diff --git a/CMakeLists.txt b/CMakeLists.txt index f98b25c99..5e8d97d25 100644 --- a/CMakeLists.txt +++ b/CMakeLists.txt @@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ set( CALAMARES_TRANSLATION_LANGUAGES ar ast bg ca cs_CZ da de el en en_GB es_MX set( CALAMARES_VERSION_MAJOR 3 ) set( CALAMARES_VERSION_MINOR 1 ) set( CALAMARES_VERSION_PATCH 4 ) -set( CALAMARES_VERSION_RC 1 ) +set( CALAMARES_VERSION_RC 0 ) set( CALAMARES_VERSION ${CALAMARES_VERSION_MAJOR}.${CALAMARES_VERSION_MINOR}.${CALAMARES_VERSION_PATCH} ) set( CALAMARES_VERSION_SHORT "${CALAMARES_VERSION}" ) diff --git a/calamares.desktop b/calamares.desktop index 4f288884e..e52d999ed 100644 --- a/calamares.desktop +++ b/calamares.desktop @@ -11,12 +11,6 @@ Icon=calamares Terminal=false StartupNotify=true Categories=Qt;System; - - -# Translations - - -# Translations Name[ca]=Calamares Icon[ca]=calamares GenericName[ca]=Instal·lador de sistema @@ -49,10 +43,18 @@ Name[hr]=Calamares Icon[hr]=calamares GenericName[hr]=Instalacija sustava Comment[hr]=Calamares — Instalacija sustava +Name[hu]=Calamares +Icon[hu]=calamares +GenericName[hu]=Rendszer Telepítő +Comment[hu]=Calamares — Rendszer Telepítő Name[id]=Calamares Icon[id]=calamares GenericName[id]=Pemasang Comment[id]=Calamares — Pemasang Sistem +Name[is]=Calamares +Icon[is]=calamares +GenericName[is]=Kerfis uppsetning +Comment[is]=Calamares — Kerfis uppsetning Name[ja]=Calamares Icon[ja]=calamares GenericName[ja]=システムインストーラー diff --git a/ci/txpull.sh b/ci/txpull.sh index 6c5b20b2b..772ac0e32 100755 --- a/ci/txpull.sh +++ b/ci/txpull.sh @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ for MODULE_DIR in $(find src/modules -maxdepth 1 -mindepth 1 -type d) ; do if [ -d ${MODULE_DIR}/lang ]; then # Convert PO files to MO files for POFILE in $(find ${MODULE_DIR} -name "*.po") ; do + sed -i'' '/^"Content-Type/s/CHARSET/UTF-8/' $POFILE msgfmt -o ${POFILE%.po}.mo $POFILE done git add --verbose ${MODULE_DIR}/lang/* @@ -69,6 +70,7 @@ for MODULE_DIR in $(find src/modules -maxdepth 1 -mindepth 1 -type d) ; do done for POFILE in $(find lang -name "python.po") ; do + sed -i'' '/^"Content-Type/s/CHARSET/UTF-8/' $POFILE msgfmt -o ${POFILE%.po}.mo $POFILE done git add --verbose lang/python* diff --git a/ci/txpush.sh b/ci/txpush.sh index cb2499f3e..fe6d7170f 100755 --- a/ci/txpush.sh +++ b/ci/txpush.sh @@ -56,8 +56,10 @@ for MODULE_DIR in $(find src/modules -maxdepth 1 -mindepth 1 -type d) ; do MODULE_NAME=$(basename ${MODULE_DIR}) if [ -d ${MODULE_DIR}/lang ]; then ${PYGETTEXT} -p ${MODULE_DIR}/lang -d ${MODULE_NAME} -o ${MODULE_NAME}.pot ${MODULE_DIR}/*.py - if [ -f ${MODULE_DIR}/lang/${MODULE_NAME}.pot ]; then - tx set -r calamares.${MODULE_NAME} --source -l en ${MODULE_DIR}/lang/${MODULE_NAME}.pot + POTFILE="${MODULE_DIR}/lang/${MODULE_NAME}.pot" + if [ -f "$POTFILE" ]; then + sed -i'' '/^"Content-Type/s/CHARSET/UTF-8/' "$POTFILE" + tx set -r calamares.${MODULE_NAME} --source -l en "$POTFILE" tx push --source --no-interactive -r calamares.${MODULE_NAME} fi else @@ -68,6 +70,8 @@ done if test -n "$SHARED_PYTHON" ; then ${PYGETTEXT} -p lang -d python -o python.pot $SHARED_PYTHON - tx set -r calamares.python --source -l en lang/python.pot + POTFILE="lang/python.pot" + sed -i'' '/^"Content-Type/s/CHARSET/UTF-8/' "$POTFILE" + tx set -r calamares.python --source -l en "$POTFILE" tx push --source --no-interactive -r calamares.python fi diff --git a/lang/calamares_ar.ts b/lang/calamares_ar.ts index f2af10ebc..e9d4a7a12 100644 --- a/lang/calamares_ar.ts +++ b/lang/calamares_ar.ts @@ -2,17 +2,17 @@ BootInfoWidget - + The <strong>boot environment</strong> of this system.<br><br>Older x86 systems only support <strong>BIOS</strong>.<br>Modern systems usually use <strong>EFI</strong>, but may also show up as BIOS if started in compatibility mode. <strong>بيئة الإقلاع</strong> لهذا النّظام.<br><br>أنظمة x86 القديمة تدعم <strong>BIOS</strong> فقط.<br>غالبًا ما تستخدم الأنظمة الجديدة <strong>EFI</strong>، ولكن ما زال بإمكانك إظهاره ك‍ BIOS إن بدأته بوضع التّوافقيّة. - + This system was started with an <strong>EFI</strong> boot environment.<br><br>To configure startup from an EFI environment, this installer must deploy a boot loader application, like <strong>GRUB</strong> or <strong>systemd-boot</strong> on an <strong>EFI System Partition</strong>. This is automatic, unless you choose manual partitioning, in which case you must choose it or create it on your own. بدأ هذا النّظام ببيئة إقلاع <strong>EFI</strong>.<br><br>لضبط البدء من بيئة EFI، يجب على المثبّت وضع تطبيق محمّل إقلاع، مثل <strong>GRUB</strong> أو <strong>systemd-boot</strong> على <strong>قسم نظام EFI</strong>. هذا الأمر آليّ، إلّا إن اخترت التّقسيم يدويًّا، حيث عليك اخيتاره أو إنشاؤه بنفسك. - + This system was started with a <strong>BIOS</strong> boot environment.<br><br>To configure startup from a BIOS environment, this installer must install a boot loader, like <strong>GRUB</strong>, either at the beginning of a partition or on the <strong>Master Boot Record</strong> near the beginning of the partition table (preferred). This is automatic, unless you choose manual partitioning, in which case you must set it up on your own. بدأ هذا النّظام ببيئة إقلاع <strong>BIOS</strong>.<br><br>لضبط البدء من بيئة BIOS، يجب على المثبّت وضع تطبيق محمّل إقلاع، مثل <strong>GRUB</strong>، إمّا في بداية قسم أو في <strong>قطاع الإقلاع الرّئيس</strong> قرب بداية جدول التّقسيم (محبّذ). هذا الأمر آليّ، إلّا إن اخترت التّقسيم يدويًّا، حيث عليك اخيتاره أو إنشاؤه بنفسك. @@ -591,27 +591,27 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost. الح&جم: - + En&crypt تشفير - + Logical منطقيّ - + Primary أساسيّ - + GPT GPT - + Mountpoint already in use. Please select another one. @@ -824,7 +824,7 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost. DeviceInfoWidget - + The type of <strong>partition table</strong> on the selected storage device.<br><br>The only way to change the partition table type is to erase and recreate the partition table from scratch, which destroys all data on the storage device.<br>This installer will keep the current partition table unless you explicitly choose otherwise.<br>If unsure, on modern systems GPT is preferred. نوع <strong>جدول التّقسيم</strong> على جهاز التّخزين المحدّد.<br><br>الطّريقة الوحيدة لتغيير النّوع هو بحذفه وإعادة إنشاء جدول التّقسيم من الصّفر، ممّا سيؤدّي إلى تدمير كلّ البيانات في جهاز التّخزين.<br>سيبقي هذا المثبّت جدول التّقسيم الحاليّ كما هو إلّا إن لم ترد ذلك.<br>إن لم تكن متأكّدًا، ف‍ GPT مستحسن للأنظمة الحديثة. @@ -941,7 +941,7 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost. الشّارات: - + Mountpoint already in use. Please select another one. @@ -969,7 +969,7 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost. أكّد عبارة المرور - + Please enter the same passphrase in both boxes. @@ -1038,17 +1038,17 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost. FinishedViewStep - + Finish أنهِ - + Installation Complete - + The installation of %1 is complete. @@ -1159,6 +1159,16 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost. The system locale setting affects the language and character set for some command line user interface elements.<br/>The current setting is <strong>%1</strong>. إعداد محليّة النّظام يؤثّر على لغة بعض عناصر واجهة مستخدم سطر الأوامر وأطقم محارفها.<br/>الإعداد الحاليّ هو <strong>%1</strong>. + + + &Cancel + + + + + &OK + + LicensePage @@ -1575,7 +1585,7 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost. ثبّت م&حمّل الإقلاع على: - + Are you sure you want to create a new partition table on %1? أمتأكّد من إنشاء جدول تقسيم جديد على %1؟ diff --git a/lang/calamares_ast.ts b/lang/calamares_ast.ts index b0f9c8b81..be9f765a0 100644 --- a/lang/calamares_ast.ts +++ b/lang/calamares_ast.ts @@ -2,17 +2,17 @@ BootInfoWidget - + The <strong>boot environment</strong> of this system.<br><br>Older x86 systems only support <strong>BIOS</strong>.<br>Modern systems usually use <strong>EFI</strong>, but may also show up as BIOS if started in compatibility mode. L'<strong>entornu d'arranque</strong> d'esti sistema.<br><br>Sistemes x86 más vieyos namái sofiten <strong>BIOS</strong>.<br>Los sistemes modernos usen davezu <strong>EFI</strong>, pero quiciabes d'amuesen como BIOS si s'anicien nel mou compatibilidá. - + This system was started with an <strong>EFI</strong> boot environment.<br><br>To configure startup from an EFI environment, this installer must deploy a boot loader application, like <strong>GRUB</strong> or <strong>systemd-boot</strong> on an <strong>EFI System Partition</strong>. This is automatic, unless you choose manual partitioning, in which case you must choose it or create it on your own. Esti sistema anicióse con un entornu d'arranque <strong>EFI</strong>.<br><br>Pa configurar l'aniciu d'un entornu EFI, esti instalador ha instalar una aplicación de xestión d'arranque, como <strong>GRUB</strong> o <strong>systemd-boot</strong> nuna <strong>partición del sistema EFI</strong>. Esto ye automático, a nun ser qu'escueyas el particionáu manual, que nesi casu has escoyer creala tu mesmu. - + This system was started with a <strong>BIOS</strong> boot environment.<br><br>To configure startup from a BIOS environment, this installer must install a boot loader, like <strong>GRUB</strong>, either at the beginning of a partition or on the <strong>Master Boot Record</strong> near the beginning of the partition table (preferred). This is automatic, unless you choose manual partitioning, in which case you must set it up on your own. @@ -591,27 +591,27 @@ L'instalador colará y perderánse toles camudancies. Tama&ñu: - + En&crypt &Cifrar - + Logical Llóxica - + Primary Primaria - + GPT GPT - + Mountpoint already in use. Please select another one. Puntu de montaxe yá n'usu. Esbilla otru, por favor. @@ -824,7 +824,7 @@ L'instalador colará y perderánse toles camudancies. DeviceInfoWidget - + The type of <strong>partition table</strong> on the selected storage device.<br><br>The only way to change the partition table type is to erase and recreate the partition table from scratch, which destroys all data on the storage device.<br>This installer will keep the current partition table unless you explicitly choose otherwise.<br>If unsure, on modern systems GPT is preferred. @@ -941,7 +941,7 @@ L'instalador colará y perderánse toles camudancies. Banderes: - + Mountpoint already in use. Please select another one. Puntu de montaxe yá n'usu. Esbilla otru, por favor. @@ -969,7 +969,7 @@ L'instalador colará y perderánse toles camudancies. Confirmar fras de pasu - + Please enter the same passphrase in both boxes. Introduz la mesma fras de pasu n'entrabes caxes, por favor. @@ -1038,17 +1038,17 @@ L'instalador colará y perderánse toles camudancies. FinishedViewStep - + Finish Finar - + Installation Complete - + The installation of %1 is complete. @@ -1159,6 +1159,16 @@ L'instalador colará y perderánse toles camudancies. The system locale setting affects the language and character set for some command line user interface elements.<br/>The current setting is <strong>%1</strong>. L'axustes de locale del sistema afeuta a la llingua y al conxuntu de caráuteres afitáu pa dellos elementos de la interfaz d'usuaru de llinia comandos.<br/>L'axuste actual ye <strong>%1</strong>. + + + &Cancel + + + + + &OK + + LicensePage @@ -1575,7 +1585,7 @@ L'instalador colará y perderánse toles camudancies. &Instalar xestor d'arranque en: - + Are you sure you want to create a new partition table on %1? ¿De xuru que quies crear una tabla particiones nueva en %1? diff --git a/lang/calamares_bg.ts b/lang/calamares_bg.ts index dce5bde9c..388bb98a8 100644 --- a/lang/calamares_bg.ts +++ b/lang/calamares_bg.ts @@ -2,17 +2,17 @@ BootInfoWidget - + The <strong>boot environment</strong> of this system.<br><br>Older x86 systems only support <strong>BIOS</strong>.<br>Modern systems usually use <strong>EFI</strong>, but may also show up as BIOS if started in compatibility mode. <strong>Среда за начално зареждане</strong> на тази система.<br><br>Старите x86 системи поддържат само <strong>BIOS</strong>.<br>Модерните системи обикновено използват <strong>EFI</strong>, но може също така да използват BIOS, ако са стартирани в режим на съвместимост. - + This system was started with an <strong>EFI</strong> boot environment.<br><br>To configure startup from an EFI environment, this installer must deploy a boot loader application, like <strong>GRUB</strong> or <strong>systemd-boot</strong> on an <strong>EFI System Partition</strong>. This is automatic, unless you choose manual partitioning, in which case you must choose it or create it on your own. Тази система беше стартирана с <strong>EFI</strong> среда за начално зареждане.<br><br>За да се настрои стартирането от EFI, инсталаторът трябва да разположи програма за начално зареждане като <strong>GRUB</strong> или <strong>systemd-boot</strong> на <strong>EFI Системен Дял</strong>. Това се прави автоматично, освен ако не се избере ръчно поделяне, в такъв случай вие трябва да свършите тази работа. - + This system was started with a <strong>BIOS</strong> boot environment.<br><br>To configure startup from a BIOS environment, this installer must install a boot loader, like <strong>GRUB</strong>, either at the beginning of a partition or on the <strong>Master Boot Record</strong> near the beginning of the partition table (preferred). This is automatic, unless you choose manual partitioning, in which case you must set it up on your own. Тази система беше стартирана с <strong>BIOS</strong> среда за начално зареждане.<br><br>За да се настрои стартирането от BIOS, инсталаторът трябва да разположи програма за начално зареждане като <strong>GRUB</strong> в началото на дяла или на <strong>Сектора за Начално Зареждане</strong> близо до началото на таблицата на дяловете (предпочитано). Това се прави автоматично, освен ако не се избере ръчно поделяне, в такъв случай вие трябва да свършите тази работа. @@ -592,27 +592,27 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost. Раз&мер: - + En&crypt - + Logical Логическа - + Primary Главна - + GPT GPT - + Mountpoint already in use. Please select another one. @@ -825,7 +825,7 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost. DeviceInfoWidget - + The type of <strong>partition table</strong> on the selected storage device.<br><br>The only way to change the partition table type is to erase and recreate the partition table from scratch, which destroys all data on the storage device.<br>This installer will keep the current partition table unless you explicitly choose otherwise.<br>If unsure, on modern systems GPT is preferred. Типа на <strong>таблицата на дяловете</strong> на избраното устройство за съхранение.<br><br>Единствения начин да се промени е като се изчисти и пресъздаде таблицата на дяловете, като по този начин всички данни върху устройството ще бъдат унищожени.<br>Инсталатора ще запази сегашната таблица на дяловете, освен ако не изберете обратното.<br>Ако не сте сигурни - за модерни системи се препоръчва GPT. @@ -942,7 +942,7 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost. Флагове: - + Mountpoint already in use. Please select another one. @@ -970,7 +970,7 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost. Потвърди паролата - + Please enter the same passphrase in both boxes. @@ -1039,17 +1039,17 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost. FinishedViewStep - + Finish Завърши - + Installation Complete - + The installation of %1 is complete. @@ -1160,6 +1160,16 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost. The system locale setting affects the language and character set for some command line user interface elements.<br/>The current setting is <strong>%1</strong>. Локацията на системата засяга езика и символите зададени за някои елементи на командния ред.<br/>Текущата настройка е <strong>%1</strong>. + + + &Cancel + + + + + &OK + + LicensePage @@ -1576,7 +1586,7 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost. Инсталирай &устройството за начално зареждане върху: - + Are you sure you want to create a new partition table on %1? Сигурни ли сте че искате да създадете нова таблица на дяловете върху %1? diff --git a/lang/calamares_ca.ts b/lang/calamares_ca.ts index 294795406..cae1c9e09 100644 --- a/lang/calamares_ca.ts +++ b/lang/calamares_ca.ts @@ -2,17 +2,17 @@ BootInfoWidget - + The <strong>boot environment</strong> of this system.<br><br>Older x86 systems only support <strong>BIOS</strong>.<br>Modern systems usually use <strong>EFI</strong>, but may also show up as BIOS if started in compatibility mode. L'<strong>entorn d'arrencada</strong> d'aquest sistema.<br><br>Els sistemes antics x86 només tenen suport per a <strong>BIOS</strong>.<br>Els moderns normalment usen <strong>EFI</strong>, però també poden mostrar-se com a BIOS si l'entorn d'arrencada s'executa en mode de compatibilitat. - + This system was started with an <strong>EFI</strong> boot environment.<br><br>To configure startup from an EFI environment, this installer must deploy a boot loader application, like <strong>GRUB</strong> or <strong>systemd-boot</strong> on an <strong>EFI System Partition</strong>. This is automatic, unless you choose manual partitioning, in which case you must choose it or create it on your own. Aquest sistema s'ha iniciat amb un entorn d'arrencada <strong>EFI</strong>. <br><br> Per configurar una arrencada des d'un entorn EFI, aquest instal·lador ha de desplegar una aplicació de càrrega d'arrencada, com ara el <strong>GRUB</strong> o el <strong>systemd-boot</strong> en una <strong>partició EFI del sistema</strong>. Això és automàtic, llevat que trieu un partiment manual, en què caldrà que ho configureu vosaltres mateixos. - + This system was started with a <strong>BIOS</strong> boot environment.<br><br>To configure startup from a BIOS environment, this installer must install a boot loader, like <strong>GRUB</strong>, either at the beginning of a partition or on the <strong>Master Boot Record</strong> near the beginning of the partition table (preferred). This is automatic, unless you choose manual partitioning, in which case you must set it up on your own. Aquest sistema s'ha iniciat amb un entorn d'arrencada <strong>BIOS </strong>. Per configurar una arrencada des d'un entorn BIOS, aquest instal·lador ha d'instal·lar un carregador d'arrencada, com ara el <strong>GRUB</strong>, ja sigui al començament d'una partició o al <strong>Registre d'Arrencada Mestre</strong>, a prop del començament de la taula de particions (millor). Això és automàtic, llevat que trieu un partiment manual, en què caldrà que ho configureu pel vostre compte. @@ -591,27 +591,27 @@ L'instal·lador es tancarà i tots els canvis es perdran. Mi&da: - + En&crypt En&cripta - + Logical Lògica - + Primary Primària - + GPT GPT - + Mountpoint already in use. Please select another one. El punt de muntatge ja s'usa. Si us plau, seleccioneu-ne un altre. @@ -824,7 +824,7 @@ L'instal·lador es tancarà i tots els canvis es perdran. DeviceInfoWidget - + The type of <strong>partition table</strong> on the selected storage device.<br><br>The only way to change the partition table type is to erase and recreate the partition table from scratch, which destroys all data on the storage device.<br>This installer will keep the current partition table unless you explicitly choose otherwise.<br>If unsure, on modern systems GPT is preferred. El tipus de <strong>taula de particions</strong> actualment present al dispositiu d'emmagatzematge seleccionat. L'única manera de canviar el tipus de taula de particions és esborrar i tornar a crear la taula de particions des de zero, fet que destrueix totes les dades del dispositiu d'emmagatzematge. <br> Aquest instal·lador mantindrà la taula de particions actual llevat que decidiu expressament el contrari. <br>Si no n'esteu segur, als sistemes moderns es prefereix GPT. @@ -941,7 +941,7 @@ L'instal·lador es tancarà i tots els canvis es perdran. Banderes: - + Mountpoint already in use. Please select another one. El punt de muntatge ja s'usa. Si us plau, seleccioneu-ne un altre. @@ -969,7 +969,7 @@ L'instal·lador es tancarà i tots els canvis es perdran. Confirmeu la contrasenya - + Please enter the same passphrase in both boxes. Si us plau, escriviu la mateixa constrasenya a les dues caselles. @@ -1038,19 +1038,19 @@ L'instal·lador es tancarà i tots els canvis es perdran. FinishedViewStep - + Finish Acaba - + Installation Complete - + Instal·lació acabada - + The installation of %1 is complete. - + La instal·lació de %1 ha acabat. @@ -1159,6 +1159,16 @@ L'instal·lador es tancarà i tots els canvis es perdran. The system locale setting affects the language and character set for some command line user interface elements.<br/>The current setting is <strong>%1</strong>. La configuració local del sistema afecta la llengua i el joc de caràcters d'alguns elements de la interície de línia d'ordres. <br/>La configuració actual és <strong>%1</strong>. + + + &Cancel + &Cancel·la + + + + &OK + D'ac&ord + LicensePage @@ -1575,7 +1585,7 @@ L'instal·lador es tancarà i tots els canvis es perdran. &Instal·la el carregador d'arrencada a: - + Are you sure you want to create a new partition table on %1? Esteu segurs que voleu crear una nova taula de particions a %1? diff --git a/lang/calamares_cs_CZ.ts b/lang/calamares_cs_CZ.ts index ceda78cc4..3bc430080 100644 --- a/lang/calamares_cs_CZ.ts +++ b/lang/calamares_cs_CZ.ts @@ -2,17 +2,17 @@ BootInfoWidget - + The <strong>boot environment</strong> of this system.<br><br>Older x86 systems only support <strong>BIOS</strong>.<br>Modern systems usually use <strong>EFI</strong>, but may also show up as BIOS if started in compatibility mode. <strong>Zaváděcí prostředí</strong> tohoto systému.<br><br>Starší x86 systémy podporují pouze <strong>BIOS</strong>.<br>Moderní systémy většinou využívají <strong>EFI</strong>, někdy lze toto prostředí přepnout do módu kompatibility a může se jevit jako BIOS. - + This system was started with an <strong>EFI</strong> boot environment.<br><br>To configure startup from an EFI environment, this installer must deploy a boot loader application, like <strong>GRUB</strong> or <strong>systemd-boot</strong> on an <strong>EFI System Partition</strong>. This is automatic, unless you choose manual partitioning, in which case you must choose it or create it on your own. Systém byl spuštěn se zaváděcím prostředím <strong>EFI</strong>.<br><br>Abyste zaváděli systém prostředím EFI, instalátor musí zavést aplikaci pro zavádění systému, jako <strong>GRUB</strong> nebo <strong>systemd-boot</strong> na <strong>systémovém oddílu EFI</strong>. Proběhne to automaticky, pokud si nezvolíte ruční dělení disku, v tom případě si aplikaci pro zavádění musíte sami zvolit. - + This system was started with a <strong>BIOS</strong> boot environment.<br><br>To configure startup from a BIOS environment, this installer must install a boot loader, like <strong>GRUB</strong>, either at the beginning of a partition or on the <strong>Master Boot Record</strong> near the beginning of the partition table (preferred). This is automatic, unless you choose manual partitioning, in which case you must set it up on your own. Systém byl spuštěn se zaváděcím prostředím <strong>BIOS</strong>.<br><br>Abyste zaváděli systém prostředím BIOS, instalátor musí umístit zavaděč systému, jako <strong>GRUB</strong>, buď na začátek oddílu nebo (lépe) do <strong>Master Boot Record</strong> na začátku tabulky oddílů. Proběhne to automaticky, pokud si nezvolíte ruční dělení disku, v tom případě si zavádění musíte nastavit sami. @@ -591,27 +591,27 @@ Instalační program bude ukončen a všechny změny ztraceny. &Velikost: - + En&crypt Š&ifrovat - + Logical Logický - + Primary Primární - + GPT GPT - + Mountpoint already in use. Please select another one. Bod připojení je už používán. Prosím vyberte jiný. @@ -824,7 +824,7 @@ Instalační program bude ukončen a všechny změny ztraceny. DeviceInfoWidget - + The type of <strong>partition table</strong> on the selected storage device.<br><br>The only way to change the partition table type is to erase and recreate the partition table from scratch, which destroys all data on the storage device.<br>This installer will keep the current partition table unless you explicitly choose otherwise.<br>If unsure, on modern systems GPT is preferred. Typ <strong>tabulky oddílů</strong>, který je na vybraném úložném zařízení.<br><br>Jedinou možností změnit typ tabulky oddílů je smazání a znovu vytvoření nové tabulky oddílů, tím se smažou všechna data na daném úložném zařízení.<br>Instalační program zanechá stávající typ tabulky oddílů, pokud si sami nenavolíte jeho změnu.<br>Pokud si nejste jisti, na moderních systémech se upřednostňuje GPT. @@ -941,7 +941,7 @@ Instalační program bude ukončen a všechny změny ztraceny. Příznaky: - + Mountpoint already in use. Please select another one. Bod připojení je už používán. Prosím vyberte jiný. @@ -969,7 +969,7 @@ Instalační program bude ukončen a všechny změny ztraceny. Potvrď heslo - + Please enter the same passphrase in both boxes. Zadejte prosím stejné heslo do obou polí. @@ -1038,19 +1038,19 @@ Instalační program bude ukončen a všechny změny ztraceny. FinishedViewStep - + Finish Dokončit - + Installation Complete - + Instalace dokončena - + The installation of %1 is complete. - + Instalace %1 je dokončena. @@ -1159,6 +1159,16 @@ Instalační program bude ukončen a všechny změny ztraceny. The system locale setting affects the language and character set for some command line user interface elements.<br/>The current setting is <strong>%1</strong>. Nastavené locale systému ovlivňuje jazyk a znakovou sadu pro UI příkazové řádky.<br/>Současné nastavení je <strong>%1</strong>. + + + &Cancel + + + + + &OK + + LicensePage @@ -1575,7 +1585,7 @@ Instalační program bude ukončen a všechny změny ztraceny. Nainstalovat &zavaděč na: - + Are you sure you want to create a new partition table on %1? Opravdu si přejete vytvořit novou tabulku oddílů na %1? diff --git a/lang/calamares_da.ts b/lang/calamares_da.ts index e88b0d26b..6017dbb8c 100644 --- a/lang/calamares_da.ts +++ b/lang/calamares_da.ts @@ -2,17 +2,17 @@ BootInfoWidget - + The <strong>boot environment</strong> of this system.<br><br>Older x86 systems only support <strong>BIOS</strong>.<br>Modern systems usually use <strong>EFI</strong>, but may also show up as BIOS if started in compatibility mode. <strong>Bootmiljøet</strong> for dette system.<br><br>Ældre x86-systemer understøtter kun <strong>BIOS</strong>.<br>Moderne systemer bruger normalt <strong>EFI</strong>, men kan også vises som BIOS hvis det startes i kompatibilitetstilstand. - + This system was started with an <strong>EFI</strong> boot environment.<br><br>To configure startup from an EFI environment, this installer must deploy a boot loader application, like <strong>GRUB</strong> or <strong>systemd-boot</strong> on an <strong>EFI System Partition</strong>. This is automatic, unless you choose manual partitioning, in which case you must choose it or create it on your own. Dette system blev startet med et <strong>EFI</strong>-bootmiljø.<br><br>For at konfigurere opstart fra et EFI-miljø, bliver installationsprogrammet nødt til at installere et bootloaderprogram, såsom <strong>GRUB</strong> eller <strong>systemd-boot</strong> på en <strong>EFI-systempartition</strong>. Dette vil ske automatisk, med mindre du vælger manuel partitionering, hvor du i så fald skal vælge eller oprette den selv. - + This system was started with a <strong>BIOS</strong> boot environment.<br><br>To configure startup from a BIOS environment, this installer must install a boot loader, like <strong>GRUB</strong>, either at the beginning of a partition or on the <strong>Master Boot Record</strong> near the beginning of the partition table (preferred). This is automatic, unless you choose manual partitioning, in which case you must set it up on your own. Dette system blev startet med et <strong>BIOS</strong>-bootmiljø.<br><br>For at konfigurere opstart fra et BIOS-miljø, bliver installationsprogrammet nødt til at installere en bootloader, såsom <strong>GRUB</strong>, enten i begyndelsen af en partition eller på <strong>Master Boot Record</strong> nær begyndelsen af partitionstabellen (foretrukket). Dette sker automatisk, med mindre du vælger manuel partitionering, hvor du i så fald skal opsætte den selv. @@ -591,27 +591,27 @@ Installationsprogrammet vil stoppe og alle ændringer vil gå tabt.&Størrelse: - + En&crypt Kryp&tér - + Logical Logisk - + Primary Primær - + GPT GPT - + Mountpoint already in use. Please select another one. Monteringspunktet er allerede i brug. Vælg venligst et andet. @@ -824,7 +824,7 @@ Installationsprogrammet vil stoppe og alle ændringer vil gå tabt. DeviceInfoWidget - + The type of <strong>partition table</strong> on the selected storage device.<br><br>The only way to change the partition table type is to erase and recreate the partition table from scratch, which destroys all data on the storage device.<br>This installer will keep the current partition table unless you explicitly choose otherwise.<br>If unsure, on modern systems GPT is preferred. Typen af <strong>partitionstabel</strong> på den valgte lagerenhed.<br><br>Den eneste måde at ændre partitionstabeltypen, er at slette og oprette partitionstabellen igen, hvilket vil destruere al data på lagerenheden.<br>Installationsprogrammet vil beholde den nuværende partitionstabel medmindre du specifikt vælger andet.<br>Hvis usikker, er GPT foretrukket på moderne systemer. @@ -941,7 +941,7 @@ Installationsprogrammet vil stoppe og alle ændringer vil gå tabt.Flag: - + Mountpoint already in use. Please select another one. Monteringspunktet er allerede i brug. Vælg venligst et andet. @@ -969,7 +969,7 @@ Installationsprogrammet vil stoppe og alle ændringer vil gå tabt.Bekræft adgangskode - + Please enter the same passphrase in both boxes. Indtast venligst samme adgangskode i begge bokse. @@ -1038,19 +1038,19 @@ Installationsprogrammet vil stoppe og alle ændringer vil gå tabt. FinishedViewStep - + Finish Færdig - + Installation Complete - + Installation fuldført - + The installation of %1 is complete. - + Installationen af %1 er fuldført. @@ -1159,6 +1159,16 @@ Installationsprogrammet vil stoppe og alle ændringer vil gå tabt.The system locale setting affects the language and character set for some command line user interface elements.<br/>The current setting is <strong>%1</strong>. Systemets lokalitetsindstilling har indflydelse på sproget og tegnsættet for nogle kommandolinje-brugerelementer.<br/>Den nuværende indstilling er <strong>%1</strong>. + + + &Cancel + &Annullér + + + + &OK + &OK + LicensePage @@ -1575,7 +1585,7 @@ Installationsprogrammet vil stoppe og alle ændringer vil gå tabt.Installér boot&loader på: - + Are you sure you want to create a new partition table on %1? Er du sikker på, at du vil oprette en ny partitionstabel på %1? diff --git a/lang/calamares_de.ts b/lang/calamares_de.ts index 35bedd47b..ff93c6377 100644 --- a/lang/calamares_de.ts +++ b/lang/calamares_de.ts @@ -2,17 +2,17 @@ BootInfoWidget - + The <strong>boot environment</strong> of this system.<br><br>Older x86 systems only support <strong>BIOS</strong>.<br>Modern systems usually use <strong>EFI</strong>, but may also show up as BIOS if started in compatibility mode. Die <strong>Boot-Umgebung</strong> dieses Systems.<br><br>Ältere x86-Systeme unterstützen nur <strong>BIOS</strong>.<br>Moderne Systeme verwenden normalerweise <strong>EFI</strong>, können jedoch auch als BIOS angezeigt werden, wenn sie im Kompatibilitätsmodus gestartet werden. - + This system was started with an <strong>EFI</strong> boot environment.<br><br>To configure startup from an EFI environment, this installer must deploy a boot loader application, like <strong>GRUB</strong> or <strong>systemd-boot</strong> on an <strong>EFI System Partition</strong>. This is automatic, unless you choose manual partitioning, in which case you must choose it or create it on your own. Dieses System wurde mit einer <strong>EFI</strong> Boot-Umgebung gestartet.<br><br>Um den Start von einer EFI-Umgebung zu konfigurieren, muss dieser Installer eine Bootloader-Anwendung nutzen , wie <strong>GRUB</strong> oder <strong>systemd-boot</strong> auf einer <strong>EFI System-Partition</strong>. Dies passiert automatisch, außer Sie wählen die maunuelle Partitionierung. In diesem Fall müssen Sie sie selbst auswählen oder erstellen. - + This system was started with a <strong>BIOS</strong> boot environment.<br><br>To configure startup from a BIOS environment, this installer must install a boot loader, like <strong>GRUB</strong>, either at the beginning of a partition or on the <strong>Master Boot Record</strong> near the beginning of the partition table (preferred). This is automatic, unless you choose manual partitioning, in which case you must set it up on your own. Dieses System wurde mit einer <strong>BIOS</strong> Boot-Umgebung gestartet.<br><br>Um den Systemstart aus einer BIOS-Umgebung zu konfigurieren, muss dieses Installationsprogramm einen Boot-Loader installieren, wie <strong>GRUB</strong>, entweder am Anfang einer Partition oder im <strong>Master Boot Record</strong> nahe am Anfang der Partitionstabelle (bevorzugt). Dies passiert automatisch, außer Sie wählen die manuelle Partitionierung. In diesem Fall müssen Sie ihn selbst aufsetzen. @@ -591,27 +591,27 @@ Dies wird das Installationsprogramm beenden und alle Änderungen gehen verloren. Grö&sse: - + En&crypt Ver&schlüsseln - + Logical Logisch - + Primary Primär - + GPT GPT - + Mountpoint already in use. Please select another one. Dieser Einhängepunkt wird schon benuztzt. Bitte wählen Sie einen anderen. @@ -824,7 +824,7 @@ Dies wird das Installationsprogramm beenden und alle Änderungen gehen verloren. DeviceInfoWidget - + The type of <strong>partition table</strong> on the selected storage device.<br><br>The only way to change the partition table type is to erase and recreate the partition table from scratch, which destroys all data on the storage device.<br>This installer will keep the current partition table unless you explicitly choose otherwise.<br>If unsure, on modern systems GPT is preferred. Die Art von <strong>Partitionstabelle</strong> auf dem gewählten Speichermedium.<br><br>Die einzige Möglichkeit die Art der Partitionstabelle zu ändern ist sie zu löschen und sie von Grund auf neu aufzusetzen, was alle Daten auf dem Speichermedium vernichtet.<br>Dieses Installationsprogramm wird die aktuelle Partitionstabelle behalten außer Sie wählen ausdrücklich etwas anderes..<br>Falls Sie unsicher sind: auf modernen Systemen wird GPT bevorzugt. @@ -941,7 +941,7 @@ Dies wird das Installationsprogramm beenden und alle Änderungen gehen verloren. Markierungen: - + Mountpoint already in use. Please select another one. Der Einhängepunkt wird schon benutzt. Bitte wählen Sie einen anderen. @@ -969,7 +969,7 @@ Dies wird das Installationsprogramm beenden und alle Änderungen gehen verloren. Passwort wiederholen - + Please enter the same passphrase in both boxes. Bitte tragen Sie dasselbe Passwort in beide Felder ein. @@ -1038,17 +1038,17 @@ Dies wird das Installationsprogramm beenden und alle Änderungen gehen verloren. FinishedViewStep - + Finish Beenden - + Installation Complete - + The installation of %1 is complete. @@ -1159,6 +1159,16 @@ Dies wird das Installationsprogramm beenden und alle Änderungen gehen verloren. The system locale setting affects the language and character set for some command line user interface elements.<br/>The current setting is <strong>%1</strong>. Die Lokalisierung des Systems beeinflusst die Sprache und den Zeichensatz einiger Elemente der Kommandozeile.<br/>Die derzeitige Einstellung ist <strong>%1</strong>. + + + &Cancel + + + + + &OK + + LicensePage @@ -1575,7 +1585,7 @@ Dies wird das Installationsprogramm beenden und alle Änderungen gehen verloren. Installiere Boot&loader auf: - + Are you sure you want to create a new partition table on %1? Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie eine neue Partitionstabelle auf %1 erstellen möchten? diff --git a/lang/calamares_el.ts b/lang/calamares_el.ts index 46f2cf755..ee760147c 100644 --- a/lang/calamares_el.ts +++ b/lang/calamares_el.ts @@ -2,17 +2,17 @@ BootInfoWidget - + The <strong>boot environment</strong> of this system.<br><br>Older x86 systems only support <strong>BIOS</strong>.<br>Modern systems usually use <strong>EFI</strong>, but may also show up as BIOS if started in compatibility mode. Το <strong> περιβάλλον εκκίνησης <strong> αυτού του συστήματος.<br><br>Παλαιότερα συστήματα x86 υποστηρίζουν μόνο <strong>BIOS</strong>.<br> Τα σύγχρονα συστήματα συνήθως χρησιμοποιούν <strong>EFI</strong>, αλλά ίσως επίσης να φαίνονται ως BIOS εάν εκκινήθηκαν σε λειτουργία συμβατότητας. - + This system was started with an <strong>EFI</strong> boot environment.<br><br>To configure startup from an EFI environment, this installer must deploy a boot loader application, like <strong>GRUB</strong> or <strong>systemd-boot</strong> on an <strong>EFI System Partition</strong>. This is automatic, unless you choose manual partitioning, in which case you must choose it or create it on your own. Αυτό το σύστημα εκκινήθηκε με ένα <strong>EFI</strong> περιβάλλον εκκίνησης.<br><br>Για να ρυθμιστεί η εκκίνηση από ένα περιβάλλον EFI, αυτός ο εγκαταστάτης πρέπει να αναπτυχθεί ένα πρόγραμμα φορτωτή εκκίνησης, όπως <strong>GRUB</strong> ή <strong>systemd-boot</strong> σε ένα <strong>EFI Σύστημα Διαμερισμού</strong>. Αυτό είναι αυτόματο, εκτός εάν επιλέξεις χειροκίνητο διαμερισμό, στην οποία περίπτωση οφείλεις να το επιλέξεις ή να το δημιουργήσεις από μόνος σου. - + This system was started with a <strong>BIOS</strong> boot environment.<br><br>To configure startup from a BIOS environment, this installer must install a boot loader, like <strong>GRUB</strong>, either at the beginning of a partition or on the <strong>Master Boot Record</strong> near the beginning of the partition table (preferred). This is automatic, unless you choose manual partitioning, in which case you must set it up on your own. @@ -591,27 +591,27 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost. &Μέγεθος: - + En&crypt - + Logical Λογική - + Primary Πρωτεύουσα - + GPT GPT - + Mountpoint already in use. Please select another one. @@ -824,7 +824,7 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost. DeviceInfoWidget - + The type of <strong>partition table</strong> on the selected storage device.<br><br>The only way to change the partition table type is to erase and recreate the partition table from scratch, which destroys all data on the storage device.<br>This installer will keep the current partition table unless you explicitly choose otherwise.<br>If unsure, on modern systems GPT is preferred. @@ -941,7 +941,7 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost. Σημαίες: - + Mountpoint already in use. Please select another one. @@ -969,7 +969,7 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost. Επιβεβαίωση λέξης κλειδί - + Please enter the same passphrase in both boxes. Παρακαλώ εισάγετε την ίδια λέξη κλειδί και στα δύο κουτιά. @@ -1038,17 +1038,17 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost. FinishedViewStep - + Finish Τέλος - + Installation Complete - + The installation of %1 is complete. @@ -1159,6 +1159,16 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost. The system locale setting affects the language and character set for some command line user interface elements.<br/>The current setting is <strong>%1</strong>. Η τοπική ρύθμιση του συστήματος επηρεάζει τη γλώσσα και το σύνολο χαρακτήρων για ορισμένα στοιχεία διεπαφής χρήστη της γραμμής εντολών.<br/>Η τρέχουσα ρύθμιση είναι <strong>%1</strong>. + + + &Cancel + + + + + &OK + + LicensePage @@ -1575,7 +1585,7 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost. Εγκατάσταση προγράμματος ε&κκίνησης στο: - + Are you sure you want to create a new partition table on %1? Θέλετε σίγουρα να δημιουργήσετε έναν νέο πίνακα κατατμήσεων στο %1; diff --git a/lang/calamares_en.ts b/lang/calamares_en.ts index e42961c34..8c81b818a 100644 --- a/lang/calamares_en.ts +++ b/lang/calamares_en.ts @@ -1,6 +1,4 @@ - - - + BootInfoWidget @@ -1164,12 +1162,12 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost. &Cancel - &Cancel + &Cancel &OK - + &OK @@ -2298,4 +2296,4 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost. Welcome - + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lang/calamares_en_GB.ts b/lang/calamares_en_GB.ts index c35212a35..5fcf677a5 100644 --- a/lang/calamares_en_GB.ts +++ b/lang/calamares_en_GB.ts @@ -2,17 +2,17 @@ BootInfoWidget - + The <strong>boot environment</strong> of this system.<br><br>Older x86 systems only support <strong>BIOS</strong>.<br>Modern systems usually use <strong>EFI</strong>, but may also show up as BIOS if started in compatibility mode. - + This system was started with an <strong>EFI</strong> boot environment.<br><br>To configure startup from an EFI environment, this installer must deploy a boot loader application, like <strong>GRUB</strong> or <strong>systemd-boot</strong> on an <strong>EFI System Partition</strong>. This is automatic, unless you choose manual partitioning, in which case you must choose it or create it on your own. - + This system was started with a <strong>BIOS</strong> boot environment.<br><br>To configure startup from a BIOS environment, this installer must install a boot loader, like <strong>GRUB</strong>, either at the beginning of a partition or on the <strong>Master Boot Record</strong> near the beginning of the partition table (preferred). This is automatic, unless you choose manual partitioning, in which case you must set it up on your own. @@ -591,27 +591,27 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost. Si&ze: - + En&crypt - + Logical Logical - + Primary Primary - + GPT GPT - + Mountpoint already in use. Please select another one. @@ -824,7 +824,7 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost. DeviceInfoWidget - + The type of <strong>partition table</strong> on the selected storage device.<br><br>The only way to change the partition table type is to erase and recreate the partition table from scratch, which destroys all data on the storage device.<br>This installer will keep the current partition table unless you explicitly choose otherwise.<br>If unsure, on modern systems GPT is preferred. @@ -941,7 +941,7 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost. - + Mountpoint already in use. Please select another one. @@ -969,7 +969,7 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost. - + Please enter the same passphrase in both boxes. @@ -1038,17 +1038,17 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost. FinishedViewStep - + Finish - + Installation Complete - + The installation of %1 is complete. @@ -1159,6 +1159,16 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost. The system locale setting affects the language and character set for some command line user interface elements.<br/>The current setting is <strong>%1</strong>. The system locale setting affects the language and character set for some command line user interface elements.<br/>The current setting is <strong>%1</strong>. + + + &Cancel + + + + + &OK + + LicensePage @@ -1575,7 +1585,7 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost. - + Are you sure you want to create a new partition table on %1? Are you sure you want to create a new partition table on %1? diff --git a/lang/calamares_es.ts b/lang/calamares_es.ts index e30d2502d..0ae26c8da 100644 --- a/lang/calamares_es.ts +++ b/lang/calamares_es.ts @@ -2,17 +2,17 @@ BootInfoWidget - + The <strong>boot environment</strong> of this system.<br><br>Older x86 systems only support <strong>BIOS</strong>.<br>Modern systems usually use <strong>EFI</strong>, but may also show up as BIOS if started in compatibility mode. El <strong>entorno de arranque<strong> de este sistema.<br><br>Los sistemas x86 sólo soportan <strong>BIOS</strong>.<br>Los sistemas modernos habitualmente usan <strong>EFI</strong>, pero también pueden mostrarse como BIOS si se inician en modo de compatibildiad. - + This system was started with an <strong>EFI</strong> boot environment.<br><br>To configure startup from an EFI environment, this installer must deploy a boot loader application, like <strong>GRUB</strong> or <strong>systemd-boot</strong> on an <strong>EFI System Partition</strong>. This is automatic, unless you choose manual partitioning, in which case you must choose it or create it on your own. Este sistema se inició con un entorno de arranque <strong>EFI</strong>.<br><br>Para configurar el arranque desde un entorno EFI, este instalador debe desplegar una aplicación de gestor de arranque, como <strong>GRUB</strong> o <strong>systemd-boot</strong> en una <strong>Partición de Sistema EFI</strong>. Esto es automático, a menos que escoja particionamiento manual, en cuyo caso debe escogerlo o crearlo usted mismo. - + This system was started with a <strong>BIOS</strong> boot environment.<br><br>To configure startup from a BIOS environment, this installer must install a boot loader, like <strong>GRUB</strong>, either at the beginning of a partition or on the <strong>Master Boot Record</strong> near the beginning of the partition table (preferred). This is automatic, unless you choose manual partitioning, in which case you must set it up on your own. Este sistema fue iniciado con un entorno de arranque <strong>BIOS</strong>.