual partitioning to set up %1.EFI süsteemipartitsiooni ei leitud sellest süsteemist. Palun mine tagasi ja kasuta käsitsi partitsioonimist, et seadistada %1.
+ The EFI system partition at %1 will be used for starting %2.EFI süsteemipartitsioon asukohas %1 kasutatakse %2 käivitamiseks.
+ EFI system partition:EFI süsteemipartitsioon:
+ This storage device does not seem to have an operating system on it. What would you like to do?<br/>You will be able to review and confirm your choices before any change is made to the storage device.Sellel mäluseadmel ei paista olevat operatsioonisüsteemi peal. Mida soovid teha?<br/>Sa saad oma valikud üle vaadata ja kinnitada enne kui mistahes muudatus saab mäluseadmele teostatud.
+ <strong>Erase disk</strong><br/>This will <font color="red">delete</font> all data currently present on the selected storage device.<strong>Tühjenda ketas</strong><br/>See <font color="red">kustutab</font> kõik valitud mäluseadmel olevad andmed.
+ This storage device has %1 on it. What would you like to do?<br/>You will be able to review and confirm your choices before any change is made to the storage device.Sellel mäluseadmel on peal %1. Mida soovid teha?<br/>Sa saad oma valikud üle vaadata ja kinnitada enne kui mistahes muudatus saab mäluseadmele teostatud.
+ No Swap
+ Reuse Swap
+ Swap (no Hibernate)
+ Swap (with Hibernate)
+ Swap to file
+ <strong>Install alongside</strong><br/>The installer will shrink a partition to make room for %1.<strong>Paigalda kõrvale</strong><br/>Paigaldaja vähendab partitsiooni, et teha ruumi operatsioonisüsteemile %1.
+ <strong>Replace a partition</strong><br/>Replaces a partition with %1.<strong>Asenda partitsioon</strong><br/>Asendab partitsiooni operatsioonisüsteemiga %1.
+ This storage device already has an operating system on it. What would you like to do?<br/>You will be able to review and confirm your choices before any change is made to the storage device.Sellel mäluseadmel on juba operatsioonisüsteem peal. Mida soovid teha?<br/>Sa saad oma valikud üle vaadata ja kinnitada enne kui mistahes muudatus saab mäluseadmele teostatud.
+ This storage device has multiple operating systems on it. What would you like to do?<br/>You will be able to review and confirm your choices before any change is made to the storage device.Sellel mäluseadmel on mitu operatsioonisüsteemi peal. Mida soovid teha?<br/>Sa saad oma valikud üle vaadata ja kinnitada enne kui mistahes muudatus saab mäluseadmele teostatud.
@@ -739,6 +739,14 @@ Paigaldaja sulgub ning kõik muutused kaovad.
Grupifaili ei saa lugemiseks avada.
+ CreateVolumeGroupDialog
+ Create Volume Group
@@ -1576,7 +1584,7 @@ Paigaldaja sulgub ning kõik muutused kaovad.
+ font-weight: normalfont-weight: normal
@@ -1606,22 +1614,22 @@ Paigaldaja sulgub ning kõik muutused kaovad.
<small>Seda nime kasutatakse, kui teed arvuti võrgus teistele nähtavaks.</small>
+ Log in automatically without asking for the password.Logi automaatselt sisse ilma parooli küsimata.
+ Use the same password for the administrator account.Kasuta sama parooli administraatorikontole.
+ Choose a password for the administrator account.Vali administraatori kontole parool.
+ <small>Enter the same password twice, so that it can be checked for typing errors.</small><small>Sisesta sama parooli kaks korda, et kontrollida kirjavigade puudumist.</small>
@@ -1767,17 +1775,17 @@ Paigaldaja sulgub ning kõik muutused kaovad.
Paigalda käivituslaadur kohta:
+ Are you sure you want to create a new partition table on %1?Kas soovid kindlasti luua uut partitsioonitabelit kettale %1?
+ Can not create new partitionUut partitsiooni ei saa luua
+ The partition table on %1 already has %2 primary partitions, and no more can be added. Please remove one primary partition and add an extended partition, instead.Partitsioonitabel kohas %1 juba omab %2 peamist partitsiooni ning rohkem juurde ei saa lisada. Palun eemalda selle asemel üks peamine partitsioon ja lisa juurde laiendatud partitsioon.
@@ -2051,6 +2059,11 @@ Väljund:
Language (Country)%1 (%2)
+ (no mount point)
+ RemoveVolumeGroupJob
@@ -2298,6 +2311,14 @@ Väljund:
Paigaldajal ebaõnnestus partitsiooni %1 suuruse muutmine kettal "%2".
+ ResizeVolumeGroupDialog
+ Resize Volume Group
+ Muuda kettagrupi suurust
@@ -2707,33 +2728,33 @@ Väljund:
+ Your username is too long.Sinu kasutajanimi on liiga pikk.
+ Your username contains invalid characters. Only lowercase letters and numbers are allowed.Sinu kasutajanimi sisaldab sobimatuid tähemärke. Lubatud on ainult väiketähed ja numbrid.
+ Your hostname is too short.Sinu hostinimi on liiga lühike.
+ Your hostname is too long.Sinu hostinimi on liiga pikk.
+ Your hostname contains invalid characters. Only letters, numbers and dashes are allowed.Sinu hostinimi sisaldab sobimatuid tähemärke. Ainult tähed, numbrid ja sidekriipsud on lubatud.
+ Your passwords do not match!Sinu paroolid ei ühti!
@@ -2750,8 +2771,8 @@ Väljund:
- VolumeGroupDialog
- VolumeGroupDialog
+ Create Volume Group
diff --git a/lang/calamares_eu.ts b/lang/calamares_eu.ts
index b146c01bf..952e818ed 100644
--- a/lang/calamares_eu.ts
+++ b/lang/calamares_eu.ts
@@ -354,17 +354,17 @@ Instalatzailea irten egingo da eta aldaketa guztiak galduko dira.
+ <strong>Manual partitioning</strong><br/>You can create or resize partitions yourself.<strong>Eskuz partizioak landu</strong><br/>Zure kasa sortu edo tamainaz alda dezakezu partizioak.
+ Boot loader location:Abio kargatzaile kokapena:
+ %1 will be shrunk to %2MB and a new %3MB partition will be created for %4.%1 %2MB-ra txikituko da, eta %3MB-tako partizio berri bat sortuko da %4-(e)rako.
@@ -375,108 +375,108 @@ Instalatzailea irten egingo da eta aldaketa guztiak galduko dira.
+ Current:Unekoa:
+ Reuse %1 as home partition for %2.Berrerabili %1 home partizio bezala %2rentzat.
+ <strong>Select a partition to shrink, then drag the bottom bar to resize</strong><strong>Aukeratu partizioa txikitzeko eta gero arrastatu azpiko-barra tamaina aldatzeko</strong>
+ <strong>Select a partition to install on</strong><strong>aukeratu partizioa instalatzeko</strong>
+ An EFI system partition cannot be found anywhere on this system. Please go back and use manual partitioning to set up %1.Ezin da inon aurkitu EFI sistemako partiziorik sistema honetan. Mesedez joan atzera eta erabili eskuz partizioak lantzea %1 ezartzeko.
+ The EFI system partition at %1 will be used for starting %2.%1eko EFI partizio sistema erabiliko da abiarazteko %2.
+ EFI system partition:EFI sistema-partizioa:
+ This storage device does not seem to have an operating system on it. What would you like to do?<br/>You will be able to review and confirm your choices before any change is made to the storage device.Biltegiratze-gailuak badirudi ez duela sistema eragilerik. Zer egin nahiko zenuke? <br/>Zure aukerak berrikusteko eta berresteko aukera izango duzu aldaketak gauzatu aurretik biltegiratze-gailuan
+ <strong>Erase disk</strong><br/>This will <font color="red">delete</font> all data currently present on the selected storage device.<strong>Diskoa ezabatu</strong><br/>Honek orain dauden datu guztiak <font color="red">ezbatuko</font> ditu biltegiratze-gailutik.
+ This storage device has %1 on it. What would you like to do?<br/>You will be able to review and confirm your choices before any change is made to the storage device.Biltegiratze-gailuak %1 dauka. Zer egin nahiko zenuke? <br/>Zure aukerak berrikusteko eta berresteko aukera izango duzu aldaketak gauzatu aurretik biltegiratze-gailuan
+ No Swap
+ Reuse Swap
+ Swap (no Hibernate)
+ Swap (with Hibernate)
+ Swap to file
+ <strong>Install alongside</strong><br/>The installer will shrink a partition to make room for %1.<strong>Instalatu alboan</strong><br/>Instalatzaileak partizioa txikituko du lekua egiteko %1-(r)i.
+ <strong>Replace a partition</strong><br/>Replaces a partition with %1.<strong>Ordeztu partizioa</strong><br/>ordezkatu partizioa %1-(e)kin.
+ This storage device already has an operating system on it. What would you like to do?<br/>You will be able to review and confirm your choices before any change is made to the storage device.Biltegiragailu honetan badaude jadanik eragile sistema bat. Zer gustatuko litzaizuke egin?<br/>Biltegiragailuan aldaketarik egin baino lehen zure aukerak aztertu eta konfirmatu ahal izango duzu.
+ This storage device has multiple operating systems on it. What would you like to do?<br/>You will be able to review and confirm your choices before any change is made to the storage device.Biltegiragailu honetan badaude jadanik eragile sistema batzuk. Zer gustatuko litzaizuke egin?<br/>Biltegiragailuan aldaketarik egin baino lehen zure aukerak aztertu eta konfirmatu ahal izango duzu.
@@ -739,6 +739,14 @@ Instalatzailea irten egingo da eta aldaketa guztiak galduko dira.
Ezin da groups fitxategia ireki berau irakurtzeko.
+ CreateVolumeGroupDialog
+ Create Volume Group
@@ -1576,7 +1584,7 @@ Instalatzailea irten egingo da eta aldaketa guztiak galduko dira.
+ font-weight: normalLetra-mota zabalera: normala
@@ -1606,22 +1614,22 @@ Instalatzailea irten egingo da eta aldaketa guztiak galduko dira.
<small>Izen hau erakutsiko da sarean zure ordenagailua besteei erakustean.</small>
+ Log in automatically without asking for the password.Hasi saioa automatikoki pasahitza eskatu gabe.
+ Use the same password for the administrator account.Erabili pasahitz bera administratzaile kontuan.
+ Choose a password for the administrator account.Aukeratu pasahitz bat administratzaile kontuarentzat.
+ <small>Enter the same password twice, so that it can be checked for typing errors.</small><small>Sartu pasahitza birritan, honela tekleatze erroreak egiaztatzeko.</small>
@@ -1767,17 +1775,17 @@ Instalatzailea irten egingo da eta aldaketa guztiak galduko dira.
Abio kargatzailea I&nstalatu bertan:
+ Are you sure you want to create a new partition table on %1?Ziur al zaude partizio-taula berri bat %1-(e)an sortu nahi duzula?
+ Can not create new partitionEzin da partizio berririk sortu
+ The partition table on %1 already has %2 primary partitions, and no more can be added. Please remove one primary partition and add an extended partition, instead.
@@ -2050,6 +2058,11 @@ Irteera:
Language (Country)%1 (%2)
+ (no mount point)
+ RemoveVolumeGroupJob
@@ -2297,6 +2310,14 @@ Irteera:
+ ResizeVolumeGroupDialog
+ Resize Volume Group
+ Bolumen Talde berriaren tamaina aldatu
@@ -2706,33 +2727,33 @@ Irteera:
+ Your username is too long.Zure erabiltzaile-izena luzeegia da.
+ Your username contains invalid characters. Only lowercase letters and numbers are allowed.Zure erabiltzaile-izena baliodun ez diren karaktereak ditu. Letra xeheak eta zenbakiak bakarrik onartzen dira.
+ Your hostname is too short.Zure ostalari-izena laburregia da.
+ Your hostname is too long.Zure ostalari-izena luzeegia da.
+ Your hostname contains invalid characters. Only letters, numbers and dashes are allowed.Zure ostalariak baliodun ez diren karaktereak ditu. Letrak, zenbakiak eta marratxoak bakarrik onartzen dira.
+ Your passwords do not match!Pasahitzak ez datoz bat!
@@ -2749,8 +2770,8 @@ Irteera:
- VolumeGroupDialog
- BolumenTaldeElkarrizketa
+ Create Volume Group
diff --git a/lang/calamares_fa.ts b/lang/calamares_fa.ts
index 93e6e6c83..47b30b97e 100644
--- a/lang/calamares_fa.ts
+++ b/lang/calamares_fa.ts
@@ -353,17 +353,17 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost.
+ <strong>Manual partitioning</strong><br/>You can create or resize partitions yourself.
+ Boot loader location:
+ %1 will be shrunk to %2MB and a new %3MB partition will be created for %4.
@@ -374,108 +374,108 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost.
+ Current:
+ Reuse %1 as home partition for %2.
+ <strong>Select a partition to shrink, then drag the bottom bar to resize</strong>
+ <strong>Select a partition to install on</strong>
+ An EFI system partition cannot be found anywhere on this system. Please go back and use manual partitioning to set up %1.
+ The EFI system partition at %1 will be used for starting %2.
+ EFI system partition:
+ This storage device does not seem to have an operating system on it. What would you like to do?<br/>You will be able to review and confirm your choices before any change is made to the storage device.
+ <strong>Erase disk</strong><br/>This will <font color="red">delete</font> all data currently present on the selected storage device.
+ This storage device has %1 on it. What would you like to do?<br/>You will be able to review and confirm your choices before any change is made to the storage device.
+ No Swap
+ Reuse Swap
+ Swap (no Hibernate)
+ Swap (with Hibernate)
+ Swap to file
+ <strong>Install alongside</strong><br/>The installer will shrink a partition to make room for %1.
+ <strong>Replace a partition</strong><br/>Replaces a partition with %1.
+ This storage device already has an operating system on it. What would you like to do?<br/>You will be able to review and confirm your choices before any change is made to the storage device.
+ This storage device has multiple operating systems on it. What would you like to do?<br/>You will be able to review and confirm your choices before any change is made to the storage device.
@@ -738,6 +738,14 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost.
+ CreateVolumeGroupDialog
+ Create Volume Group
@@ -1575,7 +1583,7 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost.
+ font-weight: normal
@@ -1605,22 +1613,22 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost.
+ Log in automatically without asking for the password.
+ Use the same password for the administrator account.
+ Choose a password for the administrator account.
+ <small>Enter the same password twice, so that it can be checked for typing errors.</small>
@@ -1766,17 +1774,17 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost.
+ Are you sure you want to create a new partition table on %1?
+ Can not create new partition
+ The partition table on %1 already has %2 primary partitions, and no more can be added. Please remove one primary partition and add an extended partition, instead.
@@ -2047,6 +2055,11 @@ Output:
Language (Country)
+ (no mount point)
+ RemoveVolumeGroupJob
@@ -2294,6 +2307,14 @@ Output:
+ ResizeVolumeGroupDialog
+ Resize Volume Group
@@ -2703,33 +2724,33 @@ Output:
+ Your username is too long.
+ Your username contains invalid characters. Only lowercase letters and numbers are allowed.
+ Your hostname is too short.
+ Your hostname is too long.
+ Your hostname contains invalid characters. Only letters, numbers and dashes are allowed.
+ Your passwords do not match!
@@ -2746,7 +2767,7 @@ Output:
- VolumeGroupDialog
+ Create Volume Group
diff --git a/lang/calamares_fi_FI.ts b/lang/calamares_fi_FI.ts
index a5505bf55..d53e7623e 100644
--- a/lang/calamares_fi_FI.ts
+++ b/lang/calamares_fi_FI.ts
@@ -354,17 +354,17 @@ Asennusohjelma sulkeutuu ja kaikki muutoksesi katoavat.
+ <strong>Manual partitioning</strong><br/>You can create or resize partitions yourself.
+ Boot loader location:
+ %1 will be shrunk to %2MB and a new %3MB partition will be created for %4.
@@ -375,108 +375,108 @@ Asennusohjelma sulkeutuu ja kaikki muutoksesi katoavat.
+ Current:
+ Reuse %1 as home partition for %2.
+ <strong>Select a partition to shrink, then drag the bottom bar to resize</strong>
+ <strong>Select a partition to install on</strong>
+ An EFI system partition cannot be found anywhere on this system. Please go back and use manual partitioning to set up %1.
+ The EFI system partition at %1 will be used for starting %2.
+ EFI system partition:
+ This storage device does not seem to have an operating system on it. What would you like to do?<br/>You will be able to review and confirm your choices before any change is made to the storage device.
+ <strong>Erase disk</strong><br/>This will <font color="red">delete</font> all data currently present on the selected storage device.
+ This storage device has %1 on it. What would you like to do?<br/>You will be able to review and confirm your choices before any change is made to the storage device.
+ No Swap
+ Reuse Swap
+ Swap (no Hibernate)
+ Swap (with Hibernate)
+ Swap to file
+ <strong>Install alongside</strong><br/>The installer will shrink a partition to make room for %1.
+ <strong>Replace a partition</strong><br/>Replaces a partition with %1.
+ This storage device already has an operating system on it. What would you like to do?<br/>You will be able to review and confirm your choices before any change is made to the storage device.
+ This storage device has multiple operating systems on it. What would you like to do?<br/>You will be able to review and confirm your choices before any change is made to the storage device.
@@ -739,6 +739,14 @@ Asennusohjelma sulkeutuu ja kaikki muutoksesi katoavat.
Ei voida avata ryhmätiedostoa luettavaksi.
+ CreateVolumeGroupDialog
+ Create Volume Group
@@ -1576,7 +1584,7 @@ Asennusohjelma sulkeutuu ja kaikki muutoksesi katoavat.
+ font-weight: normalfontin koko: normaali
@@ -1606,22 +1614,22 @@ Asennusohjelma sulkeutuu ja kaikki muutoksesi katoavat.
<small>Tätä nimeä tullaan käyttämään mikäli asetat tietokoneen näkyviin muille verkossa.</small>
+ Log in automatically without asking for the password.
+ Use the same password for the administrator account.
+ Choose a password for the administrator account.Valitse salasana pääkäyttäjän tilille.
+ <small>Enter the same password twice, so that it can be checked for typing errors.</small><small>Syötä salasana kahdesti välttääksesi kirjoitusvirheitä.</small>
@@ -1767,17 +1775,17 @@ Asennusohjelma sulkeutuu ja kaikki muutoksesi katoavat.
+ Are you sure you want to create a new partition table on %1?Oletko varma, että haluat luoda uuden osion %1?
+ Can not create new partition
+ The partition table on %1 already has %2 primary partitions, and no more can be added. Please remove one primary partition and add an extended partition, instead.
@@ -2048,6 +2056,11 @@ Output:
Language (Country)
+ (no mount point)
+ RemoveVolumeGroupJob
@@ -2295,6 +2308,14 @@ Output:
Asennusohjelma epäonnistui osion %1 koon muuttamisessa levyllä '%2'.
+ ResizeVolumeGroupDialog
+ Resize Volume Group
@@ -2704,33 +2725,33 @@ Output:
+ Your username is too long.Käyttäjänimesi on liian pitkä.
+ Your username contains invalid characters. Only lowercase letters and numbers are allowed.
+ Your hostname is too short.Isäntänimesi on liian lyhyt.
+ Your hostname is too long.Isäntänimesi on liian pitkä.
+ Your hostname contains invalid characters. Only letters, numbers and dashes are allowed.Isäntänimesi sisältää epäkelpoja merkkejä. Vain kirjaimet, numerot ja väliviivat ovat sallittuja.
+ Your passwords do not match!Salasanasi eivät täsmää!
@@ -2747,7 +2768,7 @@ Output:
- VolumeGroupDialog
+ Create Volume Group
diff --git a/lang/calamares_fr.ts b/lang/calamares_fr.ts
index 69c5468be..3ee734028 100644
--- a/lang/calamares_fr.ts
+++ b/lang/calamares_fr.ts
@@ -354,17 +354,17 @@ L'installateur se fermera et les changements seront perdus.
+ <strong>Manual partitioning</strong><br/>You can create or resize partitions yourself.<strong>Partitionnement manuel</strong><br/>Vous pouvez créer ou redimensionner vous-même des partitions.
+ Boot loader location:Emplacement du chargeur de démarrage:
+ %1 will be shrunk to %2MB and a new %3MB partition will be created for %4.%1 va être réduit à %2Mo et une nouvelle partition de %3Mo va être créée pour %4.
@@ -375,108 +375,108 @@ L'installateur se fermera et les changements seront perdus.
+ Current:Actuel :
+ Reuse %1 as home partition for %2.Réutiliser %1 comme partition home pour %2.
+ <strong>Select a partition to shrink, then drag the bottom bar to resize</strong><strong>Sélectionnez une partition à réduire, puis faites glisser la barre du bas pour redimensionner</strong>
+ <strong>Select a partition to install on</strong><strong>Sélectionner une partition pour l'installation</strong>
+ An EFI system partition cannot be found anywhere on this system. Please go back and use manual partitioning to set up %1.Une partition système EFI n'a pas pu être trouvée sur ce système. Veuillez retourner à l'étape précédente et sélectionner le partitionnement manuel pour configurer %1.
+ The EFI system partition at %1 will be used for starting %2.La partition système EFI sur %1 va être utilisée pour démarrer %2.
+ EFI system partition:Partition système EFI :
+ This storage device does not seem to have an operating system on it. What would you like to do?<br/>You will be able to review and confirm your choices before any change is made to the storage device.Ce périphérique de stockage ne semble pas contenir de système d'exploitation. Que souhaitez-vous faire ?<br/>Vous pourrez relire et confirmer vos choix avant que les modifications soient effectuées sur le périphérique de stockage.
+ <strong>Erase disk</strong><br/>This will <font color="red">delete</font> all data currently present on the selected storage device.<strong>Effacer le disque</strong><br/>Ceci va <font color="red">effacer</font> toutes les données actuellement présentes sur le périphérique de stockage sélectionné.
+ This storage device has %1 on it. What would you like to do?<br/>You will be able to review and confirm your choices before any change is made to the storage device.Ce périphérique de stockage contient %1. Que souhaitez-vous faire ?<br/>Vous pourrez relire et confirmer vos choix avant que les modifications soient effectuées sur le périphérique de stockage.
+ No SwapAucun Swap
+ Reuse SwapRéutiliser le Swap
+ Swap (no Hibernate)Swap (sans hibernation)
+ Swap (with Hibernate)Swap (avec hibernation)
+ Swap to fileSwap dans un fichier
+ <strong>Install alongside</strong><br/>The installer will shrink a partition to make room for %1.<strong>Installer à côté</strong><br/>L'installateur va réduire une partition pour faire de la place pour %1.
+ <strong>Replace a partition</strong><br/>Replaces a partition with %1.<strong>Remplacer une partition</strong><br>Remplace une partition par %1.
+ This storage device already has an operating system on it. What would you like to do?<br/>You will be able to review and confirm your choices before any change is made to the storage device.Ce périphérique de stockage contient déjà un système d'exploitation. Que souhaitez-vous faire ?<br/>Vous pourrez relire et confirmer vos choix avant que les modifications soient effectuées sur le périphérique de stockage.
+ This storage device has multiple operating systems on it. What would you like to do?<br/>You will be able to review and confirm your choices before any change is made to the storage device.Ce péiphérique de stockage contient déjà plusieurs systèmes d'exploitation. Que souhaitez-vous faire ?<br/>Vous pourrez relire et confirmer vos choix avant que les modifications soient effectuées sur le périphérique de stockage.
@@ -739,6 +739,14 @@ L'installateur se fermera et les changements seront perdus.
Impossible d'ouvrir le fichier groups en lecture.
+ CreateVolumeGroupDialog
+ Create Volume Group
+ Créer le Groupe de Volumes
@@ -1576,7 +1584,7 @@ L'installateur se fermera et les changements seront perdus.
+ font-weight: normalstyle de police : normal
@@ -1606,22 +1614,22 @@ L'installateur se fermera et les changements seront perdus.
<small>Ce nom sera utilisé pour rendre l'ordinateur visible des autres sur le réseau.</small>
+ Log in automatically without asking for the password.Démarrer la session sans demander de mot de passe.
+ Use the same password for the administrator account.Utiliser le même mot de passe pour le compte administrateur.
+ Choose a password for the administrator account.Choisir un mot de passe pour le compte administrateur.
+ <small>Enter the same password twice, so that it can be checked for typing errors.</small><small>Veuillez entrer le même mot de passe deux fois, afin de vérifier qu'ils n'y ait pas d'erreur de frappe.</small>
@@ -1767,17 +1775,17 @@ L'installateur se fermera et les changements seront perdus.
Installer le chargeur de démarrage sur :
+ Are you sure you want to create a new partition table on %1?Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir créer une nouvelle table de partitionnement sur %1 ?
+ Can not create new partitionImpossible de créer une nouvelle partition
+ The partition table on %1 already has %2 primary partitions, and no more can be added. Please remove one primary partition and add an extended partition, instead.La table de partition sur %1 contient déjà %2 partitions primaires, et aucune supplémentaire ne peut être ajoutée. Veuillez supprimer une partition primaire et créer une partition étendue à la place.
@@ -2052,6 +2060,11 @@ Sortie
Language (Country)%1 (%2)
+ (no mount point)
+ (aucun point de montage)
+ RemoveVolumeGroupJob
@@ -2299,6 +2312,14 @@ Sortie
Le programme d'installation n'a pas pu redimensionner la partition %1 sur le disque '%2'.
+ ResizeVolumeGroupDialog
+ Resize Volume Group
+ Redimensionner le Groupe de Volumes
@@ -2708,33 +2729,33 @@ Sortie
+ Your username is too long.Votre nom d'utilisateur est trop long.
+ Your username contains invalid characters. Only lowercase letters and numbers are allowed.Votre nom d'utilisateur contient des caractères invalides. Seuls les lettres minuscules et les chiffres sont autorisés.
+ Your hostname is too short.Le nom d'hôte est trop petit.
+ Your hostname is too long.Le nom d'hôte est trop long.
+ Your hostname contains invalid characters. Only letters, numbers and dashes are allowed.Le nom d'hôte contient des caractères invalides. Seules les lettres, nombres et tirets sont autorisés.
+ Your passwords do not match!Vos mots de passe ne correspondent pas !
@@ -2751,8 +2772,8 @@ Sortie
- VolumeGroupDialog
- VolumeGroupDialog
+ Create Volume Group
+ Créer le Groupe de Volumes
diff --git a/lang/calamares_fr_CH.ts b/lang/calamares_fr_CH.ts
index fb5a453de..1c1d26ab0 100644
--- a/lang/calamares_fr_CH.ts
+++ b/lang/calamares_fr_CH.ts
@@ -353,17 +353,17 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost.
+ <strong>Manual partitioning</strong><br/>You can create or resize partitions yourself.
+ Boot loader location:
+ %1 will be shrunk to %2MB and a new %3MB partition will be created for %4.
@@ -374,108 +374,108 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost.
+ Current:
+ Reuse %1 as home partition for %2.
+ <strong>Select a partition to shrink, then drag the bottom bar to resize</strong>
+ <strong>Select a partition to install on</strong>
+ An EFI system partition cannot be found anywhere on this system. Please go back and use manual partitioning to set up %1.
+ The EFI system partition at %1 will be used for starting %2.
+ EFI system partition:
+ This storage device does not seem to have an operating system on it. What would you like to do?<br/>You will be able to review and confirm your choices before any change is made to the storage device.
+ <strong>Erase disk</strong><br/>This will <font color="red">delete</font> all data currently present on the selected storage device.
+ This storage device has %1 on it. What would you like to do?<br/>You will be able to review and confirm your choices before any change is made to the storage device.
+ No Swap
+ Reuse Swap
+ Swap (no Hibernate)
+ Swap (with Hibernate)
+ Swap to file
+ <strong>Install alongside</strong><br/>The installer will shrink a partition to make room for %1.
+ <strong>Replace a partition</strong><br/>Replaces a partition with %1.
+ This storage device already has an operating system on it. What would you like to do?<br/>You will be able to review and confirm your choices before any change is made to the storage device.
+ This storage device has multiple operating systems on it. What would you like to do?<br/>You will be able to review and confirm your choices before any change is made to the storage device.
@@ -738,6 +738,14 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost.
+ CreateVolumeGroupDialog
+ Create Volume Group
@@ -1575,7 +1583,7 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost.
+ font-weight: normal
@@ -1605,22 +1613,22 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost.
+ Log in automatically without asking for the password.
+ Use the same password for the administrator account.
+ Choose a password for the administrator account.
+ <small>Enter the same password twice, so that it can be checked for typing errors.</small>
@@ -1766,17 +1774,17 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost.
+ Are you sure you want to create a new partition table on %1?
+ Can not create new partition
+ The partition table on %1 already has %2 primary partitions, and no more can be added. Please remove one primary partition and add an extended partition, instead.
@@ -2047,6 +2055,11 @@ Output:
Language (Country)
+ (no mount point)
+ RemoveVolumeGroupJob
@@ -2294,6 +2307,14 @@ Output:
+ ResizeVolumeGroupDialog
+ Resize Volume Group
@@ -2703,33 +2724,33 @@ Output:
+ Your username is too long.
+ Your username contains invalid characters. Only lowercase letters and numbers are allowed.
+ Your hostname is too short.
+ Your hostname is too long.
+ Your hostname contains invalid characters. Only letters, numbers and dashes are allowed.
+ Your passwords do not match!
@@ -2746,7 +2767,7 @@ Output:
- VolumeGroupDialog
+ Create Volume Group
diff --git a/lang/calamares_gl.ts b/lang/calamares_gl.ts
index e3d6a6a0b..9c61eeff3 100644
--- a/lang/calamares_gl.ts
+++ b/lang/calamares_gl.ts
@@ -355,17 +355,17 @@ O instalador pecharase e perderanse todos os cambios.
+ <strong>Manual partitioning</strong><br/>You can create or resize partitions yourself.<strong>Particionado manual</strong><br/> Pode crear o redimensionar particións pola súa conta.
+ Boot loader location:Localización do cargador de arranque:
+ %1 will be shrunk to %2MB and a new %3MB partition will be created for %4.%1 será acurtada a %2MB e unha nova partición de %3MB será creada para %4
@@ -376,108 +376,108 @@ O instalador pecharase e perderanse todos os cambios.
+ Current:Actual:
+ Reuse %1 as home partition for %2.Reutilizar %1 como partición home para %2
+ <strong>Select a partition to shrink, then drag the bottom bar to resize</strong><strong>Seleccione unha partición para acurtar, logo empregue a barra para redimensionala</strong>
+ <strong>Select a partition to install on</strong><strong>Seleccione unha partición para instalar</strong>
+ An EFI system partition cannot be found anywhere on this system. Please go back and use manual partitioning to set up %1.Non foi posible atopar unha partición de sistema de tipo EFI. Por favor, volva atrás e empregue a opción de particionado manual para crear unha en %1.
+ The EFI system partition at %1 will be used for starting %2.A partición EFI do sistema en %1 será usada para iniciar %2.
+ EFI system partition:Partición EFI do sistema:
+ This storage device does not seem to have an operating system on it. What would you like to do?<br/>You will be able to review and confirm your choices before any change is made to the storage device.Esta unidade de almacenamento non semella ter un sistema operativo instalado nela. Que desexa facer?<br/>Poderá revisar e confirmar as súas eleccións antes de que calquera cambio sexa feito na unidade de almacenamento.
+ <strong>Erase disk</strong><br/>This will <font color="red">delete</font> all data currently present on the selected storage device.<strong>Borrar disco</strong><br/>Esto <font color="red">eliminará</font> todos os datos gardados na unidade de almacenamento seleccionada.
+ This storage device has %1 on it. What would you like to do?<br/>You will be able to review and confirm your choices before any change is made to the storage device.A unidade de almacenamento ten %1 nela. Que desexa facer?<br/>Poderá revisar e confirmar a súa elección antes de que se aplique algún cambio á unidade.
+ No Swap
+ Reuse Swap
+ Swap (no Hibernate)
+ Swap (with Hibernate)
+ Swap to file
+ <strong>Install alongside</strong><br/>The installer will shrink a partition to make room for %1.<strong>Instalar a carón</strong><br/>O instalador encollerá a partición para facerlle sitio a %1
+ <strong>Replace a partition</strong><br/>Replaces a partition with %1.<strong>Substituír a partición</strong><br/>Substitúe a partición con %1.
