#!/bin/bash # jgdesktops # COLORIZER_CONF="$HOME/.config/colorizer/colorizer.conf" source ${COLORIZER_CONF} me="jgdesktops -s" case $LANG in pl*) REMOVE="Usuń to menu z panelu" ACTIVE="bieżący" GOTO="Idź do..." WINKILL="Zabijacz Okien" CLOSEALL_GR="Z wdziękiem zamknij wszystkie okna na..." CLOSEALL="Zamknij wszystkie okna na..." DESKTOP="Pulpicie" ALL_DESK="Wszystkich pulpitach" MANAGE="Pulpity" ADD="Dodaj nowy" REMOVE_LAST="Usuń ostatni" CONKY_TOGGLE="Włącz/Wyłącz Conky" PICOM_TOGGLE="Włącz/Wyłącz Picom" DESKMNGR="Menadżer sesji pulpitowych" WALLCHANGER="Tapeta" DESKGRID="Desktop Grid" SCREEN_RES="Ustawienia ekranu" ENABLE="Włącz" DISABLE="Wyłącz" DESK_SERVICES="Usługi pulpitu" CONKY="Sesja Conky" PICOM="Picom - kompozytor" CORTILE="Cortile - tiling manager" MCORNERS="Krawędzie ekranu" RUNNING="(uruchomiona)" STOPPED="(zatrzymana)" WMTWEAKS="Ulepszenia Menadżera Okien" SHOW_DESK="Pokaż pulpit - lewy klik" SWITCH_DESK="Zmień pulpit - kółko myszy" FOCUS="Fokus podąża za myszą" WALLPAPER="Tapeta" TOOLS="Narzędzia" OBTHEME="Motyw Openbox" MENUPANELS="Menu i Panele" AUTOGEN_THEMES="Autogenerowanie motywów?" GENERATETHEMES="Generować motywy po zmianie tapety?" GENOB="Pokolorować Dekoracje Okien?" GENMENU="Pokolorować menu i panele?" GENCONKY="Pokolorować Conky?" GENPYRADIO="Pokolorować PyRadio?" YES="Tak" NO="Nie" YESC="Tak (kliknij aby wyłączyć)" NOC="Nie (kliknij aby włączyć)" LIGHTBG="light - jasne tło" DARKBG="dark - ciemne tło" ;; es*) REMOVE="Eliminar este menú del panel" ACTIVE="active" GOTO="Go to..." WINKILL="Windows Killer" CLOSEALL_GR="Gracefully close all windows on..." CLOSEALL="Close all windows on..." DESKTOP="Desktop" ALL_DESK="All Desktops" MANAGE="Manage Desktops" ADD="Add new desktop" REMOVE_LAST="Remove last desktop" CONKY_TOGGLE="Conky Toggle" PICOM_TOGGLE="Picom Toggle" DESKMNGR="Desktop session Manager" WALLCHANGER="Wallpaper" DESKGRID="Desktop Grid" SCREEN_RES="Screen Settings" ENABLE="Enable" DISABLE="Disable" DESK_SERVICES="Desktop services" CONKY="Conky session" PICOM="Picom - compositor" CORTILE="Cortile - tiling manager" MCORNERS="Screen Edges - hot corners" RUNNING="(running)" STOPPED="(stopped)" WMTWEAKS="Window Manager tweaks" SHOW_DESK="Show Desktop on left click" SWITCH_DESK="Switch Desktop on mousewheel up/down" FOCUS="Focus follow Mouse" WALLPAPER="Wallpaper" TOOLS="Tools" OBTHEME="Openbox Theme" MENUPANELS="Menus/Panels" AUTOGEN_THEMES="Auto theming - based on wallp colors" GENERATETHEMES="Generate themes on wallpaper change?" GENOB="Colorize Window Decorations?" GENMENU="Colorize Menus and Panels?" GENCONKY="Colorize Conky?" GENPYRADIO="Colorize