<br><br> Para configurar el arranque desde un entorno BIOS, este instalador debe instalar un gestor de arranque, como <strong>GRUB</strong>, tanto al principio de una partición o en el <strong>Master Boot Record</strong> (registro maestro de arranque) cerca del principio de la tabla de partición (preferentemente). Esto es automático, a menos que escoja particionamiento manual, en cuayo caso debe establecerlo usted mismo. @@ -592,27 +592,27 @@ Saldrá del instalador y se perderán todos los cambios. &Tamaño: - + En&crypt &Cifrar - + Logical Lógica - + Primary Primaria - + GPT GPT - + Mountpoint already in use. Please select another one. Punto de montaje ya en uso. Por favor, seleccione otro. @@ -825,7 +825,7 @@ Saldrá del instalador y se perderán todos los cambios. DeviceInfoWidget - + The type of <strong>partition table</strong> on the selected storage device.<br><br>The only way to change the partition table type is to erase and recreate the partition table from scratch, which destroys all data on the storage device.<br>This installer will keep the current partition table unless you explicitly choose otherwise.<br>If unsure, on modern systems GPT is preferred. El tipo de <strong>tabla de particiones</strong> en el dispositivo de almacenamiento seleccionado.<br/><br/>La única forma de cambiar el tipo de la tabla de particiones es borrando y creando la tabla de particiones de nuevo, lo cual destruirá todos los datos almacenados en el dispositivo de almacenamiento.<br/>Este instalador mantendrá la tabla de particiones actual salvo que explícitamente se indique lo contrario.<br/>En caso de dudas, GPT es preferible en sistemas modernos. @@ -942,7 +942,7 @@ Saldrá del instalador y se perderán todos los cambios. Banderas: - + Mountpoint already in use. Please select another one. Punto de montaje ya en uso. Por favor, seleccione otro. @@ -970,7 +970,7 @@ Saldrá del instalador y se perderán todos los cambios. Confirmar frase-contraseña - + Please enter the same passphrase in both boxes. Por favor, introduzca la misma frase-contraseña en ambos recuadros. @@ -1039,19 +1039,19 @@ Saldrá del instalador y se perderán todos los cambios. FinishedViewStep - + Finish Finalizar - + Installation Complete - + Instalación completada - + The installation of %1 is complete. - + Se ha completado la instalación de %1. @@ -1160,6 +1160,16 @@ Saldrá del instalador y se perderán todos los cambios. The system locale setting affects the language and character set for some command line user interface elements.<br/>The current setting is <strong>%1</strong>. La configuración regional del sistema afecta al idioma y a al conjunto de caracteres para algunos elementos de interfaz de la linea de comandos.<br/>La configuración actual es <strong>%1</strong>. + + + &Cancel + &Cancelar + + + + &OK + &Aceptar + LicensePage @@ -1576,7 +1586,7 @@ Saldrá del instalador y se perderán todos los cambios. Instalar gestor de arranque en: - + Are you sure you want to create a new partition table on %1? ¿Está seguro de querer crear una nueva tabla de particiones en %1? diff --git a/lang/calamares_es_ES.ts b/lang/calamares_es_ES.ts index 61fa77609..364d9d685 100644 --- a/lang/calamares_es_ES.ts +++ b/lang/calamares_es_ES.ts @@ -2,17 +2,17 @@ BootInfoWidget - + The <strong>boot environment</strong> of this system.<br><br>Older x86 systems only support <strong>BIOS</strong>.<br>Modern systems usually use <strong>EFI</strong>, but may also show up as BIOS if started in compatibility mode. - + This system was started with an <strong>EFI</strong> boot environment.<br><br>To configure startup from an EFI environment, this installer must deploy a boot loader application, like <strong>GRUB</strong> or <strong>systemd-boot</strong> on an <strong>EFI System Partition</strong>. This is automatic, unless you choose manual partitioning, in which case you must choose it or create it on your own. - + This system was started with a <strong>BIOS</strong> boot environment.<br><br>To configure startup from a BIOS environment, this installer must install a boot loader, like <strong>GRUB</strong>, either at the beginning of a partition or on the <strong>Master Boot Record</strong> near the beginning of the partition table (preferred). This is automatic, unless you choose manual partitioning, in which case you must set it up on your own. @@ -591,27 +591,27 @@ El instalador se cerrará y se perderán todos los cambios. Tamaño - + En&crypt - + Logical Logica - + Primary Primaria - + GPT GPT - + Mountpoint already in use. Please select another one. @@ -824,7 +824,7 @@ El instalador se cerrará y se perderán todos los cambios. DeviceInfoWidget - + The type of <strong>partition table</strong> on the selected storage device.<br><br>The only way to change the partition table type is to erase and recreate the partition table from scratch, which destroys all data on the storage device.<br>This installer will keep the current partition table unless you explicitly choose otherwise.<br>If unsure, on modern systems GPT is preferred. @@ -941,7 +941,7 @@ El instalador se cerrará y se perderán todos los cambios. - + Mountpoint already in use. Please select another one. @@ -969,7 +969,7 @@ El instalador se cerrará y se perderán todos los cambios. - + Please enter the same passphrase in both boxes. @@ -1038,17 +1038,17 @@ El instalador se cerrará y se perderán todos los cambios. FinishedViewStep - + Finish - + Installation Complete - + The installation of %1 is complete. @@ -1159,6 +1159,16 @@ El instalador se cerrará y se perderán todos los cambios. The system locale setting affects the language and character set for some command line user interface elements.<br/>The current setting is <strong>%1</strong>. + + + &Cancel + + + + + &OK + + LicensePage @@ -1575,7 +1585,7 @@ El instalador se cerrará y se perderán todos los cambios. - + Are you sure you want to create a new partition table on %1? ¿Estás seguro de que quieres crear una nueva tabla de particiones en %1? diff --git a/lang/calamares_es_MX.ts b/lang/calamares_es_MX.ts index b60b9994c..5b54af656 100644 --- a/lang/calamares_es_MX.ts +++ b/lang/calamares_es_MX.ts @@ -2,17 +2,17 @@ BootInfoWidget - + The <strong>boot environment</strong> of this system.<br><br>Older x86 systems only support <strong>BIOS</strong>.<br>Modern systems usually use <strong>EFI</strong>, but may also show up as BIOS if started in compatibility mode. - + This system was started with an <strong>EFI</strong> boot environment.<br><br>To configure startup from an EFI environment, this installer must deploy a boot loader application, like <strong>GRUB</strong> or <strong>systemd-boot</strong> on an <strong>EFI System Partition</strong>. This is automatic, unless you choose manual partitioning, in which case you must choose it or create it on your own. - + This system was started with a <strong>BIOS</strong> boot environment.<br><br>To configure startup from a BIOS environment, this installer must install a boot loader, like <strong>GRUB</strong>, either at the beginning of a partition or on the <strong>Master Boot Record</strong> near the beginning of the partition table (preferred). This is automatic, unless you choose manual partitioning, in which case you must set it up on your own. @@ -593,27 +593,27 @@ El instalador terminará y se perderán todos los cambios. &Tamaño: - + En&crypt - + Logical Lógica - + Primary Primaria - + GPT GPT - + Mountpoint already in use. Please select another one. @@ -826,7 +826,7 @@ El instalador terminará y se perderán todos los cambios. DeviceInfoWidget - + The type of <strong>partition table</strong> on the selected storage device.<br><br>The only way to change the partition table type is to erase and recreate the partition table from scratch, which destroys all data on the storage device.<br>This installer will keep the current partition table unless you explicitly choose otherwise.<br>If unsure, on modern systems GPT is preferred. @@ -943,7 +943,7 @@ El instalador terminará y se perderán todos los cambios. - + Mountpoint already in use. Please select another one. @@ -971,7 +971,7 @@ El instalador terminará y se perderán todos los cambios. - + Please enter the same passphrase in both boxes. @@ -1040,17 +1040,17 @@ El instalador terminará y se perderán todos los cambios. FinishedViewStep - + Finish Terminado - + Installation Complete - + The installation of %1 is complete. @@ -1161,6 +1161,16 @@ El instalador terminará y se perderán todos los cambios. The system locale setting affects the language and character set for some command line user interface elements.<br/>The current setting is <strong>%1</strong>. La configuración regional del sistema afecta al idioma y a al conjunto de caracteres para algunos elementos de interfaz de la linea de comandos.<br/>La configuración actual es <strong>%1</strong>. + + + &Cancel + + + + + &OK + + LicensePage @@ -1577,7 +1587,7 @@ El instalador terminará y se perderán todos los cambios. - + Are you sure you want to create a new partition table on %1? ¿Está seguro de querer crear una nueva tabla de particiones en %1? diff --git a/lang/calamares_es_PR.ts b/lang/calamares_es_PR.ts index fb7ed5974..2c7adab8b 100644 --- a/lang/calamares_es_PR.ts +++ b/lang/calamares_es_PR.ts @@ -2,17 +2,17 @@ BootInfoWidget - + The <strong>boot environment</strong> of this system.<br><br>Older x86 systems only support <strong>BIOS</strong>.<br>Modern systems usually use <strong>EFI</strong>, but may also show up as BIOS if started in compatibility mode. - + This system was started with an <strong>EFI</strong> boot environment.<br><br>To configure startup from an EFI environment, this installer must deploy a boot loader application, like <strong>GRUB</strong> or <strong>systemd-boot</strong> on an <strong>EFI System Partition</strong>. This is automatic, unless you choose manual partitioning, in which case you must choose it or create it on your own. - + This system was started with a <strong>BIOS</strong> boot environment.<br><br>To configure startup from a BIOS environment, this installer must install a boot loader, like <strong>GRUB</strong>, either at the beginning of a partition or on the <strong>Master Boot Record</strong> near the beginning of the partition table (preferred). This is automatic, unless you choose manual partitioning, in which case you must set it up on your own. @@ -590,27 +590,27 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost. - + En&crypt - + Logical - + Primary - + GPT - + Mountpoint already in use. Please select another one. @@ -823,7 +823,7 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost. DeviceInfoWidget - + The type of <strong>partition table</strong> on the selected storage device.<br><br>The only way to change the partition table type is to erase and recreate the partition table from scratch, which destroys all data on the storage device.<br>This installer will keep the current partition table unless you explicitly choose otherwise.<br>If unsure, on modern systems GPT is preferred. @@ -940,7 +940,7 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost. - + Mountpoint already in use. Please select another one. @@ -968,7 +968,7 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost. - + Please enter the same passphrase in both boxes. @@ -1037,17 +1037,17 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost. FinishedViewStep - + Finish - + Installation Complete - + The installation of %1 is complete. @@ -1158,6 +1158,16 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost. The system locale setting affects the language and character set for some command line user interface elements.<br/>The current setting is <strong>%1</strong>. + + + &Cancel + + + + + &OK + + LicensePage @@ -1574,7 +1584,7 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost. - + Are you sure you want to create a new partition table on %1? diff --git a/lang/calamares_et.ts b/lang/calamares_et.ts index d5bda8ad0..18ac538fa 100644 --- a/lang/calamares_et.ts +++ b/lang/calamares_et.ts @@ -2,17 +2,17 @@ BootInfoWidget - + The <strong>boot environment</strong> of this system.<br><br>Older x86 systems only support <strong>BIOS</strong>.<br>Modern systems usually use <strong>EFI</strong>, but may also show up as BIOS if started in compatibility mode. - + This system was started with an <strong>EFI</strong> boot environment.<br><br>To configure startup from an EFI environment, this installer must deploy a boot loader application, like <strong>GRUB</strong> or <strong>systemd-boot</strong> on an <strong>EFI System Partition</strong>. This is automatic, unless you choose manual partitioning, in which case you must choose it or create it on your own. - + This system was started with a <strong>BIOS</strong> boot environment.<br><br>To configure startup from a BIOS environment, this installer must install a boot loader, like <strong>GRUB</strong>, either at the beginning of a partition or on the <strong>Master Boot Record</strong> near the beginning of the partition table (preferred). This is automatic, unless you choose manual partitioning, in which case you must set it up on your own. @@ -584,27 +584,27 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost. Suurus: - + En&crypt - + Logical Loogiline köide - + Primary Peamine - + GPT GPT - + Mountpoint already in use. Please select another one. @@ -817,7 +817,7 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost. DeviceInfoWidget - + The type of <strong>partition table</strong> on the selected storage device.<br><br>The only way to change the partition table type is to erase and recreate the partition table from scratch, which destroys all data on the storage device.<br>This installer will keep the current partition table unless you explicitly choose otherwise.<br>If unsure, on modern systems GPT is preferred. @@ -934,7 +934,7 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost. - + Mountpoint already in use. Please select another one. @@ -962,7 +962,7 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost. - + Please enter the same passphrase in both boxes. @@ -1031,17 +1031,17 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost. FinishedViewStep - + Finish - + Installation Complete - + The installation of %1 is complete. @@ -1152,6 +1152,16 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost. The system locale setting affects the language and character set for some command line user interface elements.<br/>The current setting is <strong>%1</strong>. + + + &Cancel + + + + + &OK + + LicensePage @@ -1568,7 +1578,7 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost. - + Are you sure you want to create a new partition table on %1? diff --git a/lang/calamares_eu.ts b/lang/calamares_eu.ts index 25b34a0b3..845f87100 100644 --- a/lang/calamares_eu.ts +++ b/lang/calamares_eu.ts @@ -2,17 +2,17 @@ BootInfoWidget - + The <strong>boot environment</strong> of this system.<br><br>Older x86 systems only support <strong>BIOS</strong>.<br>Modern systems usually use <strong>EFI</strong>, but may also show up as BIOS if started in compatibility mode. - + This system was started with an <strong>EFI</strong> boot environment.<br><br>To configure startup from an EFI environment, this installer must deploy a boot loader application, like <strong>GRUB</strong> or <strong>systemd-boot</strong> on an <strong>EFI System Partition</strong>. This is automatic, unless you choose manual partitioning, in which case you must choose it or create it on your own. - + This system was started with a <strong>BIOS</strong> boot environment.<br><br>To configure startup from a BIOS environment, this installer must install a boot loader, like <strong>GRUB</strong>, either at the beginning of a partition or on the <strong>Master Boot Record</strong> near the beginning of the partition table (preferred). This is automatic, unless you choose manual partitioning, in which case you must set it up on your own. @@ -588,27 +588,27 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost. Ta&maina: - + En&crypt - + Logical Logikoa - + Primary Primarioa - + GPT GPT - + Mountpoint already in use. Please select another one. @@ -821,7 +821,7 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost. DeviceInfoWidget - + The type of <strong>partition table</strong> on the selected storage device.<br><br>The only way to change the partition table type is to erase and recreate the partition table from scratch, which destroys all data on the storage device.<br>This installer will keep the current partition table unless you explicitly choose otherwise.<br>If unsure, on modern systems GPT is preferred. @@ -938,7 +938,7 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost. - + Mountpoint already in use. Please select another one. @@ -966,7 +966,7 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost. - + Please enter the same passphrase in both boxes. @@ -1035,17 +1035,17 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost. FinishedViewStep - + Finish Bukatu - + Installation Complete - + The installation of %1 is complete. @@ -1156,6 +1156,16 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost. The system locale setting affects the language and character set for some command line user interface elements.<br/>The current setting is <strong>%1</strong>. + + + &Cancel + + + + + &OK + + LicensePage @@ -1572,7 +1582,7 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost. - + Are you sure you want to create a new partition table on %1? diff --git a/lang/calamares_fa.ts b/lang/calamares_fa.ts index ae2a57efa..35f45b757 100644 --- a/lang/calamares_fa.ts +++ b/lang/calamares_fa.ts @@ -2,17 +2,17 @@ BootInfoWidget - + The <strong>boot environment</strong> of this system.<br><br>Older x86 systems only support <strong>BIOS</strong>.<br>Modern systems usually use <strong>EFI</strong>, but may also show up as BIOS if started in compatibility mode. - + This system was started with an <strong>EFI</strong> boot environment.<br><br>To configure startup from an EFI environment, this installer must deploy a boot loader application, like <strong>GRUB</strong> or <strong>systemd-boot</strong> on an <strong>EFI System Partition</strong>. This is automatic, unless you choose manual partitioning, in which case you must choose it or create it on your own. - + This system was started with a <strong>BIOS</strong> boot environment.<br><br>To configure startup from a BIOS environment, this installer must install a boot loader, like <strong>GRUB</strong>, either at the beginning of a partition or on the <strong>Master Boot Record</strong> near the beginning of the partition table (preferred). This is automatic, unless you choose manual partitioning, in which case you must set it up on your own. @@ -584,27 +584,27 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost. - + En&crypt - + Logical - + Primary - + GPT - + Mountpoint already in use. Please select another one. @@ -817,7 +817,7 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost. DeviceInfoWidget - + The type of <strong>partition table</strong> on the selected storage device.<br><br>The only way to change the partition table type is to erase and recreate the partition table from scratch, which destroys all data on the storage device.<br>This installer will keep the current partition table unless you explicitly choose otherwise.<br>If unsure, on modern systems GPT is preferred. @@ -934,7 +934,7 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost. - + Mountpoint already in use. Please select another one. @@ -962,7 +962,7 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost. - + Please enter the same passphrase in both boxes. @@ -1031,17 +1031,17 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost. FinishedViewStep - + Finish - + Installation Complete - + The installation of %1 is complete. @@ -1152,6 +1152,16 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost. The system locale setting affects the language and character set for some command line user interface elements.<br/>The current setting is <strong>%1</strong>. + + + &Cancel + + + + + &OK + + LicensePage @@ -1568,7 +1578,7 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost. - + Are you sure you want to create a new partition table on %1? diff --git a/lang/calamares_fi_FI.ts b/lang/calamares_fi_FI.ts index 5b03d22e9..56028b4eb 100644 --- a/lang/calamares_fi_FI.ts +++ b/lang/calamares_fi_FI.ts @@ -2,17 +2,17 @@ BootInfoWidget - + The <strong>boot environment</strong> of this system.<br><br>Older x86 systems only support <strong>BIOS</strong>.<br>Modern systems usually use <strong>EFI</strong>, but may also show up as BIOS if started in compatibility mode. - + This system was started with an <strong>EFI</strong> boot environment.<br><br>To configure startup from an EFI environment, this installer must deploy a boot loader application, like <strong>GRUB</strong> or <strong>systemd-boot</strong> on an <strong>EFI System Partition</strong>. This is automatic, unless you choose manual partitioning, in which case you must choose it or create it on your own. - + This system was started with a <strong>BIOS</strong> boot environment.<br><br>To configure startup from a BIOS environment, this installer must install a boot loader, like <strong>GRUB</strong>, either at the beginning of a partition or on the <strong>Master Boot Record</strong> near the beginning of the partition table (preferred). This is automatic, unless you choose manual partitioning, in which case you must set it up on your own. @@ -591,27 +591,27 @@ Asennusohjelma sulkeutuu ja kaikki muutoksesi katoavat. K&oko: - + En&crypt - + Logical Looginen - + Primary Ensisijainen - + GPT GPT - + Mountpoint already in use. Please select another one. @@ -824,7 +824,7 @@ Asennusohjelma sulkeutuu ja kaikki muutoksesi katoavat. DeviceInfoWidget - + The type of <strong>partition table</strong> on the selected storage device.<br><br>The only way to change the partition table type is to erase and recreate the partition table from scratch, which destroys all data on the storage device.<br>This installer will keep the current partition table unless you explicitly choose otherwise.<br>If unsure, on modern systems GPT is preferred. @@ -941,7 +941,7 @@ Asennusohjelma sulkeutuu ja kaikki muutoksesi katoavat. - + Mountpoint already in use. Please select another one. @@ -969,7 +969,7 @@ Asennusohjelma sulkeutuu ja kaikki muutoksesi katoavat. - + Please enter the same passphrase in both boxes. @@ -1038,17 +1038,17 @@ Asennusohjelma sulkeutuu ja kaikki muutoksesi katoavat. FinishedViewStep - + Finish - + Installation Complete - + The installation of %1 is complete. @@ -1159,6 +1159,16 @@ Asennusohjelma sulkeutuu ja kaikki muutoksesi katoavat. The system locale setting affects the language and character set for some command line user interface elements.<br/>The current setting is <strong>%1</strong>. + + + &Cancel + + + + + &OK + + LicensePage @@ -1575,7 +1585,7 @@ Asennusohjelma sulkeutuu ja kaikki muutoksesi katoavat. - + Are you sure you want to create a new partition table on %1? Oletko varma, että haluat luoda uuden osion %1? diff --git a/lang/calamares_fr.ts b/lang/calamares_fr.ts index c6b2e4a83..d44d8db40 100644 --- a/lang/calamares_fr.ts +++ b/lang/calamares_fr.ts @@ -2,17 +2,17 @@ BootInfoWidget - + The <strong>boot environment</strong> of this system.<br><br>Older x86 systems only support <strong>BIOS</strong>.<br>Modern systems usually use <strong>EFI</strong>, but may also show up as BIOS if started in compatibility mode. L'<strong>environnement de démarrage</strong> de ce système.<br><br>Les anciens systèmes x86 supportent uniquement le <strong>BIOS</strong>.<br>Les systèmes récents utilisent habituellement <strong>EFI</strong>, mais peuvent également exposer BIOS si démarré en mode de compatibilité. - + This system was started with an <strong>EFI</strong> boot environment.<br><br>To configure startup from an EFI environment, this installer must deploy a boot loader application, like <strong>GRUB</strong> or <strong>systemd-boot</strong> on an <strong>EFI System Partition</strong>. This is automatic, unless you choose manual partitioning, in which case you must choose it or create it on your own. Ce système a été initialisé avec un environnement de démarrage <strong>EFI</strong>.<br><br>Pour configurer le démarrage depuis un environnement EFI, cet installateur doit déployer un chargeur de démarrage, comme <strong>GRUB</strong> ou <strong>systemd-boot</strong> sur une <strong>partition système EFI</strong>. Ceci est automatique, à moins que vous n'ayez sélectionné le partitionnement manuel, auquel cas vous devez en choisir une ou la créer vous même. - + This system was started with a <strong>BIOS</strong> boot environment.<br><br>To configure startup from a BIOS environment, this installer must install a boot loader, like <strong>GRUB</strong>, either at the beginning of a partition or on the <strong>Master Boot Record</strong> near the beginning of the partition table (preferred). This is automatic, unless you choose manual partitioning, in which case you must set it up on your own. Ce système a été initialisé avec un environnement de démarrage <strong>BIOS</strong>.<br><br>Pour configurer le démarrage depuis un environnement BIOS, cet installateur doit déployer un chargeur de démarrage, comme <strong>GRUB</strong> ou <strong>systemd-boot</strong> au début d'une partition ou bien sur le <strong>Master Boot Record</strong> au début de la table des partitions (méthode privilégiée). Ceci est automatique, à moins que vous n'ayez sélectionné le partitionnement manuel, auquel cas vous devez le configurer vous-même. @@ -591,27 +591,27 @@ L'installateur se fermera et les changements seront perdus. Ta&ille : - + En&crypt Chi&ffrer - + Logical Logique - + Primary Primaire - + GPT GPT - + Mountpoint already in use. Please select another one. Le point de montage est déjà utilisé. Merci d'en sélectionner un autre. @@ -824,7 +824,7 @@ L'installateur se fermera et les changements seront perdus. DeviceInfoWidget - + The type of <strong>partition table</strong> on the selected storage device.<br><br>The only way to change the partition table type is to erase and recreate the partition table from scratch, which destroys all data on the storage device.<br>This installer will keep the current partition table unless you explicitly choose otherwise.<br>If unsure, on modern systems GPT is preferred. Le type de <strong>table de partitions</strong> sur le périphérique de stockage sélectionné.<br><br>Le seul moyen de changer le type de table de partitions est d'effacer et de recréer entièrement la table de partitions, ce qui détruit toutes les données sur le périphérique de stockage.<br>Cette installateur va conserver la table de partitions actuelle à moins de faire explicitement un autre choix.<br>Si vous n'êtes pas sûr, sur les systèmes modernes GPT est à privilégier. @@ -941,7 +941,7 @@ L'installateur se fermera et les changements seront perdus. Drapeaux: - + Mountpoint already in use. Please select another one. Le point de montage est déjà utilisé. Merci d'en sélectionner un autre. @@ -969,7 +969,7 @@ L'installateur se fermera et les changements seront perdus. Confirmez la phrase de passe - + Please enter the same passphrase in both boxes. Merci d'entrer la même phrase de passe dans les deux champs. @@ -1038,19 +1038,19 @@ L'installateur se fermera et les changements seront perdus. FinishedViewStep - + Finish Terminer - + Installation Complete - + Installation terminée - + The installation of %1 is complete. - + L'installation de %1 est terminée. @@ -1159,6 +1159,16 @@ L'installateur se fermera et les changements seront perdus. The system locale setting affects the language and character set for some command line user interface elements.<br/>The current setting is <strong>%1</strong>. Les paramètres régionaux systèmes affectent la langue et le jeu de caractère pour la ligne de commande et différents éléments d'interface.<br/>Le paramètre actuel est <strong>%1</strong>. + + + &Cancel + &Annuler + + + + &OK + &OK + LicensePage @@ -1575,7 +1585,7 @@ L'installateur se fermera et les changements seront perdus. Installer le chargeur de démarrage sur: - + Are you sure you want to create a new partition table on %1? Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir créer une nouvelle table de partitionnement sur %1 ? diff --git a/lang/calamares_fr_CH.ts b/lang/calamares_fr_CH.ts index 084dd832b..c13bcf67f 100644 --- a/lang/calamares_fr_CH.ts +++ b/lang/calamares_fr_CH.ts @@ -2,17 +2,17 @@ BootInfoWidget - + The <strong>boot environment</strong> of this system.<br><br>Older x86 systems only support <strong>BIOS</strong>.<br>Modern systems usually use <strong>EFI</strong>, but may also show up as BIOS if started in compatibility mode. - + This system was started with an <strong>EFI</strong> boot environment.<br><br>To configure startup from an EFI environment, this installer must deploy a boot loader application, like <strong>GRUB</strong> or <strong>systemd-boot</strong> on an <strong>EFI System Partition</strong>. This is automatic, unless you choose manual partitioning, in which case you must choose it or create it on your own. - + This system was started with a <strong>BIOS</strong> boot environment.<br><br>To configure startup from a BIOS environment, this installer must install a boot loader, like <strong>GRUB</strong>, either at the beginning of a partition or on the <strong>Master Boot Record</strong> near the beginning of the partition table (preferred). This is automatic, unless you choose manual partitioning, in which case you must set it up on your own. @@ -584,27 +584,27 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost. - + En&crypt - + Logical - + Primary - + GPT - + Mountpoint already in use. Please select another one. @@ -817,7 +817,7 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost. DeviceInfoWidget - + The type of <strong>partition table</strong> on the selected storage device.<br><br>The only way to change the partition table type is to erase and recreate the partition table from scratch, which destroys all data on the storage device.<br>This installer will keep the current partition table unless you explicitly choose otherwise.<br>If unsure, on modern systems GPT is preferred. @@ -934,7 +934,7 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost. - + Mountpoint already in use. Please select another one. @@ -962,7 +962,7 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost. - + Please enter the same passphrase in both boxes. @@ -1031,17 +1031,17 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost. FinishedViewStep - + Finish - + Installation Complete - + The installation of %1 is complete. @@ -1152,6 +1152,16 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost. The system locale setting affects the language and character set for some command line user interface elements.<br/>The current setting is <strong>%1</strong>. + + + &Cancel + + + + + &OK + + LicensePage @@ -1568,7 +1578,7 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost. - + Are you sure you want to create a new partition table on %1? diff --git a/lang/calamares_gl.ts b/lang/calamares_gl.ts index 176532c78..c6151588b 100644 --- a/lang/calamares_gl.ts +++ b/lang/calamares_gl.ts @@ -2,18 +2,18 @@ BootInfoWidget - + The <strong>boot environment</strong> of this system.<br><br>Older x86 systems only support <strong>BIOS</strong>.<br>Modern systems usually use <strong>EFI</strong>, but may also show up as BIOS if started in compatibility mode. O <strong> entorno de arranque </strong> do sistema. <br><br> Os sistemas x86 antigos só soportan <strong> BIOS </strong>.<br> Os sistemas modernos empregan normalmente <strong> EFI </strong>, pero tamén poden arrincar como BIOS se funcionan no modo de compatibilidade. - + This system was started with an <strong>EFI</strong> boot environment.<br><br>To configure startup from an EFI environment, this installer must deploy a boot loader application, like <strong>GRUB</strong> or <strong>systemd-boot</strong> on an <strong>EFI System Partition</strong>. This is automatic, unless you choose manual partitioning, in which case you must choose it or create it on your own. Este sistema arrincou con <strong> EFI </strong> como entorno de arranque.<br><br> Para configurar o arranque dende un entorno EFI, este instalador debe configurar un cargador de arranque, como <strong>GRUB</strong> ou <strong>systemd-boot</strong> nunha <strong> Partición de Sistema EFI</strong>. Este proceso é automático, salvo que escolla particionamento manual. Nese caso deberá escoller unha existente ou crear unha pola súa conta. - + This system was started with a <strong>BIOS</strong> boot environment.<br><br>To configure startup from a BIOS environment, this installer must install a boot loader, like <strong>GRUB</strong>, either at the beginning of a partition or on the <strong>Master Boot Record</strong> near the beginning of the partition table (preferred). This is automatic, unless you choose manual partitioning, in which case you must set it up on your own. Este sistema arrincou con <strong> BIOS </strong> como entorno de arranque.<br><br> Para configurar o arranque dende un entorno BIOS, este instalador debe configurar un cargador de arranque, como <strong>GRUB</strong>, ben ó comezo dunha partición ou no <strong>Master Boot Record</strong> preto do inicio da táboa de particións (recomendado). Este proceso é automático, salvo que escolla particionamento manual, nese caso deberá configuralo pola súa conta. @@ -592,27 +592,27 @@ O instalador pecharase e perderanse todos os cambios. &Tamaño: - + En&crypt Encriptar - + Logical Lóxica - + Primary Primaria - + GPT GPT - + Mountpoint already in use. Please select another one. @@ -825,7 +825,7 @@ O instalador pecharase e perderanse todos os cambios. DeviceInfoWidget - + The type of <strong>partition table</strong> on the selected storage device.<br><br>The only way to change the partition table type is to erase and recreate the partition table from scratch, which destroys all data on the storage device.<br>This installer will keep the current partition table unless you explicitly choose otherwise.<br>If unsure, on modern systems GPT is preferred. @@ -942,7 +942,7 @@ O instalador pecharase e perderanse todos os cambios. - + Mountpoint already in use. Please select another one. @@ -970,7 +970,7 @@ O instalador pecharase e perderanse todos os cambios. - + Please enter the same passphrase in both boxes. @@ -1039,17 +1039,17 @@ O instalador pecharase e perderanse todos os cambios. FinishedViewStep - + Finish - + Installation Complete - + The installation of %1 is complete. @@ -1160,6 +1160,16 @@ O instalador pecharase e perderanse todos os cambios. The system locale setting affects the language and character set for some command line user interface elements.<br/>The current setting is <strong>%1</strong>. + + + &Cancel + + + + + &OK + + LicensePage @@ -1576,7 +1586,7 @@ O instalador pecharase e perderanse todos os cambios. - + Are you sure you want to create a new partition table on %1? diff --git a/lang/calamares_gu.ts b/lang/calamares_gu.ts index c712f7d41..bcd5e8198 100644 --- a/lang/calamares_gu.ts +++ b/lang/calamares_gu.ts @@ -2,17 +2,17 @@ BootInfoWidget - + The <strong>boot environment</strong> of this system.<br><br>Older x86 systems only support <strong>BIOS</strong>.<br>Modern systems usually use <strong>EFI</strong>, but may also show up as BIOS if started in compatibility mode. - + This system was started with an <strong>EFI</strong> boot environment.<br><br>To configure startup from an EFI environment, this installer must deploy a boot loader application, like <strong>GRUB</strong> or <strong>systemd-boot</strong> on an <strong>EFI System Partition</strong>. This is automatic, unless you choose manual partitioning, in which case you must choose it or create it on your own. - + This system was started with a <strong>BIOS</strong> boot environment.<br><br>To configure startup from a BIOS environment, this installer must install a boot loader, like <strong>GRUB</strong>, either at the beginning of a partition or on the <strong>Master Boot Record</strong> near the beginning of the partition table (preferred). This is automatic, unless you choose manual partitioning, in which case you must set it up on your own. @@ -584,27 +584,27 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost. - + En&crypt - + Logical - + Primary - + GPT - + Mountpoint already in use. Please select another one. @@ -817,7 +817,7 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost. DeviceInfoWidget - + The type of <strong>partition table</strong> on the selected storage device.<br><br>The only way to change the partition table type is to erase and recreate the partition table from scratch, which destroys all data on the storage device.<br>This installer will keep the current partition table unless you explicitly choose otherwise.<br>If unsure, on modern systems GPT is preferred. @@ -934,7 +934,7 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost. - + Mountpoint already in use. Please select another one. @@ -962,7 +962,7 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost. - + Please enter the same passphrase in both boxes. @@ -1031,17 +1031,17 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost. FinishedViewStep - + Finish - + Installation Complete - + The installation of %1 is complete. @@ -1152,6 +1152,16 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost. The system locale setting affects the language and character set for some command line user interface elements.<br/>The current setting is <strong>%1</strong>. + + + &Cancel + + + + + &OK + + LicensePage @@ -1568,7 +1578,7 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost. - + Are you sure you want to create a new partition table on %1? diff --git a/lang/calamares_he.ts b/lang/calamares_he.ts index ef7f1d585..331444e27 100644 --- a/lang/calamares_he.ts +++ b/lang/calamares_he.ts @@ -2,17 +2,17 @@ BootInfoWidget - + The <strong>boot environment</strong> of this system.<br><br>Older x86 systems only support <strong>BIOS</strong>.<br>Modern systems usually use <strong>EFI</strong>, but may also show up as BIOS if started in compatibility mode. <strong>תצורת האתחול</strong> של מערכת זו. <br><br> מערכות x86 ישנות יותר תומכות אך ורק ב <strong>BIOS</strong>.<br> מערכות חדשות משתמשות בדרך כלל ב <strong>EFI</strong>, אך יכולות להיות מוצגות כ BIOS במידה והן מופעלות במצב תאימות לאחור. - + This system was started with an <strong>EFI</strong> boot environment.<br><br>To configure startup from an EFI environment, this installer must deploy a boot loader application, like <strong>GRUB</strong> or <strong>systemd-boot</strong> on an <strong>EFI System Partition</strong>. This is automatic, unless you choose manual partitioning, in which case you must choose it or create it on your own. מערכת זו הופעלה בתצורת אתחול <strong>EFI</strong>.<br><br> בכדי להגדיר הפעלה מתצורת אתחול EFI, על אשף ההתקנה להתקין מנהל אתחול מערכת, לדוגמה <strong>GRUB</strong> או <strong>systemd-boot</strong> על <strong>מחיצת מערכת EFI</strong>. פעולה זו היא אוטומטית, אלא אם כן תבחר להגדיר מחיצות באופן ידני, במקרה זה עליך לבחור זאת או להגדיר בעצמך. - + This system was started with a <strong>BIOS</strong> boot environment.<br><br>To configure startup from a BIOS environment, this installer must install a boot loader, like <strong>GRUB</strong>, either at the beginning of a partition or on the <strong>Master Boot Record</strong> near the beginning of the partition table (preferred). This is automatic, unless you choose manual partitioning, in which case you must set it up on your own. מערכת זו הופעלה בתצורת אתחול <strong>BIOS</strong>.<br><br> בכדי להגדיר הפעלה מתצורת אתחול BIOS, על אשף ההתקנה להתקין מנהל אתחול מערכת, לדוגמה <strong>GRUB</strong>, בתחלית מחיצה או על ה <strong>Master Boot Record</strong> בצמוד להתחלה של טבלת המחיצות (מועדף). פעולה זו היא אוטומטית, אלא אם כן תבחר להגדיר מחיצות באופן ידני, במקרה זה עליך להגדיר זאת בעצמך. @@ -591,27 +591,27 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost. גו&דל: - + En&crypt ה&צפן - + Logical לוגי - + Primary ראשי - + GPT GPT - + Mountpoint already in use. Please select another one. נקודת העיגון בשימוש. אנא בחר נקודת עיגון אחרת. @@ -824,7 +824,7 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost. DeviceInfoWidget - + The type of <strong>partition table</strong> on the selected storage device.<br><br>The only way to change the partition table type is to erase and recreate the partition table from scratch, which destroys all data on the storage device.<br>This installer will keep the current partition table unless you explicitly choose otherwise.<br>If unsure, on modern systems GPT is preferred. סוג <strong>טבלת המחיצות</strong> על התקן האחסון הנבחר.<br><br> הדרך היחידה לשנות את סוג טבלת המחיצות היא למחוק וליצור מחדש את טבלת המחיצות, אשר דורסת את כל המידע הקיים על התקן האחסון.<br> אשף ההתקנה ישמור את טבלת המחיצות הקיימת אלא אם כן תבחר אחרת במפורש.<br> במידה ואינך בטוח, במערכות מודרניות, GPT הוא הסוג המועדף. @@ -941,7 +941,7 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost. סימונים: - + Mountpoint already in use. Please select another one. נקודת העיגון בשימוש. אנא בחר נקודת עיגון אחרת. @@ -969,7 +969,7 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost. אשר ביטוי אבטחה - + Please enter the same passphrase in both boxes. אנא הכנס ביטוי אבטחה זהה בשני התאים. @@ -1022,7 +1022,7 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost. &Restart now - %אתחל כעת + &אתחל כעת @@ -1038,19 +1038,19 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost. FinishedViewStep - + Finish סיום - + Installation Complete - + ההתקנה הושלמה - + The installation of %1 is complete. - + ההתקנה של %1 הושלמה. @@ -1159,6 +1159,16 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost. The system locale setting affects the language and character set for some command line user interface elements.<br/>The current setting is <strong>%1</strong>. הגדרת מיקום המערכת משפיעה על השפה וקידוד התווים של חלק מרכיבי ממשקי שורת פקודה למשתמש. <br/> ההגדרה הנוכחית היא <strong>%1</strong>. + + + &Cancel + &ביטול + + + + &OK + &אישור + LicensePage @@ -1575,7 +1585,7 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost. התקן &מנהל אתחול מערכת על: - + Are you sure you want to create a new partition table on %1? האם אתה בטוח שברצונך ליצור טבלת מחיצות חדשה על %1? @@ -1842,7 +1852,7 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost. The installer is not running with administrator rights. - מנהל ההתקנה לא רץ עם הרשאות מנהל. + אשף ההתקנה לא רץ עם הרשאות מנהל. diff --git a/lang/calamares_hi.ts b/lang/calamares_hi.ts index ba56e2467..4aac00ddc 100644 --- a/lang/calamares_hi.ts +++ b/lang/calamares_hi.ts @@ -2,17 +2,17 @@ BootInfoWidget - + The <strong>boot environment</strong> of this system.<br><br>Older x86 systems only support <strong>BIOS</strong>.<br>Modern systems usually use <strong>EFI</strong>, but may also show up as BIOS if started in compatibility mode. - + This system was started with an <strong>EFI</strong> boot environment.<br><br>To configure startup from an EFI environment, this installer must deploy a boot loader application, like <strong>GRUB</strong> or <strong>systemd-boot</strong> on an <strong>EFI System Partition</strong>. This is automatic, unless you choose manual partitioning, in which case you must choose it or create it on your own. - + This system was started with a <strong>BIOS</strong> boot environment.<br><br>To configure startup from a BIOS environment, this installer must install a boot loader, like <strong>GRUB</strong>, either at the beginning of a partition or on the <strong>Master Boot Record</strong> near the beginning of the partition table (preferred). This is automatic, unless you choose manual partitioning, in which case you must set it up on your own. @@ -584,27 +584,27 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost. - + En&crypt - + Logical - + Primary - + GPT - + Mountpoint already in use. Please select another one. @@ -817,7 +817,7 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost. DeviceInfoWidget - + The type of <strong>partition table</strong> on the selected storage device.<br><br>The only way to change the partition table type is to erase and recreate the partition table from scratch, which destroys all data on the storage device.<br>This installer will keep the current partition table unless you explicitly choose otherwise.<br>If unsure, on modern systems GPT is preferred. @@ -934,7 +934,7 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost. - + Mountpoint already in use. Please select another one. @@ -962,7 +962,7 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost. - + Please enter the same passphrase in both boxes. @@ -1031,17 +1031,17 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost. FinishedViewStep - + Finish - + Installation Complete - + The installation of %1 is complete. @@ -1152,6 +1152,16 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost. The system locale setting affects the language and character set for some command line user interface elements.