#!/bin/bash ### deskgrid - click on the window and select area to place it on the grid # Works with active and inactive windows # (C) Daniel Napora , 2021 # https://maboxlinux.org # CONFIG_DIR=~/.config/deskgrid CONFIG_FILE="$CONFIG_DIR/deskgrid.conf" mkdir -p $CONFIG_DIR if [ ! -f $CONFIG_FILE ]; then cat < ${CONFIG_FILE} # Gap between windows in pixels (reasonable values: 0 8 16 24) gap=16 # Grid columns (12 16 24) grid_x=16 # Grid rows (6 12 16) grid_y=12 # titlebar_height=18 #Notifications true or false notifications=true # Outer gap (disable if you use WM margins) show_outer_gap=true # Only for clicksnap action activate_window=false EOF fi source <(grep = $CONFIG_FILE) GAP=${gap:-16} GRID_X=${grid_x:-12} GRID_Y=${grid_y:-6} TITLEBAR_HEIGHT=${titlebar_height:-18} eval $(xdotool getmouselocation --shell) # we have window id now as $WINDOW HEX_ID=$(printf '0x%x\n' $WINDOW) CHILD_ID=$(xwininfo -id $HEX_ID -children|grep "\"" | awk '{print $1}') if xwininfo -id $CHILD_ID -wm |grep Dock ; then exit 0 ;fi # Ignore Dock eg. tint2 if xwininfo -id $CHILD_ID -wm |grep Undecorated ; then # Undecorated T="0" else # Decorated T="$TITLEBAR_HEIGHT" fi xdotool windowminimize --sync $WINDOW # Screen dimensions, margins and available size SCREENSIZE=$(wmctrl -d |grep "*" | awk -F' ' '{print $4}') MARGINS=$(wmctrl -d |grep "*" | awk -F' ' '{print $8}') AVAILSIZE=$(wmctrl -d |grep "*" | awk -F' ' '{print $9}') SCREEN_X="${SCREENSIZE%x*}" SCREEN_Y="${SCREENSIZE#*x}" AVAIL_X="${AVAILSIZE%x*}" AVAIL_Y="${AVAILSIZE#*x}" MARGIN_X="${MARGINS%,*}" MARGIN_Y="${MARGINS#*,}" #Show notify if [ $notifications = true ]; then notify-send.sh -t 15000 --replace-file=/tmp/deskgrid --icon=mbcc "Welcome to DeskGrid (experimental)" "\nDraw rectangle by mouse to set new window positon and size.\nWhile drawing you may hold Space key to move selection.\nNew window will be bigger than selection." fi # Take selection slop=$(slop --highlight -b 4 --tolerance=0 --color=0.3,0.4,0.6,0.4 -f "%x %y %w %h") || exit 1 read -r X Y W H < <(echo $slop) start_x="$(((X-MARGIN_X)/(AVAIL_X/GRID_X)))" start_y="$(((Y-MARGIN_Y)/(AVAIL_Y/GRID_Y)))" end_x="$(((X-MARGIN_X+W)/(AVAIL_X/GRID_X)))" end_y="$(((Y-MARGIN_Y+H)/(AVAIL_Y/GRID_Y)))" ### Outer gap factor if [[ $show_outer_gap = true ]]; then GF="1" ; else GF="0" ; fi ### SIZE and POS calculation if [[ $start_x = "0" ]]; then GAP_X="$((GAP*GF))" ; else GAP_X=$((GAP/2)) ; fi if [[ $start_y = "0" ]]; then GAP_Y="$((GAP*GF))" ; else GAP_Y=$((GAP/2)) ; fi if [[ $end_x = $((GRID_X-1)) ]]; then GAP_X_END="$((GAP*GF))" ; else GAP_X_END=$((GAP/2)) ; fi if [[ $end_y = $((GRID_Y-1)) ]]; then GAP_Y_END="$((GAP*GF))" ; else GAP_Y_END=$((GAP/2)) ; fi SIZE="$(((end_x-start_x+1)*(AVAIL_X/GRID_X)-GAP_X-GAP_X_END)) $(((end_y-start_y+1)*(AVAIL_Y/GRID_Y)-GAP_Y-GAP_Y_END-T))" POSITION="$((start_x*AVAIL_X/GRID_X+GAP_X+MARGIN_X)) $((start_y*AVAIL_Y/GRID_Y+GAP_Y+MARGIN_Y))" xdotool windowsize $WINDOW $SIZE xdotool windowmove $WINDOW $POSITION xdotool windowmap $WINDOW if [ $notifications = true ]; then notify-send.sh -t 15000 --replace-file=/tmp/deskgrid --icon=mbcc "Info" "You can disable those notifications or edit config file using buttons below.\n\n" -o "Disable notifications:mb-setvar enable_notifications=false ~/.config/deskgrid/deskgrid.conf" -o "Edit DeskGrid config file:geany ~/.config/deskgrid/deskgrid.conf" #notify-send.sh -t 15000 --replace-file=/tmp/deskgrid --icon=mbcc "Success notification" "You can disable those notifications by editing config file. Button below.\nScreensize: $SCREENSIZE\nMargins: $MARGINS\nAvailable size: $AVAILSIZE\nGrid: $((AVAIL_X/GRID_X)) x $((AVAIL_Y/GRID_Y)) Selection: $slop\nPosition: $POSITION\n($start_x*$AVAIL_X/$GRID_X+$GAP_X+$MARGIN_X)\n($start_y*$AVAIL_Y/$GRID_Y+$GAP_Y+$MARGIN_Y) \nSize: $SIZE" -o "Disable notifications:mb-setvar enable_notifications=false ~/.config/deskgrid/deskgrid.conf" -o "Edit config file:geany ~/.config/deskgrid/deskgrid.conf" fi