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<div class="center" style="margin:8px;"><img src="./img/colorizer.png" class="logo" title="Colorizer" onclick="openTab(event, 'Colorizer')"></div>
<button class="bar-item button small tablink" onclick="openTab(event, 'Colorizer')">Colorizer</button>
<button class="bar-item button small tablink" onclick="openTab(event, 'Openbox')">Openbox Theme</button>
<button class="bar-item button small tablink" onclick="openTab(event, 'Conky')">Conky</button>
<button class="bar-item button small tablink" onclick="openTab(event, 'Jgmenu')">Menu/Sidepanels</button>
<button class="bar-item button small tablink" onclick="openTab(event, 'Tint2')">Tint2 Panel</button>
<button class="bar-item button small tablink" onclick="openTab(event, 'Wall2theme')">Wallpaper  themes</button>
<button class="bar-item button small tablink" onclick="openTab(event, 'pyradiocava')"><i>Cava, PyRadio</i></button>
<button class="bar-item button small tablink" onclick="openTab(event, 'fonts')">Fonts</i></button>
<button class="bar-item button small tablink" onclick="openTab(event, 'Terminal')">Terminal theme</button>
<button class="bar-item button small tablink" onclick="openTab(event, 'Save')">Save and Restore</button>
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<p><a class="tag small indigo" href="run://pcmanwp"> Wallpaper...</a> <a class="tag small indigo" href="run://mbwallpaper -o"></a></p>
<p><em>Advanced<br />(dynamic menus)</em></p>
<a class="tag small purple" href="run://colorizer -s"> Colorizer</a><br />
<a class="tag small amber" href="run://colorizer-ob -s"> Openbox</a>
<a class="tag small amber" href="run://colorizer-conky -s"> Conky</a>
<a class="tag small amber" href="run://colorizer-menus -s"> Menu</a>
<a class="tag small amber" href="run://colorizer-fonts -s"> Fonts</a><br />
<a class="tag small lime" href="run://colorizer-cava -s">󰺢 Cava</a>
<a class="tag small lime" href="run://colorizer-pyradio -s"> PyRadio</a>
<p class="center black">
<a href="" class="tooltip"><span class="text tag small round" style="position:absolute;left:-10px;bottom:22px">Mabox Website</span></a>
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<section id="Colorizer" class="container tab" style="min-height:100vh;">
<div class="display-container" style="min-height:90vh">
<img src="/usr/share/mabox-colorizer/img/colorizer.png" class="right"/>
<h2 class="center">Mabox Colorizer <span class="tiny">pre-release</span></h2>
<p class="center"><i>a set of tools to easily customize<br/>your Mabox Linux Desktop</i></p>
<p>Easily change look and feel of:
<li><strong><span class="tag round tiny light-green link" onclick="openTab(event, 'Openbox')">Openbox theme</span></strong> (window decorations)</li>
<li><strong><span class="tag round tiny light-green link" onclick="openTab(event, 'Jgmenu')">Menu/Sidepanels</span></strong> and other <i>jgmenu-based</i> <strong>Mabox tools</strong></li>
<li><strong><span class="tag round tiny light-green link" onclick="openTab(event, 'Conky')">Conkies</span></strong></li>
<li><strong><span class="tag round tiny amber link" onclick="openTab(event, 'Wall2theme')">Generate themes</span></strong> for all above <strong>from Wallpaper colors</strong></li>
<!--<li><strong>PyRadio</strong> - Internet Radio Player</li>//-->
<p class="center">  Try <strong>Randomizer</strong> to change themes quickly. You can securely reset to defaults at any time.</p>
<div class="row">
<div class="half container">
<div class="card round padding deep-purple"><span class="right xxlarge"></span><p><em>Quickly <strong>randomize</strong> <br />colorschemes for...</em></p>
<div class="bar-block grey"><a class="button bar-item tiny" href="run://randomizer ob">Openbox theme</a>
<a class="button bar-item tiny" href="run://randomizer menu show">Menu / Sidepanels</a>
<a class="button bar-item tiny" href="run://randomizer conky">Conkies</a>
<a class="button bar-item tiny hover-yellow" href="run://randomizer all show">All above</a>
<div class="half container">
<div class="card round padding grey"><span class="right xxlarge"></span><p><em><strong>Reset</strong> to defaults...<br />(restore fresh install settings)</em></p>
<div class="bar-block dark-grey"><a class="button bar-item tiny" href="run://obtctl resetMBcolors">Openbox theme</a>
<a class="button bar-item tiny" href="run://jgctl resetMBcolors show">Menu / Sidepanels</a>
<a class="button bar-item tiny" href="run://conkyctl resetcolorsall">Conkies</a>
<a class="button bar-item tiny hover-yellow" href="run://randomizer resetall show">All above</a>
<p>Colorizer offers two modes of operation: basic and advanced.
