Daniel Napora 2021-06-01 01:16:47 +02:00
parent 61bd54c7e0
commit 7370ea196b
8 changed files with 34 additions and 32 deletions

View File

@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ Keybindings, ^pipe(jgkeys-pipe),key_bindings
Screenshot,mb-jgtools screenshot,emblem-photos
Lock screen,betterlockscreen -l dim -t "Type password to unlock...",system-lock-screen
Lock screen,mbscreenlocker,system-lock-screen
Exit...,mb-jgtools mblogout,system-shutdown

Can't render this file because it has a wrong number of fields in line 2.

View File

@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ Keybindings, ^pipe(jgkeys-pipe),key_bindings
Screenshot,mb-jgtools screenshot,emblem-photos
Lock screen,betterlockscreen -l dim -t "Type password to unlock...",system-lock-screen
Lock screen,mbscreenlocker,system-lock-screen
Exit...,mb-jgtools mblogout,system-shutdown

Can't render this file because it has a wrong number of fields in line 2.

View File

@ -11,20 +11,20 @@
<b><tt> W-v </tt></b> <i> Volume control</i>,pavucontrol
<b><tt> W-c </tt></b> <i> toggle Picom</i>,compton_toggle
<b><tt> W-A-c </tt></b> <i> toggle Conky</i>,conky_toggle
<b><tt> W-l </tt></b> <i> ScreenLocker</i>,betterlockscreen -l
<b><tt> W-l </tt></b> <i> ScreenLocker</i>,mbscreenlocker
<b><tt> W-x </tt></b> <i> Logout dialog</i>,mb-jgtools mblogout
<b><tt> W </tt></b> <i> Main menu</i>,mb-jgtools main,,,#menu
<b><tt> W-s </tt></b> <i> Settings Menu</i>,mb-jgtools settings,,,#menu
<b><tt> C-W-Left </tt></b> <i> Left sidepanel</i>,mb-jgtools places,,,#sidepanel
<b><tt> C-W-Right </tt></b> <i> Right sidepanel </i>,mb-jgtools right,,,#sidepanel
<b><tt> C-W-Left </tt></b> <i> Left sidepanel</i>,mb-jgtools places,,,#sidepanel#menu
<b><tt> C-W-Right </tt></b> <i> Right sidepanel </i>,mb-jgtools right,,,#sidepanel#menu
<b><tt> W-A-d </tt></b> <i> Toggle Dock AutoHide (if you use Gkrellm in dock)</i>,xdotool key Super+Alt+d,,,#sidepanel
^sep(Windows move),,,,#windows#move
<b><tt> W-d </tt></b> <i> Show desktop</i>,show_desktop,,,#windows#move
<b><tt> W-Arrows </tt></b> <i> Half screen</i>,,,,#windows#move
<b><tt> F11/W-Enter </tt></b> <i> Fullscreen</i>,,,,#windows#move
<b><tt> C-S-KP_7 </tt></b> <small>[on grid]</small> move/resize window topleft ,snapwin topleft,,,#deskgrid#windows#move
