#!/bin/bash # jgwallpaperchanger - dynamic menu (or submenu) to configure/set wallpapers # if [[ $1 == "-r" ]];then me="${0##*/} -s" else me="${0##*/} ${1:--s}" fi #SLIDESHOW CONF CONFIG_DIR="$HOME/.config/mbwallpaper" CONF_FILE="$CONFIG_DIR/mbwallpaper.conf" WALLPAPERS_LIST="$CONFIG_DIR/wplist" # Make config directory if not exist mkdir -p $CONFIG_DIR # If config file not exist create one with defaults if [ ! -f $CONF_FILE ]; then cat < ${CONF_FILE} # Directory with wallpapers wallpaper_dir=/usr/share/backgrounds/ # Rotate time in seconds interval=10 # Wallpaper setter program: nitrogen or feh setter=nitrogen # Tint2 panel executor button left click action t2_button_lclick_action=choose EOF fi # read config variables from file source <(grep = $CONF_FILE) COLORIZER_CONF="$HOME/.config/colorizer/colorizer.conf" source ${COLORIZER_CONF} #WP_DIRS CNF_FILE="$HOME/.config/mabox/wallp_dirs.conf" if [ ! -f $CNF_FILE ]; then cat < ${CNF_FILE} # User wallpapers directories - one per line # Used by "Choose wallpaper" PCmanFM wrapper # Set wallpapers using context (right click) menu in file manager ~/wallpapers/ EOF fi lclick(){ case $t2_button_lclick_action in random) mbwallpaper -o;; choose) pcmanwp;; window) ycolorizer;; menu) colorizer -s;; esac } main(){ case $LANG in pl*) TITLE="Zmieniacz tapet" NITROGEN="Nitrogen" WALLPAPERS="Tapety" RANDWALL="Losowa tapeta" EDIT_WPDIRS="Edytuj katalogi z tapetami" GENERATOR="Generuj (ImageMagick)..." CHOOSE_WP="Wybierz tapetę..." SLIDESHOW="Pokaz slajdów" STARTS="Uruchom Pokaz slajdów (zatrzymany)" STOPS="Zatrzymaj Pokaz slajdów (działający - interwał: $interval sek.)" CONF="Konfiguracja" WALLDIR="Katalog z tapetami" INTERVAL="Interwał slajdów" SEC="sekund" EDITCONF="Edytuj plik konfiguracyjny" OPENDIR="Otwórz katalog z tapetami" LEFTPANEL="Lewy panel" OBTHEME="Motyw Openbox" MENUPANELS="Menu i Panele" COLORIZER_HELP="Okno główne i Pomoc" COLORIZER_ROOT="Colorizer menu główne" COLORIZER_FONTS="Konfiguruj Czcionki" COLORIZER_OB="Moduł Openbox" COLORIZER_MENU="Moduł Menu" COLORIZER_CONKY="Moduł Conky" COLORIZER_PYRADIO="Moduł PyRadio" COLORIZER_CAVA="Moduł Cava" B_LC_ACTION="Akcja przycisku (lewy klik)" RAND="losuj" CHOOSE="wybierz" COL_WINDOW="okno" COL_MENU="menu" RANDOM_DESC="Ustaw losową tapetę" CHOOSE_DESC="Wybierz tapetę (z menu kontekstowego)" COL_WINDOW_DESC="Colorizer - okno" COL_MENU_DESC="Colorizer - dynamiczne menu" ;; *) TITLE="Wallpaper Changer" NITROGEN="Nitrogen" WALLPAPERS="Wallpapers" RANDWALL="Random Wallpaper" EDIT_WPDIRS="Edit Wallpaper dirs" GENERATOR="Generate (ImageMagick)..." CHOOSE_WP="Choose Wallpaper (from context menu)" SLIDESHOW="Slideshow" STARTS="Start Slideshow (stopped)" STOPS="Stop Slideshow (running - interval: $interval sec.)" CONF="Configuration" WALLDIR="Images dir" INTERVAL="Slideshow Interval" SEC="seconds" EDITCONF="Edit