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/* === This file is part of Calamares - <> ===
* SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Adriaan de Groot <>
* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
* License-Filename: LICENSE
* Calamares is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* Calamares is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with Calamares. If not, see <>.
#include "Config.h"
#include "SetTimezoneJob.h"
#include "GlobalStorage.h"
#include "JobQueue.h"
#include "Settings.h"
#include "locale/Label.h"
#include "modulesystem/ModuleManager.h"
#include "network/Manager.h"
#include "utils/Logger.h"
#include "utils/Variant.h"
#include <QFile>
#include <QProcess>
#include <QTimeZone>
/** @brief Load supported locale keys
* If i18n/SUPPORTED exists, read the lines from that and return those
* as supported locales; otherwise, try the file at @p localeGenPath
* and get lines from that. Failing both, try the output of `locale -a`.
* This gives us a list of locale identifiers (e.g. en_US.UTF-8), which
* are not particularly human-readable.
* Only UTF-8 locales are returned (even if the system claims to support
* other, non-UTF-8, locales).
static QStringList
loadLocales( const QString& localeGenPath )
QStringList localeGenLines;
// Some distros come with a meaningfully commented and easy to parse locale.gen,
// and others ship a separate file /usr/share/i18n/SUPPORTED with a clean list of
// supported locales. We first try that one, and if it doesn't exist, we fall back
// to parsing the lines from locale.gen
QFile supported( "/usr/share/i18n/SUPPORTED" );
QByteArray ba;
if ( supported.exists() && QIODevice::ReadOnly | QIODevice::Text ) )
ba = supported.readAll();
const auto lines = ba.split( '\n' );
for ( const QByteArray& line : lines )
localeGenLines.append( QString::fromLatin1( line.simplified() ) );
QFile localeGen( localeGenPath );
if ( QIODevice::ReadOnly | QIODevice::Text ) )
ba = localeGen.readAll();
cWarning() << "Cannot open file" << localeGenPath
<< ". Assuming the supported languages are already built into "
"the locale archive.";
QProcess localeA;
localeA.start( "locale", QStringList() << "-a" );
ba = localeA.readAllStandardOutput();
const auto lines = ba.split( '\n' );
for ( const QByteArray& line : lines )
if ( line.startsWith( "## " ) || line.startsWith( "# " ) || line.simplified() == "#" )
QString lineString = QString::fromLatin1( line.simplified() );
if ( lineString.startsWith( "#" ) )
lineString.remove( '#' );
lineString = lineString.simplified();
if ( lineString.isEmpty() )
localeGenLines.append( lineString );
if ( localeGenLines.isEmpty() )
cWarning() << "cannot acquire a list of available locales."
<< "The locale and localecfg modules will be broken as long as this "
"system does not provide"
<< "\n\t "
<< "* a well-formed" << supported.fileName() << "\n\tOR"
<< "* a well-formed"
<< ( localeGenPath.isEmpty() ? QLatin1String( "/etc/locale.gen" ) : localeGenPath ) << "\n\tOR"
<< "* a complete pre-compiled locale-gen database which allows complete locale -a output.";
return localeGenLines; // something went wrong and there's nothing we can do about it.
// Assuming we have a list of supported locales, we usually only want UTF-8 ones
// because it's not 1995.
auto notUtf8 = []( const QString& s ) {
return !s.contains( "UTF-8", Qt::CaseInsensitive ) && !s.contains( "utf8", Qt::CaseInsensitive );
auto it = std::remove_if( localeGenLines.begin(), localeGenLines.end(), notUtf8 );
localeGenLines.erase( it, localeGenLines.end() );
// We strip " UTF-8" from "en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8" because it's redundant redundant.
