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/* === This file is part of Calamares - <> ===
2020-08-22 01:19:58 +02:00
* SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Anke Boersma <>
* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
* Calamares is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* Calamares is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with Calamares. If not, see <>.
import io.calamares.ui 1.0
import QtQuick 2.7
import QtQuick.Controls 2.2
import QtQuick.Window 2.2
import QtQuick.Layouts 1.3
Rectangle {
width: parent.width
height: parent.height
focus: true
color: "#f2f2f2"
Flickable {
id: flick
anchors.fill: parent
contentHeight: 3500
2020-08-22 01:19:58 +02:00
ScrollBar.vertical: ScrollBar {
2020-08-22 01:19:58 +02:00
id: fscrollbar
width: 10
policy: ScrollBar.AlwaysOn
TextArea {
id: intro
x: 130
y: 8
width: 640
font.pointSize: 14
textFormat: Text.RichText
antialiasing: true
activeFocusOnPress: false
wrapMode: Text.WordWrap
text: qsTr("<h3>%1</h3>
<p>This an example QML file, showing options in RichText with Flickable content.</p>
<p>QML with RichText can use HTML tags, Flickable content is useful for touchscreens.</p>
<p><b>This is bold text</b></p>
<p><i>This is italic text</i></p>
<p><u>This is underlined text</u></p>
<p><center>This text will be center-aligned.</center></p>
<p><s>This is strikethrough</s></p>
<p>Code example:
<code>ls -l /home</code></p>
<li>Intel CPU systems</li>
<li>AMD CPU systems</li>
<p>The vertical scrollbar is adjustable, current width set to 10.</p>").arg(Branding.string(Branding.VersionedName))
ToolButton {
id: toolButton
x: 19
y: 29
width: 105
height: 48
text: qsTr("Back")
hoverEnabled: true
onClicked: load.source = ""
Image {
id: image1
x: 0
y: 13
width: 22
height: 22
source: "img/chevron-left-solid.svg"
fillMode: Image.PreserveAspectFit