<li><strong>basic</strong> - you use this window - easy and fast</li>
<li><strong>advanced</strong> - using dynamically generated menus - more customization possibilities, unlimited choice of colors. Tuning.</li>
<section id="Openbox" class="container tab" style="display:none;min-height:100vh;">
<div class="row">
<div class="twothird">
<h2>Openbox theme</h2>
<p>The Openbox module allows you to easily customize the appearance of window decorations.</p>
<p>It works only with special theme - <strong>MBcolors</strong> <a class="tag round green tiny" href="run://obtctl theme MBcolors">switch to</a> <a class="tag round green tiny" href="run://obtctl resetMBcolors">Reset MBcolors</a></p>
<p>You can change most of basic settings directly from this help screen.</p>
<div class="third padding-16">
<div class="card padding-small dark-grey"><span class="right xlarge"></span>
<p><strong>Set window decoration</strong></p>
<div class="bar-block grey">
<a class="button bar-item tiny" href="run://randomizer ob"><span class="right large"></span>Random</a>
<div class="bar-block grey" style="margin-top:1px;">
<a class="button bar-item tiny" href="run://w2theme ob dark show"><span class="right large"></span>Dark <em>(from wallpaper)</em></a>
<div class="bar-block grey" style="margin-top:1px;">
<a class="button bar-item tiny" href="run://w2theme ob light show"><span class="right large"></span>Light <em>(from wallpaper)</em></a>
<div class="bar-block grey" style="margin-top:1px;">
<a class="button bar-item tiny hover-green" href="run://colorizer-ob -s"><span class="right large"></span> Customize...</a>
<div class="bar-block grey" style="margin-top:1px;">
<a class="button bar-item tiny hover-red" href="run://obtctl resetMBcolors"><span class="right large"></span>Reset</a>
<div class="show-inline-block">
<div class="bar border round dark-grey">
<div class="dropdown-hover">
<button class="button small border-right"> Window Border</button>
<div class="dropdown-content bar-block border dark-grey card">
<a class="bar-item btn" href="run://obtctl borderWidth 0">0</a>
<a class="bar-item btn" href="run://obtctl borderWidth 1">1</a>
<a class="bar-item btn" href="run://obtctl borderWidth 2">2</a>
<a class="bar-item btn" href="run://obtctl borderWidth 3">3</a>
<a class="bar-item btn" href="run://obtctl borderWidth 4">4</a>
<a class="bar-item btn" href="run://obtctl borderWidth 8">8</a>
<a class="bar-item btn hover-gray border-right" href="run://obtctl borderWidth increase">+</a>
<a class="bar-item btn hover-gray" href="run://obtctl borderWidth decrease">-</a>
<div class="show-inline-block">
<div class="bar border round dark-grey">
<div class="dropdown-hover">
<button class="button small border-right"> Title Padding</button>
<div class="dropdown-content bar-block border dark-grey card">
<a class="bar-item btn tiny" href="run://obtctl paddingHeight 0">0</a>
<a class="bar-item btn tiny" href="run://obtctl paddingHeight 1">1</a>
<a class="bar-item btn tiny" href="run://obtctl paddingHeight 2">2</a>
<a class="bar-item btn tiny" href="run://obtctl paddingHeight 3">3</a>
<a class="bar-item btn tiny" href="run://obtctl paddingHeight 4">4</a>
<a class="bar-item btn tiny" href="run://obtctl paddingHeight 6">6</a>
<a class="bar-item btn tiny" href="run://obtctl paddingHeight 8">8</a>
<a class="bar-item btn tiny" href="run://obtctl paddingHeight 10">10</a>
<a class="bar-item btn tiny" href="run://obtctl paddingHeight 12">12</a>
<a class="bar-item btn tiny" href="run://obtctl paddingHeight 16">16</a>
<a class="bar-item btn tiny" href="run://obtctl paddingHeight 20">20</a>
<a class="bar-item btn hover-gray border-right" href="run://obtctl paddingHeight increase">+</a>
<a class="bar-item btn hover-gray" href="run://obtctl paddingHeight decrease">-</a>
<div class="show-inline-block">
<div class="bar border round dark-grey">
<div class="dropdown-hover">
<button class="button small border-right">Title bar style</button>
<div class="dropdown-content bar-block border dark-grey card">
<a class="bar-item btn tiny" href="run://obtctl raised 1">raised</a>
<a class="bar-item btn tiny" href="run://obtctl raised 0">flat</a>
<a class="bar-item btn tiny" href="run://obtctl raised 2">sunken</a>
<div class="show-inline-block">
<div class="bar border round dark-grey">
<div class="dropdown-hover">
<button class="button small border-right">Buttons</button>
<div class="dropdown-content bar-block border dark-grey card">
<a class="bar-item btn tiny" href="run://obtctl buttons tiny"><img src="./img/tiny.png">tiny</a>
<a class="bar-item btn tiny" href="run://obtctl buttons normal"><img src="./img/normal.png">normal</a>
<a class="bar-item btn tiny" href="run://obtctl buttons bold"><img src="./img/bold.png">bold</a>
