#!/bin/bash # # bl-tint2-manager: a BunsenLabs tint2 selection and switcher script # Copyright (C) 2015-2019 damo <damo@bunsenlabs.org> # 2019-2020 John Crawley <john@bunsenlabs.org> # Ported to Mabox by napcok <napcok@gmail.com>, August 2020 # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. # ######################################################################## # # Tint2 config files must be in $TINT2PATH # # When the dialog opens, any running tint2s will be checkmarked. # # Click "Apply" and all running tint2s are stopped, # and all checkmarked tint2s are started. # # To stop a tint2 just uncheck it, and "Apply". # # Running tint2s are saved to a session file, and can be run with # the "tint2-session" script. To start them at login, add the # following line to autostart: # # mb-tint2-session # ######################################################################## TINT2PATH="$HOME/.config/tint2" TINT2DEFAULT="$TINT2PATH/tint2rc" # tint2 will create this if it doesn't exist SESSIONFILE="$TINT2PATH/tint2-sessionfile" USAGE='mb-tint2-manager is a tint2 selection and switcher script which uses yad to generate a graphical user interface. Usage: mb-tint2-manager or: mb-tint2-manager -h|--help Optional arguments: -h | --help Show this message (no other options are supported at this time) Use: With no command option the script runs the gui Tint2 config files must be in HOME/.config/tint2/ When the dialog opens, any running tint2s will be checkmarked. Click "Apply" or "OK" and all running tint2s are stopped, and all checkmarked tint2s are started. To stop a tint2 just uncheck it, and click "Apply" or "OK". Click "Apply" to return to the dialog after applying changes, click "OK" to close the window after applying changes, click "Close" to close the window without applying any more changes. Running tint2s are saved to a session file, and can be run with the "tint2-session" script. To start them at login, add the following line to autostart: mb-tint2-session ' ### DIALOG VARIABLES DLGDEC="yad --center --borders=20 " WINICON="--window-icon=distributor-logo-mabox --image=tint2conf" case $LANG in pl*) TITLE="Menedżer paneli Tint2" OK="--button=OK:2" APPLY="--button=Zastosuj:0" CANCEL="--button=Anuluj:1" CLOSE="--button=Zamknij:1" SELECT_TINT="Wybierz Tint2 z listy, po kliknięcu <b>Zastosuj</b> wszystkie zaznaczone zostaną uruchomione." SELECT="Wybór" TINT_CONF_FILE="plik konfiguracji tint2" ;; es*) TITLE="Gestor de panel(es) tint2" OK="--button=Aceptar:2" APPLY="--button=Aplicar:0" CANCEL="--button=Cancelar:1" CLOSE="--button=Cerrar:1" SELECT_TINT="Selecciona panel(es) de la lista. Dale clic a <b>Aplicar</b> para ejecutar el seleccionado." SELECT="Seleccionar" TINT_CONF_FILE="Nombrar panel tint2" ;; *) TITLE="Tint2 Panels Manager" OK="--button=OK:2" APPLY="--button=Apply:0" CANCEL="--button=Cancel:1" CLOSE="--button=Close:1" SELECT_TINT="Select Tint2s from the list. Click <b>Apply</b> to start all selected." SELECT="Select" TINT_CONF_FILE="tint2 Name" ;; esac ######################################################################## getRunning(){ local pid cmd args TPATH while read -r pid cmd args; do TPATH=${args#-c } # tint2 will start even without -c before filepath if [[ -z $TPATH ]]; then TPATH=$TINT2DEFAULT elif [[ $TPATH != "$HOME"/* ]]; then TPATH="$HOME/$TPATH" fi [[ -f $TPATH ]] || { echo "$0: pgrep tint2 parsing failed: $TPATH not a file" >&2 continue } runningTints+=("$TPATH") done < <(pgrep -ax tint2) } # $1 holds full path to config file # return 0 if a running tint2 is using that file isRunning(){ local file=$1 for running in "${runningTints[@]}" do [[ $running = "$file" ]] && return 0 done return 1 } fillArrays(){ num="$1" tintsPath[$num]="$2" # full filepath to the tint2 tintsArr[$num]="$3" # displayed name # see if config file matches one of the running tints if isRunning "$2";then checkArr[$num]="TRUE" # make checkmark in dialog else checkArr[$num]="FALSE" fi } findTint(){ # search dirs for tint2 config files local file num display num=0 shopt -s globstar #for file in "$TINT2PATH"/**;do for file in $(find $TINT2PATH -type f -name *tint2rc);do [[ -f $file ]] || continue [[ $file = *~ ]] && continue # ignore backups grep -q "panel_monitor" "$file" || continue # not a tint2rc file display=${file#$TINT2PATH/} fillArrays $num "$file" "$display" num=$((num+1)) done shopt -u globstar } loadDialog() { local RET retval i pid cmd name file display declare -a retTint ## Populate dialog from array, get return value(s) RET=$($DLGDEC $WINICON --list --title="$TITLE" \ --text="$SELECT_TINT" \ --checklist --width=400 --height=500 \ --column="$SELECT" --column="$TINT_CONF_FILE" "${LISTTINT[@]}" --separator=":" \ $APPLY $CLOSE \ ) # For OK button, add to last line of yad command: # $APPLY $OK $CLOSE \ retval=$? if (( retval == 1 )); then # close button pressed exit 0 fi :> "$SESSIONFILE" # Create new session file # loop through returned choices, add to array i=0 OIFS=$IFS # copy original IFS IFS=":" # separator is ":" in returned choices for name in $RET; do retTint[$i]=$name i=$((i+1)) done IFS=$OIFS # reset IFS # kill all tint2s pgrep -a tint2 | while read -r pid cmd; do if [[ ${cmd%% *} = tint2 ]]; then kill "$pid" fi done for name in "${retTint[@]}";do # loop through checkmarked tint2 names for ((j=0; j<${#tintsPath[*]}; j++));do # traverse through elements file=${tintsPath[j]} display=${tintsArr[j]} # see if it matches the returned name if [[ $display = "$name" ]];then echo "$file" >> "$SESSIONFILE" set -m # enable job control so forked tint2 is immune to signals # start the tint2 (adjust the sleep time if required) tint2 -c "$file" >/dev/null 2>&1 & disown set +m sleep 1s fi done done # if there is an $OK button that returns 2, it will apply changes and exit (( retval == 2 )) && exit 0 } # get any commandline arguments if ! (( $# == 0 ));then for arg in "$@";do if [[ $1 = "-h" ]] || [[ $1 = "--help" ]];then echo -e "$USAGE" exit 0 else echo -e "\tERROR: sorry I don't understand \"${arg}\"" echo -e "$USAGE" exit 1 fi done fi while true;do runningTints=() # get tint2 directories in .tint2, add to array getRunning findTint LISTTINT=() # loop through arrays, and build list text for yad dialog for ((j=0; j<${#tintsArr[*]}; j++));do LISTTINT+=("${checkArr[j]}" "${tintsArr[j]}") done loadDialog #"$LISTTINT" now a global array done exit 0