#!/bin/bash # mcc: Mabox Control Center # Copyright (C) 2019-2022 napcok # if hash btop 2>/dev/null; then BTOP="btop" else BTOP="bpytop" fi case $LANG in pl*) TITLE="Centrum Sterowania Mabox" MCC="Centrum Sterowania Mabox\t\nSkonfiguruj wygląd i zachowanie swojego Maboxa\t" SYSTEM="System i Sprzęt" LOCALE_SETTINGS="Język i formaty" LANGUAGE_PACKAGES="Pakiety językowe" KERNEL="Jądro systemowe" USER_ACCOUNTS="Konta użytkowników" TIME_DATE="Data i Czas" KEYBOARD="Mysz i Klawiatura" HARDWARE="Konfiguracja sprzętowa" SOFTWARE="Programy" AUTOSTART="Autostart" AUTOSTART_HEAD="Autostart" LOOK="Wygląd" TINT2="Panel Tint2" SETTINGS="Ustawienia" CONKY="Conky" MENU="Menu/Panele boczne" THEMES="Motywy" HELP="Pomoc" HELP_TXT="Visit Mabox Linux Manual to learn more about Mabox. \nDo you have questions? Want to get involved?\nTake a look at our: official website, forum, blog\n \nMabox Linux is developed with passion in spare time.\nMabox is free and it will always be.\nIf you like Mabox you can help by making a small donation \nThank you for choosing to use Mabox Linux!\n" SYSTEM_DESC="Ustawienia oraz informacje systemowe i sprzętowe" MONITORS="Monitor(y)" SOFTWARE_DESC="Aktualizacja - Instalacja Programów - Preferowane programy\n" AUTOSTART_DESC="Pomoc (online)\nOpenbox używa dwóch mechanizmów autostartu.\nPierwszy z nich to autostart XDG." AUTOSTART_DESC2="Drugim - specyficznym dla Openbox - jest skrypt ~/.config/openbox/autostart." EDIT_XDG="Wybierz programy autostartu XDG" EDIT_SCRIPT="Edytuj skrypt" AUTOSTART_RESET="Przywróć domyślny skrypt autostartu" LOOK_DESC="Narzędzia do konfiguracji wyglądu\n" EDIT_FILE="Edytuj plik" TINT_DESC="Konfigurator paneli tint2\nTutaj możesz wybrać konfigurację panelu Tint2.\nW Maboxie dostępne są różne konfiguracje panelu tint2, możesz również dodać własne do katalogu ~/.config/tint2." T_CONF="Konfiguruj panel" T_CHOOSE="Wybierz tint2!!Możesz uruchomić kilka paneli" T_RESTART="Restartuj panel(e)" T_LAUNCHERS="Dodaj/usuń programy do panelu" TINT_DIR="Otwórz katalog ~/.config/tint2/ w menadżerze plików" CONKY_DESC="Menedżer Conky\nWybierz uruchamiane Conky. W Maboxie dostępnych jest kilka konfiguracji Conky, możesz dodać własne do katalogu ~/.config/conky." CONKY_CHOOSE="Wybierz Conky" CONKY_RESTART="Restartuj Conky" CONKY_EDIT="Edytuj Conky" OPEN_CONKYDIR="Otwórz katalog ~/.config/conky" MENU_DESC="Główne menu (wywoływane przez: prawy klik, skrót win+spacja lub z ikony w panelu) umożliwia wyszukiwanie, należy po prostu zacząć pisać np. nazwę programu.\nDostępne są również dwa panele boczne, umożliwiające szybki dostęp np. do systemu plików.\nPoniżej możesz dodać swoje własne polecenia na początku i na końcu paneli bocznych." M_EDIT_MAIN="Ulubione" M_EDIT_MAIN_AFTER="Pod Aplikacjami" M_RESTORE_MAIN="Przywróć domyślne menu" M_LEFT="PANEL LEWY" M_LEFT_KEY="(ctrl+super+left)" M_MAIN="MENU GŁÓWNE" M_MAIN_KEY="(super)" M_RIGHT="PANEL PRAWY" M_RIGHT_KEY="(ctrl+super+left)" M_LEFT_DESC="Lewy panel\n - szybka nawigacja po systemie plików\n - zakładki GTK\n - maszyny wirtualne" M_RIGHT_DESC="Prawy panel\n - ustawienia systemowe\n - pomoc\n - wyjście" M_CUSTOMIZE="Edytuj komendy:" M_MORE="WIĘCEJ USTAWIEŃ..." OWN_COMMANDS_TOP="(Góra)" OWN_COMMANDS_BOTTOM="(Dół)" COMPOSITOR="Kompozytor" COMP_DESC="Menadżerem kompozycji w Maboxie jest Picom - fork Compton.