<a class="bar-item btn tiny" href="run://obtctl buttons dots"><img src="./img/dots.png">dots</a>
<a class="bar-item btn tiny" href="run://obtctl buttons big-12">big 12px</a>
<a class="bar-item btn tiny" href="run://obtctl buttons big-14">big 14px</a>
<div class="panel panel display-container">Window title
<div class="display-topright medium"><span class="tiny">font color:</span>
<a class="tag " style="background-color:#FFFFFF" href="run://obtctl activetextcolor #FFFFFF">&nbsp;&nbsp;</a>
<a class="tag " style="background-color:#BBBBBB" href="run://obtctl activetextcolor #BBBBBB">&nbsp;&nbsp;</a>
<a class="tag " style="background-color:#60a917" href="run://obtctl activetextcolor #60a917">&nbsp;&nbsp;</a>
<a class="tag " style="background-color:#a20025" href="run://obtctl activetextcolor #a20025">&nbsp;&nbsp;</a>
<a class="tag " style="background-color:#e3c800" href="run://obtctl activetextcolor #e3c800">&nbsp;&nbsp;</a>
<a class="tag " style="background-color:#222222" href="run://obtctl activetextcolor #333333">&nbsp;&nbsp;</a>
<a class="tag " style="background-color:#000000" href="run://obtctl activetextcolor #000000">&nbsp;&nbsp;</a>
&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;
<div class="show-inline-block">
<div class="bar border round dark-grey">
<a class="bar-item btn hover-gray border-right" href="run://mb-setfont obtitle">font family</a>
<div class="dropdown-hover">
<button class="button small border-right">size</button>
<div class="dropdown-content bar-block border dark-grey card">
<a class="bar-item btn tiny" href="run://obtctl fontsize 8">8</a>
<a class="bar-item btn tiny" href="run://obtctl fontsize 9">9</a>
<a class="bar-item btn tiny" href="run://obtctl fontsize 10">10</a>
<a class="bar-item btn tiny" href="run://obtctl fontsize 11">11</a>
<a class="bar-item btn tiny" href="run://obtctl fontsize 12">12</a>
<a class="bar-item btn tiny" href="run://obtctl fontsize 13">13</a>
<a class="bar-item btn tiny" href="run://obtctl fontsize 14">14</a>
<a class="bar-item btn tiny" href="run://obtctl fontsize 15">15</a>
<a class="bar-item btn tiny" href="run://obtctl fontsize 16">16</a>
<a class="bar-item btn hover-gray border-right" href="run://obtctl fontsize increase">+</a>
<a class="bar-item btn hover-gray" href="run://obtctl fontsize decrease">-</a>
<div class="show-inline-block">
<div class="bar border round dark-grey">
<a class="bar-item btn hover-gray border-right" href="run://obtctl fontweighttoggle"></a>
<a class="bar-item btn hover-gray" href="run://obtctl fontslanttoggle"></a>
<!-- TEXT JUSTIFY //-->
<div class="show-inline-block">
<div class="bar border round dark-grey">
<a class="bar-item btn hover-gray border-right" href="run://obtctl textjustify left"></a>
<a class="bar-item btn hover-gray border-right" href="run://obtctl textjustify center"></a>
<a class="bar-item btn hover-gray" href="run://obtctl textjustify right"></a>
<!-- SHADOW EFFECT //-->
<div class="show-inline-block">
<div class="bar border round">
<div class="dropdown-hover dark-grey">
<button class="button small">shadow</button>
<div class="dropdown-content bar-block border dark-grey card">
<a class="bar-item btn tiny" href="run://obtctl shadow 0">no shadow</a>
<a class="bar-item btn tiny" href="run://obtctl shadow 1">dark</a>
<a class="bar-item btn tiny" href="run://obtctl shadow 2">light</a>
<div class="row margin-top">
<div class="col m5 black round">
<p class="center">Title bar color</p>
<p class="center">for active window</p>
<div class="center padding">
<a class="tag large" style="background-color:#DDDDDD" href="run://obtctl clractivebg #DDDDDD">&nbsp;&nbsp;</a>
<a class="tag large" style="background-color:#a4c400" href="run://obtctl clractivebg #a4c400">&nbsp;&nbsp;</a>
<a class="tag large" style="background-color:#60a917" href="run://obtctl clractivebg #60a917">&nbsp;&nbsp;</a>
<a class="tag large" style="background-color:#008a00" href="run://obtctl clractivebg #008a00">&nbsp;&nbsp;</a>
<a class="tag large" style="background-color:#00aba9" href="run://obtctl clractivebg #00aba9">&nbsp;&nbsp;</a>
<a class="tag large" style="background-color:#1ba1e2" href="run://obtctl clractivebg #1ba1e2">&nbsp;&nbsp;</a>
<a class="tag large" style="background-color:#3e65ff" href="run://obtctl clractivebg #3e65ff">&nbsp;&nbsp;</a>
<a class="tag large" style="background-color:#0050ef" href="run://obtctl clractivebg #0050ef">&nbsp;&nbsp;</a>
<a class="tag large" style="background-color:#6a00ff" href="run://obtctl clractivebg #6a00ff">&nbsp;&nbsp;</a>
<a class="tag large" style="background-color:#aa00ff" href="run://obtctl clractivebg #aa00ff">&nbsp;&nbsp;</a>
