#!/bin/bash # # mb-obthemes: script to save or restore openbox gui configurations # # Written for BunsenLabs by damo October 2015 # # Ported for Manjaro by napcok March 2016 # # Save options are for Conky(s) # Tint2(s) # Openbox theme # GTK theme # Background (uses Nitrogen or feh, depending which # has the newer saved bg config file) # Alt Menu (dmenu) # Lightdm login gtk greeter # X configs (.bashrc, .Xresources) # Terminator config # # Paths are assumed to be BunsenLabs defaults # # A Screenshot is saved (Windows are hidden briefly so the image # is the bare desktop, with any Tint2s # or Conkys which are running, and a representive # menu and window open) # # A time-stamped backup of rc.xml is saved "just in case". # # USER VARIABLE: xdotool is used to move the mouse pointer, and assumes the # root-menu is shown with "Super + Space" keys, and the right mouse button is # set for "r-click". If you have set these to something else, then edit the # "MENUMODIFIER" and "MOUSECMD" variables. # Set the variable "KEYDOWN" to where "Preferences" is in the root-menu (or # anything else you might want displayed). # The image viewer is set to be "bl-image-viewer". Edit the "IMGCMD" variable # to change this. # # WARNING: It is assumed that the conkys are not being run via a script, so # they will appear on all desktops. If you usually use a script, then you # may have to make your own arrangements! Conkys in non-default directories # can be saved, but will not be seen when running the bl conky chooser # ######################################################################## # # KNOWN ISSUES: # Virtualbox does not allow the guest to move the host mouse cursor, using xdotool, # so the screenshot may produce an incorrect theme displayed and/or poor positioning. # A workaround is to move the cursor to some free space, and use the "Enter" key in the # "Configurations to be saved:" dialog. # #### VARIABLES ######################################################### CONFIGPATH="$HOME/.config/blob" SETTINGS="" OBPATH="$HOME/.config/openbox" CURSESSION="$CONFIGPATH/current" CONFIGDIR="" LISTMSG="" CZEN=0 TZEN=0 NUMDIRS=0 CONKYCMD="" COLS=0 ### CONFIGS VARIABLES TERMDIR="$HOME/.config/terminator" TERMFILE="$TERMDIR/config" FEHFILE="$HOME/.fehbg" NITRODIR="$HOME/.config/nitrogen" NITROFILE="$NITRODIR/bg-saved.cfg" CONKYPATH="$HOME/.config/conky" CONKYSESSION="$CONKYPATH/conky-sessionfile" TINTSESSION="$HOME/.config/tint2/tint2-sessionfile" OBBROWSER_ICON_CACHE="$HOME/.config/obbrowser/icons.db" GTK2=".gtkrc-2.0" GTK2MINE=".gtkrc-2.0.mine" GTK3="$HOME/.config/gtk-3.0" GTK3x="$HOME/.config/xfce4/xfconf/xfce-perchannel-xml/xfce4-notifyd.xml" PICKOBCFGS="OB menu.xml rc.xml autostart" PICKCONKY="Conky" PICKTINT="Tint2" PICKSCROT="Save screenshot" ### END CONFIGS VARIABLES ### DIALOG VARIABLES DIALOG="yad --center --undecorated --borders=20 --window-icon=distributor-logo-mabox" DIALOGDEC="yad --center --borders=20 --window-icon=distributor-logo-mabox" case $LANG in pl*) TITLE="Menedżer Motywów Mabox" CANCEL="--button=Anuluj:1" EXIT="--button=Wyjdź:1" CLOSE="--button=Zamknij:1" TXTINTRO="Mabox\n\nOpenbox Configuration Manager\n\n\n \ Zapisuje i przywraca ustawienia dla:\n\n \ \tmotyw Openbox\n \ \tmotyw GTK\n \ \tConky\n \ \tTint2\n \ \tTapeta pulpitu\n \ \t+ zrzut