<b><tt> C-S-KP_8 </tt></b> <small>[on grid]</small> move/resize window top,snapwin top,,,#deskgrid#windows#move
<b><tt> C-S-KP_9 </tt></b> <small>[on grid]</small> move/resize window topright,snapwin topright,,,#deskgrid#windows#move
@ -34,16 +34,17 @@
<b><tt> C-S-KP_1 </tt></b> <small>[on grid]</small> move/resize window bottomleft,snapwin bottomleft,,,#deskgrid#windows#move
<b><tt> C-S-KP_2 </tt></b> <small>[on grid]</small> move/resize window bottom,snapwin bottom,,,#deskgrid#windows#move
<b><tt> C-S-KP_3 </tt></b> <small>[on grid]</small> move/resize window bottomright,snapwin bottomright,,,#deskgrid#windows#move
<b><tt> </tt></b> DeskGrid - show image helper,drawgrid,,,#deskgrid#windows#move
<b><tt> </tt></b> Edit <b>DeskGrid</b> config file ,geany ~/.config/deskgrid/deskgrid.cfg,,,#deskgrid#config
<b><tt> </tt></b> DesktopGrid - show image helper,drawgrid,,,#deskgrid#windows#move
<b><tt> </tt></b> Edit <b>DesktopGrid</b> config file ,geany ~/.config/deskgrid/deskgrid.cfg,,,#deskgrid#config
<b><tt> W-A-t </tt></b> <i> Tile helper</i>,jgtile
<b><tt> W-A-h </tt></b> <i> History helper</i>,jghistory-pipe -s
<b><tt> W-A-e </tt></b> <i> Espanso - text expander</i>,jgespanso-pipe -s
<b><tt> W-A-m </tt></b> <i> Configure Menu/Sidepanels</i>,jgmenusettings-pipe -s
<b><tt> W-A-w </tt></b> <i> Configure Wallpaper and ScreenLocker</i>,jgwallpaperchanger -s
<b><tt> W-A-k </tt></b> <i> Configure Conky</i>,jgconky-pipe -s
<b><tt> W-A-p </tt></b> <i> Configure Tint2 panel</i>,jgtint2-pipe -s
<b><tt> W-A-t </tt></b> <i> Tile helper</i>,jgtile,,,#pipemenu
<b><tt> W-A-h </tt></b> <i> History helper</i>,jghistory-pipe -s,,,#pipemenu
<b><tt> W-A-e </tt></b> <i> Espanso - text expander</i>,jgespanso-pipe -s,,,#pipemenu
<b><tt> W-A-m </tt></b> <i> Configure Menu/Sidepanels</i>,jgmenusettings-pipe -s,,,#pipemenu
<b><tt> W-A-w </tt></b> <i> Configure Wallpaper and ScreenLocker</i>,jgwallpaperchanger -s,,,#pipemenu
<b><tt> W-A-k </tt></b> <i> Configure Conky</i>,jgconky-pipe -s,,,#pipemenu
<b><tt> W-A-p </tt></b> <i> Configure Tint2 panel</i>,jgtint2-pipe -s,,,#pipemenu
<b><tt> </tt></b> <i> SSH Connections</i>,jgssh -s,,,#pipemenu
<b><tt> </tt></b> Obconf - Openbox configuration manager,obconf,,,#openbox#ob
<b><tt> </tt></b> Edit <b>rc.xml</b> OpenBox config file,geany ~/.config/openbox/rc.xml,,,#openbox#ob

