#!/bin/bash # # colorizer - set of tools for Mabox (auto)theming # Copyright (C) 2022-2023 Daniel Napora # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # mbclr current polecenie funkcja argument backprg [config_file] # mbclr #notify-send.sh "mbclr" "${1}\n${2}\n${3}\n${4}\n${5}\n${6}" case "$LANG" in pl*) PICK_FROM_SCREEN="Pobierz kolor z ekranu" SELECT_OR_PICK="Wybierz kolor z selektora" OPACITY="Nieprzezroczystość" SHADES_OF_CURRENT="Oblicz z bieżącego" SHADES_OF="Odcienie" LIGHTEN_DARKEN="Jaśniejsze / Ciemniejsze" SATURATION="Nasycenie..." ROTATE_HSL_HUE="Obróć kanał barwy HSL..." CHANGE_COLOR="Zmień na..." CURRENT="obecny kolor" WALLPAPER_COLORS="...kolory z tapety" GTKCOLORS="Kolory motywu GTK" ACCENT_COLORS="Popularne kolory akcentu" GRAYS="Odcienie szarości" ;; *) PICK_FROM_SCREEN="Pick color from screen" SELECT_OR_PICK="Select or pick from screen" OPACITY="Opacity" SHADES_OF_CURRENT="Calculate from" SHADES_OF="Shades of" LIGHTEN_DARKEN="Lighten / Darken" SATURATION="Saturation..." ROTATE_HSL_HUE="Rotate HSL hue channel..." CHANGE_COLOR="Change to..." CURRENT="current color" WALLPAPER_COLORS="...wallpaper colors" GTKCOLORS="GTK theme colors" ACCENT_COLORS="Popular accent colors" GRAYS="Shades of Gray" ;; esac ccol_ind=" " gtkthemename=$(grep gtk-theme ~/.config/gtk-3.0/settings.ini |cut -d'=' -f2) main () { #read WALLPAPER<<< $(grep file "$HOME"/.config/nitrogen/bg-saved.cfg | cut -d'=' -f2) WALLPALDIR="$HOME/.cache/colorizer/palettes" mkdir -p "$WALLPALDIR" read WALLPATH<<< $(grep file "$HOME"/.config/nitrogen/bg-saved.cfg | tail -1 | cut -d'=' -f2) NAME=${WALLPATH////_} if [[ "${NAME}" =~ ^_home_.* ]]; then n=${#HOME} ((n++)) NAME=${NAME:${n}} fi if [ ! -f "$WALLPALDIR/$NAME.clr" ]; then convert ${WALLPATH} -resize 25% -colors 16 -unique-colors txt:- |grep -v '^#'| awk '{print substr($3,1,7)}' |pastel sort-by brightness |pastel format hex > "$WALLPALDIR/$NAME.clr" fi mapfile -t wallcolors < "$WALLPALDIR/$NAME.clr" if [[ "${#wallcolors[@]}" -lt 8 ]]; then wallcolors+=("#2e3440" "#4c566a" "#5e81ac" "#bf616b" "#b48ead" "#a3be8c" "#ebcb8b" "#d8dee9" "#eceff4") fi grays=("#000000" "#0d0d0d" "#1b1b1b" "#282828" "#363636" "#434343" "#515151" "#5e5e5e" "#6b6b6b" "#797979" "#868686" "#949494" "#a1a1a1" "#aeaeae" "#bcbcbc" "#c9c9c9" "#d7d7d7" "#e4e4e4" "#f2f2f2" "#FFFFFF") accents=("#e93d57" "#c7162b" "#e9633a" "#e95620" "#f4a300" "#e8cc2d" "#3cd425" "#0e8420" "#00d3b7" "#18b0b0" "#3dade9" "#686b6f" "#3584e4" "#916ee4" "#b875dc" "#77216e" "#c748ba" "#e93a9a") out+=("^sep($4)") #TU out+=(" $PICK_FROM_SCREEN,mbclr pixelcolor $2 $3 ${5} ${6}") out+=(" $SELECT_OR_PICK,mbclr pick $2 $3 ${5} ${6}") if [[ "$2" == "jgctl" ]]; then . $HOME/.config/mabox/mabox.conf case "$jgmenu_theme" in obtheme) OBTHEME=$(awk '// {while (getline n) {if (match(n, //)) {l=n; exit}}} END {split(l, a, "[<>]"); print a[3]}' "$HOME/.config/openbox/rc.xml"); THEMERC="$HOME/.config/mabox/jgobthemes/${OBTHEME}.colorrc";; *) THEMERC="$HOME/.config/mabox/jgobthemes/${jgmenu_theme}.colorrc";; esac