// Also simplify whitespace.
auto unredundant = []( QString& s ) {
if ( s.endsWith( " UTF-8" ) )
s.chop( 6 );
s = s.simplified();
std::for_each( localeGenLines.begin(), localeGenLines.end(), unredundant );
return localeGenLines;
static bool
updateGSLocation( Calamares::GlobalStorage* gs, const CalamaresUtils::Locale::TimeZoneData* location )
const QString regionKey = QStringLiteral( "locationRegion" );
const QString zoneKey = QStringLiteral( "locationZone" );
if ( !location )
if ( gs->contains( regionKey ) || gs->contains( zoneKey ) )
gs->remove( regionKey );
gs->remove( zoneKey );
return true;
return false;
// Update the GS region and zone (and possibly the live timezone)
bool locationChanged
= ( location->region() != gs->value( regionKey ) ) || ( location->zone() != gs->value( zoneKey ) );
gs->insert( regionKey, location->region() );
gs->insert( zoneKey, location->zone() );
return locationChanged;
static void
updateGSLocale( Calamares::GlobalStorage* gs, const LocaleConfiguration& locale )
auto map = locale.toMap();
QVariantMap vm;
for ( auto it = map.constBegin(); it != map.constEnd(); ++it )
vm.insert( it.key(), it.value() );
gs->insert( "localeConf", vm );
Config::Config( QObject* parent )
: QObject( parent )
, m_regionModel( std::make_unique< CalamaresUtils::Locale::RegionsModel >() )
, m_zonesModel( std::make_unique< CalamaresUtils::Locale::ZonesModel >() )
, m_regionalZonesModel( std::make_unique< CalamaresUtils::Locale::RegionalZonesModel >( m_zonesModel.get() ) )
// Slightly unusual: connect to our *own* signals. Wherever the language
// or the location is changed, these signals are emitted, so hook up to
// them to update global storage accordingly. This simplifies code:
// we don't need to call an update-GS method, or introduce an intermediate
// update-thing-and-GS method. And everywhere where we **do** change
// language or location, we already emit the signal.
connect( this, &Config::currentLanguageCodeChanged, [&]() {
auto* gs = Calamares::JobQueue::instance()->globalStorage();
gs->insert( "locale", m_selectedLocaleConfiguration.toBcp47() );
} );
connect( this, &Config::currentLCCodeChanged, [&]() {
updateGSLocale( Calamares::JobQueue::instance()->globalStorage(), localeConfiguration() );
} );
connect( this, &Config::currentLocationChanged, [&]() {
const bool locationChanged
= updateGSLocation( Calamares::JobQueue::instance()->globalStorage(), currentLocation() );
if ( locationChanged && m_adjustLiveTimezone )
QProcess::execute( "timedatectl", // depends on systemd
{ "set-timezone", currentTimezoneCode() } );
emit currentTimezoneCodeChanged( currentTimezoneCode() );
emit currentTimezoneNameChanged( currentTimezoneName() );
} );
auto prettyStatusNotify = [&]() { emit prettyStatusChanged( prettyStatus() ); };
connect( this, &Config::currentLanguageStatusChanged, prettyStatusNotify );
connect( this, &Config::currentLCStatusChanged, prettyStatusNotify );
connect( this, &Config::currentLocationStatusChanged, prettyStatusNotify );
Config::~Config() {}
if ( !m_currentLocation && m_startingTimezone.isValid() )
setCurrentLocation( m_startingTimezone.first, m_startingTimezone.second );
Config::setCurrentLocation( const QString& regionzone )
auto r = CalamaresUtils::GeoIP::splitTZString( regionzone );
if ( r.isValid() )
setCurrentLocation( r.first, r.second );
Config::setCurrentLocation( const QString& regionName, const QString& zoneName )
using namespace CalamaresUtils::Locale;
auto* zone = m_zonesModel->find( regionName, zoneName );
if ( zone )
setCurrentLocation( zone );
// Recursive, but America/New_York always exists.
setCurrentLocation( QStringLiteral( "America" ), QStringLiteral( "New_York" ) );
Config::setCurrentLocation( const CalamaresUtils::Locale::TimeZoneData* location )
if ( location != m_currentLocation )
m_currentLocation = location;
// Overwrite those settings that have not been made explicit.
