#!/bin/bash # # BunsenLabs Conky selection and switcher script # # Written by damo for BunsenLabs Linux, April 2015 # Beta tested and stamped "zen" by # Rapackaged for Manjaro by napcok , March 2016 # ######################################################################## # # Conkys must be in $CONKYPATH # The name must end with "conky" or "conkyrc" # # When the dialog opens, any running conkys will be checkmarked. # # Click "OK" and all running conkys are stopped, and all checkmarked # conkys are started # # To stop a conky just uncheck it, and "OK" # # Running conkys are saved to a session file, and can be run with # the "bl-conky-session" script. To start the default conky session at # login, add the following line to autostart: # # (sleep 2s && bl-conky-session --autostart) & # # Different saved-session files can be used by running the script with: # # bl-conkyzen -f /path/to/sessionfile & # bl-conkyzen -z (opens gui entry dialog for filepath) # ######################################################################## CONKYPATH="$HOME/.config/conky" SESSIONFILE="$CONKYPATH/conky-sessionfile" SESSIONS="$CONKYPATH/saved-sessions" # to be used by a pipemenu CRC="$HOME/.conkyrc" BLDEFAULT="$CONKYPATH/MB-Default.conkyrc" USAGE1="\v\tUSAGE:\tmb-conkyzen [OPTION]...FILES \v\tWith no command option the script runs the gui \v\t-h,--help : this USAGE help \t-f,--file : FILEPATH : specify file to save session to \t-z : Run gui filename entry dialog for new saved session" USAGE2="\v\tUSAGE:\tmb-conkyzen [OPTION]...FILES \v\tWith no command option the script runs the gui \v\t-h,--help : this USAGE help \t-f,--file : FILEPATH : specify file to save session to \t-z : Run gui filename entry dialog for new saved session \v\tWhen the dialog opens, any running conkys will be checkmarked. \tClick \"OK\" and all running conkys are stopped, and all \tcheckmarked conkys are started. \v\tTo stop a conky just uncheck it, and \"OK\" \v\tEXAMPLES: \tSave session to a new saved-session file with: \v\t\tbl-conkyzen -f sessionfile-name \v\tTo start the default conky session at login, add the \tfollowing line to autostart: \v\t\t(sleep 2s && mb-conky-session --autostart) &\v" ### DIALOG VARIABLES case $LANG in pl*) TITLE="Menedżer Conky" CANCEL="--button=Anuluj:1" CONKY_SESSIONFILE="Plik sesji Conky" FILENAME_IN_USE="Nazwa pliku już jest używana.\n\nNadpisać?" SAVE_SESSION="Zapisz sesję Conky" NEW_FILE="Nowy plik zapisanej sesji:" FILE_TO_SAVE="Plik do zapisania w $CONKYPATH/\n\n" SESS_SAVE="Sesja zostanie zachowana w:\n $SESSIONFILE" SELECT="Wybór:CHK" CONF_FILE="Plik konfiguracyjny:TXT" NOTHING_SELECTED="Nic nie wybrano.\n\nWyłączyć działające Conky\ni wyjść?" ;; *) TITLE="Conky Manager" CANCEL="--button=Cancel:1" CONKY_SESSIONFILE="Conky sessionfile" FILENAME_IN_USE="Filename already in use\n\nOverwrite it?" SAVE_SESSION="Save Conky sessionfile" NEW_FILE="New saved session file:" FILE_TO_SAVE="File to be saved in $CONKYPATH/\n\n" SESS_SAVE="Session will be saved to:\n $SESSIONFILE" SELECT="Select:CHK" CONF_FILE="Conky Name:TXT" NOTHING_SELECTED="Nothing chosen.\n\nKill any running Conkys\nand exit?" ;; esac DLG="yad --center --undecorated --borders=20 " DLGDEC="yad --center --borders=20 " WINICON="--window-icon=distributor-logo-mabox" OK="--button=OK:0" ########## FUNCTIONS ################################################### conkyRunning(){ # find running conkys # make blank tempfile, to save running conky paths TEMPFILE=$(mktemp --tmpdir conky.XXXX) if [[ $(pidof conky) ]];then # test if default conky was started for ARG in $(ps aux | grep [c]onky | awk '{print $(NF-1)}');do if [[ $ARG = "conky" ]]; then echo "$CRC" >> "$TEMPFILE" # 'conky -q' probably used else # send conky filepath to tempfile for ARG in $(ps aux | grep [c]onkyrc | awk '{print $(NF)}');do if [[ $ARG != "-q" ]];then echo "$ARG" >> "$TEMPFILE" fi done fi done fi # remove any duplicates in tempfile TEMPFILE2=$(mktemp --tmpdir conky.XXXX) awk '!x[$0]++' "$TEMPFILE" > "$TEMPFILE2" && mv "$TEMPFILE2" "$TEMPFILE" } fillArrays(){ if (( $1 != 0 ));then num="$1" # 1st arg: array index else num=0 # '~/.conkyrc' added to array fi if (( $num == 0 ));then cPATH="$CRC" cARR="$USER/.conkyrc" else cPATH="$2" # 2nd arg: full filepath to conky cARR="$3" # 3rd arg: displayed name: "directory/*conky(rc)" fi conkysPath[$num]="$cPATH" conkysArr[$num]="$cARR" if grep -qx "$cPATH" "$TEMPFILE";then # if conky is running (read from tempfile) checkArr[$num]="TRUE" # make checkmark in dialog else checkArr[$num]="FALSE" fi } findConky(){ # search dirs for conkys files - looking for "conky" in the name # if "*conky(rc)" then display it num=0 # added default .conkyrc fillArrays $num "$CRC" "$USER/.conkyrc" num=1 # find files in CONKYPATH with conky in the name for x in $(find "$CONKYPATH" -type f );do f=$(basename "$x") # filename from filepath if [[ $f = *conkyrc ]] || [[ $f = *conky ]];then # filename ends with *conky or *conkyrc # get directory/conkyname to display in list CONKY=$( echo "$x" | awk -F"/" '{print $(NF-1)"/"$NF}') fillArrays $num "$x" "$CONKY" num=$(($num+1)) fi done } writeSessions(){ # save a new sessionfile name for use by a menu SESSIONFILE="$CONKYPATH/$1" echo "sessionfile= $SESSIONFILE" if ! [[ -f $SESSIONS ]];then > "$SESSIONS" fi if grep -qx "$SESSIONFILE" "$SESSIONS";then # session was previously saved if [[ $2 = "-z" ]];then # input was from input dialog, so ask OK? $DLG $WINICON --title="$CONKY_SESSIONFILE" --text="$FILENAME_IN_USE" $CANCEL $OK if (( $? == 1 ));then exit 0 fi else # commandline is being used echo "Session was previously saved with the same name. Overwrite it? (y|N)" read ans case "$ans" in y|Y ) break ;; * ) exit 0 ;; esac fi else cp "$SESSIONS" "$SESSIONS.bkp" echo "$SESSIONFILE" >> "$SESSIONS" fi } ######## END FUNCTIONS ################################################# # get args passed to script (session can be saved to a different file) for arg in "$@";do case "$arg" in -h|--help ) echo -e "$USAGE2" echo exit 0 ;; -f|--files ) if [[ $2 ]];then SESSIONFILE="$2" # sessionfile has been specified writeSessions "$SESSIONFILE" # if sessionfile is new, write name to saved-sessions break else echo echo -e "\tNo saved-session file specified!" echo -e "$USAGE1" echo exit 1 fi ;; -z ) SPATH=$($DLGDEC $WINICON --entry \ --title="$SAVE_SESSION" \ --entry-label="$NEW_FILE" \ --text="$FILE_TO_SAVE" \ $OK $CANCEL \ ) (( $? == 1 )) && exit 0 if [[ -z $SPATH ]];then # entry was empty $DLG $WINICON --title="Conky sessionfile" --text="No file specified for new saved session\n\nExiting..." $OK exit 1 else writeSessions "$SPATH" "-z" # saved session file from input dialog fi ;; * ) if ! [[ $arg ]];then SESSIONFILE="$SESSIONFILE" # sessionfile is default break else echo -e "$USAGE1" exit 1 fi ;; esac done # test for ~/.conkyrc, create a link to the default conky if necessary if ! [[ -e $CRC ]];then if [[ -e $BLDEFAULT ]];then ln -s "$BLDEFAULT" "$CRC" else echo "Default conkyrc not found" fi fi # get conky directories in .conky, add to array conkyRunning findConky # loop through arrays, and build list text for yad dialog unset LISTCONKY for ((j=0; j<${#conkysArr[*]}; j++));do LISTCONKY="$LISTCONKY${checkArr[j]} ${conkysArr[j]} " done while ! [[ $RET ]];do ## Populate dialog from array, get return value(s) RET=$($DLGDEC $WINICON --list --title="$TITLE" \ --text="$SESS_SAVE" \ --checklist --width=400 --height=500 --multiple \ --column="$SELECT" --column="$CONF_FILE" $LISTCONKY \ --separator=":" \ $OK $CANCEL \ ) if [[ $? == 1 ]]; then # cancel button pressed # restore previous saved-sessions file [[ -f $SESSIONS.bkp ]] && mv "$SESSIONS.bkp" "$SESSIONS" rm "$TEMPFILE" exit 0 fi if ! [[ $RET ]];then # No conkys chosen MSG="$NOTHING_SELECTED" $DLG $WINICON --title="$TITLE" --text="$MSG" $OK $CANCEL if [[ $? = 1 ]];then # restore previous saved-sessions file mv "$SESSIONS.bkp" "$SESSIONS" rm "$TEMPFILE" continue else killall conky exit 0 fi else > "$SESSIONFILE" # Create new session file # loop through returned choices, add to array i=0 OIFS=$IFS # save Internal Field Separator IFS=":" # separator is ":" in returned choices for name in $RET; do retConky[$i]="$name" i=$(($i+1)) done IFS=$OIFS # reset IFS back to default # kill all conkys if [[ $(pidof conky) ]];then killall conky fi # Find the chosen conkys and start them for name in ${retConky[*]};do # loop through checkmarked conky names for ((j=0; j<${#conkysPath[*]}; j++));do # traverse through elements for f in ${conkysPath[j]};do # compare with choice from dialog display=$( echo "$f" | awk -F"/" '{print $(NF-1)"/"$NF}') if [[ $display = $name ]];then echo -e "conky -c $f & sleep 1s" >> "$SESSIONFILE" #start the conky (adjust the sleep time if required) conky -c "$f" & sleep 1s fi done done done fi done rm "$TEMPFILE" exit 0