ekranu\n\n" MAIN_TEXT="Aby zastosować wybrany motyw: kliknij podwójnie, lub wciśnij Enter, lub użyj przycisku Przywróć. \n" RESTORE="Przywróć:0" DELETE="Usuń:2" VIEW_IMG="Zobacz obrazek:4" ADD="Dodaj nowy:3" ABOUT="O programie:5" SAVE_SETTINGS="Zapisz ustawienia:0" VIEW_SAVED="Zobacz zapisane:2" ACTIVE="Aktywny" NAME="Nazwa konfiguracji" SCREEN_SHOT="Zrzut ekranu" CHOOSE_WHAT_TO_SAVE="Wybierz co zapisać..." CHOOSE_ALL="Zaznacz wszystko:2" CHOOSE_SELECT="Wybór" CHOOSE_CONFIG="Konfiguracja" CHOOSE_SOMETHING="\n Wybierz coś..." FILES_TO_SAVE="Pliki konfiguracyjne do zapisania:\n\n" RESTORING_CONF="Przywracanie konfiguracji zapisanej jako $DIR\n\n" CHOOSE_BEFORE_DELETE="Wybierz coś przed usunięciem" DELETE_FOR_SURE="Usunąć zapisaną konfigurację $FPATH\noraz zrzut ekranu?" SETTINGS_SAVED="Ustawienia zapisane jako" CHOOSE_IMAGE="Wybierz obrazek" COLLECTION_NAME="Nazwa kolekcji" SAVED_ON="Zapisana:" WALLSAVEDBYNITOGEN="Tapeta ustawiona przez Nitrogen" RUNNING_CONKY="Działające Conky:" RUNNING_TINT2="Działające Tint2:" NO_CONKY_RUNNING="Wybrano zapisanie Conky\nale żaden Conky nie jest uruchomiony" NO_TINT2_RUNNING="Wybrano zapisanie panelu Tint2\nale żaden nie jest uruchomiony" PICKBG="Tapeta pulpitu" PICKOB="Motyw Openbox" PICKGTK="Wystrój GTK" ;; *) TITLE="BLOB Config Manager" CANCEL="--button=Cancel:1" EXIT="--button=Quit:1" CLOSE="--button=Close:1" TXTINTRO="BunsenLabs\n\nOpenbox Configuration Manager\n\n\n \ Save or Restore settings for:\n\n \ \tOpenbox theme\n \ \tGTK theme\n \ \tConkys\n \ \tTint2\n \ \tDesktop Background\n \ \t+ Screenshot\n\n" MAIN_TEXT="Double-click selection, or Enter, or use the Restore button to restore settings\n" RESTORE="Restore:0" DELETE="Delete:2" VIEW_IMG="View image:4" ADD="Add New:3" ABOUT="About:5" SAVE_SETTINGS="Save Settings:0" VIEW_SAVED="View Saved:2" ACTIVE="Last set" NAME="Config Name" SCREEN_SHOT="Screenshot" CHOOSE_WHAT_TO_SAVE="Choose the configs to save..." CHOOSE_ALL="Select All:2" CHOOSE_SELECT="Select" CHOOSE_CONFIG="Config" CHOOSE_SOMETHING="\n Make a selection...." FILES_TO_SAVE="Openbox Configurations to be saved:\n\n" RESTORING_CONF="Restoring Configs saved as $DIR\n\n" CHOOSE_BEFORE_DELETE="Make a selection before trying to delete" DELETE_FOR_SURE="Delete saved configurations $FPATH\nand screenshot?" SETTINGS_SAVED="Settings were saved as" CHOOSE_IMAGE="Make a selection" COLLECTION_NAME="Collection name" SAVED_ON="Saved:" WALLSAVEDBYNITOGEN="Wallpaper saved by Nitrogen" RUNNING_CONKY="Runninig Conky:" RUNNING_TINT2="Running Tint2s:" NO_CONKY_RUNNING="You select to save Conky\nbut no Conky is running" NO_TINT2_RUNNING="You select to save Tint2\nbut no Tint2 is running" PICKBG="Desktop Background" PICKOB="OB theme" PICKGTK="GTK theme" ;; esac IMG="--image=mbs_trans_64" T="--text=" OK="--button=OK:0" ### END DIALOG VARIABLES ### USER SETTINGS IMGCMD="viewnior" # application command to view screenshot MENUMODIFIER="super+space" # keybind for show root-menu MOUSECMD="click 3" # mouse r-click KEYDOWN=5 # adjust this for where "Preferences" is in the menu #### END VARIABLES ##################################################### ### FUNCTIONS ########################################################## function Intro(){ local INTRO RET getSet # If blob/ is empty, then don't display "Save Settings" option