PyRadio?" YES="Yes" NO="No" YESC="Yes (click to disable)" NOC="No (click to enable)" LIGHTBG="with light background" DARKBG="with dark background" ;; *) REMOVE="Remove this menu from panel" ACTIVE="active" GOTO="Go to..." WINKILL="Windows Killer" CLOSEALL_GR="Gracefully close all windows on..." CLOSEALL="Close all windows on..." DESKTOP="Desktop" ALL_DESK="All Desktops" MANAGE="Manage Desktops" ADD="Add new desktop" REMOVE_LAST="Remove last desktop" DESKMNGR="Desktop session Manager" CONKY_TOGGLE="Conky Toggle" PICOM_TOGGLE="Picom Toggle" WALLCHANGER="Wallpaper" DESKGRID="Desktop Grid" SCREEN_RES="Screen settings" ENABLE="Enable" DISABLE="Disable" DESK_SERVICES="Desktop services" CONKY="Conky session" PICOM="Picom - compositor" CORTILE="Cortile - tiling manager" MCORNERS="Screen Edges - hot corners" RUNNING="(running)" STOPPED="(stopped)" WMTWEAKS="Window Manager tweaks" SHOW_DESK="Show Desktop on left click" SWITCH_DESK="Switch Desktop on mousewheel up/down" FOCUS="Focus follow Mouse" WALLPAPER="Wallpaper" TOOLS="Tools" COLORIZER_SETTINGS="Colorizer Settings" OBTHEME="Openbox Theme" MENUPANELS="Menus/Panels" AUTOGEN_THEMES="Auto theming - based on wallp colors" GENERATETHEMES="Generate themes on wallpaper change?" GENOB="Colorize Window Decorations?" GENMENU="Colorize Menus and Panels?" GENCONKY="Colorize Conky?" GENPYRADIO="Colorize PyRadio?" YES="Yes" NO="No" YESC="Yes (click to disable)" NOC="No (click to enable)" LIGHTBG="with light background" DARKBG="with dark background" ;; esac CSVFILE="$HOME/.config/mabox/jgdesktops-bottom.csv" # If config file not exist create one with defaults if [ ! -f $CSVFILE ]; then cat < ${CSVFILE} ^sep($TOOLS) 󰸉 $WALLCHANGER,^pipe(jgwallpaperchanger) 󱇙 $DESKGRID,^pipe(jgdeskgrid) $DESKMNGR,^pipe(jgdeskmngr) 󰹑 $SCREEN_RES - ARandR,arandr 󰹑 $SCREEN_RES - LXRandr,lxrandr EOF fi currdesk=$(wmctrl -d | grep "*" | awk '{print $1}') #out+=("^sep(Okna i pulpity)") i=0 while IFS= read -r linia || [ -n "$linia" ]; do name="" read -r ID name< <(echo $linia) #declare -g "arr$ID"=("$name, wmctrl -s $ID") dname=$(wmctrl -d | grep ^${ID} | cut -d' ' -f13-) if [[ "$ID" = "$currdesk" ]]; then out+=("^sep(${dname/&/&} ($ACTIVE))") else out+=("^sep(${dname/&/&})" " $GOTO,wmctrl -s $ID") fi while IFS= read -r line do read -r id DESK host title< <(echo $line) if [[ "$DESK" = "$ID" ]]; then trimmed=${title:0:60} out+=("\"\"\"[ ${trimmed/&/&} ]\"\"\",wmctrl -i -a $id") fi done < <(wmctrl -l| grep -v " -1") done < <(wmctrl -d|awk '{print $1" "$10" "$11}') # Gracefully close windows on any desktop or all windows if [ $(wmctrl -l | awk $2 '!