1 ^sep(Applications)
11 <b><tt> W-v </tt></b> <i> Volume control</i>,pavucontrol
12 <b><tt> W-c </tt></b> <i> toggle Picom</i>,compton_toggle
13 <b><tt> W-A-c </tt></b> <i> toggle Conky</i>,conky_toggle
14 <b><tt> W-l </tt></b> <i> ScreenLocker</i>,betterlockscreen -l <b><tt> W-l </tt></b> <i> ScreenLocker</i>,mbscreenlocker
15 <b><tt> W-x </tt></b> <i> Logout dialog</i>,mb-jgtools mblogout
16 ^sep(Menu/Sidepanels),,,,#menu#sidepanel
17 <b><tt> W </tt></b> <i> Main menu</i>,mb-jgtools main,,,#menu
18 <b><tt> W-s </tt></b> <i> Settings Menu</i>,mb-jgtools settings,,,#menu
19 <b><tt> C-W-Left </tt></b> <i> Left sidepanel</i>,mb-jgtools places,,,#sidepanel <b><tt> C-W-Left </tt></b> <i> Left sidepanel</i>,mb-jgtools places,,,#sidepanel#menu
20 <b><tt> C-W-Right </tt></b> <i> Right sidepanel </i>,mb-jgtools right,,,#sidepanel <b><tt> C-W-Right </tt></b> <i> Right sidepanel </i>,mb-jgtools right,,,#sidepanel#menu
21 <b><tt> W-A-d </tt></b> <i> Toggle Dock AutoHide (if you use Gkrellm in dock)</i>,xdotool key Super+Alt+d,,,#sidepanel
22 ^sep(Windows move),,,,#windows#move
23 <b><tt> W-d </tt></b> <i> Show desktop</i>,show_desktop,,,#windows#move
24 <b><tt> W-Arrows </tt></b> <i> Half screen</i>,,,,#windows#move
25 <b><tt> F11/W-Enter </tt></b> <i> Fullscreen</i>,,,,#windows#move
26 ^sep(DeskGrid),,,,#deskgrid ^sep(DesktopGrid),,,,#deskgrid
27 <b><tt> C-S-KP_7 </tt></b> <small>[on grid]</small> move/resize window topleft ,snapwin topleft,,,#deskgrid#windows#move
28 <b><tt> C-S-KP_8 </tt></b> <small>[on grid]</small> move/resize window top,snapwin top,,,#deskgrid#windows#move
29 <b><tt> C-S-KP_9 </tt></b> <small>[on grid]</small> move/resize window topright,snapwin topright,,,#deskgrid#windows#move
30 <b><tt> C-S-KP_4 </tt></b> <small>[on grid]</small> move/resize window left,snapwin left,,,#deskgrid#windows#move
34 <b><tt> C-S-KP_2 </tt></b> <small>[on grid]</small> move/resize window bottom,snapwin bottom,,,#deskgrid#windows#move