<br/>The current setting is <strong>%1</strong>. + + + &Cancel + + + + + &OK + + LicensePage @@ -1568,7 +1578,7 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost. - + Are you sure you want to create a new partition table on %1? diff --git a/lang/calamares_hr.ts b/lang/calamares_hr.ts index fa730af32..6d40a25d4 100644 --- a/lang/calamares_hr.ts +++ b/lang/calamares_hr.ts @@ -2,17 +2,17 @@ BootInfoWidget - + The <strong>boot environment</strong> of this system.<br><br>Older x86 systems only support <strong>BIOS</strong>.<br>Modern systems usually use <strong>EFI</strong>, but may also show up as BIOS if started in compatibility mode. <strong>Boot okruženje</strong> sustava.<br><br>Stariji x86 sustavi jedino podržavaju <strong>BIOS</strong>.<br>Noviji sustavi uglavnom koriste <strong>EFI</strong>, ali mogu podržavati i BIOS ako su pokrenuti u načinu kompatibilnosti. - + This system was started with an <strong>EFI</strong> boot environment.<br><br>To configure startup from an EFI environment, this installer must deploy a boot loader application, like <strong>GRUB</strong> or <strong>systemd-boot</strong> on an <strong>EFI System Partition</strong>. This is automatic, unless you choose manual partitioning, in which case you must choose it or create it on your own. Ovaj sustav koristi <strong>EFI</strong> okruženje.<br><br>Za konfiguriranje pokretanja iz EFI okruženja, ovaj instalacijski program mora uvesti boot učitavač, kao što je <strong>GRUB</strong> ili <strong>systemd-boot</strong> na <strong>EFI particiju</strong>. To se odvija automatski, osim ako ste odabrali ručno particioniranje. U tom slučaju to ćete morati odabrati ili stvoriti sami. - + This system was started with a <strong>BIOS</strong> boot environment.<br><br>To configure startup from a BIOS environment, this installer must install a boot loader, like <strong>GRUB</strong>, either at the beginning of a partition or on the <strong>Master Boot Record</strong> near the beginning of the partition table (preferred). This is automatic, unless you choose manual partitioning, in which case you must set it up on your own. Ovaj sustav koristi <strong>BIOS</strong> okruženje.<br><br>Za konfiguriranje pokretanja iz BIOS okruženja, ovaj instalacijski program mora uvesti boot učitavač, kao što je <strong>GRUB</strong>, ili na početku particije ili na <strong>Master Boot Record</strong> blizu početka particijske tablice (preporučen način). To se odvija automatski, osim ako ste odabrali ručno particioniranje. U tom slučaju to ćete morati napraviti sami. @@ -591,27 +591,27 @@ Instalacijski program će izaći i sve promjene će biti izgubljene.Ve&ličina: - + En&crypt Ši&friraj - + Logical Logično - + Primary Primarno - + GPT GPT - + Mountpoint already in use. Please select another one. Točka montiranja se već koristi. Odaberite drugu. @@ -824,7 +824,7 @@ Instalacijski program će izaći i sve promjene će biti izgubljene. DeviceInfoWidget - + The type of <strong>partition table</strong> on the selected storage device.<br><br>The only way to change the partition table type is to erase and recreate the partition table from scratch, which destroys all data on the storage device.<br>This installer will keep the current partition table unless you explicitly choose otherwise.<br>If unsure, on modern systems GPT is preferred. Tip <strong>particijske tablice</strong> na odabranom disku.<br><br>Jedini način da bi ste promijenili tip particijske tablice je da obrišete i iznova stvorite particijsku tablicu. To će uništiiti sve podatke na disku.<br>Instalacijski program će zadržati postojeću particijsku tablicu osim ako ne odaberete drugačije.<br>Ako niste sigurni, na novijim sustavima GPT je preporučena particijska tablica. @@ -941,7 +941,7 @@ Instalacijski program će izaći i sve promjene će biti izgubljene.Oznake: - + Mountpoint already in use. Please select another one. Točka montiranja se već koristi. Odaberite drugu. @@ -969,7 +969,7 @@ Instalacijski program će izaći i sve promjene će biti izgubljene.Potvrdi lozinku - + Please enter the same passphrase in both boxes. Molimo unesite istu lozinku u oba polja. @@ -1038,19 +1038,19 @@ Instalacijski program će izaći i sve promjene će biti izgubljene. FinishedViewStep - + Finish Završi - + Installation Complete - + Instalacija je završena - + The installation of %1 is complete. - + Instalacija %1 je završena. @@ -1159,6 +1159,16 @@ Instalacijski program će izaći i sve promjene će biti izgubljene.The system locale setting affects the language and character set for some command line user interface elements.<br/>The current setting is <strong>%1</strong>. Jezična shema sustava ima efekt na jezični i znakovni skup za neke komandno linijske elemente sučelja.<br/>Trenutačna postavka je <strong>%1</strong>. + + + &Cancel + &Odustani + + + + &OK + &OK + LicensePage @@ -1575,7 +1585,7 @@ Instalacijski program će izaći i sve promjene će biti izgubljene.Instaliraj boot &učitavač na: - + Are you sure you want to create a new partition table on %1? Jeste li sigurni da želite stvoriti novu particijsku tablicu na %1? diff --git a/lang/calamares_hu.ts b/lang/calamares_hu.ts index 5384aead9..32af46f3c 100644 --- a/lang/calamares_hu.ts +++ b/lang/calamares_hu.ts @@ -2,17 +2,17 @@ BootInfoWidget - + The <strong>boot environment</strong> of this system.<br><br>Older x86 systems only support <strong>BIOS</strong>.<br>Modern systems usually use <strong>EFI</strong>, but may also show up as BIOS if started in compatibility mode. A rendszer <strong>indító környezete.<strong> <br><br>Régebbi x86 alapú rendszerek csak <strong>BIOS</strong><br>-t támogatják. A modern rendszerek gyakran <strong>EFI</strong>-t használnak, de lehet, hogy BIOS-ként látható ha kompatibilitási módban fut az indító környezet. - + This system was started with an <strong>EFI</strong> boot environment.<br><br>To configure startup from an EFI environment, this installer must deploy a boot loader application, like <strong>GRUB</strong> or <strong>systemd-boot</strong> on an <strong>EFI System Partition</strong>. This is automatic, unless you choose manual partitioning, in which case you must choose it or create it on your own. A rendszer <strong>EFI</strong> indító környezettel lett indítva.<br><br>Annak érdekében, hogy az EFI környezetből indíthassunk a telepítőnek telepítenie kell a rendszerbetöltő alkalmazást pl. <strong>GRUB</strong> vagy <strong>systemd-boot</strong> az <strong>EFI Rendszer Partíción.</strong> Ez automatikus kivéve ha kézi partícionálást választottál ahol neked kell kiválasztani vagy létrehozni. - + This system was started with a <strong>BIOS</strong> boot environment.<br><br>To configure startup from a BIOS environment, this installer must install a boot loader, like <strong>GRUB</strong>, either at the beginning of a partition or on the <strong>Master Boot Record</strong> near the beginning of the partition table (preferred). This is automatic, unless you choose manual partitioning, in which case you must set it up on your own. A rendszer <strong>BIOS</strong> környezetből lett indítva. <br><br>Azért, hogy el lehessen indítani a rendszert egy BIOS környezetből a telepítőnek telepítenie kell egy indító környezetet mint pl. <strong>GRUB</strong>. Ez telepíthető a partíció elejére vagy a <strong>Master Boot Record</strong>-ba. javasolt a partíciós tábla elejére (javasolt). Ez automatikus kivéve ha te kézi partícionálást választottál ahol neked kell telepíteni. @@ -240,7 +240,7 @@ Kimenet: Cancel installation without changing the system. - + Kilépés a telepítőből a rendszer megváltoztatása nélkül. @@ -257,17 +257,17 @@ Minden változtatás elveszik, ha kilépsz a telepítőből. &Yes - + &Igen &No - + @Nem &Close - + &Bezár @@ -292,12 +292,12 @@ Minden változtatás elveszik, ha kilépsz a telepítőből. &Done - + &Befejez The installation is complete. Close the installer. - + A telepítés befejeződött, kattints a bezárásra. @@ -554,7 +554,7 @@ Telepítés nem folytatható. <a href="#details">Részletek...&l MiB - + MiB @@ -592,27 +592,27 @@ Telepítés nem folytatható. <a href="#details">Részletek...&l Mé&ret: - + En&crypt Titkosítás - + Logical Logikai - + Primary Elsődleges - + GPT GPT - + Mountpoint already in use. Please select another one. A csatolási pont már használatban van. Kérem, válassz másikat. @@ -825,7 +825,7 @@ Telepítés nem folytatható. <a href="#details">Részletek...&l DeviceInfoWidget - + The type of <strong>partition table</strong> on the selected storage device.<br><br>The only way to change the partition table type is to erase and recreate the partition table from scratch, which destroys all data on the storage device.<br>This installer will keep the current partition table unless you explicitly choose otherwise.<br>If unsure, on modern systems GPT is preferred. A <strong>partíciós tábla</strong> típusa a kiválasztott tárolóeszközön.<br><br>Az egyetlen lehetőség a partíciós tábla változtatására ha töröljük és újra létrehozzuk a partíciós táblát, ami megsemmisít minden adatot a tárolóeszközön.<br>A telepítő megtartja az aktuális partíciós táblát ha csak másképp nem döntesz.<br>Ha nem vagy benne biztos a legtöbb modern rendszernél GPT az elterjedt. @@ -929,7 +929,7 @@ Telepítés nem folytatható. <a href="#details">Részletek...&l MiB - + MiB @@ -942,7 +942,7 @@ Telepítés nem folytatható. <a href="#details">Részletek...&l Zászlók: - + Mountpoint already in use. Please select another one. A csatolási pont már használatban van. Kérem, válassz másikat. @@ -970,7 +970,7 @@ Telepítés nem folytatható. <a href="#details">Részletek...&l Jelszó megerősítés - + Please enter the same passphrase in both boxes. Írd be ugyanazt a jelmondatot mindkét dobozban. @@ -1033,25 +1033,25 @@ Telepítés nem folytatható. <a href="#details">Részletek...&l <h1>Installation Failed</h1><br/>%1 has not been installed on your computer.<br/>The error message was: %2. - + <h1>A telepítés hibába ütközött.</h1><br/>%1 nem lett telepítve a számítógépre.<br/>A hibaüzenet: %2. FinishedViewStep - + Finish Befejezés - + Installation Complete - + A telepítés befejeződött. - + The installation of %1 is complete. - + A %1 telepítése elkészült. @@ -1160,6 +1160,16 @@ Telepítés nem folytatható. <a href="#details">Részletek...&l The system locale setting affects the language and character set for some command line user interface elements.<br/>The current setting is <strong>%1</strong>. A nyelvi beállítás kihat a nyelvi és karakter beállításokra a parancssori elemeknél.<br/>A jelenlegi beállítás <strong>%1</strong>. + + + &Cancel + + + + + &OK + + LicensePage @@ -1576,7 +1586,7 @@ Telepítés nem folytatható. <a href="#details">Részletek...&l &Rendszerbetöltő telepítése ide: - + Are you sure you want to create a new partition table on %1? Biztos vagy benne, hogy létrehozol egy új partíciós táblát itt %1 ? @@ -1848,7 +1858,7 @@ Telepítés nem folytatható. <a href="#details">Részletek...&l The screen is too small to display the installer. - + A képernyő túl kicsi a telepítőnek. @@ -2261,7 +2271,7 @@ Telepítés nem folytatható. <a href="#details">Részletek...&l <h1>Welcome to the Calamares installer for %1.</h1> - + <h1>Üdvözlet a Calamares %1 telepítőjében.</h1> @@ -2271,7 +2281,8 @@ Telepítés nem folytatható. <a href="#details">Részletek...&l <h1>%1</h1><br/><strong>%2<br/>for %3</strong><br/><br/>Copyright 2014-2017 Teo Mrnjavac &lt;teo@kde.org&gt;<br/>Copyright 2017 Adriaan de Groot &lt;groot@kde.org&gt;<br/>Thanks to: Anke Boersma, Aurélien Gâteau, Kevin Kofler, Lisa Vitolo, Philip Müller, Pier Luigi Fiorini, Rohan Garg and the <a href="https://www.transifex.com/calamares/calamares/">Calamares translators team</a>.<br/><br/><a href="http://calamares.io/">Calamares</a> development is sponsored by <br/><a href="http://www.blue-systems.com/">Blue Systems</a> - Liberating Software. - + <h1>%1</h1><br/><strong>%2<br/>for %3</strong><br/><br/>Minden jog fenntartva 2014-2017 Teo Mrnjavac <teo@kde.org>;<br/>Minden jog fenntartva 2017 Adriaan de Groot &lt;groot@kde.org&gt;<br/>Köszönet: Anke Boersma, Aurélien Gâteau, Kevin Kofler, Philip Müller, Pier Luigi Fiorini and Rohan Garg és a <a href="https://www.transifex.com/calamares/calamares/" Calamares Fordító Csapat/a>. +<br/><a href="http://calamares.io/">Calamares</a> fejlesztés támogatói:<br/><a href="http://www.blue-systems.com/">Blue Systems</a> - Liberating Software. diff --git a/lang/calamares_id.ts b/lang/calamares_id.ts index da2526095..53831e57b 100644 --- a/lang/calamares_id.ts +++ b/lang/calamares_id.ts @@ -2,17 +2,17 @@ BootInfoWidget - + The <strong>boot environment</strong> of this system.<br><br>Older x86 systems only support <strong>BIOS</strong>.<br>Modern systems usually use <strong>EFI</strong>, but may also show up as BIOS if started in compatibility mode. <strong>Lingkungan boot</strong> pada sistem ini.<br><br>Sistem x86 kuno hanya mendukung <strong>BIOS</strong>.<br>Sistem moderen biasanya menggunakan <strong>EFI</strong>, tapi mungkin juga tampak sebagai BIOS jika dimulai dalam mode kompatibilitas. - + This system was started with an <strong>EFI</strong> boot environment.<br><br>To configure startup from an EFI environment, this installer must deploy a boot loader application, like <strong>GRUB</strong> or <strong>systemd-boot</strong> on an <strong>EFI System Partition</strong>. This is automatic, unless you choose manual partitioning, in which case you must choose it or create it on your own. Sistem ini telah dimulai dengan lingkungan boot <strong>EFI</strong>.<br><br>Untuk mengkonfigurasi startup dari lingkungan EFI, pemasang ini seharusnya memaparkan sebuah aplikasi boot loader, seperti <strong>GRUB</strong> atau <strong>systemd-boot</strong> pada sebuah <strong>EFI System Partition</strong>. Ini adalah otomatis, kecuali kalau kamu memilih pemartisian manual, dalam beberapa kasus kamu harus memilihnya atau menciptakannya pada milikmu. - + This system was started with a <strong>BIOS</strong> boot environment.<br><br>To configure startup from a BIOS environment, this installer must install a boot loader, like <strong>GRUB</strong>, either at the beginning of a partition or on the <strong>Master Boot Record</strong> near the beginning of the partition table (preferred). This is automatic, unless you choose manual partitioning, in which case you must set it up on your own. Sistem ini dimulai dengan sebuah lingkungan boot <strong>BIOS</strong>.<br><br>Untuk mengkonfigurasi startup dari sebuah lingkungan BIOS, pemasang ini seharusnya memasang sebuah boot loader, seperti <strong>GRUB</strong>, baik di awal partisi atau pada <strong>Master Boot Record</strong> di dekat awalan tabel partisi (yang disukai). Ini adalah otomatis, kecuali kalau kamu memilih pemartisian manual, dalam beberapa kasus kamu harus menyetelnya pada milikmu. @@ -593,27 +593,27 @@ Pemasangan dapat dilanjutkan, namun beberapa fitur akan dinonfungsikan.Uku&ran: - + En&crypt Enkripsi - + Logical Logikal - + Primary Utama - + GPT GPT - + Mountpoint already in use. Please select another one. Titik-kait sudah digunakan. Silakan pilih yang lainnya. @@ -826,7 +826,7 @@ Pemasangan dapat dilanjutkan, namun beberapa fitur akan dinonfungsikan. DeviceInfoWidget - + The type of <strong>partition table</strong> on the selected storage device.<br><br>The only way to change the partition table type is to erase and recreate the partition table from scratch, which destroys all data on the storage device.<br>This installer will keep the current partition table unless you explicitly choose otherwise.<br>If unsure, on modern systems GPT is preferred. Tipe dari <strong>tabel partisi</strong> pada perangkat penyimpanan terpilih.<br><br>Satu-satunya cara untuk mengubah tabel partisi adalah dengan menyetip dan menciptakan ulang tabel partisi dari awal, yang melenyapkan semua data pada perangkat penyimpanan.<br>Pemasang ini akan menjaga tabel partisi saat ini kecuali kamu secara gamblang memilih sebaliknya.<br>Jika tidak yakin, pada sistem GPT modern lebih disukai. @@ -943,7 +943,7 @@ Pemasangan dapat dilanjutkan, namun beberapa fitur akan dinonfungsikan.Bendera: - + Mountpoint already in use. Please select another one. Titik-kait sudah digunakan. Silakan pilih yang lainnya. @@ -971,7 +971,7 @@ Pemasangan dapat dilanjutkan, namun beberapa fitur akan dinonfungsikan.Konfirmasi kata sandi - + Please enter the same passphrase in both boxes. Silakan masukkan kata sandi yang sama di kedua kotak. @@ -1040,19 +1040,19 @@ Pemasangan dapat dilanjutkan, namun beberapa fitur akan dinonfungsikan. FinishedViewStep - + Finish Selesai - + Installation Complete - + Pemasangan Lengkap - + The installation of %1 is complete. - + Pemasangan %1 telah lengkap. @@ -1161,6 +1161,16 @@ Pemasangan dapat dilanjutkan, namun beberapa fitur akan dinonfungsikan.The system locale setting affects the language and character set for some command line user interface elements.<br/>The current setting is <strong>%1</strong>. Pengaturan system locale berpengaruh pada bahasa dan karakter pada beberapa elemen antarmuka Command Line. <br/>Pengaturan saat ini adalah <strong>%1</strong>. + + + &Cancel + + + + + &OK + + LicensePage @@ -1577,7 +1587,7 @@ Pemasangan dapat dilanjutkan, namun beberapa fitur akan dinonfungsikan.Pasang boot %loader pada: - + Are you sure you want to create a new partition table on %1? Apakah Anda yakin ingin membuat tabel partisi baru pada %1? diff --git a/lang/calamares_is.ts b/lang/calamares_is.ts index 3e52dc86c..df3938b28 100644 --- a/lang/calamares_is.ts +++ b/lang/calamares_is.ts @@ -2,17 +2,17 @@ BootInfoWidget - + The <strong>boot environment</strong> of this system.<br><br>Older x86 systems only support <strong>BIOS</strong>.<br>Modern systems usually use <strong>EFI</strong>, but may also show up as BIOS if started in compatibility mode. - + This system was started with an <strong>EFI</strong> boot environment.<br><br>To configure startup from an EFI environment, this installer must deploy a boot loader application, like <strong>GRUB</strong> or <strong>systemd-boot</strong> on an <strong>EFI System Partition</strong>. This is automatic, unless you choose manual partitioning, in which case you must choose it or create it on your own. - + This system was started with a <strong>BIOS</strong> boot environment.<br><br>To configure startup from a BIOS environment, this installer must install a boot loader, like <strong>GRUB</strong>, either at the beginning of a partition or on the <strong>Master Boot Record</strong> near the beginning of the partition table (preferred). This is automatic, unless you choose manual partitioning, in which case you must set it up on your own. @@ -591,27 +591,27 @@ Uppsetningarforritið mun hætta og allar breytingar tapast. St&ærð: - + En&crypt &Dulrita - + Logical Rökleg - + Primary Aðal - + GPT GPT - + Mountpoint already in use. Please select another one. @@ -824,7 +824,7 @@ Uppsetningarforritið mun hætta og allar breytingar tapast. DeviceInfoWidget - + The type of <strong>partition table</strong> on the selected storage device.<br><br>The only way to change the partition table type is to erase and recreate the partition table from scratch, which destroys all data on the storage device.<br>This installer will keep the current partition table unless you explicitly choose otherwise.<br>If unsure, on modern systems GPT is preferred. @@ -941,7 +941,7 @@ Uppsetningarforritið mun hætta og allar breytingar tapast. Flögg: - + Mountpoint already in use. Please select another one. Tengipunktur er þegar í notkun. Veldu einhvern annan. @@ -969,7 +969,7 @@ Uppsetningarforritið mun hætta og allar breytingar tapast. Staðfesta lykilorð - + Please enter the same passphrase in both boxes. Vinsamlegast sláðu inn sama lykilorðið í báða kassana. @@ -1038,17 +1038,17 @@ Uppsetningarforritið mun hætta og allar breytingar tapast. FinishedViewStep - + Finish Ljúka - + Installation Complete - + Uppsetningu lokið - + The installation of %1 is complete. @@ -1159,6 +1159,16 @@ Uppsetningarforritið mun hætta og allar breytingar tapast. The system locale setting affects the language and character set for some command line user interface elements.<br/>The current setting is <strong>%1</strong>. + + + &Cancel + + + + + &OK + + LicensePage @@ -1575,7 +1585,7 @@ Uppsetningarforritið mun hætta og allar breytingar tapast. Setja upp ræsistjóran á: - + Are you sure you want to create a new partition table on %1? Ertu viss um að þú viljir búa til nýja disksneið á %1? diff --git a/lang/calamares_it_IT.ts b/lang/calamares_it_IT.ts index cbf862ca5..18d89b0db 100644 --- a/lang/calamares_it_IT.ts +++ b/lang/calamares_it_IT.ts @@ -2,17 +2,17 @@ BootInfoWidget - + The <strong>boot environment</strong> of this system.<br><br>Older x86 systems only support <strong>BIOS</strong>.<br>Modern systems usually use <strong>EFI</strong>, but may also show up as BIOS if started in compatibility mode. L'<strong>ambiente di avvio</strong> di questo sistema. <br><br>I vecchi sistemi x86 supportano solo <strong>BIOS</strong>. <bt>I sistemi moderni normalmente usano <strong>EFI</strong> ma possono anche usare BIOS se l'avvio viene eseguito in modalità compatibile. - + This system was started with an <strong>EFI</strong> boot environment.<br><br>To configure startup from an EFI environment, this installer must deploy a boot loader application, like <strong>GRUB</strong> or <strong>systemd-boot</strong> on an <strong>EFI System Partition</strong>. This is automatic, unless you choose manual partitioning, in which case you must choose it or create it on your own. Il sistema è stato avviato con un ambiente di boot <strong>EFI</strong>.<br><br>Per configurare l'avvio da un ambiente EFI, il programma d'installazione deve inserire un boot loader come <strong>GRUB</strong> o <strong>systemd-boot</strong> su una <strong>EFI System Partition</strong>. Ciò avviene automaticamente, a meno che non si scelga il partizionamento manuale che permette di scegliere un proprio boot loader personale. - + This system was started with a <strong>BIOS</strong> boot environment.<br><br>To configure startup from a BIOS environment, this installer must install a boot loader, like <strong>GRUB</strong>, either at the beginning of a partition or on the <strong>Master Boot Record</strong> near the beginning of the partition table (preferred). This is automatic, unless you choose manual partitioning, in which case you must set it up on your own. ll sistema è stato avviato con un ambiente di boot <strong>BIOS</strong>.<br><br>Per configurare l'avvio da un ambiente BIOS, il programma d'installazione deve installare un boot loader come <strong>GRUB</strong> all'inizio di una partizione o nel <strong>Master Boot Record</strong> vicino all'origine della tabella delle partizioni (preferito). Ciò avviene automaticamente, a meno che non si scelga il partizionamento manuale che permette di fare una configurazione personale. @@ -591,27 +591,27 @@ Il programma d'installazione sarà terminato e tutte le modifiche andranno &Dimensione: - + En&crypt Cr&iptare - + Logical Logica - + Primary Primaria - + GPT GPT - + Mountpoint already in use. Please select another one. Il punto di mount è già in uso. Sceglierne un altro. @@ -824,7 +824,7 @@ Il programma d'installazione sarà terminato e tutte le modifiche andranno DeviceInfoWidget - + The type of <strong>partition table</strong> on the selected storage device.<br><br>The only way to change the partition table type is to erase and recreate the partition table from scratch, which destroys all data on the storage device.<br>This installer will keep the current partition table unless you explicitly choose otherwise.<br>If unsure, on modern systems GPT is preferred. Il tipo di <strong>tabella delle partizioni</strong> attualmente presente sul dispositivo di memoria selezionato.<br><br>L'unico modo per cambiare il tipo di tabella delle partizioni è quello di cancellarla e ricrearla da capo, distruggendo tutti i dati sul dispositivo.<br>Il programma di installazione conserverà l'attuale tabella a meno che no si scelga diversamente.<br>Se non si è sicuri, sui sistemi moderni si preferisce GPT. @@ -941,7 +941,7 @@ Il programma d'installazione sarà terminato e tutte le modifiche andranno Flag: - + Mountpoint already in use. Please select another one. Il punto di mount è già in uso. Sceglierne un altro. @@ -969,7 +969,7 @@ Il programma d'installazione sarà terminato e tutte le modifiche andranno Confermare frase di accesso - + Please enter the same passphrase in both boxes. Si prega di immettere la stessa frase di accesso in entrambi i riquadri. @@ -1038,17 +1038,17 @@ Il programma d'installazione sarà terminato e tutte le modifiche andranno FinishedViewStep - + Finish Termina - + Installation Complete - + The installation of %1 is complete. @@ -1159,6 +1159,16 @@ Il programma d'installazione sarà terminato e tutte le modifiche andranno The system locale setting affects the language and character set for some command line user interface elements.<br/>The current setting is <strong>%1</strong>. Le impostazioni di localizzazione del sistema influenzano la lingua e il set di caratteri per alcuni elementi di interfaccia da linea di comando. <br/>L'impostazione attuale è <strong>%1</strong>. + + + &Cancel + + + + + &OK + + LicensePage @@ -1575,7 +1585,7 @@ Il programma d'installazione sarà terminato e tutte le modifiche andranno Installare il boot &loader su: - + Are you sure you want to create a new partition table on %1? Si è sicuri di voler creare una nuova tabella delle partizioni su %1? diff --git a/lang/calamares_ja.ts b/lang/calamares_ja.ts index c14605a34..11668390a 100644 --- a/lang/calamares_ja.ts +++ b/lang/calamares_ja.ts @@ -2,17 +2,17 @@ BootInfoWidget - + The <strong>boot environment</strong> of this system.<br><br>Older x86 systems only support <strong>BIOS</strong>.<br>Modern systems usually use <strong>EFI</strong>, but may also show up as BIOS if started in compatibility mode. このシステムの <strong>ブート環境。</strong><br><br>古いx86システムは<strong>BIOS</strong>のみサポートしています。<br>最近のシステムは通常<strong>EFI</strong>を使用しますが、互換モードが起動できる場合はBIOSが現れる場合もあります。 - + This system was started with an <strong>EFI</strong> boot environment.<br><br>To configure startup from an EFI environment, this installer must deploy a boot loader application, like <strong>GRUB</strong> or <strong>systemd-boot</strong> on an <strong>EFI System Partition</strong>. This is automatic, unless you choose manual partitioning, in which case you must choose it or create it on your own. このシステムは<strong>EFI</strong> ブート環境で起動しました。<br><br>EFI環境からの起動について設定するためには、<strong>EFI システムパーティション</strong>に <strong>GRUB</strong> あるいは <strong>systemd-boot</strong> といったブートローダーアプリケーションを配置しなければなりません。手動によるパーティショニングを選択する場合、EFI システムパーティションを選択あるいは作成しなければなりません。そうでない場合は、この操作は自動的に行われます。 - + This system was started with a <strong>BIOS</strong> boot environment.<br><br>To configure startup from a BIOS environment, this installer must install a boot loader, like <strong>GRUB</strong>, either at the beginning of a partition or on the <strong>Master Boot Record</strong> near the beginning of the partition table (preferred). This is automatic, unless you choose manual partitioning, in which case you must set it up on your own. このシステムは <strong>BIOS</strong> ブート環境で起動しました。<br><br> BIOS環境からの起動について設定するためには、パーティションの開始位置あるいはパーティションテーブルの開始位置の近く(推奨)にある<strong>マスターブートレコード</strong>に <strong>GRUB</strong> のようなブートローダーをインストールしなければなりません。手動によるパーティショニングを選択する場合はユーザー自身で設定しなければなりません。そうでない場合は、この操作は自動的に行われます。 @@ -591,27 +591,27 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost. サイズ(&Z) - + En&crypt 暗号化(&C) - + Logical 論理 - + Primary プライマリ - + GPT GPT - + Mountpoint already in use. Please select another one. マウントポイントは既に使用されています。他を選択してください。 @@ -824,7 +824,7 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost. DeviceInfoWidget - + The type of <strong>partition table</strong> on the selected storage device.<br><br>The only way to change the partition table type is to erase and recreate the partition table from scratch, which destroys all data on the storage device.<br>This installer will keep the current partition table unless you explicitly choose otherwise.<br>If unsure, on modern systems GPT is preferred. 選択したストレージデバイスにおける<strong> パーティションテーブル </strong> の種類。 <br><br> パーティションテーブルの種類を変更する唯一の方法は、パーティションテーブルを消去し、最初から再作成を行うことですが、この操作はストレージ上の全てのデータを破壊します。 <br> このインストーラーは、他の種類へ明示的に変更ししない限り、現在のパーティションテーブルが保持されます。よくわからない場合、最近のシステムではGPTが推奨されます。 @@ -941,7 +941,7 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost. フラグ: - + Mountpoint already in use. Please select another one. マウントポイントは既に使用されています。他を選択してください。 @@ -969,7 +969,7 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost. パスフレーズの確認 - + Please enter the same passphrase in both boxes. 両方のボックスに同じパスフレーズを入力してください。 @@ -1038,19 +1038,20 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost. FinishedViewStep - + Finish 終了 - + Installation Complete - + インストールが完了 + - + The installation of %1 is complete. - + %1 のインストールは完了です。 @@ -1159,6 +1160,16 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost. The system locale setting affects the language and character set for some command line user interface elements.<br/>The current setting is <strong>%1</strong>. システムロケールの設定はコマンドラインやインターフェース上での言語や文字の表示に影響をおよぼします。<br/>現在の設定 <strong>%1</strong>. + + + &Cancel + + + + + &OK + + LicensePage @@ -1575,7 +1586,7 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost. ブートローダーインストール先 (&L): - + Are you sure you want to create a new partition table on %1? %1 上で新しいパーティションテーブルを作成します。よろしいですか? diff --git a/lang/calamares_kk.ts b/lang/calamares_kk.ts index 8475d9847..f8ffbe402 100644 --- a/lang/calamares_kk.ts +++ b/lang/calamares_kk.ts @@ -2,17 +2,17 @@ BootInfoWidget - + The <strong>boot environment</strong> of this system.<br><br>Older x86 systems only support <strong>BIOS</strong>.<br>Modern systems usually use <strong>EFI</strong>, but may also show up as BIOS if started in compatibility mode. - + This system was started with an <strong>EFI</strong> boot environment.<br><br>To configure startup from an EFI environment, this installer must deploy a boot loader application, like <strong>GRUB</strong> or <strong>systemd-boot</strong> on an <strong>EFI System Partition</strong>. This is automatic, unless you choose manual partitioning, in which case you must choose it or create it on your own. - + This system was started with a <strong>BIOS</strong> boot environment.<br><br>To configure startup from a BIOS environment, this installer must install a boot loader, like <strong>GRUB</strong>, either at the beginning of a partition or on the <strong>Master Boot Record</strong> near the beginning of the partition table (preferred). This is automatic, unless you choose manual partitioning, in which case you must set it up on your own. @@ -584,27 +584,27 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost. - + En&crypt - + Logical - + Primary - + GPT - + Mountpoint already in use. Please select another one. @@ -817,7 +817,7 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost. DeviceInfoWidget - + The type of <strong>partition table</strong> on the selected storage device.<br><br>The only way to change the partition table type is to erase and recreate the partition table from scratch, which destroys all data on the storage device.<br>This installer will keep the current partition table unless you explicitly choose otherwise.<br>If unsure, on modern systems GPT is preferred. @@ -934,7 +934,7 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost. - + Mountpoint already in use. Please select another one. @@ -962,7 +962,7 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost. - + Please enter the same passphrase in both boxes. @@ -1031,17 +1031,17 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost. FinishedViewStep - + Finish - + Installation Complete - + The installation of %1 is complete. @@ -1152,6 +1152,16 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost. The system locale setting affects the language and character set for some command line user interface elements.<br/>The current setting is <strong>%1</strong>. + + + &Cancel + + + + + &OK + + LicensePage @@ -1568,7 +1578,7 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost. - + Are you sure you want to create a new partition table on %1? diff --git a/lang/calamares_lo.ts b/lang/calamares_lo.ts index 1e67238f9..a69a9ee43 100644 --- a/lang/calamares_lo.ts +++ b/lang/calamares_lo.ts @@ -2,17 +2,17 @@ BootInfoWidget - + The <strong>boot environment</strong> of this system.<br><br>Older x86 systems only support <strong>BIOS</strong>.<br>Modern systems usually use <strong>EFI</strong>, but may also show up as BIOS if started in compatibility mode. - + This system was started with an <strong>EFI</strong> boot environment.<br><br>To configure startup from an EFI environment, this installer must deploy a boot loader application, like <strong>GRUB</strong> or <strong>systemd-boot</strong> on an <strong>EFI System Partition</strong>. This is automatic, unless you choose manual partitioning, in which case you must choose it or create it on your own. - + This system was started with a <strong>BIOS</strong> boot environment.<br><br>To configure startup from a BIOS environment, this installer must install a boot loader, like <strong>GRUB</strong>, either at the beginning of a partition or on the <strong>Master Boot Record</strong> near the beginning of the partition table (preferred). This is automatic, unless you choose manual partitioning, in which case you must set it up on your own. @@ -584,27 +584,27 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost. - + En&crypt - + Logical - + Primary - + GPT - + Mountpoint already in use. Please select another one. @@ -817,7 +817,7 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost. DeviceInfoWidget - + The type of <strong>partition table</strong> on the selected storage device.<br><br>The only way to change the partition table type is to erase and recreate the partition table from scratch, which destroys all data on the storage device.<br>This installer will keep the current partition table unless you explicitly choose otherwise.<br>If unsure, on modern systems GPT is preferred. @@ -934,7 +934,7 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost. - + Mountpoint already in use. Please select another one. @@ -962,7 +962,7 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost. - + Please enter the same passphrase in both boxes. @@ -1031,17 +1031,17 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost. FinishedViewStep - + Finish - + Installation Complete - + The installation of %1 is complete. @@ -1152,6 +1152,16 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost. The system locale setting affects the language and character set for some command line user interface elements.<br/>The current setting is <strong>%1</strong>. + + + &Cancel + + + + + &OK + + LicensePage @@ -1568,7 +1578,7 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost. - + Are you sure you want to create a new partition table on %1? diff --git a/lang/calamares_lt.ts b/lang/calamares_lt.ts index d71a2f1d9..47f0f9263 100644 --- a/lang/calamares_lt.ts +++ b/lang/calamares_lt.ts @@ -2,17 +2,17 @@ BootInfoWidget - + The <strong>boot environment</strong> of this system.<br><br>Older x86 systems only support <strong>BIOS</strong>.<br>Modern systems usually use <strong>EFI</strong>, but may also show up as BIOS if started in compatibility mode. Šios sistemos <strong>paleidimo aplinka</strong>.<br><br>Senesnės x86 sistemos palaiko tik <strong>BIOS</strong>.<br>Šiuolaikinės sistemos, dažniausiai, naudoja <strong>EFI</strong>, tačiau, jeigu jos yra paleistos suderinamumo veiksenoje, taip pat gali būti rodomos kaip BIOS. - + This system was started with an <strong>EFI</strong> boot environment.<br><br>To configure startup from an EFI environment, this installer must deploy a boot loader application, like <strong>GRUB</strong> or <strong>systemd-boot</strong> on an <strong>EFI System Partition</strong>. This is automatic, unless you choose manual partitioning, in which case you must choose it or create it on your own. Ši sistema buvo paleista su <strong>EFI</strong> paleidimo aplinka.<br><br>Tam, kad sukonfigūruotų paleidimą iš EFI aplinkos, ši diegimo programa, <strong>EFI sistemos skaidinyje</strong>, privalo išskleisti paleidyklės programą, kaip, pavyzdžiui, <strong>GRUB</strong> ar <strong>systemd-boot</strong>. Tai vyks automatiškai, nebent pasirinksite rankinį skaidymą ir tokiu atveju patys turėsite pasirinkti arba sukurti skaidinį. - + This system was started with a <strong>BIOS</strong> boot environment.<br><br>To configure startup from a BIOS environment, this installer must install a boot loader, like <strong>GRUB</strong>, either at the beginning of a partition or on the <strong>Master Boot Record</strong> near the beginning of the partition table (preferred). This is automatic, unless you choose manual partitioning, in which case you must set it up on your own. Ši sistema buvo paleista su <strong>BIOS</strong> paleidimo aplinka.<br><br>Tam, kad sukonfigūruotų paleidimą iš BIOS aplinkos, ši diegimo programa, arba skaidinio pradžioje, arba <strong>Paleidimo įraše (MBR)</strong>, šalia skaidinių lentelės pradžios (pageidautina), privalo įdiegti paleidyklę, kaip, pavyzdžiui, <strong>GRUB</strong>. Tai vyks automatiškai, nebent pasirinksite rankinį skaidymą ir tokiu atveju, viską turėsite nusistatyti patys. @@ -591,27 +591,27 @@ Diegimo programa užbaigs darbą ir visi pakeitimai bus prarasti. D&ydis: - + En&crypt Užši&fruoti - + Logical Loginė - + Primary Pagrindinė - + GPT GPT - + Mountpoint already in use. Please select another one. Prijungimo taškas jau yra naudojamas. Prašome pasirinkti kitą. @@ -824,7 +824,7 @@ Diegimo programa užbaigs darbą ir visi pakeitimai bus prarasti. DeviceInfoWidget - + The type of <strong>partition table</strong> on the selected storage device.<br><br>The only way to change the partition table type is to erase and recreate the partition table from scratch, which destroys all data on the storage device.<br>This installer will keep the current partition table unless you explicitly choose otherwise.<br>If unsure, on modern systems GPT is preferred. Pasirinktame atminties įrenginyje esančios, <strong>skaidinių lentelės</strong> tipas.<br><br>Vienintelis būdas kaip galima pakeisti skaidinių lentelės tipą yra ištrinti ir iš naujo sukurti skaidinių lentelę, kas savo ruožtu ištrina visus atminties įrenginyje esančius duomenis.<br>Ši diegimo programa paliks esamą skaidinių lentelę, nebent aiškiai pasirinksite kitaip.<br>Jeigu nesate tikri, šiuolaikinėse sistemose pirmenybė yra teikiama GPT tipui. @@ -941,7 +941,7 @@ Diegimo programa užbaigs darbą ir visi pakeitimai bus prarasti. Vėliavėlės: - + Mountpoint already in use. Please select another one. Prijungimo taškas jau yra naudojamas. Prašome pasirinkti kitą. @@ -969,7 +969,7 @@ Diegimo programa užbaigs darbą ir visi pakeitimai bus prarasti. Patvirtinkite slaptafrazę - + Please enter the same passphrase in both boxes. Prašome abiejuose langeliuose įrašyti tą pačią slaptafrazę. @@ -1038,19 +1038,19 @@ Diegimo programa užbaigs darbą ir visi pakeitimai bus prarasti. FinishedViewStep - + Finish Pabaiga - + Installation Complete - + Diegimas užbaigtas - + The installation of %1 is complete. - + %1 diegimas yra užbaigtas. @@ -1159,6 +1159,16 @@ Diegimo programa užbaigs darbą ir visi pakeitimai bus prarasti. The system locale setting affects the language and character set for some command line user interface elements.<br/>The current setting is <strong>%1</strong>. Sistemos lokalės nustatymas įtakoja, kai kurių komandų eilutės naudotojo sąsajos elementų, kalbos ir simbolių rinkinį.<br/>Dabar yra nustatyta <strong>%1</strong>. + + + &Cancel + &Atsisakyti + + + + &OK + &Gerai + LicensePage @@ -1575,7 +1585,7 @@ Diegimo programa užbaigs darbą ir visi pakeitimai bus prarasti. Įdiegti pa&leidyklę skaidinyje: - + Are you sure you want to create a new partition table on %1? Ar tikrai %1 norite sukurti naują skaidinių lentelę? diff --git a/lang/calamares_mr.ts b/lang/calamares_mr.ts index 9109e67e3..0fdff01e4 100644 --- a/lang/calamares_mr.ts +++ b/lang/calamares_mr.ts @@ -2,17 +2,17 @@ BootInfoWidget - + The <strong>boot environment</strong> of this system.<br><br>Older x86 systems only support <strong>BIOS</strong>.<br>Modern systems usually use <strong>EFI</strong>, but may also show up as BIOS if started in compatibility mode. - + This system was started with an <strong>EFI</strong> boot environment.<br><br>To configure startup from an EFI environment, this installer must deploy a boot loader application, like <strong>GRUB</strong> or <strong>systemd-boot</strong> on an <strong>EFI System Partition</strong>. This is automatic, unless you choose manual partitioning, in which case you must choose it or create it on your own. - + This system was started with a <strong>BIOS</strong> boot environment.<br><br>To configure startup from a BIOS environment, this installer must install a boot loader, like <strong>GRUB</strong>, either at the beginning of a partition or on the <strong>Master Boot Record</strong> near the beginning of the partition table (preferred). This is automatic, unless you choose manual partitioning, in which case you must set it up on your own. @@ -584,27 +584,27 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost. - + En&crypt - + Logical - + Primary - + GPT - + Mountpoint already in use. Please select another one. @@ -817,7 +817,7 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost. DeviceInfoWidget - + The type of <strong>partition table</strong> on the selected storage device.<br><br>The only way to change the partition table type is to erase and recreate the partition table from scratch, which destroys all data on the storage device.<br>This installer will keep the current partition table unless you explicitly choose otherwise.<br>If unsure, on modern systems GPT is preferred. @@ -934,7 +934,7 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost. - + Mountpoint already in use. Please select another one. @@ -962,7 +962,7 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost. - + Please enter the same passphrase in both boxes. @@ -1031,17 +1031,17 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost. FinishedViewStep - + Finish - + Installation Complete - + The installation of %1 is complete. @@ -1152,6 +1152,16 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost. The system locale setting affects the language and character set for some command line user interface elements.<br/>The current setting is <strong>%1</strong>. + + + &Cancel + + + + + &OK + + LicensePage @@ -1568,7 +1578,7 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost. - + Are you sure you want to create a new partition table on %1? diff --git a/lang/calamares_nb.ts b/lang/calamares_nb.ts index 7ca25af07..653e83df8 100644 --- a/lang/calamares_nb.ts +++ b/lang/calamares_nb.ts @@ -2,17 +2,17 @@ BootInfoWidget - + The <strong>boot environment</strong> of this system.<br><br>Older x86 systems only support <strong>BIOS</strong>.<br>Modern systems usually use <strong>EFI</strong>, but may also show up as BIOS if started in compatibility mode. - + This system was started with an <strong>EFI</strong> boot environment.<br><br>To configure startup from an EFI environment, this installer must deploy a boot loader application, like <strong>GRUB</strong> or <strong>systemd-boot</strong> on an <strong>EFI System Partition</strong>. This is automatic, unless you choose manual partitioning, in which case you must choose it or create it on your own. - + This system was started with a <strong>BIOS</strong> boot environment.<br><br>To configure startup from a BIOS environment, this installer must install a boot loader, like <strong>GRUB</strong>, either at the beginning of a partition or on the <strong>Master Boot Record</strong> near the beginning of the partition table (preferred). This is automatic, unless you choose manual partitioning, in which case you must set it up on your own. @@ -591,27 +591,27 @@ Installasjonsprogrammet vil avsluttes og alle endringer vil gå tapt.St&ørrelse: - + En&crypt - + Logical Logisk - + Primary Primær - + GPT GPT - + Mountpoint already in use. Please select another one. @@ -824,7 +824,7 @@ Installasjonsprogrammet vil avsluttes og alle endringer vil gå tapt. DeviceInfoWidget - + The type of <strong>partition table</strong> on the selected storage device.<br><br>The only way to change the partition table type is to erase and recreate the partition table from scratch, which destroys all data on the storage device.<br>This installer will keep the current partition table unless you explicitly choose otherwise.<br>If unsure, on modern systems GPT is preferred. @@ -941,7 +941,7 @@ Installasjonsprogrammet vil avsluttes og alle endringer vil gå tapt. - + Mountpoint already in use. Please select another one. @@ -969,7 +969,7 @@ Installasjonsprogrammet vil avsluttes og alle endringer vil gå tapt. - + Please enter the same passphrase in both boxes. @@ -1038,17 +1038,17 @@ Installasjonsprogrammet vil avsluttes og alle endringer vil gå tapt. FinishedViewStep - + Finish - + Installation Complete - + The installation of %1 is complete. @@ -1159,6 +1159,16 @@ Installasjonsprogrammet vil avsluttes og alle endringer vil gå tapt.The system locale setting affects the language and character set for some command line user interface elements.