auto newLocale = automaticLocaleConfiguration();
if ( !m_selectedLocaleConfiguration.explicit_lang )
m_selectedLocaleConfiguration.setLanguage( newLocale.language() );
emit currentLanguageStatusChanged( currentLanguageStatus() );
if ( !m_selectedLocaleConfiguration.explicit_lc )
m_selectedLocaleConfiguration.lc_numeric = newLocale.lc_numeric;
m_selectedLocaleConfiguration.lc_time = newLocale.lc_time;
m_selectedLocaleConfiguration.lc_monetary = newLocale.lc_monetary;
m_selectedLocaleConfiguration.lc_paper = newLocale.lc_paper;
m_selectedLocaleConfiguration.lc_name = newLocale.lc_name;
m_selectedLocaleConfiguration.lc_address = newLocale.lc_address;
m_selectedLocaleConfiguration.lc_telephone = newLocale.lc_telephone;
m_selectedLocaleConfiguration.lc_measurement = newLocale.lc_measurement;
m_selectedLocaleConfiguration.lc_identification = newLocale.lc_identification;
emit currentLCStatusChanged( currentLCStatus() );
emit currentLocationChanged( m_currentLocation );
// Other signals come from the LocationChanged signal
Config::automaticLocaleConfiguration() const
// Special case: no location has been set at **all**
if ( !currentLocation() )
return LocaleConfiguration();
return LocaleConfiguration::fromLanguageAndLocation(
QLocale().name(), supportedLocales(), currentLocation()->country() );
Config::localeConfiguration() const
return m_selectedLocaleConfiguration.isEmpty() ? automaticLocaleConfiguration() : m_selectedLocaleConfiguration;
Config::setLanguageExplicitly( const QString& language )
m_selectedLocaleConfiguration.setLanguage( language );
m_selectedLocaleConfiguration.explicit_lang = true;
emit currentLanguageStatusChanged( currentLanguageStatus() );
emit currentLanguageCodeChanged( currentLanguageCode() );
Config::setLCLocaleExplicitly( const QString& locale )
// TODO: improve the granularity of this setting.
m_selectedLocaleConfiguration.lc_numeric = locale;
m_selectedLocaleConfiguration.lc_time = locale;
m_selectedLocaleConfiguration.lc_monetary = locale;
m_selectedLocaleConfiguration.lc_paper = locale;
m_selectedLocaleConfiguration.lc_name = locale;
m_selectedLocaleConfiguration.lc_address = locale;
m_selectedLocaleConfiguration.lc_telephone = locale;
m_selectedLocaleConfiguration.lc_measurement = locale;
m_selectedLocaleConfiguration.lc_identification = locale;
m_selectedLocaleConfiguration.explicit_lc = true;
emit currentLCStatusChanged( currentLCStatus() );
emit currentLCCodeChanged( currentLCCode() );
Config::currentLocationStatus() const
return tr( "Set timezone to %1/%2." )
.arg( m_currentLocation ? m_currentLocation->region() : QString(),
m_currentLocation ? m_currentLocation->zone() : QString() );
Config::currentTimezoneCode() const
if ( m_currentLocation )
return m_currentLocation->region() + '/' + m_currentLocation->zone();
return QString();
Config::currentTimezoneName() const
if ( m_currentLocation )
return m_regionModel->tr( m_currentLocation->region() ) + '/' + m_currentLocation->tr();
return QString();
static inline QString
localeLabel( const QString& s )
using CalamaresUtils::Locale::Label;
Label lang( s, Label::LabelFormat::AlwaysWithCountry );
return lang.label();
Config::currentLanguageStatus() const
return tr( "The system language will be set to %1." )
.arg( localeLabel( m_selectedLocaleConfiguration.language() ) );
Config::currentLCStatus() const
return tr( "The numbers and dates locale will be set to %1." )
.arg( localeLabel( m_selectedLocaleConfiguration.lc_numeric ) );
Config::prettyStatus() const
QStringList l { currentLocationStatus(), currentLanguageStatus(), currentLCStatus() };
return l.join( QStringLiteral( "<br/>" ) );
static inline void