35 <b><tt> C-S-KP_3 </tt></b> <small>[on grid]</small> move/resize window bottomright,snapwin bottomright,,,#deskgrid#windows#move
36 <b><tt> </tt></b> DeskGrid - show image helper,drawgrid,,,#deskgrid#windows#move <b><tt> </tt></b> DesktopGrid - show image helper,drawgrid,,,#deskgrid#windows#move
37 <b><tt> </tt></b> Edit <b>DeskGrid</b> config file ,geany ~/.config/deskgrid/deskgrid.cfg,,,#deskgrid#config <b><tt> </tt></b> Edit <b>DesktopGrid</b> config file ,geany ~/.config/deskgrid/deskgrid.cfg,,,#deskgrid#config
38 ^sep(Helpers)
39 <b><tt> W-A-t </tt></b> <i> Tile helper</i>,jgtile <b><tt> W-A-t </tt></b> <i> Tile helper</i>,jgtile,,,#pipemenu
40 <b><tt> W-A-h </tt></b> <i> History helper</i>,jghistory-pipe -s <b><tt> W-A-h </tt></b> <i> History helper</i>,jghistory-pipe -s,,,#pipemenu
41 <b><tt> W-A-e </tt></b> <i> Espanso - text expander</i>,jgespanso-pipe -s <b><tt> W-A-e </tt></b> <i> Espanso - text expander</i>,jgespanso-pipe -s,,,#pipemenu
42 <b><tt> W-A-m </tt></b> <i> Configure Menu/Sidepanels</i>,jgmenusettings-pipe -s <b><tt> W-A-m </tt></b> <i> Configure Menu/Sidepanels</i>,jgmenusettings-pipe -s,,,#pipemenu
43 <b><tt> W-A-w </tt></b> <i> Configure Wallpaper and ScreenLocker</i>,jgwallpaperchanger -s <b><tt> W-A-w </tt></b> <i> Configure Wallpaper and ScreenLocker</i>,jgwallpaperchanger -s,,,#pipemenu
44 <b><tt> W-A-k </tt></b> <i> Configure Conky</i>,jgconky-pipe -s <b><tt> W-A-k </tt></b> <i> Configure Conky</i>,jgconky-pipe -s,,,#pipemenu
45 <b><tt> W-A-p </tt></b> <i> Configure Tint2 panel</i>,jgtint2-pipe -s <b><tt> W-A-p </tt></b> <i> Configure Tint2 panel</i>,jgtint2-pipe -s,,,#pipemenu
46 ^sep(Openbox),,,,#openbox#ob <b><tt> </tt></b> <i> SSH Connections</i>,jgssh -s,,,#pipemenu
47 ^sep(Openbox),,,,#openbox#ob
48 <b><tt> </tt></b> Obconf - Openbox configuration manager,obconf,,,#openbox#ob
49 <b><tt> </tt></b> Edit <b>rc.xml</b> OpenBox config file,geany ~/.config/openbox/rc.xml,,,#openbox#ob
50 <b><tt> </tt></b> Reconfigure OpenBox,openbox --reconfigure,,,#openbox#ob