<a class="tag large" style="background-color:#f472d0" href="run://obtctl clractivebg #f472d0">&nbsp;&nbsp;</a>
<a class="tag large" style="background-color:#d80073" href="run://obtctl clractivebg #d80073">&nbsp;&nbsp;</a>
<a class="tag large" style="background-color:#a20025" href="run://obtctl clractivebg #a20025">&nbsp;&nbsp;</a>
<a class="tag large" style="background-color:#e51400" href="run://obtctl clractivebg #e51400">&nbsp;&nbsp;</a>
<a class="tag large" style="background-color:#fa6800" href="run://obtctl clractivebg #fa6800">&nbsp;&nbsp;</a>
<a class="tag large" style="background-color:#f0a30a" href="run://obtctl clractivebg #f0a30a">&nbsp;&nbsp;</a>
<a class="tag large" style="background-color:#e3c800" href="run://obtctl clractivebg #e3c800">&nbsp;&nbsp;</a>
<a class="tag large" style="background-color:#825a2c" href="run://obtctl clractivebg #825a2c">&nbsp;&nbsp;</a>
<a class="tag large" style="background-color:#6d8764" href="run://obtctl clractivebg #6d8764">&nbsp;&nbsp;</a>
<a class="tag large" style="background-color:#647687" href="run://obtctl clractivebg #647687">&nbsp;&nbsp;</a>
<a class="tag large" style="background-color:#76608a" href="run://obtctl clractivebg #76608a">&nbsp;&nbsp;</a>
<a class="tag large" style="background-color:#87794e" href="run://obtctl clractivebg #87794e">&nbsp;&nbsp;</a>
<a class="tag large" style="background-color:#a0522d" href="run://obtctl clractivebg #a0522d">&nbsp;&nbsp;</a>
<a class="tag large" style="background-color:#222222" href="run://obtctl clractivebg #222222">&nbsp;&nbsp;</a>
<p><a class="tag dark-gray" href="run://mbclr pixelcolor obtctl clractivebg"><big></big> Pick from screen</a></p>
<div class="col m1">&nbsp;</div>
<div class="col black m6 round">
<p class="center">Gradient type</p>
<p class="center">
<a href="run://obtctl gradient_type solid"><img src="./img/solid.png"></a>
<a href="run://obtctl gradient_type vertical"><img src="./img/vertical.png"></a>
<a href="run://obtctl gradient_type horizontal"><img src="./img/horizontal.png"></a>
<a href="run://obtctl gradient_type mirrorhorizontal"><img src="./img/mirrorhorizontal.png"></a>
<a href="run://obtctl gradient_type splitvertical"><img src="./img/splitvertical.png"></a>
<a href="run://obtctl gradient_type diagonal"><img src="./img/diagonal.png"></a>
<a href="run://obtctl gradient_type crossdiagonal"><img src="./img/crossdiagonal.png"></a>
<a href="run://obtctl gradient_type pyramid"><img src="./img/pyramid.png"></a>
<p class="padding">More than 300 beautifull pre-defined gradients are available from Colorizer OBtheme menu.</p>
<p>For much more options, fine-tunning and colors choices launch <a class="tag round green small hover-yellow" href="run://colorizer-ob -s"> OBtheme menu</a></p>
<section id="Jgmenu" class="container tab" style="display:none;min-height:100vh">
<div class="row">
<div class="twothird">
<h2>Menu / Side panels</h2>
<p>Menu / Side panels and numerous Mabox tools were created based on jgmenu. You can easily adapt them to your needs - both <strong>appearance</strong> and <strong>functionality</strong></p>
<h4>Global Settings</h4>
<p>Border, inner margin, rounding, submenu spacing and fonts are global settings - independent of the color theme used. You can change it <a class="tag round green small hover-yellow" href="run://jgmenusettings-pipe -s"> here</a></p>
<div class="third padding-16">
<div class="card padding-small blue-gray"><span class="right xlarge"></span>
<p><strong>Set menu theme...</strong></p>
<div class="bar-block grey">
<a class="button bar-item tiny" href="run://randomizer menu show"><span class="right large"></span> Random</a>
<div class="bar-block grey" style="margin-top:1px;">
<a class="button bar-item tiny" href="run://w2theme menu dark show"><span class="right large"></span>Dark <em>(from wallpaper)</em></a>
<div class="bar-block grey" style="margin-top:1px;">
<a class="button bar-item tiny" href="run://w2theme menu light show"><span class="right large"></span>Light <em>(from wallpaper)</em></a>
<div class="bar-block grey" style="margin-top:1px;">
<a class="button bar-item tiny hover-green" href="run://colorizer-menus -s"><span class="right large"></span> Customize...</a>
<div class="bar-block grey" style="margin-top:1px;">
<a class="button bar-item tiny hover-red" href="run://jgctl resetMBcolors show"><span class="right large"></span>Reset</a>
<section id="Conky" class="container tab" style="display:none;min-height:100vh;">
<div class="row">
<div class="twothird">
<p>Mabox provides several Conky configurations. <i>click names below to toggle</i></p>
<p class="center">
System Info<br />
<a class="tag small teal" href="run://conkyctl toggleone sysinfo_mbcolor">Default</a>
<a class="tag small teal" href="run://conkyctl toggleone sysinfo_graph">with Graph</a>
