• 0.9.50 082d27f52e

    0.9.50 pre Stable

    napcok released this 2023-08-30 14:03:13 +02:00 | 31 commits to master since this release

    new Fonts module - one place to quickly configure fonts

  • 0.9.49 7c0bd902af

    0.9.49 pre Stable

    napcok released this 2023-08-20 09:09:04 +02:00 | 32 commits to master since this release

    fonts handling improvements

  • 0.9.48 3158254a39

    0.9.48 dev Stable

    napcok released this 2023-08-17 17:45:31 +02:00 | 33 commits to master since this release

    Fav. colors and font families lists (not used yet)

  • 0.9.47 d4fd63c54b

    0.9.47 pre Stable

    napcok released this 2023-08-03 09:39:34 +02:00 | 35 commits to master since this release

    OB theme title font color black or white

  • 0.9.46 3a7535cc1e

    0.9.46 pre Stable

    napcok released this 2023-08-02 01:36:45 +02:00 | 36 commits to master since this release

    handle OB rc.xml font and button layout when any OB theme is used

  • 0.9.45 6523ccd67a

    0.9.45 pre Stable

    napcok released this 2023-07-31 01:16:39 +02:00 | 38 commits to master since this release

    Openbox Window Decoration module - title text and buttons handling improvements

  • 0.9.44 69f0299723

    0.9.44 pre Stable

    napcok released this 2023-07-28 17:11:43 +02:00 | 39 commits to master since this release

    bigger buttons (12px) for OB theme

  • 0.9.43 7a636dcfc6

    0.9.43 pre Stable

    napcok released this 2023-07-25 14:25:08 +02:00 | 40 commits to master since this release

    • [FIX] do not allow colorizer to modify any other theme than MBcolors
  • 0.9.42 91fb852719

    0.9.42 pre Stable

    napcok released this 2023-07-25 00:24:42 +02:00 | 41 commits to master since this release

    • random accent color for conky bard/chars (when wallpaper based autotheming is used)
    • removed some accent colors
    • fix for randomizer
  • 0.9.41 257972dd44

    0.9.41 pre Stable

    napcok released this 2023-06-01 12:04:31 +02:00 | 42 commits to master since this release

    remove tint2 - not ready yet