<br/>The current setting is <strong>%1</strong>. + + + &Cancel + + + + + &OK + + LicensePage @@ -1575,7 +1585,7 @@ Installasjonsprogrammet vil avsluttes og alle endringer vil gå tapt. - + Are you sure you want to create a new partition table on %1? diff --git a/lang/calamares_nl.ts b/lang/calamares_nl.ts index 3d8976133..246f086e7 100644 --- a/lang/calamares_nl.ts +++ b/lang/calamares_nl.ts @@ -2,17 +2,17 @@ BootInfoWidget - + The <strong>boot environment</strong> of this system.<br><br>Older x86 systems only support <strong>BIOS</strong>.<br>Modern systems usually use <strong>EFI</strong>, but may also show up as BIOS if started in compatibility mode. De <strong>opstartomgeving</strong> van dit systeem.<br><br>Oudere x86-systemen ondersteunen enkel <strong>BIOS</strong>.<br>Moderne systemen gebruiken meestal <strong>EFI</strong>, maar kunnen ook als BIOS verschijnen als in compatibiliteitsmodus opgestart werd. - + This system was started with an <strong>EFI</strong> boot environment.<br><br>To configure startup from an EFI environment, this installer must deploy a boot loader application, like <strong>GRUB</strong> or <strong>systemd-boot</strong> on an <strong>EFI System Partition</strong>. This is automatic, unless you choose manual partitioning, in which case you must choose it or create it on your own. Dit systeem werd opgestart met een <strong>EFI</strong>-opstartomgeving.<br><br>Om het opstarten vanaf een EFI-omgeving te configureren moet dit installatieprogramma een bootloader instellen, zoals <strong>GRUB</strong> of <strong>systemd-boot</strong> op een <strong>EFI-systeempartitie</strong>. Dit gebeurt automatisch, tenzij je voor manueel partitioneren kiest, waar je het moet aanvinken of het zelf aanmaken. - + This system was started with a <strong>BIOS</strong> boot environment.<br><br>To configure startup from a BIOS environment, this installer must install a boot loader, like <strong>GRUB</strong>, either at the beginning of a partition or on the <strong>Master Boot Record</strong> near the beginning of the partition table (preferred). This is automatic, unless you choose manual partitioning, in which case you must set it up on your own. Dit systeem werd opgestart met een <strong>BIOS</strong>-opstartomgeving.<br><br>Om het opstarten vanaf een BIOS-omgeving te configureren moet dit installatieprogramma een bootloader installeren, zoals <strong>GRUB</strong>, ofwel op het begin van een partitie ofwel op de <strong>Master Boot Record</strong> bij het begin van de partitietabel (bij voorkeur). Dit gebeurt automatisch, tenzij je voor manueel partitioneren kiest, waar je het zelf moet aanmaken. @@ -591,27 +591,27 @@ Het installatieprogramma zal afsluiten en alle wijzigingen zullen verloren gaan. &Grootte: - + En&crypt &Versleutelen - + Logical Logisch - + Primary Primair - + GPT GPT - + Mountpoint already in use. Please select another one. Aankoppelpunt reeds in gebruik. Gelieve een andere te kiezen. @@ -824,7 +824,7 @@ Het installatieprogramma zal afsluiten en alle wijzigingen zullen verloren gaan. DeviceInfoWidget - + The type of <strong>partition table</strong> on the selected storage device.<br><br>The only way to change the partition table type is to erase and recreate the partition table from scratch, which destroys all data on the storage device.<br>This installer will keep the current partition table unless you explicitly choose otherwise.<br>If unsure, on modern systems GPT is preferred. Het type van <strong>partitietabel</strong> op het geselecteerde opslagmedium.<br><br>Om het type partitietabel te wijzigen, dien je deze te verwijderen en opnieuw aan te maken, wat alle gegevens op het opslagmedium vernietigt.<br>Het installatieprogramma zal de huidige partitietabel behouden tenzij je expliciet anders verkiest.<br>Bij twijfel wordt aangeraden GPT te gebruiken op moderne systemen. @@ -941,7 +941,7 @@ Het installatieprogramma zal afsluiten en alle wijzigingen zullen verloren gaan. Vlaggen: - + Mountpoint already in use. Please select another one. Aankoppelpunt reeds in gebruik. Gelieve een andere te kiezen. @@ -969,7 +969,7 @@ Het installatieprogramma zal afsluiten en alle wijzigingen zullen verloren gaan. Bevestig wachtwoordzin - + Please enter the same passphrase in both boxes. Gelieve in beide velden dezelfde wachtwoordzin in te vullen. @@ -1038,19 +1038,19 @@ Het installatieprogramma zal afsluiten en alle wijzigingen zullen verloren gaan. FinishedViewStep - + Finish Beëindigen - + Installation Complete - + Installatie Afgerond. - + The installation of %1 is complete. - + De installatie van %1 is afgerond. @@ -1159,6 +1159,16 @@ Het installatieprogramma zal afsluiten en alle wijzigingen zullen verloren gaan. The system locale setting affects the language and character set for some command line user interface elements.<br/>The current setting is <strong>%1</strong>. De landinstellingen bepalen de taal en het tekenset voor sommige opdrachtregelelementen.<br/>De huidige instelling is <strong>%1</strong>. + + + &Cancel + + + + + &OK + + LicensePage @@ -1575,7 +1585,7 @@ Het installatieprogramma zal afsluiten en alle wijzigingen zullen verloren gaan. Installeer boot&loader op: - + Are you sure you want to create a new partition table on %1? Weet u zeker dat u een nieuwe partitie tabel wil maken op %1? diff --git a/lang/calamares_pl.ts b/lang/calamares_pl.ts index c74dbabf1..519528e08 100644 --- a/lang/calamares_pl.ts +++ b/lang/calamares_pl.ts @@ -2,17 +2,17 @@ BootInfoWidget - + The <strong>boot environment</strong> of this system.<br><br>Older x86 systems only support <strong>BIOS</strong>.<br>Modern systems usually use <strong>EFI</strong>, but may also show up as BIOS if started in compatibility mode. <strong>Środowisko uruchomieniowe</strong> systemu.<br><br>Starsze systemy x86 obsługują tylko <strong>BIOS</strong>.<br>Nowoczesne systemy zwykle używają <strong>EFI</strong>, lecz możliwe jest również ukazanie się BIOS, jeśli działa w trybie kompatybilnym. - + This system was started with an <strong>EFI</strong> boot environment.<br><br>To configure startup from an EFI environment, this installer must deploy a boot loader application, like <strong>GRUB</strong> or <strong>systemd-boot</strong> on an <strong>EFI System Partition</strong>. This is automatic, unless you choose manual partitioning, in which case you must choose it or create it on your own. Ten system został uruchomiony w środowisku rozruchowym <strong>EFI</strong>.<br><br>Aby skonfigurować uruchomienie ze środowiska EFI, instalator musi wdrożyć aplikację programu rozruchowego, takiego jak <strong>GRUB</strong> lub <strong>systemd-boot</strong> na <strong>Partycji Systemu EFI</strong>. Jest to automatyczne, chyba że wybierasz ręczne partycjonowanie, a w takim przypadku musisz wybrać ją lub utworzyć osobiście. - + This system was started with a <strong>BIOS</strong> boot environment.<br><br>To configure startup from a BIOS environment, this installer must install a boot loader, like <strong>GRUB</strong>, either at the beginning of a partition or on the <strong>Master Boot Record</strong> near the beginning of the partition table (preferred). This is automatic, unless you choose manual partitioning, in which case you must set it up on your own. Ten system został uruchomiony w środowisku rozruchowym <strong>BIOS</strong>.<br><br>Aby skonfigurować uruchomienie ze środowiska BIOS, instalator musi zainstalować program rozruchowy, taki jak <strong>GRUB</strong> na początku partycji lub w <strong>Głównym Sektorze Rozruchowym</strong> blisko początku tablicy partycji (preferowane). Jest to automatyczne, chyba że wybierasz ręczne partycjonowanie, a w takim przypadku musisz ustawić ją osobiście. @@ -591,27 +591,27 @@ Instalator zostanie zamknięty i wszystkie zmiany zostaną utracone.Ro&zmiar: - + En&crypt Zaszy%fruj - + Logical Logiczna - + Primary Podstawowa - + GPT GPT - + Mountpoint already in use. Please select another one. Punkt montowania jest już używany. Proszę wybrać inny. @@ -824,7 +824,7 @@ Instalator zostanie zamknięty i wszystkie zmiany zostaną utracone. DeviceInfoWidget - + The type of <strong>partition table</strong> on the selected storage device.<br><br>The only way to change the partition table type is to erase and recreate the partition table from scratch, which destroys all data on the storage device.<br>This installer will keep the current partition table unless you explicitly choose otherwise.<br>If unsure, on modern systems GPT is preferred. Typ <strong>tabeli partycji</strong> na zaznaczonym nośniku danych.<br><br>Jedyną metodą na zmianę tabeli partycji jest jej wyczyszczenie i utworzenie jej od nowa, co spowoduje utratę wszystkich danych.<br>Ten instalator zachowa obecną tabelę partycji, jeżeli nie wybierzesz innej opcji.<br>W wypadku niepewności, w nowszych systemach zalecany jest GPT. @@ -941,7 +941,7 @@ Instalator zostanie zamknięty i wszystkie zmiany zostaną utracone.Flagi: - + Mountpoint already in use. Please select another one. Punkt montowania jest już używany. Proszę wybrać inny. @@ -969,7 +969,7 @@ Instalator zostanie zamknięty i wszystkie zmiany zostaną utracone.Potwierdź hasło - + Please enter the same passphrase in both boxes. Użyj tego samego hasła w obu polach. @@ -1038,19 +1038,19 @@ Instalator zostanie zamknięty i wszystkie zmiany zostaną utracone. FinishedViewStep - + Finish Koniec - + Installation Complete - + Instalacja zakończona - + The installation of %1 is complete. - + Instalacja %1 ukończyła się pomyślnie. @@ -1159,6 +1159,16 @@ Instalator zostanie zamknięty i wszystkie zmiany zostaną utracone.The system locale setting affects the language and character set for some command line user interface elements.<br/>The current setting is <strong>%1</strong>. Systemowe ustawienia lokalne wpływają na ustawienia języka i znaków w niektórych elementach wiersza poleceń interfejsu użytkownika.<br/>Bieżące ustawienie to <strong>%1</strong>. + + + &Cancel + + + + + &OK + + LicensePage @@ -1575,7 +1585,7 @@ Instalator zostanie zamknięty i wszystkie zmiany zostaną utracone.Zainsta&luj program rozruchowy na: - + Are you sure you want to create a new partition table on %1? Czy na pewno chcesz utworzyć nową tablicę partycji na %1? diff --git a/lang/calamares_pl_PL.ts b/lang/calamares_pl_PL.ts index d635c1236..462dd1f70 100644 --- a/lang/calamares_pl_PL.ts +++ b/lang/calamares_pl_PL.ts @@ -2,17 +2,17 @@ BootInfoWidget - + The <strong>boot environment</strong> of this system.<br><br>Older x86 systems only support <strong>BIOS</strong>.<br>Modern systems usually use <strong>EFI</strong>, but may also show up as BIOS if started in compatibility mode. - + This system was started with an <strong>EFI</strong> boot environment.<br><br>To configure startup from an EFI environment, this installer must deploy a boot loader application, like <strong>GRUB</strong> or <strong>systemd-boot</strong> on an <strong>EFI System Partition</strong>. This is automatic, unless you choose manual partitioning, in which case you must choose it or create it on your own. - + This system was started with a <strong>BIOS</strong> boot environment.<br><br>To configure startup from a BIOS environment, this installer must install a boot loader, like <strong>GRUB</strong>, either at the beginning of a partition or on the <strong>Master Boot Record</strong> near the beginning of the partition table (preferred). This is automatic, unless you choose manual partitioning, in which case you must set it up on your own. @@ -591,27 +591,27 @@ Instalator zakończy działanie i wszystkie zmiany zostaną utracone.Ro&zmiar: - + En&crypt - + Logical Logiczna - + Primary Podstawowa - + GPT GPT - + Mountpoint already in use. Please select another one. @@ -824,7 +824,7 @@ Instalator zakończy działanie i wszystkie zmiany zostaną utracone. DeviceInfoWidget - + The type of <strong>partition table</strong> on the selected storage device.<br><br>The only way to change the partition table type is to erase and recreate the partition table from scratch, which destroys all data on the storage device.<br>This installer will keep the current partition table unless you explicitly choose otherwise.<br>If unsure, on modern systems GPT is preferred. @@ -941,7 +941,7 @@ Instalator zakończy działanie i wszystkie zmiany zostaną utracone. - + Mountpoint already in use. Please select another one. @@ -969,7 +969,7 @@ Instalator zakończy działanie i wszystkie zmiany zostaną utracone. - + Please enter the same passphrase in both boxes. @@ -1038,17 +1038,17 @@ Instalator zakończy działanie i wszystkie zmiany zostaną utracone. FinishedViewStep - + Finish - + Installation Complete - + The installation of %1 is complete. @@ -1159,6 +1159,16 @@ Instalator zakończy działanie i wszystkie zmiany zostaną utracone.The system locale setting affects the language and character set for some command line user interface elements.<br/>The current setting is <strong>%1</strong>. + + + &Cancel + + + + + &OK + + LicensePage @@ -1575,7 +1585,7 @@ Instalator zakończy działanie i wszystkie zmiany zostaną utracone. - + Are you sure you want to create a new partition table on %1? Na pewno utworzyć nową tablicę partycji na %1? diff --git a/lang/calamares_pt_BR.ts b/lang/calamares_pt_BR.ts index e2dda139e..b8a0ded8b 100644 --- a/lang/calamares_pt_BR.ts +++ b/lang/calamares_pt_BR.ts @@ -2,17 +2,17 @@ BootInfoWidget - + The <strong>boot environment</strong> of this system.<br><br>Older x86 systems only support <strong>BIOS</strong>.<br>Modern systems usually use <strong>EFI</strong>, but may also show up as BIOS if started in compatibility mode. O <strong>ambiente de inicialização</strong> deste sistema.<br><br>Sistemas x86 antigos têm suporte apenas ao <strong>BIOS</strong>.<br>Sistemas modernos normalmente usam <strong>EFI</strong>, mas também podem mostrar o BIOS se forem iniciados no modo de compatibilidade. - + This system was started with an <strong>EFI</strong> boot environment.<br><br>To configure startup from an EFI environment, this installer must deploy a boot loader application, like <strong>GRUB</strong> or <strong>systemd-boot</strong> on an <strong>EFI System Partition</strong>. This is automatic, unless you choose manual partitioning, in which case you must choose it or create it on your own. Este sistema foi iniciado com um ambiente de inicialização <strong>EFI</strong>.<br><br>Para configurar o início a partir de um ambiente EFI, este instalador deverá instalar um gerenciador de inicialização, como o <strong>GRUB</strong> ou <strong>systemd-boot</strong> em uma <strong>Partição de Sistema EFI</strong>. Este processo é automático, a não ser que escolha o particionamento manual, que no caso permite-lhe escolher ou criá-lo manualmente. - + This system was started with a <strong>BIOS</strong> boot environment.<br><br>To configure startup from a BIOS environment, this installer must install a boot loader, like <strong>GRUB</strong>, either at the beginning of a partition or on the <strong>Master Boot Record</strong> near the beginning of the partition table (preferred). This is automatic, unless you choose manual partitioning, in which case you must set it up on your own. Este sistema foi iniciado utilizando o <strong>BIOS</strong> como ambiente de inicialização.<br><br>Para configurar a inicialização em um ambiente BIOS, este instalador deve instalar um gerenciador de boot, como o <strong>GRUB</strong>, no começo de uma partição ou no <strong>Master Boot Record</strong>, perto do começo da tabela de partições (recomendado). Este processo é automático, a não ser que você escolha o particionamento manual, onde você deverá configurá-lo manualmente. @@ -364,13 +364,13 @@ O instalador será fechado e todas as alterações serão perdidas. This computer does not satisfy the minimum requirements for installing %1.<br/>Installation cannot continue. <a href="#details">Details...</a> - Este computador não satisfaz os requisitos mínimos para a instalação de %1. + Este computador não satisfaz os requisitos mínimos para instalar %1. A instalação não pode continuar.<a href="#details">Detalhes...</a> This computer does not satisfy some of the recommended requirements for installing %1.<br/>Installation can continue, but some features might be disabled. - Este computador não satisfaz alguns dos requisitos recomendados para a instalação de %1. + Este computador não satisfaz alguns dos requisitos recomendados para instalar %1. A instalação pode continuar, mas alguns recursos podem ser desativados. @@ -593,27 +593,27 @@ A instalação pode continuar, mas alguns recursos podem ser desativados.Tamanho: - + En&crypt &Criptografar - + Logical Lógica - + Primary Primária - + GPT GPT - + Mountpoint already in use. Please select another one. Ponto de montagem já em uso. Por favor, selecione outro. @@ -676,7 +676,7 @@ A instalação pode continuar, mas alguns recursos podem ser desativados. What kind of partition table do you want to create? - Você deseja criar que tipo de tabela de partições? + Que tipo de tabela de partições você deseja criar? @@ -826,9 +826,9 @@ A instalação pode continuar, mas alguns recursos podem ser desativados. DeviceInfoWidget - + The type of <strong>partition table</strong> on the selected storage device.<br><br>The only way to change the partition table type is to erase and recreate the partition table from scratch, which destroys all data on the storage device.<br>This installer will keep the current partition table unless you explicitly choose otherwise.<br>If unsure, on modern systems GPT is preferred. - O tipo de <strong>tabela de partições</strong> no dispositivo de armazenamento selecionado.<br><br>O único modo de alterar o tipo de tabela de partições é apagar e recriar a mesma do começo, processo o qual exclui todos os dados do dispositivo.<br>Este instalador manterá a atual tabela de partições, a não ser que você escolha o contrário.<br>Em caso de dúvidas, em sistemas modernos o GPT é recomendado. + O tipo de <strong>tabela de partições</strong> no dispositivo de armazenamento selecionado.<br><br>O único modo de alterar o tipo de tabela de partições é apagar e recriar a mesma do começo, processo o qual exclui todos os dados do dispositivo.<br>Este instalador manterá a tabela de partições atual, a não ser que você escolha o contrário.<br>Em caso de dúvidas, em sistemas modernos o GPT é recomendado. @@ -838,7 +838,7 @@ A instalação pode continuar, mas alguns recursos podem ser desativados. This is a <strong>loop</strong> device.<br><br>It is a pseudo-device with no partition table that makes a file accessible as a block device. This kind of setup usually only contains a single filesystem. - Este é um dispositivo de <strong>loop</strong>.<br><br>Este é um pseudo-dispositivo sem tabela de partições que faz um arquivo acessível como um dispositivo de bloco. Este tipo de configuração apenas contém um único sistema de arquivos. + Este é um dispositivo de <strong>loop</strong>.<br><br>Este é um pseudo-dispositivo sem tabela de partições que faz um arquivo acessível como um dispositivo de bloco. Este tipo de configuração normalmente contém apenas um único sistema de arquivos. @@ -943,7 +943,7 @@ A instalação pode continuar, mas alguns recursos podem ser desativados.Marcadores: - + Mountpoint already in use. Please select another one. Ponto de montagem já em uso. Por favor, selecione outro. @@ -971,7 +971,7 @@ A instalação pode continuar, mas alguns recursos podem ser desativados.Confirme a frase-chave - + Please enter the same passphrase in both boxes. Por favor, insira a mesma frase-chave nos dois campos. @@ -1040,17 +1040,17 @@ A instalação pode continuar, mas alguns recursos podem ser desativados. FinishedViewStep - + Finish Concluir - + Installation Complete Instalação Completa - + The installation of %1 is complete. A instalação do %1 está completa. @@ -1161,6 +1161,16 @@ A instalação pode continuar, mas alguns recursos podem ser desativados.The system locale setting affects the language and character set for some command line user interface elements.<br/>The current setting is <strong>%1</strong>. A configuração de localidade do sistema afeta a linguagem e o conjunto de caracteres para algumas linhas de comando e elementos da interface do usuário.<br/>A configuração atual é <strong>%1</strong>. + + + &Cancel + + + + + &OK + + LicensePage @@ -1577,7 +1587,7 @@ A instalação pode continuar, mas alguns recursos podem ser desativados.Insta&lar o gerenciador de inicialização em: - + Are you sure you want to create a new partition table on %1? Você tem certeza de que deseja criar uma nova tabela de partições em %1? diff --git a/lang/calamares_pt_PT.ts b/lang/calamares_pt_PT.ts index 5df77de75..6068a7ab0 100644 --- a/lang/calamares_pt_PT.ts +++ b/lang/calamares_pt_PT.ts @@ -2,17 +2,17 @@ BootInfoWidget - + The <strong>boot environment</strong> of this system.<br><br>Older x86 systems only support <strong>BIOS</strong>.<br>Modern systems usually use <strong>EFI</strong>, but may also show up as BIOS if started in compatibility mode. O <strong>ambiente de arranque</strong> deste sistema.<br><br>Sistemas x86 mais antigos apenas suportam <strong>BIOS</strong>.<br>Sistemas modernos normalmente usam <strong>EFI</strong>, mas também podem aparecer como BIOS se iniciados em modo de compatibilidade. - + This system was started with an <strong>EFI</strong> boot environment.<br><br>To configure startup from an EFI environment, this installer must deploy a boot loader application, like <strong>GRUB</strong> or <strong>systemd-boot</strong> on an <strong>EFI System Partition</strong>. This is automatic, unless you choose manual partitioning, in which case you must choose it or create it on your own. Este sistema foi iniciado com ambiente de arranque<strong>EFI</strong>.<br><br>Para configurar o arranque de um ambiente EFI, o instalador tem de implantar uma aplicação de carregar de arranque, tipo <strong>GRUB</strong> ou <strong>systemd-boot</strong> ou uma <strong>Partição de Sistema EFI</strong>. Isto é automático, a menos que escolha particionamento manual, e nesse caso tem de escolhê-la ou criar uma por si próprio. - + This system was started with a <strong>BIOS</strong> boot environment.<br><br>To configure startup from a BIOS environment, this installer must install a boot loader, like <strong>GRUB</strong>, either at the beginning of a partition or on the <strong>Master Boot Record</strong> near the beginning of the partition table (preferred). This is automatic, unless you choose manual partitioning, in which case you must set it up on your own. Este sistema foi iniciado com um ambiente de arranque <strong>BIOS</strong>.<br><br>Para configurar um arranque de um ambiente BIOS, este instalador tem de instalar um carregador de arranque, tipo <strong>GRUB</strong>, quer no início da partição ou no <strong>Master Boot Record</strong> perto do início da tabela de partições (preferido). Isto é automático, a não ser que escolha particionamento manual, e nesse caso tem de o configurar por si próprio @@ -591,27 +591,27 @@ O instalador será encerrado e todas as alterações serão perdidas.Ta&manho: - + En&crypt En&criptar - + Logical Lógica - + Primary Primária - + GPT GPT - + Mountpoint already in use. Please select another one. Ponto de montagem já em uso. Por favor selecione outro. @@ -824,7 +824,7 @@ O instalador será encerrado e todas as alterações serão perdidas. DeviceInfoWidget - + The type of <strong>partition table</strong> on the selected storage device.<br><br>The only way to change the partition table type is to erase and recreate the partition table from scratch, which destroys all data on the storage device.<br>This installer will keep the current partition table unless you explicitly choose otherwise.<br>If unsure, on modern systems GPT is preferred. O tipo da <strong>tabela de partições</strong> no dispositivo de armazenamento selecionado.<br><br>A única maneira de mudar o tipo da tabela de partições é apagá-la e recriar a tabela de partições do nada, o que destrói todos os dados no dispositivo de armazenamento.<br>Este instalador manterá a tabela de partições atual a não ser que escolha explicitamente em contrário.<br>Se não tem a certeza, nos sistemas modernos é preferido o GPT. @@ -941,7 +941,7 @@ O instalador será encerrado e todas as alterações serão perdidas.Flags: - + Mountpoint already in use. Please select another one. Ponto de montagem já em uso. Por favor selecione outro. @@ -969,7 +969,7 @@ O instalador será encerrado e todas as alterações serão perdidas.Confirmar frase-chave - + Please enter the same passphrase in both boxes. Por favor insira a mesma frase-passe em ambas as caixas. @@ -1038,19 +1038,19 @@ O instalador será encerrado e todas as alterações serão perdidas. FinishedViewStep - + Finish Finalizar - + Installation Complete - + Instalação Completa - + The installation of %1 is complete. - + A instalação de %1 está completa. @@ -1159,6 +1159,16 @@ O instalador será encerrado e todas as alterações serão perdidas.The system locale setting affects the language and character set for some command line user interface elements.<br/>The current setting is <strong>%1</strong>. A definição local do sistema afeta o idioma e conjunto de carateres para alguns elementos do interface da linha de comandos.<br/>A definição atual é <strong>%1</strong>. + + + &Cancel + + + + + &OK + + LicensePage @@ -1575,7 +1585,7 @@ O instalador será encerrado e todas as alterações serão perdidas.Instalar &carregador de arranque em: - + Are you sure you want to create a new partition table on %1? Tem certeza de que deseja criar uma nova tabela de partições em %1? diff --git a/lang/calamares_ro.ts b/lang/calamares_ro.ts index 1b4b2d7af..9bcbe3aba 100644 --- a/lang/calamares_ro.ts +++ b/lang/calamares_ro.ts @@ -2,17 +2,17 @@ BootInfoWidget - + The <strong>boot environment</strong> of this system.<br><br>Older x86 systems only support <strong>BIOS</strong>.<br>Modern systems usually use <strong>EFI</strong>, but may also show up as BIOS if started in compatibility mode. <strong>Mediul de boot</strong> al acestui sistem.<br><br>Sisteme x86 mai vechi suportă numai <strong>BIOS</strong>.<br>Sisteme moderne folosesc de obicei <strong>EFI</strong>, dar ar putea fi afișate ca BIOS dacă au fost configurate în modul de compatibilitate. - + This system was started with an <strong>EFI</strong> boot environment.<br><br>To configure startup from an EFI environment, this installer must deploy a boot loader application, like <strong>GRUB</strong> or <strong>systemd-boot</strong> on an <strong>EFI System Partition</strong>. This is automatic, unless you choose manual partitioning, in which case you must choose it or create it on your own. Acest sistem a fost pornit într-un mediu de boot <strong>EFI</strong>.<br><br>Pentru a configura pornirea dintr-un mediu EFI, acest program de instalare trebuie să creeze o aplicație pentru boot-are, cum ar fi <strong>GRUB</strong> sau <strong>systemd-boot</strong> pe o <strong>partiție de sistem EFI</strong>. Acest pas este automat, cu excepția cazului în care alegeți partiționarea manuală. - + This system was started with a <strong>BIOS</strong> boot environment.<br><br>To configure startup from a BIOS environment, this installer must install a boot loader, like <strong>GRUB</strong>, either at the beginning of a partition or on the <strong>Master Boot Record</strong> near the beginning of the partition table (preferred). This is automatic, unless you choose manual partitioning, in which case you must set it up on your own. Sistemul a fost pornit într-un mediu de boot <strong>BIOS</strong>.<br><br>Pentru a configura pornirea de la un mediu BIOS, programul de instalare trebuie să instaleze un mediu de boot, cum ar fi <strong>GRUB</strong> fie la începutul unei partiții sau pe <strong>Master Boot Record</strong> în partea de început a unei tabele de partiții (preferabil). Acesta este un pas automat, cu excepția cazului în care alegeți partiționarea manuală. @@ -591,27 +591,27 @@ Programul de instalare va ieși, iar toate modificările vor fi pierdute.Mă&rime: - + En&crypt &Criptează - + Logical Logică - + Primary Primară - + GPT GPT - + Mountpoint already in use. Please select another one. Punct de montare existent. Vă rugăm alegeţi altul. @@ -824,7 +824,7 @@ Programul de instalare va ieși, iar toate modificările vor fi pierdute. DeviceInfoWidget - + The type of <strong>partition table</strong> on the selected storage device.<br><br>The only way to change the partition table type is to erase and recreate the partition table from scratch, which destroys all data on the storage device.<br>This installer will keep the current partition table unless you explicitly choose otherwise.<br>If unsure, on modern systems GPT is preferred. Tipul de <strong>tabelă de partiții</strong> de pe dispozitivul de stocare selectat.<br><br>Singura metodă de a schimba tipul de tabelă de partiții este ștergerea și recrearea acesteia de la zero, ceea de distruge toate datele de pe dispozitivul de stocare.<br>Acest program de instalare va păstra tabela de partiții actuală cu excepția cazului în care alegeți altfel.<br>Dacă nu sunteți sigur, GPT este preferabil pentru sistemele moderne. @@ -941,7 +941,7 @@ Programul de instalare va ieși, iar toate modificările vor fi pierdute.Flags: - + Mountpoint already in use. Please select another one. Punct de montare existent. Vă rugăm alegeţi altul. @@ -969,7 +969,7 @@ Programul de instalare va ieși, iar toate modificările vor fi pierdute.Confirmă fraza secretă - + Please enter the same passphrase in both boxes. Introduceți aceeași frază secretă în ambele căsuțe. @@ -1038,17 +1038,17 @@ Programul de instalare va ieși, iar toate modificările vor fi pierdute. FinishedViewStep - + Finish Termină - + Installation Complete - + The installation of %1 is complete. @@ -1159,6 +1159,16 @@ Programul de instalare va ieși, iar toate modificările vor fi pierdute.The system locale setting affects the language and character set for some command line user interface elements.<br/>The current setting is <strong>%1</strong>. Setările de localizare ale sistemului afectează limba și setul de caractere folosit pentru unele elemente de interfață la linia de comandă.<br/>Setările actuale sunt <strong>%1</strong>. + + + &Cancel + + + + + &OK + + LicensePage @@ -1575,7 +1585,7 @@ Programul de instalare va ieși, iar toate modificările vor fi pierdute.Instalează boot&loaderul pe: - + Are you sure you want to create a new partition table on %1? Sigur doriți să creați o nouă tabelă de partiție pe %1? diff --git a/lang/calamares_ru.ts b/lang/calamares_ru.ts index e9d278c2a..4f7ca92f0 100644 --- a/lang/calamares_ru.ts +++ b/lang/calamares_ru.ts @@ -2,17 +2,17 @@ BootInfoWidget - + The <strong>boot environment</strong> of this system.<br><br>Older x86 systems only support <strong>BIOS</strong>.<br>Modern systems usually use <strong>EFI</strong>, but may also show up as BIOS if started in compatibility mode. <strong>Среда загрузки</strong> данной системы.<br><br>Старые системы x86 поддерживают только <strong>BIOS</strong>.<br>Современные системы обычно используют <strong>EFI</strong>, но также могут имитировать BIOS, если среда загрузки запущена в режиме совместимости. - + This system was started with an <strong>EFI</strong> boot environment.<br><br>To configure startup from an EFI environment, this installer must deploy a boot loader application, like <strong>GRUB</strong> or <strong>systemd-boot</strong> on an <strong>EFI System Partition</strong>. This is automatic, unless you choose manual partitioning, in which case you must choose it or create it on your own. Эта система использует среду загрузки <strong>EFI</strong>.<br><br>Чтобы настроить запуск из под среды EFI, установщик использует приложения загрузки, такое как <strong>GRUB</strong> или <strong>systemd-boot</strong> на <strong>системном разделе EFI</strong>. Процесс автоматизирован, но вы можете использовать ручной режим, где вы сами будете должны выбрать или создать его. - + This system was started with a <strong>BIOS</strong> boot environment.<br><br>To configure startup from a BIOS environment, this installer must install a boot loader, like <strong>GRUB</strong>, either at the beginning of a partition or on the <strong>Master Boot Record</strong> near the beginning of the partition table (preferred). This is automatic, unless you choose manual partitioning, in which case you must set it up on your own. Эта система запущена в <strong>BIOS</strong> среде загрузки.<br><br> Чтобы настроить запуск из под среды BIOS, установщик должен установить загручик, такой как <strong>GRUB</strong>, либо в начале раздела, либо в <strong>Master Boot Record</strong>, находящийся в начале таблицы разделов (по умолчанию). Процесс автоматизирован, но вы можете выбрать ручной режим, где будете должны настроить его сами. @@ -590,27 +590,27 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost. Ра&змер: - + En&crypt Ши&фровать - + Logical Логический - + Primary Основной - + GPT GPT - + Mountpoint already in use. Please select another one. Точка монтирования уже занята. Пожалуйста, выберете другую. @@ -823,7 +823,7 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost. DeviceInfoWidget - + The type of <strong>partition table</strong> on the selected storage device.<br><br>The only way to change the partition table type is to erase and recreate the partition table from scratch, which destroys all data on the storage device.<br>This installer will keep the current partition table unless you explicitly choose otherwise.<br>If unsure, on modern systems GPT is preferred. Тип <strong>таблицы разделов</strong> на выбраном устройстве хранения.<br><br>Смена типа раздела возможна только путем удаления и пересоздания всей таблицы разделов, что уничтожит все данные на устройстве.<br>Этот установщик не затронет текущую таблицу разделов, кроме как вы сами решите иначе.<br>По умолчанию, современные системы используют GPT-разметку. @@ -940,7 +940,7 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost. Флаги: - + Mountpoint already in use. Please select another one. @@ -968,7 +968,7 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost. Подтвердите пароль - + Please enter the same passphrase in both boxes. Пожалуйста, введите один и тот же пароль в оба поля. @@ -1037,17 +1037,17 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost. FinishedViewStep - + Finish Завершить - + Installation Complete - + The installation of %1 is complete. @@ -1158,6 +1158,16 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost. The system locale setting affects the language and character set for some command line user interface elements.<br/>The current setting is <strong>%1</strong>. Общие региональные настройки влияют на язык и кодировку для отдельных элементов интерфейса командной строки.<br/>Текущий выбор <strong>%1</strong>. + + + &Cancel + + + + + &OK + + LicensePage @@ -1574,7 +1584,7 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost. Установить &загрузчик в: - + Are you sure you want to create a new partition table on %1? Вы уверены, что хотите создать новую таблицу разделов на %1? diff --git a/lang/calamares_sk.ts b/lang/calamares_sk.ts index a2946b3af..a515fd14c 100644 --- a/lang/calamares_sk.ts +++ b/lang/calamares_sk.ts @@ -2,17 +2,17 @@ BootInfoWidget - + The <strong>boot environment</strong> of this system.<br><br>Older x86 systems only support <strong>BIOS</strong>.<br>Modern systems usually use <strong>EFI</strong>, but may also show up as BIOS if started in compatibility mode. <strong>Zavádzacie prostredie</strong> tohto systému.<br><br>Staršie systémy architektúry x86 podporujú iba <strong>BIOS</strong>.<br>Moderné systémy obvykle používajú <strong>EFI</strong>, ale tiež sa môžu zobraziť ako BIOS, ak sú spustené v režime kompatiblitiy. - + This system was started with an <strong>EFI</strong> boot environment.<br><br>To configure startup from an EFI environment, this installer must deploy a boot loader application, like <strong>GRUB</strong> or <strong>systemd-boot</strong> on an <strong>EFI System Partition</strong>. This is automatic, unless you choose manual partitioning, in which case you must choose it or create it on your own. Tento systém bol spustený so zavádzacím prostredím <strong>EFI</strong>.<br><br>Na konfiguráciu spustenia z prostredia EFI, musí inštalátor umiestniť aplikáciu zavádzača, ako je <strong>GRUB</strong> alebo <strong>systemd-boot</strong> na <strong>oddiel systému EFI</strong>. Toto je vykonané automaticky, pokiaľ nezvolíte ručné rozdelenie oddielov, v tom prípade ho musíte zvoliť alebo vytvoriť ručne. - + This system was started with a <strong>BIOS</strong> boot environment.<br><br>To configure startup from a BIOS environment, this installer must install a boot loader, like <strong>GRUB</strong>, either at the beginning of a partition or on the <strong>Master Boot Record</strong> near the beginning of the partition table (preferred). This is automatic, unless you choose manual partitioning, in which case you must set it up on your own. Tento systém bol spustený so zavádzacím prostredím <strong>BIOS</strong>.<br><br>Na konfiguráciu spustenia z prostredia BIOS, musí inštalátor nainštalovať zavádzač, ako je <strong>GRUB</strong>, buď na začiatok oddielu alebo na <strong>hlavný zavádzací záznam (MBR)</strong> pri začiatku tabuľky oddielov (preferované). Toto je vykonané automaticky, pokiaľ nezvolíte ručné rozdelenie oddielov, v tom prípade ho musíte nainštalovať ručne. @@ -591,27 +591,27 @@ Inštalátor sa ukončí a všetky zmeny budú stratené. Veľ&kosť: - + En&crypt Zaši&frovať - + Logical Logický - + Primary Primárny - + GPT GPT - + Mountpoint already in use. Please select another one. Bod pripojenia sa už používa. Prosím, vyberte iný. @@ -824,7 +824,7 @@ Inštalátor sa ukončí a všetky zmeny budú stratené. DeviceInfoWidget - + The type of <strong>partition table</strong> on the selected storage device.<br><br>The only way to change the partition table type is to erase and recreate the partition table from scratch, which destroys all data on the storage device.<br>This installer will keep the current partition table unless you explicitly choose otherwise.<br>If unsure, on modern systems GPT is preferred. Typ <strong>tabuľky oddielov</strong> na vybratom úložnom zariadení.<br><br>Jediným spôsobom ako zmeniť tabuľku oddielov je vymazanie a znovu vytvorenie tabuľky oddielov od začiatku, čím sa zničia všetky údaje úložnom zariadení.<br>Inštalátor ponechá aktuálnu tabuľku oddielov, pokiaľ sa výlučne nerozhodnete inak.<br>Ak nie ste si istý, na moderných systémoch sa preferuje typ tabuľky oddielov GPT. @@ -941,7 +941,7 @@ Inštalátor sa ukončí a všetky zmeny budú stratené. Značky: - + Mountpoint already in use. Please select another one. Bod pripojenia sa už používa. Prosím, vyberte iný. @@ -969,7 +969,7 @@ Inštalátor sa ukončí a všetky zmeny budú stratené. Potvrdenie hesla - + Please enter the same passphrase in both boxes. Prosím, zadajte rovnaké heslo do oboch polí. @@ -1038,19 +1038,19 @@ Inštalátor sa ukončí a všetky zmeny budú stratené. FinishedViewStep - + Finish Dokončenie - + Installation Complete - + Inštalácia dokončená - + The installation of %1 is complete. - + Inštalácia distribúcie %1s je dokončená. @@ -1159,6 +1159,16 @@ Inštalátor sa ukončí a všetky zmeny budú stratené. The system locale setting affects the language and character set for some command line user interface elements.<br/>The current setting is <strong>%1</strong>. Miestne nastavenie systému ovplyvní jazyk a znakovú sadu niektorých prvkov používateľského rozhrania v príkazovom riadku.<br/>Aktuálne nastavenie je <strong>%1</strong>. + + + &Cancel + &Zrušiť + + + + &OK + &OK + LicensePage @@ -1575,7 +1585,7 @@ Inštalátor sa ukončí a všetky zmeny budú stratené. Nainštalovať &zavádzač na: - + Are you sure you want to create a new partition table on %1? Naozaj chcete vytvoriť novú tabuľku oddielov na zariadení %1? diff --git a/lang/calamares_sl.ts b/lang/calamares_sl.ts index 512bfe567..9a2165909 100644 --- a/lang/calamares_sl.ts +++ b/lang/calamares_sl.ts @@ -2,17 +2,17 @@ BootInfoWidget - + The <strong>boot environment</strong> of this system.<br><br>Older x86 systems only support <strong>BIOS</strong>.<br>Modern systems usually use <strong>EFI</strong>, but may also show up as BIOS if started in compatibility mode. - + This system was started with an <strong>EFI</strong> boot environment.<br><br>To configure startup from an EFI environment, this installer must deploy a boot loader application, like <strong>GRUB</strong> or <strong>systemd-boot</strong> on an <strong>EFI System Partition</strong>. This is automatic, unless you choose manual partitioning, in which case you must choose it or create it on your own. - + This system was started with a <strong>BIOS</strong> boot environment.<br><br>To configure startup from a BIOS environment, this installer must install a boot loader, like <strong>GRUB</strong>, either at the beginning of a partition or on the <strong>Master Boot Record</strong> near the beginning of the partition table (preferred). This is automatic, unless you choose manual partitioning, in which case you must set it up on your own. @@ -591,27 +591,27 @@ Namestilni program se bo končal in vse spremembe bodo izgubljene. Ve&likost - + En&crypt - + Logical Logičen - + Primary Primaren - + GPT GPT - + Mountpoint already in use. Please select another one. @@ -824,7 +824,7 @@ Namestilni program se bo končal in vse spremembe bodo izgubljene. DeviceInfoWidget - + The type of <strong>partition table</strong> on the selected storage device.<br><br>The only way to change the partition table type is to erase and recreate the partition table from scratch, which destroys all data on the storage device.<br>This installer will keep the current partition table unless you explicitly choose otherwise.<br>If unsure, on modern systems GPT is preferred. @@ -941,7 +941,7 @@ Namestilni program se bo končal in vse spremembe bodo izgubljene. - + Mountpoint already in use. Please select another one. @@ -969,7 +969,7 @@ Namestilni program se bo končal in vse spremembe bodo izgubljene. - + Please enter the same passphrase in both boxes. @@ -1038,17 +1038,17 @@ Namestilni program se bo končal in vse spremembe bodo izgubljene. FinishedViewStep - + Finish - + Installation Complete - + The installation of %1 is complete. @@ -1159,6 +1159,16 @@ Namestilni program se bo končal in vse spremembe bodo izgubljene. The system locale setting affects the language and character set for some command line user interface elements.<br/>The current setting is <strong>%1</strong>. + + + &Cancel + + + + + &OK + + LicensePage @@ -1575,7 +1585,7 @@ Namestilni program se bo končal in vse spremembe bodo izgubljene. - + Are you sure you want to create a new partition table on %1? Ali ste prepričani, da želite ustvariti novo razpredelnico razdelkov na %1? diff --git a/lang/calamares_sr.ts b/lang/calamares_sr.ts index 0abcdaf75..b0c88e99b 100644 --- a/lang/calamares_sr.ts +++ b/lang/calamares_sr.ts @@ -2,17 +2,17 @@ BootInfoWidget - + The <strong>boot environment</strong> of this system.<br><br>Older x86 systems only support <strong>BIOS</strong>.<br>Modern systems usually use <strong>EFI</strong>, but may also show up as BIOS if started in compatibility mode. - + This system was started with an <strong>EFI</strong> boot environment.<br><br>To configure startup from an EFI environment, this installer must deploy a boot loader application, like <strong>GRUB</strong> or <strong>systemd-boot</strong> on an <strong>EFI System Partition</strong>. This is automatic, unless you choose manual partitioning, in which case you must choose it or create it on your own. - + This system was started with a <strong>BIOS</strong> boot environment.<br><br>To configure startup from a BIOS environment, this installer must install a boot loader, like <strong>GRUB</strong>, either at the beginning of a partition or on the <strong>Master Boot Record</strong> near the beginning of the partition table (preferred). This is automatic, unless you choose manual partitioning, in which case you must set it up on your own. @@ -591,27 +591,27 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost. Вели&чина - + En&crypt - + Logical Логичка - + Primary Примарна - + GPT GPT - + Mountpoint already in use. Please select another one. @@ -824,7 +824,7 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost. DeviceInfoWidget - + The type of <strong>partition table</strong> on the selected storage device.<br><br>The only way to change the partition table type is to erase and recreate the partition table from scratch, which destroys all data on the storage device.<br>This installer will keep the current partition table unless you explicitly choose otherwise.<br>If unsure, on modern systems GPT is preferred. @@ -941,7 +941,7 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost. - + Mountpoint already in use. Please select another one. @@ -969,7 +969,7 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost. - + Please enter the same passphrase in both boxes. @@ -1038,17 +1038,17 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost. FinishedViewStep - + Finish Заврши - + Installation Complete - + The installation of %1 is complete. @@ -1159,6 +1159,16 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost. The system locale setting affects the language and character set for some command line user interface elements.