<a class="tag small teal" href="run://conkyctl toggleone mabox_info">Mini</a><br />
<a class="tag small teal" href="run://conkyctl toggleone CPU">CPU</a>
<a class="tag small teal" href="run://conkyctl toggleone RAM">RAM</a>
<a class="tag small teal" href="run://conkyctl toggleone mount_points">Discs</a>
<a class="tag small teal" href="run://conkyctl toggleone Network">Network</a><br />
Educational</br />
<a class="tag small teal" href="run://conkyctl toggleone shortcuts_mbcolor">Shortcuts</a>
<a class="tag small teal" href="run://conkyctl toggleone PCmanFM">PCmanFM</a>
<a class="tag small teal" href="run://conkyctl toggleone tiling_terminal">Terminal</a>
<a class="tag small teal" href="run://conkyctl toggleone mabox_tools_">Mabox Tools</a><br />
Clock and others<br />
<a class="tag small teal" href="run://conkyctl toggleone clock_mbcolor">Clock</a>
<a class="tag small teal" href="run://conkyctl toggleone clock_and_date">Clock and Date</a>
<a class="tag small teal" href="run://conkyctl toggleone quoter_">Quotes</a>
<a class="tag small teal" href="run://conkyctl toggleone logo_">Logo</a>
<div class="third padding-16">
<div class="card padding-small brown"><span class="right xlarge"></span>
<p><strong>Set Conky colorscheme...</strong></p>
<div class="bar-block grey">
<a class="button bar-item tiny" href="run://randomizer conky"><span class="right large"></span>Random</a>
<div class="bar-block grey" style="margin-top:1px;">
<a class="button bar-item tiny" href="run://w2theme conky dark"><span class="right large"></span>Dark <em>(from wallpaper)</em></a>
<div class="bar-block grey" style="margin-top:1px;">
<a class="button bar-item tiny" href="run://w2theme conky light"><span class="right large"></span>Light<em>(from wallpaper)</em></a>
<div class="bar-block grey" style="margin-top:1px;">
<a class="button bar-item tiny hover-green" href="run://colorizer-conky -s"><span class="right large"></span>Customize...</a>
<div class="bar-block grey" style="margin-top:1px;">
<a class="button bar-item tiny hover-red" href="run://conkyctl resetcolorsall"><span class="right large"></span>Reset</a>
<p>Conky in Mabox has been equipped with additional powers not available in any other Linux distribution!</p>
<h5>Easy on screen arranging</h5>
<a class="tag small black" href="run://conkyctl makemoveableall">󰆾 Make Moveable all </a> and change Conkys position by dragging one by one. (Hold <kbd>Alt</kbd> while dragging)
<h5>Right mouse click for customization context menu</h5>
<p>Click <strong>right mouse button</strong> on any Conky for <strong>context menu</strong>, which allows you to:
<li>apply one of the ready-made color themes for the selected Conky</li>
<li>set text colors, borders, shadow or outline effects</li>
<li>manually change the background color or make it transparent</li>
<li>disable (kill), reload or edit Conky</li>
<li>add or edit custom commands for left click (see below)</li>
<h5>Own command(s) Launcher (or menu) on left click on Conky</h5>
<p>You can add <strong>your own commands</strong> to each Conky, which will be shown on <strong>left mouse click</strong>.</p>
<p>To edit commands, right-click on a single Conky and select -> <strong>Edit cmd...</strong> from the menu.</p>
<p>If only one command is defined, Conky will act like a launcher (icon) - firing up command immediately after left click.
If you add more commands, a menu will be shown.</p>
<p><a class="tag small teal" href="run://conkyctl toggleone sysinfo_mbcolor">Default</a> and <a class="tag small teal" href="run://conkyctl toggleone logo_">Logo</a> Conky already have predefined commands, so left-click on them to see this feature in action.</p>
<p>Syntax for adding commands is very simple, see blog post: <a href="">How to add custom commands to Menu and SidePanels</a></p>
<div class="panel dark-grey rightbar border-black border">
<p>Click actions on any Conky:</p>
<p><kbd>right click</kbd> to access <strong>context menu</strong></p>
<p><kbd>left click</kbd> to <strong>run command</strong> or <strong>show menu</strong> (if defined)</p>
<p><kbd>Super</kbd> + <kbd>left click</kbd> will make all Conkies moveable</p>
<p>Global shortcut:</p>
<p><kbd>Super</kbd> + <kbd>C</kbd> - <strong>toggle Conky session</strong> - start/stop all Conkies</p>
<section id="Wall2theme" class="container tab" style="display:none;min-height:100vh;">
<h2>Generating themes from wallpaper</h2>
<div class="row">
<div class="twothird">
<p>Colorizer generates a color palette based on the currently set wallpaper</p>
<p>Based on such a color palette, it is possible to use two versions of themes (dark and light) for:
<li>OpenBox window decoration</li>