in Intro dialog if (( $NUMDIRS > 0 ));then INTRO=$($DIALOGDEC $IMG "$T$TXTINTRO" \ --title="$TITLE" \ --button="$SAVE_SETTINGS" --button="$VIEW_SAVED" $CLOSE \ --borders=30 \ 2>/dev/null ) else INTRO=$($DIALOGDEC $IMG \ --title="$TITLE" \ "$T$TXTINTRO" \ --button="$SAVE_SETTINGS" $CLOSE \ --borders=30 \ 2>/dev/null ) fi RET=$? case $RET in 0) setName saveSettings getScrot if [[ -d $CONFIGDIR-BKP ]];then rm -rf "$CONFIGDIR-BKP" echo -e "\n Temporary $CONFIGDIR deleted\n" fi restoreSettings ;; 1) echo "CANCELLED..." exit 0 ;; 2) getSet restoreSettings ;; *) echo "RETURN ERROR" 2>&1 ;; esac } function getSet(){ # get name of currently set BLOB config NUMDIRS=0 NUMDIRS=$(ls -l "$CONFIGPATH" | grep -c ^d) # check if any dirs present if (( $NUMDIRS == 0 ));then if [[ -f $CURSESSION ]];then rm $CURSESSION fi elif (( $NUMDIRS > 0 )) && [[ -f $CURSESSION ]];then SET=$(cat $CURSESSION) fi } function countMonitors(){ #test for more than 2 monitors connected. MON=$(xrandr -q | grep -c " connected") PRIMARY=$(xrandr -q | awk '/ connected/ {if ($3=="primary") print $4; else print $3}') PSIZE=${PRIMARY%%x*} # Primary monitor width case $MON in 1|2|3) getScreenDims $MON $PSIZE ;; * ) W=600 H=600 echo -e "\n Script cannot deal with these monitors.\ \n Setting dialog width height = 600 x 600" 2>&1 esac } function getScreenDims(){ # Set width and height for View dialog # param $1 = num screens; param $2 = primary screen width desktopW=$(xrandr -q | awk '/Screen/ {print $8}') # total desktop width desktopH=$(xrandr -q | awk '/Screen/ {print $10}') # desktop height desktopH=${desktopH%%,*} # remove trailing comma if (( $1 == 1 ));then W=$(( $desktopW / 3 )) # 1/3 width else W=$(( $2 / 3 )) # 1/3 width primary monitor fi H=$(( ($desktopH / 3)*2 )) # 2/3 height } function setName(){ # set name of collection, make dir and session settings file case $LANG in pl*) MSG=" Pliki konfiguracyjne zostaną zapisane do nowego katalogu w\ \n $CONFIGPATH\n\n Wpisz nazwę dla nowej kolekcji... " MSG2=" Nie wybrano plików.\n\n Spróbować ponownie?" ;; *) MSG=" Configurations will be saved to a new directory in \ \n $CONFIGPATH\n\n Enter name of new collection... " MSG2=" No file specified for new saved session.\n\n Try again?" ;; esac LOOP=1 DEL=0 while [[ $LOOP ]];do # loop dialog if nothing is selected ANS=$($DIALOG --entry \ $CANCEL --button="OK:0" \ "$T$MSG" \ 2>/dev/null ) if (( $? == 1 )) ;then # Cancel was selected Intro elif [[ ! $ANS ]] ;then # entry was empty $DIALOG --image="dialog-question" \ "$CANCEL" "$OK" \ "$T$MSG2" \ 2>/dev/null RET=$? echo -e "\n Nie podano nazwy dla kolekcji!" 2>&1 if (( $RET == 0 ));then continue else Intro fi else ANS=$(echo $ANS | sed -e 's/ /_/g') # replace any spaces in dir name CONFIGDIR="$CONFIGPATH/$ANS" if [[ -d $CONFIGDIR ]];then echo -e "\n $CONFIGDIR już istnieje" $DIALOG --form --image="dialog-question" \ --text="Nadpisać istniejącą sesję?" \ "$CANCEL" "$OK" \ --width=300 \ 2>/dev/null if (( $? == 0 ));then mv {"$CONFIGDIR","$CONFIGDIR-BKP"} && mkdir -p "$CONFIGDIR" DEL=1 SETTINGS="$CONFIGDIR/settings.cfg" > "$SETTINGS" LISTMSG="$CONFIGDIR/LISTMSG.txt" > "$LISTMSG" break else continue fi fi mkdir -p "$CONFIGDIR" SETTINGS="$CONFIGDIR/settings.cfg" LISTMSG="$CONFIGDIR/LISTMSG.txt" > "$SETTINGS" > "$LISTMSG" break fi done