<br/>The current setting is <strong>%1</strong>. + + + &Cancel + + + + + &OK + + LicensePage @@ -1575,7 +1585,7 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost. - + Are you sure you want to create a new partition table on %1? diff --git a/lang/calamares_sr@latin.ts b/lang/calamares_sr@latin.ts index 6133abcf0..5d39c973e 100644 --- a/lang/calamares_sr@latin.ts +++ b/lang/calamares_sr@latin.ts @@ -2,17 +2,17 @@ BootInfoWidget - + The <strong>boot environment</strong> of this system.<br><br>Older x86 systems only support <strong>BIOS</strong>.<br>Modern systems usually use <strong>EFI</strong>, but may also show up as BIOS if started in compatibility mode. - + This system was started with an <strong>EFI</strong> boot environment.<br><br>To configure startup from an EFI environment, this installer must deploy a boot loader application, like <strong>GRUB</strong> or <strong>systemd-boot</strong> on an <strong>EFI System Partition</strong>. This is automatic, unless you choose manual partitioning, in which case you must choose it or create it on your own. - + This system was started with a <strong>BIOS</strong> boot environment.<br><br>To configure startup from a BIOS environment, this installer must install a boot loader, like <strong>GRUB</strong>, either at the beginning of a partition or on the <strong>Master Boot Record</strong> near the beginning of the partition table (preferred). This is automatic, unless you choose manual partitioning, in which case you must set it up on your own. @@ -591,27 +591,27 @@ Instaler će se zatvoriti i sve promjene će biti izgubljene. Veli&čina - + En&crypt - + Logical Logička - + Primary Primarna - + GPT GPT - + Mountpoint already in use. Please select another one. @@ -824,7 +824,7 @@ Instaler će se zatvoriti i sve promjene će biti izgubljene. DeviceInfoWidget - + The type of <strong>partition table</strong> on the selected storage device.<br><br>The only way to change the partition table type is to erase and recreate the partition table from scratch, which destroys all data on the storage device.<br>This installer will keep the current partition table unless you explicitly choose otherwise.<br>If unsure, on modern systems GPT is preferred. @@ -941,7 +941,7 @@ Instaler će se zatvoriti i sve promjene će biti izgubljene. - + Mountpoint already in use. Please select another one. @@ -969,7 +969,7 @@ Instaler će se zatvoriti i sve promjene će biti izgubljene. - + Please enter the same passphrase in both boxes. @@ -1038,17 +1038,17 @@ Instaler će se zatvoriti i sve promjene će biti izgubljene. FinishedViewStep - + Finish - + Installation Complete - + The installation of %1 is complete. @@ -1159,6 +1159,16 @@ Instaler će se zatvoriti i sve promjene će biti izgubljene. The system locale setting affects the language and character set for some command line user interface elements.<br/>The current setting is <strong>%1</strong>. + + + &Cancel + + + + + &OK + + LicensePage @@ -1575,7 +1585,7 @@ Instaler će se zatvoriti i sve promjene će biti izgubljene. - + Are you sure you want to create a new partition table on %1? diff --git a/lang/calamares_sv.ts b/lang/calamares_sv.ts index 7245ba850..eabe4119b 100644 --- a/lang/calamares_sv.ts +++ b/lang/calamares_sv.ts @@ -2,17 +2,17 @@ BootInfoWidget - + The <strong>boot environment</strong> of this system.<br><br>Older x86 systems only support <strong>BIOS</strong>.<br>Modern systems usually use <strong>EFI</strong>, but may also show up as BIOS if started in compatibility mode. Systemets <strong>uppstartsmiljö</strong>.<br><br>Äldre x86-system stödjer endast <strong>BIOS</strong>.<br>Moderna system stödjer vanligen <strong>EFI</strong>, men kan också vara i kompabilitetsläge för BIOS. - + This system was started with an <strong>EFI</strong> boot environment.<br><br>To configure startup from an EFI environment, this installer must deploy a boot loader application, like <strong>GRUB</strong> or <strong>systemd-boot</strong> on an <strong>EFI System Partition</strong>. This is automatic, unless you choose manual partitioning, in which case you must choose it or create it on your own. Detta system startades med en <strong>EFI-miljö</strong>.<br><br>För att ställa in uppstart från en EFI-miljö måste en uppstartsladdare användas, t.ex. <strong>GRUB</strong> eller <strong>systemd-boot</strong> eller en <strong>EFI-systempartition</strong>. Detta sker automatiskt, såvida du inte väljer att partitionera manuellt. Då måste du själv installera en uppstartsladdare. - + This system was started with a <strong>BIOS</strong> boot environment.<br><br>To configure startup from a BIOS environment, this installer must install a boot loader, like <strong>GRUB</strong>, either at the beginning of a partition or on the <strong>Master Boot Record</strong> near the beginning of the partition table (preferred). This is automatic, unless you choose manual partitioning, in which case you must set it up on your own. Detta system startades med en <strong>BIOS-miljö</strong>. <br><br>För att ställa in uppstart från en BIOS-miljö måste en uppstartsladdare som t.ex. <strong>GRUB</strong> installeras, antingen i början av en partition eller på <strong>huvudstartsektorn (MBR)</strong> i början av partitionstabellen. Detta sker automatiskt, såvida du inte väljer manuell partitionering. Då måste du själv installera en uppstartsladdare. @@ -591,27 +591,27 @@ Alla ändringar kommer att gå förlorade. Storlek: - + En&crypt Kr%yptera - + Logical Logisk - + Primary Primär - + GPT GPT - + Mountpoint already in use. Please select another one. Monteringspunkt används redan. Välj en annan. @@ -824,7 +824,7 @@ Alla ändringar kommer att gå förlorade. DeviceInfoWidget - + The type of <strong>partition table</strong> on the selected storage device.<br><br>The only way to change the partition table type is to erase and recreate the partition table from scratch, which destroys all data on the storage device.<br>This installer will keep the current partition table unless you explicitly choose otherwise.<br>If unsure, on modern systems GPT is preferred. Typen av <strong>partitionstabell</strong> på den valda lagringsenheten.<br><br>Det enda sättet attt ändra typen av partitionstabell är genom att radera och återskapa partitionstabellen från början, vilket förstör all data på lagringsenheten.<br>Installationshanteraren kommer behålla den nuvarande partitionstabellen om du inte väljer något annat.<br>På moderna system är GPT att föredra. @@ -941,7 +941,7 @@ Alla ändringar kommer att gå förlorade. - + Mountpoint already in use. Please select another one. @@ -969,7 +969,7 @@ Alla ändringar kommer att gå förlorade. Bekräfta lösenord - + Please enter the same passphrase in both boxes. @@ -1038,17 +1038,17 @@ Alla ändringar kommer att gå förlorade. FinishedViewStep - + Finish Slutför - + Installation Complete - + The installation of %1 is complete. @@ -1159,6 +1159,16 @@ Alla ändringar kommer att gå förlorade. The system locale setting affects the language and character set for some command line user interface elements.<br/>The current setting is <strong>%1</strong>. Systemspråket påverkar vilket språk och teckenuppsättning somliga kommandoradsprogram använder.<br/>Det nuvarande språket är <strong>%1</strong>. + + + &Cancel + + + + + &OK + + LicensePage @@ -1575,7 +1585,7 @@ Alla ändringar kommer att gå förlorade. Installera uppstartshanterare på: - + Are you sure you want to create a new partition table on %1? Är du säker på att du vill skapa en ny partitionstabell på %1? diff --git a/lang/calamares_th.ts b/lang/calamares_th.ts index 3bfc307da..5c2f1a55a 100644 --- a/lang/calamares_th.ts +++ b/lang/calamares_th.ts @@ -2,17 +2,17 @@ BootInfoWidget - + The <strong>boot environment</strong> of this system.<br><br>Older x86 systems only support <strong>BIOS</strong>.<br>Modern systems usually use <strong>EFI</strong>, but may also show up as BIOS if started in compatibility mode. - + This system was started with an <strong>EFI</strong> boot environment.<br><br>To configure startup from an EFI environment, this installer must deploy a boot loader application, like <strong>GRUB</strong> or <strong>systemd-boot</strong> on an <strong>EFI System Partition</strong>. This is automatic, unless you choose manual partitioning, in which case you must choose it or create it on your own. - + This system was started with a <strong>BIOS</strong> boot environment.<br><br>To configure startup from a BIOS environment, this installer must install a boot loader, like <strong>GRUB</strong>, either at the beginning of a partition or on the <strong>Master Boot Record</strong> near the beginning of the partition table (preferred). This is automatic, unless you choose manual partitioning, in which case you must set it up on your own. @@ -591,27 +591,27 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost. &Z ขนาด: - + En&crypt - + Logical โลจิคอล - + Primary หลัก - + GPT GPT - + Mountpoint already in use. Please select another one. @@ -824,7 +824,7 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost. DeviceInfoWidget - + The type of <strong>partition table</strong> on the selected storage device.<br><br>The only way to change the partition table type is to erase and recreate the partition table from scratch, which destroys all data on the storage device.<br>This installer will keep the current partition table unless you explicitly choose otherwise.<br>If unsure, on modern systems GPT is preferred. @@ -941,7 +941,7 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost. - + Mountpoint already in use. Please select another one. @@ -969,7 +969,7 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost. - + Please enter the same passphrase in both boxes. @@ -1038,17 +1038,17 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost. FinishedViewStep - + Finish - + Installation Complete - + The installation of %1 is complete. @@ -1159,6 +1159,16 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost. The system locale setting affects the language and character set for some command line user interface elements.<br/>The current setting is <strong>%1</strong>. + + + &Cancel + + + + + &OK + + LicensePage @@ -1575,7 +1585,7 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost. - + Are you sure you want to create a new partition table on %1? คุณแน่ใจว่าจะสร้างตารางพาร์ทิชันใหม่บน %1? diff --git a/lang/calamares_tr_TR.ts b/lang/calamares_tr_TR.ts index de27032ea..0b4bd3f6c 100644 --- a/lang/calamares_tr_TR.ts +++ b/lang/calamares_tr_TR.ts @@ -2,17 +2,17 @@ BootInfoWidget - + The <strong>boot environment</strong> of this system.<br><br>Older x86 systems only support <strong>BIOS</strong>.<br>Modern systems usually use <strong>EFI</strong>, but may also show up as BIOS if started in compatibility mode. Bu sistemdeki<br> <strong>önyükleme arayüzü</strong> sadece eski x86 sistem ve <strong>BIOS</strong> destekler. <br>Modern sistemler genellikle <strong>EFI</strong> kullanır fakat önyükleme arayüzü uyumlu modda ise BIOS seçilebilir. - + This system was started with an <strong>EFI</strong> boot environment.<br><br>To configure startup from an EFI environment, this installer must deploy a boot loader application, like <strong>GRUB</strong> or <strong>systemd-boot</strong> on an <strong>EFI System Partition</strong>. This is automatic, unless you choose manual partitioning, in which case you must choose it or create it on your own. Bu sistem, bir <strong>EFI</strong> önyükleme arayüzü ile başladı.<br><br>EFI ortamından başlangıcı yapılandırmak için, bu yükleyici <strong>EFI Sistem Bölümü</strong> üzerinde <strong>GRUB</strong> veya <strong>systemd-boot</strong> gibi bir önyükleyici oluşturmalıdır. Bunu otomatik olarak yapabileceğiniz gibi elle disk bölümleri oluşturarak ta yapabilirsiniz. - + This system was started with a <strong>BIOS</strong> boot environment.<br><br>To configure startup from a BIOS environment, this installer must install a boot loader, like <strong>GRUB</strong>, either at the beginning of a partition or on the <strong>Master Boot Record</strong> near the beginning of the partition table (preferred). This is automatic, unless you choose manual partitioning, in which case you must set it up on your own. Bu sistem, bir <strong>BIOS</strong> önyükleme arayüzü ile başladı.<br><br>BIOS ortamında önyükleme için, yükleyici bölümün başında veya bölüm tablosu başlangıcına yakın <strong>Master Boot Record</strong> üzerine <strong>GRUB</strong> gibi bir önyükleyici yüklemeniz gerekir (önerilir). Eğer bu işlemin otomatik olarak yapılmasını istemez iseniz elle bölümleme yapabilirsiniz. @@ -27,12 +27,12 @@ Boot Partition - Önyükleyici Bölümü + Önyükleyici Disk Bölümü System Partition - Sistem Bölümü + Sistem Disk Bölümü @@ -205,12 +205,12 @@ Output: Bad main script file - Sorunlu script + Sorunlu betik dosyası Main script file %1 for python job %2 is not readable. - %2 python işleri için %1 sorunlu script okunamadı. + %2 python işleri için %1 sorunlu betik okunamadı. @@ -240,7 +240,7 @@ Output: Cancel installation without changing the system. - Sistemi değiştirmeden yüklemeyi iptal edin. + Sistemi değiştirmeden kurulumu iptal edin. @@ -594,27 +594,27 @@ Kuruluma devam edebilirsiniz fakat bazı özellikler devre dışı kalabilir.Bo&yut: - + En&crypt Şif&rele - + Logical Mantıksal - + Primary Birincil - + GPT GPT - + Mountpoint already in use. Please select another one. Bağlama noktası zaten kullanımda. Lütfen diğerini seçiniz. @@ -827,7 +827,7 @@ Kuruluma devam edebilirsiniz fakat bazı özellikler devre dışı kalabilir. DeviceInfoWidget - + The type of <strong>partition table</strong> on the selected storage device.<br><br>The only way to change the partition table type is to erase and recreate the partition table from scratch, which destroys all data on the storage device.<br>This installer will keep the current partition table unless you explicitly choose otherwise.<br>If unsure, on modern systems GPT is preferred. Seçili depolama aygıtında bir <strong>bölümleme tablosu</strong> oluştur.<br><br>Bölümleme tablosu oluşturmanın tek yolu aygıt üzerindeki bölümleri silmek, verileri yoketmek ve yeni bölümleme tablosu oluşturmaktır.<br>Sistem yükleyici aksi bir seçeneğe başvurmaz iseniz geçerli bölümlemeyi koruyacaktır.<br>Emin değilseniz, modern sistemler için GPT tercih edebilirsiniz. @@ -944,7 +944,7 @@ Kuruluma devam edebilirsiniz fakat bazı özellikler devre dışı kalabilir.Bayraklar: - + Mountpoint already in use. Please select another one. Bağlama noktası zaten kullanımda. Lütfen diğerini seçiniz. @@ -972,7 +972,7 @@ Kuruluma devam edebilirsiniz fakat bazı özellikler devre dışı kalabilir.Parolayı doğrula - + Please enter the same passphrase in both boxes. Her iki kutuya da aynı parolayı giriniz. @@ -1041,19 +1041,19 @@ Kuruluma devam edebilirsiniz fakat bazı özellikler devre dışı kalabilir. FinishedViewStep - + Finish Kurulum Tamam - + Installation Complete - + Kurulum Tamamlandı - + The installation of %1 is complete. - + Kurulum %1 oranında tamamlandı. @@ -1162,6 +1162,16 @@ Kuruluma devam edebilirsiniz fakat bazı özellikler devre dışı kalabilir.The system locale setting affects the language and character set for some command line user interface elements.<br/>The current setting is <strong>%1</strong>. Sistem yerel ayarı, bazı uçbirim, kullanıcı ayarlamaları ve başkaca dil seçeneklerini belirler ve etkiler. <br/>Varsayılan geçerli ayarlar <strong>%1</strong>. + + + &Cancel + + + + + &OK + + LicensePage @@ -1578,7 +1588,7 @@ Kuruluma devam edebilirsiniz fakat bazı özellikler devre dışı kalabilir.Şuraya ön &yükleyici kur: - + Are you sure you want to create a new partition table on %1? %1 tablosunda yeni bölüm oluşturmaya devam etmek istiyor musunuz? diff --git a/lang/calamares_uk.ts b/lang/calamares_uk.ts index 4cb6ed0c2..a67caae8a 100644 --- a/lang/calamares_uk.ts +++ b/lang/calamares_uk.ts @@ -2,17 +2,17 @@ BootInfoWidget - + The <strong>boot environment</strong> of this system.<br><br>Older x86 systems only support <strong>BIOS</strong>.<br>Modern systems usually use <strong>EFI</strong>, but may also show up as BIOS if started in compatibility mode. - + This system was started with an <strong>EFI</strong> boot environment.<br><br>To configure startup from an EFI environment, this installer must deploy a boot loader application, like <strong>GRUB</strong> or <strong>systemd-boot</strong> on an <strong>EFI System Partition</strong>. This is automatic, unless you choose manual partitioning, in which case you must choose it or create it on your own. - + This system was started with a <strong>BIOS</strong> boot environment.<br><br>To configure startup from a BIOS environment, this installer must install a boot loader, like <strong>GRUB</strong>, either at the beginning of a partition or on the <strong>Master Boot Record</strong> near the beginning of the partition table (preferred). This is automatic, unless you choose manual partitioning, in which case you must set it up on your own. @@ -584,27 +584,27 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost. - + En&crypt - + Logical - + Primary - + GPT - + Mountpoint already in use. Please select another one. @@ -817,7 +817,7 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost. DeviceInfoWidget - + The type of <strong>partition table</strong> on the selected storage device.<br><br>The only way to change the partition table type is to erase and recreate the partition table from scratch, which destroys all data on the storage device.<br>This installer will keep the current partition table unless you explicitly choose otherwise.<br>If unsure, on modern systems GPT is preferred. @@ -934,7 +934,7 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost. - + Mountpoint already in use. Please select another one. @@ -962,7 +962,7 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost. - + Please enter the same passphrase in both boxes. @@ -1031,17 +1031,17 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost. FinishedViewStep - + Finish - + Installation Complete - + The installation of %1 is complete. @@ -1152,6 +1152,16 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost. The system locale setting affects the language and character set for some command line user interface elements.<br/>The current setting is <strong>%1</strong>. + + + &Cancel + + + + + &OK + + LicensePage @@ -1568,7 +1578,7 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost. - + Are you sure you want to create a new partition table on %1? diff --git a/lang/calamares_ur.ts b/lang/calamares_ur.ts index 28837045f..744e43ced 100644 --- a/lang/calamares_ur.ts +++ b/lang/calamares_ur.ts @@ -2,17 +2,17 @@ BootInfoWidget - + The <strong>boot environment</strong> of this system.<br><br>Older x86 systems only support <strong>BIOS</strong>.<br>Modern systems usually use <strong>EFI</strong>, but may also show up as BIOS if started in compatibility mode. - + This system was started with an <strong>EFI</strong> boot environment.<br><br>To configure startup from an EFI environment, this installer must deploy a boot loader application, like <strong>GRUB</strong> or <strong>systemd-boot</strong> on an <strong>EFI System Partition</strong>. This is automatic, unless you choose manual partitioning, in which case you must choose it or create it on your own. - + This system was started with a <strong>BIOS</strong> boot environment.<br><br>To configure startup from a BIOS environment, this installer must install a boot loader, like <strong>GRUB</strong>, either at the beginning of a partition or on the <strong>Master Boot Record</strong> near the beginning of the partition table (preferred). This is automatic, unless you choose manual partitioning, in which case you must set it up on your own. @@ -584,27 +584,27 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost. - + En&crypt - + Logical - + Primary - + GPT - + Mountpoint already in use. Please select another one. @@ -817,7 +817,7 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost. DeviceInfoWidget - + The type of <strong>partition table</strong> on the selected storage device.<br><br>The only way to change the partition table type is to erase and recreate the partition table from scratch, which destroys all data on the storage device.<br>This installer will keep the current partition table unless you explicitly choose otherwise.<br>If unsure, on modern systems GPT is preferred. @@ -934,7 +934,7 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost. - + Mountpoint already in use. Please select another one. @@ -962,7 +962,7 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost. - + Please enter the same passphrase in both boxes. @@ -1031,17 +1031,17 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost. FinishedViewStep - + Finish - + Installation Complete - + The installation of %1 is complete. @@ -1152,6 +1152,16 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost. The system locale setting affects the language and character set for some command line user interface elements.<br/>The current setting is <strong>%1</strong>. + + + &Cancel + + + + + &OK + + LicensePage @@ -1568,7 +1578,7 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost. - + Are you sure you want to create a new partition table on %1? diff --git a/lang/calamares_uz.ts b/lang/calamares_uz.ts index b6a12e4e1..aa9eb1029 100644 --- a/lang/calamares_uz.ts +++ b/lang/calamares_uz.ts @@ -2,17 +2,17 @@ BootInfoWidget - + The <strong>boot environment</strong> of this system.<br><br>Older x86 systems only support <strong>BIOS</strong>.<br>Modern systems usually use <strong>EFI</strong>, but may also show up as BIOS if started in compatibility mode. - + This system was started with an <strong>EFI</strong> boot environment.<br><br>To configure startup from an EFI environment, this installer must deploy a boot loader application, like <strong>GRUB</strong> or <strong>systemd-boot</strong> on an <strong>EFI System Partition</strong>. This is automatic, unless you choose manual partitioning, in which case you must choose it or create it on your own. - + This system was started with a <strong>BIOS</strong> boot environment.<br><br>To configure startup from a BIOS environment, this installer must install a boot loader, like <strong>GRUB</strong>, either at the beginning of a partition or on the <strong>Master Boot Record</strong> near the beginning of the partition table (preferred). This is automatic, unless you choose manual partitioning, in which case you must set it up on your own. @@ -584,27 +584,27 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost. - + En&crypt - + Logical - + Primary - + GPT - + Mountpoint already in use. Please select another one. @@ -817,7 +817,7 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost. DeviceInfoWidget - + The type of <strong>partition table</strong> on the selected storage device.<br><br>The only way to change the partition table type is to erase and recreate the partition table from scratch, which destroys all data on the storage device.<br>This installer will keep the current partition table unless you explicitly choose otherwise.<br>If unsure, on modern systems GPT is preferred. @@ -934,7 +934,7 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost. - + Mountpoint already in use. Please select another one. @@ -962,7 +962,7 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost. - + Please enter the same passphrase in both boxes. @@ -1031,17 +1031,17 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost. FinishedViewStep - + Finish - + Installation Complete - + The installation of %1 is complete. @@ -1152,6 +1152,16 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost. The system locale setting affects the language and character set for some command line user interface elements.<br/>The current setting is <strong>%1</strong>. + + + &Cancel + + + + + &OK + + LicensePage @@ -1568,7 +1578,7 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost. - + Are you sure you want to create a new partition table on %1? diff --git a/lang/calamares_zh_CN.ts b/lang/calamares_zh_CN.ts index c62c041ba..f2894938e 100644 --- a/lang/calamares_zh_CN.ts +++ b/lang/calamares_zh_CN.ts @@ -2,17 +2,17 @@ BootInfoWidget - + The <strong>boot environment</strong> of this system.<br><br>Older x86 systems only support <strong>BIOS</strong>.<br>Modern systems usually use <strong>EFI</strong>, but may also show up as BIOS if started in compatibility mode. 这个系统的<strong>引导环境</strong>。<br><br>较旧的 x86 系统只支持 <strong>BIOS</strong>。<br>现代的系统则通常使用 <strong>EFI</strong>,但若引导时使用了兼容模式,也可以显示为 BIOS。 - + This system was started with an <strong>EFI</strong> boot environment.<br><br>To configure startup from an EFI environment, this installer must deploy a boot loader application, like <strong>GRUB</strong> or <strong>systemd-boot</strong> on an <strong>EFI System Partition</strong>. This is automatic, unless you choose manual partitioning, in which case you must choose it or create it on your own. 这个系统从 <strong>EFI</strong> 引导环境启动。<br><br>目前市面上大多数的民用设备都使用 EFI,并同时与之使用 GPT 分区表。<br>要从 EFI 环境引导的话,本安装程序必须部署一个引导器(如 <strong>GRUB</strong> 或 <strong>systemd-boot</strong>)到 <strong>EFI 系统分区</strong>。这个步骤是自动的,除非您选择手动分区——此时您必须自行选择或创建。 - + This system was started with a <strong>BIOS</strong> boot environment.<br><br>To configure startup from a BIOS environment, this installer must install a boot loader, like <strong>GRUB</strong>, either at the beginning of a partition or on the <strong>Master Boot Record</strong> near the beginning of the partition table (preferred). This is automatic, unless you choose manual partitioning, in which case you must set it up on your own. 这个系统从 <strong>BIOS</strong> 引导环境启动。<br><br> 要从 BIOS 环境引导,本安装程序必须安装引导器(如 <strong>GRUB</strong>),一般而言要么安装在分区的开头,要么就是在靠进分区表开头的 <strong>主引导记录</strong>(推荐)中。这个步骤是自动的,除非您选择手动分区——此时您必须自行配置。 @@ -592,27 +592,27 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost. 大小(&Z): - + En&crypt 加密(&C) - + Logical 逻辑分区 - + Primary 主分区 - + GPT GPT - + Mountpoint already in use. Please select another one. 挂载点已被占用。请选择另一个。 @@ -825,7 +825,7 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost. DeviceInfoWidget - + The type of <strong>partition table</strong> on the selected storage device.<br><br>The only way to change the partition table type is to erase and recreate the partition table from scratch, which destroys all data on the storage device.<br>This installer will keep the current partition table unless you explicitly choose otherwise.<br>If unsure, on modern systems GPT is preferred. 目前选定存储器的<strong>分区表</strong>类型。<br><br>变更分区表类型的唯一方法就是抹除再重新从头建立分区表,这会破坏在该存储器上所有的数据。<br>除非您特别选择,否则本安装程序将会保留目前的分区表。<br>若不确定,在现代的系统上,建议使用 GPT。 @@ -943,7 +943,7 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost. 标记: - + Mountpoint already in use. Please select another one. 挂载点已被占用。请选择另一个。 @@ -971,7 +971,7 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost. 确认密码 - + Please enter the same passphrase in both boxes. 请在两个输入框中输入同样的密码。 @@ -1040,17 +1040,17 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost. FinishedViewStep - + Finish 结束 - + Installation Complete - + The installation of %1 is complete. @@ -1161,6 +1161,16 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost. The system locale setting affects the language and character set for some command line user interface elements.<br/>The current setting is <strong>%1</strong>. 系统语言区域设置会影响部份命令行用户界面的语言及字符集。<br/>目前的设置为 <strong>%1</strong>。 + + + &Cancel + + + + + &OK + + LicensePage @@ -1577,7 +1587,7 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost. 安装引导程序于(&L): - + Are you sure you want to create a new partition table on %1? 您是否确定要在 %1 上创建新分区表? diff --git a/lang/calamares_zh_TW.ts b/lang/calamares_zh_TW.ts index 0922dc73f..04de28cf1 100644 --- a/lang/calamares_zh_TW.ts +++ b/lang/calamares_zh_TW.ts @@ -2,17 +2,17 @@ BootInfoWidget - + The <strong>boot environment</strong> of this system.<br><br>Older x86 systems only support <strong>BIOS</strong>.<br>Modern systems usually use <strong>EFI</strong>, but may also show up as BIOS if started in compatibility mode. 這個系統的<strong>開機環境</strong>。<br><br>較舊的 x86 系統只支援 <strong>BIOS</strong>。<br>現代的系統則通常使用 <strong>EFI</strong>,但若開機環境是以相容模式執行,其也可能顯示為 BIOS。 - + This system was started with an <strong>EFI</strong> boot environment.<br><br>To configure startup from an EFI environment, this installer must deploy a boot loader application, like <strong>GRUB</strong> or <strong>systemd-boot</strong> on an <strong>EFI System Partition</strong>. This is automatic, unless you choose manual partitioning, in which case you must choose it or create it on your own. 這個系統以 <strong>EFI</strong> 開機環境啟動。<br><br>要設定從 EFI 環境開機,本安裝程式必須部署一個開機載入器應用程式,像是 <strong>GRUB</strong> 或 <strong>systemd-boot</strong> 在 <strong>EFI 系統分割區</strong>上。這是自動的,除非您選擇手動分割,在這種情況下,您必須自行選取或建立它。 - + This system was started with a <strong>BIOS</strong> boot environment.<br><br>To configure startup from a BIOS environment, this installer must install a boot loader, like <strong>GRUB</strong>, either at the beginning of a partition or on the <strong>Master Boot Record</strong> near the beginning of the partition table (preferred). This is automatic, unless you choose manual partitioning, in which case you must set it up on your own. 這個系統以 <strong>BIOS</strong> 開機環境開始。<br><br>要從 BIOS 環境開機開機,本安裝程式必須安裝開機載入器,像是 <strong>GRUB</strong>,且通常不是安裝在分割區的開頭就是在靠進分割表開頭的 <strong>主開機記錄</strong>(推薦)。這是自動的,除非您選擇手動分割,在這種情況下,您必須自行設定它。 @@ -591,27 +591,27 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost. 容量大小 (&z) : - + En&crypt 加密(&C) - + Logical 邏輯磁區 - + Primary 主要磁區 - + GPT GPT - + Mountpoint already in use. Please select another one. 掛載點使用中。請選擇其他的。 @@ -824,7 +824,7 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost. DeviceInfoWidget - + The type of <strong>partition table</strong> on the selected storage device.<br><br>The only way to change the partition table type is to erase and recreate the partition table from scratch, which destroys all data on the storage device.<br>This installer will keep the current partition table unless you explicitly choose otherwise.<br>If unsure, on modern systems GPT is preferred. 選定的儲存裝置上的<strong>分割表</strong>類型。<br><br>變更分割表的唯一方法就是抹除再重新從頭建立分割表,這會破壞在該儲存裝置上所有的資料。<br>除非您特別選擇,否則本安裝程式將會保留目前的分割表。<br>若不確定,在現代的系統上,建議使用 GPT。 @@ -941,7 +941,7 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost. 旗標: - + Mountpoint already in use. Please select another one. 掛載點使用中。請選擇其他的。 @@ -969,7 +969,7 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost. 確認通關密語 - + Please enter the same passphrase in both boxes. 請在兩個框框中輸入相同的通關密語。 @@ -1038,19 +1038,19 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost. FinishedViewStep - + Finish 完成 - + Installation Complete - + 安裝完成 - + The installation of %1 is complete. - + %1 的安裝已完成。 @@ -1159,6 +1159,16 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost. The system locale setting affects the language and character set for some command line user interface elements.<br/>The current setting is <strong>%1</strong>. 系統語系設定會影響部份命令列使用者介面的語言及字元集。<br/>目前的設定為 <strong>%1</strong>。 + + + &Cancel + 取消(&C) + + + + &OK + 確定(&O) + LicensePage @@ -1575,7 +1585,7 @@ The installer will quit and all changes will be lost. 安裝開機載入器在(&L): - + Are you sure you want to create a new partition table on %1? 您是否確定要在 %1 上建立一個新的分割區表格? diff --git a/lang/python.pot b/lang/python.pot index 6a07ac3e4..ad66c1cab 100644 --- a/lang/python.pot +++ b/lang/python.pot @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ # Copyright (C) YEAR THE PACKAGE'S COPYRIGHT HOLDER # This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package. # FIRST AUTHOR , YEAR. -# +# #, fuzzy msgid "" msgstr "" @@ -12,43 +12,43 @@ msgstr "" "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n" "Last-Translator: FULL NAME \n" "Language-Team: LANGUAGE \n" -"Language: \n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=CHARSET\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" +"Language: \n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=INTEGER; plural=EXPRESSION;\n" #: src/modules/machineid/main.py:35 msgid "Generate machine-id." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Generate machine-id." #: src/modules/dummypython/main.py:44 msgid "Dummy python job." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Dummy python job." #: src/modules/dummypython/main.py:97 msgid "Dummy python step {}" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Dummy python step {}" #: src/modules/packages/main.py:59 #, python-format msgid "Processing packages (%(count)d / %(total)d)" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Processing packages (%(count)d / %(total)d)" #: src/modules/packages/main.py:61 #, python-format msgid "Installing one package." msgid_plural "Installing %(num)d packages." -msgstr[0] "" -msgstr[1] "" +msgstr[0] "Installing one package." +msgstr[1] "Installing %(num)d packages." #: src/modules/packages/main.py:64 #, python-format msgid "Removing one package." msgid_plural "Removing %(num)d packages." -msgstr[0] "" -msgstr[1] "" +msgstr[0] "Removing one package." +msgstr[1] "Removing %(num)d packages." #: src/modules/packages/main.py:68 msgid "Install packages." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Install packages." diff --git a/lang/python/ar/LC_MESSAGES/python.mo b/lang/python/ar/LC_MESSAGES/python.mo index 82839ebb5..8a59291af 100644 Binary files a/lang/python/ar/LC_MESSAGES/python.mo and b/lang/python/ar/LC_MESSAGES/python.mo differ diff --git a/lang/python/ar/LC_MESSAGES/python.po b/lang/python/ar/LC_MESSAGES/python.po index f13d19d84..bdabbf28e 100644 --- a/lang/python/ar/LC_MESSAGES/python.po +++ b/lang/python/ar/LC_MESSAGES/python.po @@ -1,20 +1,26 @@ # SOME DESCRIPTIVE TITLE. -# Copyright (C) YEAR ORGANIZATION +# Copyright (C) YEAR THE PACKAGE'S COPYRIGHT HOLDER +# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package. # FIRST AUTHOR , YEAR. # +#, fuzzy msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-08-21 17:55-0400\n" +"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-09-04 08:16-0400\n" "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n" "Language-Team: Arabic (https://www.transifex.com/calamares/teams/20061/ar/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" -"Generated-By: pygettext.py 1.5\n" "Language: ar\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=6; plural=n==0 ? 0 : n==1 ? 1 : n==2 ? 2 : n%100>=3 && n%100<=10 ? 3 : n%100>=11 && n%100<=99 ? 4 : 5;\n" +#: src/modules/machineid/main.py:35 +msgid "Generate machine-id." +msgstr "" + #: src/modules/dummypython/main.py:44 msgid "Dummy python job." msgstr "" @@ -23,6 +29,33 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Dummy python step {}" msgstr "" -#: src/modules/machineid/main.py:35 -msgid "Generate machine-id." +#: src/modules/packages/main.py:59 +#, python-format +msgid "Processing packages (%(count)d / %(total)d)" +msgstr "" + +#: src/modules/packages/main.py:61 +#, python-format +msgid "Installing one package." +msgid_plural "Installing %(num)d packages." +msgstr[0] "" +msgstr[1] "" +msgstr[2] "" +msgstr[3] "" +msgstr[4] "" +msgstr[5] "" + +#: src/modules/packages/main.py:64 +#, python-format +msgid "Removing one package." +msgid_plural "Removing %(num)d packages." +msgstr[0] "" +msgstr[1] "" +msgstr[2] "" +msgstr[3] "" +msgstr[4] "" +msgstr[5] "" + +#: src/modules/packages/main.py:68 +msgid "Install packages." msgstr "" diff --git a/lang/python/ast/LC_MESSAGES/python.mo b/lang/python/ast/LC_MESSAGES/python.mo index 20db126d0..a4fa1fe81 100644 Binary files a/lang/python/ast/LC_MESSAGES/python.mo and b/lang/python/ast/LC_MESSAGES/python.mo differ diff --git a/lang/python/ast/LC_MESSAGES/python.po b/lang/python/ast/LC_MESSAGES/python.po index 65ff65928..c3eb56943 100644 --- a/lang/python/ast/LC_MESSAGES/python.po +++ b/lang/python/ast/LC_MESSAGES/python.po @@ -1,23 +1,27 @@ # SOME DESCRIPTIVE TITLE. -# Copyright (C) YEAR ORGANIZATION +# Copyright (C) YEAR THE PACKAGE'S COPYRIGHT HOLDER +# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package. # FIRST AUTHOR , YEAR. # -# Translators: -# enolp , 2017 +#, fuzzy msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-08-21 17:55-0400\n" +"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-09-04 08:16-0400\n" "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n" "Last-Translator: enolp , 2017\n" "Language-Team: Asturian (https://www.transifex.com/calamares/teams/20061/ast/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" -"Generated-By: pygettext.py 1.5\n" "Language: ast\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n" +#: src/modules/machineid/main.py:35 +msgid "Generate machine-id." +msgstr "Xenerar machine-id." + #: src/modules/dummypython/main.py:44 msgid "Dummy python job." msgstr "Trabayu maniquín de python." @@ -26,6 +30,25 @@ msgstr "Trabayu maniquín de python." msgid "Dummy python step {}" msgstr "Pasu maniquín de python {}" -#: src/modules/machineid/main.py:35 -msgid "Generate machine-id." -msgstr "Xenerar machine-id." +#: src/modules/packages/main.py:59 +#, python-format +msgid "Processing packages (%(count)d / %(total)d)" +msgstr "" + +#: src/modules/packages/main.py:61 +#, python-format +msgid "Installing one package." +msgid_plural "Installing %(num)d packages." +msgstr[0] "" +msgstr[1] "" + +#: src/modules/packages/main.py:64 +#, python-format +msgid "Removing one package." +msgid_plural "Removing %(num)d packages." +msgstr[0] "" +msgstr[1] "" + +#: src/modules/packages/main.py:68 +msgid "Install packages." +msgstr "" diff --git a/lang/python/bg/LC_MESSAGES/python.mo b/lang/python/bg/LC_MESSAGES/python.mo index a9bb627fa..470525ae3 100644 Binary files a/lang/python/bg/LC_MESSAGES/python.mo and b/lang/python/bg/LC_MESSAGES/python.mo differ diff --git a/lang/python/bg/LC_MESSAGES/python.po b/lang/python/bg/LC_MESSAGES/python.po index 33ec5eb0e..28b4fbb7c 100644 --- a/lang/python/bg/LC_MESSAGES/python.po +++ b/lang/python/bg/LC_MESSAGES/python.po @@ -1,20 +1,26 @@ # SOME DESCRIPTIVE TITLE. -# Copyright (C) YEAR ORGANIZATION +# Copyright (C) YEAR THE PACKAGE'S COPYRIGHT HOLDER +# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package. # FIRST AUTHOR , YEAR. # +#, fuzzy msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-08-21 17:55-0400\n" +"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-09-04 08:16-0400\n" "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n" "Language-Team: Bulgarian (https://www.transifex.com/calamares/teams/20061/bg/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" -"Generated-By: pygettext.py 1.5\n" "Language: bg\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n" +#: src/modules/machineid/main.py:35 +msgid "Generate machine-id." +msgstr "" + #: src/modules/dummypython/main.py:44 msgid "Dummy python job." msgstr "" @@ -23,6 +29,25 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Dummy python step {}" msgstr "" -#: src/modules/machineid/main.py:35 -msgid "Generate machine-id." +#: src/modules/packages/main.py:59 +#, python-format +msgid "Processing packages (%(count)d / %(total)d)" +msgstr "" + +#: src/modules/packages/main.py:61 +#, python-format +msgid "Installing one package." +msgid_plural "Installing %(num)d packages." +msgstr[0] "" +msgstr[1] "" + +#: src/modules/packages/main.py:64 +#, python-format +msgid "Removing one package." +msgid_plural "Removing %(num)d packages." +msgstr[0] "" +msgstr[1] "" + +#: src/modules/packages/main.py:68 +msgid "Install packages." msgstr "" diff --git a/lang/python/ca/LC_MESSAGES/python.mo b/lang/python/ca/LC_MESSAGES/python.mo index eae22bf7a..efd56d034 100644 Binary files a/lang/python/ca/LC_MESSAGES/python.mo and b/lang/python/ca/LC_MESSAGES/python.mo differ diff --git a/lang/python/ca/LC_MESSAGES/python.po b/lang/python/ca/LC_MESSAGES/python.po index 5f8230503..1ace6c80e 100644 --- a/lang/python/ca/LC_MESSAGES/python.po +++ b/lang/python/ca/LC_MESSAGES/python.po @@ -1,23 +1,27 @@ # SOME DESCRIPTIVE TITLE. -# Copyright (C) YEAR ORGANIZATION +# Copyright (C) YEAR THE PACKAGE'S COPYRIGHT HOLDER +# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package. # FIRST AUTHOR , YEAR. # -# Translators: -# Davidmp , 2017 +#, fuzzy msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-08-21 17:55-0400\n" +"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-09-04 08:16-0400\n" "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n" "Last-Translator: Davidmp , 2017\n" "Language-Team: Catalan (https://www.transifex.com/calamares/teams/20061/ca/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" -"Generated-By: pygettext.py 1.5\n" "Language: ca\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n" +#: src/modules/machineid/main.py:35 +msgid "Generate machine-id." +msgstr "Generació de l'id. de la màquina." + #: src/modules/dummypython/main.py:44 msgid "Dummy python job." msgstr "Tasca de python fictícia." @@ -26,6 +30,25 @@ msgstr "Tasca de python fictícia." msgid "Dummy python step {}" msgstr "Pas de python fitctici {}" -#: src/modules/machineid/main.py:35 -msgid "Generate machine-id." -msgstr "Generació de l'id. de la màquina." +#: src/modules/packages/main.py:59 +#, python-format +msgid "Processing packages (%(count)d / %(total)d)" +msgstr "Processant paquets (%(count)d / %(total)d)" + +#: src/modules/packages/main.py:61 +#, python-format +msgid "Installing one package." +msgid_plural "Installing %(num)d packages." +msgstr[0] "Instal·lant un paquet." +msgstr[1] "Instal·lant %(num)d paquets." + +#: src/modules/packages/main.py:64 +#, python-format +msgid "Removing one package." +msgid_plural "Removing %(num)d packages." +msgstr[0] "Eliminant un paquet." +msgstr[1] "Eliminant %(num)d paquets." + +#: src/modules/packages/main.py:68 +msgid "Install packages." +msgstr "Instal·la els paquets." diff --git a/lang/python/cs_CZ/LC_MESSAGES/python.mo b/lang/python/cs_CZ/LC_MESSAGES/python.mo index 015f87119..26336e6c6 100644 Binary files a/lang/python/cs_CZ/LC_MESSAGES/python.mo and b/lang/python/cs_CZ/LC_MESSAGES/python.mo differ diff --git a/lang/python/cs_CZ/LC_MESSAGES/python.po b/lang/python/cs_CZ/LC_MESSAGES/python.po index 2905482eb..7e93851dc 100644 --- a/lang/python/cs_CZ/LC_MESSAGES/python.po +++ b/lang/python/cs_CZ/LC_MESSAGES/python.po @@ -1,23 +1,27 @@ # SOME DESCRIPTIVE TITLE. -# Copyright (C) YEAR ORGANIZATION +# Copyright (C) YEAR THE PACKAGE'S COPYRIGHT HOLDER +# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package. # FIRST AUTHOR , YEAR. # -# Translators: -# pavelrz , 2017 +#, fuzzy msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-08-21 17:55-0400\n" +"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-09-04 08:16-0400\n" "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n" "Last-Translator: pavelrz , 2017\n" "Language-Team: Czech (Czech Republic) (https://www.transifex.com/calamares/teams/20061/cs_CZ/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" -"Generated-By: pygettext.py 1.5\n" "Language: cs_CZ\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n==1) ? 0 : (n>=2 && n<=4) ? 