<li>Menus, Panels</li>
<p>Try how it works...</p>
<div class="third">
<div class="card round padding deep-purple"><span class="right xxlarge"></span>
<p><br /><strong>Set Wallpaper</strong></p>
<div class="bar-block grey">
<a class="button bar-item tiny" href="run://pcmanwp">Select</a>
<a class="button bar-item tiny" href="run://nitrogen --random /usr/share/backgrounds --set-scaled --save">Random System Wallpaper</a>
<a class="button bar-item tiny" href="run://nitrogen --random wallpapers --set-scaled --save">Random User Wallpaper</a>
<div class="row">
<div class="third">
<div class="card round padding dark-grey"><span class="right xxlarge"></span>
<p><br /><strong>Window decorations</strong></p>
<div class="bar-block grey">
<a class="button bar-item tiny" href="run://w2theme ob dark">Dark</a>
<a class="button bar-item tiny" href="run://w2theme ob light">Light</a>
<div class="bar-block grey" style="margin-top:1px;">
<a class="button bar-item tiny hover-green" href="run://colorizer-ob -s"><span class="right large"></span> Customize</a>
<div class="bar-block grey" style="margin-top:1px;">
<a class="button bar-item tiny hover-red" href="run://obtctl resetonlycolors"><span class="right large"></span >Reset</a>
<div class="third">
<div class="card round padding blue-gray"><span class="right xxlarge"></span>
<p><br /><strong>Menu, Panels</strong></p>
<div class="bar-block grey">
<a class="button bar-item tiny" href="run://w2theme menu dark show">Dark</a>
<a class="button bar-item tiny" href="run://w2theme menu light show">Light</a>
<div class="bar-block grey" style="margin-top:1px;">
<a class="button bar-item tiny hover-green" href="run://colorizer-menus -s"><span class="right large"></span> Customize</a>
<div class="bar-block grey" style="margin-top:1px;">
<a class="button bar-item tiny hover-red" href="run://jgctl resetMBcolors show"><span class="right large"></span>Reset</a>
<div class="third">
<div class="card round padding brown"><span class="right xxlarge"></span>
<div class="bar-block grey">
<a class="button bar-item tiny" href="run://w2theme conky dark">Dark</a>
<a class="button bar-item tiny" href="run://w2theme conky light">Light</a>
<div class="bar-block grey" style="margin-top:1px;">
<a class="button bar-item tiny hover-green" href="run://colorizer-conky -s"><span class="right large"></span> Customize</a>
<div class="bar-block grey" style="margin-top:1px;">
<a class="button bar-item tiny hover-red" href="run://conkyctl resetcolorsall"><span class="right large"></span >Reset</a>
<h5>How to change wallpaper in Mabox?</h5>
<p>The recommended method is to use the context menu in the file manager.</p>
<p>Click <a class="tag small amber" href="run://pcmanwp"> Select wallpaper</a> - the file manager will be launched with all defined wallpaper directories in tabs. Use the context menu to set the selected wallpaper.
<kbd>Ctrl + 3</kbd> allows you to change the view mode to Thumbnails</p>
<p>You can define multiple directories where you store wallpapers<br />
<a class="tag small amber" href="config://.config/mabox/wallp_dirs.conf"> Configure directories</a></p>
<section id="fonts" class="container tab" style="display:none;min-height:100vh">
<div class="fixed">
<div class="bar">
<a class="button bar-item small grey hover-amber right" href="run://colorizer-fonts -s"> Fonts - dynamic menu</a>
<p>Use dynamic menu <a class="tag small amber" href="run://colorizer-fonts -s"> Fonts</a> to set fonts for GTK, Conky and Menu/Panels.</p>
<section id="pyradiocava" class="container tab" style="display:none;min-height:100vh;">
<div class="fixed">
<div class="bar">
<a class="button bar-item small grey hover-amber right" href="run://colorizer-cava -s">󰺢 Colorizer Cava</a>
<h3>Cava - Audio Visualizer</h3>
<p><strong>Cava</strong> is a bar spectrum audio visualizer for terminal.<br />
In Mabox you can easily run Cava in a transparent terminal - which gives an interesting effect...</p>
<p><a class="tag small amber" href="run://mb-music cavastart">󰺢 Start</a>
<a class="tag small red" href="run://mb-music cavakill"> Kill</a>
<a class="tag small green" href="run://cavactl info"> Info</a> </p>
<div class="row-padding stretch">
<div class="third center">
<a class="tag large" style="background-color:#DDDDDD" href="run://cavactl foreground #DDDDDD">&nbsp;&nbsp;</a>
<a class="tag large" style="background-color:#a4c400" href="run://cavactl foreground #a4c400">&nbsp;&nbsp;</a>
<a class="tag large" style="background-color:#60a917" href="run://cavactl foreground #60a917">&nbsp;&nbsp;</a>
<a class="tag large" style="background-color:#008a00" href="run://cavactl foreground #008a00">&nbsp;&nbsp;</a>
<a class="tag large" style="background-color:#00aba9" href="run://cavactl foreground #00aba9">&nbsp;&nbsp;</a>