\nSkrót klawiszowy do włączania/wyłączania menadżera kompozycji to (win+p)." COMP_GUI="Ustawienia" COMP_EDIT="Edytuj plik konfiguracyjny" COMP_RESTART="Restart" COMP_TOGGLE="Włącz/Wyłącz (win+p)" COMP_REMOVE="Usuń plik konfiguracyjny" COMP_DEFAULT="Przywróć domyślny plik konfiguracyjny" MT_MNGR="Menedżer Motywów Maboxa" MT_MNGR_DESC="\nPomoc (online)\nMotyw Maboxa składa się z:\n - tapety\n - wystroju GTK2/GTK3 oraz obramowania okien Openboxa\n - ustawień panelu Tint2\n - uruchamianych automatycznie Conky \n\nZa pomocą menedżera motywów możesz w wygodny sposób zapisywać swoje konfiguracje, a następnie dowolnie przełączać się między nimi." COLORIZER_DESC="Colorizer\nUmożliwia zmianę kolorystyki elementów pulpitu Mabox.\nMoże również automatycznie generować kolorystykę na bazie tapety.\nZobacz video (online): Colorizer - krótki przegląd\n" COL_MODULES="Pojedyńcze Moduły" COL_HELP="Pomoc (interaktywna HTML)" LNG="pl" USER_LBL="użytkownik" USERS_MSM="Użytkownicy" RES="rozdzielczość" PKGS_INSTALLED="zainstalowane pakiety" PKGS_STAT="Statystyki" UPDCHECK="sprawdź aktualizacje" CLI_UPD="Aktualizacja CLI" KERNEL_LBL="jądro" KERNELS="Jądra" INSTALLED="zainstalowany:" MABOX_DESC="Twój lekki, szybki i funkcjonalny Linuksowy Desktop" ;; es*) TITLE="Centro de control Mabox" MCC="Centro de control Mabox\t\t\nConfigura y ajusta tu sistema Mabox\t\t" SYSTEM="Sistema/Hardware" LOCALE_SETTINGS="Configuración regional" LANGUAGE_PACKAGES="Paquetes de idiomas" KERNEL="Núcleo" USER_ACCOUNTS="Cuentas de usuario" TIME_DATE="Hora y fecha" KEYBOARD="Mouse e teclado" HARDWARE="Configuración de hardware" SOFTWARE="Programas" AUTOSTART="Programas de inicio" AUTOSTART_HEAD="Programas de inicio" LOOK="Apariencia" TINT2="Panel Tint2" SETTINGS="Ajustes" CONKY="Recuadro Conky" MENU="Menú y Paneles" THEMES="Temas" HELP="Help" HELP_TXT="Visit Mabox Linux Manual to learn more about Mabox. \nDo you have questions? Want to get involved?\nTake a look at our: official website, forum, blog\n \nMabox Linux is developed with passion in spare time.\nMabox is free and it will always be.\nIf you like Mabox you can help by making a small donation \nThank you for choosing to use Mabox Linux!\n" SYSTEM_DESC="Ajustes e información del sistema y de hardware" MONITORS="Monitor(es)" SOFTWARE_DESC="Instalación y actualización de programas - Aplicaciones preferidas.\n" AUTOSTART_DESC="Info (online)\nOpenbox ocupa 2 métodos de reinicio.\nEl primero es reinicio por XDG." AUTOSTART_DESC2="El segundo método de reinicio es usar el mismo archivo script de Openbox:\n~/.config/openbox/autostart. " EDIT_XDG="Seleccionar ítemes para reinicio" EDIT_SCRIPT="Editar el archivo script de reinicio" AUTOSTART_RESET="Reestablecer el archivo script de reinicio por defecto" LOOK_DESC="Configurar la apariencia de tu escritorio.\n" EDIT_FILE="Editar el archivo" TINT_DESC="Configurador de paneles Tint2\nAquí puede elegir los ajustes para los paneles.