1 : 2;\n" +#: src/modules/machineid/main.py:35 +msgid "Generate machine-id." +msgstr "Vytvořit machine-id." + #: src/modules/dummypython/main.py:44 msgid "Dummy python job." msgstr "Testovací úloha python." @@ -26,6 +30,27 @@ msgstr "Testovací úloha python." msgid "Dummy python step {}" msgstr "Testovací krok {} python." -#: src/modules/machineid/main.py:35 -msgid "Generate machine-id." -msgstr "Vytvořit machine-id." +#: src/modules/packages/main.py:59 +#, python-format +msgid "Processing packages (%(count)d / %(total)d)" +msgstr "" + +#: src/modules/packages/main.py:61 +#, python-format +msgid "Installing one package." +msgid_plural "Installing %(num)d packages." +msgstr[0] "" +msgstr[1] "" +msgstr[2] "" + +#: src/modules/packages/main.py:64 +#, python-format +msgid "Removing one package." +msgid_plural "Removing %(num)d packages." +msgstr[0] "" +msgstr[1] "" +msgstr[2] "" + +#: src/modules/packages/main.py:68 +msgid "Install packages." +msgstr "" diff --git a/lang/python/da/LC_MESSAGES/python.mo b/lang/python/da/LC_MESSAGES/python.mo index 71aa95ed7..0521d0612 100644 Binary files a/lang/python/da/LC_MESSAGES/python.mo and b/lang/python/da/LC_MESSAGES/python.mo differ diff --git a/lang/python/da/LC_MESSAGES/python.po b/lang/python/da/LC_MESSAGES/python.po index bc4de3af8..830e045e6 100644 --- a/lang/python/da/LC_MESSAGES/python.po +++ b/lang/python/da/LC_MESSAGES/python.po @@ -1,23 +1,27 @@ # SOME DESCRIPTIVE TITLE. -# Copyright (C) YEAR ORGANIZATION +# Copyright (C) YEAR THE PACKAGE'S COPYRIGHT HOLDER +# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package. # FIRST AUTHOR , YEAR. # -# Translators: -# scootergrisen , 2017 +#, fuzzy msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-08-21 17:55-0400\n" +"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-09-04 08:16-0400\n" "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n" -"Last-Translator: scootergrisen , 2017\n" +"Last-Translator: Dan Johansen (Strit) , 2017\n" "Language-Team: Danish (https://www.transifex.com/calamares/teams/20061/da/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" -"Generated-By: pygettext.py 1.5\n" "Language: da\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n" +#: src/modules/machineid/main.py:35 +msgid "Generate machine-id." +msgstr "Generere maskine-id." + #: src/modules/dummypython/main.py:44 msgid "Dummy python job." msgstr "Dummy python-job." @@ -26,6 +30,25 @@ msgstr "Dummy python-job." msgid "Dummy python step {}" msgstr "Dummy python-trin {}" -#: src/modules/machineid/main.py:35 -msgid "Generate machine-id." -msgstr "Generere maskine-id." +#: src/modules/packages/main.py:59 +#, python-format +msgid "Processing packages (%(count)d / %(total)d)" +msgstr "Forarbejder pakker (%(count)d / %(total)d)" + +#: src/modules/packages/main.py:61 +#, python-format +msgid "Installing one package." +msgid_plural "Installing %(num)d packages." +msgstr[0] "Installerer én pakke." +msgstr[1] "Installer %(num)d pakker." + +#: src/modules/packages/main.py:64 +#, python-format +msgid "Removing one package." +msgid_plural "Removing %(num)d packages." +msgstr[0] "Fjerner én pakke." +msgstr[1] "Fjerne %(num)d pakker." + +#: src/modules/packages/main.py:68 +msgid "Install packages." +msgstr "Installér pakker." diff --git a/lang/python/de/LC_MESSAGES/python.mo b/lang/python/de/LC_MESSAGES/python.mo index 62276fc59..aff49a3d1 100644 Binary files a/lang/python/de/LC_MESSAGES/python.mo and b/lang/python/de/LC_MESSAGES/python.mo differ diff --git a/lang/python/de/LC_MESSAGES/python.po b/lang/python/de/LC_MESSAGES/python.po index b7e9f98f7..654da411b 100644 --- a/lang/python/de/LC_MESSAGES/python.po +++ b/lang/python/de/LC_MESSAGES/python.po @@ -1,20 +1,26 @@ # SOME DESCRIPTIVE TITLE. -# Copyright (C) YEAR ORGANIZATION +# Copyright (C) YEAR THE PACKAGE'S COPYRIGHT HOLDER +# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package. # FIRST AUTHOR , YEAR. # +#, fuzzy msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-08-21 17:55-0400\n" +"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-09-04 08:16-0400\n" "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n" "Language-Team: German (https://www.transifex.com/calamares/teams/20061/de/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" -"Generated-By: pygettext.py 1.5\n" "Language: de\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n" +#: src/modules/machineid/main.py:35 +msgid "Generate machine-id." +msgstr "" + #: src/modules/dummypython/main.py:44 msgid "Dummy python job." msgstr "" @@ -23,6 +29,25 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Dummy python step {}" msgstr "" -#: src/modules/machineid/main.py:35 -msgid "Generate machine-id." +#: src/modules/packages/main.py:59 +#, python-format +msgid "Processing packages (%(count)d / %(total)d)" +msgstr "" + +#: src/modules/packages/main.py:61 +#, python-format +msgid "Installing one package." +msgid_plural "Installing %(num)d packages." +msgstr[0] "" +msgstr[1] "" + +#: src/modules/packages/main.py:64 +#, python-format +msgid "Removing one package." +msgid_plural "Removing %(num)d packages." +msgstr[0] "" +msgstr[1] "" + +#: src/modules/packages/main.py:68 +msgid "Install packages." msgstr "" diff --git a/lang/python/el/LC_MESSAGES/python.mo b/lang/python/el/LC_MESSAGES/python.mo index 23002061d..c7d45e879 100644 Binary files a/lang/python/el/LC_MESSAGES/python.mo and b/lang/python/el/LC_MESSAGES/python.mo differ diff --git a/lang/python/el/LC_MESSAGES/python.po b/lang/python/el/LC_MESSAGES/python.po index c1aa22c18..924667c68 100644 --- a/lang/python/el/LC_MESSAGES/python.po +++ b/lang/python/el/LC_MESSAGES/python.po @@ -1,20 +1,26 @@ # SOME DESCRIPTIVE TITLE. -# Copyright (C) YEAR ORGANIZATION +# Copyright (C) YEAR THE PACKAGE'S COPYRIGHT HOLDER +# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package. # FIRST AUTHOR , YEAR. # +#, fuzzy msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-08-21 17:55-0400\n" +"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-09-04 08:16-0400\n" "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n" "Language-Team: Greek (https://www.transifex.com/calamares/teams/20061/el/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" -"Generated-By: pygettext.py 1.5\n" "Language: el\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n" +#: src/modules/machineid/main.py:35 +msgid "Generate machine-id." +msgstr "" + #: src/modules/dummypython/main.py:44 msgid "Dummy python job." msgstr "" @@ -23,6 +29,25 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Dummy python step {}" msgstr "" -#: src/modules/machineid/main.py:35 -msgid "Generate machine-id." +#: src/modules/packages/main.py:59 +#, python-format +msgid "Processing packages (%(count)d / %(total)d)" +msgstr "" + +#: src/modules/packages/main.py:61 +#, python-format +msgid "Installing one package." +msgid_plural "Installing %(num)d packages." +msgstr[0] "" +msgstr[1] "" + +#: src/modules/packages/main.py:64 +#, python-format +msgid "Removing one package." +msgid_plural "Removing %(num)d packages." +msgstr[0] "" +msgstr[1] "" + +#: src/modules/packages/main.py:68 +msgid "Install packages." msgstr "" diff --git a/lang/python/en_GB/LC_MESSAGES/python.mo b/lang/python/en_GB/LC_MESSAGES/python.mo index bca5cdc77..b88e6d8f9 100644 Binary files a/lang/python/en_GB/LC_MESSAGES/python.mo and b/lang/python/en_GB/LC_MESSAGES/python.mo differ diff --git a/lang/python/en_GB/LC_MESSAGES/python.po b/lang/python/en_GB/LC_MESSAGES/python.po index 3410efd89..9ced5a414 100644 --- a/lang/python/en_GB/LC_MESSAGES/python.po +++ b/lang/python/en_GB/LC_MESSAGES/python.po @@ -1,20 +1,26 @@ # SOME DESCRIPTIVE TITLE. -# Copyright (C) YEAR ORGANIZATION +# Copyright (C) YEAR THE PACKAGE'S COPYRIGHT HOLDER +# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package. # FIRST AUTHOR , YEAR. # +#, fuzzy msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-08-21 17:55-0400\n" +"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-09-04 08:16-0400\n" "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n" "Language-Team: English (United Kingdom) (https://www.transifex.com/calamares/teams/20061/en_GB/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; 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charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" -"Generated-By: pygettext.py 1.5\n" "Language: es\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n" +#: src/modules/machineid/main.py:35 +msgid "Generate machine-id." +msgstr "Generar identificación-de-maquina." + #: src/modules/dummypython/main.py:44 msgid "Dummy python job." msgstr "Tarea de python ficticia." @@ -26,6 +30,25 @@ msgstr "Tarea de python ficticia." msgid "Dummy python step {}" msgstr "Paso {} de python ficticio" -#: src/modules/machineid/main.py:35 -msgid "Generate machine-id." -msgstr "Generar identificación-de-maquina." +#: src/modules/packages/main.py:59 +#, python-format +msgid "Processing packages (%(count)d / %(total)d)" +msgstr "Procesando paquetes (%(count)d / %(total)d)" + +#: src/modules/packages/main.py:61 +#, python-format +msgid "Installing one package." +msgid_plural "Installing %(num)d packages." +msgstr[0] "Instalando un paquete." +msgstr[1] "Instalando %(num)d paquetes." + +#: src/modules/packages/main.py:64 +#, python-format +msgid "Removing one package." +msgid_plural "Removing %(num)d packages." +msgstr[0] "Eliminando un paquete." +msgstr[1] "Eliminando %(num)d paquetes." + +#: src/modules/packages/main.py:68 +msgid "Install packages." +msgstr "Instalar paquetes." diff --git a/lang/python/es_ES/LC_MESSAGES/python.mo b/lang/python/es_ES/LC_MESSAGES/python.mo index e65c0fc58..35a601558 100644 Binary files a/lang/python/es_ES/LC_MESSAGES/python.mo and b/lang/python/es_ES/LC_MESSAGES/python.mo differ diff --git a/lang/python/es_ES/LC_MESSAGES/python.po b/lang/python/es_ES/LC_MESSAGES/python.po index ddd5b1375..a07d525c7 100644 --- a/lang/python/es_ES/LC_MESSAGES/python.po +++ b/lang/python/es_ES/LC_MESSAGES/python.po @@ -1,20 +1,26 @@ # SOME DESCRIPTIVE TITLE. -# Copyright (C) YEAR ORGANIZATION +# Copyright (C) YEAR THE PACKAGE'S COPYRIGHT HOLDER +# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package. # FIRST AUTHOR , YEAR. # +#, fuzzy msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-08-21 17:55-0400\n" +"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-09-04 08:16-0400\n" "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n" "Language-Team: Spanish (Spain) (https://www.transifex.com/calamares/teams/20061/es_ES/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; 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charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" -"Generated-By: pygettext.py 1.5\n" "Language: es_MX\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n" +#: src/modules/machineid/main.py:35 +msgid "Generate machine-id." +msgstr "" + #: src/modules/dummypython/main.py:44 msgid "Dummy python job." msgstr "" @@ -23,6 +29,25 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Dummy python step {}" msgstr "" -#: src/modules/machineid/main.py:35 -msgid "Generate machine-id." +#: src/modules/packages/main.py:59 +#, python-format +msgid "Processing packages (%(count)d / %(total)d)" +msgstr "" + +#: src/modules/packages/main.py:61 +#, python-format +msgid "Installing one package." +msgid_plural "Installing %(num)d packages." +msgstr[0] "" +msgstr[1] "" + +#: src/modules/packages/main.py:64 +#, python-format +msgid "Removing one package." +msgid_plural "Removing %(num)d packages." +msgstr[0] "" +msgstr[1] "" + +#: src/modules/packages/main.py:68 +msgid "Install packages." msgstr "" diff --git a/lang/python/es_PR/LC_MESSAGES/python.mo b/lang/python/es_PR/LC_MESSAGES/python.mo index 7a9bb1ce3..f3dd878be 100644 Binary files a/lang/python/es_PR/LC_MESSAGES/python.mo and b/lang/python/es_PR/LC_MESSAGES/python.mo differ diff --git a/lang/python/es_PR/LC_MESSAGES/python.po b/lang/python/es_PR/LC_MESSAGES/python.po index d64df0b6d..14e075326 100644 --- a/lang/python/es_PR/LC_MESSAGES/python.po +++ b/lang/python/es_PR/LC_MESSAGES/python.po @@ -1,20 +1,26 @@ # SOME DESCRIPTIVE TITLE. -# Copyright (C) YEAR ORGANIZATION +# Copyright (C) YEAR THE PACKAGE'S COPYRIGHT HOLDER +# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package. # FIRST AUTHOR , YEAR. # +#, fuzzy msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-08-21 17:55-0400\n" +"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-09-04 08:16-0400\n" "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n" "Language-Team: Spanish (Puerto Rico) (https://www.transifex.com/calamares/teams/20061/es_PR/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" -"Generated-By: pygettext.py 1.5\n" "Language: es_PR\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n" +#: src/modules/machineid/main.py:35 +msgid "Generate machine-id." +msgstr "" + #: src/modules/dummypython/main.py:44 msgid "Dummy python job." msgstr "" @@ -23,6 +29,25 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Dummy python step {}" msgstr "" -#: src/modules/machineid/main.py:35 -msgid "Generate machine-id." +#: src/modules/packages/main.py:59 +#, python-format +msgid "Processing packages (%(count)d / %(total)d)" +msgstr "" + +#: src/modules/packages/main.py:61 +#, python-format +msgid "Installing one package." +msgid_plural "Installing %(num)d packages." +msgstr[0] "" +msgstr[1] "" + +#: src/modules/packages/main.py:64 +#, python-format +msgid "Removing one package." +msgid_plural "Removing %(num)d packages." +msgstr[0] "" +msgstr[1] "" + +#: src/modules/packages/main.py:68 +msgid "Install packages." msgstr "" diff --git a/lang/python/et/LC_MESSAGES/python.mo b/lang/python/et/LC_MESSAGES/python.mo index d2c1990b9..86e51fbf4 100644 Binary files a/lang/python/et/LC_MESSAGES/python.mo and b/lang/python/et/LC_MESSAGES/python.mo differ diff --git a/lang/python/et/LC_MESSAGES/python.po b/lang/python/et/LC_MESSAGES/python.po index b0f49016d..3ade2d753 100644 --- a/lang/python/et/LC_MESSAGES/python.po +++ b/lang/python/et/LC_MESSAGES/python.po @@ -1,20 +1,26 @@ # SOME DESCRIPTIVE TITLE. -# Copyright (C) YEAR ORGANIZATION +# Copyright (C) YEAR THE PACKAGE'S COPYRIGHT HOLDER +# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package. # FIRST AUTHOR , YEAR. # +#, fuzzy msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-08-21 17:55-0400\n" +"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-09-04 08:16-0400\n" "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n" "Language-Team: Estonian (https://www.transifex.com/calamares/teams/20061/et/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" -"Generated-By: pygettext.py 1.5\n" "Language: et\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n" +#: src/modules/machineid/main.py:35 +msgid "Generate machine-id." +msgstr "" + #: src/modules/dummypython/main.py:44 msgid "Dummy python job." msgstr "" @@ -23,6 +29,25 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Dummy python step {}" msgstr "" -#: src/modules/machineid/main.py:35 -msgid "Generate machine-id." +#: src/modules/packages/main.py:59 +#, python-format +msgid "Processing packages (%(count)d / %(total)d)" +msgstr "" + +#: src/modules/packages/main.py:61 +#, python-format +msgid "Installing one package." +msgid_plural "Installing %(num)d packages." +msgstr[0] "" +msgstr[1] "" + +#: src/modules/packages/main.py:64 +#, python-format +msgid "Removing one package." +msgid_plural "Removing %(num)d packages." +msgstr[0] "" +msgstr[1] "" + +#: src/modules/packages/main.py:68 +msgid "Install packages." msgstr "" diff --git a/lang/python/eu/LC_MESSAGES/python.mo b/lang/python/eu/LC_MESSAGES/python.mo index 704f3b974..2b85ce42c 100644 Binary files a/lang/python/eu/LC_MESSAGES/python.mo and b/lang/python/eu/LC_MESSAGES/python.mo differ diff --git a/lang/python/eu/LC_MESSAGES/python.po b/lang/python/eu/LC_MESSAGES/python.po index 917044fbd..2f4c71e36 100644 --- a/lang/python/eu/LC_MESSAGES/python.po +++ b/lang/python/eu/LC_MESSAGES/python.po @@ -1,20 +1,26 @@ # SOME DESCRIPTIVE TITLE. -# Copyright (C) YEAR ORGANIZATION +# Copyright (C) YEAR THE PACKAGE'S COPYRIGHT HOLDER +# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package. # FIRST AUTHOR , YEAR. # +#, fuzzy msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-08-21 17:55-0400\n" +"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-09-04 08:16-0400\n" "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n" "Language-Team: Basque (https://www.transifex.com/calamares/teams/20061/eu/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; 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charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" -"Generated-By: pygettext.py 1.5\n" "Language: fa\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n" +#: src/modules/machineid/main.py:35 +msgid "Generate machine-id." +msgstr "" + #: src/modules/dummypython/main.py:44 msgid "Dummy python job." msgstr "" @@ -23,6 +29,23 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Dummy python step {}" msgstr "" -#: src/modules/machineid/main.py:35 -msgid "Generate machine-id." +#: src/modules/packages/main.py:59 +#, python-format +msgid "Processing packages (%(count)d / %(total)d)" +msgstr "" + +#: src/modules/packages/main.py:61 +#, python-format +msgid "Installing one package." +msgid_plural "Installing %(num)d packages." +msgstr[0] "" + +#: src/modules/packages/main.py:64 +#, python-format +msgid "Removing one package." +msgid_plural "Removing %(num)d packages." +msgstr[0] "" + +#: src/modules/packages/main.py:68 +msgid "Install packages." msgstr "" diff --git a/lang/python/fi_FI/LC_MESSAGES/python.mo b/lang/python/fi_FI/LC_MESSAGES/python.mo index 13b832ac2..65215e4b3 100644 Binary files a/lang/python/fi_FI/LC_MESSAGES/python.mo and b/lang/python/fi_FI/LC_MESSAGES/python.mo differ diff --git a/lang/python/fi_FI/LC_MESSAGES/python.po b/lang/python/fi_FI/LC_MESSAGES/python.po index b889e60b5..98225c0f8 100644 --- a/lang/python/fi_FI/LC_MESSAGES/python.po +++ b/lang/python/fi_FI/LC_MESSAGES/python.po @@ -1,20 +1,26 @@ # SOME DESCRIPTIVE TITLE. -# Copyright (C) YEAR ORGANIZATION +# Copyright (C) YEAR THE PACKAGE'S COPYRIGHT HOLDER +# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package. # FIRST AUTHOR , YEAR. # +#, fuzzy msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-08-21 17:55-0400\n" +"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-09-04 08:16-0400\n" "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n" "Language-Team: Finnish (Finland) (https://www.transifex.com/calamares/teams/20061/fi_FI/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" -"Generated-By: pygettext.py 1.5\n" "Language: fi_FI\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n" +#: src/modules/machineid/main.py:35 +msgid "Generate machine-id." +msgstr "" + #: src/modules/dummypython/main.py:44 msgid "Dummy python job." msgstr "" @@ -23,6 +29,25 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Dummy python step {}" msgstr "" -#: src/modules/machineid/main.py:35 -msgid "Generate machine-id." +#: src/modules/packages/main.py:59 +#, python-format +msgid "Processing packages (%(count)d / %(total)d)" +msgstr "" + +#: src/modules/packages/main.py:61 +#, python-format +msgid "Installing one package." +msgid_plural "Installing %(num)d packages." +msgstr[0] "" +msgstr[1] "" + +#: src/modules/packages/main.py:64 +#, python-format +msgid "Removing one package." +msgid_plural "Removing %(num)d packages." +msgstr[0] "" +msgstr[1] "" + +#: src/modules/packages/main.py:68 +msgid "Install packages." msgstr "" diff --git a/lang/python/fr/LC_MESSAGES/python.mo b/lang/python/fr/LC_MESSAGES/python.mo index 108a9cfe5..2c39ac029 100644 Binary files a/lang/python/fr/LC_MESSAGES/python.mo and b/lang/python/fr/LC_MESSAGES/python.mo differ diff --git a/lang/python/fr/LC_MESSAGES/python.po b/lang/python/fr/LC_MESSAGES/python.po index 62387b67e..f5af986a3 100644 --- a/lang/python/fr/LC_MESSAGES/python.po +++ b/lang/python/fr/LC_MESSAGES/python.po @@ -1,20 +1,26 @@ # SOME DESCRIPTIVE TITLE. -# Copyright (C) YEAR ORGANIZATION +# Copyright (C) YEAR THE PACKAGE'S COPYRIGHT HOLDER +# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package. # FIRST AUTHOR , YEAR. # +#, fuzzy msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-08-21 17:55-0400\n" +"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-09-04 08:16-0400\n" "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n" "Language-Team: French (https://www.transifex.com/calamares/teams/20061/fr/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" -"Generated-By: pygettext.py 1.5\n" "Language: fr\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n > 1);\n" +#: src/modules/machineid/main.py:35 +msgid "Generate machine-id." +msgstr "" + #: src/modules/dummypython/main.py:44 msgid "Dummy python job." msgstr "" @@ -23,6 +29,25 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Dummy python step {}" msgstr "" -#: src/modules/machineid/main.py:35 -msgid "Generate machine-id." +#: src/modules/packages/main.py:59 +#, python-format +msgid "Processing packages (%(count)d / %(total)d)" +msgstr "" + +#: src/modules/packages/main.py:61 +#, python-format +msgid "Installing one package." +msgid_plural "Installing %(num)d packages." +msgstr[0] "" +msgstr[1] "" + +#: src/modules/packages/main.py:64 +#, python-format +msgid "Removing one package." +msgid_plural "Removing %(num)d packages." +msgstr[0] "" +msgstr[1] "" + +#: src/modules/packages/main.py:68 +msgid "Install packages." msgstr "" diff --git a/lang/python/fr_CH/LC_MESSAGES/python.mo b/lang/python/fr_CH/LC_MESSAGES/python.mo index c4843e25d..44c786167 100644 Binary files a/lang/python/fr_CH/LC_MESSAGES/python.mo and b/lang/python/fr_CH/LC_MESSAGES/python.mo differ diff --git a/lang/python/fr_CH/LC_MESSAGES/python.po b/lang/python/fr_CH/LC_MESSAGES/python.po index 2aeeb75ff..5c665d8ab 100644 --- a/lang/python/fr_CH/LC_MESSAGES/python.po +++ b/lang/python/fr_CH/LC_MESSAGES/python.po @@ -1,20 +1,26 @@ # SOME DESCRIPTIVE TITLE. -# Copyright (C) YEAR ORGANIZATION +# Copyright (C) YEAR THE PACKAGE'S COPYRIGHT HOLDER +# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package. # FIRST AUTHOR , YEAR. # +#, fuzzy msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-08-21 17:55-0400\n" +"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-09-04 08:16-0400\n" "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n" "Language-Team: French (Switzerland) (https://www.transifex.com/calamares/teams/20061/fr_CH/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" -"Generated-By: pygettext.py 1.5\n" "Language: fr_CH\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n > 1);\n" +#: src/modules/machineid/main.py:35 +msgid "Generate machine-id." +msgstr "" + #: src/modules/dummypython/main.py:44 msgid "Dummy python job." msgstr "" @@ -23,6 +29,25 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Dummy python step {}" msgstr "" -#: src/modules/machineid/main.py:35 -msgid "Generate machine-id." +#: src/modules/packages/main.py:59 +#, python-format +msgid "Processing packages (%(count)d / %(total)d)" +msgstr "" + +#: src/modules/packages/main.py:61 +#, python-format +msgid "Installing one package." +msgid_plural "Installing %(num)d packages." +msgstr[0] "" +msgstr[1] "" + +#: src/modules/packages/main.py:64 +#, python-format +msgid "Removing one package." +msgid_plural "Removing %(num)d packages." +msgstr[0] "" +msgstr[1] "" + +#: src/modules/packages/main.py:68 +msgid "Install packages." msgstr "" diff --git a/lang/python/gl/LC_MESSAGES/python.mo b/lang/python/gl/LC_MESSAGES/python.mo index 4324e1276..b221e3812 100644 Binary files a/lang/python/gl/LC_MESSAGES/python.mo and b/lang/python/gl/LC_MESSAGES/python.mo differ diff --git a/lang/python/gl/LC_MESSAGES/python.po b/lang/python/gl/LC_MESSAGES/python.po index 9d2162e31..a326be4be 100644 --- a/lang/python/gl/LC_MESSAGES/python.po +++ b/lang/python/gl/LC_MESSAGES/python.po @@ -1,20 +1,26 @@ # SOME DESCRIPTIVE TITLE. -# Copyright (C) YEAR ORGANIZATION +# Copyright (C) YEAR THE PACKAGE'S COPYRIGHT HOLDER +# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package. # FIRST AUTHOR , YEAR. # +#, fuzzy msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-08-21 17:55-0400\n" +"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-09-04 08:16-0400\n" "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n" "Language-Team: Galician (https://www.transifex.com/calamares/teams/20061/gl/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" -"Generated-By: pygettext.py 1.5\n" "Language: gl\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n" +#: src/modules/machineid/main.py:35 +msgid "Generate machine-id." +msgstr "" + #: src/modules/dummypython/main.py:44 msgid "Dummy python job." msgstr "" @@ -23,6 +29,25 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Dummy python step {}" msgstr "" -#: src/modules/machineid/main.py:35 -msgid "Generate machine-id." +#: src/modules/packages/main.py:59 +#, python-format +msgid "Processing packages (%(count)d / %(total)d)" +msgstr "" + +#: src/modules/packages/main.py:61 +#, python-format +msgid "Installing one package." +msgid_plural "Installing %(num)d packages." +msgstr[0] "" +msgstr[1] "" + +#: src/modules/packages/main.py:64 +#, python-format +msgid "Removing one package." +msgid_plural "Removing %(num)d packages." +msgstr[0] "" +msgstr[1] "" + +#: src/modules/packages/main.py:68 +msgid "Install packages." msgstr "" diff --git a/lang/python/gu/LC_MESSAGES/python.mo b/lang/python/gu/LC_MESSAGES/python.mo index 30c9a8110..e8861abe2 100644 Binary files a/lang/python/gu/LC_MESSAGES/python.mo and b/lang/python/gu/LC_MESSAGES/python.mo differ diff --git a/lang/python/gu/LC_MESSAGES/python.po b/lang/python/gu/LC_MESSAGES/python.po index 0eb71a876..557a796e5 100644 --- a/lang/python/gu/LC_MESSAGES/python.po +++ b/lang/python/gu/LC_MESSAGES/python.po @@ -1,20 +1,26 @@ # SOME DESCRIPTIVE TITLE. -# Copyright (C) YEAR ORGANIZATION +# Copyright (C) YEAR THE PACKAGE'S COPYRIGHT HOLDER +# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package. # FIRST AUTHOR , YEAR. # +#, fuzzy msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-08-21 17:55-0400\n" +"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-09-04 08:16-0400\n" "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n" "Language-Team: Gujarati (https://www.transifex.com/calamares/teams/20061/gu/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" -"Generated-By: pygettext.py 1.5\n" "Language: gu\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n" +#: src/modules/machineid/main.py:35 +msgid "Generate machine-id." +msgstr "" + #: src/modules/dummypython/main.py:44 msgid "Dummy python job." msgstr "" @@ -23,6 +29,25 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Dummy python step {}" msgstr "" -#: src/modules/machineid/main.py:35 -msgid "Generate machine-id." +#: src/modules/packages/main.py:59 +#, python-format +msgid "Processing packages (%(count)d / %(total)d)" +msgstr "" + +#: src/modules/packages/main.py:61 +#, python-format +msgid "Installing one package." +msgid_plural "Installing %(num)d packages." +msgstr[0] "" +msgstr[1] "" + +#: src/modules/packages/main.py:64 +#, python-format +msgid "Removing one package." +msgid_plural "Removing %(num)d packages." +msgstr[0] "" +msgstr[1] "" + +#: src/modules/packages/main.py:68 +msgid "Install packages." msgstr "" diff --git a/lang/python/he/LC_MESSAGES/python.mo b/lang/python/he/LC_MESSAGES/python.mo index 7d2968beb..8db1c22da 100644 Binary files a/lang/python/he/LC_MESSAGES/python.mo and b/lang/python/he/LC_MESSAGES/python.mo differ diff --git a/lang/python/he/LC_MESSAGES/python.po b/lang/python/he/LC_MESSAGES/python.po index 6bc3c9214..2c314f285 100644 --- a/lang/python/he/LC_MESSAGES/python.po +++ b/lang/python/he/LC_MESSAGES/python.po @@ -1,23 +1,27 @@ # SOME DESCRIPTIVE TITLE. -# Copyright (C) YEAR ORGANIZATION +# Copyright (C) YEAR THE PACKAGE'S COPYRIGHT HOLDER +# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package. # FIRST AUTHOR , YEAR. # -# Translators: -# Eli Shleifer , 2017 +#, fuzzy msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-08-21 17:55-0400\n" +"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-09-04 08:16-0400\n" "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n" "Last-Translator: Eli Shleifer , 2017\n" "Language-Team: Hebrew (https://www.transifex.com/calamares/teams/20061/he/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" -"Generated-By: pygettext.py 1.5\n" "Language: he\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n" +#: src/modules/machineid/main.py:35 +msgid "Generate machine-id." +msgstr "חולל מספר סידורי של המכונה." + #: src/modules/dummypython/main.py:44 msgid "Dummy python job." msgstr "משימת דמה של Python." @@ -26,6 +30,25 @@ msgstr "משימת דמה של Python." msgid "Dummy python step {}" msgstr "צעד דמה של Python {}" -#: src/modules/machineid/main.py:35 -msgid "Generate machine-id." -msgstr "חולל מספר סידורי של המכונה." +#: src/modules/packages/main.py:59 +#, python-format +msgid "Processing packages (%(count)d / %(total)d)" +msgstr "מעבד חבילות (%(count)d/%(total)d)" + +#: src/modules/packages/main.py:61 +#, python-format +msgid "Installing one package." +msgid_plural "Installing %(num)d packages." +msgstr[0] "מתקין חבילה אחת." +msgstr[1] "מתקין %(num)d חבילות." + +#: src/modules/packages/main.py:64 +#, python-format +msgid "Removing one package." +msgid_plural "Removing %(num)d packages." +msgstr[0] "מסיר חבילה אחת." +msgstr[1] "מסיר %(num)d חבילות." + +#: src/modules/packages/main.py:68 +msgid "Install packages." +msgstr "התקן חבילות." diff --git a/lang/python/hi/LC_MESSAGES/python.mo b/lang/python/hi/LC_MESSAGES/python.mo index eac751db9..198aba348 100644 Binary files a/lang/python/hi/LC_MESSAGES/python.mo and b/lang/python/hi/LC_MESSAGES/python.mo differ diff --git a/lang/python/hi/LC_MESSAGES/python.po b/lang/python/hi/LC_MESSAGES/python.po index 89488ed40..e108c12ac 100644 --- a/lang/python/hi/LC_MESSAGES/python.po +++ b/lang/python/hi/LC_MESSAGES/python.po @@ -1,20 +1,26 @@ # SOME DESCRIPTIVE TITLE. -# Copyright (C) YEAR ORGANIZATION +# Copyright (C) YEAR THE PACKAGE'S COPYRIGHT HOLDER +# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package. # FIRST AUTHOR , YEAR. # +#, fuzzy msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-08-21 17:55-0400\n" +"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-09-04 08:16-0400\n" "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n" "Language-Team: Hindi (https://www.transifex.com/calamares/teams/20061/hi/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; 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charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" -"Generated-By: pygettext.py 1.5\n" "Language: hr\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2;\n" +#: src/modules/machineid/main.py:35 +msgid "Generate machine-id." +msgstr "Generiraj ID računala." + #: src/modules/dummypython/main.py:44 msgid "Dummy python job." msgstr "Testni python posao." @@ -26,6 +30,27 @@ msgstr "Testni python posao." msgid "Dummy python step {}" msgstr "Testni python korak {}" -#: src/modules/machineid/main.py:35 -msgid "Generate machine-id." -msgstr "Generiraj ID računala." +#: src/modules/packages/main.py:59 +#, python-format +msgid "Processing packages (%(count)d / %(total)d)" +msgstr "Obrađujem pakete (%(count)d / %(total)d)" + +#: src/modules/packages/main.py:61 +#, python-format +msgid "Installing one package." +msgid_plural "Installing %(num)d packages." +msgstr[0] "Instaliram paket." +msgstr[1] "Instaliram %(num)d pakete." +msgstr[2] "Instaliram %(num)d pakete." + +#: src/modules/packages/main.py:64 +#, python-format +msgid "Removing one package." +msgid_plural "Removing %(num)d packages." +msgstr[0] "Uklanjam paket." +msgstr[1] "Uklanjam %(num)d pakete." +msgstr[2] "Uklanjam %(num)d pakete." + +#: src/modules/packages/main.py:68 +msgid "Install packages." +msgstr "Instaliraj pakete." diff --git a/lang/python/hu/LC_MESSAGES/python.mo b/lang/python/hu/LC_MESSAGES/python.mo index fae26ca9d..62231eb3e 100644 Binary files a/lang/python/hu/LC_MESSAGES/python.mo and b/lang/python/hu/LC_MESSAGES/python.mo differ diff --git a/lang/python/hu/LC_MESSAGES/python.po b/lang/python/hu/LC_MESSAGES/python.po index 7bfb0661d..955764b81 100644 --- a/lang/python/hu/LC_MESSAGES/python.po +++ b/lang/python/hu/LC_MESSAGES/python.po @@ -1,28 +1,54 @@ # SOME DESCRIPTIVE TITLE. -# Copyright (C) YEAR ORGANIZATION +# Copyright (C) YEAR THE PACKAGE'S COPYRIGHT HOLDER +# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package. # FIRST AUTHOR , YEAR. # +#, fuzzy msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-08-21 17:55-0400\n" +"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-09-04 08:16-0400\n" "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n" +"Last-Translator: miku84 , 2017\n" "Language-Team: Hungarian (https://www.transifex.com/calamares/teams/20061/hu/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" -"Generated-By: pygettext.py 1.5\n" "Language: hu\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n" +#: src/modules/machineid/main.py:35 +msgid "Generate machine-id." +msgstr "Számítógép azonosító generálása." + #: src/modules/dummypython/main.py:44 msgid "Dummy python job." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Hamis PythonQt Job." #: src/modules/dummypython/main.py:97 msgid "Dummy python step {}" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Hamis PythonQt {} lépés" -#: src/modules/machineid/main.py:35 -msgid "Generate machine-id." -msgstr "" +#: src/modules/packages/main.py:59 +#, python-format +msgid "Processing packages (%(count)d / %(total)d)" +msgstr "Csomagok feldolgozása (%(count)d / %(total)d)" + +#: src/modules/packages/main.py:61 +#, python-format +msgid "Installing one package." +msgid_plural "Installing %(num)d packages." +msgstr[0] "" +msgstr[1] "" + +#: src/modules/packages/main.py:64 +#, python-format +msgid "Removing one package." +msgid_plural "Removing %(num)d packages." +msgstr[0] "" +msgstr[1] "" + +#: src/modules/packages/main.py:68 +msgid "Install packages." +msgstr "Csomagok telepítése." diff --git a/lang/python/id/LC_MESSAGES/python.mo b/lang/python/id/LC_MESSAGES/python.mo index df139cd7e..35b6cdcb0 100644 Binary files a/lang/python/id/LC_MESSAGES/python.mo and b/lang/python/id/LC_MESSAGES/python.mo differ diff --git a/lang/python/id/LC_MESSAGES/python.po b/lang/python/id/LC_MESSAGES/python.po index 02c2e7523..9f7d9418a 100644 --- a/lang/python/id/LC_MESSAGES/python.po +++ b/lang/python/id/LC_MESSAGES/python.po @@ -1,31 +1,52 @@ # SOME DESCRIPTIVE TITLE. -# Copyright (C) YEAR ORGANIZATION +# Copyright (C) YEAR THE PACKAGE'S COPYRIGHT HOLDER +# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package. # FIRST AUTHOR , YEAR. # -# Translators: -# Wantoyo , 2017 +#, fuzzy msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-08-21 17:55-0400\n" +"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-09-04 08:16-0400\n" "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n" "Last-Translator: Wantoyo , 2017\n" "Language-Team: Indonesian (https://www.transifex.com/calamares/teams/20061/id/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" -"Generated-By: pygettext.py 1.5\n" "Language: id\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n" +#: src/modules/machineid/main.py:35 +msgid "Generate machine-id." +msgstr "Generate machine-id." + #: src/modules/dummypython/main.py:44 msgid "Dummy python job." -msgstr "Tugas dummy python." +msgstr "Dummy python job." #: src/modules/dummypython/main.py:97 msgid "Dummy python step {}" -msgstr "Langkah dummy python {}" +msgstr "Dummy python step {}" -#: src/modules/machineid/main.py:35 -msgid "Generate machine-id." -msgstr "Menghasilkan id-mesin" +#: src/modules/packages/main.py:59 +#, python-format +msgid "Processing packages (%(count)d / %(total)d)" +msgstr "" + +#: src/modules/packages/main.py:61 +#, python-format +msgid "Installing one package." +msgid_plural "Installing %(num)d packages." +msgstr[0] "" + +#: src/modules/packages/main.py:64 +#, python-format +msgid "Removing one package." +msgid_plural "Removing %(num)d packages." +msgstr[0] "" + +#: src/modules/packages/main.py:68 +msgid "Install packages." +msgstr "" diff --git a/lang/python/is/LC_MESSAGES/python.mo b/lang/python/is/LC_MESSAGES/python.mo index 1054df5ce..23ed397ae 100644 Binary files a/lang/python/is/LC_MESSAGES/python.mo and b/lang/python/is/LC_MESSAGES/python.mo differ diff --git a/lang/python/is/LC_MESSAGES/python.po b/lang/python/is/LC_MESSAGES/python.po index 2d54179f1..cd098fddb 100644 --- a/lang/python/is/LC_MESSAGES/python.po +++ b/lang/python/is/LC_MESSAGES/python.po @@ -1,28 +1,54 @@ # SOME DESCRIPTIVE TITLE. -# Copyright (C) YEAR ORGANIZATION +# Copyright (C) YEAR THE PACKAGE'S COPYRIGHT HOLDER +# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package. # FIRST AUTHOR , YEAR. # +#, fuzzy msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-08-21 17:55-0400\n" +"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-09-04 08:16-0400\n" "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n" +"Last-Translator: Kristján Magnússon , 2017\n" "Language-Team: Icelandic (https://www.transifex.com/calamares/teams/20061/is/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" -"Generated-By: pygettext.py 1.5\n" "Language: is\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n % 10 != 1 || n % 100 == 11);\n" +#: src/modules/machineid/main.py:35 +msgid "Generate machine-id." +msgstr "Generate machine-id." + #: src/modules/dummypython/main.py:44 msgid "Dummy python job." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Dummy python job." #: src/modules/dummypython/main.py:97 msgid "Dummy python step {}" +msgstr "Dummy python step {}" + +#: src/modules/packages/main.py:59 +#, python-format +msgid "Processing packages (%(count)d / %(total)d)" msgstr "" -#: src/modules/machineid/main.py:35 -msgid "Generate machine-id." +#: src/modules/packages/main.py:61 +#, python-format +msgid "Installing one package." +msgid_plural "Installing %(num)d packages." +msgstr[0] "" +msgstr[1] "" + +#: src/modules/packages/main.py:64 +#, python-format +msgid "Removing one package." +msgid_plural "Removing %(num)d packages." +msgstr[0] "" +msgstr[1] "" + +#: src/modules/packages/main.py:68 +msgid "Install packages." msgstr "" diff --git a/lang/python/it_IT/LC_MESSAGES/python.mo b/lang/python/it_IT/LC_MESSAGES/python.mo index 51078e0df..73aed3b46 100644 Binary files a/lang/python/it_IT/LC_MESSAGES/python.mo and b/lang/python/it_IT/LC_MESSAGES/python.mo differ diff --git a/lang/python/it_IT/LC_MESSAGES/python.po b/lang/python/it_IT/LC_MESSAGES/python.po index 374c6a74c..ff1f27430 100644 --- a/lang/python/it_IT/LC_MESSAGES/python.po +++ b/lang/python/it_IT/LC_MESSAGES/python.po @@ -1,20 +1,26 @@ # SOME DESCRIPTIVE TITLE. -# Copyright (C) YEAR ORGANIZATION +# Copyright (C) YEAR THE PACKAGE'S COPYRIGHT HOLDER +# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package. # FIRST AUTHOR , YEAR. # +#, fuzzy msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-08-21 17:55-0400\n" +"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-09-04 08:16-0400\n" "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n" "Language-Team: Italian (Italy) (https://www.transifex.com/calamares/teams/20061/it_IT/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" -"Generated-By: pygettext.py 1.5\n" "Language: it_IT\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n" +#: src/modules/machineid/main.py:35 +msgid "Generate machine-id." +msgstr "" + #: src/modules/dummypython/main.py:44 msgid "Dummy python job." msgstr "" @@ -23,6 +29,25 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Dummy python step {}" msgstr "" -#: src/modules/machineid/main.py:35 -msgid "Generate machine-id." +#: src/modules/packages/main.py:59 +#, python-format +msgid "Processing packages (%(count)d / %(total)d)" +msgstr "" + +#: src/modules/packages/main.py:61 +#, python-format +msgid "Installing one package." +msgid_plural "Installing %(num)d packages." +msgstr[0] "" +msgstr[1] "" + +#: src/modules/packages/main.py:64 +#, python-format +msgid "Removing one package." +msgid_plural "Removing %(num)d packages." +msgstr[0] "" +msgstr[1] "" + +#: src/modules/packages/main.py:68 +msgid "Install packages." msgstr "" diff --git a/lang/python/ja/LC_MESSAGES/python.mo b/lang/python/ja/LC_MESSAGES/python.mo index 0bbe50fcc..492de1bd4 100644 Binary files a/lang/python/ja/LC_MESSAGES/python.mo and b/lang/python/ja/LC_MESSAGES/python.mo differ diff --git a/lang/python/ja/LC_MESSAGES/python.po b/lang/python/ja/LC_MESSAGES/python.po index c717b4a8b..0a0b42d34 100644 --- a/lang/python/ja/LC_MESSAGES/python.po +++ b/lang/python/ja/LC_MESSAGES/python.po @@ -1,23 +1,27 @@ # SOME DESCRIPTIVE TITLE. -# Copyright (C) YEAR ORGANIZATION +# Copyright (C) YEAR THE PACKAGE'S COPYRIGHT HOLDER +# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package. # FIRST AUTHOR , YEAR. # -# Translators: -# Takefumi Nagata , 2017 +#, fuzzy msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-08-21 17:55-0400\n" +"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-09-04 08:16-0400\n" "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n" "Last-Translator: Takefumi Nagata , 2017\n" "Language-Team: Japanese (https://www.transifex.com/calamares/teams/20061/ja/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" -"Generated-By: pygettext.py 1.5\n" "Language: ja\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n" +#: src/modules/machineid/main.py:35 +msgid "Generate machine-id." +msgstr "machine-id の生成" + #: src/modules/dummypython/main.py:44 msgid "Dummy python job." msgstr "Dummy python job." @@ -26,6 +30,23 @@ msgstr "Dummy python job." msgid "Dummy python step {}" msgstr "Dummy python step {}" -#: src/modules/machineid/main.py:35 -msgid "Generate machine-id." -msgstr "machine-id の生成" +#: src/modules/packages/main.py:59 +#, python-format +msgid "Processing packages (%(count)d / %(total)d)" +msgstr "" + +#: src/modules/packages/main.py:61 +#, python-format +msgid "Installing one package." +msgid_plural "Installing %(num)d packages." +msgstr[0] "" + +#: src/modules/packages/main.py:64 +#, python-format +msgid "Removing one package." +msgid_plural "Removing %(num)d packages." +msgstr[0] "" + +#: src/modules/packages/main.py:68 +msgid "Install packages." +msgstr "" diff --git a/lang/python/kk/LC_MESSAGES/python.mo b/lang/python/kk/LC_MESSAGES/python.mo index bffc9c65b..2b0afba0e 100644 Binary files a/lang/python/kk/LC_MESSAGES/python.mo and b/lang/python/kk/LC_MESSAGES/python.mo differ diff --git a/lang/python/kk/LC_MESSAGES/python.po b/lang/python/kk/LC_MESSAGES/python.po index d0936fa83..e1ffbb3e9 100644 --- a/lang/python/kk/LC_MESSAGES/python.po +++ b/lang/python/kk/LC_MESSAGES/python.po @@ -1,20 +1,26 @@ # SOME DESCRIPTIVE TITLE. -# Copyright (C) YEAR ORGANIZATION +# Copyright (C) YEAR THE PACKAGE'S COPYRIGHT HOLDER +# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package. # FIRST AUTHOR , YEAR. # +#, fuzzy msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-08-21 17:55-0400\n" +"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-09-04 08:16-0400\n" "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n" "Language-Team: Kazakh (https://www.transifex.com/calamares/teams/20061/kk/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" -"Generated-By: pygettext.py 1.5\n" "Language: kk\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n" +#: src/modules/machineid/main.py:35 +msgid "Generate machine-id." +msgstr "" + #: src/modules/dummypython/main.py:44 msgid "Dummy python job." msgstr "" @@ -23,6 +29,23 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Dummy python step {}" msgstr "" -#: src/modules/machineid/main.py:35 -msgid "Generate machine-id." +#: src/modules/packages/main.py:59 +#, python-format +msgid "Processing packages (%(count)d / %(total)d)" +msgstr "" + +#: src/modules/packages/main.py:61 +#, python-format +msgid "Installing one package." +msgid_plural "Installing %(num)d packages." +msgstr[0] "" + +#: src/modules/packages/main.py:64 +#, python-format +msgid "Removing one package." +msgid_plural "Removing %(num)d packages." +msgstr[0] "" + +#: src/modules/packages/main.py:68 +msgid "Install packages." msgstr "" diff --git a/lang/python/lo/LC_MESSAGES/python.mo b/lang/python/lo/LC_MESSAGES/python.mo index 9434f55ba..1a06a5e25 100644 Binary files a/lang/python/lo/LC_MESSAGES/python.mo and b/lang/python/lo/LC_MESSAGES/python.mo differ diff --git a/lang/python/lo/LC_MESSAGES/python.po b/lang/python/lo/LC_MESSAGES/python.po index 17ead03e2..b11a51f76 100644 --- a/lang/python/lo/LC_MESSAGES/python.po +++ b/lang/python/lo/LC_MESSAGES/python.po @@ -1,20 +1,26 @@ # SOME DESCRIPTIVE TITLE. -# Copyright (C) YEAR ORGANIZATION +# Copyright (C) YEAR THE PACKAGE'S COPYRIGHT HOLDER +# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package. # FIRST AUTHOR , YEAR. # +#, fuzzy msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-08-21 17:55-0400\n" +"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-09-04 08:16-0400\n" "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n" "Language-Team: Lao (https://www.transifex.com/calamares/teams/20061/lo/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" -"Generated-By: pygettext.py 1.5\n" "Language: lo\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n" +#: src/modules/machineid/main.py:35 +msgid "Generate machine-id." +msgstr "" + #: src/modules/dummypython/main.py:44 msgid "Dummy python job." msgstr "" @@ -23,6 +29,23 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Dummy python step {}" msgstr "" -#: src/modules/machineid/main.py:35 -msgid "Generate machine-id." +#: src/modules/packages/main.py:59 +#, python-format +msgid "Processing packages (%(count)d / %(total)d)" +msgstr "" + +#: src/modules/packages/main.py:61 +#, python-format +msgid "Installing one package." +msgid_plural "Installing %(num)d packages." +msgstr[0] "" + +#: src/modules/packages/main.py:64 +#, python-format +msgid "Removing one package." +msgid_plural "Removing %(num)d packages." +msgstr[0] "" + +#: src/modules/packages/main.py:68 +msgid "Install packages." msgstr "" diff --git a/lang/python/lt/LC_MESSAGES/python.mo b/lang/python/lt/LC_MESSAGES/python.mo index e5dad3098..421ec7f2f 100644 Binary files a/lang/python/lt/LC_MESSAGES/python.mo and b/lang/python/lt/LC_MESSAGES/python.mo differ diff --git a/lang/python/lt/LC_MESSAGES/python.po b/lang/python/lt/LC_MESSAGES/python.po index 69c267745..bda9e87c7 100644 --- a/lang/python/lt/LC_MESSAGES/python.po +++ b/lang/python/lt/LC_MESSAGES/python.po @@ -1,31 +1,56 @@ # SOME DESCRIPTIVE TITLE. -# Copyright (C) YEAR ORGANIZATION +# Copyright (C) YEAR THE PACKAGE'S COPYRIGHT HOLDER +# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package. # FIRST AUTHOR , YEAR. # -# Translators: -# Moo , 2017 +#, fuzzy msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-08-21 17:55-0400\n" +"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-09-04 08:16-0400\n" "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n" "Last-Translator: Moo , 2017\n" "Language-Team: Lithuanian (https://www.transifex.com/calamares/teams/20061/lt/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" -"Generated-By: pygettext.py 1.5\n" "Language: lt\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2);\n" -#: src/modules/dummypython/main.py:44 -msgid "Dummy python job." -msgstr "Fiktyvi python užduotis." - -#: src/modules/dummypython/main.py:97 -msgid "Dummy python step {}" -msgstr "Fiktyvus python žingsnis {}" - #: src/modules/machineid/main.py:35 msgid "Generate machine-id." msgstr "Generuoti machine-id." + +#: src/modules/dummypython/main.py:44 +msgid "Dummy python job." +msgstr "Fiktyvi python užduotis." + +#: src/modules/dummypython/main.py:97 +msgid "Dummy python step {}" +msgstr "Fiktyvus python žingsnis {}" + +#: src/modules/packages/main.py:59 +#, python-format +msgid "Processing packages (%(count)d / %(total)d)" +msgstr "Apdorojami paketai (%(count)d / %(total)d)" + +#: src/modules/packages/main.py:61 +#, python-format +msgid "Installing one package." +msgid_plural "Installing %(num)d packages." +msgstr[0] "Įdiegiamas %(num)d paketas." +msgstr[1] "Įdiegiami %(num)d paketai." +msgstr[2] "Įdiegiama %(num)d paketų." + +#: src/modules/packages/main.py:64 +#, python-format +msgid "Removing one package." +msgid_plural "Removing %(num)d packages." +msgstr[0] "Šalinamas %(num)d paketas." +msgstr[1] "Šalinami %(num)d paketai." +msgstr[2] "Šalinama %(num)d paketų." + +#: src/modules/packages/main.py:68 +msgid "Install packages." +msgstr "Įdiegti paketus." diff --git a/lang/python/mr/LC_MESSAGES/python.mo b/lang/python/mr/LC_MESSAGES/python.mo index 6d50fa2e6..ada8d963f 100644 Binary files a/lang/python/mr/LC_MESSAGES/python.mo and b/lang/python/mr/LC_MESSAGES/python.mo differ diff --git a/lang/python/mr/LC_MESSAGES/python.po b/lang/python/mr/LC_MESSAGES/python.po index ecd77a70e..856d82b37 100644 --- a/lang/python/mr/LC_MESSAGES/python.po +++ b/lang/python/mr/LC_MESSAGES/python.po @@ -1,20 +1,26 @@ # SOME DESCRIPTIVE TITLE. -# Copyright (C) YEAR ORGANIZATION +# Copyright (C) YEAR THE PACKAGE'S COPYRIGHT HOLDER +# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package. # FIRST AUTHOR , YEAR. # +#, fuzzy msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-08-21 17:55-0400\n" +"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-09-04 08:16-0400\n" "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n" "Language-Team: Marathi (https://www.transifex.com/calamares/teams/20061/mr/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" -"Generated-By: pygettext.py 1.5\n" "Language: mr\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n" +#: src/modules/machineid/main.py:35 +msgid "Generate machine-id." +msgstr "" + #: src/modules/dummypython/main.py:44 msgid "Dummy python job." msgstr "" @@ -23,6 +29,25 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Dummy python step {}" msgstr "" -#: src/modules/machineid/main.py:35 -msgid "Generate machine-id." +#: src/modules/packages/main.py:59 +#, python-format +msgid "Processing packages (%(count)d / %(total)d)" +msgstr "" + +#: src/modules/packages/main.py:61 +#, python-format +msgid "Installing one package." +msgid_plural "Installing %(num)d packages." +msgstr[0] "" +msgstr[1] "" + +#: src/modules/packages/main.py:64 +#, python-format +msgid "Removing one package." +msgid_plural "Removing %(num)d packages." +msgstr[0] "" +msgstr[1] "" + +#: src/modules/packages/main.py:68 +msgid "Install packages." msgstr "" diff --git a/lang/python/nb/LC_MESSAGES/python.mo b/lang/python/nb/LC_MESSAGES/python.mo index 11acd6cc3..4a10eac44 100644 Binary files a/lang/python/nb/LC_MESSAGES/python.mo and b/lang/python/nb/LC_MESSAGES/python.mo differ diff --git a/lang/python/nb/LC_MESSAGES/python.po b/lang/python/nb/LC_MESSAGES/python.po index d5d2da856..40b2a710a 100644 --- a/lang/python/nb/LC_MESSAGES/python.po +++ b/lang/python/nb/LC_MESSAGES/python.po @@ -1,20 +1,26 @@ # SOME DESCRIPTIVE TITLE. -# Copyright (C) YEAR ORGANIZATION +# Copyright (C) YEAR THE PACKAGE'S COPYRIGHT HOLDER +# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package. # FIRST AUTHOR , YEAR. # +#, fuzzy msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-08-21 17:55-0400\n" +"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-09-04 08:16-0400\n" "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n" "Language-Team: Norwegian Bokmål (https://www.transifex.com/calamares/teams/20061/nb/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" -"Generated-By: pygettext.py 1.5\n" "Language: nb\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n" +#: src/modules/machineid/main.py:35 +msgid "Generate machine-id." +msgstr "" + #: src/modules/dummypython/main.py:44 msgid "Dummy python job." msgstr "" @@ -23,6 +29,25 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Dummy python step {}" msgstr "" -#: src/modules/machineid/main.py:35 -msgid "Generate machine-id." +#: src/modules/packages/main.py:59 +#, python-format +msgid "Processing packages (%(count)d / %(total)d)" +msgstr "" + +#: src/modules/packages/main.py:61 +#, python-format +msgid "Installing one package." +msgid_plural "Installing %(num)d packages." +msgstr[0] "" +msgstr[1] "" + +#: src/modules/packages/main.py:64 +#, python-format +msgid "Removing one package." +msgid_plural "Removing %(num)d packages." +msgstr[0] "" +msgstr[1] "" + +#: src/modules/packages/main.py:68 +msgid "Install packages." msgstr "" diff --git a/lang/python/nl/LC_MESSAGES/python.mo b/lang/python/nl/LC_MESSAGES/python.mo index 487cfd28a..3ecd47e74 100644 Binary files a/lang/python/nl/LC_MESSAGES/python.mo and b/lang/python/nl/LC_MESSAGES/python.mo differ diff --git a/lang/python/nl/LC_MESSAGES/python.po b/lang/python/nl/LC_MESSAGES/python.po index e8898bfc6..5bf84848d 100644 --- a/lang/python/nl/LC_MESSAGES/python.po +++ b/lang/python/nl/LC_MESSAGES/python.po @@ -1,23 +1,27 @@ # SOME DESCRIPTIVE TITLE. -# Copyright (C) YEAR ORGANIZATION +# Copyright (C) YEAR THE PACKAGE'S COPYRIGHT HOLDER +# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package. # FIRST AUTHOR , YEAR. # -# Translators: -# Adriaan de Groot , 2017 +#, fuzzy msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-08-21 17:55-0400\n" +"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-09-04 08:16-0400\n" "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n" "Last-Translator: Adriaan de Groot , 2017\n" "Language-Team: Dutch (https://www.transifex.com/calamares/teams/20061/nl/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" -"Generated-By: pygettext.py 1.5\n" "Language: nl\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n" +#: src/modules/machineid/main.py:35 +msgid "Generate machine-id." +msgstr "Genereer machine-id" + #: src/modules/dummypython/main.py:44 msgid "Dummy python job." msgstr "Voorbeeld Python-taak" @@ -26,6 +30,25 @@ msgstr "Voorbeeld Python-taak" msgid "Dummy python step {}" msgstr "Voorbeeld Python-stap {}" -#: src/modules/machineid/main.py:35 -msgid "Generate machine-id." -msgstr "Genereer machine-id" +#: src/modules/packages/main.py:59 +#, python-format +msgid "Processing packages (%(count)d / %(total)d)" +msgstr "" + +#: src/modules/packages/main.py:61 +#, python-format +msgid "Installing one package." +msgid_plural "Installing %(num)d packages." +msgstr[0] "" +msgstr[1] "" + +#: src/modules/packages/main.py:64 +#, python-format +msgid "Removing one package." +msgid_plural "Removing %(num)d packages." +msgstr[0] "" +msgstr[1] "" + +#: src/modules/packages/main.py:68 +msgid "Install packages." +msgstr "" diff --git a/lang/python/pl/LC_MESSAGES/python.mo b/lang/python/pl/LC_MESSAGES/python.mo index e739111fe..60aa4f6ac 100644 Binary files a/lang/python/pl/LC_MESSAGES/python.mo and b/lang/python/pl/LC_MESSAGES/python.mo differ diff --git a/lang/python/pl/LC_MESSAGES/python.po b/lang/python/pl/LC_MESSAGES/python.po index 820d9b40b..23619d62d 100644 --- a/lang/python/pl/LC_MESSAGES/python.po +++ b/lang/python/pl/LC_MESSAGES/python.po @@ -1,23 +1,27 @@ # SOME DESCRIPTIVE TITLE. -# Copyright (C) YEAR ORGANIZATION +# Copyright (C) YEAR THE PACKAGE'S COPYRIGHT HOLDER +# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package. # FIRST AUTHOR , YEAR. # -# Translators: -# m4sk1n , 2017 +#, fuzzy msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-08-21 17:55-0400\n" +"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-09-04 08:16-0400\n" "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n" "Last-Translator: m4sk1n , 2017\n" "Language-Team: Polish (https://www.transifex.com/calamares/teams/20061/pl/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" -"Generated-By: pygettext.py 1.5\n" "Language: pl\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=4; plural=(n==1 ? 0 : (n%10>=2 && n%10<=4) && (n%100<12 || n%100>14) ? 1 : n!=1 && (n%10>=0 && n%10<=1) || (n%10>=5 && n%10<=9) || (n%100>=12 && n%100<=14) ? 2 : 3);\n" +#: src/modules/machineid/main.py:35 +msgid "Generate machine-id." +msgstr "Generuj machine-id." + #: src/modules/dummypython/main.py:44 msgid "Dummy python job." msgstr "Zadanie Dummy Python" @@ -26,6 +30,29 @@ msgstr "Zadanie Dummy Python" msgid "Dummy python step {}" msgstr "Krok dummy python {}" -#: src/modules/machineid/main.py:35 -msgid "Generate machine-id." -msgstr "Generuj machine-id." +#: src/modules/packages/main.py:59 +#, python-format +msgid "Processing packages (%(count)d / %(total)d)" +msgstr "" + +#: src/modules/packages/main.py:61 +#, python-format +msgid "Installing one package." +msgid_plural "Installing %(num)d packages." +msgstr[0] "" +msgstr[1] "" +msgstr[2] "" +msgstr[3] "" + +#: src/modules/packages/main.py:64 +#, python-format +msgid "Removing one package." +msgid_plural "Removing %(num)d packages." +msgstr[0] "" +msgstr[1] "" +msgstr[2] "" +msgstr[3] "" + +#: src/modules/packages/main.py:68 +msgid "Install packages." +msgstr "" diff --git a/lang/python/pl_PL/LC_MESSAGES/python.mo b/lang/python/pl_PL/LC_MESSAGES/python.mo index dea0102b9..fc4620205 100644 Binary files a/lang/python/pl_PL/LC_MESSAGES/python.mo and b/lang/python/pl_PL/LC_MESSAGES/python.mo differ diff --git a/lang/python/pl_PL/LC_MESSAGES/python.po b/lang/python/pl_PL/LC_MESSAGES/python.po index 3a12bb74b..35261da58 100644 --- a/lang/python/pl_PL/LC_MESSAGES/python.po +++ b/lang/python/pl_PL/LC_MESSAGES/python.po @@ -1,20 +1,26 @@ # SOME DESCRIPTIVE TITLE. -# Copyright (C) YEAR ORGANIZATION +# Copyright (C) YEAR THE PACKAGE'S COPYRIGHT HOLDER +# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package. # FIRST AUTHOR , YEAR. # +#, fuzzy msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-08-21 17:55-0400\n" +"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-09-04 08:16-0400\n" "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n" "Language-Team: Polish (Poland) (https://www.transifex.com/calamares/teams/20061/pl_PL/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" -"Generated-By: pygettext.py 1.5\n" "Language: pl_PL\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=4; plural=(n==1 ? 0 : (n%10>=2 && n%10<=4) && (n%100<12 || n%100>14) ? 1 : n!=1 && (n%10>=0 && n%10<=1) || (n%10>=5 && n%10<=9) || (n%100>=12 && n%100<=14) ? 2 : 3);\n" +#: src/modules/machineid/main.py:35 +msgid "Generate machine-id." +msgstr "" + #: src/modules/dummypython/main.py:44 msgid "Dummy python job." msgstr "" @@ -23,6 +29,29 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Dummy python step {}" msgstr "" -#: src/modules/machineid/main.py:35 -msgid "Generate machine-id." +#: src/modules/packages/main.py:59 +#, python-format +msgid "Processing packages (%(count)d / %(total)d)" +msgstr "" + +#: src/modules/packages/main.py:61 +#, python-format +msgid "Installing one package." +msgid_plural "Installing %(num)d packages." +msgstr[0] "" +msgstr[1] "" +msgstr[2] "" +msgstr[3] "" + +#: src/modules/packages/main.py:64 +#, python-format +msgid "Removing one package." +msgid_plural "Removing %(num)d packages." +msgstr[0] "" +msgstr[1] "" +msgstr[2] "" +msgstr[3] "" + +#: src/modules/packages/main.py:68 +msgid "Install packages." msgstr "" diff --git a/lang/python/pt_BR/LC_MESSAGES/python.mo b/lang/python/pt_BR/LC_MESSAGES/python.mo index d6f544aa3..e6c7bd3b9 100644 Binary files a/lang/python/pt_BR/LC_MESSAGES/python.mo and b/lang/python/pt_BR/LC_MESSAGES/python.mo differ diff --git a/lang/python/pt_BR/LC_MESSAGES/python.po b/lang/python/pt_BR/LC_MESSAGES/python.po index aaa1acc60..11ee94ba9 100644 --- a/lang/python/pt_BR/LC_MESSAGES/python.po +++ b/lang/python/pt_BR/LC_MESSAGES/python.po @@ -1,31 +1,54 @@ # SOME DESCRIPTIVE TITLE. -# Copyright (C) YEAR ORGANIZATION +# Copyright (C) YEAR THE PACKAGE'S COPYRIGHT HOLDER +# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package. # FIRST AUTHOR , YEAR. # -# Translators: -# Guilherme M.S. , 2017 +#, fuzzy msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-08-21 17:55-0400\n" +"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-09-04 08:16-0400\n" "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n" -"Last-Translator: Guilherme M.S. , 2017\n" +"Last-Translator: André Marcelo Alvarenga , 2017\n" "Language-Team: Portuguese (Brazil) (https://www.transifex.com/calamares/teams/20061/pt_BR/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" -"Generated-By: pygettext.py 1.5\n" "Language: pt_BR\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n > 1);\n" +#: src/modules/machineid/main.py:35 +msgid "Generate machine-id." +msgstr "Gerar machine-id." + #: src/modules/dummypython/main.py:44 msgid "Dummy python job." msgstr "Trabalho fictício python." #: src/modules/dummypython/main.py:97 msgid "Dummy python step {}" -msgstr "Passo fictício python {}" +msgstr "Etapa fictícia python {}" -#: src/modules/machineid/main.py:35 -msgid "Generate machine-id." -msgstr "Gerar machine-id." +#: src/modules/packages/main.py:59 +#, python-format +msgid "Processing packages (%(count)d / %(total)d)" +msgstr "Processando pacotes (%(count)d / %(total)d)" + +#: src/modules/packages/main.py:61 +#, python-format +msgid "Installing one package." +msgid_plural "Installing %(num)d packages." +msgstr[0] "Instalando um pacote." +msgstr[1] "Instalando %(num)d pacotes." + +#: src/modules/packages/main.py:64 +#, python-format +msgid "Removing one package." +msgid_plural "Removing %(num)d packages." +msgstr[0] "Removendo um pacote." +msgstr[1] "Removendo %(num)d pacotes." + +#: src/modules/packages/main.py:68 +msgid "Install packages." +msgstr "Instalar pacotes." diff --git a/lang/python/pt_PT/LC_MESSAGES/python.mo b/lang/python/pt_PT/LC_MESSAGES/python.mo index 297cbdbf5..d1d52a7f9 100644 Binary files a/lang/python/pt_PT/LC_MESSAGES/python.mo and b/lang/python/pt_PT/LC_MESSAGES/python.mo differ diff --git a/lang/python/pt_PT/LC_MESSAGES/python.po b/lang/python/pt_PT/LC_MESSAGES/python.po index b536c18ab..485ecc10f 100644 --- a/lang/python/pt_PT/LC_MESSAGES/python.po +++ b/lang/python/pt_PT/LC_MESSAGES/python.po @@ -1,23 +1,27 @@ # SOME DESCRIPTIVE TITLE. -# Copyright (C) YEAR ORGANIZATION +# Copyright (C) YEAR THE PACKAGE'S COPYRIGHT HOLDER +# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package. # FIRST AUTHOR , YEAR. # -# Translators: -# Ricardo Simões , 2017 +#, fuzzy msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-08-21 17:55-0400\n" +"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-09-04 08:16-0400\n" "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n" "Last-Translator: Ricardo Simões , 2017\n" "Language-Team: Portuguese (Portugal) (https://www.transifex.com/calamares/teams/20061/pt_PT/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" -"Generated-By: pygettext.py 1.5\n" "Language: pt_PT\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n" +#: src/modules/machineid/main.py:35 +msgid "Generate machine-id." +msgstr "Gerar id-máquina" + #: src/modules/dummypython/main.py:44 msgid "Dummy python job." msgstr "Tarefa Dummy python." @@ -26,6 +30,25 @@ msgstr "Tarefa Dummy python." msgid "Dummy python step {}" msgstr "Passo Dummy python {}" -#: src/modules/machineid/main.py:35 -msgid "Generate machine-id." -msgstr "Gerar id-máquina" +#: src/modules/packages/main.py:59 +#, python-format +msgid "Processing packages (%(count)d / %(total)d)" +msgstr "A processar pacotes (%(count)d / %(total)d)" + +#: src/modules/packages/main.py:61 +#, python-format +msgid "Installing one package." +msgid_plural "Installing %(num)d packages." +msgstr[0] "A instalar um pacote." +msgstr[1] "A instalar %(num)d pacotes." + +#: src/modules/packages/main.py:64 +#, python-format +msgid "Removing one package." +msgid_plural "Removing %(num)d packages." +msgstr[0] "A remover um pacote." +msgstr[1] "A remover %(num)d pacotes." + +#: src/modules/packages/main.py:68 +msgid "Install packages." +msgstr "Instalar pacotes." diff --git a/lang/python/ro/LC_MESSAGES/python.mo b/lang/python/ro/LC_MESSAGES/python.mo index ec67fcbe6..40d555edb 100644 Binary files a/lang/python/ro/LC_MESSAGES/python.mo and b/lang/python/ro/LC_MESSAGES/python.mo differ diff --git a/lang/python/ro/LC_MESSAGES/python.po b/lang/python/ro/LC_MESSAGES/python.po index ded68d3a8..5a2d0706b 100644 --- a/lang/python/ro/LC_MESSAGES/python.po +++ b/lang/python/ro/LC_MESSAGES/python.po @@ -1,20 +1,26 @@ # SOME DESCRIPTIVE TITLE. -# Copyright (C) YEAR ORGANIZATION +# Copyright (C) YEAR THE PACKAGE'S COPYRIGHT HOLDER +# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package. # FIRST AUTHOR , YEAR. # +#, fuzzy msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-08-21 17:55-0400\n" +"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-09-04 08:16-0400\n" "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n" "Language-Team: Romanian (https://www.transifex.com/calamares/teams/20061/ro/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" -"Generated-By: pygettext.py 1.5\n" "Language: ro\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n==1?0:(((n%100>19)||((n%100==0)&&(n!=0)))?2:1));\n" +#: src/modules/machineid/main.py:35 +msgid "Generate machine-id." +msgstr "" + #: src/modules/dummypython/main.py:44 msgid "Dummy python job." msgstr "" @@ -23,6 +29,27 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Dummy python step {}" msgstr "" -#: src/modules/machineid/main.py:35 -msgid "Generate machine-id." +#: src/modules/packages/main.py:59 +#, python-format +msgid "Processing packages (%(count)d / %(total)d)" +msgstr "" + +#: src/modules/packages/main.py:61 +#, python-format +msgid "Installing one package." +msgid_plural "Installing %(num)d packages." +msgstr[0] "" +msgstr[1] "" +msgstr[2] "" + +#: src/modules/packages/main.py:64 +#, python-format +msgid "Removing one package." +msgid_plural "Removing %(num)d packages." +msgstr[0] "" +msgstr[1] "" +msgstr[2] "" + +#: src/modules/packages/main.py:68 +msgid "Install packages." msgstr "" diff --git a/lang/python/ru/LC_MESSAGES/python.mo b/lang/python/ru/LC_MESSAGES/python.mo index 0c0ac8991..0faa2fe7c 100644 Binary files a/lang/python/ru/LC_MESSAGES/python.mo and b/lang/python/ru/LC_MESSAGES/python.mo differ diff --git a/lang/python/ru/LC_MESSAGES/python.po b/lang/python/ru/LC_MESSAGES/python.po index 56112d8e7..215e7652d 100644 --- a/lang/python/ru/LC_MESSAGES/python.po +++ b/lang/python/ru/LC_MESSAGES/python.po @@ -1,20 +1,26 @@ # SOME DESCRIPTIVE TITLE. -# Copyright (C) YEAR ORGANIZATION +# Copyright (C) YEAR THE PACKAGE'S COPYRIGHT HOLDER +# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package. # FIRST AUTHOR , YEAR. # +#, fuzzy msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-08-21 17:55-0400\n" +"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-09-04 08:16-0400\n" "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n" "Language-Team: Russian (https://www.transifex.com/calamares/teams/20061/ru/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" -"Generated-By: pygettext.py 1.5\n" "Language: ru\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=4; plural=(n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<12 || n%100>14) ? 1 : n%10==0 || (n%10>=5 && n%10<=9) || (n%100>=11 && n%100<=14)? 2 : 3);\n" +#: src/modules/machineid/main.py:35 +msgid "Generate machine-id." +msgstr "" + #: src/modules/dummypython/main.py:44 msgid "Dummy python job." msgstr "" @@ -23,6 +29,29 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Dummy python step {}" msgstr "" -#: src/modules/machineid/main.py:35 -msgid "Generate machine-id." +#: src/modules/packages/main.py:59 +#, python-format +msgid "Processing packages (%(count)d / %(total)d)" +msgstr "" + +#: src/modules/packages/main.py:61 +#, python-format +msgid "Installing one package." +msgid_plural "Installing %(num)d packages." +msgstr[0] "" +msgstr[1] "" +msgstr[2] "" +msgstr[3] "" + +#: src/modules/packages/main.py:64 +#, python-format +msgid "Removing one package." +msgid_plural "Removing %(num)d packages." +msgstr[0] "" +msgstr[1] "" +msgstr[2] "" +msgstr[3] "" + +#: src/modules/packages/main.py:68 +msgid "Install packages." msgstr "" diff --git a/lang/python/sk/LC_MESSAGES/python.mo b/lang/python/sk/LC_MESSAGES/python.mo index 45c4ac2f2..405b02f88 100644 Binary files a/lang/python/sk/LC_MESSAGES/python.mo and b/lang/python/sk/LC_MESSAGES/python.mo differ diff --git a/lang/python/sk/LC_MESSAGES/python.po b/lang/python/sk/LC_MESSAGES/python.po index 6e6a53e8c..edaf3ef4b 100644 --- a/lang/python/sk/LC_MESSAGES/python.po +++ b/lang/python/sk/LC_MESSAGES/python.po @@ -1,20 +1,26 @@ # SOME DESCRIPTIVE TITLE. -# Copyright (C) YEAR ORGANIZATION +# Copyright (C) YEAR THE PACKAGE'S COPYRIGHT HOLDER +# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package. # FIRST AUTHOR , YEAR. # +#, fuzzy msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-08-21 17:55-0400\n" +"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-09-04 08:16-0400\n" "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n" "Language-Team: Slovak (https://www.transifex.com/calamares/teams/20061/sk/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" -"Generated-By: pygettext.py 1.5\n" "Language: sk\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n==1) ? 0 : (n>=2 && n<=4) ? 1 : 2;\n" +#: src/modules/machineid/main.py:35 +msgid "Generate machine-id." +msgstr "" + #: src/modules/dummypython/main.py:44 msgid "Dummy python job." msgstr "" @@ -23,6 +29,27 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Dummy python step {}" msgstr "" -#: src/modules/machineid/main.py:35 -msgid "Generate machine-id." +#: src/modules/packages/main.py:59 +#, python-format +msgid "Processing packages (%(count)d / %(total)d)" +msgstr "" + +#: src/modules/packages/main.py:61 +#, python-format +msgid "Installing one package." +msgid_plural "Installing %(num)d packages." +msgstr[0] "" +msgstr[1] "" +msgstr[2] "" + +#: src/modules/packages/main.py:64 +#, python-format +msgid "Removing one package." +msgid_plural "Removing %(num)d packages." +msgstr[0] "" +msgstr[1] "" +msgstr[2] "" + +#: src/modules/packages/main.py:68 +msgid "Install packages." msgstr "" diff --git a/lang/python/sl/LC_MESSAGES/python.mo b/lang/python/sl/LC_MESSAGES/python.mo index 2be66f6ad..615d4b0b7 100644 Binary files a/lang/python/sl/LC_MESSAGES/python.mo and b/lang/python/sl/LC_MESSAGES/python.mo differ diff --git a/lang/python/sl/LC_MESSAGES/python.po b/lang/python/sl/LC_MESSAGES/python.po index 06f969efb..75e1ce058 100644 --- a/lang/python/sl/LC_MESSAGES/python.po +++ b/lang/python/sl/LC_MESSAGES/python.po @@ -1,20 +1,26 @@ # SOME DESCRIPTIVE TITLE. -# Copyright (C) YEAR ORGANIZATION +# Copyright (C) YEAR THE PACKAGE'S COPYRIGHT HOLDER +# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package. # FIRST AUTHOR , YEAR. # +#, fuzzy msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-08-21 17:55-0400\n" +"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-09-04 08:16-0400\n" "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n" "Language-Team: Slovenian (https://www.transifex.com/calamares/teams/20061/sl/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" -"Generated-By: pygettext.py 1.5\n" "Language: sl\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=4; plural=(n%100==1 ? 0 : n%100==2 ? 1 : n%100==3 || n%100==4 ? 2 : 3);\n" +#: src/modules/machineid/main.py:35 +msgid "Generate machine-id." +msgstr "" + #: src/modules/dummypython/main.py:44 msgid "Dummy python job." msgstr "" @@ -23,6 +29,29 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Dummy python step {}" msgstr "" -#: src/modules/machineid/main.py:35 -msgid "Generate machine-id." +#: src/modules/packages/main.py:59 +#, python-format +msgid "Processing packages (%(count)d / %(total)d)" +msgstr "" + +#: src/modules/packages/main.py:61 +#, python-format +msgid "Installing one package." +msgid_plural "Installing %(num)d packages." +msgstr[0] "" +msgstr[1] "" +msgstr[2] "" +msgstr[3] "" + +#: src/modules/packages/main.py:64 +#, python-format +msgid "Removing one package." +msgid_plural "Removing %(num)d packages." +msgstr[0] "" +msgstr[1] "" +msgstr[2] "" +msgstr[3] "" + +#: src/modules/packages/main.py:68 +msgid "Install packages." msgstr "" diff --git a/lang/python/sr/LC_MESSAGES/python.mo b/lang/python/sr/LC_MESSAGES/python.mo index 644bf61ff..d6f9d392c 100644 Binary files a/lang/python/sr/LC_MESSAGES/python.mo and b/lang/python/sr/LC_MESSAGES/python.mo differ diff --git a/lang/python/sr/LC_MESSAGES/python.po b/lang/python/sr/LC_MESSAGES/python.po index 6c9bcf090..3d7d8a376 100644 --- a/lang/python/sr/LC_MESSAGES/python.po +++ b/lang/python/sr/LC_MESSAGES/python.po @@ -1,20 +1,26 @@ # SOME DESCRIPTIVE TITLE. -# Copyright (C) YEAR ORGANIZATION +# Copyright (C) YEAR THE PACKAGE'S COPYRIGHT HOLDER +# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package. # FIRST AUTHOR , YEAR. # +#, fuzzy msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-08-21 17:55-0400\n" +"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-09-04 08:16-0400\n" "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n" "Language-Team: Serbian (https://www.transifex.com/calamares/teams/20061/sr/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" -"Generated-By: pygettext.py 1.5\n" "Language: sr\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2);\n" +#: src/modules/machineid/main.py:35 +msgid "Generate machine-id." +msgstr "" + #: src/modules/dummypython/main.py:44 msgid "Dummy python job." msgstr "" @@ -23,6 +29,27 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Dummy python step {}" msgstr "" -#: src/modules/machineid/main.py:35 -msgid "Generate machine-id." +#: src/modules/packages/main.py:59 +#, python-format +msgid "Processing packages (%(count)d / %(total)d)" +msgstr "" + +#: src/modules/packages/main.py:61 +#, python-format +msgid "Installing one package." +msgid_plural "Installing %(num)d packages." +msgstr[0] "" +msgstr[1] "" +msgstr[2] "" + +#: src/modules/packages/main.py:64 +#, python-format +msgid "Removing one package." +msgid_plural "Removing %(num)d packages." +msgstr[0] "" +msgstr[1] "" +msgstr[2] "" + +#: src/modules/packages/main.py:68 +msgid "Install packages." msgstr "" diff --git a/lang/python/sr@latin/LC_MESSAGES/python.mo b/lang/python/sr@latin/LC_MESSAGES/python.mo index 4d987eec0..ec7faf311 100644 Binary files a/lang/python/sr@latin/LC_MESSAGES/python.mo and b/lang/python/sr@latin/LC_MESSAGES/python.mo differ diff --git a/lang/python/sr@latin/LC_MESSAGES/python.po b/lang/python/sr@latin/LC_MESSAGES/python.po index 2df9c34e2..2ec845ba1 100644 --- a/lang/python/sr@latin/LC_MESSAGES/python.po +++ b/lang/python/sr@latin/LC_MESSAGES/python.po @@ -1,20 +1,26 @@ # SOME DESCRIPTIVE TITLE. -# Copyright (C) YEAR ORGANIZATION +# Copyright (C) YEAR THE PACKAGE'S COPYRIGHT HOLDER +# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package. # FIRST AUTHOR , YEAR. # +#, fuzzy msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-08-21 17:55-0400\n" +"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-09-04 08:16-0400\n" "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n" "Language-Team: Serbian (Latin) (https://www.transifex.com/calamares/teams/20061/sr@latin/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" -"Generated-By: pygettext.py 1.5\n" "Language: sr@latin\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2);\n" +#: src/modules/machineid/main.py:35 +msgid "Generate machine-id." +msgstr "" + #: src/modules/dummypython/main.py:44 msgid "Dummy python job." msgstr "" @@ -23,6 +29,27 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Dummy python step {}" msgstr "" -#: src/modules/machineid/main.py:35 -msgid "Generate machine-id." +#: src/modules/packages/main.py:59 +#, python-format +msgid "Processing packages (%(count)d / %(total)d)" +msgstr "" + +#: src/modules/packages/main.py:61 +#, python-format +msgid "Installing one package." +msgid_plural "Installing %(num)d packages." +msgstr[0] "" +msgstr[1] "" +msgstr[2] "" + +#: src/modules/packages/main.py:64 +#, python-format +msgid "Removing one package." +msgid_plural "Removing %(num)d packages." +msgstr[0] "" +msgstr[1] "" +msgstr[2] "" + +#: src/modules/packages/main.py:68 +msgid "Install packages." msgstr "" diff --git a/lang/python/sv/LC_MESSAGES/python.mo b/lang/python/sv/LC_MESSAGES/python.mo index 9cc4780e2..e27097ca7 100644 Binary files a/lang/python/sv/LC_MESSAGES/python.mo and b/lang/python/sv/LC_MESSAGES/python.mo differ diff --git a/lang/python/sv/LC_MESSAGES/python.po b/lang/python/sv/LC_MESSAGES/python.po index 47802736c..961a8dd0d 100644 --- a/lang/python/sv/LC_MESSAGES/python.po +++ b/lang/python/sv/LC_MESSAGES/python.po @@ -1,20 +1,26 @@ # SOME DESCRIPTIVE TITLE. -# Copyright (C) YEAR ORGANIZATION +# Copyright (C) YEAR THE PACKAGE'S COPYRIGHT HOLDER +# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package. # FIRST AUTHOR , YEAR. # +#, fuzzy msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-08-21 17:55-0400\n" +"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-09-04 08:16-0400\n" "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n" "Language-Team: Swedish (https://www.transifex.com/calamares/teams/20061/sv/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" -"Generated-By: pygettext.py 1.5\n" "Language: sv\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n" +#: src/modules/machineid/main.py:35 +msgid "Generate machine-id." +msgstr "" + #: src/modules/dummypython/main.py:44 msgid "Dummy python job." msgstr "" @@ -23,6 +29,25 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Dummy python step {}" msgstr "" -#: src/modules/machineid/main.py:35 -msgid "Generate machine-id." +#: src/modules/packages/main.py:59 +#, python-format +msgid "Processing packages (%(count)d / %(total)d)" +msgstr "" + +#: src/modules/packages/main.py:61 +#, python-format +msgid "Installing one package." +msgid_plural "Installing %(num)d packages." +msgstr[0] "" +msgstr[1] "" + +#: src/modules/packages/main.py:64 +#, python-format +msgid "Removing one package." +msgid_plural "Removing %(num)d packages." +msgstr[0] "" +msgstr[1] "" + +#: src/modules/packages/main.py:68 +msgid "Install packages." msgstr "" diff --git a/lang/python/th/LC_MESSAGES/python.mo b/lang/python/th/LC_MESSAGES/python.mo index a3a10a3fd..99aa63beb 100644 Binary files a/lang/python/th/LC_MESSAGES/python.mo and b/lang/python/th/LC_MESSAGES/python.mo differ diff --git a/lang/python/th/LC_MESSAGES/python.po b/lang/python/th/LC_MESSAGES/python.po index 0ead47db9..da9c4a44e 100644 --- a/lang/python/th/LC_MESSAGES/python.po +++ b/lang/python/th/LC_MESSAGES/python.po @@ -1,20 +1,26 @@ # SOME DESCRIPTIVE TITLE. -# Copyright (C) YEAR ORGANIZATION +# Copyright (C) YEAR THE PACKAGE'S COPYRIGHT HOLDER +# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package. # FIRST AUTHOR , YEAR. # +#, fuzzy msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-08-21 17:55-0400\n" +"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-09-04 08:16-0400\n" "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n" "Language-Team: Thai (https://www.transifex.com/calamares/teams/20061/th/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" -"Generated-By: pygettext.py 1.5\n" "Language: th\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n" +#: src/modules/machineid/main.py:35 +msgid "Generate machine-id." +msgstr "" + #: src/modules/dummypython/main.py:44 msgid "Dummy python job." msgstr "" @@ -23,6 +29,23 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Dummy python step {}" msgstr "" -#: src/modules/machineid/main.py:35 -msgid "Generate machine-id." +#: src/modules/packages/main.py:59 +#, python-format +msgid "Processing packages (%(count)d / %(total)d)" +msgstr "" + +#: src/modules/packages/main.py:61 +#, python-format +msgid "Installing one package." +msgid_plural "Installing %(num)d packages." +msgstr[0] "" + +#: src/modules/packages/main.py:64 +#, python-format +msgid "Removing one package." +msgid_plural "Removing %(num)d packages." +msgstr[0] "" + +#: src/modules/packages/main.py:68 +msgid "Install packages." msgstr "" diff --git a/lang/python/tr_TR/LC_MESSAGES/python.mo b/lang/python/tr_TR/LC_MESSAGES/python.mo index dd976051a..046d5b5c9 100644 Binary files a/lang/python/tr_TR/LC_MESSAGES/python.mo and b/lang/python/tr_TR/LC_MESSAGES/python.mo differ diff --git a/lang/python/tr_TR/LC_MESSAGES/python.po b/lang/python/tr_TR/LC_MESSAGES/python.po index 257abac67..9be847915 100644 --- a/lang/python/tr_TR/LC_MESSAGES/python.po +++ b/lang/python/tr_TR/LC_MESSAGES/python.po @@ -1,23 +1,27 @@ # SOME DESCRIPTIVE TITLE. -# Copyright (C) YEAR ORGANIZATION +# Copyright (C) YEAR THE PACKAGE'S COPYRIGHT HOLDER +# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package. # FIRST AUTHOR , YEAR. # -# Translators: -# Demiray Muhterem , 2017 +#, fuzzy msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-08-21 17:55-0400\n" +"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-09-04 08:16-0400\n" "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n" "Last-Translator: Demiray Muhterem , 2017\n" "Language-Team: Turkish (Turkey) (https://www.transifex.com/calamares/teams/20061/tr_TR/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" -"Generated-By: pygettext.py 1.5\n" "Language: tr_TR\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n" +#: src/modules/machineid/main.py:35 +msgid "Generate machine-id." +msgstr "Makine kimliği oluştur." + #: src/modules/dummypython/main.py:44 msgid "Dummy python job." msgstr "Dummy python job." @@ -26,6 +30,23 @@ msgstr "Dummy python job." msgid "Dummy python step {}" msgstr "Dummy python step {}" -#: src/modules/machineid/main.py:35 -msgid "Generate machine-id." -msgstr "Makine kimliği oluştur." +#: src/modules/packages/main.py:59 +#, python-format +msgid "Processing packages (%(count)d / %(total)d)" +msgstr "Paketler işleniyor (%(count)d / %(total)d)" + +#: src/modules/packages/main.py:61 +#, python-format +msgid "Installing one package." +msgid_plural "Installing %(num)d packages." +msgstr[0] "%(num)d paket yükleniyor" + +#: src/modules/packages/main.py:64 +#, python-format +msgid "Removing one package." +msgid_plural "Removing %(num)d packages." +msgstr[0] "%(num)d paket kaldırılıyor." + +#: src/modules/packages/main.py:68 +msgid "Install packages." +msgstr "Paketleri yükle" diff --git a/lang/python/uk/LC_MESSAGES/python.mo b/lang/python/uk/LC_MESSAGES/python.mo index bd9e1646f..d17a14087 100644 Binary files a/lang/python/uk/LC_MESSAGES/python.mo and b/lang/python/uk/LC_MESSAGES/python.mo differ diff --git a/lang/python/uk/LC_MESSAGES/python.po b/lang/python/uk/LC_MESSAGES/python.po index 4d3aebff2..c25e7e777 100644 --- a/lang/python/uk/LC_MESSAGES/python.po +++ b/lang/python/uk/LC_MESSAGES/python.po @@ -1,20 +1,26 @@ # SOME DESCRIPTIVE TITLE. -# Copyright (C) YEAR ORGANIZATION +# Copyright (C) YEAR THE PACKAGE'S COPYRIGHT HOLDER +# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package. # FIRST AUTHOR , YEAR. # +#, fuzzy msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-08-21 17:55-0400\n" +"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-09-04 08:16-0400\n" "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n" "Language-Team: Ukrainian (https://www.transifex.com/calamares/teams/20061/uk/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" -"Generated-By: pygettext.py 1.5\n" "Language: uk\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2);\n" +#: src/modules/machineid/main.py:35 +msgid "Generate machine-id." +msgstr "" + #: src/modules/dummypython/main.py:44 msgid "Dummy python job." msgstr "" @@ -23,6 +29,27 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Dummy python step {}" msgstr "" -#: src/modules/machineid/main.py:35 -msgid "Generate machine-id." +#: src/modules/packages/main.py:59 +#, python-format +msgid "Processing packages (%(count)d / %(total)d)" +msgstr "" + +#: src/modules/packages/main.py:61 +#, python-format +msgid "Installing one package." +msgid_plural "Installing %(num)d packages." +msgstr[0] "" +msgstr[1] "" +msgstr[2] "" + +#: src/modules/packages/main.py:64 +#, python-format +msgid "Removing one package." +msgid_plural "Removing %(num)d packages." +msgstr[0] "" +msgstr[1] "" +msgstr[2] "" + +#: src/modules/packages/main.py:68 +msgid "Install packages." msgstr "" diff --git a/lang/python/ur/LC_MESSAGES/python.mo b/lang/python/ur/LC_MESSAGES/python.mo index bac8758da..176215bcb 100644 Binary files a/lang/python/ur/LC_MESSAGES/python.mo and b/lang/python/ur/LC_MESSAGES/python.mo differ diff --git a/lang/python/ur/LC_MESSAGES/python.po b/lang/python/ur/LC_MESSAGES/python.po index 29c56e76d..58ff76786 100644 --- a/lang/python/ur/LC_MESSAGES/python.po +++ b/lang/python/ur/LC_MESSAGES/python.po @@ -1,20 +1,26 @@ # SOME DESCRIPTIVE TITLE. -# Copyright (C) YEAR ORGANIZATION +# Copyright (C) YEAR THE PACKAGE'S COPYRIGHT HOLDER +# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package. # FIRST AUTHOR , YEAR. # +#, fuzzy msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-08-21 17:55-0400\n" +"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-09-04 08:16-0400\n" "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n" "Language-Team: Urdu (https://www.transifex.com/calamares/teams/20061/ur/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" -"Generated-By: pygettext.py 1.5\n" "Language: ur\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n" +#: src/modules/machineid/main.py:35 +msgid "Generate machine-id." +msgstr "" + #: src/modules/dummypython/main.py:44 msgid "Dummy python job." msgstr "" @@ -23,6 +29,25 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Dummy python step {}" msgstr "" -#: src/modules/machineid/main.py:35 -msgid "Generate machine-id." +#: src/modules/packages/main.py:59 +#, python-format +msgid "Processing packages (%(count)d / %(total)d)" +msgstr "" + +#: src/modules/packages/main.py:61 +#, python-format +msgid "Installing one package." +msgid_plural "Installing %(num)d packages." +msgstr[0] "" +msgstr[1] "" + +#: src/modules/packages/main.py:64 +#, python-format +msgid "Removing one package." +msgid_plural "Removing %(num)d packages." +msgstr[0] "" +msgstr[1] "" + +#: src/modules/packages/main.py:68 +msgid "Install packages." msgstr "" diff --git a/lang/python/uz/LC_MESSAGES/python.mo b/lang/python/uz/LC_MESSAGES/python.mo index 83a0bd2e4..037e2fa2a 100644 Binary files a/lang/python/uz/LC_MESSAGES/python.mo and b/lang/python/uz/LC_MESSAGES/python.mo differ diff --git a/lang/python/uz/LC_MESSAGES/python.po b/lang/python/uz/LC_MESSAGES/python.po index 818df31ba..26cab9c97 100644 --- a/lang/python/uz/LC_MESSAGES/python.po +++ b/lang/python/uz/LC_MESSAGES/python.po @@ -1,20 +1,26 @@ # SOME DESCRIPTIVE TITLE. -# Copyright (C) YEAR ORGANIZATION +# Copyright (C) YEAR THE PACKAGE'S COPYRIGHT HOLDER +# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package. # FIRST AUTHOR , YEAR. # +#, fuzzy msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-08-21 17:55-0400\n" +"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-09-04 08:16-0400\n" "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n" "Language-Team: Uzbek (https://www.transifex.com/calamares/teams/20061/uz/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" -"Generated-By: pygettext.py 1.5\n" "Language: uz\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n" +#: src/modules/machineid/main.py:35 +msgid "Generate machine-id." +msgstr "" + #: src/modules/dummypython/main.py:44 msgid "Dummy python job." msgstr "" @@ -23,6 +29,23 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Dummy python step {}" msgstr "" -#: src/modules/machineid/main.py:35 -msgid "Generate machine-id." +#: src/modules/packages/main.py:59 +#, python-format +msgid "Processing packages (%(count)d / %(total)d)" +msgstr "" + +#: src/modules/packages/main.py:61 +#, python-format +msgid "Installing one package." +msgid_plural "Installing %(num)d packages." +msgstr[0] "" + +#: src/modules/packages/main.py:64 +#, python-format +msgid "Removing one package." +msgid_plural "Removing %(num)d packages." +msgstr[0] "" + +#: src/modules/packages/main.py:68 +msgid "Install packages." msgstr "" diff --git a/lang/python/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/python.mo b/lang/python/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/python.mo index b04097270..7e0bff4f5 100644 Binary files a/lang/python/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/python.mo and b/lang/python/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/python.mo differ diff --git a/lang/python/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/python.po b/lang/python/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/python.po index 1e33f1d1c..2d918d9bb 100644 --- a/lang/python/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/python.po +++ b/lang/python/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/python.po @@ -1,23 +1,27 @@ # SOME DESCRIPTIVE TITLE. -# Copyright (C) YEAR ORGANIZATION +# Copyright (C) YEAR THE PACKAGE'S COPYRIGHT HOLDER +# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package. # FIRST AUTHOR , YEAR. # -# Translators: -# Mingcong Bai , 2017 +#, fuzzy msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-08-21 17:55-0400\n" +"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-09-04 08:16-0400\n" "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n" "Last-Translator: Mingcong Bai , 2017\n" "Language-Team: Chinese (China) (https://www.transifex.com/calamares/teams/20061/zh_CN/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" -"Generated-By: pygettext.py 1.5\n" "Language: zh_CN\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n" +#: src/modules/machineid/main.py:35 +msgid "Generate machine-id." +msgstr "生成 machine-id。" + #: src/modules/dummypython/main.py:44 msgid "Dummy python job." msgstr "占位 Python 任务。" @@ -26,6 +30,23 @@ msgstr "占位 Python 任务。" msgid "Dummy python step {}" msgstr "占位 Python 步骤 {}" -#: src/modules/machineid/main.py:35 -msgid "Generate machine-id." -msgstr "生成 machine-id。" +#: src/modules/packages/main.py:59 +#, python-format +msgid "Processing packages (%(count)d / %(total)d)" +msgstr "" + +#: src/modules/packages/main.py:61 +#, python-format +msgid "Installing one package." +msgid_plural "Installing %(num)d packages." +msgstr[0] "" + +#: src/modules/packages/main.py:64 +#, python-format +msgid "Removing one package." +msgid_plural "Removing %(num)d packages." +msgstr[0] "" + +#: src/modules/packages/main.py:68 +msgid "Install packages." +msgstr "" diff --git a/lang/python/zh_TW/LC_MESSAGES/python.mo b/lang/python/zh_TW/LC_MESSAGES/python.mo index 513104f66..2fb81f156 100644 Binary files a/lang/python/zh_TW/LC_MESSAGES/python.mo and b/lang/python/zh_TW/LC_MESSAGES/python.mo differ diff --git a/lang/python/zh_TW/LC_MESSAGES/python.po b/lang/python/zh_TW/LC_MESSAGES/python.po index 6bea01c7e..2d1398174 100644 --- a/lang/python/zh_TW/LC_MESSAGES/python.po +++ b/lang/python/zh_TW/LC_MESSAGES/python.po @@ -1,23 +1,27 @@ # SOME DESCRIPTIVE TITLE. -# Copyright (C) YEAR ORGANIZATION +# Copyright (C) YEAR THE PACKAGE'S COPYRIGHT HOLDER +# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package. # FIRST AUTHOR , YEAR. # -# Translators: -# Jeff Huang , 2017 +#, fuzzy msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-08-21 17:55-0400\n" +"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-09-04 08:16-0400\n" "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n" "Last-Translator: Jeff Huang , 2017\n" "Language-Team: Chinese (Taiwan) (https://www.transifex.com/calamares/teams/20061/zh_TW/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" -"Generated-By: pygettext.py 1.5\n" "Language: zh_TW\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n" +#: src/modules/machineid/main.py:35 +msgid "Generate machine-id." +msgstr "生成 machine-id。" + #: src/modules/dummypython/main.py:44 msgid "Dummy python job." msgstr "假的 python 工作。" @@ -26,6 +30,23 @@ msgstr "假的 python 工作。" msgid "Dummy python step {}" msgstr "假的 python step {}" -#: src/modules/machineid/main.py:35 -msgid "Generate machine-id." -msgstr "生成 machine-id。" +#: src/modules/packages/main.py:59 +#, python-format +msgid "Processing packages (%(count)d / %(total)d)" +msgstr "正在處理軟體包 (%(count)d / %(total)d)" + +#: src/modules/packages/main.py:61 +#, python-format +msgid "Installing one package." +msgid_plural "Installing %(num)d packages." +msgstr[0] "正在安裝 %(num)d 軟體包。" + +#: src/modules/packages/main.py:64 +#, python-format +msgid "Removing one package." +msgid_plural "Removing %(num)d packages." +msgstr[0] "正在移除 %(num)d 軟體包。" + +#: src/modules/packages/main.py:68 +msgid "Install packages." +msgstr "安裝軟體包。" diff --git a/src/modules/bootloader/main.py b/src/modules/bootloader/main.py index fd5990490..c2cdc1108 100644 --- a/src/modules/bootloader/main.py +++ b/src/modules/bootloader/main.py @@ -11,6 +11,8 @@ # Copyright 2015, Philip Mueller # Copyright 2016-2017, Teo Mrnjavac # Copyright 2017, Alf Gaida +# Copyright 2017, Adriaan de Groot +# Copyright 2017, Gabriel Craciunescu # # Calamares is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by @@ -104,16 +106,22 @@ def create_systemd_boot_conf(uuid, conf_path, kernel_line): cryptdevice_params = [] + # Take over swap settings: + # - unencrypted swap partition sets swap_uuid + # - encrypted root sets cryptdevice_params for partition in partitions: - if partition["fs"] == "linuxswap": + has_luks = "luksMapperName" in partition + if partition["fs"] == "linuxswap" and not has_luks: swap_uuid = partition["uuid"] - if partition["mountPoint"] == "/" and "luksMapperName" in partition: + if partition["mountPoint"] == "/" and has_luks: cryptdevice_params = ["cryptdevice=UUID=" + partition["luksUuid"] + ":" + partition["luksMapperName"], "root=/dev/mapper/" + + partition["luksMapperName"], + "resume=/dev/mapper/" + partition["luksMapperName"]] if cryptdevice_params: diff --git a/src/modules/dummypythonqt/lang/ar/LC_MESSAGES/dummypythonqt.mo b/src/modules/dummypythonqt/lang/ar/LC_MESSAGES/dummypythonqt.mo index e99aa6d4a..8a59291af 100644 Binary files a/src/modules/dummypythonqt/lang/ar/LC_MESSAGES/dummypythonqt.mo and b/src/modules/dummypythonqt/lang/ar/LC_MESSAGES/dummypythonqt.mo differ diff --git a/src/modules/dummypythonqt/lang/ar/LC_MESSAGES/dummypythonqt.po b/src/modules/dummypythonqt/lang/ar/LC_MESSAGES/dummypythonqt.po index b4d344452..311e75830 100644 --- a/src/modules/dummypythonqt/lang/ar/LC_MESSAGES/dummypythonqt.po +++ b/src/modules/dummypythonqt/lang/ar/LC_MESSAGES/dummypythonqt.po @@ -1,17 +1,19 @@ # SOME DESCRIPTIVE TITLE. -# Copyright (C) YEAR ORGANIZATION +# Copyright (C) YEAR THE PACKAGE'S COPYRIGHT HOLDER +# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package. # FIRST AUTHOR , YEAR. # +#, fuzzy msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-08-09 06:34-0400\n" +"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-09-04 08:16-0400\n" "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n" "Language-Team: Arabic (https://www.transifex.com/calamares/teams/20061/ar/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; 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charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" -"Generated-By: pygettext.py 1.5\n" "Language: ast\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n" diff --git a/src/modules/dummypythonqt/lang/bg/LC_MESSAGES/dummypythonqt.mo b/src/modules/dummypythonqt/lang/bg/LC_MESSAGES/dummypythonqt.mo index 634bd45a7..470525ae3 100644 Binary files a/src/modules/dummypythonqt/lang/bg/LC_MESSAGES/dummypythonqt.mo and b/src/modules/dummypythonqt/lang/bg/LC_MESSAGES/dummypythonqt.mo differ diff --git a/src/modules/dummypythonqt/lang/bg/LC_MESSAGES/dummypythonqt.po b/src/modules/dummypythonqt/lang/bg/LC_MESSAGES/dummypythonqt.po index aabd15e6e..9d8734987 100644 --- a/src/modules/dummypythonqt/lang/bg/LC_MESSAGES/dummypythonqt.po +++ b/src/modules/dummypythonqt/lang/bg/LC_MESSAGES/dummypythonqt.po @@ -1,17 +1,19 @@ # SOME DESCRIPTIVE TITLE. -# Copyright (C) YEAR ORGANIZATION +# Copyright (C) YEAR THE PACKAGE'S COPYRIGHT HOLDER +# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package. # FIRST AUTHOR , YEAR. # +#, fuzzy msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-08-09 06:34-0400\n" +"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-09-04 08:16-0400\n" "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n" "Language-Team: Bulgarian (https://www.transifex.com/calamares/teams/20061/bg/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; 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charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" -"Generated-By: pygettext.py 1.5\n" "Language: da\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n" diff --git a/src/modules/dummypythonqt/lang/de/LC_MESSAGES/dummypythonqt.mo b/src/modules/dummypythonqt/lang/de/LC_MESSAGES/dummypythonqt.mo index a22587fba..28d4bf048 100644 Binary files a/src/modules/dummypythonqt/lang/de/LC_MESSAGES/dummypythonqt.mo and b/src/modules/dummypythonqt/lang/de/LC_MESSAGES/dummypythonqt.mo differ diff --git a/src/modules/dummypythonqt/lang/de/LC_MESSAGES/dummypythonqt.po b/src/modules/dummypythonqt/lang/de/LC_MESSAGES/dummypythonqt.po index 92e24b4df..c361beac9 100644 --- a/src/modules/dummypythonqt/lang/de/LC_MESSAGES/dummypythonqt.po +++ b/src/modules/dummypythonqt/lang/de/LC_MESSAGES/dummypythonqt.po @@ -1,20 +1,20 @@ # SOME DESCRIPTIVE TITLE. -# Copyright (C) YEAR ORGANIZATION +# Copyright (C) YEAR THE PACKAGE'S COPYRIGHT HOLDER +# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package. # FIRST AUTHOR , YEAR. # -# Translators: -# Christian Spaan , 2017 +#, fuzzy msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-08-09 06:34-0400\n" +"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-09-04 08:16-0400\n" "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n" "Last-Translator: Christian Spaan , 2017\n" "Language-Team: German (https://www.transifex.com/calamares/teams/20061/de/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" -"Generated-By: pygettext.py 1.5\n" "Language: de\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n" diff --git a/src/modules/dummypythonqt/lang/dummypythonqt.pot b/src/modules/dummypythonqt/lang/dummypythonqt.pot index 23568c2aa..14e65bd02 100644 --- a/src/modules/dummypythonqt/lang/dummypythonqt.pot +++ b/src/modules/dummypythonqt/lang/dummypythonqt.pot @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ # Copyright (C) YEAR THE PACKAGE'S COPYRIGHT HOLDER # This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package. # FIRST AUTHOR , YEAR. -# +# #, fuzzy msgid "" msgstr "" @@ -12,31 +12,31 @@ msgstr "" "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n" "Last-Translator: FULL NAME \n" "Language-Team: LANGUAGE \n" -"Language: \n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=CHARSET\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" +"Language: \n" #: src/modules/dummypythonqt/main.py:84 msgid "Click me!