+ This storage device already has an operating system on it. What would you like to do?<br/>You will be able to review and confirm your choices before any change is made to the storage device.Esta unidade de almacenamento xa ten un sistema operativo instalado nel. Que desexa facer?<br/>Poderá revisar e confirmar as súas eleccións antes de que calquera cambio sexa feito na unidade de almacenamento
+ This storage device has multiple operating systems on it. What would you like to do?<br/>You will be able to review and confirm your choices before any change is made to the storage device.Esta unidade de almacenamento ten múltiples sistemas operativos instalados nela. Que desexa facer?<br/>Poderá revisar e confirmar as súas eleccións antes de que calquera cambio sexa feito na unidade de almacenamento.
@@ -740,6 +740,14 @@ O instalador pecharase e perderanse todos os cambios.
Non foi posible ler o arquivo grupos.
+ CreateVolumeGroupDialog
+ Create Volume Group
@@ -1577,7 +1585,7 @@ O instalador pecharase e perderanse todos os cambios.
+ font-weight: normalTamaño de letra: normal
@@ -1607,22 +1615,22 @@ O instalador pecharase e perderanse todos os cambios.
<small>Este nome usarase se fai o computador visible para outros nunha rede.</small>
+ Log in automatically without asking for the password.Entrar automáticamente sen preguntar polo contrasinal.
+ Use the same password for the administrator account.Empregar o mesmo contrasinal para a conta de administrador.
+ Choose a password for the administrator account.Escoller un contrasinal para a conta de administrador.
+ <small>Enter the same password twice, so that it can be checked for typing errors.</small><small>Introduza o mesmo contrasinal dúas veces para comprobar que non houbo erros ao escribilo.</small>
@@ -1768,17 +1776,17 @@ O instalador pecharase e perderanse todos os cambios.
I&nstalar o cargador de arranque en:
+ Are you sure you want to create a new partition table on %1?Confirma que desexa crear unha táboa de particións nova en %1?
+ Can not create new partitionNon é posíbel crear a partición nova
+ The partition table on %1 already has %2 primary partitions, and no more can be added. Please remove one primary partition and add an extended partition, instead.A táboa de particións de %1 xa ten %2 particións primarias e non é posíbel engadir máis. Retire unha partición primaria e engada unha partición estendida.
@@ -2052,6 +2060,11 @@ Saída:
Language (Country)%1 (%2)
+ (no mount point)
+ RemoveVolumeGroupJob
@@ -2299,6 +2312,14 @@ Saída:
O instalador fallou a hora de reducir a partición %1 no disco '%2'.
+ ResizeVolumeGroupDialog
+ Resize Volume Group
+ Cambiar o tamaño do grupo de volumes
@@ -2708,33 +2729,33 @@ Saída:
+ Your username is too long.O nome de usuario é demasiado longo.
+ Your username contains invalid characters. Only lowercase letters and numbers are allowed.O nome de usuario contén caracteres non válidos. Só se permiten letras en minúscula e números.
+ Your hostname is too short.O nome do computador é demasiado curto.
+ Your hostname is too long.O nome do computador é demasiado longo.
+ Your hostname contains invalid characters. Only letters, numbers and dashes are allowed.O nome do computador contén caracteres non válidos. Só se permiten letras, números e guións.
+ Your passwords do not match!Os contrasinais non coinciden!
@@ -2751,8 +2772,8 @@ Saída:
- VolumeGroupDialog
- DiálogoGrupoVolumes
+ Create Volume Group
diff --git a/lang/calamares_gu.ts b/lang/calamares_gu.ts
index 5bacb7f30..c40616154 100644
--- a/lang/calamares_gu.ts
+++ b/lang/calamares_gu.ts
@@ -353,17 +353,17 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost.
+ <strong>Manual partitioning</strong><br/>You can create or resize partitions yourself.
+ Boot loader location:
+ %1 will be shrunk to %2MB and a new %3MB partition will be created for %4.
@@ -374,108 +374,108 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost.
+ Current:
+ Reuse %1 as home partition for %2.
+ <strong>Select a partition to shrink, then drag the bottom bar to resize</strong>
+ <strong>Select a partition to install on</strong>
+ An EFI system partition cannot be found anywhere on this system. Please go back and use manual partitioning to set up %1.
+ The EFI system partition at %1 will be used for starting %2.
+ EFI system partition:
+ This storage device does not seem to have an operating system on it. What would you like to do?<br/>You will be able to review and confirm your choices before any change is made to the storage device.
+ <strong>Erase disk</strong><br/>This will <font color="red">delete</font> all data currently present on the selected storage device.
+ This storage device has %1 on it. What would you like to do?<br/>You will be able to review and confirm your choices before any change is made to the storage device.
+ No Swap
+ Reuse Swap
+ Swap (no Hibernate)
+ Swap (with Hibernate)
+ Swap to file
+ <strong>Install alongside</strong><br/>The installer will shrink a partition to make room for %1.
+ <strong>Replace a partition</strong><br/>Replaces a partition with %1.
+ This storage device already has an operating system on it. What would you like to do?<br/>You will be able to review and confirm your choices before any change is made to the storage device.
+ This storage device has multiple operating systems on it. What would you like to do?<br/>You will be able to review and confirm your choices before any change is made to the storage device.
@@ -738,6 +738,14 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost.
+ CreateVolumeGroupDialog
+ Create Volume Group
@@ -1575,7 +1583,7 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost.
+ font-weight: normal
@@ -1605,22 +1613,22 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost.
+ Log in automatically without asking for the password.
+ Use the same password for the administrator account.
+ Choose a password for the administrator account.
+ <small>Enter the same password twice, so that it can be checked for typing errors.</small>
@@ -1766,17 +1774,17 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost.
+ Are you sure you want to create a new partition table on %1?
+ Can not create new partition
+ The partition table on %1 already has %2 primary partitions, and no more can be added. Please remove one primary partition and add an extended partition, instead.
@@ -2047,6 +2055,11 @@ Output:
Language (Country)
+ (no mount point)
+ RemoveVolumeGroupJob
@@ -2294,6 +2307,14 @@ Output:
+ ResizeVolumeGroupDialog
+ Resize Volume Group
@@ -2703,33 +2724,33 @@ Output:
+ Your username is too long.
+ Your username contains invalid characters. Only lowercase letters and numbers are allowed.
+ Your hostname is too short.
+ Your hostname is too long.
+ Your hostname contains invalid characters. Only letters, numbers and dashes are allowed.
+ Your passwords do not match!
@@ -2746,7 +2767,7 @@ Output:
- VolumeGroupDialog
+ Create Volume Group
diff --git a/lang/calamares_he.ts b/lang/calamares_he.ts
index 990de4240..2727c4e75 100644
--- a/lang/calamares_he.ts
+++ b/lang/calamares_he.ts
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
The <strong>boot environment</strong> of this system.<br><br>Older x86 systems only support <strong>BIOS</strong>.<br>Modern systems usually use <strong>EFI</strong>, but may also show up as BIOS if started in compatibility mode.
- <strong>תצורת האתחול</strong> של מערכת זו. <br><br> מערכות x86 ישנות יותר תומכות אך ורק ב־<strong>BIOS</strong>.<br> מערכות חדשות משתמשות בדרך כלל ב־<strong>EFI</strong>, אך עשוית להופיע כ־BIOS אם הן מופעלות במצב תאימות לאחור.
+ <strong>סביבת האתחול</strong> של מערכת זו. <br><br> מערכות x86 ישנות יותר תומכות אך ורק ב־<strong>BIOS</strong>.<br> מערכות חדשות משתמשות בדרך כלל ב־<strong>EFI</strong>, אך עשוית להופיע כ־BIOS אם הן מופעלות במצב תאימות לאחור.
@@ -89,7 +89,7 @@
- ממשק:
+ מנשק:
@@ -354,17 +354,17 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost.
+ <strong>Manual partitioning</strong><br/>You can create or resize partitions yourself.<strong>הגדרת מחיצות באופן ידני</strong><br/>ניתן ליצור או לשנות את גודל המחיצות בעצמך.
+ Boot loader location:מיקום מנהל אתחול המערכת:
+ %1 will be shrunk to %2MB and a new %3MB partition will be created for %4.%1 תוקטן לכדי %2 מ״ב ותיווצר מחיצה חדשה בגודל %3 מ״ב עבור %4.
@@ -375,108 +375,108 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost.
+ Current:נוכחי:
+ Reuse %1 as home partition for %2.להשתמש ב־%1 כמחיצת הבית (home) עבור %2.
+ <strong>Select a partition to shrink, then drag the bottom bar to resize</strong><strong>ראשית יש לבחור מחיצה לכיווץ, לאחר מכן לגרור את הסרגל התחתון כדי לשנות את גודלה</strong>
+ <strong>Select a partition to install on</strong><strong>נא לבחור מחיצה כדי להתקין עליה</strong>
+ An EFI system partition cannot be found anywhere on this system. Please go back and use manual partitioning to set up %1.במערכת זו לא נמצאה מחיצת מערכת EFI. נא לחזור ולהשתמש ביצירת מחיצות באופן ידני כדי להגדיר את %1.
+ The EFI system partition at %1 will be used for starting %2.מחיצת מערכת ה־EFI שב־%1 תשמש עבור טעינת %2.
+ EFI system partition:מחיצת מערכת EFI:
+ This storage device does not seem to have an operating system on it. What would you like to do?<br/>You will be able to review and confirm your choices before any change is made to the storage device.לא נמצאה מערכת הפעלה על התקן אחסון זה. מה ברצונך לעשות?<br/> ניתן לסקור ולאשר את בחירתך לפני ששינויים יתבצעו על התקן האחסון.
+ <strong>Erase disk</strong><br/>This will <font color="red">delete</font> all data currently present on the selected storage device.<strong>מחיקת כונן</strong><br/> פעולה זו <font color="red">תמחק</font> את כל המידע השמור על התקן האחסון הנבחר.
+ This storage device has %1 on it. What would you like to do?<br/>You will be able to review and confirm your choices before any change is made to the storage device.בהתקן אחסון זה נמצאה %1. מה ברצונך לעשות?<br/> ניתן לסקור ולאשר את בחירתך לפני ששינויים יתבצעו על התקן האחסון.
+ No Swap
+ בלי החלפה
+ Reuse Swap
+ שימוש מחדש בהחלפה
+ Swap (no Hibernate)
+ החלפה (ללא תרדמת)
+ Swap (with Hibernate)
+ החלפה (עם תרדמת)
+ Swap to file
+ החלפה לקובץ
+ <strong>Install alongside</strong><br/>The installer will shrink a partition to make room for %1.<strong>התקנה לצד</strong><br/> אשף ההתקנה יכווץ מחיצה כדי לפנות מקום לטובת %1.
+ <strong>Replace a partition</strong><br/>Replaces a partition with %1.<strong>החלפת מחיצה</strong><br/> ביצוע החלפה של המחיצה ב־%1.
+ This storage device already has an operating system on it. What would you like to do?<br/>You will be able to review and confirm your choices before any change is made to the storage device.כבר קיימת מערכת הפעלה על התקן האחסון הזה. כיצד להמשיך?<br/> ניתן לסקור ולאשר את בחירתך לפני ששינויים יתבצעו על התקן האחסון.
+ This storage device has multiple operating systems on it. What would you like to do?<br/>You will be able to review and confirm your choices before any change is made to the storage device.ישנן מגוון מערכות הפעלה על התקן אחסון זה. איך להמשיך? <br/>ניתן לסקור ולאשר את בחירתך לפני ששינויים יתבצעו על התקן האחסון.
@@ -739,27 +739,35 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost.
לא ניתן לפתוח את קובץ הקבוצות לקריאה.
+ CreateVolumeGroupDialog
+ Create Volume Group
+ יצירת קבוצת כרכים
+CreateVolumeGroupJobCreate new volume group named %1.
+ יצירת קבוצת כרכים חדשה בשם %1.Create new volume group named <strong>%1</strong>.
+ יצירת קבוצת כרכים חדשה בשם <strong>%1</strong>.Creating new volume group named %1.
+ נוצרת קבוצת כרכים חדשה בשם %1.The installer failed to create a volume group named '%1'.
+ אשף ההתקנה נכשל ביצירת קבוצת כרכים בשם ‚%1’.
@@ -768,17 +776,17 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost.
Deactivate volume group named %1.
+ השבתת קבוצת כרכים בשם %1.Deactivate volume group named <strong>%1</strong>.
+ השבתת קבוצת כרכים בשם <strong>%1</strong>.The installer failed to deactivate a volume group named %1.
+ אשף ההתקנה נכשל בהשבתת קבוצת כרכים בשם %1.
@@ -847,7 +855,7 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost.
%1 - (%2)
+ %1 - (%2)
@@ -1576,7 +1584,7 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost.
+ font-weight: normalfont-weight: normal
@@ -1606,22 +1614,22 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost.
<small>בשם זה ייעשה שימוש לטובת זיהוי מול מחשבים אחרים ברשת במידת הצורך.</small>
+ Log in automatically without asking for the password.כניסה אוטומטית מבלי לבקש ססמה.
+ Use the same password for the administrator account.להשתמש באותה הססמה עבור חשבון המנהל.
+ Choose a password for the administrator account.בחירת ססמה עבור חשבון המנהל.
+ <small>Enter the same password twice, so that it can be checked for typing errors.</small><small>עליך להקליד את אותה הססמה פעמיים כדי לאפשר זיהוי של שגיאות הקלדה.</small>
@@ -1744,40 +1752,40 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost.
New Volume Group
+ קבוצת כרכים חדשהResize Volume Group
+ שינוי גודל קבוצת כרכיםDeactivate Volume Group
+ השבתת קבוצת כרכיםRemove Volume Group
+ הסרת קבוצת כרכיםI&nstall boot loader on:
+ הת&קנת מנהל אתחול על:
+ Are you sure you want to create a new partition table on %1?ליצור טבלת מחיצות חדשה על %1?
+ Can not create new partitionלא ניתן ליצור מחיצה חדשה
+ The partition table on %1 already has %2 primary partitions, and no more can be added. Please remove one primary partition and add an extended partition, instead.לטבלת המחיצות על %1 כבר יש %2 מחיצות עיקריות ואי אפשר להוסיף עוד כאלה. נא להסיר מחיצה עיקרית אחת ולהוסיף מחיצה מורחבת במקום.
@@ -2051,6 +2059,11 @@ Output:
Language (Country)%1 (%2)
+ (no mount point)
+ (אין נקודת עגינה)
+ RemoveVolumeGroupJob
@@ -2058,17 +2071,17 @@ Output:
Remove Volume Group named %1.
+ הסרת קבוצת כרכים בשם %1.Remove Volume Group named <strong>%1</strong>.
+ הסרת קבוצת כרכים בשם <strong>%1</strong>.The installer failed to remove a volume group named '%1'.
+ אשף ההתקנה נכשל בהסרת קבוצת כרכים בשם ‚%1’.
@@ -2209,29 +2222,29 @@ Output:
Resize Filesystem Job
+ משימת שינוי גודל מערכת קבציםInvalid configuration
+ תצורה שגויהThe file-system resize job has an invalid configuration and will not run.
+ למשימת שינוי גודל מערכת הקבצים יש תצורה שגויה והיא לא תפעל.KPMCore not Available
+ KPMCore לא זמיןCalamares cannot start KPMCore for the file-system resize job.
+ ל־Calamares אין אפשרות להתחיל את KPMCore עבור משימת שינוי גודל מערכת הקבצים.
@@ -2240,39 +2253,39 @@ Output:
Resize Failed
+ שינוי הגודל נכשלThe filesystem %1 could not be found in this system, and cannot be resized.
+ לא הייתה אפשרות למצוא את מערכת הקבצים %1 במערכת הזו, לכן לא ניתן לשנות את גודלה.The device %1 could not be found in this system, and cannot be resized.
+ לא הייתה אפשרות למצוא את ההתקן %1 במערכת הזו, לכן לא ניתן לשנות את גודלו.The filesystem %1 cannot be resized.
+ לא ניתן לשנות את גודל מערכת הקבצים %1.The device %1 cannot be resized.
+ לא ניתן לשנות את גודל ההתקן %1.The filesystem %1 must be resized, but cannot.
+ חובה לשנות את גודל מערכת הקבצים %1, אך לא ניתן.The device %1 must be resized, but cannot
+ חובה לשנות את גודל ההתקן %1, אך לא ניתן.
@@ -2298,23 +2311,31 @@ Output:
תהליך ההתקנה נכשל בשינוי גודל המחיצה %1 על כונן '%2'.
+ ResizeVolumeGroupDialog
+ Resize Volume Group
+ שינוי גודל קבוצת כרכים
+ResizeVolumeGroupJobResize volume group named %1 from %2 to %3.
+ שינוי גודל קבוצת כרכים בשם %1 מ־%2 ל־%3.Resize volume group named <strong>%1</strong> from <strong>%2</strong> to <strong>%3</strong>.
+ שינוי גודל קבוצת כרכים בשם <strong>%1</strong> מ־<strong>%2</strong> ל־<strong>%3</strong>.The installer failed to resize a volume group named '%1'.
+ אשף ההתקנה נכשל בשינוי גודל קבוצת הכרכים בשם ‚%1’.
@@ -2707,33 +2728,33 @@ Output:
+ Your username is too long.שם המשתמש ארוך מדי.
+ Your username contains invalid characters. Only lowercase letters and numbers are allowed.שם המחשב מכיל תווים בלתי תקינים. מותר להשתמש אך ורק באותיות ובמספרים.
+ Your hostname is too short.שם המחשב קצר מדי.
+ Your hostname is too long.שם המחשב ארוך מדי.
+ Your hostname contains invalid characters. Only letters, numbers and dashes are allowed.שם המחשב מכיל תווים בלתי תקינים. מותר להשתמש אך ורק באותיות, במספרים ובמקפים.
+ Your passwords do not match!הססמאות לא תואמות!
@@ -2750,28 +2771,28 @@ Output:
- VolumeGroupDialog
+ Create Volume Group
+ יצירת קבוצת כרכיםList of Physical Volumes
+ רשימת כרכים פיזייםVolume Group Name:
+ שם קבוצת כרכים:Volume Group Type:
+ סוג קבוצת כרכים:Physical Extent Size:
+ גודל משטח פיזי:
@@ -2781,7 +2802,7 @@ Output:
Total Size:
+ גודל כולל:
@@ -2789,22 +2810,22 @@ Output:
+ ---Used Size:
+ גודל מנוצל:Total Sectors:
+ סך כל המקטעים:Quantity of LVs:
+ כמות הכרכים הלוגיים:
diff --git a/lang/calamares_hi.ts b/lang/calamares_hi.ts
index 0c126282b..8d0ac4eed 100644
--- a/lang/calamares_hi.ts
+++ b/lang/calamares_hi.ts
@@ -354,17 +354,17 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost.
बाद में:
+ <strong>Manual partitioning</strong><br/>You can create or resize partitions yourself.<strong>मैनुअल विभाजन</strong><br/> आप स्वयं भी विभाजन बना व उनका आकार बदल सकते है।
+ Boot loader location:बूट लोडर का स्थान:
+ %1 will be shrunk to %2MB and a new %3MB partition will be created for %4.%1 को छोटा करके %2MB किया जाएगा व %4 के लिए %3MB का एक नया विभाजन बनेगा।
@@ -375,108 +375,108 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost.
+ Current:मौजूदा :
+ Reuse %1 as home partition for %2.%2 के होम विभाजन के लिए %1 को पुनः उपयोग करें।
+ <strong>Select a partition to shrink, then drag the bottom bar to resize</strong><strong>छोटा करने के लिए विभाजन चुनें, फिर नीचे bar से उसका आकर सेट करें</strong>
+ <strong>Select a partition to install on</strong><strong>इंस्टॉल के लिए विभाजन चुनें</strong>
+ An EFI system partition cannot be found anywhere on this system. Please go back and use manual partitioning to set up %1.इस सिस्टम पर कहीं भी कोई EFI सिस्टम विभाजन नहीं मिला। कृपया वापस जाएँ व %1 को सेट करने के लिए मैनुअल रूप से विभाजन करें।
+ The EFI system partition at %1 will be used for starting %2.%1 वाले EFI सिस्टम विभाजन का उपयोग %2 को शुरू करने के लिए किया जाएगा।
+ EFI system partition:EFI सिस्टम विभाजन:
+ This storage device does not seem to have an operating system on it. What would you like to do?<br/>You will be able to review and confirm your choices before any change is made to the storage device.इस डिवाइस पर लगता है कि कोई ऑपरेटिंग सिस्टम नहीं है। आप क्या करना चाहेंगे?<br/>आप डिवाइस में किसी भी बदलाव से पहले उसकी समीक्षा व पुष्टि कर सकेंगे।
+ <strong>Erase disk</strong><br/>This will <font color="red">delete</font> all data currently present on the selected storage device.<strong>डिस्क का सारा डाटा हटाएँ</strong><br/>इससे चयनित डिवाइस पर मौजूद सारा डाटा <font color="red">हटा</font>हो जाएगा।
+ This storage device has %1 on it. What would you like to do?<br/>You will be able to review and confirm your choices before any change is made to the storage device.इस डिवाइस पर %1 है। आप क्या करना चाहेंगे?<br/>आप डिवाइस में किसी भी बदलाव से पहले उसकी समीक्षा व पुष्टि कर सकेंगे।
+ No Swap
+ Reuse Swap
+ Swap (no Hibernate)
+ Swap (with Hibernate)
+ Swap to file
+ <strong>Install alongside</strong><br/>The installer will shrink a partition to make room for %1.<strong>साथ में इंस्टॉल करें</strong><br/>इंस्टॉलर %1 के लिए स्थान बनाने हेतु एक विभाजन को छोटा कर देगा।
+ <strong>Replace a partition</strong><br/>Replaces a partition with %1.<strong>विभाजन को बदलें</strong><br/>एक विभाजन को %1 से बदलें।
+ This storage device already has an operating system on it. What would you like to do?<br/>You will be able to review and confirm your choices before any change is made to the storage device.इस डिवाइस पर पहले से एक ऑपरेटिंग सिस्टम है। आप क्या करना चाहेंगे?<br/>आप डिवाइस में किसी भी बदलाव से पहले उसकी समीक्षा व पुष्टि कर सकेंगे।
+ This storage device has multiple operating systems on it. What would you like to do?<br/>You will be able to review and confirm your choices before any change is made to the storage device.इस डिवाइस पर एक से अधिक ऑपरेटिंग सिस्टम है। आप क्या करना चाहेंगे?<br/>आप डिवाइस में किसी भी बदलाव से पहले उसकी समीक्षा व पुष्टि कर सकेंगे।
@@ -739,6 +739,14 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost.
रीड हेतु groups फ़ाइल खोली नहीं जा सकती।
+ CreateVolumeGroupDialog
+ Create Volume Group
@@ -1576,7 +1584,7 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost.
+ font-weight: normalमुद्रलिपि-weight: सामान्य
@@ -1606,22 +1614,22 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost.
<small>यदि आपका कंप्यूटर किसी नेटवर्क पर दृश्यमान होता है, तो यह नाम उपयोग किया जाएगा।</small>
+ Log in automatically without asking for the password.कूटशब्द बिना पूछे ही स्वतः लॉग इन करें।
+ Use the same password for the administrator account.प्रबंधक अकाउंट के लिए भी यही कूटशब्द उपयोग करें।
+ Choose a password for the administrator account.प्रबंधक अकाउंट के लिए कूटशब्द चुनें।
+ <small>Enter the same password twice, so that it can be checked for typing errors.</small><small>समान कूटशब्द दो बार दर्ज करें, ताकि जाँच की जा सके कि कहीं टाइपिंग त्रुटि तो नहीं है।</small>
@@ -1767,17 +1775,17 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost.
+ Are you sure you want to create a new partition table on %1?क्या आप वाकई %1 पर एक नई विभाजन तालिका बनाना चाहते हैं?
+ Can not create new partitionनया विभाजन नहीं बनाया जा सकता
+ The partition table on %1 already has %2 primary partitions, and no more can be added. Please remove one primary partition and add an extended partition, instead.
@@ -2051,6 +2059,11 @@ Output:
Language (Country)%1 (%2)
+ (no mount point)
+ RemoveVolumeGroupJob
@@ -2298,6 +2311,14 @@ Output:
इंस्टॉलर डिस्क '%2' पर विभाजन %1 का आकर बदलने में विफल रहा।
+ ResizeVolumeGroupDialog
+ Resize Volume Group
@@ -2707,33 +2728,33 @@ Output:
+ Your username is too long.आपका उपयोक्ता नाम बहुत लंबा है।
+ Your username contains invalid characters. Only lowercase letters and numbers are allowed.आपके होस्ट नाम में अमान्य अक्षर हैं । केवल lowercase अक्षरों व संख्याओं की ही अनुमति है ।
+ Your hostname is too short.आपका होस्ट नाम बहुत छोटा है।
+ Your hostname is too long.आपका होस्ट नाम बहुत लंबा है।
+ Your hostname contains invalid characters. Only letters, numbers and dashes are allowed.आपके होस्ट नाम में अमान्य अक्षर हैं । केवल अक्षरों, संख्याओं व dash की ही अनुमति है ।
+ Your passwords do not match!आपके कूटशब्द मेल नहीं खाते!
@@ -2750,7 +2771,7 @@ Output:
- VolumeGroupDialog
+ Create Volume Group
diff --git a/lang/calamares_hr.ts b/lang/calamares_hr.ts
index 96b4ecb2c..6aa4be625 100644
--- a/lang/calamares_hr.ts
+++ b/lang/calamares_hr.ts
@@ -354,17 +354,17 @@ Instalacijski program će izaći i sve promjene će biti izgubljene.Poslije:
+ <strong>Manual partitioning</strong><br/>You can create or resize partitions yourself.<strong>Ručno particioniranje</strong><br/>Možete sami stvoriti ili promijeniti veličine particija.
+ Boot loader location:Lokacija boot učitavača:
+ %1 will be shrunk to %2MB and a new %3MB partition will be created for %4.%1 će se smanjiti na %2MB i stvorit će se nova %3MB particija za %4.
@@ -375,108 +375,108 @@ Instalacijski program će izaći i sve promjene će biti izgubljene.
+ Current:Trenutni:
+ Reuse %1 as home partition for %2.Koristi %1 kao home particiju za %2.
+ <strong>Select a partition to shrink, then drag the bottom bar to resize</strong><strong>Odaberite particiju za smanjivanje, te povlačenjem donjeg pokazivača odaberite promjenu veličine</strong>
+ <strong>Select a partition to install on</strong><strong>Odaberite particiju za instalaciju</strong>
+ An EFI system partition cannot be found anywhere on this system. Please go back and use manual partitioning to set up %1.EFI particija ne postoji na ovom sustavu. Vratite se natrag i koristite ručno particioniranje da bi ste postavili %1.
+ The EFI system partition at %1 will be used for starting %2.EFI particija na %1 će se koristiti za pokretanje %2.
+ EFI system partition:EFI particija:
+ This storage device does not seem to have an operating system on it. What would you like to do?<br/>You will be able to review and confirm your choices before any change is made to the storage device.Izgleda da na ovom disku nema operacijskog sustava. Što želite učiniti?<br/>Moći ćete provjeriti i potvrditi vaš odabir prije bilo kakvih promjena na disku.
+ <strong>Erase disk</strong><br/>This will <font color="red">delete</font> all data currently present on the selected storage device.<strong>Obriši disk</strong><br/>To će <font color="red">obrisati</font> sve podatke na odabranom disku.
+ This storage device has %1 on it. What would you like to do?<br/>You will be able to review and confirm your choices before any change is made to the storage device.Ovaj disk ima %1. Što želite učiniti?<br/>Moći ćete provjeriti i potvrditi vaš odabir prije bilo kakvih promjena na disku.
+ No SwapBez swap-a
+ Reuse SwapIskoristi postojeći swap
+ Swap (no Hibernate)Swap (bez hibernacije)
+ Swap (with Hibernate)Swap (sa hibernacijom)
+ Swap to fileSwap datoteka
+ <strong>Install alongside</strong><br/>The installer will shrink a partition to make room for %1.<strong>Instaliraj uz postojeće</strong><br/>Instalacijski program će smanjiti particiju da bi napravio mjesto za %1.
+ <strong>Replace a partition</strong><br/>Replaces a partition with %1.<strong>Zamijeni particiju</strong><br/>Zamijenjuje particiju sa %1.
+ This storage device already has an operating system on it. What would you like to do?<br/>You will be able to review and confirm your choices before any change is made to the storage device.Ovaj disk već ima operacijski sustav. Što želite učiniti?<br/>Moći ćete provjeriti i potvrditi vaš odabir prije bilo kakvih promjena na disku.
+ This storage device has multiple operating systems on it. What would you like to do?<br/>You will be able to review and confirm your choices before any change is made to the storage device.Ovaj disk ima više operacijskih sustava. Što želite učiniti?<br/>Moći ćete provjeriti i potvrditi vaš odabir prije bilo kakvih promjena na disku.
@@ -739,6 +739,14 @@ Instalacijski program će izaći i sve promjene će biti izgubljene.Ne mogu otvoriti groups datoteku za čitanje.
+ CreateVolumeGroupDialog
+ Create Volume Group
+ Stvori volume grupu
@@ -1576,7 +1584,7 @@ Instalacijski program će izaći i sve promjene će biti izgubljene.
+ font-weight: normaldebljina fonta: normalan
@@ -1606,22 +1614,22 @@ Instalacijski program će izaći i sve promjene će biti izgubljene.<small>Ovo ime će se koristiti ako odaberete da je računalo vidljivo ostalim korisnicima na mreži.</small>
+ Log in automatically without asking for the password.Automatska prijava bez traženja lozinke.
+ Use the same password for the administrator account.Koristi istu lozinku za administratorski račun.
+ Choose a password for the administrator account.Odaberi lozinku za administratorski račun.
+ <small>Enter the same password twice, so that it can be checked for typing errors.</small><small>Unesite istu lozinku dvaput, tako da bi se provjerile eventualne pogreške prilikom upisa.</small>
@@ -1767,17 +1775,17 @@ Instalacijski program će izaći i sve promjene će biti izgubljene.I&nstaliraj boot učitavač na:
+ Are you sure you want to create a new partition table on %1?Jeste li sigurni da želite stvoriti novu particijsku tablicu na %1?
+ Can not create new partitionNe mogu stvoriti novu particiju
+ The partition table on %1 already has %2 primary partitions, and no more can be added. Please remove one primary partition and add an extended partition, instead.Particijska tablica %1 već ima %2 primarne particije i nove se više ne mogu dodati. Molimo vas da uklonite jednu primarnu particiju i umjesto nje dodate proširenu particiju.
@@ -2051,6 +2059,11 @@ Izlaz:
Language (Country)%1 (%2)
+ (no mount point)
+ (nema točke montiranja)
+ RemoveVolumeGroupJob
@@ -2298,6 +2311,14 @@ Izlaz:
Instalacijski program nije uspio promijeniti veličinu particije %1 na disku '%2'.
+ ResizeVolumeGroupDialog
+ Resize Volume Group
+ Promijenite veličinu volume grupe
@@ -2707,33 +2728,33 @@ Izlaz:
+ Your username is too long.Vaše korisničko ime je predugačko.
+ Your username contains invalid characters. Only lowercase letters and numbers are allowed.Korisničko ime sadržava nedozvoljene znakove. Dozvoljena su samo mala slova i brojevi.
+ Your hostname is too short.Ime računala je kratko.
+ Your hostname is too long.Ime računala je predugačko.
+ Your hostname contains invalid characters. Only letters, numbers and dashes are allowed.Ime računala sadrži nedozvoljene znakove. Samo slova, brojevi i crtice su dozvoljene.
+ Your passwords do not match!Lozinke se ne podudaraju!