View File

@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ Atajos del teclado, ^pipe(jgkeys-pipe),key_bindings
Capturar Pantalla,mb-jgtools screenshot,emblem-photos
Bloquear pantalla,betterlockscreen -l dim,system-lock-screen
Bloquear pantalla,mbscreenlocker,system-lock-screen
Salir...,mb-jgtools mblogout,system-shutdown

1 ^sep()
6 Capturar Pantalla,mb-jgtools screenshot,emblem-photos
7 ^sep()
8 Bloquear pantalla,betterlockscreen -l dim,system-lock-screen Bloquear pantalla,mbscreenlocker,system-lock-screen
9 ^sep()
10 Salir...,mb-jgtools mblogout,system-shutdown
11 ^tag(settings)
12 . ~/.config/mabox/settings.csv

View File

@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ Atajos del teclado, ^pipe(jgkeys-pipe),key_bindings
Capturar Pantalla,mb-jgtools screenshot,emblem-photos
Bloquear pantalla,betterlockscreen -l dim,system-lock-screen
Bloquear pantalla,mbscreenlocker,system-lock-screen
Salir...,mb-jgtools mblogout,system-shutdown

1 ^sep()
6 Capturar Pantalla,mb-jgtools screenshot,emblem-photos
7 ^sep()
8 Bloquear pantalla,betterlockscreen -l dim,system-lock-screen Bloquear pantalla,mbscreenlocker,system-lock-screen
9 ^sep()
10 Salir...,mb-jgtools mblogout,system-shutdown
11 ^tag(settings)
12 . ~/.config/mabox/settings.csv

View File

@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ Skróty klawiszowe, ^pipe(jgkeys-pipe),key_bindings
Zrzut ekranu,mb-jgtools screenshot,emblem-photos
Zablokuj ekran,betterlockscreen -l dim,system-lock-screen
Zablokuj ekran,mbscreenlocker,system-lock-screen
Wyjście...,mb-jgtools mblogout,system-shutdown

1 #^sep()
9 ^sep()
10 Zablokuj ekran,betterlockscreen -l dim,system-lock-screen Zablokuj ekran,mbscreenlocker,system-lock-screen
11 ^sep()
12 Wyjście...,mb-jgtools mblogout,system-shutdown
13 ^tag(ustawienia)
14 . ~/.config/mabox/settings.csv
15 ^sep(Pomoc)

View File

@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ Skróty klawiszowe, ^pipe(jgkeys-pipe),key_bindings
Zrzut ekranu,mb-jgtools screenshot,emblem-photos
Zablokuj ekran,betterlockscreen -l dim,system-lock-screen
Zablokuj ekran,mbscreenlocker,system-lock-screen
Wyjście...,mb-jgtools mblogout,system-shutdown

1 #^sep()
9 ^sep()
10 Zablokuj ekran,betterlockscreen -l dim,system-lock-screen Zablokuj ekran,mbscreenlocker,system-lock-screen
11 ^sep()
12 Wyjście...,mb-jgtools mblogout,system-shutdown
13 ^tag(ustawienia)
14 . ~/.config/mabox/settings.csv
15 ^sep(Pomoc)