getLocaleGenLines( const QVariantMap& configurationMap, QStringList& localeGenLines )
QString localeGenPath = CalamaresUtils::getString( configurationMap, "localeGenPath" );
if ( localeGenPath.isEmpty() )
localeGenPath = QStringLiteral( "/etc/locale.gen" );
localeGenLines = loadLocales( localeGenPath );
static inline void
getAdjustLiveTimezone( const QVariantMap& configurationMap, bool& adjustLiveTimezone )
adjustLiveTimezone = CalamaresUtils::getBool(
configurationMap, "adjustLiveTimezone", Calamares::Settings::instance()->doChroot() );
if ( adjustLiveTimezone )
cWarning() << "Turning off live-timezone adjustments because debugging is on.";
adjustLiveTimezone = false;
#ifdef __FreeBSD__
if ( adjustLiveTimezone )
cWarning() << "Turning off live-timezone adjustments on FreeBSD.";
adjustLiveTimezone = false;
static inline void
getStartingTimezone( const QVariantMap& configurationMap, CalamaresUtils::GeoIP::RegionZonePair& startingTimezone )
QString region = CalamaresUtils::getString( configurationMap, "region" );
QString zone = CalamaresUtils::getString( configurationMap, "zone" );
if ( !region.isEmpty() && !zone.isEmpty() )
startingTimezone = CalamaresUtils::GeoIP::RegionZonePair( region, zone );
= CalamaresUtils::GeoIP::RegionZonePair( QStringLiteral( "America" ), QStringLiteral( "New_York" ) );
if ( CalamaresUtils::getBool( configurationMap, "useSystemTimezone", false ) )
auto systemtz = CalamaresUtils::GeoIP::splitTZString( QTimeZone::systemTimeZoneId() );
if ( systemtz.isValid() )
cDebug() << "Overriding configured timezone" << startingTimezone << "with system timezone" << systemtz;
startingTimezone = systemtz;
static inline void
getGeoIP( const QVariantMap& configurationMap, std::unique_ptr< CalamaresUtils::GeoIP::Handler >& geoip )
bool ok = false;
QVariantMap map = CalamaresUtils::getSubMap( configurationMap, "geoip", ok );
if ( ok )
QString url = CalamaresUtils::getString( map, "url" );
QString style = CalamaresUtils::getString( map, "style" );
QString selector = CalamaresUtils::getString( map, "selector" );
geoip = std::make_unique< CalamaresUtils::GeoIP::Handler >( style, url, selector );
if ( !geoip->isValid() )
cWarning() << "GeoIP Style" << style << "is not recognized.";
Config::setConfigurationMap( const QVariantMap& configurationMap )
getLocaleGenLines( configurationMap, m_localeGenLines );
getAdjustLiveTimezone( configurationMap, m_adjustLiveTimezone );
getStartingTimezone( configurationMap, m_startingTimezone );
getGeoIP( configurationMap, m_geoip );
if ( m_geoip && m_geoip->isValid() )
Calamares::ModuleManager::instance(), &Calamares::ModuleManager::modulesLoaded, this, &Config::startGeoIP );
Calamares::JobList list;
const auto* location = currentLocation();
if ( location )
Calamares::Job* j = new SetTimezoneJob( location->region(), location->zone() );
list.append( Calamares::job_ptr( j ) );
return list;
Config::finalizeGlobalStorage() const
auto* gs = Calamares::JobQueue::instance()->globalStorage();
updateGSLocale( gs, localeConfiguration() );
updateGSLocation( gs, currentLocation() );
if ( m_geoip && m_geoip->isValid() )
auto& network = CalamaresUtils::Network::Manager::instance();
if ( network.hasInternet() || network.synchronousPing( m_geoip->url() ) )
using Watcher = QFutureWatcher< CalamaresUtils::GeoIP::RegionZonePair >;
m_geoipWatcher = std::make_unique< Watcher >();
m_geoipWatcher->setFuture( m_geoip->query() );
connect( m_geoipWatcher.get(), &Watcher::finished, this, &Config::completeGeoIP );
if ( !currentLocation() )
auto r = m_geoipWatcher->result();
if ( r.isValid() )
m_startingTimezone = r;
cWarning() << "GeoIP returned invalid result.";
cWarning() << "GeoIP result ignored because a location is already set.";