@@ -2750,8 +2771,8 @@ Izlaz:
- VolumeGroupDialog
- VolumeGroupDialog
+ Create Volume Group
+ Stvori volume grupu
diff --git a/lang/calamares_hu.ts b/lang/calamares_hu.ts
index c1308484b..d14a51cb0 100644
--- a/lang/calamares_hu.ts
+++ b/lang/calamares_hu.ts
@@ -355,17 +355,17 @@ Telepítés nem folytatható. <a href="#details">Részletek...&l
+ <strong>Manual partitioning</strong><br/>You can create or resize partitions yourself.<strong>Manuális partícionálás</strong><br/>Létrehozhat vagy átméretezhet partíciókat.
+ Boot loader location:Rendszerbetöltő helye:
+ %1 will be shrunk to %2MB and a new %3MB partition will be created for %4.%1 lesz zsugorítva %2MB méretűre és egy új %3MB méretű partíció lesz létrehozva itt %4
@@ -376,108 +376,108 @@ Telepítés nem folytatható. <a href="#details">Részletek...&l
+ Current:Aktuális:
+ Reuse %1 as home partition for %2.%1 partíció használata mint home partíció a %2 -n
+ <strong>Select a partition to shrink, then drag the bottom bar to resize</strong><strong>Válaszd ki a partíciót amit zsugorítani akarsz és egérrel méretezd át.</strong>
+ <strong>Select a partition to install on</strong><strong>Válaszd ki a telepítésre szánt partíciót </strong>
+ An EFI system partition cannot be found anywhere on this system. Please go back and use manual partitioning to set up %1.Nem található EFI partíció a rendszeren. Menj vissza a manuális partícionáláshoz és állíts be %1.
+ The EFI system partition at %1 will be used for starting %2.A %1 EFI rendszer partíció lesz használva %2 indításához.
+ EFI system partition:EFI rendszerpartíció:
+ This storage device does not seem to have an operating system on it. What would you like to do?<br/>You will be able to review and confirm your choices before any change is made to the storage device.Úgy tűnik ezen a tárolóeszközön nincs operációs rendszer. Mit szeretnél csinálni?<br/>Lehetőséged lesz átnézni és megerősíteni a választásod mielőtt bármilyen változtatás történik a tárolóeszközön.
+ <strong>Erase disk</strong><br/>This will <font color="red">delete</font> all data currently present on the selected storage device.<strong>Lemez törlése</strong><br/>Ez <font color="red">törölni</font> fogja a lemezen levő összes adatot.
+ This storage device has %1 on it. What would you like to do?<br/>You will be able to review and confirm your choices before any change is made to the storage device.Ezen a tárolóeszközön %1 található. Mit szeretnél tenni?<br/>Lehetőséged lesz átnézni és megerősíteni a választásod mielőtt bármilyen változtatás történik a tárolóeszközön.
+ No Swap
+ Reuse Swap
+ Swap (no Hibernate)
+ Swap (with Hibernate)
+ Swap to file
+ <strong>Install alongside</strong><br/>The installer will shrink a partition to make room for %1.<strong>Meglévő mellé telepíteni</strong><br/>A telepítő zsugorítani fogja a partíciót, hogy elférjen a %1.
+ <strong>Replace a partition</strong><br/>Replaces a partition with %1.<strong>A partíció lecserélése</strong> a következővel: %1.
+ This storage device already has an operating system on it. What would you like to do?<br/>You will be able to review and confirm your choices before any change is made to the storage device.Ez a tárolóeszköz már tartalmaz egy operációs rendszert. Mit szeretnél tenni?<br/>Lehetőséged lesz átnézni és megerősíteni a választásod mielőtt bármilyen változtatás történik a tárolóeszközön.
+ This storage device has multiple operating systems on it. What would you like to do?<br/>You will be able to review and confirm your choices before any change is made to the storage device.A tárolóeszközön több operációs rendszer található. Mit szeretnél tenni?<br/>Lehetőséged lesz átnézni és megerősíteni a választásod mielőtt bármilyen változtatás történik a tárolóeszközön.
@@ -740,6 +740,14 @@ Telepítés nem folytatható. <a href="#details">Részletek...&l
Nem lehet a groups fájlt megnyitni olvasásra.
+ CreateVolumeGroupDialog
+ Create Volume Group
@@ -1577,7 +1585,7 @@ Telepítés nem folytatható. <a href="#details">Részletek...&l
+ font-weight: normalbetű-súly: normál
@@ -1607,22 +1615,22 @@ Telepítés nem folytatható. <a href="#details">Részletek...&l
<small>Ez a név lesz használva ha a számítógép látható a hálózaton.</small>
+ Log in automatically without asking for the password.Jelszó megkérdezése nélküli automatikus bejelentkezés.
+ Use the same password for the administrator account.Ugyanaz a jelszó használata az adminisztrátor felhasználóhoz.
+ Choose a password for the administrator account.Adj meg jelszót az adminisztrátor felhasználói fiókhoz.
+ <small>Enter the same password twice, so that it can be checked for typing errors.</small><small>Írd be a jelszót kétszer így ellenőrizve lesznek a gépelési hibák.</small>
@@ -1768,17 +1776,17 @@ Telepítés nem folytatható. <a href="#details">Részletek...&l
Rendszerbetöltő &telepítése ide:
+ Are you sure you want to create a new partition table on %1?Biztos vagy benne, hogy létrehozol egy új partíciós táblát itt %1 ?
+ Can not create new partitionNem hozható létre új partíció
+ The partition table on %1 already has %2 primary partitions, and no more can be added. Please remove one primary partition and add an extended partition, instead.A(z) %1 lemezen lévő partíciós táblában már %2 elsődleges partíció van, és több nem adható hozzá. Helyette távolítson el egy elsődleges partíciót, és adjon hozzá egy kiterjesztett partíciót.
@@ -2052,6 +2060,11 @@ Kimenet:
Language (Country)%1 (%2)
+ (no mount point)
+ RemoveVolumeGroupJob
@@ -2299,6 +2312,14 @@ Kimenet:
A telepítő nem tudta átméretezni a(z) %1 partíciót a(z) '%2' lemezen.
+ ResizeVolumeGroupDialog
+ Resize Volume Group
+ Kötetcsoport átméretezése
@@ -2709,33 +2730,33 @@ Calamares hiba %1.
+ Your username is too long.A felhasználónév túl hosszú.
+ Your username contains invalid characters. Only lowercase letters and numbers are allowed.A felhasználónév érvénytelen karaktereket tartalmaz. Csak kis kezdőbetűk és számok érvényesek.
+ Your hostname is too short.A hálózati név túl rövid.
+ Your hostname is too long.A hálózati név túl hosszú.
+ Your hostname contains invalid characters. Only letters, numbers and dashes are allowed.A hálózati név érvénytelen karaktereket tartalmaz. Csak betűk, számok és kötőjel érvényes.
+ Your passwords do not match!A két jelszó nem egyezik!
@@ -2752,8 +2773,8 @@ Calamares hiba %1.
- VolumeGroupDialog
- Kötetcsoport párbeszédablak
+ Create Volume Group
diff --git a/lang/calamares_id.ts b/lang/calamares_id.ts
index 566583c0b..da0016d8d 100644
--- a/lang/calamares_id.ts
+++ b/lang/calamares_id.ts
@@ -356,17 +356,17 @@ Instalasi dapat dilanjutkan, namun beberapa fitur akan dinonfungsikan.Setelah:
+ <strong>Manual partitioning</strong><br/>You can create or resize partitions yourself.<strong>Pemartisian manual</strong><br/>Anda bisa membuat atau mengubah ukuran partisi.
+ Boot loader location:Lokasi Boot loader:
+ %1 will be shrunk to %2MB and a new %3MB partition will be created for %4.%1 akan disusutkan menjadi %2MB dan partisi baru %3MB akan dibuat untuk %4.
@@ -377,108 +377,108 @@ Instalasi dapat dilanjutkan, namun beberapa fitur akan dinonfungsikan.
+ Current:Saat ini:
+ Reuse %1 as home partition for %2.Gunakan kembali %1 sebagai partisi home untuk %2.
+ <strong>Select a partition to shrink, then drag the bottom bar to resize</strong><strong>Pilih sebuah partisi untuk diiris, kemudian seret bilah di bawah untuk mengubah ukuran</strong>
+ <strong>Select a partition to install on</strong><strong>Pilih sebuah partisi untuk memasang</strong>
+ An EFI system partition cannot be found anywhere on this system. Please go back and use manual partitioning to set up %1.Sebuah partisi sistem EFI tidak ditemukan pada sistem ini. Silakan kembali dan gunakan pemartisian manual untuk mengeset %1.
+ The EFI system partition at %1 will be used for starting %2.Partisi sistem EFI di %1 akan digunakan untuk memulai %2.
+ EFI system partition:Partisi sistem EFI:
+ This storage device does not seem to have an operating system on it. What would you like to do?<br/>You will be able to review and confirm your choices before any change is made to the storage device.Tampaknya media penyimpanan ini tidak mengandung sistem operasi. Apa yang hendak Anda lakukan?<br/>Anda dapat menelaah dan mengkonfirmasi pilihan Anda sebelum dilakukan perubahan pada media penyimpanan.
+ <strong>Erase disk</strong><br/>This will <font color="red">delete</font> all data currently present on the selected storage device.<strong>Hapus disk</strong><br/>Aksi ini akan <font color="red">menghapus</font> semua berkas yang ada pada media penyimpanan terpilih.
+ This storage device has %1 on it. What would you like to do?<br/>You will be able to review and confirm your choices before any change is made to the storage device.Media penyimpanan ini mengandung %1. Apa yang hendak Anda lakukan?<br/>Anda dapat menelaah dan mengkonfirmasi pilihan Anda sebelum dilakukan perubahan pada media penyimpanan.
+ No Swap
+ Reuse Swap
+ Swap (no Hibernate)
+ Swap (with Hibernate)
+ Swap to file
+ <strong>Install alongside</strong><br/>The installer will shrink a partition to make room for %1.<strong>Instal berdampingan dengan</strong><br/>Installer akan mengiris sebuah partisi untuk memberi ruang bagi %1.
+ <strong>Replace a partition</strong><br/>Replaces a partition with %1.<strong>Ganti sebuah partisi</strong><br/> Ganti partisi dengan %1.
+ This storage device already has an operating system on it. What would you like to do?<br/>You will be able to review and confirm your choices before any change is made to the storage device.Media penyimpanan ini telah mengandung sistem operasi. Apa yang hendak Anda lakukan?<br/>Anda dapat menelaah dan mengkonfirmasi pilihan Anda sebelum dilakukan perubahan pada media penyimpanan.
+ This storage device has multiple operating systems on it. What would you like to do?<br/>You will be able to review and confirm your choices before any change is made to the storage device.Media penyimpanan ini telah mengandung beberapa sistem operasi. Apa yang hendak Anda lakukan?<br/>Anda dapat menelaah dan mengkonfirmasi pilihan Anda sebelum dilakukan perubahan pada media penyimpanan.
@@ -741,6 +741,14 @@ Instalasi dapat dilanjutkan, namun beberapa fitur akan dinonfungsikan.Tidak dapat membuka berkas groups untuk dibaca.
+ CreateVolumeGroupDialog
+ Create Volume Group
@@ -1578,7 +1586,7 @@ Instalasi dapat dilanjutkan, namun beberapa fitur akan dinonfungsikan.
+ font-weight: normalfont-weight: normal
@@ -1608,22 +1616,22 @@ Instalasi dapat dilanjutkan, namun beberapa fitur akan dinonfungsikan.<small>Nama ini akan digunakan jika anda membuat komputer ini terlihat oleh orang lain dalam sebuah jaringan.</small>
+ Log in automatically without asking for the password.Log in otomatis tanpa menanyakan sandi.
+ Use the same password for the administrator account.Gunakan sandi yang sama untuk akun administrator.
+ Choose a password for the administrator account.Pilih sebuah kata sandi untuk akun administrator.
+ <small>Enter the same password twice, so that it can be checked for typing errors.</small><small>Ketik kata sandi yang sama dua kali, supaya kesalahan pengetikan dapat diketahui.</small>
@@ -1769,17 +1777,17 @@ Instalasi dapat dilanjutkan, namun beberapa fitur akan dinonfungsikan.I&nstal boot loader di:
+ Are you sure you want to create a new partition table on %1?Apakah Anda yakin ingin membuat tabel partisi baru pada %1?
+ Can not create new partitionTidak bisa menciptakan partisi baru.
+ The partition table on %1 already has %2 primary partitions, and no more can be added. Please remove one primary partition and add an extended partition, instead.Partisi tabel pada %1 sudah memiliki %2 partisi primer, dan tidak ada lagi yang bisa ditambahkan. Silakan hapus salah satu partisi primer dan tambahkan sebuah partisi extended, sebagai gantinya.
@@ -2053,6 +2061,11 @@ Keluaran:
Language (Country)%1 (%2)
+ (no mount point)
+ RemoveVolumeGroupJob
@@ -2300,6 +2313,14 @@ Keluaran:
Installer gagal untuk merubah ukuran partisi %1 pada disk '%2'.
+ ResizeVolumeGroupDialog
+ Resize Volume Group
+ Ubah-ukuran Grup Volume
@@ -2709,33 +2730,33 @@ Keluaran:
+ Your username is too long.Nama pengguna Anda terlalu panjang.
+ Your username contains invalid characters. Only lowercase letters and numbers are allowed.Nama pengguna Anda berisi karakter yang tidak sah. Hanya huruf kecil dan angka yang diperbolehkan.
+ Your hostname is too short.Hostname Anda terlalu pendek.
+ Your hostname is too long.Hostname Anda terlalu panjang.
+ Your hostname contains invalid characters. Only letters, numbers and dashes are allowed.Hostname Anda berisi karakter yang tidak sah. Hanya huruf kecil, angka, dan strip yang diperbolehkan.
+ Your passwords do not match!Sandi Anda tidak sama!
@@ -2752,8 +2773,8 @@ Keluaran:
- VolumeGroupDialog
- DialogGrupVolume
+ Create Volume Group
diff --git a/lang/calamares_is.ts b/lang/calamares_is.ts
index a5807d8a7..a7fbf617c 100644
--- a/lang/calamares_is.ts
+++ b/lang/calamares_is.ts
@@ -354,17 +354,17 @@ Uppsetningarforritið mun hætta og allar breytingar tapast.
+ <strong>Manual partitioning</strong><br/>You can create or resize partitions yourself.<strong>Handvirk disksneiðing</strong><br/>Þú getur búið til eða breytt stærð disksneiða sjálft.
+ Boot loader location:Staðsetning ræsistjóra
+ %1 will be shrunk to %2MB and a new %3MB partition will be created for %4.%1 verður minnkuð í %2MB og ný %3MB disksneið verður búin til fyrir %4.
@@ -375,108 +375,108 @@ Uppsetningarforritið mun hætta og allar breytingar tapast.
+ Current:Núverandi:
+ Reuse %1 as home partition for %2.Endurnota %1 sem heimasvæðis disksneið fyrir %2.
+ <strong>Select a partition to shrink, then drag the bottom bar to resize</strong><strong>Veldu disksneið til að minnka, dragðu síðan botnstikuna til að breyta stærðinni</strong>
+ <strong>Select a partition to install on</strong><strong>Veldu disksneið til að setja upp á </strong>
+ An EFI system partition cannot be found anywhere on this system. Please go back and use manual partitioning to set up %1.EFI kerfisdisksneið er hvergi að finna á þessu kerfi. Farðu til baka og notaðu handvirka skiptingu til að setja upp %1.
+ The EFI system partition at %1 will be used for starting %2.EFI kerfisdisksneið á %1 mun verða notuð til að ræsa %2.
+ EFI system partition:EFI kerfisdisksneið:
+ This storage device does not seem to have an operating system on it. What would you like to do?<br/>You will be able to review and confirm your choices before any change is made to the storage device.Þetta geymslu tæki hefur mörg stýrikerfi á sér. Hvað viltu gera?<br/>Þú verður að vera fær um að yfirfara og staðfesta val þitt áður en breytingar eru gerðar til geymslu tæki.
+ <strong>Erase disk</strong><br/>This will <font color="red">delete</font> all data currently present on the selected storage device.<strong>Eyða disk</strong><br/>Þetta mun <font color="red">eyða</font> öllum gögnum á þessu valdna geymslu tæki.
+ This storage device has %1 on it. What would you like to do?<br/>You will be able to review and confirm your choices before any change is made to the storage device.Þetta geymslu tæki hefur %1 á sér. Hvað viltu gera?<br/>Þú verður að vera fær um að yfirfara og staðfesta val þitt áður en breytingar eru gerðar til geymslu tæki.
+ No Swap
+ Reuse Swap
+ Swap (no Hibernate)
+ Swap (with Hibernate)
+ Swap to file
+ <strong>Install alongside</strong><br/>The installer will shrink a partition to make room for %1.<strong>Setja upp samhliða</strong><br/>Uppsetningarforritið mun minnka disksneið til að búa til pláss fyrir %1.
+ <strong>Replace a partition</strong><br/>Replaces a partition with %1.<strong>Skipta út disksneið</strong><br/>Skiptir disksneið út með %1.
+ This storage device already has an operating system on it. What would you like to do?<br/>You will be able to review and confirm your choices before any change is made to the storage device.Þetta geymslu tæki hefur stýrikerfi á sér. Hvað viltu gera?<br/>Þú verður að vera fær um að yfirfara og staðfesta val þitt áður en breytingar eru gerðar til geymslu tæki.
+ This storage device has multiple operating systems on it. What would you like to do?<br/>You will be able to review and confirm your choices before any change is made to the storage device.Þetta geymslu tæki hefur mörg stýrikerfi á sér. Hvað viltu gera?<br/>Þú verður að vera fær um að yfirfara og staðfesta val þitt áður en breytingar eru gerðar til geymslu tæki.
@@ -739,6 +739,14 @@ Uppsetningarforritið mun hætta og allar breytingar tapast.
Get ekki opnað hópa skrá til að lesa.
+ CreateVolumeGroupDialog
+ Create Volume Group
@@ -1576,7 +1584,7 @@ Uppsetningarforritið mun hætta og allar breytingar tapast.
+ font-weight: normalletur-þyngd: venjuleg
@@ -1606,22 +1614,22 @@ Uppsetningarforritið mun hætta og allar breytingar tapast.
<small>Þetta nafn verður notað ef þú gerir tölvuna sýnilega öðrum á neti.</small>
+ Log in automatically without asking for the password.Skrá inn sjálfkrafa án þess að biðja um lykilorð.
+ Use the same password for the administrator account.Nota sama lykilorð fyrir kerfisstjóra reikning.
+ Choose a password for the administrator account.Veldu lykilorð fyrir kerfisstjóra reikning.
+ <small>Enter the same password twice, so that it can be checked for typing errors.</small><small>Sláðu sama lykilorð tvisvar, þannig að það er hægt að yfirfara innsláttarvillur.</small>
@@ -1767,17 +1775,17 @@ Uppsetningarforritið mun hætta og allar breytingar tapast.
+ Are you sure you want to create a new partition table on %1?Ertu viss um að þú viljir búa til nýja disksneið á %1?
+ Can not create new partition
+ The partition table on %1 already has %2 primary partitions, and no more can be added. Please remove one primary partition and add an extended partition, instead.
@@ -2048,6 +2056,11 @@ Output:
Language (Country)%1 (%2)
+ (no mount point)
+ RemoveVolumeGroupJob
@@ -2295,6 +2308,14 @@ Output:
Uppsetningarforritinu mistókst að breyta stærð disksneiðar %1 á diski '%2'.
+ ResizeVolumeGroupDialog
+ Resize Volume Group
@@ -2704,33 +2725,33 @@ Output:
+ Your username is too long.Notandanafnið þitt er of langt.
+ Your username contains invalid characters. Only lowercase letters and numbers are allowed.Notandanafnið þitt inniheldur ógilda stafi. Aðeins lágstöfum og númer eru leyfð.
+ Your hostname is too short.Notandanafnið þitt er of stutt.
+ Your hostname is too long.Notandanafnið þitt er of langt.
+ Your hostname contains invalid characters. Only letters, numbers and dashes are allowed.
+ Your passwords do not match!Lykilorð passa ekki!
@@ -2747,7 +2768,7 @@ Output:
- VolumeGroupDialog
+ Create Volume Group
diff --git a/lang/calamares_it_IT.ts b/lang/calamares_it_IT.ts
index f66c5b0e4..82ad12d10 100644
--- a/lang/calamares_it_IT.ts
+++ b/lang/calamares_it_IT.ts
@@ -354,17 +354,17 @@ Il programma d'installazione sarà terminato e tutte le modifiche andranno
+ <strong>Manual partitioning</strong><br/>You can create or resize partitions yourself.<strong>Partizionamento manuale</strong><br/>Si possono creare o ridimensionare le partizioni manualmente.
+ Boot loader location:Posizionamento del boot loader:
+ %1 will be shrunk to %2MB and a new %3MB partition will be created for %4.%1 sarà ridotta a %2MB e una nuova partizione di %3MB sarà creata per %4.
@@ -375,108 +375,108 @@ Il programma d'installazione sarà terminato e tutte le modifiche andranno
+ Current:Corrente:
+ Reuse %1 as home partition for %2.Riutilizzare %1 come partizione home per &2.
+ <strong>Select a partition to shrink, then drag the bottom bar to resize</strong><strong>Selezionare una partizione da ridurre, trascina la barra inferiore per ridimensionare</strong>
+ <strong>Select a partition to install on</strong><strong>Selezionare la partizione sulla quale si vuole installare</strong>
+ An EFI system partition cannot be found anywhere on this system. Please go back and use manual partitioning to set up %1.Impossibile trovare una partizione EFI di sistema. Si prega di tornare indietro ed effettuare un partizionamento manuale per configurare %1.
+ The EFI system partition at %1 will be used for starting %2.La partizione EFI di sistema su %1 sarà usata per avviare %2.
+ EFI system partition:Partizione EFI di sistema:
+ This storage device does not seem to have an operating system on it. What would you like to do?<br/>You will be able to review and confirm your choices before any change is made to the storage device.Questo dispositivo di memoria non sembra contenere alcun sistema operativo. Come si vuole procedere?<br/>Si potranno comunque rivedere e confermare le scelte prima di apportare i cambiamenti al dispositivo.
+ <strong>Erase disk</strong><br/>This will <font color="red">delete</font> all data currently present on the selected storage device.<strong>Cancellare disco</strong><br/>Questo <font color="red">cancellerà</font> tutti i dati attualmente presenti sul dispositivo di memoria.
+ This storage device has %1 on it. What would you like to do?<br/>You will be able to review and confirm your choices before any change is made to the storage device.Questo dispositivo di memoria ha %1. Come si vuole procedere?<br/>Si potranno comunque rivedere e confermare le scelte prima di apportare i cambiamenti al dispositivo.
+ No Swap
+ No Swap
+ Reuse Swap
+ Riutilizza Swap
+ Swap (no Hibernate)
+ Swap (senza ibernazione)
+ Swap (with Hibernate)
+ Swap (con ibernazione)
+ Swap to file
+ Swap su file
+ <strong>Install alongside</strong><br/>The installer will shrink a partition to make room for %1.<strong>Installare a fianco</strong><br/>Il programma di installazione ridurrà una partizione per dare spazio a %1.
+ <strong>Replace a partition</strong><br/>Replaces a partition with %1.<strong>Sostituire una partizione</strong><br/>Sostituisce una partizione con %1.
+ This storage device already has an operating system on it. What would you like to do?<br/>You will be able to review and confirm your choices before any change is made to the storage device.Questo dispositivo di memoria contenere già un sistema operativo. Come si vuole procedere?<br/>Si potranno comunque rivedere e confermare le scelte prima di apportare i cambiamenti al dispositivo.
+ This storage device has multiple operating systems on it. What would you like to do?<br/>You will be able to review and confirm your choices before any change is made to the storage device.Questo dispositivo di memoria contenere diversi sistemi operativi. Come si vuole procedere?<br/>Comunque si potranno rivedere e confermare le scelte prima di apportare i cambiamenti al dispositivo.
@@ -739,27 +739,35 @@ Il programma d'installazione sarà terminato e tutte le modifiche andranno
Impossibile aprire il file groups in lettura.
+ CreateVolumeGroupDialog
+ Create Volume Group
+ Crea Gruppo di Volumi
+CreateVolumeGroupJobCreate new volume group named %1.
+ Crea un nuovo gruppo di volumi denominato %1.Create new volume group named <strong>%1</strong>.
+ Crea un nuovo gruppo di volumi denominato <strong>%1</strong>.Creating new volume group named %1.
+ Creazione del nuovo gruppo di volumi denominato %1.The installer failed to create a volume group named '%1'.
+ Il programma di installazione non è riuscito a creare un gruppo di volumi denominato '%1'.
@@ -768,17 +776,17 @@ Il programma d'installazione sarà terminato e tutte le modifiche andranno
Deactivate volume group named %1.
+ Disattiva gruppo di volumi denominato %1.Deactivate volume group named <strong>%1</strong>.
+ Disattiva gruppo di volumi denominato <strong>%1</strong>.The installer failed to deactivate a volume group named %1.
+ Il programma di installazione non è riuscito a disattivare il gruppo di volumi denominato %1.
@@ -847,7 +855,7 @@ Il programma d'installazione sarà terminato e tutte le modifiche andranno
%1 - (%2)
+ %1 - (%2)
@@ -1576,7 +1584,7 @@ Il programma d'installazione sarà terminato e tutte le modifiche andranno
+ font-weight: normalDimensione font: normale
@@ -1606,22 +1614,22 @@ Il programma d'installazione sarà terminato e tutte le modifiche andranno
<small>Questo nome sarà usato se rendi visibile il computer ad altre persone in una rete.</small>
+ Log in automatically without asking for the password.Accedere automaticamente senza chiedere la password.
+ Use the same password for the administrator account.Usare la stessa password per l'account amministratore.
+ Choose a password for the administrator account.Scegliere una password per l'account dell'amministratore.
+ <small>Enter the same password twice, so that it can be checked for typing errors.</small><small>Inserire la password due volte per controllare eventuali errori di battitura.</small>
@@ -1744,40 +1752,40 @@ Il programma d'installazione sarà terminato e tutte le modifiche andranno
New Volume Group
+ Nuovo Gruppo di VolumiResize Volume Group
+ RIdimensiona Gruppo di VolumiDeactivate Volume Group
+ Disattiva Gruppo di VolumiRemove Volume Group
+ Rimuovi Gruppo di VolumiI&nstall boot loader on:
+ I&nstalla boot loader su:
+ Are you sure you want to create a new partition table on %1?Si è sicuri di voler creare una nuova tabella delle partizioni su %1?
+ Can not create new partitionImpossibile creare nuova partizione
+ The partition table on %1 already has %2 primary partitions, and no more can be added. Please remove one primary partition and add an extended partition, instead.La tabella delle partizioni su %1 contiene già %2 partizioni primarie, non se ne possono aggiungere altre. Rimuovere una partizione primaria e aggiungere una partizione estesa invece.
@@ -2051,6 +2059,11 @@ Output:
Language (Country)%1 (%2)
+ (no mount point)
+ (nessun mount point)
+ RemoveVolumeGroupJob
@@ -2058,12 +2071,12 @@ Output:
Remove Volume Group named %1.
+ Rimuovi Gruppo di Volumi denominato %1.Remove Volume Group named <strong>%1</strong>.
+ Rimuovi gruppo di volumi denominato <strong>%1</strong>.
@@ -2298,6 +2311,14 @@ Output:
Il programma di installazione non è riuscito a ridimensionare la partizione %1 sul disco '%2'.
+ ResizeVolumeGroupDialog
+ Resize Volume Group
+ RIdimensiona Gruppo di Volumi
@@ -2707,33 +2728,33 @@ Output:
+ Your username is too long.Il nome utente è troppo lungo.
+ Your username contains invalid characters. Only lowercase letters and numbers are allowed.Il nome utente contiene caratteri non validi. Sono ammessi solo lettere minuscole e numeri.
+ Your hostname is too short.Hostname è troppo corto.
+ Your hostname is too long.Hostname è troppo lungo.
+ Your hostname contains invalid characters. Only letters, numbers and dashes are allowed.Hostname contiene caratteri non validi. Sono ammessi solo lettere, numeri e trattini.
+ Your passwords do not match!Le password non corrispondono!
@@ -2750,8 +2771,8 @@ Output:
- VolumeGroupDialog
+ Create Volume Group
+ Crea Gruppo di Volumi
diff --git a/lang/calamares_ja.ts b/lang/calamares_ja.ts
index 3a49ed2d6..88fd24c3a 100644
--- a/lang/calamares_ja.ts
+++ b/lang/calamares_ja.ts
@@ -354,17 +354,17 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost.
+ <strong>Manual partitioning</strong><br/>You can create or resize partitions yourself.<strong>手動パーティション</strong><br/>パーティションの作成、あるいはサイズ変更を行うことができます。
+ Boot loader location:ブートローダーの場所:
+ %1 will be shrunk to %2MB and a new %3MB partition will be created for %4.%1 は %2 MB に縮小され、新しい %3 MB のパーティションが %4 のために作成されます。
@@ -375,108 +375,108 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost.
+ Current:現在:
+ Reuse %1 as home partition for %2.%1 を %2 のホームパーティションとして再利用する
+ <strong>Select a partition to shrink, then drag the bottom bar to resize</strong><strong>縮小するパーティションを選択し、下のバーをドラッグしてサイズを変更して下さい</strong>
+ <strong>Select a partition to install on</strong><strong>インストールするパーティションの選択</strong>
+ An EFI system partition cannot be found anywhere on this system. Please go back and use manual partitioning to set up %1.システムにEFIシステムパーティションが存在しません。%1 のセットアップのため、元に戻り、手動パーティショニングを使用してください。
+ The EFI system partition at %1 will be used for starting %2.%1 上のEFIシステムパーテイションは %2 のスタートに使用されます。
+ EFI system partition:EFI システムパーティション:
+ This storage device does not seem to have an operating system on it. What would you like to do?<br/>You will be able to review and confirm your choices before any change is made to the storage device.このストレージデバイスは、オペレーティングシステムを持っていないようです。どうしますか?<br/>ストレージデバイスに対する変更が実施される前に、変更点をレビューし、確認することができます。
+ <strong>Erase disk</strong><br/>This will <font color="red">delete</font> all data currently present on the selected storage device.<strong>ディスクの消去</strong><br/>選択したストレージデバイス上のデータがすべて <font color="red">削除</font>されます。
+ This storage device has %1 on it. What would you like to do?<br/>You will be able to review and confirm your choices before any change is made to the storage device.このストレージデバイスは %1 を有しています。どうしますか?<br/>ストレージデバイスに対する変更が実施される前に、変更点をレビューし、確認することができます。
+ No Swapスワップを使用しない
+ Reuse Swapスワップを再利用
+ Swap (no Hibernate)スワップ(ハイバーネートなし)
+ Swap (with Hibernate)スワップ(ハイバーネート)
+ Swap to fileファイルにスワップ
+ <strong>Install alongside</strong><br/>The installer will shrink a partition to make room for %1.<strong>共存してインストール</strong><br/>インストーラは %1 用の空きスペースを確保するため、パーティションを縮小します。
+ <strong>Replace a partition</strong><br/>Replaces a partition with %1.<strong>パーティションの置換</strong><br/>パーティションを %1 に置き換えます。
+ This storage device already has an operating system on it. What would you like to do?<br/>You will be able to review and confirm your choices before any change is made to the storage device.この記憶装置は、すでにオペレーティングシステムが存在します。どうしますか?<br/>ストレージデバイスに対する変更が実施される前に、変更点をレビューし、確認することができます。
+ This storage device has multiple operating systems on it. What would you like to do?<br/>You will be able to review and confirm your choices before any change is made to the storage device.このストレージデバイスには、複数のオペレーティングシステムが存在します。どうしますか?<br />ストレージデバイスに対する変更が実施される前に、変更点をレビューし、確認することができます。
@@ -739,6 +739,14 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost.
groups ファイルを読み込めません。
+ CreateVolumeGroupDialog
+ Create Volume Group
@@ -1577,7 +1585,7 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost.
+ font-weight: normalフォントウェイト: normal
@@ -1607,22 +1615,22 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost.