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Click me!" #: src/modules/dummypythonqt/main.py:94 msgid "A new QLabel." -msgstr "" +msgstr "A new QLabel." #: src/modules/dummypythonqt/main.py:97 msgid "Dummy PythonQt ViewStep" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Dummy PythonQt ViewStep" #: src/modules/dummypythonqt/main.py:183 msgid "The Dummy PythonQt Job" -msgstr "" +msgstr "The Dummy PythonQt Job" #: src/modules/dummypythonqt/main.py:186 msgid "This is the Dummy PythonQt Job. The dummy job says: {}" -msgstr "" +msgstr "This is the Dummy PythonQt Job. The dummy job says: {}" #: src/modules/dummypythonqt/main.py:190 msgid "A status message for Dummy PythonQt Job." -msgstr "" +msgstr "A status message for Dummy PythonQt Job." diff --git a/src/modules/dummypythonqt/lang/el/LC_MESSAGES/dummypythonqt.mo b/src/modules/dummypythonqt/lang/el/LC_MESSAGES/dummypythonqt.mo index bbfb33004..c7d45e879 100644 Binary files a/src/modules/dummypythonqt/lang/el/LC_MESSAGES/dummypythonqt.mo and b/src/modules/dummypythonqt/lang/el/LC_MESSAGES/dummypythonqt.mo differ diff --git a/src/modules/dummypythonqt/lang/el/LC_MESSAGES/dummypythonqt.po b/src/modules/dummypythonqt/lang/el/LC_MESSAGES/dummypythonqt.po index 3b305234e..7b55d6c65 100644 --- a/src/modules/dummypythonqt/lang/el/LC_MESSAGES/dummypythonqt.po +++ b/src/modules/dummypythonqt/lang/el/LC_MESSAGES/dummypythonqt.po @@ -1,17 +1,19 @@ # SOME DESCRIPTIVE TITLE. -# Copyright (C) YEAR ORGANIZATION +# Copyright (C) YEAR THE PACKAGE'S COPYRIGHT HOLDER +# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package. # FIRST AUTHOR , YEAR. # +#, fuzzy msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-08-09 06:34-0400\n" +"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-09-04 08:16-0400\n" "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n" "Language-Team: Greek (https://www.transifex.com/calamares/teams/20061/el/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; 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charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" -"Generated-By: pygettext.py 1.5\n" "Language: hu\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n" @@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ msgstr "Egy új QLabel." #: src/modules/dummypythonqt/main.py:97 msgid "Dummy PythonQt ViewStep" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Hamis PythonQt ViewStep" #: src/modules/dummypythonqt/main.py:183 msgid "The Dummy PythonQt Job" diff --git a/src/modules/dummypythonqt/lang/id/LC_MESSAGES/dummypythonqt.mo b/src/modules/dummypythonqt/lang/id/LC_MESSAGES/dummypythonqt.mo index ee4f15b52..4c66c3fee 100644 Binary files a/src/modules/dummypythonqt/lang/id/LC_MESSAGES/dummypythonqt.mo and b/src/modules/dummypythonqt/lang/id/LC_MESSAGES/dummypythonqt.mo differ diff --git a/src/modules/dummypythonqt/lang/id/LC_MESSAGES/dummypythonqt.po b/src/modules/dummypythonqt/lang/id/LC_MESSAGES/dummypythonqt.po index 3ab2a255a..6e391eaf8 100644 --- a/src/modules/dummypythonqt/lang/id/LC_MESSAGES/dummypythonqt.po +++ b/src/modules/dummypythonqt/lang/id/LC_MESSAGES/dummypythonqt.po @@ -1,20 +1,20 @@ # SOME DESCRIPTIVE TITLE. -# Copyright (C) YEAR ORGANIZATION +# Copyright (C) YEAR THE PACKAGE'S COPYRIGHT HOLDER +# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package. # FIRST AUTHOR , YEAR. # -# Translators: -# Kukuh Syafaat , 2016 +#, fuzzy msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-08-09 06:34-0400\n" +"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-09-04 08:16-0400\n" "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n" -"Last-Translator: Kukuh Syafaat , 2016\n" +"Last-Translator: Wantoyo , 2016\n" "Language-Team: Indonesian (https://www.transifex.com/calamares/teams/20061/id/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" -"Generated-By: pygettext.py 1.5\n" "Language: id\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n" @@ -24,11 +24,11 @@ msgstr "Klik saya!" #: src/modules/dummypythonqt/main.py:94 msgid "A new QLabel." -msgstr "QLabel baru." +msgstr "Sebuah QLabel baru." #: src/modules/dummypythonqt/main.py:97 msgid "Dummy PythonQt ViewStep" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Dummy PythonQt ViewStep" #: src/modules/dummypythonqt/main.py:183 msgid "The Dummy PythonQt Job" diff --git a/src/modules/dummypythonqt/lang/is/LC_MESSAGES/dummypythonqt.mo b/src/modules/dummypythonqt/lang/is/LC_MESSAGES/dummypythonqt.mo index c638cbd28..d30364d9c 100644 Binary files a/src/modules/dummypythonqt/lang/is/LC_MESSAGES/dummypythonqt.mo and b/src/modules/dummypythonqt/lang/is/LC_MESSAGES/dummypythonqt.mo differ diff --git a/src/modules/dummypythonqt/lang/is/LC_MESSAGES/dummypythonqt.po b/src/modules/dummypythonqt/lang/is/LC_MESSAGES/dummypythonqt.po index da3c397ea..5b87a423f 100644 --- a/src/modules/dummypythonqt/lang/is/LC_MESSAGES/dummypythonqt.po +++ b/src/modules/dummypythonqt/lang/is/LC_MESSAGES/dummypythonqt.po @@ -1,20 +1,20 @@ # SOME DESCRIPTIVE TITLE. -# Copyright (C) YEAR ORGANIZATION +# Copyright (C) YEAR THE PACKAGE'S COPYRIGHT HOLDER +# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package. # FIRST AUTHOR , YEAR. # -# Translators: -# Kristján Magnússon , 2017 +#, fuzzy msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-08-09 06:34-0400\n" +"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-09-04 08:16-0400\n" "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n" "Last-Translator: Kristján Magnússon , 2017\n" "Language-Team: Icelandic (https://www.transifex.com/calamares/teams/20061/is/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" -"Generated-By: pygettext.py 1.5\n" "Language: is\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n % 10 != 1 || n % 100 == 11);\n" @@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ msgstr "Nýtt QLabel." #: src/modules/dummypythonqt/main.py:97 msgid "Dummy PythonQt ViewStep" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Dummy PythonQt ViewStep" #: src/modules/dummypythonqt/main.py:183 msgid "The Dummy PythonQt Job" diff --git a/src/modules/dummypythonqt/lang/it_IT/LC_MESSAGES/dummypythonqt.mo b/src/modules/dummypythonqt/lang/it_IT/LC_MESSAGES/dummypythonqt.mo index 8549b91ec..73b11b8a0 100644 Binary files a/src/modules/dummypythonqt/lang/it_IT/LC_MESSAGES/dummypythonqt.mo and b/src/modules/dummypythonqt/lang/it_IT/LC_MESSAGES/dummypythonqt.mo differ diff --git a/src/modules/dummypythonqt/lang/it_IT/LC_MESSAGES/dummypythonqt.po b/src/modules/dummypythonqt/lang/it_IT/LC_MESSAGES/dummypythonqt.po index c545a6282..58908a127 100644 --- a/src/modules/dummypythonqt/lang/it_IT/LC_MESSAGES/dummypythonqt.po +++ b/src/modules/dummypythonqt/lang/it_IT/LC_MESSAGES/dummypythonqt.po @@ -1,21 +1,20 @@ # SOME DESCRIPTIVE TITLE. -# Copyright (C) YEAR ORGANIZATION +# Copyright (C) YEAR THE PACKAGE'S COPYRIGHT HOLDER +# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package. # FIRST AUTHOR , YEAR. # -# Translators: -# Teo Mrnjavac , 2016 -# Saverio , 2016 +#, fuzzy msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-08-09 06:34-0400\n" +"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-09-04 08:16-0400\n" "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n" "Last-Translator: Saverio , 2016\n" "Language-Team: Italian (Italy) (https://www.transifex.com/calamares/teams/20061/it_IT/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; 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charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" -"Generated-By: pygettext.py 1.5\n" "Language: ja\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n" diff --git a/src/modules/dummypythonqt/lang/kk/LC_MESSAGES/dummypythonqt.mo b/src/modules/dummypythonqt/lang/kk/LC_MESSAGES/dummypythonqt.mo index 4d7e1ade2..2b0afba0e 100644 Binary files a/src/modules/dummypythonqt/lang/kk/LC_MESSAGES/dummypythonqt.mo and b/src/modules/dummypythonqt/lang/kk/LC_MESSAGES/dummypythonqt.mo differ diff --git a/src/modules/dummypythonqt/lang/kk/LC_MESSAGES/dummypythonqt.po b/src/modules/dummypythonqt/lang/kk/LC_MESSAGES/dummypythonqt.po index e2ed766b0..6a6cae92a 100644 --- a/src/modules/dummypythonqt/lang/kk/LC_MESSAGES/dummypythonqt.po +++ b/src/modules/dummypythonqt/lang/kk/LC_MESSAGES/dummypythonqt.po @@ -1,17 +1,19 @@ # SOME DESCRIPTIVE TITLE. -# Copyright (C) YEAR ORGANIZATION +# Copyright (C) YEAR THE PACKAGE'S COPYRIGHT HOLDER +# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package. # FIRST AUTHOR , YEAR. # +#, fuzzy msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-08-09 06:34-0400\n" +"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-09-04 08:16-0400\n" "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n" "Language-Team: Kazakh (https://www.transifex.com/calamares/teams/20061/kk/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; 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charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" -"Generated-By: pygettext.py 1.5\n" "Language: lo\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n" diff --git a/src/modules/dummypythonqt/lang/lt/LC_MESSAGES/dummypythonqt.mo b/src/modules/dummypythonqt/lang/lt/LC_MESSAGES/dummypythonqt.mo index f2cb98bc3..1ca9f2801 100644 Binary files a/src/modules/dummypythonqt/lang/lt/LC_MESSAGES/dummypythonqt.mo and b/src/modules/dummypythonqt/lang/lt/LC_MESSAGES/dummypythonqt.mo differ diff --git a/src/modules/dummypythonqt/lang/lt/LC_MESSAGES/dummypythonqt.po b/src/modules/dummypythonqt/lang/lt/LC_MESSAGES/dummypythonqt.po index 725cdeffc..97f6e6b33 100644 --- a/src/modules/dummypythonqt/lang/lt/LC_MESSAGES/dummypythonqt.po +++ b/src/modules/dummypythonqt/lang/lt/LC_MESSAGES/dummypythonqt.po @@ -1,20 +1,20 @@ # SOME DESCRIPTIVE TITLE. -# Copyright (C) YEAR ORGANIZATION +# Copyright (C) YEAR THE PACKAGE'S COPYRIGHT HOLDER +# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package. # FIRST AUTHOR , YEAR. # -# Translators: -# Moo , 2016 +#, fuzzy msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-08-09 06:34-0400\n" +"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-09-04 08:16-0400\n" "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n" "Last-Translator: Moo , 2016\n" "Language-Team: Lithuanian (https://www.transifex.com/calamares/teams/20061/lt/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" -"Generated-By: pygettext.py 1.5\n" "Language: lt\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2);\n" diff --git a/src/modules/dummypythonqt/lang/mr/LC_MESSAGES/dummypythonqt.mo b/src/modules/dummypythonqt/lang/mr/LC_MESSAGES/dummypythonqt.mo index afb5fa103..ada8d963f 100644 Binary files a/src/modules/dummypythonqt/lang/mr/LC_MESSAGES/dummypythonqt.mo and b/src/modules/dummypythonqt/lang/mr/LC_MESSAGES/dummypythonqt.mo differ diff --git a/src/modules/dummypythonqt/lang/mr/LC_MESSAGES/dummypythonqt.po b/src/modules/dummypythonqt/lang/mr/LC_MESSAGES/dummypythonqt.po index 893c5989f..27d9d9e26 100644 --- a/src/modules/dummypythonqt/lang/mr/LC_MESSAGES/dummypythonqt.po +++ b/src/modules/dummypythonqt/lang/mr/LC_MESSAGES/dummypythonqt.po @@ -1,17 +1,19 @@ # SOME DESCRIPTIVE TITLE. -# Copyright (C) YEAR ORGANIZATION +# Copyright (C) YEAR THE PACKAGE'S COPYRIGHT HOLDER +# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package. # FIRST AUTHOR , YEAR. # +#, fuzzy msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-08-09 06:34-0400\n" +"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-09-04 08:16-0400\n" "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n" "Language-Team: Marathi (https://www.transifex.com/calamares/teams/20061/mr/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; 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charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" -"Generated-By: pygettext.py 1.5\n" "Language: pl\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=4; plural=(n==1 ? 0 : (n%10>=2 && n%10<=4) && (n%100<12 || n%100>14) ? 1 : n!=1 && (n%10>=0 && n%10<=1) || (n%10>=5 && n%10<=9) || (n%100>=12 && n%100<=14) ? 2 : 3);\n" diff --git a/src/modules/dummypythonqt/lang/pl_PL/LC_MESSAGES/dummypythonqt.mo b/src/modules/dummypythonqt/lang/pl_PL/LC_MESSAGES/dummypythonqt.mo index f690c1a44..fc4620205 100644 Binary files a/src/modules/dummypythonqt/lang/pl_PL/LC_MESSAGES/dummypythonqt.mo and b/src/modules/dummypythonqt/lang/pl_PL/LC_MESSAGES/dummypythonqt.mo differ diff --git a/src/modules/dummypythonqt/lang/pl_PL/LC_MESSAGES/dummypythonqt.po b/src/modules/dummypythonqt/lang/pl_PL/LC_MESSAGES/dummypythonqt.po index 0ddcf5ab3..2b06f9e75 100644 --- a/src/modules/dummypythonqt/lang/pl_PL/LC_MESSAGES/dummypythonqt.po +++ b/src/modules/dummypythonqt/lang/pl_PL/LC_MESSAGES/dummypythonqt.po @@ -1,17 +1,19 @@ # SOME DESCRIPTIVE TITLE. -# Copyright (C) YEAR ORGANIZATION +# Copyright (C) YEAR THE PACKAGE'S COPYRIGHT HOLDER +# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package. # FIRST AUTHOR , YEAR. # +#, fuzzy msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-08-09 06:34-0400\n" +"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-09-04 08:16-0400\n" "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n" "Language-Team: Polish (Poland) (https://www.transifex.com/calamares/teams/20061/pl_PL/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; 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charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" -"Generated-By: pygettext.py 1.5\n" "Language: pt_PT\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n" diff --git a/src/modules/dummypythonqt/lang/ro/LC_MESSAGES/dummypythonqt.mo b/src/modules/dummypythonqt/lang/ro/LC_MESSAGES/dummypythonqt.mo index 13750b167..f881f640c 100644 Binary files a/src/modules/dummypythonqt/lang/ro/LC_MESSAGES/dummypythonqt.mo and b/src/modules/dummypythonqt/lang/ro/LC_MESSAGES/dummypythonqt.mo differ diff --git a/src/modules/dummypythonqt/lang/ro/LC_MESSAGES/dummypythonqt.po b/src/modules/dummypythonqt/lang/ro/LC_MESSAGES/dummypythonqt.po index 53d9f52c0..0e927e99d 100644 --- a/src/modules/dummypythonqt/lang/ro/LC_MESSAGES/dummypythonqt.po +++ b/src/modules/dummypythonqt/lang/ro/LC_MESSAGES/dummypythonqt.po @@ -1,20 +1,20 @@ # SOME DESCRIPTIVE TITLE. -# Copyright (C) YEAR ORGANIZATION +# Copyright (C) YEAR THE PACKAGE'S COPYRIGHT HOLDER +# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package. # FIRST AUTHOR , YEAR. # -# Translators: -# Baadur Jobava , 2016 +#, fuzzy msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-08-09 06:34-0400\n" +"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-09-04 08:16-0400\n" "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n" "Last-Translator: Baadur Jobava , 2016\n" "Language-Team: Romanian (https://www.transifex.com/calamares/teams/20061/ro/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" -"Generated-By: pygettext.py 1.5\n" "Language: ro\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n==1?0:(((n%100>19)||((n%100==0)&&(n!=0)))?2:1));\n" diff --git a/src/modules/dummypythonqt/lang/ru/LC_MESSAGES/dummypythonqt.mo b/src/modules/dummypythonqt/lang/ru/LC_MESSAGES/dummypythonqt.mo index 948000f6a..8e2ebe16d 100644 Binary files a/src/modules/dummypythonqt/lang/ru/LC_MESSAGES/dummypythonqt.mo and b/src/modules/dummypythonqt/lang/ru/LC_MESSAGES/dummypythonqt.mo differ diff --git a/src/modules/dummypythonqt/lang/ru/LC_MESSAGES/dummypythonqt.po b/src/modules/dummypythonqt/lang/ru/LC_MESSAGES/dummypythonqt.po index 39e277563..7a2155ccd 100644 --- a/src/modules/dummypythonqt/lang/ru/LC_MESSAGES/dummypythonqt.po +++ b/src/modules/dummypythonqt/lang/ru/LC_MESSAGES/dummypythonqt.po @@ -1,21 +1,20 @@ # SOME DESCRIPTIVE TITLE. -# Copyright (C) YEAR ORGANIZATION +# Copyright (C) YEAR THE PACKAGE'S COPYRIGHT HOLDER +# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package. # FIRST AUTHOR , YEAR. # -# Translators: -# Вадим Сабынич , 2017 -# Simon Schwartz , 2017 +#, fuzzy msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-08-09 06:34-0400\n" +"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-09-04 08:16-0400\n" "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n" "Last-Translator: Simon Schwartz , 2017\n" "Language-Team: Russian (https://www.transifex.com/calamares/teams/20061/ru/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" -"Generated-By: pygettext.py 1.5\n" "Language: ru\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=4; plural=(n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<12 || n%100>14) ? 1 : n%10==0 || (n%10>=5 && n%10<=9) || (n%100>=11 && n%100<=14)? 2 : 3);\n" diff --git a/src/modules/dummypythonqt/lang/sk/LC_MESSAGES/dummypythonqt.mo b/src/modules/dummypythonqt/lang/sk/LC_MESSAGES/dummypythonqt.mo index cb3c99c40..4cb8879b3 100644 Binary files a/src/modules/dummypythonqt/lang/sk/LC_MESSAGES/dummypythonqt.mo and b/src/modules/dummypythonqt/lang/sk/LC_MESSAGES/dummypythonqt.mo differ diff --git a/src/modules/dummypythonqt/lang/sk/LC_MESSAGES/dummypythonqt.po b/src/modules/dummypythonqt/lang/sk/LC_MESSAGES/dummypythonqt.po index 75be8bb1f..7f45b4605 100644 --- a/src/modules/dummypythonqt/lang/sk/LC_MESSAGES/dummypythonqt.po +++ b/src/modules/dummypythonqt/lang/sk/LC_MESSAGES/dummypythonqt.po @@ -1,20 +1,20 @@ # SOME DESCRIPTIVE TITLE. -# Copyright (C) YEAR ORGANIZATION +# Copyright (C) YEAR THE PACKAGE'S COPYRIGHT HOLDER +# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package. # FIRST AUTHOR , YEAR. # -# Translators: -# Dušan Kazik , 2016 +#, fuzzy msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-08-09 06:34-0400\n" +"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-09-04 08:16-0400\n" "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n" "Last-Translator: Dušan Kazik , 2016\n" "Language-Team: Slovak (https://www.transifex.com/calamares/teams/20061/sk/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" -"Generated-By: pygettext.py 1.5\n" "Language: sk\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n==1) ? 0 : (n>=2 && n<=4) ? 1 : 2;\n" diff --git a/src/modules/dummypythonqt/lang/sl/LC_MESSAGES/dummypythonqt.mo b/src/modules/dummypythonqt/lang/sl/LC_MESSAGES/dummypythonqt.mo index c7c255e21..615d4b0b7 100644 Binary files a/src/modules/dummypythonqt/lang/sl/LC_MESSAGES/dummypythonqt.mo and b/src/modules/dummypythonqt/lang/sl/LC_MESSAGES/dummypythonqt.mo differ diff --git a/src/modules/dummypythonqt/lang/sl/LC_MESSAGES/dummypythonqt.po b/src/modules/dummypythonqt/lang/sl/LC_MESSAGES/dummypythonqt.po index c6dbbed53..ebebd598b 100644 --- a/src/modules/dummypythonqt/lang/sl/LC_MESSAGES/dummypythonqt.po +++ b/src/modules/dummypythonqt/lang/sl/LC_MESSAGES/dummypythonqt.po @@ -1,17 +1,19 @@ # SOME DESCRIPTIVE TITLE. -# Copyright (C) YEAR ORGANIZATION +# Copyright (C) YEAR THE PACKAGE'S COPYRIGHT HOLDER +# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package. # FIRST AUTHOR , YEAR. # +#, fuzzy msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-08-09 06:34-0400\n" +"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-09-04 08:16-0400\n" "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n" "Language-Team: Slovenian (https://www.transifex.com/calamares/teams/20061/sl/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; 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charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" -"Generated-By: pygettext.py 1.5\n" "Language: sr\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2);\n" diff --git a/src/modules/dummypythonqt/lang/sr@latin/LC_MESSAGES/dummypythonqt.mo b/src/modules/dummypythonqt/lang/sr@latin/LC_MESSAGES/dummypythonqt.mo index b3f1e8936..ec7faf311 100644 Binary files a/src/modules/dummypythonqt/lang/sr@latin/LC_MESSAGES/dummypythonqt.mo and b/src/modules/dummypythonqt/lang/sr@latin/LC_MESSAGES/dummypythonqt.mo differ diff --git a/src/modules/dummypythonqt/lang/sr@latin/LC_MESSAGES/dummypythonqt.po b/src/modules/dummypythonqt/lang/sr@latin/LC_MESSAGES/dummypythonqt.po index dbbfbac9b..dd00e7fbf 100644 --- a/src/modules/dummypythonqt/lang/sr@latin/LC_MESSAGES/dummypythonqt.po +++ b/src/modules/dummypythonqt/lang/sr@latin/LC_MESSAGES/dummypythonqt.po @@ -1,17 +1,19 @@ # SOME DESCRIPTIVE TITLE. -# Copyright (C) YEAR ORGANIZATION +# Copyright (C) YEAR THE PACKAGE'S COPYRIGHT HOLDER +# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package. # FIRST AUTHOR , YEAR. # +#, fuzzy msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-08-09 06:34-0400\n" +"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-09-04 08:16-0400\n" "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n" "Language-Team: Serbian (Latin) (https://www.transifex.com/calamares/teams/20061/sr@latin/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; 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charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" -"Generated-By: pygettext.py 1.5\n" "Language: sv\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n" diff --git a/src/modules/dummypythonqt/lang/th/LC_MESSAGES/dummypythonqt.mo b/src/modules/dummypythonqt/lang/th/LC_MESSAGES/dummypythonqt.mo index 3c787d074..99aa63beb 100644 Binary files a/src/modules/dummypythonqt/lang/th/LC_MESSAGES/dummypythonqt.mo and b/src/modules/dummypythonqt/lang/th/LC_MESSAGES/dummypythonqt.mo differ diff --git a/src/modules/dummypythonqt/lang/th/LC_MESSAGES/dummypythonqt.po b/src/modules/dummypythonqt/lang/th/LC_MESSAGES/dummypythonqt.po index f6f125dcd..dd14c81a8 100644 --- a/src/modules/dummypythonqt/lang/th/LC_MESSAGES/dummypythonqt.po +++ b/src/modules/dummypythonqt/lang/th/LC_MESSAGES/dummypythonqt.po @@ -1,17 +1,19 @@ # SOME DESCRIPTIVE TITLE. -# Copyright (C) YEAR ORGANIZATION +# Copyright (C) YEAR THE PACKAGE'S COPYRIGHT HOLDER +# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package. # FIRST AUTHOR , YEAR. # +#, fuzzy msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-08-09 06:34-0400\n" +"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-09-04 08:16-0400\n" "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n" "Language-Team: Thai (https://www.transifex.com/calamares/teams/20061/th/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" -"Generated-By: pygettext.py 1.5\n" "Language: th\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n" diff --git a/src/modules/dummypythonqt/lang/tr_TR/LC_MESSAGES/dummypythonqt.mo b/src/modules/dummypythonqt/lang/tr_TR/LC_MESSAGES/dummypythonqt.mo index ce991fc57..effc6f65e 100644 Binary files a/src/modules/dummypythonqt/lang/tr_TR/LC_MESSAGES/dummypythonqt.mo and b/src/modules/dummypythonqt/lang/tr_TR/LC_MESSAGES/dummypythonqt.mo differ diff --git a/src/modules/dummypythonqt/lang/tr_TR/LC_MESSAGES/dummypythonqt.po b/src/modules/dummypythonqt/lang/tr_TR/LC_MESSAGES/dummypythonqt.po index 1a072d2eb..ab62ec545 100644 --- a/src/modules/dummypythonqt/lang/tr_TR/LC_MESSAGES/dummypythonqt.po +++ b/src/modules/dummypythonqt/lang/tr_TR/LC_MESSAGES/dummypythonqt.po @@ -1,20 +1,20 @@ # SOME DESCRIPTIVE TITLE. -# Copyright (C) YEAR ORGANIZATION +# Copyright (C) YEAR THE PACKAGE'S COPYRIGHT HOLDER +# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package. # FIRST AUTHOR , YEAR. # -# Translators: -# Demiray Muhterem , 2016 +#, fuzzy msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-08-21 17:55-0400\n" +"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-09-04 08:16-0400\n" "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n" "Last-Translator: Demiray Muhterem , 2016\n" "Language-Team: Turkish (Turkey) (https://www.transifex.com/calamares/teams/20061/tr_TR/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" -"Generated-By: pygettext.py 1.5\n" "Language: tr_TR\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n" @@ -32,11 +32,11 @@ msgstr "Sahte PythonQt görünümü" #: src/modules/dummypythonqt/main.py:183 msgid "The Dummy PythonQt Job" -msgstr "Kukla PythonQt Çalışması" +msgstr "Sahte PythonQt işleri" #: src/modules/dummypythonqt/main.py:186 msgid "This is the Dummy PythonQt Job. The dummy job says: {}" -msgstr "Kukla PythonQt Çalışması. Kukla çalışması şöyle der: {}" +msgstr "Kukla PythonQt işleri. Sahte işleri şöyle diyor: {}" #: src/modules/dummypythonqt/main.py:190 msgid "A status message for Dummy PythonQt Job." diff --git a/src/modules/dummypythonqt/lang/uk/LC_MESSAGES/dummypythonqt.mo b/src/modules/dummypythonqt/lang/uk/LC_MESSAGES/dummypythonqt.mo index 957835e03..d17a14087 100644 Binary files a/src/modules/dummypythonqt/lang/uk/LC_MESSAGES/dummypythonqt.mo and b/src/modules/dummypythonqt/lang/uk/LC_MESSAGES/dummypythonqt.mo differ diff --git a/src/modules/dummypythonqt/lang/uk/LC_MESSAGES/dummypythonqt.po b/src/modules/dummypythonqt/lang/uk/LC_MESSAGES/dummypythonqt.po index 7bbaa5d30..5bdc57b31 100644 --- a/src/modules/dummypythonqt/lang/uk/LC_MESSAGES/dummypythonqt.po +++ b/src/modules/dummypythonqt/lang/uk/LC_MESSAGES/dummypythonqt.po @@ -1,17 +1,19 @@ # SOME DESCRIPTIVE TITLE. -# Copyright (C) YEAR ORGANIZATION +# Copyright (C) YEAR THE PACKAGE'S COPYRIGHT HOLDER +# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package. # FIRST AUTHOR , YEAR. # +#, fuzzy msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-08-09 06:34-0400\n" +"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-09-04 08:16-0400\n" "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n" "Language-Team: Ukrainian (https://www.transifex.com/calamares/teams/20061/uk/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" -"Generated-By: pygettext.py 1.5\n" "Language: uk\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2);\n" diff --git a/src/modules/dummypythonqt/lang/ur/LC_MESSAGES/dummypythonqt.mo b/src/modules/dummypythonqt/lang/ur/LC_MESSAGES/dummypythonqt.mo index 430ab38ea..176215bcb 100644 Binary files a/src/modules/dummypythonqt/lang/ur/LC_MESSAGES/dummypythonqt.mo and b/src/modules/dummypythonqt/lang/ur/LC_MESSAGES/dummypythonqt.mo differ diff --git a/src/modules/dummypythonqt/lang/ur/LC_MESSAGES/dummypythonqt.po b/src/modules/dummypythonqt/lang/ur/LC_MESSAGES/dummypythonqt.po index d30f65c7c..5a9fc39de 100644 --- a/src/modules/dummypythonqt/lang/ur/LC_MESSAGES/dummypythonqt.po +++ b/src/modules/dummypythonqt/lang/ur/LC_MESSAGES/dummypythonqt.po @@ -1,17 +1,19 @@ # SOME DESCRIPTIVE TITLE. -# Copyright (C) YEAR ORGANIZATION +# Copyright (C) YEAR THE PACKAGE'S COPYRIGHT HOLDER +# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package. # FIRST AUTHOR , YEAR. # +#, fuzzy msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-08-09 06:34-0400\n" +"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-09-04 08:16-0400\n" "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n" "Language-Team: Urdu (https://www.transifex.com/calamares/teams/20061/ur/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" -"Generated-By: pygettext.py 1.5\n" "Language: ur\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n" diff --git a/src/modules/dummypythonqt/lang/uz/LC_MESSAGES/dummypythonqt.mo b/src/modules/dummypythonqt/lang/uz/LC_MESSAGES/dummypythonqt.mo index 32451102b..037e2fa2a 100644 Binary files a/src/modules/dummypythonqt/lang/uz/LC_MESSAGES/dummypythonqt.mo and b/src/modules/dummypythonqt/lang/uz/LC_MESSAGES/dummypythonqt.mo differ diff --git a/src/modules/dummypythonqt/lang/uz/LC_MESSAGES/dummypythonqt.po b/src/modules/dummypythonqt/lang/uz/LC_MESSAGES/dummypythonqt.po index 6d850fc0a..f1b55bc4c 100644 --- a/src/modules/dummypythonqt/lang/uz/LC_MESSAGES/dummypythonqt.po +++ b/src/modules/dummypythonqt/lang/uz/LC_MESSAGES/dummypythonqt.po @@ -1,17 +1,19 @@ # SOME DESCRIPTIVE TITLE. -# Copyright (C) YEAR ORGANIZATION +# Copyright (C) YEAR THE PACKAGE'S COPYRIGHT HOLDER +# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package. # FIRST AUTHOR , YEAR. # +#, fuzzy msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-08-09 06:34-0400\n" +"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-09-04 08:16-0400\n" "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n" "Language-Team: Uzbek (https://www.transifex.com/calamares/teams/20061/uz/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" -"Generated-By: pygettext.py 1.5\n" "Language: uz\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n" diff --git a/src/modules/dummypythonqt/lang/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/dummypythonqt.mo b/src/modules/dummypythonqt/lang/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/dummypythonqt.mo index c3a070b80..0dac94ca0 100644 Binary files a/src/modules/dummypythonqt/lang/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/dummypythonqt.mo and b/src/modules/dummypythonqt/lang/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/dummypythonqt.mo differ diff --git a/src/modules/dummypythonqt/lang/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/dummypythonqt.po b/src/modules/dummypythonqt/lang/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/dummypythonqt.po index c282f245e..14bf4463a 100644 --- a/src/modules/dummypythonqt/lang/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/dummypythonqt.po +++ b/src/modules/dummypythonqt/lang/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/dummypythonqt.po @@ -1,20 +1,20 @@ # SOME DESCRIPTIVE TITLE. -# Copyright (C) YEAR ORGANIZATION +# Copyright (C) YEAR THE PACKAGE'S COPYRIGHT HOLDER +# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package. # FIRST AUTHOR , YEAR. # -# Translators: -# Mingcong Bai , 2017 +#, fuzzy msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-08-21 17:55-0400\n" +"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-09-04 08:16-0400\n" "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n" "Last-Translator: Mingcong Bai , 2017\n" "Language-Team: Chinese (China) (https://www.transifex.com/calamares/teams/20061/zh_CN/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" -"Generated-By: pygettext.py 1.5\n" "Language: zh_CN\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n" diff --git a/src/modules/dummypythonqt/lang/zh_TW/LC_MESSAGES/dummypythonqt.mo b/src/modules/dummypythonqt/lang/zh_TW/LC_MESSAGES/dummypythonqt.mo index 5ac8ea5c1..7cda100f9 100644 Binary files a/src/modules/dummypythonqt/lang/zh_TW/LC_MESSAGES/dummypythonqt.mo and b/src/modules/dummypythonqt/lang/zh_TW/LC_MESSAGES/dummypythonqt.mo differ diff --git a/src/modules/dummypythonqt/lang/zh_TW/LC_MESSAGES/dummypythonqt.po b/src/modules/dummypythonqt/lang/zh_TW/LC_MESSAGES/dummypythonqt.po index 81ff73d38..0699d412f 100644 --- a/src/modules/dummypythonqt/lang/zh_TW/LC_MESSAGES/dummypythonqt.po +++ b/src/modules/dummypythonqt/lang/zh_TW/LC_MESSAGES/dummypythonqt.po @@ -1,20 +1,20 @@ # SOME DESCRIPTIVE TITLE. -# Copyright (C) YEAR ORGANIZATION +# Copyright (C) YEAR THE PACKAGE'S COPYRIGHT HOLDER +# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package. # FIRST AUTHOR , YEAR. # -# Translators: -# Jeff Huang , 2016 +#, fuzzy msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-08-09 06:34-0400\n" +"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-09-04 08:16-0400\n" "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n" "Last-Translator: Jeff Huang , 2016\n" "Language-Team: Chinese (Taiwan) (https://www.transifex.com/calamares/teams/20061/zh_TW/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" -"Generated-By: pygettext.py 1.5\n" "Language: zh_TW\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n" diff --git a/src/modules/grubcfg/main.py b/src/modules/grubcfg/main.py index 5b1028c58..3ef68e46e 100644 --- a/src/modules/grubcfg/main.py +++ b/src/modules/grubcfg/main.py @@ -6,6 +6,8 @@ # Copyright 2014-2015, Philip Müller # Copyright 2015-2017, Teo Mrnjavac # Copyright 2017, Alf Gaida +# Copyright 2017, Adriaan de Groot +# Copyright 2017, Gabriel Craciunescu # # Calamares is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by @@ -29,6 +31,8 @@ def modify_grub_default(partitions, root_mount_point, distributor): """ Configures '/etc/default/grub' for hibernation and plymouth. + @see bootloader/main.py, for similar handling of kernel parameters + :param partitions: :param root_mount_point: :param distributor: @@ -45,6 +49,7 @@ def modify_grub_default(partitions, root_mount_point, distributor): use_splash = "" swap_uuid = "" swap_outer_uuid = "" + swap_outer_mappername = None if libcalamares.globalstorage.contains("hasPlymouth"): if libcalamares.globalstorage.value("hasPlymouth"): @@ -54,30 +59,35 @@ def modify_grub_default(partitions, root_mount_point, distributor): if have_dracut: for partition in partitions: - if partition["fs"] == "linuxswap": + has_luks = "luksMapperName" in partition + if partition["fs"] == "linuxswap" and not has_luks: swap_uuid = partition["uuid"] - if (partition["fs"] == "linuxswap" - and "luksMapperName" in partition): + if (partition["fs"] == "linuxswap" and has_luks): swap_outer_uuid = partition["luksUuid"] + swap_outer_mappername = partition["luksMapperName"] - if (partition["mountPoint"] == "/" - and "luksMapperName" in partition): + if (partition["mountPoint"] == "/" and has_luks): cryptdevice_params = [ "rd.luks.uuid={!s}".format(partition["luksUuid"]) ] else: for partition in partitions: - if partition["fs"] == "linuxswap": + has_luks = "luksMapperName" in partition + if partition["fs"] == "linuxswap" and not has_luks: swap_uuid = partition["uuid"] - if (partition["mountPoint"] == "/" - and "luksMapperName" in partition): + if (partition["mountPoint"] == "/" and has_luks): cryptdevice_params = [ "cryptdevice=UUID={!s}:{!s}".format( partition["luksUuid"], partition["luksMapperName"] ), - "root=/dev/mapper/{!s}".format(partition["luksMapperName"]) + "root=/dev/mapper/{!s}".format( + partition["luksMapperName"] + ), + "resume=/dev/mapper/{!s}".format( + partition["luksMapperName"] + ) ] kernel_params = ["quiet"] @@ -93,6 +103,9 @@ def modify_grub_default(partitions, root_mount_point, distributor): if have_dracut and swap_outer_uuid: kernel_params.append("rd.luks.uuid={!s}".format(swap_outer_uuid)) + if have_dracut and swap_outer_mappername: + kernel_params.append("resume=/dev/mapper/{!s}".format( + swap_outer_mappername)) distributor_line = "GRUB_DISTRIBUTOR='{!s}'".format(distributor_replace) diff --git a/src/modules/partition/core/PartUtils.cpp b/src/modules/partition/core/PartUtils.cpp index df230311a..d2493239e 100644 --- a/src/modules/partition/core/PartUtils.cpp +++ b/src/modules/partition/core/PartUtils.cpp @@ -45,6 +45,9 @@ canBeReplaced( Partition* candidate ) if ( !candidate ) return false; + if ( candidate->isMounted() ) + return false; + bool ok = false; double requiredStorageGB = Calamares::JobQueue::instance() ->globalStorage() @@ -83,6 +86,9 @@ canBeResized( Partition* candidate ) if ( KPMHelpers::isPartitionFreeSpace( candidate ) ) return false; + if ( candidate->isMounted() ) + return false; + if ( candidate->roles().has( PartitionRole::Primary ) ) { PartitionTable* table = dynamic_cast< PartitionTable* >( candidate->parent() ); diff --git a/src/modules/partition/gui/ChoicePage.cpp b/src/modules/partition/gui/ChoicePage.cpp index 76c65a027..fcbfdb5fc 100644 --- a/src/modules/partition/gui/ChoicePage.cpp +++ b/src/modules/partition/gui/ChoicePage.cpp @@ -806,9 +806,12 @@ ChoicePage::updateDeviceStatePreview() cDebug() << "Updating partitioning state widgets."; qDeleteAll( m_previewBeforeFrame->children() ); - m_previewBeforeFrame->layout()->deleteLater(); - QVBoxLayout* layout = new QVBoxLayout; + auto layout = m_previewBeforeFrame->layout(); + if ( layout ) + layout->deleteLater(); // Doesn't like nullptr + + layout = new QVBoxLayout; m_previewBeforeFrame->setLayout( layout ); CalamaresUtils::unmarginLayout( layout ); layout->setSpacing( 6 ); @@ -829,7 +832,7 @@ ChoicePage::updateDeviceStatePreview() // The QObject parents tree is meaningful for memory management here, // see qDeleteAll above. - deviceBefore->setParent( model ); + deviceBefore->setParent( model ); // Can't reparent across threads model->setParent( m_beforePartitionBarsView ); m_beforePartitionBarsView->setModel( model ); @@ -838,7 +841,8 @@ ChoicePage::updateDeviceStatePreview() // Make the bars and labels view use the same selectionModel. auto sm = m_beforePartitionLabelsView->selectionModel(); m_beforePartitionLabelsView->setSelectionModel( m_beforePartitionBarsView->selectionModel() ); - sm->deleteLater(); + if ( sm ) + sm->deleteLater(); switch ( m_choice ) { @@ -874,7 +878,10 @@ ChoicePage::updateActionChoicePreview( ChoicePage::Choice choice ) cDebug() << "Updating partitioning preview widgets."; qDeleteAll( m_previewAfterFrame->children() ); - m_previewAfterFrame->layout()->deleteLater(); + + auto oldlayout = m_previewAfterFrame->layout(); + if ( oldlayout ) + oldlayout->deleteLater(); QVBoxLayout* layout = new QVBoxLayout; m_previewAfterFrame->setLayout( layout ); @@ -1123,6 +1130,15 @@ ChoicePage::createBootloaderComboBox( QWidget* parent ) } +static inline void +force_uncheck(QButtonGroup* grp, PrettyRadioButton* button) +{ + button->hide(); + grp->setExclusive( false ); + button->buttonWidget()->setChecked( false ); + grp->setExclusive( true ); +} + /** * @brief ChoicePage::setupActions happens every time a new Device* is selected in the * device picker. Sets up the text and visibility of the partitioning actions based @@ -1142,30 +1158,20 @@ ChoicePage::setupActions() m_deviceInfoWidget->setPartitionTableType( PartitionTable::unknownTableType ); bool atLeastOneCanBeResized = false; + bool atLeastOneCanBeReplaced = false; + bool atLeastOneIsMounted = false; // Suppress 'erase' if so for ( auto it = PartitionIterator::begin( currentDevice ); it != PartitionIterator::end( currentDevice ); ++it ) { if ( PartUtils::canBeResized( *it ) ) - { atLeastOneCanBeResized = true; - break; - } - } - - bool atLeastOneCanBeReplaced = false; - - for ( auto it = PartitionIterator::begin( currentDevice ); - it != PartitionIterator::end( currentDevice ); ++it ) - { if ( PartUtils::canBeReplaced( *it ) ) - { atLeastOneCanBeReplaced = true; - break; - } + if ( (*it)->isMounted() ) + atLeastOneIsMounted = true; } - if ( osproberEntriesForCurrentDevice.count() == 0 ) { CALAMARES_RETRANSLATE( @@ -1242,18 +1248,6 @@ ChoicePage::setupActions() .arg( *Calamares::Branding::ShortVersionedName ) ); ) } - - m_replaceButton->show(); - - if ( atLeastOneCanBeResized ) - m_alongsideButton->show(); - else - { - m_alongsideButton->hide(); - m_grp->setExclusive( false ); - m_alongsideButton->buttonWidget()->setChecked( false ); - m_grp->setExclusive( true ); - } } else { @@ -1277,39 +1271,22 @@ ChoicePage::setupActions() "Replaces a partition with %1." ) .arg( *Calamares::Branding::ShortVersionedName ) ); ) - - m_replaceButton->show(); - - if ( atLeastOneCanBeResized ) - m_alongsideButton->show(); - else - { - m_alongsideButton->hide(); - m_grp->setExclusive( false ); - m_alongsideButton->buttonWidget()->setChecked( false ); - m_grp->setExclusive( true ); - } } if ( atLeastOneCanBeReplaced ) m_replaceButton->show(); else - { - m_replaceButton->hide(); - m_grp->setExclusive( false ); - m_replaceButton->buttonWidget()->setChecked( false ); - m_grp->setExclusive( true ); - } + force_uncheck( m_grp, m_replaceButton ); if ( atLeastOneCanBeResized ) m_alongsideButton->show(); else - { - m_alongsideButton->hide(); - m_grp->setExclusive( false ); - m_alongsideButton->buttonWidget()->setChecked( false ); - m_grp->setExclusive( true ); - } + force_uncheck( m_grp, m_alongsideButton ); + + if ( !atLeastOneIsMounted ) + m_eraseButton->show(); // None mounted + else + force_uncheck( m_grp, m_eraseButton ); bool isEfi = PartUtils::isEfiSystem(); bool efiSystemPartitionFound = !m_core->efiSystemPartitions().isEmpty();