setText } function setText(){ TIME=$(date) if (( $DEL == 1 ));then TXT=" (Existing session overwritten)" else TXT="" fi echo -e "\n Konfiguracja będzie zapisana jako: $ANS$TXT" if [[ $1 = repeat ]];then > "$LISTMSG" # reset LISTNSG.txt fi # Store list in listfile echo -e "$COLLECTION_NAME: $ANS\t$TXT\n$SAVED_ON $TIME\n" >> "$LISTMSG" } function getBg(){ # find if feh or nitrogen was used. Save config file(s) if [[ -e $NITROFILE ]] && [[ -e $FEHFILE ]];then # see which was last used to set background if [[ $NITROFILE -nt $FEHFILE ]];then # use most recent method BGSET="NITROGEN" else BGSET="FEH" fi elif [[ -e $FEHFILE ]] && [[ ! -e $NITROFILE ]];then # use feh for background BGSET="FEH" elif [[ -e $NITROFILE ]] && [[ ! -e $FEHFILE ]];then # use nitrogen for background BGSET="NITROGEN" else echo -e "\n No background-setting application found" 2>&1 BGSET="None" fi echo -e "\n Tapeta ustawiana za pomocą $BGSET" case "$BGSET" in FEH ) echo "[BACKGROUND] $BGSET" >> "$SETTINGS" cp "$FEHFILE" "$CONFIGDIR" echo -e "\n $FEHFILE copied" bgFeh ;; NITROGEN) echo "[BACKGROUND] $BGSET" >> "$SETTINGS" cp "$NITRODIR/nitrogen.cfg" "$CONFIGDIR" cp "$NITROFILE" "$CONFIGDIR" echo -e "\n Zapisano plik: $NITROFILE" getNitrogen ;; None ) echo -e "\n No background-setting application found" 2>&1 echo "[BACKGROUND] $BGSET" >> "$SETTINGS" ;; * ) echo -e "\n ERROR: No background config found" 2>&1 exit 1 ;; esac } function bgFeh(){ # get Feh saved backgrounds FFILE="$CONFIGDIR/.fehbg" if [[ -f $FFILE ]];then BG="" # get fields between single quotes for F in $(grep -o "'.*'" $FFILE | sed "s/'//g" 2>/dev/null);do BG="$BG$F;\n\t" done echo -e "\n Backgrounds set with Feh, using:\n\ \t$FEHFILE\n\t$BG" echo "Background set with feh:\n\t$BG" >> "$LISTMSG" else echo "\n Nie odnaleziono $FFILE" 2>&1 fi } function getNitrogen(){ # get Nitrogen saved backgrounds NFILE="$CONFIGDIR/bg-saved.cfg" if [[ -f $NFILE ]];then BG="" while read line;do BGLINE=$(echo $line | awk -F"file=" '{print $2}') if [[ $BGLINE ]];then BG="$BG$BGLINE;\n" fi done < "$NFILE" echo -e "\n Tapeta ustawiona przez Nitrogen, plik:\t$NITROFILE" echo -e "$BG" echo "$WALLSAVEDBYNITOGEN:\n$BG" >> "$LISTMSG" else echo "\n Nie odnaleziono $NFILE" 2>&1 fi } function getConky(){ CONKYCMD="" LISTMSGTXT="" TXT="" CONKYTEMP=$(mktemp --tmpdir blob.XXXX) if [[ $(pidof conky) ]];then # get full command of running conkys > "$CONKYTEMP" pgrep -a conky | while read pid CMD;do echo "$CMD;" >> "$CONKYTEMP" done TXT="Conky:\n\n" DEF="Domyślny" MSG="$RUNNING_CONKY" while read line;do LINE=$(echo "$line" | sed 's/;//') CONKYCMD="$CONKYCMD $LINE & sleep 1s;" if [[ $LINE = "conky" ]] || [[ $LINE = "conky -q" ]];then line="$DEF" else line=${line##*" "} # get full filepath fi TXT="$TXT$line" LISTMSGTXT="$LISTMSGTXT\n\t$line" done < "$CONKYTEMP" echo "[CONKY] $CONKYCMD" >> "$SETTINGS" rm -f "$CONKYTEMP" echo "$MSG\t$LISTMSGTXT\n" >> "$LISTMSG" echo -e "\n Zapisano działające sesje Conky" else DLG=$($DIALOG --form --image="dialog-warning" \ --text="$NO_CONKY_RUNNING" \ "$OK" \ --width=300) 2>/dev/null fi } function checkConkyzen(){ # see if mb-conkyzen and session file present if type mb-conkyzen &>/dev/null;then if [[ -f $CONKYSESSION ]]; then CZEN=1 # set flag for Restore choice fi fi } function getTint(){ TEMPTINT=$(mktemp --tmpdir