+ Log in automatically without asking for the password.パスワードを尋ねずに自動的にログインする。
+ Use the same password for the administrator account.管理者アカウントと同じパスワードを使用する。
+ Choose a password for the administrator account.管理者アカウントのパスワードを選択する。
+ <small>Enter the same password twice, so that it can be checked for typing errors.</small><small>入力ミスを確認することができるように、同じパスワードを 2 回入力します。</small>
@@ -1768,17 +1776,17 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost.
+ Are you sure you want to create a new partition table on %1?%1 上で新しいパーティションテーブルを作成します。よろしいですか?
+ Can not create new partition新しいパーティションを作成できません
+ The partition table on %1 already has %2 primary partitions, and no more can be added. Please remove one primary partition and add an extended partition, instead.%1 上のパーティションテーブルには既にプライマリパーティション %2 が配置されており、追加することができません。プライマリパーティションを消去して代わりに拡張パーティションを追加してください。
@@ -2052,6 +2060,11 @@ Output:
Language (Country)%1 (%2)
+ (no mount point)
+ RemoveVolumeGroupJob
@@ -2299,6 +2312,14 @@ Output:
インストーラが、ディスク '%2' でのパーティション %1 のリサイズに失敗しました。
+ ResizeVolumeGroupDialog
+ Resize Volume Group
+ ボリュームグループのサイズ変更
@@ -2708,33 +2729,33 @@ Output:
+ Your username is too long.ユーザー名が長すぎます。
+ Your username contains invalid characters. Only lowercase letters and numbers are allowed.ユーザー名に不適切な文字が含まれています。アルファベットの小文字と数字のみが使用できます。
+ Your hostname is too short.ホスト名が短すぎます。
+ Your hostname is too long.ホスト名が長過ぎます。
+ Your hostname contains invalid characters. Only letters, numbers and dashes are allowed.ホスト名に不適切な文字が含まれています。アルファベット、数字及びハイフンのみが使用できます。
+ Your passwords do not match!パスワードが一致していません!
@@ -2751,8 +2772,8 @@ Output:
- VolumeGroupDialog
- ボリュームグループのダイアログ
+ Create Volume Group
diff --git a/lang/calamares_kk.ts b/lang/calamares_kk.ts
index e59580531..73c9822fa 100644
--- a/lang/calamares_kk.ts
+++ b/lang/calamares_kk.ts
@@ -353,17 +353,17 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost.
+ <strong>Manual partitioning</strong><br/>You can create or resize partitions yourself.
+ Boot loader location:
+ %1 will be shrunk to %2MB and a new %3MB partition will be created for %4.
@@ -374,108 +374,108 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost.
+ Current:
+ Reuse %1 as home partition for %2.
+ <strong>Select a partition to shrink, then drag the bottom bar to resize</strong>
+ <strong>Select a partition to install on</strong>
+ An EFI system partition cannot be found anywhere on this system. Please go back and use manual partitioning to set up %1.
+ The EFI system partition at %1 will be used for starting %2.
+ EFI system partition:EFI жүйелік бөлімі:
+ This storage device does not seem to have an operating system on it. What would you like to do?<br/>You will be able to review and confirm your choices before any change is made to the storage device.
+ <strong>Erase disk</strong><br/>This will <font color="red">delete</font> all data currently present on the selected storage device.
+ This storage device has %1 on it. What would you like to do?<br/>You will be able to review and confirm your choices before any change is made to the storage device.
+ No Swap
+ Reuse Swap
+ Swap (no Hibernate)
+ Swap (with Hibernate)
+ Swap to file
+ <strong>Install alongside</strong><br/>The installer will shrink a partition to make room for %1.
+ <strong>Replace a partition</strong><br/>Replaces a partition with %1.
+ This storage device already has an operating system on it. What would you like to do?<br/>You will be able to review and confirm your choices before any change is made to the storage device.
+ This storage device has multiple operating systems on it. What would you like to do?<br/>You will be able to review and confirm your choices before any change is made to the storage device.
@@ -738,6 +738,14 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost.
+ CreateVolumeGroupDialog
+ Create Volume Group
@@ -1575,7 +1583,7 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost.
+ font-weight: normal
@@ -1605,22 +1613,22 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost.
+ Log in automatically without asking for the password.
+ Use the same password for the administrator account.
+ Choose a password for the administrator account.
+ <small>Enter the same password twice, so that it can be checked for typing errors.</small>
@@ -1766,17 +1774,17 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost.
+ Are you sure you want to create a new partition table on %1?
+ Can not create new partition
+ The partition table on %1 already has %2 primary partitions, and no more can be added. Please remove one primary partition and add an extended partition, instead.
@@ -2047,6 +2055,11 @@ Output:
Language (Country)%1 (%2)
+ (no mount point)
+ RemoveVolumeGroupJob
@@ -2294,6 +2307,14 @@ Output:
+ ResizeVolumeGroupDialog
+ Resize Volume Group
@@ -2703,33 +2724,33 @@ Output:
+ Your username is too long.
+ Your username contains invalid characters. Only lowercase letters and numbers are allowed.
+ Your hostname is too short.
+ Your hostname is too long.
+ Your hostname contains invalid characters. Only letters, numbers and dashes are allowed.
+ Your passwords do not match!
@@ -2746,7 +2767,7 @@ Output:
- VolumeGroupDialog
+ Create Volume Group
diff --git a/lang/calamares_kn.ts b/lang/calamares_kn.ts
index 21a1da9e9..796e57a51 100644
--- a/lang/calamares_kn.ts
+++ b/lang/calamares_kn.ts
@@ -353,17 +353,17 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost.
+ <strong>Manual partitioning</strong><br/>You can create or resize partitions yourself.
+ Boot loader location:
+ %1 will be shrunk to %2MB and a new %3MB partition will be created for %4.
@@ -374,108 +374,108 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost.
+ Current:ಪ್ರಸಕ್ತ:
+ Reuse %1 as home partition for %2.
+ <strong>Select a partition to shrink, then drag the bottom bar to resize</strong>
+ <strong>Select a partition to install on</strong>
+ An EFI system partition cannot be found anywhere on this system. Please go back and use manual partitioning to set up %1.
+ The EFI system partition at %1 will be used for starting %2.
+ EFI system partition:
+ This storage device does not seem to have an operating system on it. What would you like to do?<br/>You will be able to review and confirm your choices before any change is made to the storage device.
+ <strong>Erase disk</strong><br/>This will <font color="red">delete</font> all data currently present on the selected storage device.
+ This storage device has %1 on it. What would you like to do?<br/>You will be able to review and confirm your choices before any change is made to the storage device.
+ No Swap
+ Reuse Swap
+ Swap (no Hibernate)
+ Swap (with Hibernate)
+ Swap to file
+ <strong>Install alongside</strong><br/>The installer will shrink a partition to make room for %1.
+ <strong>Replace a partition</strong><br/>Replaces a partition with %1.
+ This storage device already has an operating system on it. What would you like to do?<br/>You will be able to review and confirm your choices before any change is made to the storage device.
+ This storage device has multiple operating systems on it. What would you like to do?<br/>You will be able to review and confirm your choices before any change is made to the storage device.
@@ -738,6 +738,14 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost.
+ CreateVolumeGroupDialog
+ Create Volume Group
@@ -1575,7 +1583,7 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost.
+ font-weight: normal
@@ -1605,22 +1613,22 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost.
+ Log in automatically without asking for the password.
+ Use the same password for the administrator account.
+ Choose a password for the administrator account.
+ <small>Enter the same password twice, so that it can be checked for typing errors.</small>
@@ -1766,17 +1774,17 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost.
+ Are you sure you want to create a new partition table on %1?
+ Can not create new partition
+ The partition table on %1 already has %2 primary partitions, and no more can be added. Please remove one primary partition and add an extended partition, instead.
@@ -2047,6 +2055,11 @@ Output:
Language (Country)
+ (no mount point)
+ RemoveVolumeGroupJob
@@ -2294,6 +2307,14 @@ Output:
+ ResizeVolumeGroupDialog
+ Resize Volume Group
@@ -2703,33 +2724,33 @@ Output:
+ Your username is too long.
+ Your username contains invalid characters. Only lowercase letters and numbers are allowed.
+ Your hostname is too short.
+ Your hostname is too long.
+ Your hostname contains invalid characters. Only letters, numbers and dashes are allowed.
+ Your passwords do not match!
@@ -2746,7 +2767,7 @@ Output:
- VolumeGroupDialog
+ Create Volume Group
diff --git a/lang/calamares_ko.ts b/lang/calamares_ko.ts
index c803f858f..c5156b4c4 100644
--- a/lang/calamares_ko.ts
+++ b/lang/calamares_ko.ts
@@ -354,17 +354,17 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost.
+ <strong>Manual partitioning</strong><br/>You can create or resize partitions yourself.
+ Boot loader location:부트 로더 위치:
+ %1 will be shrunk to %2MB and a new %3MB partition will be created for %4.
@@ -375,108 +375,108 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost.
+ Current:현재:
+ Reuse %1 as home partition for %2.
+ <strong>Select a partition to shrink, then drag the bottom bar to resize</strong>
+ <strong>Select a partition to install on</strong>
+ An EFI system partition cannot be found anywhere on this system. Please go back and use manual partitioning to set up %1.
+ The EFI system partition at %1 will be used for starting %2.%1의 EFI 시스템 파티션은 %2의 시작으로 사용될 것입니다.
+ EFI system partition:EFI 시스템 파티션:
+ This storage device does not seem to have an operating system on it. What would you like to do?<br/>You will be able to review and confirm your choices before any change is made to the storage device.
+ <strong>Erase disk</strong><br/>This will <font color="red">delete</font> all data currently present on the selected storage device.
+ This storage device has %1 on it. What would you like to do?<br/>You will be able to review and confirm your choices before any change is made to the storage device.
+ No Swap
+ Reuse Swap
+ Swap (no Hibernate)
+ Swap (with Hibernate)
+ Swap to file
+ <strong>Install alongside</strong><br/>The installer will shrink a partition to make room for %1.
+ <strong>Replace a partition</strong><br/>Replaces a partition with %1.
+ This storage device already has an operating system on it. What would you like to do?<br/>You will be able to review and confirm your choices before any change is made to the storage device.
+ This storage device has multiple operating systems on it. What would you like to do?<br/>You will be able to review and confirm your choices before any change is made to the storage device.
@@ -739,6 +739,14 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost.
groups 파일을 읽을 수가 없습니다.
+ CreateVolumeGroupDialog
+ Create Volume Group
@@ -1576,7 +1584,7 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost.
+ font-weight: normal
@@ -1606,22 +1614,22 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost.
+ Log in automatically without asking for the password.암호를 묻지 않고 자동으로 로그인합니다.
+ Use the same password for the administrator account.관리자 계정에 대해 같은 암호를 사용합니다.
+ Choose a password for the administrator account.관리자 계정을 위한 암호를 선택하세요.
+ <small>Enter the same password twice, so that it can be checked for typing errors.</small><small>입력 오류를 검사하기 위해 암호를 똑같이 두번 입력하세요.</small>
@@ -1767,17 +1775,17 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost.
+ Are you sure you want to create a new partition table on %1?
+ Can not create new partition새로운 파티션을 만들 수 없습니다
+ The partition table on %1 already has %2 primary partitions, and no more can be added. Please remove one primary partition and add an extended partition, instead.
@@ -2051,6 +2059,11 @@ Output:
Language (Country)%1 (%2)
+ (no mount point)
+ RemoveVolumeGroupJob
@@ -2298,6 +2311,14 @@ Output:
+ ResizeVolumeGroupDialog
+ Resize Volume Group
@@ -2707,33 +2728,33 @@ Output:
+ Your username is too long.사용자 이름이 너무 깁니다.
+ Your username contains invalid characters. Only lowercase letters and numbers are allowed.사용자 이름이 유효하지 않은 문자들을 포함하고 있습니다. 소문자 그리고 숫자만이 허용됩니다.
+ Your hostname is too short.호스트 이름이 너무 짧습니다.
+ Your hostname is too long.호스트 이름이 너무 깁니다.
+ Your hostname contains invalid characters. Only letters, numbers and dashes are allowed.호트스 이름이 유효하지 않은 문자들을 포함하고 있습니다. 영문자, 숫자 그리고 붙임표(-)만이 허용됩니다.
+ Your passwords do not match!암호가 일치하지 않습니다!
@@ -2750,7 +2771,7 @@ Output:
- VolumeGroupDialog
+ Create Volume Group
diff --git a/lang/calamares_lo.ts b/lang/calamares_lo.ts
index ee15eb8f9..eab7dcce8 100644
--- a/lang/calamares_lo.ts
+++ b/lang/calamares_lo.ts
@@ -353,17 +353,17 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost.
+ <strong>Manual partitioning</strong><br/>You can create or resize partitions yourself.
+ Boot loader location:
+ %1 will be shrunk to %2MB and a new %3MB partition will be created for %4.
@@ -374,108 +374,108 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost.
+ Current:
+ Reuse %1 as home partition for %2.
+ <strong>Select a partition to shrink, then drag the bottom bar to resize</strong>
+ <strong>Select a partition to install on</strong>
+ An EFI system partition cannot be found anywhere on this system. Please go back and use manual partitioning to set up %1.
+ The EFI system partition at %1 will be used for starting %2.
+ EFI system partition:
+ This storage device does not seem to have an operating system on it. What would you like to do?<br/>You will be able to review and confirm your choices before any change is made to the storage device.
+ <strong>Erase disk</strong><br/>This will <font color="red">delete</font> all data currently present on the selected storage device.
+ This storage device has %1 on it. What would you like to do?<br/>You will be able to review and confirm your choices before any change is made to the storage device.
+ No Swap
+ Reuse Swap
+ Swap (no Hibernate)
+ Swap (with Hibernate)
+ Swap to file
+ <strong>Install alongside</strong><br/>The installer will shrink a partition to make room for %1.
+ <strong>Replace a partition</strong><br/>Replaces a partition with %1.
+ This storage device already has an operating system on it. What would you like to do?<br/>You will be able to review and confirm your choices before any change is made to the storage device.
+ This storage device has multiple operating systems on it. What would you like to do?<br/>You will be able to review and confirm your choices before any change is made to the storage device.
@@ -738,6 +738,14 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost.
+ CreateVolumeGroupDialog
+ Create Volume Group
@@ -1575,7 +1583,7 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost.
+ font-weight: normal
@@ -1605,22 +1613,22 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost.
+ Log in automatically without asking for the password.
+ Use the same password for the administrator account.
+ Choose a password for the administrator account.
+ <small>Enter the same password twice, so that it can be checked for typing errors.</small>
@@ -1766,17 +1774,17 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost.
+ Are you sure you want to create a new partition table on %1?
+ Can not create new partition
+ The partition table on %1 already has %2 primary partitions, and no more can be added. Please remove one primary partition and add an extended partition, instead.
@@ -2047,6 +2055,11 @@ Output:
Language (Country)
+ (no mount point)
+ RemoveVolumeGroupJob
@@ -2294,6 +2307,14 @@ Output:
+ ResizeVolumeGroupDialog
+ Resize Volume Group
@@ -2703,33 +2724,33 @@ Output:
+ Your username is too long.
+ Your username contains invalid characters. Only lowercase letters and numbers are allowed.
+ Your hostname is too short.
+ Your hostname is too long.
+ Your hostname contains invalid characters. Only letters, numbers and dashes are allowed.
+ Your passwords do not match!
@@ -2746,7 +2767,7 @@ Output:
- VolumeGroupDialog
+ Create Volume Group
diff --git a/lang/calamares_lt.ts b/lang/calamares_lt.ts
index 3eba2ef0d..54c685fb9 100644
--- a/lang/calamares_lt.ts
+++ b/lang/calamares_lt.ts
@@ -354,17 +354,17 @@ Diegimo programa užbaigs darbą ir visi pakeitimai bus prarasti.
+ <strong>Manual partitioning</strong><br/>You can create or resize partitions yourself.<strong>Rankinis skaidymas</strong><br/>Galite patys kurti ar keisti skaidinių dydžius.
+ Boot loader location:Paleidyklės vieta:
+ %1 will be shrunk to %2MB and a new %3MB partition will be created for %4.%1 bus sumažintas iki %2MB ir naujas %3MB skaidinys bus sukurtas sistemai %4.
@@ -375,108 +375,108 @@ Diegimo programa užbaigs darbą ir visi pakeitimai bus prarasti.
+ Current:Dabartinis:
+ Reuse %1 as home partition for %2.Pakartotinai naudoti %1 kaip namų skaidinį, skirtą %2.
+ <strong>Select a partition to shrink, then drag the bottom bar to resize</strong><strong>Pasirinkite, kurį skaidinį sumažinti, o tuomet vilkite juostą, kad pakeistumėte skaidinio dydį</strong>
+ <strong>Select a partition to install on</strong><strong>Pasirinkite kuriame skaidinyje įdiegti</strong>
+ An EFI system partition cannot be found anywhere on this system. Please go back and use manual partitioning to set up %1.Šioje sistemoje niekur nepavyko rasti EFI skaidinio. Prašome grįžti ir naudoti rankinį skaidymą, kad nustatytumėte %1.
+ The EFI system partition at %1 will be used for starting %2.%2 paleidimui bus naudojamas EFI sistemos skaidinys, esantis ties %1.
+ EFI system partition:EFI sistemos skaidinys:
+ This storage device does not seem to have an operating system on it. What would you like to do?<br/>You will be able to review and confirm your choices before any change is made to the storage device.Atrodo, kad šiame įrenginyje nėra operacinės sistemos. Ką norėtumėte daryti?<br/>Prieš atliekant bet kokius pakeitimus atminties įrenginyje, jūs galėsite apžvelgti ir patvirtinti savo pasirinkimus.
+ <strong>Erase disk</strong><br/>This will <font color="red">delete</font> all data currently present on the selected storage device.<strong>Ištrinti diską</strong><br/>Tai <font color="red">ištrins</font> visus, pasirinktame atminties įrenginyje, esančius duomenis.
+ This storage device has %1 on it. What would you like to do?<br/>You will be able to review and confirm your choices before any change is made to the storage device.Šiame atminties įrenginyje jau yra %1. Ką norėtumėte daryti?<br/>Prieš atliekant bet kokius pakeitimus atminties įrenginyje, jūs galėsite apžvelgti ir patvirtinti savo pasirinkimus.
+ No SwapBe sukeitimų skaidinio
+ Reuse SwapIš naujo naudoti sukeitimų skaidinį
+ Swap (no Hibernate)Sukeitimų skaidinys (be užmigdymo)
+ Swap (with Hibernate)Sukeitimų skaidinys (su užmigdymu)
+ Swap to fileSukeitimų failas
+ <strong>Install alongside</strong><br/>The installer will shrink a partition to make room for %1.<strong>Įdiegti šalia</strong><br/>Diegimo programa sumažins skaidinį, kad atlaisvintų vietą sistemai %1.
+ <strong>Replace a partition</strong><br/>Replaces a partition with %1.<strong>Pakeisti skaidinį</strong><br/>Pakeičia skaidinį ir įrašo %1.
+ This storage device already has an operating system on it. What would you like to do?<br/>You will be able to review and confirm your choices before any change is made to the storage device.Šiame atminties įrenginyje jau yra operacinė sistema. Ką norėtumėte daryti?<br/>Prieš atliekant bet kokius pakeitimus atminties įrenginyje, jūs galėsite apžvelgti ir patvirtinti savo pasirinkimus.
+ This storage device has multiple operating systems on it. What would you like to do?<br/>You will be able to review and confirm your choices before any change is made to the storage device.Šiame atminties įrenginyje jau yra kelios operacinės sistemos. Ką norėtumėte daryti?<br/>Prieš atliekant bet kokius pakeitimus atminties įrenginyje, jūs galėsite apžvelgti ir patvirtinti savo pasirinkimus.
@@ -739,6 +739,14 @@ Diegimo programa užbaigs darbą ir visi pakeitimai bus prarasti.
Nepavyko skaitymui atverti grupių failo.
+ CreateVolumeGroupDialog
+ Create Volume Group
+ Sukurti tomų grupę
@@ -1576,7 +1584,7 @@ Diegimo programa užbaigs darbą ir visi pakeitimai bus prarasti.
+ font-weight: normalšrifto ryškumas: normalus
@@ -1606,22 +1614,22 @@ Diegimo programa užbaigs darbą ir visi pakeitimai bus prarasti.
<small>Šis vardas bus naudojamas, jeigu padarysite savo kompiuterį matomą kitiems naudotojams tinkle.</small>
+ Log in automatically without asking for the password.Prisijungti automatiškai, neklausiant slaptažodžio.
+ Use the same password for the administrator account.Naudoti tokį patį slaptažodį administratoriaus paskyrai.
+ Choose a password for the administrator account.Pasirinkite slaptažodį administratoriaus paskyrai.
+ <small>Enter the same password twice, so that it can be checked for typing errors.</small><small>Norint įsitikinti, kad rašydami slaptažodį nesuklydote, įrašykite tą patį slaptažodį du kartus.</small>
@@ -1767,17 +1775,17 @@ Diegimo programa užbaigs darbą ir visi pakeitimai bus prarasti.
Į&diegti paleidyklę skaidinyje:
+ Are you sure you want to create a new partition table on %1?Ar tikrai %1 norite sukurti naują skaidinių lentelę?
+ Can not create new partitionNepavyksta sukurti naują skaidinį
+ The partition table on %1 already has %2 primary partitions, and no more can be added. Please remove one primary partition and add an extended partition, instead.Skaidinių lentelėje ties %1 jau yra %2 pirminiai skaidiniai ir daugiau nebegali būti pridėta. Pašalinkite vieną pirminį skaidinį ir vietoj jo, pridėkite išplėstą skaidinį.
@@ -2051,6 +2059,11 @@ Išvestis:
Language (Country)%1 (%2)
+ (no mount point)
+ (nėra prijungimo taško)
+ RemoveVolumeGroupJob
@@ -2298,6 +2311,14 @@ Išvestis:
Diegimo programai nepavyko pakeisti skaidinio %1 dydį diske '%2'.
+ ResizeVolumeGroupDialog
+ Resize Volume Group
+ Keisti tomų grupės dydį
@@ -2707,33 +2728,33 @@ Išvestis:
+ Your username is too long.Jūsų naudotojo vardas yra pernelyg ilgas.
+ Your username contains invalid characters. Only lowercase letters and numbers are allowed.Jūsų naudotojo varde yra neleistinų simbolių. Leidžiamos tik mažosios raidės ir skaičiai.
+ Your hostname is too short.Jūsų kompiuterio vardas yra pernelyg trumpas.
+ Your hostname is too long.Jūsų kompiuterio vardas yra pernelyg ilgas.
+ Your hostname contains invalid characters. Only letters, numbers and dashes are allowed.Jūsų kompiuterio varde yra neleistinų simbolių. Kompiuterio varde gali būti tik raidės, skaičiai ir brūkšniai.
+ Your passwords do not match!Jūsų slaptažodžiai nesutampa!
@@ -2750,8 +2771,8 @@ Išvestis:
- VolumeGroupDialog
- Tomų grupės dialogas
+ Create Volume Group
+ Sukurti tomų grupę
diff --git a/lang/calamares_mk.ts b/lang/calamares_mk.ts
index 9dd4c8926..78959459d 100644
--- a/lang/calamares_mk.ts
+++ b/lang/calamares_mk.ts
@@ -353,17 +353,17 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost.
+ <strong>Manual partitioning</strong><br/>You can create or resize partitions yourself.
+ Boot loader location:
+ %1 will be shrunk to %2MB and a new %3MB partition will be created for %4.
@@ -374,108 +374,108 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost.
+ Current:
+ Reuse %1 as home partition for %2.
+ <strong>Select a partition to shrink, then drag the bottom bar to resize</strong>
+ <strong>Select a partition to install on</strong>
+ An EFI system partition cannot be found anywhere on this system. Please go back and use manual partitioning to set up %1.
+ The EFI system partition at %1 will be used for starting %2.
+ EFI system partition:
+ This storage device does not seem to have an operating system on it. What would you like to do?<br/>You will be able to review and confirm your choices before any change is made to the storage device.
+ <strong>Erase disk</strong><br/>This will <font color="red">delete</font> all data currently present on the selected storage device.
+ This storage device has %1 on it. What would you like to do?<br/>You will be able to review and confirm your choices before any change is made to the storage device.
+ No Swap
+ Reuse Swap
+ Swap (no Hibernate)
+ Swap (with Hibernate)
+ Swap to file
+ <strong>Install alongside</strong><br/>The installer will shrink a partition to make room for %1.
+ <strong>Replace a partition</strong><br/>Replaces a partition with %1.
+ This storage device already has an operating system on it. What would you like to do?<br/>You will be able to review and confirm your choices before any change is made to the storage device.
+ This storage device has multiple operating systems on it. What would you like to do?<br/>You will be able to review and confirm your choices before any change is made to the storage device.
@@ -738,6 +738,14 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost.
+ CreateVolumeGroupDialog
+ Create Volume Group
@@ -1575,7 +1583,7 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost.
+ font-weight: normal
@@ -1605,22 +1613,22 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost.
+ Log in automatically without asking for the password.
+ Use the same password for the administrator account.
+ Choose a password for the administrator account.
+ <small>Enter the same password twice, so that it can be checked for typing errors.</small>
@@ -1766,17 +1774,17 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost.
+ Are you sure you want to create a new partition table on %1?
+ Can not create new partition
+ The partition table on %1 already has %2 primary partitions, and no more can be added. Please remove one primary partition and add an extended partition, instead.
@@ -2047,6 +2055,11 @@ Output:
Language (Country)
+ (no mount point)
+ RemoveVolumeGroupJob
@@ -2294,6 +2307,14 @@ Output:
+ ResizeVolumeGroupDialog
+ Resize Volume Group
@@ -2703,33 +2724,33 @@ Output:
+ Your username is too long.
+ Your username contains invalid characters. Only lowercase letters and numbers are allowed.
+ Your hostname is too short.
+ Your hostname is too long.
+ Your hostname contains invalid characters. Only letters, numbers and dashes are allowed.
+ Your passwords do not match!
@@ -2746,7 +2767,7 @@ Output:
- VolumeGroupDialog
+ Create Volume Group
diff --git a/lang/calamares_mr.ts b/lang/calamares_mr.ts
index fa2d45314..4b3c17eb6 100644
--- a/lang/calamares_mr.ts
+++ b/lang/calamares_mr.ts
@@ -353,17 +353,17 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost.
नंतर :
+ <strong>Manual partitioning</strong><br/>You can create or resize partitions yourself.
+ Boot loader location:
+ %1 will be shrunk to %2MB and a new %3MB partition will be created for %4.
@@ -374,108 +374,108 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost.
+ Current:सद्या :
+ Reuse %1 as home partition for %2.
+ <strong>Select a partition to shrink, then drag the bottom bar to resize</strong>
+ <strong>Select a partition to install on</strong>
+ An EFI system partition cannot be found anywhere on this system. Please go back and use manual partitioning to set up %1.
+ The EFI system partition at %1 will be used for starting %2.
+ EFI system partition:
+ This storage device does not seem to have an operating system on it. What would you like to do?<br/>You will be able to review and confirm your choices before any change is made to the storage device.
+ <strong>Erase disk</strong><br/>This will <font color="red">delete</font> all data currently present on the selected storage device.
+ This storage device has %1 on it. What would you like to do?<br/>You will be able to review and confirm your choices before any change is made to the storage device.
+ No Swap
+ Reuse Swap
+ Swap (no Hibernate)
+ Swap (with Hibernate)
+ Swap to file
+ <strong>Install alongside</strong><br/>The installer will shrink a partition to make room for %1.
+ <strong>Replace a partition</strong><br/>Replaces a partition with %1.
+ This storage device already has an operating system on it. What would you like to do?<br/>You will be able to review and confirm your choices before any change is made to the storage device.
+ This storage device has multiple operating systems on it. What would you like to do?<br/>You will be able to review and confirm your choices before any change is made to the storage device.
@@ -738,6 +738,14 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost.
+ CreateVolumeGroupDialog
+ Create Volume Group
@@ -1575,7 +1583,7 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost.
+ font-weight: normal
@@ -1605,22 +1613,22 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost.
+ Log in automatically without asking for the password.
+ Use the same password for the administrator account.
+ Choose a password for the administrator account.
+ <small>Enter the same password twice, so that it can be checked for typing errors.</small>
@@ -1766,17 +1774,17 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost.
+ Are you sure you want to create a new partition table on %1?
+ Can not create new partition
+ The partition table on %1 already has %2 primary partitions, and no more can be added. Please remove one primary partition and add an extended partition, instead.
@@ -2047,6 +2055,11 @@ Output:
Language (Country)%1 (%2)
+ (no mount point)
+ RemoveVolumeGroupJob
@@ -2294,6 +2307,14 @@ Output:
+ ResizeVolumeGroupDialog
+ Resize Volume Group
@@ -2703,33 +2724,33 @@ Output:
+ Your username is too long.तुमचा वापरकर्तानाव खूप लांब आहे
+ Your username contains invalid characters. Only lowercase letters and numbers are allowed.तुमच्या वापरकर्तानावात अवैध अक्षरे आहेत. फक्त अक्षरे, अंक आणि डॅश स्वीकारले जातील.
+ Your hostname is too short.तुमचा संगणकनाव खूप लहान आहे
+ Your hostname is too long.तुमचा संगणकनाव खूप लांब आहे
+ Your hostname contains invalid characters. Only letters, numbers and dashes are allowed.तुमच्या संगणकनावात अवैध अक्षरे आहेत. फक्त अक्षरे, अंक आणि डॅश स्वीकारले जातील.
+ Your passwords do not match!तुमचा परवलीशब्द जुळत नाही
@@ -2746,7 +2767,7 @@ Output:
- VolumeGroupDialog
+ Create Volume Group
diff --git a/lang/calamares_nb.ts b/lang/calamares_nb.ts
index 690c58b8f..6f4c72b41 100644
--- a/lang/calamares_nb.ts
+++ b/lang/calamares_nb.ts
@@ -354,17 +354,17 @@ Installasjonsprogrammet vil avsluttes og alle endringer vil gå tapt.
+ <strong>Manual partitioning</strong><br/>You can create or resize partitions yourself.<strong>Manuell partisjonering</strong><br/>Du kan opprette eller endre størrelse på partisjoner selv.
+ Boot loader location:
+ %1 will be shrunk to %2MB and a new %3MB partition will be created for %4.
@@ -375,108 +375,108 @@ Installasjonsprogrammet vil avsluttes og alle endringer vil gå tapt.
+ Current:
+ Reuse %1 as home partition for %2.
+ <strong>Select a partition to shrink, then drag the bottom bar to resize</strong>
+ <strong>Select a partition to install on</strong>
+ An EFI system partition cannot be found anywhere on this system. Please go back and use manual partitioning to set up %1.
+ The EFI system partition at %1 will be used for starting %2.
+ EFI system partition:
+ This storage device does not seem to have an operating system on it. What would you like to do?<br/>You will be able to review and confirm your choices before any change is made to the storage device.
+ <strong>Erase disk</strong><br/>This will <font color="red">delete</font> all data currently present on the selected storage device.
+ This storage device has %1 on it. What would you like to do?<br/>You will be able to review and confirm your choices before any change is made to the storage device.
+ No Swap
+ Reuse Swap
+ Swap (no Hibernate)
+ Swap (with Hibernate)
+ Swap to file
+ <strong>Install alongside</strong><br/>The installer will shrink a partition to make room for %1.
+ <strong>Replace a partition</strong><br/>Replaces a partition with %1.
+ This storage device already has an operating system on it. What would you like to do?<br/>You will be able to review and confirm your choices before any change is made to the storage device.
+ This storage device has multiple operating systems on it. What would you like to do?<br/>You will be able to review and confirm your choices before any change is made to the storage device.
@@ -739,6 +739,14 @@ Installasjonsprogrammet vil avsluttes og alle endringer vil gå tapt.
+ CreateVolumeGroupDialog
+ Create Volume Group
@@ -1576,7 +1584,7 @@ Installasjonsprogrammet vil avsluttes og alle endringer vil gå tapt.
+ font-weight: normal
@@ -1606,22 +1614,22 @@ Installasjonsprogrammet vil avsluttes og alle endringer vil gå tapt.
+ Log in automatically without asking for the password.
