#!/bin/bash # TODO Start Pyradio if not started # TODO check if theme is writeable (users themes) # TODO Save as new theme me="colorizer-pyradio -s" THEMERC=~/.config/pyradio/themes/mbcolors.pyradio-theme case "$LANG" in pl*) COLORIZE_PYRADIO="Pokoloruj PyRadio" START_PYRADIO="Uruchom PyRadio" INFO="Info" INFO_HEAD="Jak działa automatyczna zmiana kolorów?" INFO_TXT="Automatyczna zmiana kolorów działa z motywem mbcolors (User theme).\nAby go ustawić:\n- użyj klawisza t - wybór motywów\n- zaznacz motyw mbcolors i naciśnij spację - (ustawia jako domyślny)\n- wciśnij c - aby włączyć śledzenie zmian w pliku motywu.\n\n" GENERATEFROMWP="Generuj z kolorów tapety..." LIGHTBG="Jasne tło" DARKBG="Ciemne tło" SETCOLORS="Ustaw kolory..." RESETTHEME="Resetuj motyw" EXPORTTHEME="Eksportuj obecne kolory jako nowy motyw" CONFIG_AND_DOCS="Konfiguracja i Dokumentacja" README="PyRadio CZYTAJTO" MANUAL="Manual PyRadio" EDITCONF="Edytuj plik konfiguracyjny" EDITSTATIONS="Edytuj listę stacji" CONFIGDIR="Katalog z konfiguracją" ;; *) COLORIZE_PYRADIO="Colorize PyRadio" START_PYRADIO="Start PyRadio" INFO="Info" INFO_HEAD="How it works?" INFO_TXT="Automatic theme generation works with mbcolors user theme.\n Configuration:/n- use t key to show theme selection dialog\n- navigate to mbcolors theme and press c\n\n" GENERATEFROMWP="Generate from wallpaper colors..." LIGHTBG="Light Background" DARKBG="Dark Background" SETCOLORS="Set colors individually..." RESETTHEME="Reset theme" EXPORTTHEME="Export current colors as new theme" CONFIG_AND_DOCS="Config and Docs" README="PyRadi README" MANUAL="PyRadio Manual" EDITCONF="Edit config file" EDITSTATIONS="Edit stations list" CONFIGDIR="Config Dir" ;; esac getvalues () { read S SFG SBG<<< "$(grep '^Stations ' ${THEMERC})" read AS1 AS2 ASFG<<< "$(grep '^Active Station ' ${THEMERC})" read SB1 SB2 SBFG SBBG<<< "$(grep '^Status Bar ' ${THEMERC})" read NC1 NC2 NCFG NCBG<<< "$(grep '^Normal Cursor ' ${THEMERC})" read AC1 AC2 ACFG ACBG<<< "$(grep '^Active Cursor ' ${THEMERC})" read EC1 EC2 ECFG ECBG<<< "$(grep '^Edit Cursor ' ${THEMERC})" read EF1 EF2 EFFG<<< "$(grep '^Extra Func ' ${THEMERC})" read PURL1 PURL2 PURLFG<<< "$(grep '^PyRadio URL ' ${THEMERC})" read MB1 MB2 MBFG<<< "$(grep '^Messages Border ' ${THEMERC})" } getvalues out+=("^sep($COLORIZE_PYRADIO)") #out+=("$START_PYRADIO,terminator --geometry=420x440-20-20 -e pyradio") out+=("$INFO,notify-send.sh -i music '$INFO_HEAD' '$INFO_TXT' -t 20000") out+=("^sep($GENERATEFROMWP)") out+=("$LIGHTBG,w2theme pyradio light;$me") out+=("$DARKBG,w2theme pyradio dark;$me") out+=("^sep($SETCOLORS)") out+=(" AbCd Stations,^checkout(stations)") out2+=("^tag(stations)") out2+=("^sep(Stations)") out2+=("Stations Text,^pipe(mbclr '$SFG' prtctl stations_txt 'Stations Text' '$me')") out2+=("Stations Background,^pipe(mbclr '$SBG' prtctl stations_bg 'Stations Background' '$me')") out+=(" AbCd Active Station (text),^pipe(mbclr '$ASFG' prtctl active_station ACTIVE_STATION '$me')") out+=(" AbCd Normal Cursor,^checkout(normalcursor)") out2+=("^tag(normalcursor)") out2+=("^sep(Normal Cursor)") out2+=("Normal Cursor Text,^pipe(mbclr '$NCFG' prtctl normal_cursor_txt 'Normal Cursor Text' '$me')") out2+=("Normal Cursor Background,^pipe(mbclr '$NCBG' prtctl normal_cursor_bg 'Normal Cursor Background' '$me')") out+=(" AbCd Active Cursor,^checkout(activecursor)") out2+=("^tag(activecursor)") out2+=("^sep(Active