blob.XXXX) # make blank tempfile, to save running tint2 paths if [[ $(pidof tint2) ]];then pgrep -a tint2 | while read pid cmd;do if [[ ${cmd%% *} = tint2 ]];then TPATH=$(echo "$cmd" | awk '{print $NF}') echo "$TPATH;" >> "$TEMPTINT" fi done TXT="Tint2:\n\n" MSG="$RUNNING_TINT2" TINTCMD="" LISTMSGTXT="" while read line;do TXT="$TXT$line" LINE=$(echo "$line" | sed 's/;//') if [[ $LINE = tint2 ]];then # default command was used TINTCMD="$TINTCMD$LINE;" LISTMSGTXT="$LISTMSGTXT\n\tDefault Tint2" else TINTCMD="$TINTCMD$LINE;" LISTMSGTXT="$LISTMSGTXT\n\t$LINE" fi done < "$TEMPTINT" #MY_EDIT path=$( echo $TINTCMD | awk -F"/" '{print "/"$(NF-2)"/"$(NF-1)"/"$NF}') echo "[TINT2] $path" >> "$SETTINGS" rm -f "$TEMPTINT" echo "$MSG\t$LISTMSGTXT\n" >> "$LISTMSG" echo -e "\n Zapisano działające panele Tint2" else DLG=$($DIALOG --form --image="dialog-warning" \ --text="$NO_TINT2_RUNNING" \ "$OK" \ --width=300) 2>/dev/null fi } function killTints(){ pgrep -a tint2 | while read pid cmd; do if [[ ${cmd%% *} = tint2 ]]; then kill "$pid" fi done } function checkTint2zen(){ # see if mb-tint2zen and session file present if type mb-tint2zen &>/dev/null;then if [[ -f $TINTSESSION ]]; then TZEN=1 # set flag for Restore choice fi fi } function getOBtheme(){ # copy section from rc.xml to obtheme.txt, and copy menu.xml file RCFILE="$OBPATH/rc.xml" tag="theme" sed -n "/<$tag>/,/<\/$tag>/p" "$RCFILE" > "$CONFIGDIR/obtheme.txt" echo "[OBTHEME]" >> "$SETTINGS" cp "$OBPATH/menu.xml" "$CONFIGDIR" getOBname } function getOBname(){ # get OB theme name OBFILE="$CONFIGDIR/obtheme.txt" OBTHEME=$(awk 'NR==2 {print;exit}' $OBFILE | awk -F'[>|<]' '{print $3}') TXT="Openbox theme: $OBTHEME\n" echo -e "\n Zapisano $TXT" echo "$TXT" >> "$LISTMSG" } function getGTKtheme(){ GTKTHEMES=( "$HOME/$GTK2" "$HOME/$GTK2MINE" "$GTK3" "$GTK3x" ) for f in "${GTKTHEMES[@]}";do if [[ -f $f ]];then cp "$f" "$CONFIGDIR" elif [[ -d $f ]];then cp -r "$f" "$CONFIGDIR" fi done echo "[GTK]" >> "$SETTINGS" getGTKname } function getGTKname(){ # get GTK theme name GTKFILE="$CONFIGDIR/.gtkrc-2.0" while read line;do if [[ $(echo $line | grep "gtk-theme-name" ) ]] &>/dev/null;then GTKTHEME=$(echo $line | awk -F '"' '{print $2}') fi done < "$GTKFILE" TXT="GTK theme: $GTKTHEME\n" echo -e "\n Zapisano $TXT" echo "$TXT" >> "$LISTMSG" } function checkTint2(){ # kill or restart tint2s for screenshot, if necessary if [[ $1 = stop ]];then if ! cat "$SETTINGS" | grep "TINT2" &>/dev/null;then tmpTINT=$(mktemp --tmpdir blob.XXXX) # make blank tempfile, to save running tint2 paths if [[ $(pidof tint2) ]];then pgrep -a tint2 | while read pid cmd;do if [[ ${cmd%% *} = tint2 ]];then echo $cmd >> "$tmpTINT" fi done fi killTints fi fi if [[ $1 = start ]];then if [[ -f "$tmpTINT" ]] 2>/dev/null;then while read line;do ($line &) &>/dev/null sleep 1s done < "$tmpTINT" rm -f "$tmpTINT" fi fi } function getScrot(){ pid="" TMPSCROT=$(mktemp --tmpdir blob.XXXX) SCROT="$CONFIGPATH/$ANS" CURRDTOP=$(xprop -root _NET_CURRENT_DESKTOP | tail -c -2) # desktop number MONS=$(xrandr -q | grep -c " connected") # number of monitors # Set mouse position, for appearance of root-menu screenW=$(xrandr -q | awk '/Screen/ {print $8}') screenH=$(xrandr -q | awk '/Screen/ {print $10}') screenH=${screenH%,} if (( $MONS == 1 ));then # single monitor