+ Use the same password for the administrator account.
+ Choose a password for the administrator account.
+ <small>Enter the same password twice, so that it can be checked for typing errors.</small>
@@ -1767,17 +1775,17 @@ Installasjonsprogrammet vil avsluttes og alle endringer vil gå tapt.
+ Are you sure you want to create a new partition table on %1?
+ Can not create new partition
+ The partition table on %1 already has %2 primary partitions, and no more can be added. Please remove one primary partition and add an extended partition, instead.
@@ -2048,6 +2056,11 @@ Output:
Language (Country)%1 (%2)
+ (no mount point)
+ RemoveVolumeGroupJob
@@ -2295,6 +2308,14 @@ Output:
+ ResizeVolumeGroupDialog
+ Resize Volume Group
@@ -2704,33 +2725,33 @@ Output:
+ Your username is too long.Brukernavnet ditt er for langt.
+ Your username contains invalid characters. Only lowercase letters and numbers are allowed.
+ Your hostname is too short.
+ Your hostname is too long.
+ Your hostname contains invalid characters. Only letters, numbers and dashes are allowed.
+ Your passwords do not match!
@@ -2747,7 +2768,7 @@ Output:
- VolumeGroupDialog
+ Create Volume Group
diff --git a/lang/calamares_ne_NP.ts b/lang/calamares_ne_NP.ts
index 2e0fa32b3..cf0630cd5 100644
--- a/lang/calamares_ne_NP.ts
+++ b/lang/calamares_ne_NP.ts
@@ -353,17 +353,17 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost.
+ <strong>Manual partitioning</strong><br/>You can create or resize partitions yourself.
+ Boot loader location:
+ %1 will be shrunk to %2MB and a new %3MB partition will be created for %4.
@@ -374,108 +374,108 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost.
+ Current:
+ Reuse %1 as home partition for %2.
+ <strong>Select a partition to shrink, then drag the bottom bar to resize</strong>
+ <strong>Select a partition to install on</strong>
+ An EFI system partition cannot be found anywhere on this system. Please go back and use manual partitioning to set up %1.
+ The EFI system partition at %1 will be used for starting %2.
+ EFI system partition:
+ This storage device does not seem to have an operating system on it. What would you like to do?<br/>You will be able to review and confirm your choices before any change is made to the storage device.
+ <strong>Erase disk</strong><br/>This will <font color="red">delete</font> all data currently present on the selected storage device.
+ This storage device has %1 on it. What would you like to do?<br/>You will be able to review and confirm your choices before any change is made to the storage device.
+ No Swap
+ Reuse Swap
+ Swap (no Hibernate)
+ Swap (with Hibernate)
+ Swap to file
+ <strong>Install alongside</strong><br/>The installer will shrink a partition to make room for %1.
+ <strong>Replace a partition</strong><br/>Replaces a partition with %1.
+ This storage device already has an operating system on it. What would you like to do?<br/>You will be able to review and confirm your choices before any change is made to the storage device.
+ This storage device has multiple operating systems on it. What would you like to do?<br/>You will be able to review and confirm your choices before any change is made to the storage device.
@@ -738,6 +738,14 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost.
+ CreateVolumeGroupDialog
+ Create Volume Group
@@ -1575,7 +1583,7 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost.
+ font-weight: normal
@@ -1605,22 +1613,22 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost.
+ Log in automatically without asking for the password.
+ Use the same password for the administrator account.
+ Choose a password for the administrator account.
+ <small>Enter the same password twice, so that it can be checked for typing errors.</small>
@@ -1766,17 +1774,17 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost.
+ Are you sure you want to create a new partition table on %1?
+ Can not create new partition
+ The partition table on %1 already has %2 primary partitions, and no more can be added. Please remove one primary partition and add an extended partition, instead.
@@ -2047,6 +2055,11 @@ Output:
Language (Country)
+ (no mount point)
+ RemoveVolumeGroupJob
@@ -2294,6 +2307,14 @@ Output:
+ ResizeVolumeGroupDialog
+ Resize Volume Group
@@ -2703,33 +2724,33 @@ Output:
+ Your username is too long.
+ Your username contains invalid characters. Only lowercase letters and numbers are allowed.
+ Your hostname is too short.
+ Your hostname is too long.
+ Your hostname contains invalid characters. Only letters, numbers and dashes are allowed.
+ Your passwords do not match!
@@ -2746,7 +2767,7 @@ Output:
- VolumeGroupDialog
+ Create Volume Group
diff --git a/lang/calamares_nl.ts b/lang/calamares_nl.ts
index 90f7ed0a1..5e4ada5d1 100644
--- a/lang/calamares_nl.ts
+++ b/lang/calamares_nl.ts
@@ -197,7 +197,7 @@
%1 can not be installed. Calamares was unable to load all of the configured modules. This is a problem with the way Calamares is being used by the distribution.
+ %1 kan niet worden geïnstalleerd. Calamares kon niet alle geconfigureerde modules laden. Dit is een probleem met hoe Calamares wordt gebruikt door de distributie.
@@ -207,7 +207,7 @@
+ &Installeer
@@ -354,17 +354,17 @@ Het installatieprogramma zal afsluiten en alle wijzigingen zullen verloren gaan.
+ <strong>Manual partitioning</strong><br/>You can create or resize partitions yourself.<strong>Handmatig partitioneren</strong><br/>Je maakt of wijzigt zelf de partities.
+ Boot loader location:Bootloader locatie:
+ %1 will be shrunk to %2MB and a new %3MB partition will be created for %4.%1 zal verkleind worden tot %2MB en een nieuwe %3MB partitie zal worden aangemaakt voor %4.
@@ -375,108 +375,108 @@ Het installatieprogramma zal afsluiten en alle wijzigingen zullen verloren gaan.
+ Current:Huidig:
+ Reuse %1 as home partition for %2.Hergebruik %1 als home-partitie voor %2
+ <strong>Select a partition to shrink, then drag the bottom bar to resize</strong><strong>Selecteer een partitie om te verkleinen, en sleep vervolgens de onderste balk om het formaat te wijzigen</strong>
+ <strong>Select a partition to install on</strong><strong>Selecteer een partitie om op te installeren</strong>
+ An EFI system partition cannot be found anywhere on this system. Please go back and use manual partitioning to set up %1.Er werd geen EFI systeempartitie gevonden op dit systeem. Gelieve terug te gaan en manueel te partitioneren om %1 in te stellen.
+ The EFI system partition at %1 will be used for starting %2.De EFI systeempartitie op %1 zal gebruikt worden om %2 te starten.
+ EFI system partition:EFI systeempartitie:
+ This storage device does not seem to have an operating system on it. What would you like to do?<br/>You will be able to review and confirm your choices before any change is made to the storage device.Dit opslagmedium lijkt geen besturingssysteem te bevatten. Wat wil je doen?<br/>Je zal jouw keuzes kunnen nazien en bevestigen voordat er iets aan het opslagmedium wordt veranderd.
+ <strong>Erase disk</strong><br/>This will <font color="red">delete</font> all data currently present on the selected storage device.<strong>Wis schijf</strong><br/>Dit zal alle huidige gegevens op de geselecteerd opslagmedium <font color="red">verwijderen</font>.
+ This storage device has %1 on it. What would you like to do?<br/>You will be able to review and confirm your choices before any change is made to the storage device.Dit opslagmedium bevat %1. Wat wil je doen?<br/>Je zal jouw keuzes kunnen nazien en bevestigen voordat er iets aan het opslagmedium wordt veranderd.
+ No Swap
+ Geen wisselgeheugen
+ Reuse Swap
+ Wisselgeheugen hergebruiken
+ Swap (no Hibernate)
+ Wisselgeheugen (geen Sluimerstand)
+ Swap (with Hibernate)
+ Wisselgeheugen ( met Sluimerstand)
+ Swap to file
+ Wisselgeheugen naar bestand
+ <strong>Install alongside</strong><br/>The installer will shrink a partition to make room for %1.<strong>Installeer ernaast</strong><br/>Het installatieprogramma zal een partitie verkleinen om plaats te maken voor %1.
+ <strong>Replace a partition</strong><br/>Replaces a partition with %1.<strong>Vervang een partitie</strong><br/>Vervangt een partitie met %1.
+ This storage device already has an operating system on it. What would you like to do?<br/>You will be able to review and confirm your choices before any change is made to the storage device.Dit opslagmedium bevat reeds een besturingssysteem. Wat wil je doen?<br/>Je zal jouw keuzes kunnen nazien en bevestigen voordat er iets aan het opslagmedium wordt veranderd.
+ This storage device has multiple operating systems on it. What would you like to do?<br/>You will be able to review and confirm your choices before any change is made to the storage device.Dit opslagmedium bevat meerdere besturingssystemen. Wat wil je doen?<br/>Je zal jouw keuzes kunnen nazien en bevestigen voordat er iets aan het opslagmedium wordt veranderd.
@@ -528,17 +528,17 @@ Het installatieprogramma zal afsluiten en alle wijzigingen zullen verloren gaan.
Could not run command.
+ Kon de opdracht niet uitvoeren.The command runs in the host environment and needs to know the root path, but no rootMountPoint is defined.
+ De opdracht loopt in de gastomgeving en moet het root pad weten, maar rootMountPoint is niet gedefinieerd.The command needs to know the user's name, but no username is defined.
+ De opdracht moet de naam van de gebruiker weten, maar de gebruikersnaam is niet gedefinieerd.
@@ -546,7 +546,7 @@ Het installatieprogramma zal afsluiten en alle wijzigingen zullen verloren gaan.
Contextual Processes Job
+ Contextuele processen Taak
@@ -584,7 +584,7 @@ Het installatieprogramma zal afsluiten en alle wijzigingen zullen verloren gaan.
LVM LV name
+ LVM LV naam
@@ -739,27 +739,35 @@ Het installatieprogramma zal afsluiten en alle wijzigingen zullen verloren gaan.
Kan het bestand groups niet lezen.
+ CreateVolumeGroupDialog
+ Create Volume Group
+CreateVolumeGroupJobCreate new volume group named %1.
+ Maak nieuw volumegroep aan met de naam %1.Create new volume group named <strong>%1</strong>.
+ Maak nieuwe volumegroep aan met de naam <strong>%1</strong>. Creating new volume group named %1.
+ Aanmaken van volumegroep met de naam %1.The installer failed to create a volume group named '%1'.
+ Het installatieprogramma kon de volumegroep met de naam '%1' niet aanmaken.
@@ -768,17 +776,17 @@ Het installatieprogramma zal afsluiten en alle wijzigingen zullen verloren gaan.
Deactivate volume group named %1.
+ Volumegroep met de naam %1 uitschakelen.Deactivate volume group named <strong>%1</strong>.
+ Volumegroep met de naam <strong>%1</strong> uitschakelen.The installer failed to deactivate a volume group named %1.
+ Het installatieprogramma kon de volumegroep met de naam %1 niet uitschakelen.
@@ -847,7 +855,7 @@ Het installatieprogramma zal afsluiten en alle wijzigingen zullen verloren gaan.
%1 - (%2)
+ %1 - (%2)
@@ -1010,7 +1018,7 @@ Het installatieprogramma zal afsluiten en alle wijzigingen zullen verloren gaan.
<html><head/><body><p>When this box is checked, your system will restart immediately when you click on <span style=" font-style:italic;">Done</span> or close the installer.</p></body></html>
+ <html><head/><body><p>Wanneer dit vakje aangevinkt is, zal het systeem herstarten van zodra je op <span style=" font-style:italic;">Voltooid</span> klikt, of het installatieprogramma afsluit.</p></body></html>
@@ -1079,7 +1087,7 @@ Het installatieprogramma zal afsluiten en alle wijzigingen zullen verloren gaan.
Please install KDE Konsole and try again!
+ Gelieve KDE Konsole te installeren en opnieuw te proberen!
@@ -1284,7 +1292,7 @@ Het installatieprogramma zal afsluiten en alle wijzigingen zullen verloren gaan.
Network Installation. (Disabled: Received invalid groups data)
+ Netwerkinstallatie. (Uitgeschakeld: ongeldige gegevens over groepen)
@@ -1315,12 +1323,12 @@ Het installatieprogramma zal afsluiten en alle wijzigingen zullen verloren gaan.
Memory allocation error when setting '%1'
+ Foute geheugentoewijzing bij het instellen van %1.Memory allocation error
+ Foute geheugentoewijzing
@@ -1335,7 +1343,7 @@ Het installatieprogramma zal afsluiten en alle wijzigingen zullen verloren gaan.
The password differs with case changes only
+ Het wachtwoord verschilt slechts in hoofdlettergebruik
@@ -1350,192 +1358,192 @@ Het installatieprogramma zal afsluiten en alle wijzigingen zullen verloren gaan.
The password contains words from the real name of the user in some form
+ Het wachtwoord bevat woorden van de echte naam van de gebruiker in één of andere vorm.The password contains forbidden words in some form
+ Het wachtwoord bevat verboden woorden in één of andere vorm.The password contains less than %1 digits
+ Het wachtwoord bevat minder dan %1 cijfersThe password contains too few digits
+ Het wachtwoord bevat te weinig cijfersThe password contains less than %1 uppercase letters
+ Het wachtwoord bevat minder dan %1 hoofdletters.The password contains too few uppercase letters
+ Het wachtwoord bevat te weinig hoofdletters.The password contains less than %1 lowercase letters
+ Het wachtwoord bevat minder dan %1 kleine letters.The password contains too few lowercase letters
+ Het wachtwoord bevat te weinig kleine letters.The password contains less than %1 non-alphanumeric characters
+ Het wachtwoord bevat minder dan %1 niet-alfanumerieke symbolen.The password contains too few non-alphanumeric characters
+ Het wachtwoord bevat te weinig niet-alfanumerieke symbolen.The password is shorter than %1 characters
+ Het wachtwoord is korter dan %1 karakters.The password is too short
+ Het wachtwoord is te kort.The password is just rotated old one
+ Het wachtwoord is enkel omgedraaid.The password contains less than %1 character classes
+ Het wachtwoord bevat minder dan %1 karaktergroepenThe password does not contain enough character classes
+ Het wachtwoord bevat te weinig karaktergroepenThe password contains more than %1 same characters consecutively
+ Het wachtwoord bevat meer dan %1 dezelfde karakters na elkaarThe password contains too many same characters consecutively
+ Het wachtwoord bevat te veel dezelfde karakters na elkaarThe password contains more than %1 characters of the same class consecutively
+ Het wachtwoord bevat meer dan %1 karakters van dezelfde groep na elkaarThe password contains too many characters of the same class consecutively
+ Het wachtwoord bevat te veel karakters van dezelfde groep na elkaarThe password contains monotonic sequence longer than %1 characters
+ Het wachtwoord bevat een monotone sequentie van meer dan %1 karaktersThe password contains too long of a monotonic character sequence
+ Het wachtwoord bevat een te lange monotone sequentie van karaktersNo password supplied
+ Geen wachtwoord opgegevenCannot obtain random numbers from the RNG device
+ Kan geen willekeurige nummers verkrijgen van het RNG apparaatPassword generation failed - required entropy too low for settings
+ Wachtwoord aanmaken mislukt - te weinig wanorde voor de instellingenThe password fails the dictionary check - %1
+ Het wachtwoord faalt op de woordenboektest - %1The password fails the dictionary check
+ Het wachtwoord faalt op de woordenboektestUnknown setting - %1
+ Onbekende instelling - %1Unknown setting
+ Onbekende instellingBad integer value of setting - %1
+ Ongeldige gehele waarde voor instelling - %1Bad integer value
+ Ongeldige gehele waardeSetting %1 is not of integer type
+ Instelling %1 is niet van het type integerSetting is not of integer type
+ Instelling is niet van het type integerSetting %1 is not of string type
+ Instelling %1 is niet van het type stringSetting is not of string type
+ Instelling is niet van het type stringOpening the configuration file failed
+ Openen van het configuratiebestand is misluktThe configuration file is malformed
+ Het configuratiebestand is ongeldigFatal failure
+ Fatale foutUnknown error
+ Onbekende fout
@@ -1576,7 +1584,7 @@ Het installatieprogramma zal afsluiten en alle wijzigingen zullen verloren gaan.
+ font-weight: normalafronding lettertype: normaal
@@ -1606,22 +1614,22 @@ Het installatieprogramma zal afsluiten en alle wijzigingen zullen verloren gaan.
<small>Deze naam zal worden gebruikt als u de computer zichtbaar maakt voor anderen op een netwerk.</ small>
+ Log in automatically without asking for the password.Automatisch aanmelden zonder wachtwoord te vragen.
+ Use the same password for the administrator account.Gebruik hetzelfde wachtwoord voor het administratoraccount.
+ Choose a password for the administrator account.Kies een wachtwoord voor het administrator account.
+ <small>Enter the same password twice, so that it can be checked for typing errors.</small><small>Voer hetzelfde wachtwoord twee keer in, zodat het gecontroleerd kan worden op typefouten.</ small>
@@ -1729,7 +1737,7 @@ Het installatieprogramma zal afsluiten en alle wijzigingen zullen verloren gaan.
+ &Aanmaken
@@ -1744,42 +1752,42 @@ Het installatieprogramma zal afsluiten en alle wijzigingen zullen verloren gaan.
New Volume Group
+ Nieuwe volumegroepResize Volume Group
+ Volumegroep herschalenDeactivate Volume Group
+ Volumegroep uitschakelenRemove Volume Group
+ Volumegroep verwijderenI&nstall boot loader on:
+ I&nstalleer bootloader op:
+ Are you sure you want to create a new partition table on %1?Weet u zeker dat u een nieuwe partitie tabel wil maken op %1?
+ Can not create new partition
+ Kan de nieuwe partitie niet aanmaken
+ The partition table on %1 already has %2 primary partitions, and no more can be added. Please remove one primary partition and add an extended partition, instead.
+ De partitietabel op %1 bevat al %2 primaire partities en er kunnen geen nieuwe worden aangemaakt. In plaats hiervan kan één primaire partitie verwijderen en een uitgebreide partitie toevoegen.
@@ -1885,13 +1893,13 @@ Het installatieprogramma zal afsluiten en alle wijzigingen zullen verloren gaan.
Plasma Look-and-Feel Job
+ Plasma Look-and-Feel taakCould not select KDE Plasma Look-and-Feel package
+ Kon geen KDE Plasma Look-and-Feel pakket selecteren
@@ -1904,12 +1912,12 @@ Het installatieprogramma zal afsluiten en alle wijzigingen zullen verloren gaan.
+ PlaatshouderPlease choose a look-and-feel for the KDE Plasma Desktop. You can also skip this step and configure the look-and-feel once the system is installed. Clicking on a look-and-feel selection will give you a live preview of that look-and-feel.
+ Kies een Look-and Feel voor de KDE Plasma Desktop. Je kan deze stap ook overslaan en de Look-and-Feel instellen op het geïnstalleerde systeem. Bij het selecteren van een Look-and-Feel zal een live voorbeeld tonen van die Look-and-Feel.
@@ -1917,7 +1925,7 @@ Het installatieprogramma zal afsluiten en alle wijzigingen zullen verloren gaan.
+ Look-and-Feel
@@ -1925,17 +1933,17 @@ Het installatieprogramma zal afsluiten en alle wijzigingen zullen verloren gaan.
Saving files for later ...
+ Bestanden opslaan voor later...No files configured to save for later.
+ Geen bestanden geconfigureerd om op te slaan voor later.Not all of the configured files could be preserved.
+ Niet alle geconfigureerde bestanden konden worden bewaard.
@@ -1944,39 +1952,42 @@ Het installatieprogramma zal afsluiten en alle wijzigingen zullen verloren gaan.
There was no output from the command.
+Er was geen uitvoer van de opdracht.
+External command crashed.
+ Externe opdracht is vastgelopen.Command <i>%1</i> crashed.
+ Opdracht <i>%1</i> is vastgelopen.External command failed to start.
+ Externe opdracht kon niet worden gestart.Command <i>%1</i> failed to start.
+ Opdracht <i>%1</i> kon niet worden gestart.Internal error when starting command.
+ Interne fout bij het starten van de opdracht.
@@ -1986,22 +1997,22 @@ Output:
External command failed to finish.
+ Externe opdracht is niet correct beëindigd.Command <i>%1</i> failed to finish in %2 seconds.
+ Opdracht <i>%1</i> is niet beëindigd in %2 seconden.External command finished with errors.
+ Externe opdracht beëindigd met fouten.Command <i>%1</i> finished with exit code %2.
+ Opdracht <i>%1</i> beëindigd met foutcode %2.
@@ -2048,6 +2059,11 @@ Output:
Language (Country)%1 (%2)
+ (no mount point)
+ (geen aankoppelpunt)
+ RemoveVolumeGroupJob
@@ -2055,17 +2071,17 @@ Output:
Remove Volume Group named %1.
+ Volumegroep met de naam %1 verwijderen.Remove Volume Group named <strong>%1</strong>.
+ Volumegroep met de naam <strong>%1</strong> verwijderen.The installer failed to remove a volume group named '%1'.
+ Het installatieprogramma kon de volumegroep met de naam '%1' niet verwijderen.
@@ -2206,29 +2222,29 @@ Output:
Resize Filesystem Job
+ Bestandssysteem herschalen TaakInvalid configuration
+ Ongeldige configuratieThe file-system resize job has an invalid configuration and will not run.
+ De bestandssysteem herschalen-taak heeft een ongeldige configuratie en zal niet uitgevoerd worden. KPMCore not Available
+ KPMCore niet beschikbaarCalamares cannot start KPMCore for the file-system resize job.
+ Calamares kan KPMCore niet starten voor de bestandssysteem-herschaaltaak.
@@ -2237,39 +2253,39 @@ Output:
Resize Failed
+ Herschalen misluktThe filesystem %1 could not be found in this system, and cannot be resized.
+ Het bestandssysteem %1 kon niet gevonden worden op dit systeem en kan niet herschaald worden.The device %1 could not be found in this system, and cannot be resized.
+ Het apparaat %1 kon niet gevonden worden op dit systeem en kan niet herschaald worden.The filesystem %1 cannot be resized.
+ Het bestandssysteem %1 kan niet worden herschaald.The device %1 cannot be resized.
+ Het apparaat %1 kan niet worden herschaald.The filesystem %1 must be resized, but cannot.
+ Het bestandssysteem %1 moet worden herschaald, maar kan niet.The device %1 must be resized, but cannot
+ Het apparaat %1 moet worden herschaald, maar kan niet.
@@ -2295,23 +2311,31 @@ Output:
Installatieprogramma is er niet in geslaagd om de grootte van partitie %1 op schrijf %2 aan te passen.
+ ResizeVolumeGroupDialog
+ Resize Volume Group
+ Volumegroep herschalen
+ResizeVolumeGroupJobResize volume group named %1 from %2 to %3.
+ Herschaal volumegroep met de naam %1 van %2 naar %3.Resize volume group named <strong>%1</strong> from <strong>%2</strong> to <strong>%3</strong>.
+ Herschaal volumegroep met de naam <strong>%1</strong> van <strong>%2</strong> naar <strong>%3</strong>.The installer failed to resize a volume group named '%1'.
+ Het installatieprogramma kon de volumegroep met naam '%1' niet herschalen.
@@ -2556,7 +2580,7 @@ Output:
Shell Processes Job
+ Shell-processen Taak
@@ -2565,7 +2589,7 @@ Output:
%L1 / %L2slide counter, %1 of %2 (numeric)
+ %L1 / %L2
@@ -2589,22 +2613,22 @@ Output:
Installation feedback
+ InstallatiefeedbackSending installation feedback.
+ Installatiefeedback opsturen.Internal error in install-tracking.
+ Interne fout in de installatie-tracking.HTTP request timed out.
+ HTTP request is verlopen.
@@ -2612,28 +2636,28 @@ Output:
Machine feedback
+ MachinefeedbackConfiguring machine feedback.
+ Instellen van machinefeedback.Error in machine feedback configuration.
+ Fout in de configuratie van de machinefeedback.Could not configure machine feedback correctly, script error %1.
+ Kon de machinefeedback niet correct instellen, scriptfout %1.Could not configure machine feedback correctly, Calamares error %1.
+ Kon de machinefeedback niet correct instellen, Calamares-fout %1.
@@ -2646,51 +2670,51 @@ Output:
+ Plaatshouder<html><head/><body><p>By selecting this, you will send <span style=" font-weight:600;">no information at all</span> about your installation.</p></body></html>
+ <html><head/><body><p>Door dit aan te vinken zal er <span style=" font-weight:600;">geen enkele informatie</span> over jouw installatie verstuurd worden.</p></body></html> TextLabel
+ TextLabel...
+ ...<html><head/><body><p><a href="placeholder"><span style=" text-decoration: underline; color:#2980b9;">Click here for more information about user feedback</span></a></p></body></html>
+ <html><head/><body><p><a href="placeholder"><span style=" text-decoration: underline; color:#2980b9;">Klik hier voor meer informatie over gebruikersfeedback</span></a></p></body></html> Install tracking helps %1 to see how many users they have, what hardware they install %1 to and (with the last two options below), get continuous information about preferred applications. To see what will be sent, please click the help icon next to each area.
+ Installatie-tracking helpt %1 om te zien hoeveel gebruikers ze hebben, op welke hardware %1 geïnstalleerd wordt en (met de laatste twee opties hieronder) op de hoogte te blijven van de geprefereerde toepassingen. Om na te gaan wat verzonden zal worden, klik dan op het help-pictogram naast elke optie.By selecting this you will send information about your installation and hardware. This information will <b>only be sent once</b> after the installation finishes.
+ Door dit aan te vinken zal er informatie verstuurd worden over jouw installatie en hardware. Deze informatie zal <b>slechts eenmaal verstuurd worden</b> na het afronden van de installatie.By selecting this you will <b>periodically</b> send information about your installation, hardware and applications, to %1.
+ Door dit aan te vinken zal <b>periodiek</b> informatie verstuurd worden naar %1 over jouw installatie, hardware en toepassingen.By selecting this you will <b>regularly</b> send information about your installation, hardware, applications and usage patterns, to %1.
+ Door dit aan te vinken zal <b>regelmatig</b> informatie verstuurd worden naar %1 over jouw installatie, hardware, toepassingen en gebruikspatronen.
@@ -2698,39 +2722,39 @@ Output:
+ FeedbackUsersPage
+ Your username is too long.De gebruikersnaam is te lang.
+ Your username contains invalid characters. Only lowercase letters and numbers are allowed.De gebruikersnaam bevat ongeldige tekens. Enkel kleine letters en nummers zijn toegelaten.
+ Your hostname is too short.De hostnaam is te kort.
+ Your hostname is too long.De hostnaam is te lang.
+ Your hostname contains invalid characters. Only letters, numbers and dashes are allowed.De hostnaam bevat ongeldige tekens. Enkel letters, cijfers en liggende streepjes zijn toegelaten.
+ Your passwords do not match!Je wachtwoorden komen niet overeen!
@@ -2747,28 +2771,28 @@ Output:
- VolumeGroupDialog
+ Create Volume GroupList of Physical Volumes
+ Lijst met fysieke volumesVolume Group Name:
+ Volumegroep naam:Volume Group Type:
+ Volumegroep type:Physical Extent Size:
+ Fysieke reikwijdte grootte:
@@ -2778,7 +2802,7 @@ Output:
Total Size:
+ Totale grootte:
@@ -2786,22 +2810,22 @@ Output:
+ --- Used Size:
+ Gebruikte grootte:Total Sectors:
+ Totaal aantal sectoren:Quantity of LVs:
+ Aantal LV's:
@@ -2854,12 +2878,12 @@ Output:
<h1>%1</h1><br/><strong>%2<br/>for %3</strong><br/><br/>Copyright 2014-2017 Teo Mrnjavac <teo@kde.org><br/>Copyright 2017 Adriaan de Groot <groot@kde.org><br/>Thanks to: Anke Boersma, Aurélien Gâteau, Kevin Kofler, Lisa Vitolo, Philip Müller, Pier Luigi Fiorini, Rohan Garg and the <a href="https://www.transifex.com/calamares/calamares/">Calamares translators team</a>.<br/><br/><a href="https://calamares.io/">Calamares</a> development is sponsored by <br/><a href="http://www.blue-systems.com/">Blue Systems</a> - Liberating Software.
+ <h1>%1</h1><br/><strong>%2<br/>voor %3</strong><br/><br/>Copyright 2014-2017 Teo Mrnjavac <teo@kde.org><br/>Copyright 2017 Adriaan de Groot <groot@kde.org><br/>Met dank aan: Anke Boersma, Aurélien Gâteau, Kevin Kofler, Lisa Vitolo, Philip Müller, Pier Luigi Fiorini, Rohan Garg en het <a href="https://www.transifex.com/calamares/calamares/">Calamares vertaalteam</a>.<br/><br/>De ontwikkeling van <a href="https://calamares.io/">Calamares</a> wordt gesponsord door <br/><a href="http://www.blue-systems.com/">Blue Systems</a> - Liberating Software. %1 support
- %1 ondersteuning
+ %1 ondersteuning
diff --git a/lang/calamares_pl.ts b/lang/calamares_pl.ts
index 54b5b3fff..5a61f26c1 100644
--- a/lang/calamares_pl.ts
+++ b/lang/calamares_pl.ts
@@ -354,17 +354,17 @@ Instalator zostanie zamknięty i wszystkie zmiany zostaną utracone.Po:
+ <strong>Manual partitioning</strong><br/>You can create or resize partitions yourself.<strong>Ręczne partycjonowanie</strong><br/>Możesz samodzielnie utworzyć lub zmienić rozmiar istniejących partycji.
+ Boot loader location:Położenie programu rozruchowego:
+ %1 will be shrunk to %2MB and a new %3MB partition will be created for %4.%1 zostanie zmniejszony do %2MB a nowa partycja %3MB zostanie utworzona dla %4.
@@ -375,108 +375,108 @@ Instalator zostanie zamknięty i wszystkie zmiany zostaną utracone.
+ Current:Bieżący:
+ Reuse %1 as home partition for %2.Użyj ponownie %1 jako partycji domowej dla %2.
+ <strong>Select a partition to shrink, then drag the bottom bar to resize</strong><strong>Wybierz partycję do zmniejszenia, a następnie przeciągnij dolny pasek, aby zmienić jej rozmiar</strong>
+ <strong>Select a partition to install on</strong><strong>Wybierz partycję, na której przeprowadzona będzie instalacja</strong>
+ An EFI system partition cannot be found anywhere on this system. Please go back and use manual partitioning to set up %1.Nigdzie w tym systemie nie można odnaleźć partycji systemowej EFI. Prosimy się cofnąć i użyć ręcznego partycjonowania dysku do ustawienia %1.
+ The EFI system partition at %1 will be used for starting %2.Partycja systemowa EFI na %1 będzie użyta do uruchamiania %2.
+ EFI system partition:Partycja systemowa EFI:
+ This storage device does not seem to have an operating system on it. What would you like to do?<br/>You will be able to review and confirm your choices before any change is made to the storage device.To urządzenie pamięci masowej prawdopodobnie nie posiada żadnego systemu operacyjnego. Co chcesz zrobić?<br/>Będziesz miał możliwość przejrzenia oraz zatwierdzenia swoich ustawień przed wykonaniem jakichkolwiek zmian na tym urządzeniu.
+ <strong>Erase disk</strong><br/>This will <font color="red">delete</font> all data currently present on the selected storage device.<strong>Wyczyść dysk</strong><br/>Ta operacja <font color="red">usunie</font> wszystkie dane obecnie znajdujące się na wybranym urządzeniu przechowywania.
+ This storage device has %1 on it. What would you like to do?<br/>You will be able to review and confirm your choices before any change is made to the storage device.To urządzenie pamięci masowej posiada %1. Co chcesz zrobić?<br/>Będziesz miał możliwość przejrzenia oraz zatwierdzenia swoich ustawień przed wykonaniem jakichkolwiek zmian na tym urządzeniu.
+ No SwapBrak przestrzeni wymiany
+ Reuse SwapUżyj ponownie przestrzeni wymiany
+ Swap (no Hibernate)Przestrzeń wymiany (bez hibernacji)
+ Swap (with Hibernate)Przestrzeń wymiany (z hibernacją)
+ Swap to filePrzestrzeń wymiany do pliku
+ <strong>Install alongside</strong><br/>The installer will shrink a partition to make room for %1.<strong>Zainstaluj obok siebie</strong><br/>Instalator zmniejszy partycję, aby zrobić miejsce dla %1.
