#!/bin/bash # Daniel Napora 2021 #: deskmngr - save all programs (windows) running on current desktop in session file. #: With windows positions and state (decorated or not) #: Usage: #: -s|save - save session from current desktop #: -r|restore sesionfile desktop_nr - restore session from sessionfile on desktop #: SESSIONDIR="$HOME/.config/deskmngr/" mkdir -p $SESSIONDIR savesession() { curdesk=$(wmctrl -d | grep "*" | awk '{print $1}') echo "$curdesk" filename=$(yad --center --title "Save session as:" --entry --entry-label="Session name" --entry-text="Session name") || exit 1 #echo "$filename" windows=() wmctrl -l -p -G | { while IFS= read -r line do read -r ID DESK PID x_offset y_offset width height rest< <(echo $line) if [[ "$DESK" != "-1" ]]; then if [[ "$DESK" == "$curdesk" ]]; then cmdline=$(ps -fp $PID -o command=) xwininfo -id "$ID" -wm | grep -q Undecorated && D="u" || D="d" ## frameY=$(xwininfo -id "$ID" -stats | grep "Relative upper-left Y:" | cut -d: -f2) frameX=$(xwininfo -id "$ID" -stats | grep "Relative upper-left X:" | cut -d: -f2) windows+=("$D $width $height $((x_offset-frameX)) $((y_offset-2*frameY)) $cmdline") #windows+=("$D $width $height $x_offset $y_offset $cmdline") fi fi done printf "%s\n" "${windows[@]}" > "$SESSIONDIR/${filename// /_}.desk" # Serch replace if command -v sd 1>/dev/null; then sd -s "/usr/lib/chromium/chromium" "chromium --new-window" "$SESSIONDIR/${filename// /_}.desk" sd -s "/usr/lib/firefox/firefox" "firefox --new-window" "$SESSIONDIR/${filename// /_}.desk" sd -s "/usr/bin/python3 /usr/bin/terminator" "terminator" "$SESSIONDIR/${filename// /_}.desk" sd -s "geany" "geany -i" "$SESSIONDIR/${filename// /_}.desk" sd -s "cherrytree" "cherrytree --new-window" "$SESSIONDIR/${filename// /_}.desk" sd -s "pcmanfm -d" "pcmanfm" "$SESSIONDIR/${filename// /_}.desk" fi #echo "$desktop" geany "$SESSIONDIR/${filename// /_}.desk" } } restoresession() { sessfile="$1" DESK="$2" echo "$sessfile" cat "$SESSIONDIR/$sessfile" | { while IFS= read -r line do read -r D width height x y cmdline< <(echo $line) #echo -e "Desktop ID: $DESK , Decorated: $D, Size: ${width}x${height}, position: $x $y\nCommandline: $cmdline" wmctrl -s ${DESK} ${cmdline} > /dev/null 2>&1 & # wmctrl -lp| tail -n1 |awk '{print $1}' # _NET_WM_STATE(ATOM) = _OB_WM_STATE_UNDECORATED sleep 1.5 wmctrl -r :ACTIVE: -b remove,maximized_vert,maximized_horz if [[ "$D" = "u" ]]; then xdotool key super+b; fi wmctrl -r :ACTIVE: -e 0,${x},${y},${width},${height} done } } listsessions() { #for i in $(ls -1 ${SESSIONDIR}); do echo "${i}";done ls -1 ${SESSIONDIR} } usage() { grep "^#:" $0 | while read DOC; do printf '%s\n' "${DOC###:}"; done exit } case "$1" in -s|save) savesession "$2";; -r|restore) restoresession "$2" "$3";; -l|list) listsessions ;; -h|--help) usage;; *) usage;; esac exit 0