<a class="tag large" style="background-color:#1ba1e2" href="run://cavactl foreground #1ba1e2">&nbsp;&nbsp;</a>
<a class="tag large" style="background-color:#3e65ff" href="run://cavactl foreground #3e65ff">&nbsp;&nbsp;</a>
<a class="tag large" style="background-color:#0050ef" href="run://cavactl foreground #0050ef">&nbsp;&nbsp;</a>
<a class="tag large" style="background-color:#6a00ff" href="run://cavactl foreground #6a00ff">&nbsp;&nbsp;</a>
<a class="tag large" style="background-color:#aa00ff" href="run://cavactl foreground #aa00ff">&nbsp;&nbsp;</a>
<a class="tag large" style="background-color:#f472d0" href="run://cavactl foreground #f472d0">&nbsp;&nbsp;</a>
<a class="tag large" style="background-color:#d80073" href="run://cavactl foreground #d80073">&nbsp;&nbsp;</a>
<a class="tag large" style="background-color:#a20025" href="run://cavactl foreground #a20025">&nbsp;&nbsp;</a>
<a class="tag large" style="background-color:#e51400" href="run://cavactl foreground #e51400">&nbsp;&nbsp;</a>
<a class="tag large" style="background-color:#fa6800" href="run://cavactl foreground #fa6800">&nbsp;&nbsp;</a>
<a class="tag large" style="background-color:#f0a30a" href="run://cavactl foreground #f0a30a">&nbsp;&nbsp;</a>
<a class="tag large" style="background-color:#e3c800" href="run://cavactl foreground #e3c800">&nbsp;&nbsp;</a>
<a class="tag large" style="background-color:#825a2c" href="run://cavactl foreground #825a2c">&nbsp;&nbsp;</a>
<a class="tag large" style="background-color:#6d8764" href="run://cavactl foreground #6d8764">&nbsp;&nbsp;</a>
<a class="tag large" style="background-color:#647687" href="run://cavactl foreground #647687">&nbsp;&nbsp;</a>
<a class="tag large" style="background-color:#76608a" href="run://cavactl foreground #76608a">&nbsp;&nbsp;</a>
<a class="tag large" style="background-color:#87794e" href="run://cavactl foreground #87794e">&nbsp;&nbsp;</a>
<a class="tag large" style="background-color:#a0522d" href="run://cavactl foreground #a0522d">&nbsp;&nbsp;</a>
<a class="tag large" style="background-color:#222222" href="run://cavactl foreground #222222">&nbsp;&nbsp;</a>
<p><a class="tag dark-gray" href="run://mbclr pixelcolor cavactl foreground"><big></big> Pick from screen</a></p>
<!--<div class="col m1 center">
<div class="third center dark">
<p><strong>Bar width (px)</strong></p>
<a class="tag dark-gray" href="run://cavactl bar_width 1">1</a>
<a class="tag dark-gray" href="run://cavactl bar_width 2">2</a>
<a class="tag dark-gray" href="run://cavactl bar_width 3">3</a>
<a class="tag dark-gray" href="run://cavactl bar_width 4">4</a>
<a class="tag dark-gray" href="run://cavactl bar_width 5">5</a>
<a class="tag dark-gray" href="run://cavactl bar_width 6">6</a>
<a class="tag dark-gray" href="run://cavactl bar_width 8">8</a>
<a class="tag dark-gray" href="run://cavactl bar_width 10">10</a>
<a class="tag dark-gray" href="run://cavactl bar_width 12">12</a>
<a class="tag dark-gray" href="run://cavactl bar_width 16">16</a>
<a class="tag dark-gray" href="run://cavactl bar_width 20">20</a>
<p><strong>Spacing (px)</strong></p>
<a class="tag dark-gray" href="run://cavactl bar_spacing 0">0</a>
<a class="tag dark-gray" href="run://cavactl bar_spacing 1">1</a>
<a class="tag dark-gray" href="run://cavactl bar_spacing 2">2</a>
<a class="tag dark-gray" href="run://cavactl bar_spacing 3">3</a>
<a class="tag dark-gray" href="run://cavactl bar_spacing 4">4</a>
<a class="tag dark-gray" href="run://cavactl bar_spacing 5">5</a>
<a class="tag dark-gray" href="run://cavactl bar_spacing 6">6</a>
<a class="tag dark-gray" href="run://cavactl bar_spacing 8">8</a>
<a class="tag dark-gray" href="run://cavactl bar_spacing 10">10</a>
<a class="tag dark-gray" href="run://cavactl bar_spacing 12">12</a>
<a class="tag dark-gray" href="run://cavactl bar_spacing 16">16</a>
<!--<div class="col m1 center">
<div class="col m4 center">
<p><strong>Height (px)</strong></p>
width: 100%
<p><a class="tag dark-gray" href="run://mb-music cavastart 50 full">50</a> <a class="tag dark-gray" href="run://mb-music cavastart 100 full">100</a> <a class="tag dark-gray" href="run://mb-music cavastart 2000 full">200</a></p>
width: 50%
<p><a class="tag dark-gray" href="run://mb-music cavastart 50 half">50</a> <a class="tag dark-gray" href="run://mb-music cavastart 100 half">100</a> <a class="tag dark-gray" href="run://mb-music cavastart 200 half">200</a></p>
<p>Use Colorizer <a class="tag small orange" href="run://colorizer-cava -s">󰺢 Cava module </a> to fine-tune colors, use gradients.</p>
<div class="panel dark-grey rightbar border-black border" style="margin-top:-2px;">