+ <strong>Replace a partition</strong><br/>Replaces a partition with %1.<strong>Zastąp partycję</strong><br/>Zastępowanie partycji poprzez %1.
+ This storage device already has an operating system on it. What would you like to do?<br/>You will be able to review and confirm your choices before any change is made to the storage device.To urządzenie pamięci masowej posiada już system operacyjny. Co chcesz zrobić?<br/>Będziesz miał możliwość przejrzenia oraz zatwierdzenia swoich ustawień przed wykonaniem jakichkolwiek zmian na tym urządzeniu.
+ This storage device has multiple operating systems on it. What would you like to do?<br/>You will be able to review and confirm your choices before any change is made to the storage device.To urządzenie pamięci masowej posiada kilka systemów operacyjnych. Co chcesz zrobić?<br/>Będziesz miał możliwość przejrzenia oraz zatwierdzenia swoich ustawień przed wykonaniem jakichkolwiek zmian na tym urządzeniu.
@@ -739,6 +739,14 @@ Instalator zostanie zamknięty i wszystkie zmiany zostaną utracone.Nie można otworzyć pliku groups do odczytu.
+ CreateVolumeGroupDialog
+ Create Volume Group
@@ -1576,7 +1584,7 @@ Instalator zostanie zamknięty i wszystkie zmiany zostaną utracone.
+ font-weight: normalfont-weight: normal
@@ -1606,22 +1614,22 @@ Instalator zostanie zamknięty i wszystkie zmiany zostaną utracone.<small>Ta nazwa będzie używana, jeśli udostępnisz swój komputer w sieci.</small>
+ Log in automatically without asking for the password.Zaloguj automatycznie bez proszenia o hasło.
+ Use the same password for the administrator account.Użyj tego samego hasła dla konta administratora.
+ Choose a password for the administrator account.Wybierz hasło do konta administratora.
+ <small>Enter the same password twice, so that it can be checked for typing errors.</small><small>Wpisz to samo hasło dwa razy, aby mieć pewność, że uniknąłeś literówek.</small>
@@ -1767,17 +1775,17 @@ Instalator zostanie zamknięty i wszystkie zmiany zostaną utracone.Zainstaluj program rozruchowy
+ Are you sure you want to create a new partition table on %1?Czy na pewno chcesz utworzyć nową tablicę partycji na %1?
+ Can not create new partitionNie można utworzyć nowej partycji
+ The partition table on %1 already has %2 primary partitions, and no more can be added. Please remove one primary partition and add an extended partition, instead.Tablica partycji na %1 ma już %2 podstawowych partycji i więcej nie może już być dodanych. Prosimy o usunięcie jednej partycji systemowej i dodanie zamiast niej partycji rozszerzonej.
@@ -2051,6 +2059,11 @@ Wyjście:
Language (Country)%1 (%2)
+ (no mount point)
+ RemoveVolumeGroupJob
@@ -2299,6 +2312,14 @@ i nie uruchomi się
Instalator nie mógł zmienić rozmiaru partycji %1 na dysku '%2'.
+ ResizeVolumeGroupDialog
+ Resize Volume Group
+ Zmień Rozmiar Grupy Woluminów
@@ -2708,33 +2729,33 @@ i nie uruchomi się
+ Your username is too long.Twoja nazwa użytkownika jest za długa.
+ Your username contains invalid characters. Only lowercase letters and numbers are allowed.Twoja nazwa użytkownika zawiera niepoprawne znaki. Dozwolone są tylko małe litery i cyfry.
+ Your hostname is too short.Twoja nazwa komputera jest za krótka.
+ Your hostname is too long.Twoja nazwa komputera jest za długa.
+ Your hostname contains invalid characters. Only letters, numbers and dashes are allowed.Twoja nazwa komputera zawiera niepoprawne znaki. Dozwolone są tylko litery, cyfry i myślniki.
+ Your passwords do not match!Twoje hasła nie są zgodne!
@@ -2751,8 +2772,8 @@ i nie uruchomi się
- VolumeGroupDialog
- DialogGrupyWoluminów
+ Create Volume Group
diff --git a/lang/calamares_pt_BR.ts b/lang/calamares_pt_BR.ts
index 02a6b353d..a064985e7 100644
--- a/lang/calamares_pt_BR.ts
+++ b/lang/calamares_pt_BR.ts
@@ -354,17 +354,17 @@ O instalador será fechado e todas as alterações serão perdidas.Depois:
+ <strong>Manual partitioning</strong><br/>You can create or resize partitions yourself.<strong>Particionamento manual</strong><br/>Você pode criar ou redimensionar partições.
+ Boot loader location:Local do gerenciador de inicialização:
+ %1 will be shrunk to %2MB and a new %3MB partition will be created for %4.%1 será reduzida para %2MB e uma nova partição de %3MB será criada para %4.
@@ -375,108 +375,108 @@ O instalador será fechado e todas as alterações serão perdidas.
+ Current:Atual:
+ Reuse %1 as home partition for %2.Reutilizar %1 como partição home para %2.
+ <strong>Select a partition to shrink, then drag the bottom bar to resize</strong><strong>Selecione uma partição para reduzir, então arraste a barra de baixo para redimensionar</strong>
+ <strong>Select a partition to install on</strong><strong>Selecione uma partição para instalação</strong>
+ An EFI system partition cannot be found anywhere on this system. Please go back and use manual partitioning to set up %1.Uma partição de sistema EFI não pôde ser encontrada neste dispositivo. Por favor, volte e use o particionamento manual para gerenciar %1.
+ The EFI system partition at %1 will be used for starting %2.A partição de sistema EFI em %1 será utilizada para iniciar %2.
+ EFI system partition:Partição de sistema EFI:
+ This storage device does not seem to have an operating system on it. What would you like to do?<br/>You will be able to review and confirm your choices before any change is made to the storage device.Parece que não há um sistema operacional neste dispositivo de armazenamento. O que você gostaria de fazer?<br/>Você poderá revisar e confirmar suas opções antes que as alterações sejam feitas no dispositivo de armazenamento.
+ <strong>Erase disk</strong><br/>This will <font color="red">delete</font> all data currently present on the selected storage device.<strong>Apagar disco</strong><br/>Isto <font color="red">excluirá</font> todos os dados no dispositivo de armazenamento selecionado.
+ This storage device has %1 on it. What would you like to do?<br/>You will be able to review and confirm your choices before any change is made to the storage device.Este dispositivo de armazenamento possui %1 nele. O que você gostaria de fazer?<br/>Você poderá revisar e confirmar suas opções antes que as alterações sejam feitas no dispositivo de armazenamento.
+ No SwapSem swap
+ Reuse SwapReutilizar swap
+ Swap (no Hibernate)Swap (sem hibernação)
+ Swap (with Hibernate)Swap (com hibernação)
+ Swap to fileSwap em arquivo
+ <strong>Install alongside</strong><br/>The installer will shrink a partition to make room for %1.<strong>Instalar lado a lado</strong><br/>O instalador reduzirá uma partição para liberar espaço para %1.
+ <strong>Replace a partition</strong><br/>Replaces a partition with %1.<strong>Substituir uma partição</strong><br/>Substitui uma partição com %1.
+ This storage device already has an operating system on it. What would you like to do?<br/>You will be able to review and confirm your choices before any change is made to the storage device.Já há um sistema operacional neste dispositivo de armazenamento. O que você gostaria de fazer?<br/>Você poderá revisar e confirmar suas opções antes que as alterações sejam feitas no dispositivo de armazenamento.
+ This storage device has multiple operating systems on it. What would you like to do?<br/>You will be able to review and confirm your choices before any change is made to the storage device.Há diversos sistemas operacionais neste dispositivo de armazenamento. O que você gostaria de fazer?<br/>Você poderá revisar e confirmar suas opções antes que as alterações sejam feitas no dispositivo de armazenamento.
@@ -739,6 +739,14 @@ O instalador será fechado e todas as alterações serão perdidas.Não foi possível abrir arquivo de grupos para leitura.
+ CreateVolumeGroupDialog
+ Create Volume Group
+ Criar Grupo de Volumes
@@ -1576,7 +1584,7 @@ O instalador será fechado e todas as alterações serão perdidas.
+ font-weight: normalfonte: normal
@@ -1606,22 +1614,22 @@ O instalador será fechado e todas as alterações serão perdidas.<small>Esse nome será usado caso você deixe o computador visível a outros na rede.</small>
+ Log in automatically without asking for the password.Entrar automaticamente sem perguntar pela senha.
+ Use the same password for the administrator account.Usar a mesma senha para a conta de administrador.
+ Choose a password for the administrator account.Escolha uma senha para a conta administradora.
+ <small>Enter the same password twice, so that it can be checked for typing errors.</small><small>Digite a mesma senha duas vezes para que possa ser verificada contra erros de digitação.</small>
@@ -1767,17 +1775,17 @@ O instalador será fechado e todas as alterações serão perdidas.I&nstalar gerenciador de inicialização em:
+ Are you sure you want to create a new partition table on %1?Você tem certeza de que deseja criar uma nova tabela de partições em %1?
+ Can not create new partitionNão foi possível criar uma nova partição
+ The partition table on %1 already has %2 primary partitions, and no more can be added. Please remove one primary partition and add an extended partition, instead.A tabela de partições %1 já tem %2 partições primárias, e nenhuma a mais pode ser adicionada. Por favor, remova uma partição primária e adicione uma partição estendida no lugar.
@@ -2051,6 +2059,11 @@ Saída:
Language (Country)%1 (%2)
+ (no mount point)
+ (sem ponto de montagem)
+ RemoveVolumeGroupJob
@@ -2298,6 +2311,14 @@ Saída:
O instalador falhou em redimensionar a partição %1 no disco '%2'.
+ ResizeVolumeGroupDialog
+ Resize Volume Group
+ Redimensionar Grupo de Volumes
@@ -2707,33 +2728,33 @@ Saída:
+ Your username is too long.O nome de usuário é grande demais.
+ Your username contains invalid characters. Only lowercase letters and numbers are allowed.O nome de usuário contém caracteres inválidos. Apenas letras minúsculas e números são permitidos.
+ Your hostname is too short.O nome da máquina é muito curto.
+ Your hostname is too long.O nome da máquina é muito grande.
+ Your hostname contains invalid characters. Only letters, numbers and dashes are allowed.O nome da máquina contém caracteres inválidos. Apenas letras, números e traços são permitidos.
+ Your passwords do not match!As senhas não estão iguais!
@@ -2750,8 +2771,8 @@ Saída:
- VolumeGroupDialog
- VolumeGroupDialog
+ Create Volume Group
+ Criar Grupo de Volumes
diff --git a/lang/calamares_pt_PT.ts b/lang/calamares_pt_PT.ts
index 3bdb90445..3cd0e9ac8 100644
--- a/lang/calamares_pt_PT.ts
+++ b/lang/calamares_pt_PT.ts
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
Boot Partition
- Partição de Arranque
+ Partição de arranque
@@ -354,17 +354,17 @@ O instalador será encerrado e todas as alterações serão perdidas.Depois:
+ <strong>Manual partitioning</strong><br/>You can create or resize partitions yourself.<strong>Particionamento manual</strong><br/>Pode criar ou redimensionar partições manualmente.
+ Boot loader location:Localização do carregador de arranque:
+ %1 will be shrunk to %2MB and a new %3MB partition will be created for %4.%1 será encolhida para %2MB e uma nova %3MB partição será criada para %4.
@@ -375,108 +375,108 @@ O instalador será encerrado e todas as alterações serão perdidas.
+ Current:Atual:
+ Reuse %1 as home partition for %2.Reutilizar %1 como partição home para %2.
+ <strong>Select a partition to shrink, then drag the bottom bar to resize</strong><strong>Selecione uma partição para encolher, depois arraste a barra de fundo para redimensionar</strong>
+ <strong>Select a partition to install on</strong><strong>Selecione uma partição para instalar</strong>
+ An EFI system partition cannot be found anywhere on this system. Please go back and use manual partitioning to set up %1.Nenhuma partição de sistema EFI foi encontrada neste sistema. Por favor volte atrás e use o particionamento manual para configurar %1.
+ The EFI system partition at %1 will be used for starting %2.A partição de sistema EFI em %1 será usada para iniciar %2.
+ EFI system partition:Partição de sistema EFI:
+ This storage device does not seem to have an operating system on it. What would you like to do?<br/>You will be able to review and confirm your choices before any change is made to the storage device.Este dispositivo de armazenamento aparenta não ter um sistema operativo. O que quer fazer?<br/>Poderá rever e confirmar as suas escolhas antes de qualquer alteração ser feita no dispositivo de armazenamento.
+ <strong>Erase disk</strong><br/>This will <font color="red">delete</font> all data currently present on the selected storage device.<strong>Apagar disco</strong><br/>Isto irá <font color="red">apagar</font> todos os dados atualmente apresentados no dispositivo de armazenamento selecionado.
+ This storage device has %1 on it. What would you like to do?<br/>You will be able to review and confirm your choices before any change is made to the storage device.Este dispositivo de armazenamento tem %1 nele. O que quer fazer?<br/>Poderá rever e confirmar as suas escolhas antes de qualquer alteração ser feita no dispositivo de armazenamento.
+ No SwapSem Swap
+ Reuse SwapReutilizar Swap
+ Swap (no Hibernate)Swap (sem Hibernação)
+ Swap (with Hibernate)Swap (com Hibernação)
+ Swap to fileSwap para ficheiro
+ <strong>Install alongside</strong><br/>The installer will shrink a partition to make room for %1.<strong>Instalar paralelamente</strong><br/>O instalador irá encolher a partição para arranjar espaço para %1.
+ <strong>Replace a partition</strong><br/>Replaces a partition with %1.<strong>Substituir a partição</strong><br/>Substitui a partição com %1.
+ This storage device already has an operating system on it. What would you like to do?<br/>You will be able to review and confirm your choices before any change is made to the storage device.Este dispositivo de armazenamento já tem um sistema operativo nele. O que quer fazer?<br/>Poderá rever e confirmar as suas escolhas antes de qualquer alteração ser feita no dispositivo de armazenamento.
+ This storage device has multiple operating systems on it. What would you like to do?<br/>You will be able to review and confirm your choices before any change is made to the storage device.Este dispositivo de armazenamento tem múltiplos sistemas operativos nele, O que quer fazer?<br/>Poderá rever e confirmar as suas escolhas antes de qualquer alteração ser feita no dispositivo de armazenamento.
@@ -739,6 +739,14 @@ O instalador será encerrado e todas as alterações serão perdidas.Impossível abrir ficheiro dos grupos para leitura.
+ CreateVolumeGroupDialog
+ Create Volume Group
+ Criar Grupo de Volume
@@ -1576,7 +1584,7 @@ O instalador será encerrado e todas as alterações serão perdidas.
+ font-weight: normalfont-weight: normal
@@ -1606,22 +1614,22 @@ O instalador será encerrado e todas as alterações serão perdidas.<small>Este nome será usado se tornar este computador visível para outros numa rede.</small>
+ Log in automatically without asking for the password.Iniciar sessão automaticamente sem pedir a palavra-passe.
+ Use the same password for the administrator account.Usar a mesma palavra-passe para a conta de administrador.
+ Choose a password for the administrator account.Escolha uma palavra-passe para a conta de administrador.
+ <small>Enter the same password twice, so that it can be checked for typing errors.</small><small>Introduza a mesma palavra-passe duas vezes, para que se possam verificar erros de digitação.</small>
@@ -1767,17 +1775,17 @@ O instalador será encerrado e todas as alterações serão perdidas.I&nstalar carregador de arranque em:
+ Are you sure you want to create a new partition table on %1?Tem certeza de que deseja criar uma nova tabela de partições em %1?
+ Can not create new partitionNão é possível criar nova partição
+ The partition table on %1 already has %2 primary partitions, and no more can be added. Please remove one primary partition and add an extended partition, instead.A tabela de partições em %1 já tem %2 partições primárias, e não podem ser adicionadas mais. Em vez disso, por favor remova uma partição primária e adicione uma partição estendida.
@@ -2051,6 +2059,11 @@ Saída de Dados:
Language (Country)%1 (%2)
+ (no mount point)
+ (sem ponto de montagem)
+ RemoveVolumeGroupJob
@@ -2298,6 +2311,14 @@ Saída de Dados:
O instalador falhou o redimensionamento da partição %1 no disco '%2'.
+ ResizeVolumeGroupDialog
+ Resize Volume Group
+ Redimensionar Grupo de Volume
@@ -2707,33 +2728,33 @@ Saída de Dados:
+ Your username is too long.O seu nome de utilizador é demasiado longo.
+ Your username contains invalid characters. Only lowercase letters and numbers are allowed.O seu nome de utilizador contem caractéres inválidos. Apenas letras minúsculas e números são permitidos.
+ Your hostname is too short.O nome da sua máquina é demasiado curto.
+ Your hostname is too long.O nome da sua máquina é demasiado longo.
+ Your hostname contains invalid characters. Only letters, numbers and dashes are allowed.O nome da sua máquina contém caratéres inválidos. Apenas letras, números e traços são permitidos.
+ Your passwords do not match!As suas palavras-passe não coincidem!
@@ -2750,8 +2771,8 @@ Saída de Dados:
- VolumeGroupDialog
- VolumeGroupDialog
+ Create Volume Group
+ Criar Grupo de Volume
diff --git a/lang/calamares_ro.ts b/lang/calamares_ro.ts
index 0763b9bb4..3a4688a2a 100644
--- a/lang/calamares_ro.ts
+++ b/lang/calamares_ro.ts
@@ -354,17 +354,17 @@ Programul de instalare va ieși, iar toate modificările vor fi pierdute.După:
+ <strong>Manual partitioning</strong><br/>You can create or resize partitions yourself.<strong>Partiționare manuală</strong><br/>Puteți crea sau redimensiona partițiile.
+ Boot loader location:Locație boot loader:
+ %1 will be shrunk to %2MB and a new %3MB partition will be created for %4.%1 va fi micșorată la %2MB și o nouă partiție %3MB va fi creată pentru %4.
@@ -375,108 +375,108 @@ Programul de instalare va ieși, iar toate modificările vor fi pierdute.
+ Current:Actual:
+ Reuse %1 as home partition for %2.Reutilizează %1 ca partiție home pentru %2.
+ <strong>Select a partition to shrink, then drag the bottom bar to resize</strong><strong>Selectează o partiție de micșorat, apoi trageți bara din jos pentru a redimensiona</strong>
+ <strong>Select a partition to install on</strong><strong>Selectează o partiție pe care să se instaleze</strong>
+ An EFI system partition cannot be found anywhere on this system. Please go back and use manual partitioning to set up %1.O partiție de sistem EFI nu poate fi găsită nicăieri în acest sistem. Vă rugăm să reveniți și să partiționați manual pentru a seta %1.
+ The EFI system partition at %1 will be used for starting %2.Partiția de sistem EFI de la %1 va fi folosită pentru a porni %2.
+ EFI system partition:Partiție de sistem EFI:
+ This storage device does not seem to have an operating system on it. What would you like to do?<br/>You will be able to review and confirm your choices before any change is made to the storage device.Acest dispozitiv de stocare nu pare să aibă un sistem de operare instalat. Ce doriți să faceți?<br/>Veți putea revedea și confirma alegerile făcute înainte să fie realizate schimbări pe dispozitivul de stocare.
+ <strong>Erase disk</strong><br/>This will <font color="red">delete</font> all data currently present on the selected storage device.<strong>Șterge discul</strong><br/>Aceasta va <font color="red">șterge</font> toate datele prezente pe dispozitivul de stocare selectat.
+ This storage device has %1 on it. What would you like to do?<br/>You will be able to review and confirm your choices before any change is made to the storage device.Acest dispozitiv de stocare are %1. Ce doriți să faceți?<br/>Veți putea revedea și confirma alegerile făcute înainte să fie realizate schimbări pe dispozitivul de stocare.
+ No Swap
+ Reuse Swap
+ Swap (no Hibernate)
+ Swap (with Hibernate)
+ Swap to file
+ <strong>Install alongside</strong><br/>The installer will shrink a partition to make room for %1.<strong>Instalează laolaltă</strong><br/>Instalatorul va micșora o partiție pentru a face loc pentru %1.
+ <strong>Replace a partition</strong><br/>Replaces a partition with %1.<strong>Înlocuiește o partiție</strong><br/>Înlocuiește o partiție cu %1.
+ This storage device already has an operating system on it. What would you like to do?<br/>You will be able to review and confirm your choices before any change is made to the storage device.Acest dispozitiv de stocare are deja un sistem de operare instalat. Ce doriți să faceți?<br/>Veți putea revedea și confirma alegerile făcute înainte de se realiza schimbări pe dispozitivul de stocare.
+ This storage device has multiple operating systems on it. What would you like to do?<br/>You will be able to review and confirm your choices before any change is made to the storage device.Acest dispozitiv de stocare are mai multe sisteme de operare instalate. Ce doriți să faceți?<br/>Veți putea revedea și confirma alegerile făcute înainte de a se realiza schimbări pe dispozitivul de stocare.
@@ -739,6 +739,14 @@ Programul de instalare va ieși, iar toate modificările vor fi pierdute.Nu se poate deschide fișierul groups pentru citire.
+ CreateVolumeGroupDialog
+ Create Volume Group
@@ -1579,7 +1587,7 @@ Programul de instalare va ieși, iar toate modificările vor fi pierdute.
+ font-weight: normalgrosimea fontului: normală
@@ -1609,22 +1617,22 @@ Programul de instalare va ieși, iar toate modificările vor fi pierdute.<small>Numele va fi folosit dacă faceți acest calculator vizibil pentru alții pe o rețea.</small>
+ Log in automatically without asking for the password.Autentifică-mă automat, fără a-mi cere parola.
+ Use the same password for the administrator account.Folosește aceeași parolă pentru contul de administrator.
+ Choose a password for the administrator account.Alege o parolă pentru contul de administrator.
+ <small>Enter the same password twice, so that it can be checked for typing errors.</small><small>Introduceți parola de 2 ori pentru a se verifica greșelile de tipar.</small>
@@ -1770,17 +1778,17 @@ Programul de instalare va ieși, iar toate modificările vor fi pierdute.
+ Are you sure you want to create a new partition table on %1?Sigur doriți să creați o nouă tabelă de partiție pe %1?
+ Can not create new partition
+ The partition table on %1 already has %2 primary partitions, and no more can be added. Please remove one primary partition and add an extended partition, instead.
@@ -2054,6 +2062,11 @@ Output
Language (Country)%1 (%2)
+ (no mount point)
+ RemoveVolumeGroupJob
@@ -2301,6 +2314,14 @@ Output
Programul de instalare nu a redimensionat partiția %1 pe discul „%2”.
+ ResizeVolumeGroupDialog
+ Resize Volume Group
@@ -2710,33 +2731,33 @@ Output
+ Your username is too long.Numele de utilizator este prea lung.
+ Your username contains invalid characters. Only lowercase letters and numbers are allowed.Numele de utilizator conține caractere invalide. Folosiți doar litere mici și numere.
+ Your hostname is too short.Hostname este prea scurt.
+ Your hostname is too long.Hostname este prea lung.
+ Your hostname contains invalid characters. Only letters, numbers and dashes are allowed.Hostname conține caractere invalide. Folosiți doar litere, numere și cratime.
+ Your passwords do not match!Parolele nu se potrivesc!
@@ -2753,7 +2774,7 @@ Output
- VolumeGroupDialog
+ Create Volume Group
diff --git a/lang/calamares_ru.ts b/lang/calamares_ru.ts
index 860259f6a..18a13f399 100644
--- a/lang/calamares_ru.ts
+++ b/lang/calamares_ru.ts
@@ -353,17 +353,17 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost.
+ <strong>Manual partitioning</strong><br/>You can create or resize partitions yourself.<strong>Ручная разметка</strong><br/>Вы можете самостоятельно создавать разделы или изменять их размеры.
+ Boot loader location:Расположение загрузчика:
+ %1 will be shrunk to %2MB and a new %3MB partition will be created for %4.%1 будет уменьшен до %2MB и новый раздел %3MB будет создан для %4.
@@ -374,108 +374,108 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost.
+ Current:Текущий:
+ Reuse %1 as home partition for %2.Использовать %1 как домашний раздел для %2.
+ <strong>Select a partition to shrink, then drag the bottom bar to resize</strong><strong>Выберите раздел для уменьшения, затем двигайте ползунок, изменяя размер</strong>
+ <strong>Select a partition to install on</strong><strong>Выберите раздел для установки</strong>
+ An EFI system partition cannot be found anywhere on this system. Please go back and use manual partitioning to set up %1.Не найдено системного раздела EFI. Пожалуйста, вернитесь назад и выполните ручную разметку %1.
+ The EFI system partition at %1 will be used for starting %2.Системный раздел EFI на %1 будет использован для запуска %2.
+ EFI system partition:Системный раздел EFI:
+ This storage device does not seem to have an operating system on it. What would you like to do?<br/>You will be able to review and confirm your choices before any change is made to the storage device.Видимо, на этом устройстве нет операционной системы. Что Вы хотите сделать?<br/>Вы сможете изменить или подтвердить свой выбор до того, как на устройстве будут сделаны какие-либо изменения.
+ <strong>Erase disk</strong><br/>This will <font color="red">delete</font> all data currently present on the selected storage device.<strong>Стереть диск</strong><br/>Это <font color="red">удалит</font> все данные, которые сейчас находятся на выбранном устройстве.
+ This storage device has %1 on it. What would you like to do?<br/>You will be able to review and confirm your choices before any change is made to the storage device.На этом устройстве есть %1. Что Вы хотите сделать?<br/>Вы сможете изменить или подтвердить свой выбор до того, как на устройстве будут сделаны какие-либо изменения.
+ No Swap
+ Reuse Swap
+ Swap (no Hibernate)
+ Swap (with Hibernate)
+ Swap to file
+ <strong>Install alongside</strong><br/>The installer will shrink a partition to make room for %1.<strong>Установить рядом</strong><br/>Программа установки уменьшит раздел, чтобы освободить место для %1.
+ <strong>Replace a partition</strong><br/>Replaces a partition with %1.<strong>Заменить раздел</strong><br/>Меняет раздел на %1.
+ This storage device already has an operating system on it. What would you like to do?<br/>You will be able to review and confirm your choices before any change is made to the storage device.На этом устройстве уже есть операционная система. Что Вы хотите сделать?<br/>Вы сможете изменить или подтвердить свой выбор до того, как на устройстве будут сделаны какие-либо изменения.
+ This storage device has multiple operating systems on it. What would you like to do?<br/>You will be able to review and confirm your choices before any change is made to the storage device.На этом устройстве есть несколько операционных систем. Что Вы хотите сделать?<br/>Вы сможете изменить или подтвердить свой выбор до того, как на устройстве будут сделаны какие-либо изменения.
@@ -738,6 +738,14 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost.
Не удалось открыть файл groups для чтения.
+ CreateVolumeGroupDialog
+ Create Volume Group
@@ -1575,7 +1583,7 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost.
+ font-weight: normalГарнитура: обычная
@@ -1605,22 +1613,22 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost.
<small>Это имя будет использовано, если Вы сделаете этот компьютер видимым в сети.</small>
+ Log in automatically without asking for the password.Автоматический вход, без запроса пароля.
+ Use the same password for the administrator account.Использовать тот же пароль для аккаунта администратора.
+ Choose a password for the administrator account.Выберите пароль администратора
+ <small>Enter the same password twice, so that it can be checked for typing errors.</small><small>Введите пароль дважды, чтобы исключить ошибки ввода.</small>
@@ -1766,17 +1774,17 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost.
Уст&ановить загрузчик в:
+ Are you sure you want to create a new partition table on %1?Вы уверены, что хотите создать новую таблицу разделов на %1?
+ Can not create new partitionНе удалось создать новый раздел
+ The partition table on %1 already has %2 primary partitions, and no more can be added. Please remove one primary partition and add an extended partition, instead.В таблице разделов на %1 уже %2 первичных разделов, больше добавить нельзя. Удалите один из первичных разделов и добавьте расширенный раздел.
@@ -2050,6 +2058,11 @@ Output:
Language (Country)%1 (%2)
+ (no mount point)
+ RemoveVolumeGroupJob
@@ -2297,6 +2310,14 @@ Output:
Программе установки не удалось изменить размер раздела %1 на диске '%2'.
+ ResizeVolumeGroupDialog
+ Resize Volume Group
+ Изменить размер группы томов
@@ -2706,33 +2727,33 @@ Output:
+ Your username is too long.Ваше имя пользователя слишком длинное.
+ Your username contains invalid characters. Only lowercase letters and numbers are allowed.Ваше имя пользователя содержит недопустимые символы. Допускаются только строчные буквы и цифры.
+ Your hostname is too short.Имя вашего компьютера слишком коротко.
+ Your hostname is too long.Имя вашего компьютера слишком длинное.
+ Your hostname contains invalid characters. Only letters, numbers and dashes are allowed.Имя вашего компьютера содержит недопустимые символы. Разрешены буквы, цифры и тире.
+ Your passwords do not match!Пароли не совпадают!
@@ -2749,7 +2770,7 @@ Output:
- VolumeGroupDialog
+ Create Volume Group
diff --git a/lang/calamares_sk.ts b/lang/calamares_sk.ts
index 4222a0714..521d05a7d 100644
--- a/lang/calamares_sk.ts
+++ b/lang/calamares_sk.ts
@@ -354,17 +354,17 @@ Inštalátor sa ukončí a všetky zmeny budú stratené.
+ <strong>Manual partitioning</strong><br/>You can create or resize partitions yourself.<strong>Ručné rozdelenie oddielov</strong><br/>Môžete vytvoriť alebo zmeniť veľkosť oddielov podľa seba.
+ Boot loader location:Umiestnenie zavádzača:
+ %1 will be shrunk to %2MB and a new %3MB partition will be created for %4.Oddiel %1 bude zmenšený na %2MB a nový %3MB oddiel bude vytvorený pre distribúciu %4.
@@ -375,108 +375,108 @@ Inštalátor sa ukončí a všetky zmeny budú stratené.
+ Current:Teraz:
+ Reuse %1 as home partition for %2.Opakované použitie oddielu %1 ako domovského pre distribúciu %2.
+ <strong>Select a partition to shrink, then drag the bottom bar to resize</strong><strong>Vyberte oddiel na zmenšenie a potom potiahnutím spodného pruhu zmeňte veľkosť</strong>
+ <strong>Select a partition to install on</strong><strong>Vyberte oddiel, na ktorý sa má inštalovať</strong>
+ An EFI system partition cannot be found anywhere on this system. Please go back and use manual partitioning to set up %1.Oddiel systému EFI sa nedá v tomto počítači nájsť. Prosím, prejdite späť a použite ručné rozdelenie oddielov na inštaláciu distribúcie %1.
+ The EFI system partition at %1 will be used for starting %2.Oddie lsystému EFI na %1 bude použitý na spustenie distribúcie %2.
+ EFI system partition:Oddiel systému EFI:
+ This storage device does not seem to have an operating system on it. What would you like to do?<br/>You will be able to review and confirm your choices before any change is made to the storage device.Zdá sa, že toto úložné zariadenie neobsahuje operačný systém. Čo by ste chceli urobiť?<br/>Budete môcť skontrolovať a potvrdiť vaše voľby pred uplatnením akejkoľvek zmeny na úložnom zariadení.
+ <strong>Erase disk</strong><br/>This will <font color="red">delete</font> all data currently present on the selected storage device.<strong>Vymazanie disku</strong><br/>Týmto sa <font color="red">odstránia</font> všetky údaje momentálne sa nachádzajúce na vybranom úložnom zariadení.
+ This storage device has %1 on it. What would you like to do?<br/>You will be able to review and confirm your choices before any change is made to the storage device.Toto úložné zariadenie obsahuje operačný systém %1. Čo by ste chceli urobiť?<br/>Budete môcť skontrolovať a potvrdiť vaše voľby pred uplatnením akejkoľvek zmeny na úložnom zariadení.