View File

@ -11,20 +11,20 @@
<b><tt> W-v </tt></b> <i> Volume control</i>,pavucontrol
<b><tt> W-c </tt></b> <i> toggle Picom</i>,compton_toggle
<b><tt> W-A-c </tt></b> <i> toggle Conky</i>,conky_toggle
<b><tt> W-l </tt></b> <i> ScreenLocker</i>,betterlockscreen -l
<b><tt> W-l </tt></b> <i> ScreenLocker</i>,mbscreenlocker
<b><tt> W-x </tt></b> <i> Logout dialog</i>,mb-jgtools mblogout
<b><tt> W </tt></b> <i> Main menu</i>,mb-jgtools main,,,#menu
<b><tt> W-s </tt></b> <i> Settings Menu</i>,mb-jgtools settings,,,#menu
<b><tt> C-W-Left </tt></b> <i> Left sidepanel</i>,mb-jgtools places,,,#sidepanel
<b><tt> C-W-Right </tt></b> <i> Right sidepanel </i>,mb-jgtools right,,,#sidepanel
<b><tt> C-W-Left </tt></b> <i> Left sidepanel</i>,mb-jgtools places,,,#sidepanel#menu
<b><tt> C-W-Right </tt></b> <i> Right sidepanel </i>,mb-jgtools right,,,#sidepanel#menu
<b><tt> W-A-d </tt></b> <i> Toggle Dock AutoHide (if you use Gkrellm in dock)</i>,xdotool key Super+Alt+d,,,#sidepanel
^sep(Windows move),,,,#windows#move
<b><tt> W-d </tt></b> <i> Show desktop</i>,show_desktop,,,#windows#move
<b><tt> W-Arrows </tt></b> <i> Half screen</i>,,,,#windows#move
<b><tt> F11/W-Enter </tt></b> <i> Fullscreen</i>,,,,#windows#move
<b><tt> C-S-KP_7 </tt></b> <small>[on grid]</small> move/resize window topleft ,snapwin topleft,,,#deskgrid#windows#move
<b><tt> C-S-KP_8 </tt></b> <small>[on grid]</small> move/resize window top,snapwin top,,,#deskgrid#windows#move
<b><tt> C-S-KP_9 </tt></b> <small>[on grid]</small> move/resize window topright,snapwin topright,,,#deskgrid#windows#move
@ -34,16 +34,17 @@
<b><tt> C-S-KP_1 </tt></b> <small>[on grid]</small> move/resize window bottomleft,snapwin bottomleft,,,#deskgrid#windows#move
<b><tt> C-S-KP_2 </tt></b> <small>[on grid]</small> move/resize window bottom,snapwin bottom,,,#deskgrid#windows#move
<b><tt> C-S-KP_3 </tt></b> <small>[on grid]</small> move/resize window bottomright,snapwin bottomright,,,#deskgrid#windows#move
<b><tt> </tt></b> DeskGrid - show image helper,drawgrid,,,#deskgrid#windows#move
<b><tt> </tt></b> Edit <b>DeskGrid</b> config file ,geany ~/.config/deskgrid/deskgrid.cfg,,,#deskgrid#config
<b><tt> </tt></b> DesktopGrid - show image helper,drawgrid,,,#deskgrid#windows#move
<b><tt> </tt></b> Edit <b>DesktopGrid</b> config file ,geany ~/.config/deskgrid/deskgrid.cfg,,,#deskgrid#config
<b><tt> W-A-t </tt></b> <i> Tile helper</i>,jgtile
<b><tt> W-A-h </tt></b> <i> History helper</i>,jghistory-pipe -s
<b><tt> W-A-e </tt></b> <i> Espanso - text expander</i>,jgespanso-pipe -s
<b><tt> W-A-m </tt></b> <i> Configure Menu/Sidepanels</i>,jgmenusettings-pipe -s
<b><tt> W-A-w </tt></b> <i> Configure Wallpaper and ScreenLocker</i>,jgwallpaperchanger -s
<b><tt> W-A-k </tt></b> <i> Configure Conky</i>,jgconky-pipe -s
<b><tt> W-A-p </tt></b> <i> Configure Tint2 panel</i>,jgtint2-pipe -s
<b><tt> W-A-t </tt></b> <i> Tile helper</i>,jgtile,,,#pipemenu
<b><tt> W-A-h </tt></b> <i> History helper</i>,jghistory-pipe -s,,,#pipemenu
<b><tt> W-A-e </tt></b> <i> Espanso - text expander</i>,jgespanso-pipe -s,,,#pipemenu
<b><tt> W-A-m </tt></b> <i> Configure Menu/Sidepanels</i>,jgmenusettings-pipe -s,,,#pipemenu
<b><tt> W-A-w </tt></b> <i> Configure Wallpaper and ScreenLocker</i>,jgwallpaperchanger -s,,,#pipemenu
<b><tt> W-A-k </tt></b> <i> Configure Conky</i>,jgconky-pipe -s,,,#pipemenu
<b><tt> W-A-p </tt></b> <i> Configure Tint2 panel</i>,jgtint2-pipe -s,,,#pipemenu
<b><tt> </tt></b> <i> SSH Connections</i>,jgssh -s,,,#pipemenu
<b><tt> </tt></b> Obconf - Openbox configuration manager,obconf,,,#openbox#ob
<b><tt> </tt></b> Edit <b>rc.xml</b> OpenBox config file,geany ~/.config/openbox/rc.xml,,,#openbox#ob