\nExisten varios ajustes predefinidos en Mabox, y además puede agregar nuevos en este directorio ~/.config/tint2 ." T_CONF="Configurar panel" T_CHOOSE="Elija un panel tint2!!Puede ejecutar varios paneles de inmediato" T_RESTART="Reiniciar panel tint2" T_LAUNCHERS="Add/remove launchers..." TINT_DIR="Abrir la carpeta ~/.config/tint2/ " CONKY_DESC="Gestor de recuadro Conky\nElija el recuadro Conky que desea ejecutar. Existen varios ajustes predefinidos de recuadros Conky, y además puede agregar nuevos en este directorio ~/.config/conky ." CONKY_CHOOSE="Seleccionar recuadros Conky" CONKY_RESTART="Recargar recuadro Conky" CONKY_EDIT="Editar recuadro Conky" OPEN_CONKYDIR="Abrir la carpeta ~/.config/conky " MENU_DESC="Menu principal (accede con clic derecho, teclas Super+barra de espacio o desde el ícono del panel) activa escribe sobre buscar. Sólo empieza a escribir el término que estas buscando.\nThere are also two side-panels available for quick access to file system locations for example. Below you can add custom commands to both side-panels." M_EDIT_MAIN="Favoritos" M_EDIT_MAIN_AFTER="Below Apps" M_RESTORE_MAIN="Reestablecer el menu por defecto" M_LEFT="PANEL IZQUIERDO" M_LEFT_KEY="(ctrl+super+left)" M_MAIN="MENU PRINCIPAL" M_MAIN_KEY="(super)" M_RIGHT="PANEL DERECHO" M_RIGHT_KEY="(ctrl+super+right)" M_LEFT_DESC="Panel izquierdo\n - Navegacion veloz\n - Marcadores GTK\n - Máquinas Virtuales" M_RIGHT_DESC="Panel derecho\n - Configuración del sistema\n - ayuda\n - opciones de salida" M_CUSTOMIZE="Ajustes:" M_MORE="MORE SETTINGS.." OWN_COMMANDS_TOP="(TOP)" OWN_COMMANDS_BOTTOM="(BOTTOM)" COMPOSITOR="Compositor gráfico" COMP_DESC="Picom se usa como gestor gráfico en Mabox" COMP_GUI="Configuración" COMP_EDIT="Editar el archivo de configuración" COMP_RESTART="Reiniciar compositor gráfico" COMP_TOGGLE="Activar/desactivar compositor (win+p)" COMP_REMOVE="Eliminar archivo picom.conf" COMP_DEFAULT="Reestablecer compositor grafico por defecto" MT_MNGR="Gestor de Temas Mabox" MT_MNGR_DESC="\nHelp (online)\nTemas Mabox consiste de:\n - fondos de pantalla\n - temas GTK2/GTK3\n - ajustes a tema Openbox\n - paneles Tint2 seleccionados\n - recuadros Conky seleccionados\n\nCon el gestor de Temas en Mabox puede fácilmente guardar nuevas configuraciones, y cambiar entre ellas." COLORIZER_DESC="Colorizer\nColorizer allows you to change the color of the Mabox desktop elements.\nIt can also automatically generate colors based on the wallpaper.\nSee video (online - YT): Colorizer - overview\n" COL_MODULES="Individual Modules:" COL_HELP="Help (interactive HTML)" LNG="en" USER_LBL="user" USERS_MSM="Users" RES="resolution" PKGS_INSTALLED="installed pkgs" PKGS_STAT="Statistics" UPDCHECK="check updates" CLI_UPD="CLI update" KERNEL_LBL="kernel" KERNELS="Kernels" INSTALLED="install date: " MABOX_DESC="Your fast, lightweight and functional Linux Desktop";; *) TITLE="Mabox Control Center" MCC="Mabox Control Center\t\t\nConfigure and customize your Mabox Linux\t" SYSTEM="System/HW" LOCALE_SETTINGS="Locale Settings" LANGUAGE_PACKAGES="Language Packages" KERNEL="Kernel" USER_ACCOUNTS="User Accounts" TIME_DATE="Time and Date" KEYBOARD="Mouse and Keyboard Settings" HARDWARE="Hardware Configuration" SOFTWARE="Software" AUTOSTART="Autostart" AUTOSTART_HEAD="Autostart" LOOK="Look and Feel" TINT2="Tint2 Panel" SETTINGS="Settings" CONKY="Conky" MENU="Menu/SidePanels" THEMES="Themes" HELP="Help" HELP_TXT="Visit Mabox Linux Manual to learn more about Mabox. \nDo you have questions? Want to get involved?