appX=$(( (screenW/20)*8 )) menuX=$(( (screenW/20)*2 )) else appX=$(( (screenW/20)*4 )) menuX=$(( (screenW/20)*1 )) fi appY=$(( (screenH/20)*4 )) menuY=$(( (screenH/20)*4 )) wmctrl -l -x > "$TMPSCROT" # store window list in tempfile wmctrl -k on # hide windows, show desktop # show any conkys which have been hidden by wmctrl, (ie not own_window_type desktop); # unless Conkys weren't selected to be saved if cat "$SETTINGS" | grep "CONKY" &>/dev/null;then for CONK in $(xdotool search --classname "Conky");do xdotool windowactivate "$CONK" 2>/dev/null done fi checkTint2 stop # stop running Tint2s for the scrot, # if not selected to be saved # start lxappearance lxappearance & pid=$! sleep 0.5 # get lx window, make sure it loses focus, then move mouse and start root-menu LX=$(xdotool getwindowfocus) xdotool windowmove --sync $LX $appX $appY && sleep 0.1 && \ xdotool mousemove --sync --window $LX -- -50 0 && xdotool click 1 xdotool mousemove --sync $menuX $menuY && xdotool key --clearmodifiers "super+space" i=1 while (( $i <= $KEYDOWN ));do xdotool key --delay 50 Down i=$(( $i+1 )) done xdotool key --delay 20 Right && sleep 0.3 # take scrot scrot -t 9 "$SCROT.jpg" # scrot thumbnail @9% fullsize THUMB=$(find $CONFIGPATH -maxdepth 1 -type f -name "*-thumb.jpg" 2>/dev/null) mv $THUMB $CONFIGDIR # close root menu xdotool mousemove_relative --sync --polar 0 10 click 3 # kill lxappearance if [[ $(pgrep lxappearance | grep $pid) ]];then kill -9 $pid &>/dev/null fi # restore hidden windows while read line; do WINDOW=$(echo $line | awk '{print $1}') # Window_ID is first field DTOP=$(echo $line | awk '{print $2}' ) # Desktop number is second field if (( $DTOP == $CURRDTOP )) &>/dev/null;then xdotool windowactivate "$WINDOW" fi done < "$TMPSCROT" # restore any hidden Conkys for CONK in $(xdotool search --classname "Conky");do xdotool windowactivate "$CONK" 2>/dev/null done checkTint2 start # restore any stopped Tint2s rm -f "$TMPSCROT" } function restoreGTK(){ # $1 is chosen saved config dir GTKPATHS=( "$HOME" "$HOME" "$GTK3" "$GTK3x" ) GTKSAVED=( "$1/$GTK2" "$1/$GTK2MINE" "$1/gtk-3.0" "$1/xfce4-notifyd.xml" ) i=0 for f in ${GTKSAVED[@]};do if [[ -e $f ]];then # if destination exists if [[ -e ${GTKPATHS[i]} ]];then if [[ ${GTKSAVED[i]} = $1/gtk-3.0 ]];then cp -r ${GTKSAVED[i]}/* ${GTKPATHS[i]} # restore contents of gtk-3.0 fi cp ${GTKSAVED[i]} ${GTKPATHS[i]} echo -e "\n Przywrócono: ${GTKSAVED[i]}" else echo -e "\n Restore path ${GTKPATHS[i]} not found" 2>&1 fi else echo -e "\n ${GTKSAVED[i]} not found" 2>&1 fi i=$(($i+1)) done } function restoreOBrc(){ RCFILE="$OBPATH/rc.xml" THEMEFILE="$1/obtheme.txt" FTEMP=$(mktemp --tmpdir blob.XXXX) MENUFILE="$1/menu.xml" cp "$MENUFILE" "$OBPATH" rm -f "$OBBROWSER_ICON_CACHE" if [[ $(grep "[OBTHEME]" "$1/settings.cfg" ) ]] &>/dev/null;then # backup rc.xml first NOW=$(date +"%Y%m%d-%H%M%S") RCBKP="$RCFILE.blob.$NOW" cp "$RCFILE" "$RCBKP" # remove older backups for f in $(find $OBPATH -type f|grep .blob. );do if [[ $f -ot $RCBKP ]];then rm "$f" fi done ## put placeholder in place of section, write to tempfile sed -n "//{:a;N;/<\/theme>/!ba;N;s/.