<p><a class="tag teal" href="run://mb-music -s">󰕾 Music & Sound</a> dynamic menu can serve as basic, lightweight music player (mpv-based) you might like to try. <i>Also available from panel's volume icon - right click</i></p>
<h3>PyRadio - Internet Radio</h3>
<div class="row">
<div class="twothird">
<p>PyRadio is advanced command line internet radio player.</p>
<p>You can turn on <strong>PyRadio</strong> <kbd>super</kbd>+<kbd>r</kbd></p>
<p>Colorizer can generate pyradio themes based on palette of currently used wallpaper.</p>
<p>Use Colorizer <a class="tag small orange" href="run://colorizer-pyradio -s"> PyRadio module </a> to fine-tune colors.</p>
<div class="third">
<div class="card round padding teal"><span class="right xxlarge"></span>
<p><br /><strong>PyRadio</strong></p>
<div class="bar-block grey">
<a class="button bar-item tiny" href="run://w2theme pyradio dark">Dark</a>
<a class="button bar-item tiny" href="run://w2theme pyradio light">Bright</a>
<div class="bar-block grey" style="margin-top:1px;">
<a class="button bar-item tiny hover-green" href="run://colorizer-pyradio -s"><span class="right large"></span> Customize</a>
<div class="bar-block grey" style="margin-top:1px;">
<a class="button bar-item tiny hover-red" href="run://prtctl resettheme"><span class="right large"></span>Reset</a>
<section id="Terminal" class="container tab" style="display:none;min-height:100vh">
<div class="fixed">
<div class="bar">
<a class="button bar-item small grey hover-amber right" href="termo:// -i2"> Terminal theme selector</a>
<h2>Terminal theme</h2>
<p>Mabox comes with many terminal themes available (~400)</p>
<p>The interactive selector will help you find a suitable theme (<kbd>Enter</kbd>/<kbd>Esc</kbd> - use selected theme, <kbd>Ctrl</kbd>+<kbd>c</kbd> - cancel)</p>
<p>You can run terminal theme selector any time from cli by <strong>th</strong> alias</p>
<h5>Different colors for root and SSH sessions</h5>
<img src="img/" />
<p>To change theme for <strong>ssh</strong> and <strong>root sessions</strong> edit <tt>~/.bashrc</tt></p>
<h5>Terminator and Quake-like terminal</h5>
<p>Terminator is default terminal in Mabox. Use <kbd>super + t</kbd> to run it in normal window or <kbd>F12</kbd> to start as quake-terminal (press <kbd>F12</kbd> again to show/hide it).</p>
<p>Terminator is a tiling terminal. You can run <a class="tag small teal" href="run://conkyctl toggleone tiling_terminal">educational Conky</a> showing you some shortcuts useful when working with terminator.</p>
<section id="Tint2" class="container tab" style="display:none;min-height:100vh;">
<h2>Tint2 panel</h2>
<p>Colorizer module for Tint2 panel is not available yet - currently in <strong>active development!</strong></p>
<p class="center"><em>You can support development if you like...</em></p><p class="center"><a class="button blue hover-indigo" href=""><span class="large"> 󰅶 </span> Buy me a coffee</a></p>
<p>For now... use quite powerfull Tint2 config menu.</p>
<p><a class="button inline round small lime hover-yellow " href="run://jgtint2-pipe -s"> Tint2 configuration menu</a></p>
<p><a class="button inline round small lime hover-yellow" href="run://jgtint2launcher -s"> Add/Remove Launchers to panel</a></p>
<section id="Save" class="container tab" style="display:none;min-height:100vh;">
<div class="fixed"><a class="button round small lime hover-yellow margin display-topright" href="run://mb-obthemes"> Theme Manager</a></div>
<h2>Save and Restore</h2>
<p>If you are satisfied with your configuration, you can save it as a meta-theme so that you can restore it later.</p>
<p>Theme Manager will save:
<li>Openbox Theme (window decoration)</li>
<li>GTK and Icon Theme</li>
<li>Terminal theme</li>
<li>Menu / Sidepanels colors</li>
<li>Tint2 panel</li>
</p><a class="button round small lime hover-yellow margin" href="run://mb-obthemes"> Theme Manager</a>
function openTab(evt, tabName) {
var i, x, tablinks;
x = document.getElementsByClassName("tab");
for (i = 0; i < x.length; i++) {
x[i].style.display = "none";
tablinks = document.getElementsByClassName("tablink");
for (i = 0; i < x.length; i++) {
tablinks[i].className = tablinks[i].className.replace(" gray", "");
document.getElementById(tabName).style.display = "block";
evt.currentTarget.className += " gray";
function myFunction() {
var input, filter, table, tr, td, i;
input = document.getElementById("myInput");
filter = input.value.toUpperCase();
table = document.getElementById("myTable");
tr = table.getElementsByTagName("tr");
for (i = 0; i < tr.length; i++) {
td = tr[i].getElementsByTagName("td")[0];
if (td) {
txtValue = td.textContent || td.innerText;
if (txtValue.toUpperCase().indexOf(filter) > -1) {
tr[i].style.display = "";
} else {
tr[i].style.display = "none";