\nTake a look at our: official website, forum, blog\n \nMabox Linux is developed with passion in spare time.\nMabox is free and it will always be.\nIf you like Mabox you can help by making a small donation \nThank you for choosing to use Mabox Linux!\n" SYSTEM_DESC="System and Hardware settings and information" MONITORS="Monitor(s)" SOFTWARE_DESC="Software installation and update - Preferred Applications.\n" AUTOSTART_DESC="Info (online)\nOpenbox uses two autostart methods.\nFirst is XDG autostart." AUTOSTART_DESC2="Second method is Openbox own autostart script: ~/.config/openbox/autostart. " EDIT_XDG="Select items to autostart" EDIT_SCRIPT="Edit script" AUTOSTART_RESET="Reset to default autostart script" LOOK_DESC="Customize Look and Feel of your desktop.\n" EDIT_FILE="Edit file" TINT_DESC="Tint2 panels Configurator\nHere you can choose Tint2 panel(s) configuration.\nThere are some predefined configurations in Mabox, you can also add your own to ~/.config/tint2 directory." T_CONF="Configure panel" T_CHOOSE="Choose tint2!!You can run several tint2 panels at once" T_RESTART="Restart tint2" T_LAUNCHERS="Add/remove launchers..." TINT_DIR="Open ~/.config/tint2/ directory " CONKY_DESC="Conky Manager\nChoose Conky you want to run. There are several predefined Conky configurations, you can also add your own to ~/.config/conky directory." CONKY_CHOOSE="Choose Conky(s)" CONKY_RESTART="Reload Conky" CONKY_EDIT="Edit Conky" OPEN_CONKYDIR="Open ~/.config/conky directory" MENU_DESC="Main menu (access it by right click, win+space shortcut or from panel icon) have type to search functionality. Just start to type what you looking for.\nThere are also two side-panels available for quick access to file system locations for example. Below you can add custom commands to both side-panels." M_EDIT_MAIN="Edit Favorites" M_EDIT_MAIN_AFTER="Edit below Apps" M_RESTORE_MAIN="Reset mainmenu to default" M_LEFT="LEFT PANEL" M_LEFT_KEY="(ctrl+super+left)" M_MAIN="MAIN MENU" M_MAIN_KEY="(super)" M_RIGHT="RIGHT PANEL" M_RIGHT_KEY="(ctrl+super+right)" M_LEFT_DESC="Left panel\n - quick navigation\n - GTK Bookmarks\n - Virtualbox machines" M_RIGHT_DESC="Right panel\n - system settings\n - help\n - exit options" M_CUSTOMIZE="Customize commands:" M_MORE="MORE SETTINGS.." OWN_COMMANDS_TOP="(TOP)" OWN_COMMANDS_BOTTOM="(BOTTOM)" COMPOSITOR="Compositor" COMP_DESC="Picom is used as composite manager in Mabox" COMP_GUI="Settings" COMP_EDIT="Edit config file" COMP_RESTART="Restart" COMP_TOGGLE="Toggle (win+p)" COMP_REMOVE="Remove picom.conf" COMP_DEFAULT="Reset to default" MT_MNGR="Mabox Theme Manager" MT_MNGR_DESC="\nHelp (online)\nMabox theme consist of:\n - wallpaper\n - GTK2/GTK3 Theme and Openbox window decoration \n - selected Tint2 panel(s)\n - selected Conkies \n\nWith Mabox Theme Manager you can easily save your configurations, and switch between them." COLORIZER_DESC="Colorizer\nColorizer allows you to change the color of the Mabox desktop elements.