### Your own commands in left sidepanel (ctrl + win + left) - BOTTOM # # Syntax # Commands: # Label,command,icon (optional) # # ^sep() # separator - line # ^sep(NAME) # separator # # Comment out line to disable ########################## ^sep(Agrega tus programas aquí)  Editar,xdg-open ~/.config/mabox/places-append.csv ^sep() FSearch - Buscar archivos  + / ,fsearch PyRadio - Radios de Internet  + r ,terminator --icon=/usr/share/icons/pyradio.png --geometry=564x440-20-20 -x pyradio -lt btop - monitor de recursos  + h ,^term(btop) System Info (inxi)  + i ,terminator -T 'inxi system info (Q to close)' -x bash -c "inxi -Fazy -c2 | less -R"  Pronóstico del tiempo,terminator -T "Pronóstico del tiempo" --geometry=1030x740 -e "curl wttr.in ; read" #Terminator (advanced demo),terminator -m -j ~/.config/terminator/2-3-grid.json ^sep()  Colorear...,^pipe(randomizer l)  Fondo de pantalla Aleatorio,nitrogen --random /usr/share/backgrounds --set-scaled --save;mb-jgtools places Elegir fondo de pantalla,pcmanwp #Logout Dialog ^sep() ⏻ Salir...  + x ,mb-jgtools mblogout,system-shutdown ^sep() # or all logout options #. ~/.config/mabox/exit.csv