+ No Swap
+ Reuse Swap
+ Swap (no Hibernate)
+ Swap (with Hibernate)
+ Swap to file
+ <strong>Install alongside</strong><br/>The installer will shrink a partition to make room for %1.<strong>Inštalácia popri súčasnom systéme</strong><br/>Inštalátor zmenší oddiel a uvoľní miesto pre distribúciu %1.
+ <strong>Replace a partition</strong><br/>Replaces a partition with %1.<strong>Nahradenie oddielu</strong><br/>Nahradí oddiel distribúciou %1.
+ This storage device already has an operating system on it. What would you like to do?<br/>You will be able to review and confirm your choices before any change is made to the storage device.Toto úložné zariadenie už obsahuje operačný systém. Čo by ste chceli urobiť?<br/>Budete môcť skontrolovať a potvrdiť vaše voľby pred uplatnením akejkoľvek zmeny na úložnom zariadení.
+ This storage device has multiple operating systems on it. What would you like to do?<br/>You will be able to review and confirm your choices before any change is made to the storage device.Toto úložné zariadenie obsahuje viacero operačných systémov. Čo by ste chceli urobiť?<br/>Budete môcť skontrolovať a potvrdiť vaše voľby pred uplatnením akejkoľvek zmeny na úložnom zariadení.
@@ -739,6 +739,14 @@ Inštalátor sa ukončí a všetky zmeny budú stratené.
Nedá sa otvoriť súbor skupín na čítanie.
+ CreateVolumeGroupDialog
+ Create Volume Group
@@ -1576,7 +1584,7 @@ Inštalátor sa ukončí a všetky zmeny budú stratené.
+ font-weight: normalfont-weight: normal
@@ -1606,22 +1614,22 @@ Inštalátor sa ukončí a všetky zmeny budú stratené.
<small>Tento názov bude použitý, keď sprístupníte počítač v sieti.</small>
+ Log in automatically without asking for the password.Prihlásiť automaticky bez pýtania hesla.
+ Use the same password for the administrator account.Použiť rovnaké heslo pre účet správcu.
+ Choose a password for the administrator account.Zvoľte heslo pre účet správcu.
+ <small>Enter the same password twice, so that it can be checked for typing errors.</small><small>Zadajte rovnaké heslo dvakrát, aby sa predišlo preklepom.</small>
@@ -1767,17 +1775,17 @@ Inštalátor sa ukončí a všetky zmeny budú stratené.
Nai&nštalovať zavádzač na:
+ Are you sure you want to create a new partition table on %1?Naozaj chcete vytvoriť novú tabuľku oddielov na zariadení %1?
+ Can not create new partitionNedá sa vytvoriť nový oddiel
+ The partition table on %1 already has %2 primary partitions, and no more can be added. Please remove one primary partition and add an extended partition, instead.Tabuľka oddielov na %1 už obsahuje primárne oddiely %2 a nie je možné pridávať žiadne ďalšie. Odstráňte jeden primárny oddiel a namiesto toho pridajte rozšírenú oblasť.
@@ -2051,6 +2059,11 @@ Výstup:
Language (Country)%1 (%2)
+ (no mount point)
+ RemoveVolumeGroupJob
@@ -2298,6 +2311,14 @@ Výstup:
Inštalátor zlyhal pri zmene veľkosti oddielu %1 na disku „%2“.
+ ResizeVolumeGroupDialog
+ Resize Volume Group
+ Zmeniť veľkosť skupiny zväzkov
@@ -2707,33 +2728,33 @@ Výstup:
+ Your username is too long.Vaše používateľské meno je príliš dlhé.
+ Your username contains invalid characters. Only lowercase letters and numbers are allowed.Vaše používateľské meno obsahuje neplatné znaky. Povolené sú iba písmená, čísla a pomlčky.
+ Your hostname is too short.Váš názov hostiteľa je príliš krátky.
+ Your hostname is too long.Váš názov hostiteľa je príliš dlhý.
+ Your hostname contains invalid characters. Only letters, numbers and dashes are allowed.Váš názov hostiteľa obsahuje neplatné znaky. Povolené sú iba písmená, čísla a pomlčky.
+ Your passwords do not match!Vaše heslá sa nezhodujú!
@@ -2750,8 +2771,8 @@ Výstup:
- VolumeGroupDialog
- Dialógové okno skupín zväzkov
+ Create Volume Group
diff --git a/lang/calamares_sl.ts b/lang/calamares_sl.ts
index 8e115bb61..c7e26c173 100644
--- a/lang/calamares_sl.ts
+++ b/lang/calamares_sl.ts
@@ -354,17 +354,17 @@ Namestilni program se bo končal in vse spremembe bodo izgubljene.
+ <strong>Manual partitioning</strong><br/>You can create or resize partitions yourself.
+ Boot loader location:
+ %1 will be shrunk to %2MB and a new %3MB partition will be created for %4.
@@ -375,108 +375,108 @@ Namestilni program se bo končal in vse spremembe bodo izgubljene.
+ Current:
+ Reuse %1 as home partition for %2.
+ <strong>Select a partition to shrink, then drag the bottom bar to resize</strong>
+ <strong>Select a partition to install on</strong>
+ An EFI system partition cannot be found anywhere on this system. Please go back and use manual partitioning to set up %1.
+ The EFI system partition at %1 will be used for starting %2.
+ EFI system partition:
+ This storage device does not seem to have an operating system on it. What would you like to do?<br/>You will be able to review and confirm your choices before any change is made to the storage device.
+ <strong>Erase disk</strong><br/>This will <font color="red">delete</font> all data currently present on the selected storage device.
+ This storage device has %1 on it. What would you like to do?<br/>You will be able to review and confirm your choices before any change is made to the storage device.
+ No Swap
+ Reuse Swap
+ Swap (no Hibernate)
+ Swap (with Hibernate)
+ Swap to file
+ <strong>Install alongside</strong><br/>The installer will shrink a partition to make room for %1.
+ <strong>Replace a partition</strong><br/>Replaces a partition with %1.
+ This storage device already has an operating system on it. What would you like to do?<br/>You will be able to review and confirm your choices before any change is made to the storage device.
+ This storage device has multiple operating systems on it. What would you like to do?<br/>You will be able to review and confirm your choices before any change is made to the storage device.
@@ -739,6 +739,14 @@ Namestilni program se bo končal in vse spremembe bodo izgubljene.
Datoteke skupin ni bilo mogoče odpreti za branje.
+ CreateVolumeGroupDialog
+ Create Volume Group
@@ -1576,7 +1584,7 @@ Namestilni program se bo končal in vse spremembe bodo izgubljene.
+ font-weight: normalDebelina pisave: normalna
@@ -1606,22 +1614,22 @@ Namestilni program se bo končal in vse spremembe bodo izgubljene.
<small>To ime bo uporabljeno, če bo vaš računalnik viden drugim napravam v omrežju.</small>
+ Log in automatically without asking for the password.
+ Use the same password for the administrator account.
+ Choose a password for the administrator account.Izberite geslo za skrbniški račun.
+ <small>Enter the same password twice, so that it can be checked for typing errors.</small><small>Geslo vnesite dvakrat, da se zavarujete pred morebitnimi tipkarskimi napakami.</small>
@@ -1767,17 +1775,17 @@ Namestilni program se bo končal in vse spremembe bodo izgubljene.
+ Are you sure you want to create a new partition table on %1?Ali ste prepričani, da želite ustvariti novo razpredelnico razdelkov na %1?
+ Can not create new partition
+ The partition table on %1 already has %2 primary partitions, and no more can be added. Please remove one primary partition and add an extended partition, instead.
@@ -2048,6 +2056,11 @@ Output:
Language (Country)
+ (no mount point)
+ RemoveVolumeGroupJob
@@ -2295,6 +2308,14 @@ Output:
+ ResizeVolumeGroupDialog
+ Resize Volume Group
@@ -2704,33 +2725,33 @@ Output:
+ Your username is too long.
+ Your username contains invalid characters. Only lowercase letters and numbers are allowed.
+ Your hostname is too short.
+ Your hostname is too long.
+ Your hostname contains invalid characters. Only letters, numbers and dashes are allowed.
+ Your passwords do not match!
@@ -2747,7 +2768,7 @@ Output:
- VolumeGroupDialog
+ Create Volume Group
diff --git a/lang/calamares_sq.ts b/lang/calamares_sq.ts
index fbcf16edf..534942ab5 100644
--- a/lang/calamares_sq.ts
+++ b/lang/calamares_sq.ts
@@ -354,17 +354,17 @@ Instaluesi do të mbyllet dhe krejt ndryshimet do të hidhen tej.
+ <strong>Manual partitioning</strong><br/>You can create or resize partitions yourself.<strong>Pjesëzim dorazi</strong><br/>Pjesët mund t’i krijoni dhe ripërmasoni ju vetë.
+ Boot loader location:Vendndodhje ngarkuesi nisjesh:
+ %1 will be shrunk to %2MB and a new %3MB partition will be created for %4.%1 do të zvogëlohet në %2MB dhe për %4 do të krijohet një pjesë e re %3MB.
@@ -375,108 +375,108 @@ Instaluesi do të mbyllet dhe krejt ndryshimet do të hidhen tej.
+ Current:E tanishmja:
+ Reuse %1 as home partition for %2.Ripërdore %1 si pjesën shtëpi për %2.
+ <strong>Select a partition to shrink, then drag the bottom bar to resize</strong><strong>Përzgjidhni një pjesë që të zvogëlohet, mandej tërhiqni shtyllën e poshtme që ta ripërmasoni</strong>
+ <strong>Select a partition to install on</strong><strong>Përzgjidhni një pjesë ku të instalohet</strong>
+ An EFI system partition cannot be found anywhere on this system. Please go back and use manual partitioning to set up %1.Në këtë sistem s’gjendet gjëkundi një pjesë EFI sistemi. Ju lutemi, kthehuni mbrapsht dhe përdorni pjesëzimin dorazi që të rregulloni %1.
+ The EFI system partition at %1 will be used for starting %2.Për nisjen e %2 do të përdoret pjesa EFI e sistemit te %1.
+ EFI system partition:Pjesë Sistemi EFI:
+ This storage device does not seem to have an operating system on it. What would you like to do?<br/>You will be able to review and confirm your choices before any change is made to the storage device.Kjo pajisje depozitimi përmban %1 në të. Ç’do të donit të bënit?<br/>Do të jeni në gjendje të rishqyrtoni dhe ripohoni zgjedhjet tuaja, para se te pajisja e depozitimit të bëhet çfarëdo ndryshimi.
+ <strong>Erase disk</strong><br/>This will <font color="red">delete</font> all data currently present on the selected storage device.<strong>Fshije diskun</strong><br/>Kështu do të <font color=\"red\">fshihen</font> krejt të dhënat të pranishme tani në pajisjen e përzgjedhur.
+ This storage device has %1 on it. What would you like to do?<br/>You will be able to review and confirm your choices before any change is made to the storage device.Kjo pajisje depozitimi përmban %1 në të. Ç’do të donit të bënit?<br/>Do të jeni në gjendje të rishqyrtoni dhe ripohoni zgjedhjet tuaja, para se te pajisja e depozitimit të bëhet çfarëdo ndryshimi.
+ No SwapPa Swap
+ Reuse SwapRipërdor Swap-in
+ Swap (no Hibernate)Swap (pa Letargji)
+ Swap (with Hibernate)Swap (me Letargji)
+ Swap to fileSwap në kartelë
+ <strong>Install alongside</strong><br/>The installer will shrink a partition to make room for %1.<strong>Instaloje në krah të tij</strong><br/>Instaluesi do të zvogëlojë një pjesë për të bërë vend për %1.
+ <strong>Replace a partition</strong><br/>Replaces a partition with %1.<strong>Zëvendëso një pjesë</strong><br/>Zëvendëson një pjesë me %1.
+ This storage device already has an operating system on it. What would you like to do?<br/>You will be able to review and confirm your choices before any change is made to the storage device.Kjo pajisje depozitimi ka tashmë një sistem operativ në të. Ç’do të donit të bënit?<br/>Do të jeni në gjendje të rishqyrtoni dhe ripohoni zgjedhjet tuaja, para se te pajisja e depozitimit të bëhet çfarëdo ndryshimi.
+ This storage device has multiple operating systems on it. What would you like to do?<br/>You will be able to review and confirm your choices before any change is made to the storage device.Kjo pajisje depozitimi ka disa sisteme operativë në të. Ç’do të donit të bënit?<br/>Do të jeni në gjendje të rishqyrtoni dhe ripohoni zgjedhjet tuaja, para se te pajisja e depozitimit të bëhet çfarëdo ndryshimi.
@@ -739,6 +739,14 @@ Instaluesi do të mbyllet dhe krejt ndryshimet do të hidhen tej.
S’hapet dot kartelë grupesh për lexim.
+ CreateVolumeGroupDialog
+ Create Volume Group
+ Krijoni Grup Volumesh
@@ -1576,7 +1584,7 @@ Instaluesi do të mbyllet dhe krejt ndryshimet do të hidhen tej.
+ font-weight: normalfont-weight: normal
@@ -1606,22 +1614,22 @@ Instaluesi do të mbyllet dhe krejt ndryshimet do të hidhen tej.
<small>Ky emër do të përdoret nëse e bëni kompjuterin të dukshëm për të tjerët në një rrjet.</small>
+ Log in automatically without asking for the password.Kryej hyrje vetvetiu, pa kërkuar fjalëkalimin.
+ Use the same password for the administrator account.Përdor të njëjtin fjalëkalim për llogarinë e përgjegjësit.
+ Choose a password for the administrator account.Zgjidhni një fjalëkalim për llogarinë e përgjegjësit.
+ <small>Enter the same password twice, so that it can be checked for typing errors.</small><small>Jepeni të njëjtin fjalëkalim dy herë, që të mund të kontrollohet për gabime shkrimi.</small>
@@ -1767,17 +1775,17 @@ Instaluesi do të mbyllet dhe krejt ndryshimet do të hidhen tej.
&Instalo ngarkues nisjesh në:
+ Are you sure you want to create a new partition table on %1?Jeni i sigurt se doni të krijoni një tabelë të re pjesësh në %1?
+ Can not create new partitionS’krijohet dot pjesë e re
+ The partition table on %1 already has %2 primary partitions, and no more can be added. Please remove one primary partition and add an extended partition, instead.Tabela e pjesëzimit te %1 ka tashmë %2 pjesë parësore, dhe s’mund të shtohen të tjera. Ju lutemi, në vend të kësaj, hiqni një pjesë parësore dhe shtoni një pjesë të zgjeruar.
@@ -2051,6 +2059,11 @@ Përfundim:
Language (Country)%1 (%2)
+ (no mount point)
+ (s’ka pikë montimi)
+ RemoveVolumeGroupJob
@@ -2298,6 +2311,14 @@ Përfundim:
Instaluesi s’arriti të ripërmasojë pjesën %1 në diskun '%2'.
+ ResizeVolumeGroupDialog
+ Resize Volume Group
+ Ripërmaso Grup Vëllimesh
@@ -2707,33 +2728,33 @@ Përfundim:
+ Your username is too long.Emri juaj i përdoruesit është shumë i gjatë.
+ Your username contains invalid characters. Only lowercase letters and numbers are allowed.Emri juaj i përdoruesit përmban shenja të pavlefshme. Lejohen vetëm shkronja të vogla dhe shifra.
+ Your hostname is too short.Strehëemri juaj është shumë i shkurtër.
+ Your hostname is too long.Strehëemri juaj është shumë i gjatë.
+ Your hostname contains invalid characters. Only letters, numbers and dashes are allowed.Strehëemri juaj përmban shenja të pavlefshme. Lejohen vetëm shkronja të vogla dhe shifra.
+ Your passwords do not match!Fjalëkalimet tuaj s’përputhen!
@@ -2750,8 +2771,8 @@ Përfundim:
- VolumeGroupDialog
- Dialog Grupi Vëllimesh
+ Create Volume Group
+ Krijoni Grup Volumesh
diff --git a/lang/calamares_sr.ts b/lang/calamares_sr.ts
index 2665c4507..6dbb96429 100644
--- a/lang/calamares_sr.ts
+++ b/lang/calamares_sr.ts
@@ -354,17 +354,17 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost.
+ <strong>Manual partitioning</strong><br/>You can create or resize partitions yourself.<strong>Ручно партиционисање</strong><br/>Сами можете креирати или мењати партције.
+ Boot loader location:Подизни учитавач на:
+ %1 will be shrunk to %2MB and a new %3MB partition will be created for %4.%1 биће змањена на %2MB а нова %3MB партиција биће направљена за %4.
@@ -375,108 +375,108 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost.
+ Current:Тренутно:
+ Reuse %1 as home partition for %2.
+ <strong>Select a partition to shrink, then drag the bottom bar to resize</strong>
+ <strong>Select a partition to install on</strong>
+ An EFI system partition cannot be found anywhere on this system. Please go back and use manual partitioning to set up %1.
+ The EFI system partition at %1 will be used for starting %2.
+ EFI system partition:
+ This storage device does not seem to have an operating system on it. What would you like to do?<br/>You will be able to review and confirm your choices before any change is made to the storage device.
+ <strong>Erase disk</strong><br/>This will <font color="red">delete</font> all data currently present on the selected storage device.
+ This storage device has %1 on it. What would you like to do?<br/>You will be able to review and confirm your choices before any change is made to the storage device.
+ No Swap
+ Reuse Swap
+ Swap (no Hibernate)
+ Swap (with Hibernate)
+ Swap to file
+ <strong>Install alongside</strong><br/>The installer will shrink a partition to make room for %1.
+ <strong>Replace a partition</strong><br/>Replaces a partition with %1.
+ This storage device already has an operating system on it. What would you like to do?<br/>You will be able to review and confirm your choices before any change is made to the storage device.
+ This storage device has multiple operating systems on it. What would you like to do?<br/>You will be able to review and confirm your choices before any change is made to the storage device.
@@ -739,6 +739,14 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost.
+ CreateVolumeGroupDialog
+ Create Volume Group
@@ -1576,7 +1584,7 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost.
+ font-weight: normal
@@ -1606,22 +1614,22 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost.
+ Log in automatically without asking for the password.
+ Use the same password for the administrator account.
+ Choose a password for the administrator account.
+ <small>Enter the same password twice, so that it can be checked for typing errors.</small>
@@ -1767,17 +1775,17 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost.
+ Are you sure you want to create a new partition table on %1?
+ Can not create new partition
+ The partition table on %1 already has %2 primary partitions, and no more can be added. Please remove one primary partition and add an extended partition, instead.
@@ -2048,6 +2056,11 @@ Output:
Language (Country)%1 (%2)
+ (no mount point)
+ RemoveVolumeGroupJob
@@ -2295,6 +2308,14 @@ Output:
+ ResizeVolumeGroupDialog
+ Resize Volume Group
@@ -2704,33 +2725,33 @@ Output:
+ Your username is too long.Ваше корисничко име је предугачко.
+ Your username contains invalid characters. Only lowercase letters and numbers are allowed.
+ Your hostname is too short.Име вашег "домаћина" - hostname је прекратко.
+ Your hostname is too long.Ваше име домаћина је предуго - hostname
+ Your hostname contains invalid characters. Only letters, numbers and dashes are allowed.Ваше име "домаћина" - hostname садржи недозвољене карактере. Могуће је користити само слова, бројеве и цртице.
+ Your passwords do not match!Лозинке се не поклапају!
@@ -2747,7 +2768,7 @@ Output:
- VolumeGroupDialog
+ Create Volume Group
diff --git a/lang/calamares_sr@latin.ts b/lang/calamares_sr@latin.ts
index 309c1b271..75cf41643 100644
--- a/lang/calamares_sr@latin.ts
+++ b/lang/calamares_sr@latin.ts
@@ -354,17 +354,17 @@ Instaler će se zatvoriti i sve promjene će biti izgubljene.
+ <strong>Manual partitioning</strong><br/>You can create or resize partitions yourself.
+ Boot loader location:
+ %1 will be shrunk to %2MB and a new %3MB partition will be created for %4.
@@ -375,108 +375,108 @@ Instaler će se zatvoriti i sve promjene će biti izgubljene.
+ Current:
+ Reuse %1 as home partition for %2.
+ <strong>Select a partition to shrink, then drag the bottom bar to resize</strong>
+ <strong>Select a partition to install on</strong>
+ An EFI system partition cannot be found anywhere on this system. Please go back and use manual partitioning to set up %1.
+ The EFI system partition at %1 will be used for starting %2.
+ EFI system partition:
+ This storage device does not seem to have an operating system on it. What would you like to do?<br/>You will be able to review and confirm your choices before any change is made to the storage device.
+ <strong>Erase disk</strong><br/>This will <font color="red">delete</font> all data currently present on the selected storage device.
+ This storage device has %1 on it. What would you like to do?<br/>You will be able to review and confirm your choices before any change is made to the storage device.
+ No Swap
+ Reuse Swap
+ Swap (no Hibernate)
+ Swap (with Hibernate)
+ Swap to file
+ <strong>Install alongside</strong><br/>The installer will shrink a partition to make room for %1.
+ <strong>Replace a partition</strong><br/>Replaces a partition with %1.
+ This storage device already has an operating system on it. What would you like to do?<br/>You will be able to review and confirm your choices before any change is made to the storage device.
+ This storage device has multiple operating systems on it. What would you like to do?<br/>You will be able to review and confirm your choices before any change is made to the storage device.
@@ -739,6 +739,14 @@ Instaler će se zatvoriti i sve promjene će biti izgubljene.
Nemoguće otvoriti groups fajl
+ CreateVolumeGroupDialog
+ Create Volume Group
@@ -1576,7 +1584,7 @@ Instaler će se zatvoriti i sve promjene će biti izgubljene.
+ font-weight: normalfont-weight: normal
@@ -1606,22 +1614,22 @@ Instaler će se zatvoriti i sve promjene će biti izgubljene.
<small>Ovo ime će biti vidljivo drugim računarima na mreži</small>
+ Log in automatically without asking for the password.
+ Use the same password for the administrator account.
+ Choose a password for the administrator account.
+ <small>Enter the same password twice, so that it can be checked for typing errors.</small><small>Unesite istu lozinku dvaput, da ne bi došlp do greške kod kucanja</small>
@@ -1767,17 +1775,17 @@ Instaler će se zatvoriti i sve promjene će biti izgubljene.
+ Are you sure you want to create a new partition table on %1?
+ Can not create new partition
+ The partition table on %1 already has %2 primary partitions, and no more can be added. Please remove one primary partition and add an extended partition, instead.
@@ -2048,6 +2056,11 @@ Output:
Language (Country)
+ (no mount point)
+ RemoveVolumeGroupJob
@@ -2295,6 +2308,14 @@ Output:
+ ResizeVolumeGroupDialog
+ Resize Volume Group
@@ -2704,33 +2725,33 @@ Output:
+ Your username is too long.
+ Your username contains invalid characters. Only lowercase letters and numbers are allowed.
+ Your hostname is too short.
+ Your hostname is too long.
+ Your hostname contains invalid characters. Only letters, numbers and dashes are allowed.
+ Your passwords do not match!Vaše lozinke se ne poklapaju
@@ -2747,7 +2768,7 @@ Output:
- VolumeGroupDialog
+ Create Volume Group
diff --git a/lang/calamares_sv.ts b/lang/calamares_sv.ts
index 5459b1381..2b4071639 100644
--- a/lang/calamares_sv.ts
+++ b/lang/calamares_sv.ts
@@ -354,17 +354,17 @@ Alla ändringar kommer att gå förlorade.
+ <strong>Manual partitioning</strong><br/>You can create or resize partitions yourself.<strong>Manuell partitionering</strong><br/>Du kan själv skapa och ändra storlek på partitionerna.
+ Boot loader location:Sökväg till uppstartshanterare:
+ %1 will be shrunk to %2MB and a new %3MB partition will be created for %4.%1 kommer att förminskas till %2 MB och en ny %3 MB-partition kommer att skapas för %4.
@@ -375,108 +375,108 @@ Alla ändringar kommer att gå förlorade.
+ Current:Nuvarande:
+ Reuse %1 as home partition for %2.Återanvänd %1 som hempartition för %2.
+ <strong>Select a partition to shrink, then drag the bottom bar to resize</strong><strong>Välj en partition att minska, sen dra i nedre fältet för att ändra storlek</strong>
+ <strong>Select a partition to install on</strong><strong>Välj en partition att installera på</strong>
+ An EFI system partition cannot be found anywhere on this system. Please go back and use manual partitioning to set up %1.Ingen EFI-partition kunde inte hittas på systemet. Gå tillbaka och partitionera din lagringsenhet manuellt för att ställa in %1.
+ The EFI system partition at %1 will be used for starting %2.EFI-partitionen %1 kommer att användas för att starta %2.
+ EFI system partition:EFI system partition:
+ This storage device does not seem to have an operating system on it. What would you like to do?<br/>You will be able to review and confirm your choices before any change is made to the storage device.Denna lagringsenhet ser inte ut att ha ett operativsystem installerat. Vad vill du göra?<br/>Du kommer kunna granska och bekräfta dina val innan någon ändring görs på lagringseneheten.
+ <strong>Erase disk</strong><br/>This will <font color="red">delete</font> all data currently present on the selected storage device.<strong>Rensa lagringsenhet</strong><br/>Detta kommer <font color="red">radera</font> all existerande data på den valda lagringsenheten.
+ This storage device has %1 on it. What would you like to do?<br/>You will be able to review and confirm your choices before any change is made to the storage device.Denna lagringsenhet har %1 på sig. Vad vill du göra?<br/>Du kommer kunna granska och bekräfta dina val innan någon ändring görs på lagringsenheten.
+ No Swap
+ Reuse Swap
+ Swap (no Hibernate)
+ Swap (with Hibernate)
+ Swap to file
+ <strong>Install alongside</strong><br/>The installer will shrink a partition to make room for %1.<strong>Installera på sidan om</strong><br/>Installationshanteraren kommer krympa en partition för att göra utrymme för %1.
+ <strong>Replace a partition</strong><br/>Replaces a partition with %1.<strong>Ersätt en partition</strong><br/>Ersätter en partition med %1.
+ This storage device already has an operating system on it. What would you like to do?<br/>You will be able to review and confirm your choices before any change is made to the storage device.Denna lagringsenhet har redan ett operativsystem på sig. Vad vill du göra?<br/>Du kommer kunna granska och bekräfta dina val innan någon ändring sker på lagringsenheten.
+ This storage device has multiple operating systems on it. What would you like to do?<br/>You will be able to review and confirm your choices before any change is made to the storage device.Denna lagringsenhet har flera operativsystem på sig. Vad vill du göra?<br/>Du kommer kunna granska och bekräfta dina val innan någon ändring sker på lagringsenheten.
@@ -739,6 +739,14 @@ Alla ändringar kommer att gå förlorade.
Kunde inte öppna gruppfilen för läsning.
+ CreateVolumeGroupDialog
+ Create Volume Group
@@ -1576,7 +1584,7 @@ Alla ändringar kommer att gå förlorade.
+ font-weight: normalfont-weight: normal
@@ -1606,22 +1614,22 @@ Alla ändringar kommer att gå förlorade.
<small>Detta namn används om du gör datorn synlig för andra i ett nätverk.</small>
+ Log in automatically without asking for the password.Logga in automatiskt utan att fråga efter lösenord.
+ Use the same password for the administrator account.Använd samma lösenord för administratörskontot.
+ Choose a password for the administrator account.Välj ett lösenord för administratörskontot.
+ <small>Enter the same password twice, so that it can be checked for typing errors.</small><small>Ange samma lösenord två gånger, så att det kan kontrolleras för stavfel.</small>
@@ -1767,17 +1775,17 @@ Alla ändringar kommer att gå förlorade.
+ Are you sure you want to create a new partition table on %1?Är du säker på att du vill skapa en ny partitionstabell på %1?
+ Can not create new partition
+ The partition table on %1 already has %2 primary partitions, and no more can be added. Please remove one primary partition and add an extended partition, instead.
@@ -2048,6 +2056,11 @@ Output:
Language (Country)%1 (%2)
+ (no mount point)
+ RemoveVolumeGroupJob
@@ -2295,6 +2308,14 @@ Output:
Installationsprogrammet misslyckades med att ändra storleken på partition %1 på disk '%2'.
+ ResizeVolumeGroupDialog
+ Resize Volume Group
@@ -2704,33 +2725,33 @@ Output:
+ Your username is too long.Ditt användarnamn är för långt.
+ Your username contains invalid characters. Only lowercase letters and numbers are allowed.Ditt användarnamn innehåller otillåtna tecken! Endast små bokstäver och siffror tillåts.
+ Your hostname is too short.Ditt värdnamn är för kort.
+ Your hostname is too long.Ditt värdnamn är för långt.
+ Your hostname contains invalid characters. Only letters, numbers and dashes are allowed.Ditt värdnamn innehåller otillåtna tecken! Endast bokstäver, siffror och bindestreck tillåts.
+ Your passwords do not match!Dina lösenord matchar inte!
@@ -2747,7 +2768,7 @@ Output:
- VolumeGroupDialog
+ Create Volume Group
diff --git a/lang/calamares_th.ts b/lang/calamares_th.ts
index 6188e4f5c..00c15dd14 100644
--- a/lang/calamares_th.ts
+++ b/lang/calamares_th.ts
@@ -354,17 +354,17 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost.
+ <strong>Manual partitioning</strong><br/>You can create or resize partitions yourself.
+ Boot loader location:
+ %1 will be shrunk to %2MB and a new %3MB partition will be created for %4.
@@ -375,108 +375,108 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost.
+ Current:
+ Reuse %1 as home partition for %2.
+ <strong>Select a partition to shrink, then drag the bottom bar to resize</strong>
+ <strong>Select a partition to install on</strong>
+ An EFI system partition cannot be found anywhere on this system. Please go back and use manual partitioning to set up %1.ไม่พบพาร์ทิชันสำหรับระบบ EFI อยู่ที่ไหนเลยในระบบนี้ กรุณากลับไปเลือกใช้การแบ่งพาร์ทิชันด้วยตนเอง เพื่อติดตั้ง %1
+ The EFI system partition at %1 will be used for starting %2.พาร์ทิชันสำหรับระบบ EFI ที่ %1 จะถูกใช้เพื่อเริ่มต้น %2
+ EFI system partition:พาร์ทิชันสำหรับระบบ EFI:
+ This storage device does not seem to have an operating system on it. What would you like to do?<br/>You will be able to review and confirm your choices before any change is made to the storage device.
+ <strong>Erase disk</strong><br/>This will <font color="red">delete</font> all data currently present on the selected storage device.
+ This storage device has %1 on it. What would you like to do?<br/>You will be able to review and confirm your choices before any change is made to the storage device.
+ No Swap
+ Reuse Swap
+ Swap (no Hibernate)
+ Swap (with Hibernate)
+ Swap to file
+ <strong>Install alongside</strong><br/>The installer will shrink a partition to make room for %1.
+ <strong>Replace a partition</strong><br/>Replaces a partition with %1.
+ This storage device already has an operating system on it. What would you like to do?<br/>You will be able to review and confirm your choices before any change is made to the storage device.
+ This storage device has multiple operating systems on it. What would you like to do?<br/>You will be able to review and confirm your choices before any change is made to the storage device.
@@ -739,6 +739,14 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost.
ไม่สามารถเปิดไฟล์ groups เพื่ออ่านได้
+ CreateVolumeGroupDialog
+ Create Volume Group
@@ -1576,7 +1584,7 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost.
+ font-weight: normalfont-weight: normal
@@ -1606,22 +1614,22 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost.
<small>ชื่อนี้จะถูกใช้ถ้าคุณตั้งค่าให้เครื่องอื่นๆ มองเห็นคอมพิวเตอร์ของคุณบนเครือข่าย</small>
+ Log in automatically without asking for the password.
+ Use the same password for the administrator account.
+ Choose a password for the administrator account.เลือกรหัสผ่านสำหรับบัญชีผู้ใช้ผู้ดูแลระบบ
+ <small>Enter the same password twice, so that it can be checked for typing errors.</small><small>ใส่รหัสผ่านเดิมซ้ำ 2 ครั้ง เพื่อเป็นการตรวจสอบข้อผิดพลาดที่เกิดจากการพิมพ์</small>
@@ -1767,17 +1775,17 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost.