1 ^sep(Applications)
11 <b><tt> W-v </tt></b> <i> Volume control</i>,pavucontrol
12 <b><tt> W-c </tt></b> <i> toggle Picom</i>,compton_toggle
13 <b><tt> W-A-c </tt></b> <i> toggle Conky</i>,conky_toggle
14 <b><tt> W-l </tt></b> <i> ScreenLocker</i>,betterlockscreen -l <b><tt> W-l </tt></b> <i> ScreenLocker</i>,mbscreenlocker
15 <b><tt> W-x </tt></b> <i> Logout dialog</i>,mb-jgtools mblogout
16 ^sep(Menu/Sidepanels),,,,#menu#sidepanel
17 <b><tt> W </tt></b> <i> Main menu</i>,mb-jgtools main,,,#menu
18 <b><tt> W-s </tt></b> <i> Settings Menu</i>,mb-jgtools settings,,,#menu
19 <b><tt> C-W-Left </tt></b> <i> Left sidepanel</i>,mb-jgtools places,,,#sidepanel <b><tt> C-W-Left </tt></b> <i> Left sidepanel</i>,mb-jgtools places,,,#sidepanel#menu
20 <b><tt> C-W-Right </tt></b> <i> Right sidepanel </i>,mb-jgtools right,,,#sidepanel <b><tt> C-W-Right </tt></b> <i> Right sidepanel </i>,mb-jgtools right,,,#sidepanel#menu
21 <b><tt> W-A-d </tt></b> <i> Toggle Dock AutoHide (if you use Gkrellm in dock)</i>,xdotool key Super+Alt+d,,,#sidepanel
22 ^sep(Windows move),,,,#windows#move
23 <b><tt> W-d </tt></b> <i> Show desktop</i>,show_desktop,,,#windows#move
24 <b><tt> W-Arrows </tt></b> <i> Half screen</i>,,,,#windows#move
25 <b><tt> F11/W-Enter </tt></b> <i> Fullscreen</i>,,,,#windows#move
26 ^sep(DeskGrid),,,,#deskgrid ^sep(DesktopGrid),,,,#deskgrid
27 <b><tt> C-S-KP_7 </tt></b> <small>[on grid]</small> move/resize window topleft ,snapwin topleft,,,#deskgrid#windows#move
28 <b><tt> C-S-KP_8 </tt></b> <small>[on grid]</small> move/resize window top,snapwin top,,,#deskgrid#windows#move
29 <b><tt> C-S-KP_9 </tt></b> <small>[on grid]</small> move/resize window topright,snapwin topright,,,#deskgrid#windows#move
30 <b><tt> C-S-KP_4 </tt></b> <small>[on grid]</small> move/resize window left,snapwin left,,,#deskgrid#windows#move
34 <b><tt> C-S-KP_2 </tt></b> <small>[on grid]</small> move/resize window bottom,snapwin bottom,,,#deskgrid#windows#move
35 <b><tt> C-S-KP_3 </tt></b> <small>[on grid]</small> move/resize window bottomright,snapwin bottomright,,,#deskgrid#windows#move
36 <b><tt> </tt></b> DeskGrid - show image helper,drawgrid,,,#deskgrid#windows#move <b><tt> </tt></b> DesktopGrid - show image helper,drawgrid,,,#deskgrid#windows#move
37 <b><tt> </tt></b> Edit <b>DeskGrid</b> config file ,geany ~/.config/deskgrid/deskgrid.cfg,,,#deskgrid#config <b><tt> </tt></b> Edit <b>DesktopGrid</b> config file ,geany ~/.config/deskgrid/deskgrid.cfg,,,#deskgrid#config
38 ^sep(Helpers)
39 <b><tt> W-A-t </tt></b> <i> Tile helper</i>,jgtile <b><tt> W-A-t </tt></b> <i> Tile helper</i>,jgtile,,,#pipemenu
40 <b><tt> W-A-h </tt></b> <i> History helper</i>,jghistory-pipe -s <b><tt> W-A-h </tt></b> <i> History helper</i>,jghistory-pipe -s,,,#pipemenu
41 <b><tt> W-A-e </tt></b> <i> Espanso - text expander</i>,jgespanso-pipe -s <b><tt> W-A-e </tt></b> <i> Espanso - text expander</i>,jgespanso-pipe -s,,,#pipemenu
42 <b><tt> W-A-m </tt></b> <i> Configure Menu/Sidepanels</i>,jgmenusettings-pipe -s <b><tt> W-A-m </tt></b> <i> Configure Menu/Sidepanels</i>,jgmenusettings-pipe -s,,,#pipemenu
43 <b><tt> W-A-w </tt></b> <i> Configure Wallpaper and ScreenLocker</i>,jgwallpaperchanger -s <b><tt> W-A-w </tt></b> <i> Configure Wallpaper and ScreenLocker</i>,jgwallpaperchanger -s,,,#pipemenu
44 <b><tt> W-A-k </tt></b> <i> Configure Conky</i>,jgconky-pipe -s <b><tt> W-A-k </tt></b> <i> Configure Conky</i>,jgconky-pipe -s,,,#pipemenu
45 <b><tt> W-A-p </tt></b> <i> Configure Tint2 panel</i>,jgtint2-pipe -s <b><tt> W-A-p </tt></b> <i> Configure Tint2 panel</i>,jgtint2-pipe -s,,,#pipemenu
46 ^sep(Openbox),,,,#openbox#ob <b><tt> </tt></b> <i> SSH Connections</i>,jgssh -s,,,#pipemenu
47 ^sep(Openbox),,,,#openbox#ob
48 <b><tt> </tt></b> Obconf - Openbox configuration manager,obconf,,,#openbox#ob
49 <b><tt> </tt></b> Edit <b>rc.xml</b> OpenBox config file,geany ~/.config/openbox/rc.xml,,,#openbox#ob
50 <b><tt> </tt></b> Reconfigure OpenBox,openbox --reconfigure,,,#openbox#ob