\nIt can also automatically generate colors based on the wallpaper.\nSee video (online - YT): Colorizer - overview\n" COL_MODULES="Individual Modules:" COL_HELP="Help (interactive HTML)" LNG="en" USER_LBL="user" USERS_MSM="Users" RES="resolution" PKGS_INSTALLED="installed pkgs" PKGS_STAT="Statistics" UPDCHECK="check updates" CLI_UPD="CLI update" KERNEL_LBL="kernel" KERNELS="Kernels" INSTALLED="install date: " MABOX_DESC="Your fast, lightweight and functional Linux Desktop";; esac maindialog () { KEY=$RANDOM res1=$(mktemp --tmpdir mcc-tab1.XXXXXXXX) #res2=$(mktemp --tmpdir mcc-tab2.XXXXXXXX) res3=$(mktemp --tmpdir mcc-tab3.XXXXXXXX) res4=$(mktemp --tmpdir mcc-tab4.XXXXXXXX) res5=$(mktemp --tmpdir mcc-tab5.XXXXXXXX) res6=$(mktemp --tmpdir mcc-tab6.XXXXXXXX) res7=$(mktemp --tmpdir mcc-tab7.XXXXXXXX) res8=$(mktemp --tmpdir mcc-tab8.XXXXXXXX) res9=$(mktemp --tmpdir mcc-tab9.XXXXXXXX) res10=$(mktemp --tmpdir mcc-tab10.XXXXXXXX) res11=$(mktemp --tmpdir mcc-tab11.XXXXXXXX) res12=$(mktemp --tmpdir mcc-tab12.XXXXXXXX) out=$(mktemp --tmpdir mcc-out.XXXXXXXX) # cleanup trap "rm -f $res1 $res3 $res4 $res5 $res6 $res7 $res8 $res9 $res10 $res11 $res12 $out" EXIT OSNAME=$(lsb_release -d | awk '{print $2}') OSVERSION=$(lsb_release -r | awk '{print $2}') OSCODE=$(lsb_release -c | awk '{print $2}') # system uptime UPT="$(uptime -p)" UPT="${UPT/up /}" UPT="${UPT/ day?/d}" UPT="${UPT/ hour?/h}" UPT="${UPT/ minute?/m}" # install date if [[ -e /var/log/pacman.log ]]; then INST="$(sed 1q /var/log/pacman.log)" INST="${INST/ */}" INST="${INST/T*/}" # newer pacman adds a different timestamp (TXX:XX:XX+0000), we just want the date INST="${INST/\[/}" #INST="${INST//\-/ }" fi PKGS=$(pacman -Qq 2>/dev/null | wc -l) # kernel version KERN="${KERN:-$(uname -sr | awk '{print $2}')}" KERN="${KERN/-*/}" KERN="${KERN/linux/}" KERN="${KERN,,}" RESOLUTION=$(xdpyinfo | awk '/^ +dimensions/ {print $2}') INTRO_TXT=$(cat <Mabox Linux $OSVERSION $OSCODE \t$MABOX_DESC\n \t$INSTALLED $INST \twm: openbox \tuptime: $UPT \n EOF ) #INTRO yad --plug=$KEY --tabnum=1 --borders=10 \ --text="$INTRO_TXT" --image=/usr/share/icons/hicolor/128x128/apps/mbcc.png \ --columns=4 --form \ --field="$USER_LBL:LBL" "" \ --field="$RES:LBL" "" \ --field="$PKGS_INSTALLED:LBL" "" \ --field="$UPDCHECK:LBL" "" \ --field="$KERNEL_LBL:LBL" "" \ --field="$USER:LBL" "" \ --field="$RESOLUTION:LBL" "" \ --field="$PKGS:LBL" "" \ --field=">>>:LBL" "" \ --field="$KERN:LBL" "" \ --field=" $USERS_MSM!system-config-users!:FBTN" "manjaro-settings-manager -m msm_users" \ --field=" ARandr!system-terminal!:FBTN" "arandr" \ --field=" Pamac!package-manager-icon!:FBTN" "pamac-manager" \ --field=" Pamac updater!software-update!:FBTN" "pamac-manager --updates" \ --field=" $KERNELS!distributor-logo-linux!:FBTN" "manjaro-settings-manager -m msm_kernel" \ --field=" :LBL" "" \ --field=" LXRandr!system-terminal!:FBTN" "lxrandr" \ --field=" $PKGS_STAT (yay -Ps)!utilities-terminal!:FBTN" "terminator -T 