config file" OPENDIR="Open wallpaper directory" LEFTPANEL="Left panel" OBTHEME="Openbox Theme" MENUPANELS="Menus/Panels" COLORIZER_HELP="Main Window and Help" COLORIZER_ROOT="Colorizer rootmenu" COLORIZER_FONTS="Configure Fonts" COLORIZER_OB="Openbox module" COLORIZER_MENU="Menus/SidePanels module" COLORIZER_CONKY="Conky module" COLORIZER_PYRADIO="PyRadio module" COLORIZER_CAVA="Cava module" B_LC_ACTION="Button left-click action" RAND="random" CHOOSE="choose" COL_WINDOW="window" COL_MENU="menu" RANDOM_DESC="Set random wallpaper" CHOOSE_DESC="Choose wallpaper (from context menu)" COL_WINDOW_DESC="Colorizer - window" COL_MENU_DESC="Colorizer - dynamic menu" ;; esac . $HOME/.config/mabox/mabox.conf help="\nBased on Mabox forum member Shwaybo idea.\n\nchange wallpapers from a directory, never using the same picture twice until all the pictures have been shown, and rotating x number of seconds (configurable) before the next wallpaper change.\n" #out+=("^sep($TITLE)") out+=("^sep($WALLPAPERS)") if ! pgrep mbwallpaper > /dev/null; then #out+=("$NITROGEN,nitrogen") out+=(" $RANDWALL,mbwallpaper -o;$me") out+=("󰉔 $CHOOSE_WP,pcmanwp") #out+=("$GENERATOR,^pipe(jgwallpapergenerate)") out+=("󰧸 $SLIDESHOW,^checkout(sshow)") out+=("^sep()") out+=(" $EDIT_WPDIRS,xdg-open $CNF_FILE") else out+=("$STOPS,killall mbwallpaper;pkill -f 'yad --not';$me") fi out1+=("^tag(sshow)") out1+=("^sep($SLIDESHOW)") out1+=("$STARTS,run_wallpaperslideshow;$me") out1+=("\"\"\"$WALLDIR: [ $wallpaper_dir ]\"\"\",xdg-open $CONF_FILE") out1+=("$INTERVAL [ $interval ] ($SEC),^checkout(interval)") out1+=("^sep()") out1+=(" $EDITCONF ,xdg-open $CONF_FILE") out1+=(" $OPENDIR,pcmanfm -n $wallpaper_dir") out1+=("About Slideshow,\"\"\"notify-send.sh -u critical -i mbcc 'Wallpaper Changer - rotate desktop wallpaper every n-seconds' \"$help\" -o 'Edit configuration file:geany ~/.config/mbwallpaper/mbwallpaper.conf'\"\"\"") out2+=("^tag(interval)") for i in 3 5 10 30 60 120 300 600 1800 3600; do out2+=("$(printf " %4s,%s" "$i" "mb-setvar interval=${i} $CONF_FILE;$me")");done ### RUN if [[ $1 == "-s" || $1 == "-c" || $1 == "-u" || $1 == "ipc" ]]; then . /usr/share/mb-jgtools/pipemenu-standalone.cfg case "$1" in -s) out+=(" ${arrow_string_left} $LEFTPANEL,mb-jgtools places");; -c) out+=(" ${arrow_string_left} Colorizer,colorizer -s");; -u) out+=(" ${arrow_string_left} Settings menu,mb-jgtools settings");; ipc) POSITION_MODE=${1:-fixed} out+=("^sep(Colorizer)") out+=("$COLORIZER_HELP,ycolorizer") out+=("$COLORIZER_ROOT,colorizer -s") out+=("^sep()") out+=("$COLORIZER_FONTS,colorizer-fonts -s") out+=("^sep()") out+=("$COLORIZER_OB,colorizer-ob -s") out+=("$COLORIZER_MENU,colorizer-menus -s") out+=("$COLORIZER_CONKY,colorizer-conky -s") out+=("^sep()") out+=("$COLORIZER_PYRADIO,colorizer-pyradio -s") out+=("$COLORIZER_CAVA,colorizer-cava -s") out+=("^sep()") case $t2_button_lclick_action in random) out+=("$B_LC_ACTION: [ $RAND ],^checkout(laction)");; choose) out+=("$B_LC_ACTION: [ $CHOOSE ],^checkout(laction)");; window) out+=("$B_LC_ACTION: [ $COL_WINDOW ],^checkout(laction)");; menu) out+=("$B_LC_ACTION: [ $COL_MENU ],^checkout(laction)");; *) out+=("$B_LC_ACTION: [ $CHOOSE ],^checkout(laction)");; esac out2+=("^tag(laction)") out2+=("^sep(Panel button left-click action)") [[ "$t2_button_lclick_action" == "choose" ]] && out2+=(" $CHOOSE_DESC") || out2+=(" $CHOOSE_DESC,mb-setvar t2_button_lclick_action=choose $CONF_FILE") [[ "$t2_button_lclick_action" == "random" ]] && out2+=(" $RANDOM_DESC") || out2+=(" $RANDOM_DESC,mb-setvar t2_button_lclick_action=random $CONF_FILE") out2+=("^sep()") [[ "$t2_button_lclick_action" == "window" ]] && out2+=(" $COL_WINDOW_DESC") || out2+=(" $COL_WINDOW_DESC,mb-setvar t2_button_lclick_action=window $CONF_FILE") [[ "$t2_button_lclick_action" == "menu" ]] && out2+=(" $COL_MENU_DESC") || out2+=(" $COL_MENU_DESC,mb-setvar t2_button_lclick_action=menu $CONF_FILE") ;; esac . $HOME/.config/mabox/mabox.conf if [[ $panels_heightpos == "top" ]]; then MENU_VALIGN="top" MENU_MARGIN_Y=${panels_topmargin:-0} elif [[ $panels_heightpos == "bottom" ]]; then MENU_VALIGN="bottom" MENU_MARGIN_Y=${panels_topmargin:-0} else MENU_VALIGN="center" fi MENU_PADDING_TOP=${jgtools_padding:-0} MENU_HALIGN="left" jgmenu_icon_size=0 JGWIDTH=40 menu_margin_x=${submenu_spacing:-0} [ $(pidof picom) ] && MENU_RADIUS=$jgtools_radius [ -z $jgmenu_use_borders ] && menu_border=0 JGWIDTH=$((jgtools_padding + 270 + jgtools_padding)) MENU_PADDING_TOP=$((jgtools_padding + 150)) #WALLPAPER read WALLPATH<<< $(grep file "$HOME"/.config/nitrogen/bg-saved.cfg | cut -d'=' -f2) THUMBDIR="$HOME/.cache/colorizer/thumbs" mkdir -p ${THUMBDIR} NAME=${WALLPATH////_} if [[ "${NAME}" =~ ^_home_.* ]]; then n=${#HOME} ((n++)) NAME=${NAME:${n}} fi THUMB="${THUMBDIR}/${NAME}.png" if [[ ! -f "$THUMB" ]] then convert ${WALLPATH} -resize 270x150^ -gravity center -extent 270x150 ${THUMB} fi #TEMP POSITION: MENU_VALIGN="top" MENU_MARGIN_Y="60" mkconfigfile cat < ${MENU_ITEMS} @icon,,$((jgtools_padding )),$((jgtools_padding)),270,150,4,left,top,,,${THUMB} $(printf '%s\n' "${out[@]}") $(printf '%s\n' "${out1[@]}") $(printf '%s\n' "${out2[@]}") EOF jgmenu --config-file=${CONFIG_FILE} --csv-file=${MENU_ITEMS} 2>/dev/null exit 0 fi printf '%s\n' "${out[@]}" if [[ $1 == "-r" ]]; then case $LANG in pl*) REMOVE="Usuń to menu z panelu";; es*) REMOVE="Eliminar este menú del panel";; *) REMOVE="Remove this menu from panel";; esac printf '%s\n' "^sep()" printf '%s\n' "$REMOVE,mb-setvar places_jgwallpaperchanger=false;mb-jgtools places" fi printf '%s\n' "${out1[@]}" printf '%s\n' "${out2[@]}" } case "$1" in lclick) lclick;; *) main "$@";; esac