/-1/ {print $2}' | uniq |wc -l) -gt 0 ];then out+=("^sep($WINKILL)") out+=("󰚌 $CLOSEALL_GR,^checkout(killwin)") out2+=("^tag(killwin)" "^sep($CLOSEALL)") for i in $(wmctrl -l | awk $2 '!/-1/ {print $2}' |sort| uniq) do dname=$(wmctrl -d | grep ^${i} | cut -d' ' -f13-) out2+=(" $DESKTOP ${dname/&/&},killwindows $i") done out2+=("^sep()" "$ALL_DESK,killwindows all") fi out+=("^sep($MANAGE)") desktops=$(wmctrl -d |wc -l) out+=("  $ADD,wmctrl -n $((desktops+1));$me") out+=("  $REMOVE_LAST,wmctrl -n $((desktops-1));$me") out+=("^sep($DESK_SERVICES)") if pidof conky &>/dev/null; then out+=("󰄲 $CONKY $RUNNING,conky_toggle;$me") else out+=("󰄱 $CONKY $STOPPED,conky_toggle;$me") fi if pidof picom &>/dev/null; then out+=("󰄲 $PICOM $RUNNING,compton_toggle;$me") else out+=("󰄱 $PICOM $STOPPED,compton_toggle;$me") fi if command -v mcorners &> /dev/null;then if [[ -f /tmp/mcorners.lck ]]; then out+=("󰄲 $MCORNERS $RUNNING,mcorners --stop;$me") else out+=("󰄱 $MCORNERS $STOPPED,mcorners -tl 'jgdesktops -s' -l 'mb-jgtools places' -tr 'mb-music -s' -bl 'colorizer -s' -br 'skippy-xd-fix' -r 'mb-jgtools right' -iof;$me") fi fi if command -v cortile &> /dev/null;then if pidof cortile &>/dev/null; then out+=("󰄲 $CORTILE $RUNNING,cortilectl stop;$me") else out+=("󰄱 $CORTILE $STOPPED,cortilectl start;$me") fi fi [[ "$wall2themes" = "yes" ]] && out+=(" $AUTOGEN_THEMES,^checkout(colsettings)") || out+=(" $AUTOGEN_THEMES,^checkout(colsettings)") # DESKTOP MOUSE ACTIONS lclick=$(xml sel -N a=http://openbox.org/3.4/rc -t -v '/a:openbox_config/a:mouse/a:context[@name="Root"]/a:mousebind[@action="Press"][@button="Left"]/a:action/@name' $HOME/.config/openbox/rc.xml) mousewheel=$(xml sel -N a=http://openbox.org/3.4/rc -t -v '/a:openbox_config/a:mouse/a:context[@name="Root"]/a:mousebind[@action="Click"][@button="Up"]/a:action/a:to' $HOME/.config/openbox/rc.xml) focus=$(xml sel -N a=http://openbox.org/3.4/rc -t -v '/a:openbox_config/a:focus/a:followMouse' $HOME/.config/openbox/rc.xml) out+=("^sep($WMTWEAKS)") if [[ ! -z "$lclick" ]];then [[ "$lclick" = "none" ]] && out+=("󰄱 $SHOW_DESK,obxml show_desk on") || out+=("󰄲 $SHOW_DESK,obxml show_desk off") fi if [[ ! -z "$mousewheel" ]];then [[ "$mousewheel" = "none" ]] && out+=("󰄱 $SWITCH_DESK,obxml switch_desk on") || out+=("󰄲 $SWITCH_DESK,obxml switch_desk off") fi [[ "$focus" = "no" ]] && out+=("󰄱 $FOCUS,obxml focus_follow_mouse on") || out+=("󰄲 $FOCUS,obxml focus_follow_mouse off") out+=("^sep($TOOLS)") out+=("󰸉 $WALLCHANGER,^pipe(jgwallpaperchanger)") out+=("󱇙 $DESKGRID,^pipe(jgdeskgrid)") out+=(" $DESKMNGR,^pipe(jgdeskmngr)") # COLORIZER_CONF SUBMENU