+ Are you sure you want to create a new partition table on %1?คุณแน่ใจว่าจะสร้างตารางพาร์ทิชันใหม่บน %1?
+ Can not create new partition
+ The partition table on %1 already has %2 primary partitions, and no more can be added. Please remove one primary partition and add an extended partition, instead.
@@ -2048,6 +2056,11 @@ Output:
Language (Country)%1 (%2)
+ (no mount point)
+ RemoveVolumeGroupJob
@@ -2295,6 +2308,14 @@ Output:
ตัวติดตั้งไม่สามารถเปลี่ยนขนาดพาร์ทิชัน %1 บนดิสก์ '%2'
+ ResizeVolumeGroupDialog
+ Resize Volume Group
@@ -2704,33 +2725,33 @@ Output:
+ Your username is too long.ชื่อผู้ใช้ของคุณยาวเกินไป
+ Your username contains invalid characters. Only lowercase letters and numbers are allowed.ชื่อผู้ใช้ของคุณมีตัวอักษรที่ไม่ถูกต้อง ใช้ได้เฉพาะตัวอักษรภาษาอังกฤษตัวเล็กและตัวเลขเท่านั้น
+ Your hostname is too short.ชื่อโฮสต์ของคุณสั้นเกินไป
+ Your hostname is too long.ชื่อโฮสต์ของคุณยาวเกินไป
+ Your hostname contains invalid characters. Only letters, numbers and dashes are allowed.ชื่อโฮสต์ของคุณมีตัวอักษรที่ไม่ถูกต้อง ใช้ได้เฉพาะตัวอักษรภาษาอังกฤษ ตัวเลข และขีดกลาง "-" เท่านั้น
+ Your passwords do not match!รหัสผ่านของคุณไม่ตรงกัน!
@@ -2747,7 +2768,7 @@ Output:
- VolumeGroupDialog
+ Create Volume Group
diff --git a/lang/calamares_tr_TR.ts b/lang/calamares_tr_TR.ts
index a53489750..a91f8e1b1 100644
--- a/lang/calamares_tr_TR.ts
+++ b/lang/calamares_tr_TR.ts
@@ -356,17 +356,17 @@ Kuruluma devam edebilirsiniz fakat bazı özellikler devre dışı kalabilir.Sonra:
+ <strong>Manual partitioning</strong><br/>You can create or resize partitions yourself.<strong>Elle bölümleme</strong><br/>Bölümler oluşturabilir ve boyutlandırabilirsiniz.
+ Boot loader location:Önyükleyici konumu:
+ %1 will be shrunk to %2MB and a new %3MB partition will be created for %4.%1 %2MB küçülecek ve %4 için %3MB bir disk bölümü oluşturacak.
@@ -377,109 +377,109 @@ Kuruluma devam edebilirsiniz fakat bazı özellikler devre dışı kalabilir.
+ Current:Geçerli:
+ Reuse %1 as home partition for %2.
%2 ev bölümü olarak %1 yeniden kullanılsın.
+ <strong>Select a partition to shrink, then drag the bottom bar to resize</strong><strong>Küçültmek için bir bölüm seçip alttaki çubuğu sürükleyerek boyutlandır</strong>
+ <strong>Select a partition to install on</strong><strong>Yükleyeceğin disk bölümünü seç</strong>
+ An EFI system partition cannot be found anywhere on this system. Please go back and use manual partitioning to set up %1.Bu sistemde EFI disk bölümü bulunamadı. Lütfen geri dönün ve %1 kurmak için gelişmiş kurulum seçeneğini kullanın.
+ The EFI system partition at %1 will be used for starting %2.%1 EFI sistem bölümü %2 başlatmak için kullanılacaktır.
+ EFI system partition:EFI sistem bölümü:
+ This storage device does not seem to have an operating system on it. What would you like to do?<br/>You will be able to review and confirm your choices before any change is made to the storage device.Bu depolama aygıtı üzerinde yüklü herhangi bir işletim sistemi tespit etmedik. Ne yapmak istersiniz?<br/>Yaptığınız değişiklikler disk bölümü üzerine uygulanmadan önce gözden geçirme fırsatınız olacak.
+ <strong>Erase disk</strong><br/>This will <font color="red">delete</font> all data currently present on the selected storage device.<strong>Diski sil</strong><br/>Seçili depolama bölümündeki mevcut veriler şu anda <font color="red">silinecektir.</font>
+ This storage device has %1 on it. What would you like to do?<br/>You will be able to review and confirm your choices before any change is made to the storage device.Bu depolama aygıtı üzerinde %1 vardır. Ne yapmak istersiniz?<br/>Yaptığınız değişiklikler disk bölümü üzerine uygulanmadan önce gözden geçirme fırsatınız olacak.
+ No SwapTakas alanı yok
+ Reuse SwapYeniden takas alanı
+ Swap (no Hibernate)Takas Alanı (uyku modu yok)
+ Swap (with Hibernate)Takas Alanı (uyku moduyla)
+ Swap to fileTakas alanı dosyası
+ <strong>Install alongside</strong><br/>The installer will shrink a partition to make room for %1.<strong>Yanına yükleyin</strong><br/>Sistem yükleyici disk bölümünü küçülterek %1 için yer açacak.
+ <strong>Replace a partition</strong><br/>Replaces a partition with %1.<strong>Varolan bir disk bölümüne kur</strong><br/>Varolan bir disk bölümü üzerine %1 kur.
+ This storage device already has an operating system on it. What would you like to do?<br/>You will be able to review and confirm your choices before any change is made to the storage device.Bu depolama aygıtı üzerinde bir işletim sistemi yüklü. Ne yapmak istersiniz? <br/>Yaptığınız değişiklikler disk bölümü üzerine uygulanmadan önce gözden geçirme fırsatınız olacak.
+ This storage device has multiple operating systems on it. What would you like to do?<br/>You will be able to review and confirm your choices before any change is made to the storage device.Bu depolama aygıtı üzerinde birden fazla işletim sistemi var. Ne yapmak istersiniz? <br/>Yaptığınız değişiklikler disk bölümü üzerine uygulanmadan önce gözden geçirme fırsatınız olacak.
@@ -742,6 +742,14 @@ Kuruluma devam edebilirsiniz fakat bazı özellikler devre dışı kalabilir.groups dosyası okunamadı.
+ CreateVolumeGroupDialog
+ Create Volume Group
+ Birim Grubu Oluştur
@@ -1579,7 +1587,7 @@ Kuruluma devam edebilirsiniz fakat bazı özellikler devre dışı kalabilir.
+ font-weight: normalfont-weight: normal
@@ -1609,22 +1617,22 @@ Kuruluma devam edebilirsiniz fakat bazı özellikler devre dışı kalabilir.<small>Bilgisayarınız herhangi bir ağ üzerinde görünür ise bu adı kullanacak.</small>
+ Log in automatically without asking for the password.Şifre sormadan otomatik olarak giriş yap.
+ Use the same password for the administrator account.Yönetici ile kullanıcı aynı şifreyi kullansın.
+ Choose a password for the administrator account.Yönetici-Root hesabı için bir parola belirle.
+ <small>Enter the same password twice, so that it can be checked for typing errors.</small><small>Yazım hatası ihtimaline karşı aynı şifreyi tekrar giriniz.</small>
@@ -1770,17 +1778,17 @@ Kuruluma devam edebilirsiniz fakat bazı özellikler devre dışı kalabilir.Ö&nyükleyiciyi şuraya kurun:
+ Are you sure you want to create a new partition table on %1?%1 tablosunda yeni bölüm oluşturmaya devam etmek istiyor musunuz?
+ Can not create new partitionYeni disk bölümü oluşturulamıyor
+ The partition table on %1 already has %2 primary partitions, and no more can be added. Please remove one primary partition and add an extended partition, instead.%1 üzerindeki disk bölümü tablosu zaten %2 birincil disk bölümüne sahip ve artık eklenemiyor. Lütfen bir birincil disk bölümü kaldırın ve bunun yerine uzatılmış bir disk bölümü ekleyin.
@@ -2055,6 +2063,11 @@ Output:
Language (Country)%1 (%2)
+ (no mount point)
+ (bağlama noktası yok)
+ RemoveVolumeGroupJob
@@ -2303,6 +2316,14 @@ Sistem güç kaynağına bağlı değil.
Yükleyici %1 bölümünü '%2' diski üzerinde yeniden boyutlandırılamadı.
+ ResizeVolumeGroupDialog
+ Resize Volume Group
+ Birim Grubunu Yeniden Boyutlandır
@@ -2712,33 +2733,33 @@ Sistem güç kaynağına bağlı değil.
+ Your username is too long.Kullanıcı adınız çok uzun.
+ Your username contains invalid characters. Only lowercase letters and numbers are allowed.Kullanıcı adınız geçersiz karakterler içeriyor. Sadece küçük harfleri ve sayıları kullanabilirsiniz.
+ Your hostname is too short.Makine adınız çok kısa.
+ Your hostname is too long.Makine adınız çok uzun.
+ Your hostname contains invalid characters. Only letters, numbers and dashes are allowed.Makine adınız geçersiz karakterler içeriyor. Sadece küçük harfleri ve sayıları ve tire işaretini kullanabilirsiniz.
+ Your passwords do not match!Parolanız eşleşmiyor!
@@ -2755,8 +2776,8 @@ Sistem güç kaynağına bağlı değil.
- VolumeGroupDialog
- Birim Grubu İletişim Kutusu
+ Create Volume Group
+ Birim Grubu Oluştur
diff --git a/lang/calamares_uk.ts b/lang/calamares_uk.ts
index dd34337b5..3ff4b849a 100644
--- a/lang/calamares_uk.ts
+++ b/lang/calamares_uk.ts
@@ -354,17 +354,17 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost.
+ <strong>Manual partitioning</strong><br/>You can create or resize partitions yourself.<strong>Розподілення вручну</strong><br/>Ви можете створити або змінити розмір розділів власноруч.
+ Boot loader location:Місцезнаходження завантажувача:
+ %1 will be shrunk to %2MB and a new %3MB partition will be created for %4.Розділ %1 буде зменьшено до %2Мб та створено новий розділ розміром %3MB для %4.
@@ -375,108 +375,108 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost.
+ Current:Зараз:
+ Reuse %1 as home partition for %2.Використати %1 як домашній розділ (home) для %2.
+ <strong>Select a partition to shrink, then drag the bottom bar to resize</strong><strong>Оберіть розділ для зменьшення, потім тягніть повзунок, щоб змінити розмір</strong>
+ <strong>Select a partition to install on</strong><strong>Оберіть розділ, на який встановити</strong>
+ An EFI system partition cannot be found anywhere on this system. Please go back and use manual partitioning to set up %1.В цій системі не знайдено жодного системного розділу EFI. Щоб встановити %1, будь ласка, поверніться та оберіть розподілення вручну.
+ The EFI system partition at %1 will be used for starting %2.Системний розділ EFI %1 буде використано для встановлення %2.
+ EFI system partition:Системний розділ EFI:
+ This storage device does not seem to have an operating system on it. What would you like to do?<br/>You will be able to review and confirm your choices before any change is made to the storage device.Цей пристрій зберігання, схоже, не має жодної операційної системи. Що ви бажаєте зробити?<br/>У вас буде можливість переглянути та підтвердити все, що ви обрали перед тим, як будуть зроблені будь-які зміни на пристрої зберігання.
+ <strong>Erase disk</strong><br/>This will <font color="red">delete</font> all data currently present on the selected storage device.<strong>Очистити диск</strong><br/>Це <font color="red">знищить</font> всі данні, присутні на обраному пристрої зберігання.
+ This storage device has %1 on it. What would you like to do?<br/>You will be able to review and confirm your choices before any change is made to the storage device.На цьому пристрої зберігання є %1. Що ви бажаєте зробити?<br/>У вас буде можливість переглянути та підтвердити все, що ви обрали перед тим, як будуть зроблені будь-які зміни на пристрої зберігання.
+ No Swap
+ Reuse Swap
+ Swap (no Hibernate)
+ Swap (with Hibernate)
+ Swap to file
+ <strong>Install alongside</strong><br/>The installer will shrink a partition to make room for %1.<strong>Встановити поруч</strong><br/>Установник зменьшить розмір розділу, щоб вивільнити простір для %1.
+ <strong>Replace a partition</strong><br/>Replaces a partition with %1.<strong>Замінити розділ</strong><br/>Замінити розділу на %1.
+ This storage device already has an operating system on it. What would you like to do?<br/>You will be able to review and confirm your choices before any change is made to the storage device.На цьому пристрої зберігання вже є операційна система. Що ви бажаєте зробити?<br/>У вас буде можливість переглянути та підтвердити все, що ви обрали перед тим, як будуть зроблені будь-які зміни на пристрої зберігання.
+ This storage device has multiple operating systems on it. What would you like to do?<br/>You will be able to review and confirm your choices before any change is made to the storage device.На цьому пристрої зберігання вже є декілька операційних систем. Що ви бажаєте зробити?<br/>У вас буде можливість переглянути та підтвердити все, що ви обрали перед тим, як будуть зроблені будь-які зміни на пристрої зберігання.
@@ -739,6 +739,14 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost.
Неможливо відкрити файл груп для читання.
+ CreateVolumeGroupDialog
+ Create Volume Group
@@ -1577,7 +1585,7 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost.
+ font-weight: normalfont-weight: normal
@@ -1607,22 +1615,22 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost.
<small>Це ім'я буде використовуватись, якщо ви зробите комп'ютер видимим іншим у мережі.</small>
+ Log in automatically without asking for the password.Входити автоматично без паролю.
+ Use the same password for the administrator account.Використовувати той самий пароль і для облікового рахунку адміністратора.
+ Choose a password for the administrator account.Оберіть пароль для облікового рахунку адміністратора.
+ <small>Enter the same password twice, so that it can be checked for typing errors.</small><small>Введіть один й той самий пароль двічі, для перевірки щодо помилок введення.</small>
@@ -1768,17 +1776,17 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost.
+ Are you sure you want to create a new partition table on %1?Ви впевнені, що бажаєте створити нову таблицю розділів на %1?
+ Can not create new partition
+ The partition table on %1 already has %2 primary partitions, and no more can be added. Please remove one primary partition and add an extended partition, instead.
@@ -2049,6 +2057,11 @@ Output:
Language (Country)%1 (%2)
+ (no mount point)
+ RemoveVolumeGroupJob
@@ -2296,6 +2309,14 @@ Output:
Установник зазнав невдачі під час зміни розміру розділу %1 на диску '%2'.
+ ResizeVolumeGroupDialog
+ Resize Volume Group
@@ -2705,33 +2726,33 @@ Output:
+ Your username is too long.Ваше ім'я задовге.
+ Your username contains invalid characters. Only lowercase letters and numbers are allowed.Ваше ім'я містить неприпустимі символи. Дозволені тільки малі літери та цифри.
+ Your hostname is too short.Ім'я машини занадто коротке.
+ Your hostname is too long.Ім'я машини задовге.
+ Your hostname contains invalid characters. Only letters, numbers and dashes are allowed.Ім'я машини містить неприпустимі символи. Дозволені тільки літери, цифри та дефіс.
+ Your passwords do not match!Паролі не збігаються!
@@ -2748,7 +2769,7 @@ Output:
- VolumeGroupDialog
+ Create Volume Group
diff --git a/lang/calamares_ur.ts b/lang/calamares_ur.ts
index 6038dc63f..883a4f26c 100644
--- a/lang/calamares_ur.ts
+++ b/lang/calamares_ur.ts
@@ -353,17 +353,17 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost.
+ <strong>Manual partitioning</strong><br/>You can create or resize partitions yourself.
+ Boot loader location:
+ %1 will be shrunk to %2MB and a new %3MB partition will be created for %4.
@@ -374,108 +374,108 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost.
+ Current:
+ Reuse %1 as home partition for %2.
+ <strong>Select a partition to shrink, then drag the bottom bar to resize</strong>
+ <strong>Select a partition to install on</strong>
+ An EFI system partition cannot be found anywhere on this system. Please go back and use manual partitioning to set up %1.
+ The EFI system partition at %1 will be used for starting %2.
+ EFI system partition:
+ This storage device does not seem to have an operating system on it. What would you like to do?<br/>You will be able to review and confirm your choices before any change is made to the storage device.
+ <strong>Erase disk</strong><br/>This will <font color="red">delete</font> all data currently present on the selected storage device.
+ This storage device has %1 on it. What would you like to do?<br/>You will be able to review and confirm your choices before any change is made to the storage device.
+ No Swap
+ Reuse Swap
+ Swap (no Hibernate)
+ Swap (with Hibernate)
+ Swap to file
+ <strong>Install alongside</strong><br/>The installer will shrink a partition to make room for %1.
+ <strong>Replace a partition</strong><br/>Replaces a partition with %1.
+ This storage device already has an operating system on it. What would you like to do?<br/>You will be able to review and confirm your choices before any change is made to the storage device.
+ This storage device has multiple operating systems on it. What would you like to do?<br/>You will be able to review and confirm your choices before any change is made to the storage device.
@@ -738,6 +738,14 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost.
+ CreateVolumeGroupDialog
+ Create Volume Group
@@ -1575,7 +1583,7 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost.
+ font-weight: normal
@@ -1605,22 +1613,22 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost.
+ Log in automatically without asking for the password.
+ Use the same password for the administrator account.
+ Choose a password for the administrator account.
+ <small>Enter the same password twice, so that it can be checked for typing errors.</small>
@@ -1766,17 +1774,17 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost.
+ Are you sure you want to create a new partition table on %1?
+ Can not create new partition
+ The partition table on %1 already has %2 primary partitions, and no more can be added. Please remove one primary partition and add an extended partition, instead.
@@ -2047,6 +2055,11 @@ Output:
Language (Country)
+ (no mount point)
+ RemoveVolumeGroupJob
@@ -2294,6 +2307,14 @@ Output:
+ ResizeVolumeGroupDialog
+ Resize Volume Group
@@ -2703,33 +2724,33 @@ Output:
+ Your username is too long.
+ Your username contains invalid characters. Only lowercase letters and numbers are allowed.
+ Your hostname is too short.
+ Your hostname is too long.
+ Your hostname contains invalid characters. Only letters, numbers and dashes are allowed.
+ Your passwords do not match!
@@ -2746,7 +2767,7 @@ Output:
- VolumeGroupDialog
+ Create Volume Group
diff --git a/lang/calamares_uz.ts b/lang/calamares_uz.ts
index 83b2f79c1..0f4cd8afd 100644
--- a/lang/calamares_uz.ts
+++ b/lang/calamares_uz.ts
@@ -353,17 +353,17 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost.
+ <strong>Manual partitioning</strong><br/>You can create or resize partitions yourself.
+ Boot loader location:
+ %1 will be shrunk to %2MB and a new %3MB partition will be created for %4.
@@ -374,108 +374,108 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost.
+ Current:
+ Reuse %1 as home partition for %2.
+ <strong>Select a partition to shrink, then drag the bottom bar to resize</strong>
+ <strong>Select a partition to install on</strong>
+ An EFI system partition cannot be found anywhere on this system. Please go back and use manual partitioning to set up %1.
+ The EFI system partition at %1 will be used for starting %2.
+ EFI system partition:
+ This storage device does not seem to have an operating system on it. What would you like to do?<br/>You will be able to review and confirm your choices before any change is made to the storage device.
+ <strong>Erase disk</strong><br/>This will <font color="red">delete</font> all data currently present on the selected storage device.
+ This storage device has %1 on it. What would you like to do?<br/>You will be able to review and confirm your choices before any change is made to the storage device.
+ No Swap
+ Reuse Swap
+ Swap (no Hibernate)
+ Swap (with Hibernate)
+ Swap to file
+ <strong>Install alongside</strong><br/>The installer will shrink a partition to make room for %1.
+ <strong>Replace a partition</strong><br/>Replaces a partition with %1.
+ This storage device already has an operating system on it. What would you like to do?<br/>You will be able to review and confirm your choices before any change is made to the storage device.
+ This storage device has multiple operating systems on it. What would you like to do?<br/>You will be able to review and confirm your choices before any change is made to the storage device.
@@ -738,6 +738,14 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost.
+ CreateVolumeGroupDialog
+ Create Volume Group
@@ -1575,7 +1583,7 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost.
+ font-weight: normal
@@ -1605,22 +1613,22 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost.
+ Log in automatically without asking for the password.
+ Use the same password for the administrator account.
+ Choose a password for the administrator account.
+ <small>Enter the same password twice, so that it can be checked for typing errors.</small>
@@ -1766,17 +1774,17 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost.
+ Are you sure you want to create a new partition table on %1?
+ Can not create new partition
+ The partition table on %1 already has %2 primary partitions, and no more can be added. Please remove one primary partition and add an extended partition, instead.
@@ -2047,6 +2055,11 @@ Output:
Language (Country)
+ (no mount point)
+ RemoveVolumeGroupJob
@@ -2294,6 +2307,14 @@ Output:
+ ResizeVolumeGroupDialog
+ Resize Volume Group
@@ -2703,33 +2724,33 @@ Output:
+ Your username is too long.
+ Your username contains invalid characters. Only lowercase letters and numbers are allowed.
+ Your hostname is too short.
+ Your hostname is too long.
+ Your hostname contains invalid characters. Only letters, numbers and dashes are allowed.
+ Your passwords do not match!
@@ -2746,7 +2767,7 @@ Output:
- VolumeGroupDialog
+ Create Volume Group
diff --git a/lang/calamares_zh_CN.ts b/lang/calamares_zh_CN.ts
index 41abff525..132d41a95 100644
--- a/lang/calamares_zh_CN.ts
+++ b/lang/calamares_zh_CN.ts
@@ -355,17 +355,17 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost.
+ <strong>Manual partitioning</strong><br/>You can create or resize partitions yourself.<strong>手动分区</strong><br/>您可以自行创建或重新调整分区大小。
+ Boot loader location:引导程序位置:
+ %1 will be shrunk to %2MB and a new %3MB partition will be created for %4.%1 将会被缩减到 %2 MB,同时将为 %4 创建空间为 %3MB 的新分区。
@@ -376,108 +376,108 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost.
+ Current:当前:
+ Reuse %1 as home partition for %2.将 %1 重用为 %2 的家分区。
+ <strong>Select a partition to shrink, then drag the bottom bar to resize</strong><strong>选择要缩小的分区,然后拖动底栏改变大小</strong>
+ <strong>Select a partition to install on</strong><strong>选择要安装到的分区</strong>
+ An EFI system partition cannot be found anywhere on this system. Please go back and use manual partitioning to set up %1.在此系统上找不到任何 EFI 系统分区。请后退到上一步并使用手动分区配置 %1。
+ The EFI system partition at %1 will be used for starting %2.%1 处的 EFI 系统分区将被用来启动 %2。
+ EFI system partition:EFI 系统分区:
+ This storage device does not seem to have an operating system on it. What would you like to do?<br/>You will be able to review and confirm your choices before any change is made to the storage device.这个存储器上似乎还没有操作系统。您想要怎么做?<br/>在任何变更应用到存储器上前,您都可以重新查看并确认您的选择。
+ <strong>Erase disk</strong><br/>This will <font color="red">delete</font> all data currently present on the selected storage device.<strong>抹除磁盘</strong><br/>这将会<font color="red">删除</font>目前选定的存储器上所有的数据。
+ This storage device has %1 on it. What would you like to do?<br/>You will be able to review and confirm your choices before any change is made to the storage device.这个存储器上已经有 %1 了。您想要怎么做?<br/>在任何变更应用到存储器上前,您都可以重新查看并确认您的选择。
+ No Swap
+ Reuse Swap
+ Swap (no Hibernate)
+ Swap (with Hibernate)
+ Swap to file
+ <strong>Install alongside</strong><br/>The installer will shrink a partition to make room for %1.<strong>并存安装</strong><br/>安装程序将会缩小一个分区,为 %1 腾出空间。
+ <strong>Replace a partition</strong><br/>Replaces a partition with %1.<strong>取代一个分区</strong><br/>以 %1 <strong>替代</strong>一个分区。
+ This storage device already has an operating system on it. What would you like to do?<br/>You will be able to review and confirm your choices before any change is made to the storage device.这个存储器上已经有一个操作系统了。您想要怎么做?<br/>在任何变更应用到存储器上前,您都可以重新查看并确认您的选择。
+ This storage device has multiple operating systems on it. What would you like to do?<br/>You will be able to review and confirm your choices before any change is made to the storage device.这个存储器上已经有多个操作系统了。您想要怎么做?<br/>在任何变更应用到存储器上前,您都可以重新查看并确认您的选择。
@@ -740,6 +740,14 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost.
无法打开要读取的 groups 文件。
+ CreateVolumeGroupDialog
+ Create Volume Group
@@ -1578,7 +1586,7 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost.
+ font-weight: normalfont-weight: normal
@@ -1608,22 +1616,22 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost.
+ Log in automatically without asking for the password.不询问密码自动登录。
+ Use the same password for the administrator account.为管理员帐号使用同样的密码。
+ Choose a password for the administrator account.选择管理员账户的密码。
+ <small>Enter the same password twice, so that it can be checked for typing errors.</small><small>输入相同密码两次,以检查输入错误。</small>
@@ -1769,17 +1777,17 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost.
+ Are you sure you want to create a new partition table on %1?您是否确定要在 %1 上创建新分区表?
+ Can not create new partition无法创建新分区
+ The partition table on %1 already has %2 primary partitions, and no more can be added. Please remove one primary partition and add an extended partition, instead.%1上的分区表已经有%2个主分区,并且不能再添加。请删除一个主分区并添加扩展分区。
@@ -2053,6 +2061,11 @@ Output:
Language (Country)%1(%2)
+ (no mount point)
+ RemoveVolumeGroupJob
@@ -2300,6 +2313,14 @@ Output:
安装程序调整磁盘“%2”上的分区 %1 大小失败。
+ ResizeVolumeGroupDialog
+ Resize Volume Group
@@ -2709,33 +2730,33 @@ Output:
+ Your username is too long.用户名太长。
+ Your username contains invalid characters. Only lowercase letters and numbers are allowed.您的用户名含有无效的字符。只能使用小写字母和数字。
+ Your hostname is too short.主机名太短。
+ Your hostname is too long.主机名太长。
+ Your hostname contains invalid characters. Only letters, numbers and dashes are allowed.您的主机名称含有无效的字符。只能使用字母、数字和短横。
+ Your passwords do not match!密码不匹配!
@@ -2752,7 +2773,7 @@ Output:
- VolumeGroupDialog
+ Create Volume Group
diff --git a/lang/calamares_zh_TW.ts b/lang/calamares_zh_TW.ts
index f6bf4b300..90aa3db65 100644
--- a/lang/calamares_zh_TW.ts
+++ b/lang/calamares_zh_TW.ts
@@ -354,17 +354,17 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost.
+ <strong>Manual partitioning</strong><br/>You can create or resize partitions yourself.<strong>手動分割</strong><br/>您可以自行建立或重新調整分割區大小。
+ Boot loader location:開機載入器位置:
+ %1 will be shrunk to %2MB and a new %3MB partition will be created for %4.%1 將會被縮減容量到 %2MB 而一個新的 %3MB 分割區將會被建立為 %4。
@@ -375,108 +375,108 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost.
+ Current:目前:
+ Reuse %1 as home partition for %2.重新使用 %1 作為 %2 的家目錄分割區。
+ <strong>Select a partition to shrink, then drag the bottom bar to resize</strong><strong>選取要縮減的分割區,然後拖曳底部條狀物來調整大小</strong>
+ <strong>Select a partition to install on</strong><strong>選取分割區以安裝在其上</strong>
+ An EFI system partition cannot be found anywhere on this system. Please go back and use manual partitioning to set up %1.在這個系統上找不到任何的 EFI 系統分割區。請回到上一步並使用手動分割以設定 %1。
+ The EFI system partition at %1 will be used for starting %2.在 %1 的 EFI 系統分割區將會在開始 %2 時使用。
+ EFI system partition:EFI 系統分割區:
+ This storage device does not seem to have an operating system on it. What would you like to do?<br/>You will be able to review and confirm your choices before any change is made to the storage device.這個儲存裝置上似乎還沒有作業系統。您想要怎麼做?<br/>在任何變更套用到儲存裝置上前,您都可以重新檢視並確認您的選擇。
+ <strong>Erase disk</strong><br/>This will <font color="red">delete</font> all data currently present on the selected storage device.<strong>抹除磁碟</strong><br/>這將會<font color="red">刪除</font>目前選取的儲存裝置上所有的資料。
+ This storage device has %1 on it. What would you like to do?<br/>You will be able to review and confirm your choices before any change is made to the storage device.這個儲存裝置上已經有 %1 了。您想要怎麼做?<br/>在任何變更套用到儲存裝置上前,您都可以重新檢視並確認您的選擇。
+ No Swap沒有 Swap
+ Reuse Swap重用 Swap
+ Swap (no Hibernate)Swap(沒有冬眠)
+ Swap (with Hibernate)Swap(有冬眠)
+ Swap to fileSwap 到檔案
+ <strong>Install alongside</strong><br/>The installer will shrink a partition to make room for %1.<strong>並存安裝</strong><br/>安裝程式將會縮減一個分割區以讓出空間給 %1。
+ <strong>Replace a partition</strong><br/>Replaces a partition with %1.<strong>取代一個分割區</strong><br/>用 %1 取代一個分割區。
+ This storage device already has an operating system on it. What would you like to do?<br/>You will be able to review and confirm your choices before any change is made to the storage device.這個儲存裝置上已經有一個作業系統了。您想要怎麼做?<br/>在任何變更套用到儲存裝置上前,您都可以重新檢視並確認您的選擇。
+ This storage device has multiple operating systems on it. What would you like to do?<br/>You will be able to review and confirm your choices before any change is made to the storage device.這個儲存裝置上已經有多個作業系統了。您想要怎麼做?<br/>在任何變更套用到儲存裝置上前,您都可以重新檢視並確認您的選擇。
@@ -739,6 +739,14 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost.
無法開啟要讀取的 groups 檔案。
+ CreateVolumeGroupDialog
+ Create Volume Group
+ 建立卷冊群組
@@ -1576,7 +1584,7 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost.
+ font-weight: normalfont-weight: normal
@@ -1606,22 +1614,22 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost.
+ Log in automatically without asking for the password.不詢問密碼自動登入。
+ Use the same password for the administrator account.為管理員帳號使用同樣的密碼。
+ Choose a password for the administrator account.替系統管理員帳號設定一組密碼
+ <small>Enter the same password twice, so that it can be checked for typing errors.</small><small>輸入同樣的密碼兩次,這樣可以檢查輸入錯誤。</small>
@@ -1767,17 +1775,17 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost.
+ Are you sure you want to create a new partition table on %1?您是否確定要在 %1 上建立一個新的分割區表格?
+ Can not create new partition無法建立新分割區
+ The partition table on %1 already has %2 primary partitions, and no more can be added. Please remove one primary partition and add an extended partition, instead.在 %1 上的分割表已有 %2 個主要分割區,無法再新增。請移除一個主要分割區並新增一個延伸分割區。
@@ -2051,6 +2059,11 @@ Output:
Language (Country)%1 (%2)
+ (no mount point)
+ (沒有掛載點)
+ RemoveVolumeGroupJob
@@ -2298,6 +2311,14 @@ Output:
安裝程式調整在磁碟 '%2' 上的分割區 %1 的大小失敗。
+ ResizeVolumeGroupDialog
+ Resize Volume Group
+ 調整卷冊群組大小
@@ -2707,33 +2728,33 @@ Output:
+ Your username is too long.您的使用者名稱太長了。
+ Your username contains invalid characters. Only lowercase letters and numbers are allowed.您的使用者名稱含有無效的字元。只能使用小寫字母及數字。
+ Your hostname is too short.您的主機名稱太短了。
+ Your hostname is too long.您的主機名稱太長了。
+ Your hostname contains invalid characters. Only letters, numbers and dashes are allowed.您的主機名稱含有無效的字元。只能使用字母、數字及破折號。
+ Your passwords do not match!密碼不符!
@@ -2750,8 +2771,8 @@ Output:
- VolumeGroupDialog
- VolumeGroupDialog
+ Create Volume Group
+ 建立卷冊群組