#!/bin/bash ### deskgrid - click on the window and select area to place it on the grid # Works with active and inactive windows # (C) Daniel Napora <napcok@gmail.com>, 2021-22 # https://maboxlinux.org # CONFIG_DIR=~/.config/deskgrid CONFIG_FILE="$CONFIG_DIR/deskgrid.cfg" mkdir -p $CONFIG_DIR if [ ! -f $CONFIG_FILE ]; then cat <<EOF > ${CONFIG_FILE} # Gap between windows in pixels (reasonable values: 0 8 16 24) gap=16 # Grid columns (12 16 24) columns=12 # Grid rows (6 12 16) rows=12 #Notifications true or false notifications=true # Outer gap (disable if you use WM margins) show_outer_gap=true # Only for clicksnap action activate_window=false EOF fi source <(grep = $CONFIG_FILE) GAP=${gap:-16} COLUMNS=${columns:-12} ROWS=${rows:-12} TITLEBAR_HEIGHT=${titlebar_height:-18} case "$LANG" in pl*) TITLE1="DesktopGrid" TEXT1="\n\nNarysuj myszą prostokąt na pulpicie aby ustalić nową pozycję i rozmiar dla okna.\nPodczas rysowania możesz wcisnąć Spację aby przesuwać zaznaczenie.\n" DRAWGRID="Pokaż obrazek pomocniczy jako tło" DISABLE_NOTIFICATIONS="Wyłącz podpowiedzi" ;; *) TITLE1="DesktopGrid" TEXT1="\nDraw rectangle by mouse to set new window positon and size.\nWhile drawing you may hold Space key to move selection.\nNew window will be bigger than selection." DRAWGRID="Show helper image as background" DISABLE_NOTIFICATIONS="Disable this hint" ;; esac eval $(xdotool getmouselocation --shell) # we have window id now as $WINDOW HEX_ID=$(printf '0x%x\n' $WINDOW) CHILD_ID=$(xwininfo -id $HEX_ID -children|grep "\"" | awk '{print $1}') if xwininfo -id $CHILD_ID -wm |grep Dock ; then exit 0 ;fi # Ignore Dock eg. tint2 CHILD=$(printf %i $CHILD_ID) read BORDER_L BORDER_R BORDER_T BORDER_B <<< "$(xprop -id $CHILD _NET_FRAME_EXTENTS | awk ' {gsub(/,/,"");print $3,$4,$5,$6}')" BORDERCOMP_X=$((BORDER_L+BORDER_R)) BORDERCOMP_Y=$((BORDER_T+BORDER_B)) xdotool windowminimize --sync $WINDOW # Screen dimensions, margins and available size SCREENSIZE=$(wmctrl -d |grep "*" | awk -F' ' '{print $4}') MARGINS=$(wmctrl -d |grep "*" | awk -F' ' '{print $8}') AVAILSIZE=$(wmctrl -d |grep "*" | awk -F' ' '{print $9}') SCREEN_X="${SCREENSIZE%x*}" SCREEN_Y="${SCREENSIZE#*x}" AVAIL_X="${AVAILSIZE%x*}" AVAIL_Y="${AVAILSIZE#*x}" MARGIN_X="${MARGINS%,*}" MARGIN_Y="${MARGINS#*,}" #Show notify if [ $notifications = true ]; then notify-send.sh -t 20000 --icon=mbcc "$TITLE1" "$TEXT1" -o "$DRAWGRID:drawgrid" -o "$DISABLE_NOTIFICATIONS:mb-setvar notifications=false $CONFIG_FILE" fi # Take selection slop=$(slop --highlight -b 3 --tolerance=0 --color=0.3,0.4,0.6,0.4 -f "%x %y %w %h") || exit 1 read -r X Y W H < <(echo $slop) start_x="$(((X-MARGIN_X)/(AVAIL_X/COLUMNS)))" start_y="$(((Y-MARGIN_Y)/(AVAIL_Y/ROWS)))" end_x="$(((X-MARGIN_X+W)/(AVAIL_X/COLUMNS)))" end_y="$(((Y-MARGIN_Y+H)/(AVAIL_Y/ROWS)))" ### Outer gap factor if [[ $show_outer_gap = true ]]; then GF="1" ; else GF="0" ; fi ### SIZE and POS calculation if [[ $start_x = "0" ]]; then GAP_X="$((GAP*GF))" ; else GAP_X=$((GAP/2)) ; fi if [[ $start_y = "0" ]]; then GAP_Y="$((GAP*GF))" ; else GAP_Y=$((GAP/2)) ; fi if [[ $end_x = $((COLUMNS-1)) ]]; then GAP_X_END="$((GAP/2))" ; else GAP_X_END=$((GAP/2)) ; fi if [[ $end_y = $((ROWS-1)) ]]; then GAP_Y_END="$((GAP/2))" ; else GAP_Y_END=$((GAP/2)) ; fi SIZE="$(((end_x-start_x+1)*(AVAIL_X/COLUMNS)-GAP_X/2-GAP_X_END-BORDERCOMP_X)) $(((end_y-start_y+1)*(AVAIL_Y/ROWS)-GAP_Y/2-GAP_Y_END-BORDERCOMP_Y))" POSITION="$((start_x*AVAIL_X/COLUMNS+GAP_X/2+MARGIN_X)) $((start_y*AVAIL_Y/ROWS+GAP_Y/2+MARGIN_Y))" xdotool windowsize $WINDOW $SIZE xdotool windowmove $WINDOW $POSITION xdotool windowmap $WINDOW