out2+=("^tag(colsettings)") out2+=("^sep($GENERATETHEMES)") [[ "$wall2themes" = "yes" ]] && out2+=(" $YESC,mb-setvar wall2themes=no $COLORIZER_CONF;$me") || out2+=(" $NOC,mb-setvar wall2themes=yes $COLORIZER_CONF;$me") out2+=("^sep()") out2+=("$OBTHEME [ ${wall2themes_ob} ],^checkout(ob)") out3+=("^tag(ob)") out3+=("^sep($GENOB)") out3+=("$NO,mb-setvar wall2themes_ob=none $COLORIZER_CONF;$me") out3+=("^sep()") out3+=("$LIGHTBG,mb-setvar wall2themes_ob=light $COLORIZER_CONF;$me") out3+=("$DARKBG,mb-setvar wall2themes_ob=dark $COLORIZER_CONF;$me") out2+=("$MENUPANELS [ ${wall2themes_menu} ],^checkout(mp)") out3+=("^tag(mp)") out3+=("^sep($GENMENU)") out3+=("$NO,mb-setvar wall2themes_menu=none $COLORIZER_CONF;$me") out3+=("^sep()") out3+=("$LIGHTBG,mb-setvar wall2themes_menu=light $COLORIZER_CONF;$me") out3+=("$DARKBG,mb-setvar wall2themes_menu=dark $COLORIZER_CONF;$me") out2+=("Conky [ ${wall2themes_conky} ],^checkout(conky)") out3+=("^tag(conky)") out3+=("^sep($GENCONKY)") out3+=("$NO,mb-setvar wall2themes_conky=none $COLORIZER_CONF;$me") out3+=("^sep()") out3+=("$LIGHTBG,mb-setvar wall2themes_conky=light $COLORIZER_CONF;$me") out3+=("$DARKBG,mb-setvar wall2themes_conky=dark $COLORIZER_CONF;$me") out2+=("PyRadio [ ${wall2themes_pyradio} ],^checkout(pyradio)") out3+=("^tag(pyradio)") out3+=("^sep($GENPYRADIO)") out3+=("$NO,mb-setvar wall2themes_pyradio=none $COLORIZER_CONF;$me") out3+=("^sep()") out3+=("$LIGHTBG,mb-setvar wall2themes_pyradio=light $COLORIZER_CONF;$me") out3+=("$DARKBG,mb-setvar wall2themes_pyradio=dark $COLORIZER_CONF;$me") #out+=(". ~/.config/mabox/jgdesktops-bottom.csv") ### RUN if [[ "$1" == "-s" || "$1" == "ipc" ]]; then . /usr/share/mb-jgtools/pipemenu-standalone.cfg . $HOME/.config/mabox/mabox.conf if [[ $panels_heightpos == "top" ]]; then MENU_VALIGN="top" MENU_MARGIN_Y=${panels_topmargin:-0} elif [[ $panels_heightpos == "bottom" ]]; then MENU_VALIGN="bottom" MENU_MARGIN_Y=${panels_topmargin:-0} else MENU_VALIGN="center" fi MENU_PADDING_TOP=${jgtools_padding:-0} MENU_HALIGN="center" if [[ "$1" == "ipc" ]]; then POSITION_MODE="ipc" else POSITION_MODE="pointer" fi jgmenu_icon_size=0 [ $(pidof picom) ] && MENU_RADIUS=$jgtools_radius [ -z $jgmenu_use_borders ] && menu_border=0 mkconfigfile cat < ${MENU_ITEMS} $(printf '%s\n' "${out[@]}") $(printf '%s\n' "${out2[@]}") $(printf '%s\n' "${out3[@]}") EOF jgmenu --config-file=${CONFIG_FILE} --csv-file=${MENU_ITEMS} 2>/dev/null exit 0 fi printf '%s\n' "${out[@]}" if [[ $1 == "-r" ]]; then printf '%s\n' "^sep()" printf '%s\n' "$REMOVE,mb-setvar places_jgdesktops=false;mb-jgtools places" fi printf '%s\n' "${out2[@]}" printf '%s\n' "${out3[@]}"