Cursor)") out2+=("Active Cursor Text,^pipe(mbclr '$ACFG' prtctl active_cursor_txt 'Active Cursor Text' '$me')") out2+=("Active Cursor Background,^pipe(mbclr '$ACBG' prtctl active_cursor_bg 'Active Cursor Background' '$me')") out+=(" AbCd Edit Cursor,^checkout(editcursor)") out2+=("^tag(editcursor)") out2+=("^sep(Edit Cursor)") out2+=("Edit Cursor Text,^pipe(mbclr '$ECFG' prtctl edit_cursor_txt 'Edit Cursor Text' '$me')") out2+=("Edit Cursor Background,^pipe(mbclr '$ECBG' prtctl edit_cursor_bg 'Edit Cursor Background' '$me')") out+=(" AbCd Status Bar,^checkout(statusbar)") out2+=("^tag(statusbar)") out2+=("^sep(Status Bar)") out2+=("Status Bar Text,^pipe(mbclr '$SBFG' prtctl status_bar_txt 'Status Bar Text' '$me')") out2+=("Status Bar Background,^pipe(mbclr '$SBBG' prtctl status_bar_bg 'Status Bar Background' '$me')") out+=(" AbCd Extra Func,^pipe(mbclr '$EFFG' prtctl extra_func EXTRA_FUNC '$me')") out+=(" AbCd PyRadio URL,^pipe(mbclr '$PURLFG' prtctl pyradio_url 'PyRadio URL' '$me')") out+=(" AbCd Messages Border,^pipe(mbclr '$MBFG' prtctl messages_border 'Messages Border' '$me')") out+=("^sep()") out+=(" $RESETTHEME,prtctl resettheme;$me") out+=("^sep()") out+=("$EXPORTTHEME,prtctl exp;$me") out+=("^sep($CONFIG_AND_DOCS)") #out+=("PyRadio README,cat /usr/share/doc/pyradio/README.html| yad --html --no-buttons --no-escape --height=800 --width=600") out+=(" $README,xdg-open /usr/share/doc/pyradio/README.html") out+=(" $MANUAL,^term(man pyradio)") out+=("^sep()") out+=(" $EDITCONF,xdg-open ~/.config/pyradio/config") out+=(" $EDITSTATIONS,xdg-open ~/.config/pyradio/stations.csv") out+=("^sep()") out+=(" $CONFIGDIR,^pipe(jgbrowser ~/.config/pyradio)") ### RUN if [[ "$1" == "-s" ]]; then . /usr/share/mb-jgtools/pipemenu-standalone.cfg . $HOME/.config/mabox/mabox.conf CNF_DIR="$HOME/.config/colorizer" CNF_FILE="$CNF_DIR/colorizer.conf" source "$CNF_FILE" out+=("^sep()") out+=(" ⮜⮜⮜ Colorizer,colorizer -s") if [[ "$colorizer_size" == "full" ]];then eval $(xdotool getdisplaygeometry --shell) MENU_HEIGHT_MIN="$HEIGHT" MENU_HEIGHT_MAX=$MENU_HEIGHT_MIN jgtools_radius=0 menu_margin_x="0" else MENU_VALIGN="center" menu_margin_x=${submenu_spacing:-0} fi MENU_HALIGN="left" jgmenu_icon_size=0 [ $(pidof picom) ] && MENU_RADIUS=$jgtools_radius [ -z $jgmenu_use_borders ] && menu_border=0 JGWIDTH=$((jgtools_padding + 278 + jgtools_padding)) MENU_PADDING_TOP=$((jgtools_padding + 158)) #WALLPAPER read WALLPATH<<< $(grep file "$HOME"/.config/nitrogen/bg-saved.cfg | cut -d'=' -f2) WALLPAPER=${WALLPATH##*/} THUMBDIR="$HOME/.config/mabox/wallthumbs" mkdir -p ${THUMBDIR} THUMB="${THUMBDIR}/${WALLPAPER}.png" if [[ ! -f "$THUMB" ]] then convert ${WALLPATH} -resize 270x150^ -gravity center -extent 270x150 ${THUMB} fi mkconfigfile cat < ${MENU_ITEMS} @icon,,$((jgtools_padding + 4)),$((jgtools_padding + 4)),270,150,4,left,top,,,${THUMB} #@icon,,$((jgtools_padding + 4)),$((jgtools_padding + 4)),270,150,4,left,top,,,/usr/share/mabox-colorizer/img/colorizer-conky.png @rect,,$((jgtools_padding + 144)),$((jgtools_padding + 122)),120,30,4,left,top,#FFFFFF 60,#222222 80, @text,,$((jgtools_padding + 150)),$((jgtools_padding + 122)),120,30,0,left,top,#FFFFFF,${WINCLR}, PyRadio $(printf '%s\n' "${out[@]}") $(printf '%s\n' "${out2[@]}") EOF jgmenu --config-file=${CONFIG_FILE} --csv-file=${MENU_ITEMS} 2>/dev/null exit 0 fi printf '%s\n' "${out[@]}" printf '%s\n' "${out2[@]}"