# Daniel Napora 2021 <napcok@gmail.com>
#: mb-reset - reset/update user config files to current defaults. 
#:    It only affects files shipped with Mabox.
#:    Be aware that you may loose your own customizations (if any).
#: Usage: mb-reset option
#: Options:
#:   Compare mode:
#:     -c           - compare files using meld GUI (if installed)
#:                    It lets you see changes and decide which one to pick or not.
#:                    Works with rc.xml,bashrc and autostart files
#:                    Usage: mb-reset -c obrcxml | autostart | bashrc
#:   Overwrite mode:
#:     obrcxml      - rc.xml default OpenBox configuration file
#:     obautostart  - default autostart file
#:     bashrc       - bash config file (~/.bashrc)
#:     terminator   - terminator config
#:     conky        - overwrite conky config files in ~/.config/conky/
#:     tint2        - overwrite tint2 panel config files in ~/.config/tint2/
#:     jgthemes     - overwrite menu/sidepanels color schemes in ~/.config/mabox/jgobthemes/
#:     mainmenu     - overwrite main menu files (favorites.csv)
#:     leftpanel    - left panel custom commands
#:     rightpanel   - right panel custom commands
#:     logout       - logout dialog
#:     wrappers     - nitrogen and xrandr Mabox wrappers

case $LANG in
    pl*) LNGDIR="pl";;
    es*) LNGDIR="es";;
    *) LNGDIR="en";;

__usage() {
    grep "^#:" $0 | while read DOC; do printf '%s\n' "${DOC###:}"; done

__compare() {
    command -v meld >/dev/null 2>&1 || { echo "mb-reset compare mode requires meld. Install it and try again. (yay -S meld)" >&2; exit 1; }
    case "$1" in
        meld /usr/share/mabox/common/rc.xml ~/.config/openbox/rc.xml &
        meld /usr/share/mabox/common/autostart ~/.config/openbox/autostart &
        meld /usr/share/mabox/common/.bashrc ~/.bashrc &
        meld /usr/share/mabox/lang/$LNGDIR/.config/conky/ ~/.config/conky/ &
        echo "Compare "
        echo "Usage: mb-reset -c obrcxml|autostart|bashrc"

__allmenus() {
rsync -a /usr/share/mabox/lang/$LNGDIR/.config/mabox/settings* $HOME/.config/mabox/
rsync -a /usr/share/mabox/lang/$LNGDIR/.config/jgmenu/*.csv $HOME/.config/jgmenu/
rsync -a /usr/share/mabox/lang/$LNGDIR/.config/mabox/favorites.csv $HOME/.config/mabox/
rsync -a /usr/share/mabox/lang/$LNGDIR/.config/mabox/places* $HOME/.config/mabox/
rsync -a /usr/share/mabox/lang/$LNGDIR/.config/mabox/right* $HOME/.config/mabox/
rsync -a /usr/share/mabox/lang/$LNGDIR/.config/mabox/exit.csv $HOME/.config/mabox/
mb-setvar places_menusettingspipe=true
mb-setvar places_sysinfopipe=true
mb-setvar places_keyspipe=true
mb-setvar places_sshpipe=true
mb-setvar places_conkypipe=true
mb-setvar places_tint2pipe=true
mb-setvar places_jgdesktops=true
mb-setvar places_jgdeskmngr=true
mb-setvar places_jgdeskgrid=true
mb-setvar places_softwarepipe=true


__mainmenu() {
rsync -a /usr/share/mabox/lang/$LNGDIR/.config/jgmenu/*.csv $HOME/.config/jgmenu/
rsync -a /usr/share/mabox/lang/$LNGDIR/.config/mabox/favorites.csv $HOME/.config/mabox/
rsync -a /usr/share/mabox/lang/$LNGDIR/.config/mabox/setting*.csv $HOME/.config/mabox/

__leftpanel() {
rsync -a /usr/share/mabox/lang/$LNGDIR/.config/mabox/places* $HOME/.config/mabox/
mb-setvar places_menusettingspipe=true
mb-setvar places_sysinfopipe=true
mb-setvar places_keyspipe=true
mb-setvar places_sshpipe=true
mb-setvar places_conkypipe=true
mb-setvar places_tint2pipe=true
mb-setvar places_jgdesktops=true
mb-setvar places_jgdeskmngr=true
mb-setvar places_jgdeskgrid=true
mb-setvar places_softwarepipe=true

__rightpanel() {
rsync -a /usr/share/mabox/lang/$LNGDIR/.config/mabox/right* $HOME/.config/mabox/

__logout() {
rsync -a /usr/share/mabox/lang/$LNGDIR/.config/mabox/exit.csv $HOME/.config/mabox/

__tint2() {
rm $HOME/.local/share/fonts/lucide.ttf
mkdir -p $HOME/.config/fontconfig/conf.d
rsync -a /usr/share/mabox/common/66-symbols.conf $HOME/.config/fontconfig/conf.d/
rsync -a /usr/share/mabox/common/volumettf $HOME/.config/tint2/scripts/
rsync -a /usr/share/mabox/lang/$LNGDIR/.config/tint2/*.tint2rc $HOME/.config/tint2/
killall -SIGUSR1 tint2

__jgthemes() {
rsync -a /usr/share/mb-jgtools/jgobthemes/* $HOME/.config/mabox/jgobthemes/

__conky() {
cp $HOME/.config/conky/conky-sessionfile{,.bak."$(date +%Y%m%d-%H%M%S)"}
cp $HOME/.config/conky/saved-sessions{,.bak."$(date +%Y%m%d-%H%M%S)"}
rsync -a /usr/share/mabox/lang/$LNGDIR/.config/conky/* $HOME/.config/conky/
killall -SIGUSR1 conky

__maboxthemes() {
echo "Not implemented yet"

__obrcxml() {
cp $HOME/.config/openbox/rc.xml{,.bak."$(date +%Y%m%d-%H%M%S)"}
rsync -a /usr/share/mabox/common/rc.xml $HOME/.config/openbox/
openbox --reconfigure

__obautostart() {
cp $HOME/.config/openbox/autostart{,.bak."$(date +%Y%m%d-%H%M%S)"}
rsync -a /usr/share/mabox/common/autostart $HOME/.config/openbox/

__bashrc() {
cp $HOME/.bashrc{,.bak."$(date +%Y%m%d-%H%M%S)"}
rsync -a /usr/share/mabox/common/.bashrc $HOME/

__terminator() {
rsync -a /usr/share/mabox/common/terminator/* $HOME/.config/terminator/

__wrappers() {
rm $HOME/bin/nitrogen
rsync -a /usr/share/mabox/common/wrappers/* $HOME/.local/bin/

case "$1" in
    -c|check) __compare "$2";;
    "allmenus") __allmenus ;;
    "mainmenu") __mainmenu ;;
    "leftpanel") __leftpanel ;;
    "rightpanel") __rightpanel ;;
    "logout") __logout ;;
    "tint2") __tint2 ;;
    "jgthemes") __jgthemes ;;
    "conky") __conky ;;
    "maboxthemes") __maboxthemes ;;
    "obrcxml") __obrcxml ;;
    "obautostart") __obautostart ;;
    "bashrc") __bashrc ;;
    "terminator") __terminator ;;
    "wrappers") __wrappers ;;
    "-h|--help") __usage ;;
    *) __usage ;;

exit 0