'Package stats' -x bash -c 'yay -Ps;read'" \ --field=" $CLI_UPD (yay)!utilities-terminal!:FBTN" "terminator -x bash -c 'theme.sh red-alert;yay;read'" \ --field=" :LBL" "" \ > $res1 & # Programy #yad --plug=$KEY --tabnum=2 --borders=20 --text="$SOFTWARE_DESC" \ #--icons --compact --term "terminator -e %s" --read-dir=/home/napcok/Git/mabox-tools/mcc/software --item-width=100 \ #> $res2 & #--icons --compact --read-dir=/usr/share/mcc/software --item-width=100 \ # AUTOSTART yad --plug=$KEY --tabnum=2 --borders=10 --uri-handler=xdg-open \ --text="$AUTOSTART_HEAD" --image=gtk-execute \ --columns=1 --form \ --field="$AUTOSTART_DESC:LBL" "" \ --field="$EDIT_XDG:FBTN" "yautostart" \ --field="$AUTOSTART_DESC2 :LBL" "" \ --field="$EDIT_SCRIPT ~/.config/openbox/autostart:FBTN" "xdg-open $HOME/.config/openbox/autostart" \ --field="$AUTOSTART_RESET:FBTN" "cp /etc/skel/.config/openbox/autostart $HOME/.config/openbox/" \ > $res3 & #--field=":LBL" "" \ # TINT2 yad --plug=$KEY --tabnum=3 --borders=10 \ --text="$TINT_DESC" --image=tint2conf \ --columns=1 --form \ --field="$T_LAUNCHERS:FBTN" "jgtint2launcher" \ --field="$T_CONF:FBTN" "jgtint2-pipe -s" \ --field="$T_CHOOSE:FBTN" "mb-tint2-manager" \ --field="$T_RESTART:FBTN" "mb-tint2restart" \ --field=":LBL" "" \ --field="$TINT_DIR:FBTN" "exo-open $HOME/.config/tint2/" \ > $res5 & # MENU yad --plug=$KEY --tabnum=4 --borders=1 \ --text="$MENU_DESC" --image=menu-editor \ --columns=3 --form \ --field="$M_LEFT:FBTN" "mb-jgtools places" \ --field="$M_LEFT_KEY:LBL" "" \ --field="$M_CUSTOMIZE:LBL" "" \ --field="$OWN_COMMANDS_TOP:FBTN" "xdg-open $HOME/.config/mabox/places-prepend.csv" \ --field="$OWN_COMMANDS_BOTTOM:FBTN" "xdg-open $HOME/.config/mabox/places-append.csv" \ --field=":LBL" "" \ --field=" :LBL" "" \ --field=" :LBL" "" \ --field="$M_MAIN:FBTN" "mb-jgtools main" \ --field="$M_MAIN_KEY:LBL" "" \ --field=" :LBL" "" \ --field="$M_EDIT_MAIN:FBTN" "xdg-open $HOME/.config/mabox/favorites.csv" \ --field="$M_EDIT_MAIN_AFTER:FBTN" "xdg-open $HOME/.config/mabox/mainmenu_below_apps.csv" \ --field=":LBL" "" \ --field=" :LBL" "" \ --field="$M_MORE:FBTN" "jgmenusettings-pipe -s" \ --field="$M_RIGHT:FBTN" "mb-jgtools right" \ --field="$M_RIGHT_KEY:LBL" "" \ --field=" :LBL" "" \ --field="$OWN_COMMANDS_TOP:FBTN" "xdg-open $HOME/.config/mabox/right-prepend.csv" \ --field="$OWN_COMMANDS_BOTTOM:FBTN" "xdg-open $HOME/.config/mabox/right-append.csv" \ --field=":LBL" "" \ > $res6 & #--field="$M_LEFT_DESC:LBL" "" \ #--field="$M_RIGHT_DESC:LBL" "" \ # WYGLĄD yad --plug=$KEY --tabnum=5 --text="$LOOK_DESC" --icons --read-dir=/usr/share/mcc/appearance --item-width=100 \ > $res4 & # MOTYWY yad --plug=$KEY --tabnum=6 --borders=10 --uri-handler=xdg-open \ --text="$MT_MNGR\n $MT_MNGR_DESC" \ --form --field="$MT_MNGR!preferences-desktop-theme:FBTN" "mb-obthemes" \ > $res9 & # COLORIZER yad --plug=$KEY --tabnum=7 --borders=10 \ --text="$COLORIZER_DESC" --image=colorizer \ --form \ --columns=4 \ --field=" Colorizer!colorizer!:FBTN" "colorizer -s" \ --field="$COL_MODULES :LBL" "" \ --field="OpenBox:FBTN" "colorizer-ob -s" \ --field=" :LBL" "" \ --field=" :LBL" "" \ --field=" :LBL" "" \ --field="Conky:FBTN" "colorizer-conky -s" \ --field=" :LBL" "" \ --field=" :LBL" "" \ --field=" :LBL" "" \ --field="Menu/SidePanels:FBTN" "colorizer-menus -s" \ --field=" :LBL" "" \ --field="$COL_HELP:FBTN" "yhtml /usr/share/mabox-colorizer/help/$LNG.html 'Mabox Help - Colorizer'" \ --field=" :LBL" "" \ --field="PyRadio:FBTN" "colorizer-pyradio -s" \ --field=" :LBL" "" \ > res8 & # CONKY yad --plug=$KEY --tabnum=8 --borders=10 \ --text="$CONKY_DESC" --image=conky \ --form \ --field="$CONKY_CHOOSE:FBTN" "mb-conky-manager" \ --field="$CONKY_RESTART:FBTN" "mb-conky-session" \ --field="$CONKY_EDIT:FBTN" "mb-conkyedit" \ --field="$OPEN_CONKYDIR:FBTN" "exo-open $HOME/.config/conky/" \ > $res10 & # Picom yad --plug=$KEY --tabnum=9 --borders=10 \ --text="$COMP_DESC" --image=compton \ --columns=1 --form \ --field="$COMP_EDIT:FBTN" "xdg-open $HOME/.config/picom.conf" \ --field="$COMP_RESTART:FBTN" "mabox-compositor --restart" \ --field="$COMP_TOGGLE:FBTN" "mabox-compositor --toggle" \ > $res11 & #--field="$COMP_REMOVE:FBTN" "rm -f $HOME/.config/picom.conf" \ #--field="$COMP_DEFAULT:FBTN" "cp /etc/skel/.config/picom.conf $HOME/.config/" \ # SYSTEM_SPRZET yad --plug=$KEY --tabnum=10 --text="$SYSTEM_DESC" --columns=2 --align="center" --form --scroll \ --field="$SETTINGS:LBL" " " \ --field="$LOCALE_SETTINGS:FBTN" "manjaro-settings-manager -m msm_locale" \ --field="$LANGUAGE_PACKAGES:FBTN" "manjaro-settings-manager -m msm_language_packages" \ --field="$KERNEL:FBTN" "manjaro-settings-manager -m msm_kernel" \ --field="$USER_ACCOUNTS:FBTN" "manjaro-settings-manager -m msm_users" \ --field="$TIME_DATE:FBTN" "manjaro-settings-manager -m msm_timedate" \ --field="$KEYBOARD:FBTN" "lxinput" \ --field="$HARDWARE:FBTN" "manjaro-settings-manager -m msm_mhwd" \ --field="$MONITORS:LBL" "" \ --field="ARandr:FBTN" "arandr" \ --field="LXRandR:FBTN" "lxrandr" \ --field=" :LBL" "" \ --field="Info:LBL" "" \ --field=" inxi -CGAD!utilities-terminal!:FBTN" "terminator -x bash -c 'inxi -CGAD;bash'" \ --field=" neofetch!utilities-terminal!:FBTN" "terminator -x bash -c 'neofetch;bash'" \ --field="btop!utilities-terminal!:FBTN" "terminator -x $BTOP" \ > $res7 & # HELP yad --plug=$KEY --tabnum=11 \ --image=/usr/share/icons/hicolor/128x128/apps/distributor-logo-mabox-trans.png --text-justify=center --uri-handler=xdg-open --text="$HELP_TXT" \ --form --columns="4" \ --field="www:FBTN" "xdg-open https://maboxlinux.org" \ --field="forum:FBTN" "xdg-open https://forum.maboxlinux.org" \ --field="manual:FBTN" "xdg-open https://manual.maboxlinux.org" \ --field="donate:FBTN" "xdg-open https://ko-fi.com/maboxlinux" \ > $res12 & #main window yad --window-icon=distributor-logo-mabox \ --notebook --tab-pos="left" --key=$KEY \ --tab="Home" \ --tab="$AUTOSTART" \ --tab="$TINT2"\ --tab="$MENU" \ --tab="$LOOK" \ --tab="$THEMES" \ --tab="Colorizer" \ --tab="$CONKY" \ --tab="$COMPOSITOR" \ --tab="$SYSTEM" \ --tab="$HELP"\ --title="$TITLE" --image=/usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/distributor-logo-mabox.png \ --width="720" --height="420" --image-on-top --text-justify=right --text="$MCC" --no-buttons > $out & } maindialog