*\n/THEMESECTION\n/};p" "$RCFILE" > $FTEMP # replace placeholder from theme file sed -i "/THEMESECTION/{ s/THEMESECTION//g r $THEMEFILE }" $FTEMP sed -i '/^$/d' $FTEMP # remove empty lines cp $FTEMP "$RCFILE" # overwrite rc.xml echo -e "\n rc.xml backed up and edited for OB theme" rm -f "$FTEMP" fi } function restoreTint2(){ # write to tint2 session file echo "$1" | awk -F';' '{for(i=1; i<=NF; i++) print $i}' >> "$TINTSESSION" killTints while read tintline;do if [[ ! -z "${tintline// }" ]]; then # if tintline is not empty (by removing all spaces) (tint2 -c "$HOME$tintline" &) &>/dev/null sleep 1s fi done < "$TINTSESSION" } function reloadGTK(){ # reload gtk theme after restoring saved config python2 - < $SELECT "$PICKDMENU" \ SLOOP=1 while (( $SLOOP == 1 ));do CHOICE=$($DIALOGDEC --list --checklist \ --title="$CHOOSE_WHAT_TO_SAVE" \ --button="$CHOOSE_ALL" \ $CANCEL $OK \ --height=280 \ --column="$CHOOSE_SELECT" --column="$CHOOSE_CONFIG" "${COLUMNS[@]}" \ 2>/dev/null ) ret=$? if (( $ret == 1 )); then # cancel button pressed COLS=0 cleanup all restoreSettings elif (( $ret == 2 ));then COLS=1 saveSettings SHOW=1 else if [[ ! $CHOICE ]] ; then # entry field is empty, so try again RET=$($DIALOG --image="dialog-question" \ --text="$CHOOSE_SOMETHING" \ $EXIT $OK \ --width=300 \ 2>/dev/null ) if (( $? == 1 ));then cleanup all fi else i=0 retChoice=() OIFS=$IFS # save Internal Field Separator IFS=$"|" # separator is "|" in returned choices # dialog return is in format 'TRUE|value|\nTRUE|value' for ret in $CHOICE; do if [[ $(echo $ret | grep TRUE) ]] &>/dev/null;then continue fi retChoice[$i]="$ret" i=$(($i+1)) done IFS=$OIFS # reset IFS back to default len=${#retChoice[@]} for (( i=0; i<${len}; i++ ));do item="${retChoice[$i-1]}" case "$item" in "$PICKOB" ) getOBtheme ;; "$PICKGTK" ) getGTKtheme ;; "$PICKCONKY") getConky ;; "$PICKTINT" ) getTint ;; "$PICKBG" ) getBg ;; * ) echo -e "\n Nieznana wartość!" 2>&1 exit 1 ;; esac done SLOOP=0 fi fi done if (( $SHOW == 0 ));then COLS=0 # reset columns unselected TXT="$FILES_TO_SAVE" TXT2=$(cat "$LISTMSG") NEW=$($DIALOG --text="$TXT$TXT2") 2>/dev/null ret=$? if (( $ret == 1 ));then cleanup all restoreSettings else echo "$ANS" > "$CURSESSION" # replace entry in saved config flag file fi fi } function ViewRestoreDialog(){ # Display saved theme collections getSet # get name of latest set BLOB config if (( $NUMDIRS == 0 ));then # no saved configs; go back to Intro dialog Intro fi DLGLIST="" setARR=() namesARR=() thumbsARR=() i=0 for dir in "$CONFIGPATH"/* ;do if [[ -d $dir ]];then if [[ -e $dir/settings.cfg ]];then d=$(echo $dir | sed -e 's/ /_/g') # replace any spaces in dir name namesARR[$i]="$(basename $d)" # add theme collection name to array d=${d##*/} # get directory name # Get name of current session, set icon for TRUE/FALSE if [[ $SET = $d ]];then setARR[$i]="gtk-yes" else setARR[$i]="gtk-no" fi IMGTHUMB="Brak" # Placeholder if no thumbnail found f="$dir"/*"-thumb.jpg" if [[ $f ]];then IMGTHUMB="$f" fi thumbsARR[$i]="$IMGTHUMB" CONFIGS="\"" while read line;do CONFIGS="$CONFIGS $line\n" done < "$dir/LISTMSG.txt" CONFIGS="$CONFIGS\"" configARR[$i]="$CONFIGS" # add saved configs to array fi i=$(($i+1)) fi done for ((j=0; j<${#namesARR[*]}; j++));do DLGLIST="$DLGLIST ${setARR[j]} ${namesARR[j]} ${thumbsARR[j]}" done } function restoreSettings(){ ViewRestoreDialog FPATH="" LOOP=1 while [[ $LOOP ]] ;do CONFIG=$($DIALOGDEC --list --title="$TITLE" \ --text="$MAIN_TEXT" \ --separator=" " \ --button="$ABOUT" \ --button="$VIEW_IMG" --button="$ADD" \ --button="$DELETE" --button=$RESTORE $EXIT \ --always-print-result \ --width=$W --height=$H --center --image-preview \ --expand-column=3 \ --column="$ACTIVE":IMG \ --column="$NAME":TEXT \ --column="$SCREEN_SHOT":IMG \ $DLGLIST \ 2>/dev/null ) RET=$? if [[ $CONFIG ]];then DIR=$(echo "$CONFIG" | awk -F'[>|<]' '{print $3}' ) FPATH="$CONFIGPATH/$DIR" fi case $RET in 0) SAVED="$FPATH/LISTMSG.txt" TEXT="$RESTORING_CONF" TEXT="$TEXT$(cat $SAVED)" $DIALOG "$T$TEXT" "$CANCEL" "$OK" 2>/dev/null if (( $? == 0 ));then echo $(basename $FPATH) > "$CURSESSION" break fi ;; 1) exit 0 ;; 2) if [[ ! $CONFIG ]];then $DIALOG --text="$CHOOSE_BEFORE_DELETE" "$EXIT" "$OK" 2>/dev/null if (( $? == 0 ));then continue else exit 0 fi fi TEXT="$DELETE_FOR_SURE" $DIALOG "$T$TEXT" "$CANCEL" "$OK" 2>/dev/null if (( $? == 0 ));then rm -rf "$FPATH" rm "$FPATH.jpg" echo -e "\n$DIR DELETED" currentsession=$(cat $CURSESSION) fpath=$(basename $FPATH) if [[ $currentsession = $fpath ]];then echo "" > "$CURSESSION" fi restoreSettings else continue fi ;; 3) setName saveSettings getScrot $DIALOG --text="$SETTINGS_SAVED $ANS" --image="gtk-save" "$OK" 2>/dev/null if [[ -d $CONFIGDIR-BKP ]];then rm -rf "$CONFIGDIR-BKP" echo -e "\n Temporary $CONFIGDIR deleted\n" fi restoreSettings ;; 4) # show screenshot in image viewer SEL=$(echo "$CONFIG" | awk -F'[>|<]' '{print $3}' ) if [[ $SEL ]];then img="$CONFIGPATH/$SEL.jpg" $IMGCMD "$img" else $DIALOG --text="$CHOOSE_IMAGE" 2>/dev/null fi restoreSettings ;; 5) Intro ;; *) if (( $RET == 252 ));then echo -e "\n Exited with \"ESC\" key" else echo -e "\n Error= $RET" 2>&1 fi exit 1 ;; esac done SETCFG="$FPATH/settings.cfg" # Get chosen saved configs and restore them # kill conkys and tint2s, in case saved config doesn't include them if [[ $(pidof conky) ]];then killall conky fi if [[ $(pidof tint2) ]];then killall tint2 fi while read line;do TAG=$(echo $line | awk '{print $1}') VAL=$(echo $line | awk '{print $2}') case "$TAG" in "[TINT2]" ) checkTint2zen # see if bl-tint2zen installed if (( $TZEN == 1 ));then > "$TINTSESSION" # overwrite tint2 session file fi TINTCMD=$(echo $line | cut -d ' ' -f2-) restoreTint2 "$TINTCMD" ;; "[CONKY]" ) checkConkyzen # see if bl-conkyzen installed if (( $CZEN == 1 ));then > "$CONKYSESSION" # overwrite conky session file fi CONKYCMD=$(echo $line | cut -d ' ' -f2-) # write to conky session file... echo $CONKYCMD | awk -F';' '{for(i=1; i<=NF; i++) print $i}' >> "$CONKYSESSION" killall conky source "$CONKYSESSION" ;; "[GTK]" ) restoreGTK "$FPATH" reloadGTK ;; "[OBTHEME]" ) restoreOBrc "$FPATH" ;; "[BACKGROUND]" ) if [[ $VAL = FEH ]];then cp "$FPATH/.fehbg" "$HOME" source "$HOME/.fehbg" else cp "$FPATH/bg-saved.cfg" "$NITRODIR" nitrogen --restore fi ;; * ) echo -e " Unknown value!" 2>&1 restoreSettings ;; esac done < "$SETCFG" openbox --reconfigure mb-regenerate-menu restoreSettings } ### END FUNCTIONS ###################################################### # test for blobthemes config directory, create if it doesn't exist mkdir -p "$CONFIGPATH" # create file to hold most recent saved configuration name if [[ ! -f $CURSESSION ]] &>/dev/null;then touch "$CURSESSION" fi countMonitors getSet if (( $NUMDIRS == 0 ));then Intro else restoreSettings fi exit 0