read COLOR OP<<< $(grep "${3}" ${THEMERC} | cut -d'=' -f2) out+=("^sep($OPACITY)") out+=("$OPACITY [ $OP ],^checkout(opacity)") out2+=("^tag(opacity)") out2+=("^sep($OPACITY [ $OP ]") out2+=("100 ,jgctl $3 100;${5}") out2+=(" 95 ,jgctl $3 95 ;${5}") out2+=(" 90 ,jgctl $3 90 ;${5}") out2+=(" 80 ,jgctl $3 80 ;${5}") out2+=(" 70 ,jgctl $3 70 ;${5}") out2+=(" 60 ,jgctl $3 60 ;${5}") out2+=(" 50 ,jgctl $3 50 ;${5}") out2+=(" 40 ,jgctl $3 40 ;${5}") out2+=(" 30 ,jgctl $3 30 ;${5}") out2+=(" 20 ,jgctl $3 20 ;${5}") out2+=(" 10 ,jgctl $3 10 ;${5}") out2+=(" 5 ,jgctl $3 5 ;${5}") out2+=(" 0 ,jgctl $3 0 ;${5}") fi if [[ "$2" == "t2ctl" ]]; then T2RC="$HOME/.config/tint2/jaskier_mb.tint2rc" read COLOR OP<<< $(grep "${3}" ${T2RC} | cut -d'=' -f2) out+=("^sep($OPACITY)") out+=("$OPACITY [ $OP ],^checkout(opacity)") out2+=("^tag(opacity)") out2+=("^sep($OPACITY [ $OP ]") out2+=("100 ,t2ctl $3 100;${5}") out2+=(" 95 ,t2ctl $3 95 ;${5}") out2+=(" 90 ,t2ctl $3 90 ;${5}") out2+=(" 80 ,t2ctl $3 80 ;${5}") out2+=(" 70 ,t2ctl $3 70 ;${5}") out2+=(" 60 ,t2ctl $3 60 ;${5}") out2+=(" 50 ,t2ctl $3 50 ;${5}") out2+=(" 40 ,t2ctl $3 40 ;${5}") out2+=(" 30 ,t2ctl $3 30 ;${5}") out2+=(" 20 ,t2ctl $3 20 ;${5}") out2+=(" 10 ,t2ctl $3 10 ;${5}") out2+=(" 5 ,t2ctl $3 5 ;${5}") out2+=(" 0 ,t2ctl $3 0 ;${5}") fi CUR_FG=$(pastel textcolor $1|pastel format hex) out+=("^sep($SHADES_OF_CURRENT $1)") out+=("$LIGHTEN_DARKEN,^checkout(curshades)") out+=("$SATURATION,^checkout(saturate)") out+=("󰑧 $ROTATE_HSL_HUE,^checkout(rotate_hsl)") #out+=("$SHADES_OF_CURRENT ($1),^checkout(curshades)") out+=("^sep($CHANGE_COLOR)") #Current out+=(" $ACCENT_COLORS,^checkout(accents)") out2+=("^tag(accents)") out2+=("^sep($ACCENT_COLORS)") for i in ${accents[@]};do out2+=("$i ${ccol_ind},$2 $3 '${i}' ${6};${5}");done out+=("^sep()") mapfile -t gtkcolors < <( gtkcolors.py 2>/dev/null| grep -v None|awk '{print "#"$2}'|sort|uniq) if [ "${#gtkcolors[@]}" -gt 0 ];then out+=("$GTKCOLORS,^checkout(gtkcols)") out2+=("^tag(gtkcols)") out2+=("^sep($GTKCOLORS)") out2+=("^sep($gtkthemename)") for i in ${gtkcolors[@]};do out2+=("$i ${ccol_ind},$2 $3 '${i}' ${6};${5}");done out+=("^sep()") fi out+=("$GRAYS,^checkout(grayscol)") out2+=("^tag(grayscol)") out2+=("^sep($GRAYS)") for i in "${grays[@]}" do out2+=("$i ${ccol_ind},$2 $3 '${i}' ${6};${5}") done out+=("^sep($WALLPAPER_COLORS)") for i in "${wallcolors[@]}" do out+=("$i ${ccol_ind},$2 $3 '${i}' ${6};${5}") done # Shades out2+=("^tag(curshades)") out2+=("^sep($SHADES_OF $1)") for i in 3 25 2 15 1 05; do clr=$(pastel lighten 0.$i "${1}" | pastel format hex) if [ "${clr}" != "#ffffff" ];then out2+=("$clr ${ccol_ind},$2 $3 '${clr}' ${6};${5}") fi done out2+=("^sep()") out2+=(" $CURRENT $1 ,$2 $3 '${1}' ${6};${5}") out2+=("^sep()") for i in 05 1 15 2 25 3; do clr=$(pastel darken 0.$i "${1}" | pastel format hex) if [ "${clr}" != "#000000" ];then out2+=("$clr ${ccol_ind},$2 $3 '${clr}' ${6};${5}") fi done # Shades ENG # SATURATION out2+=("^tag(saturate)") out2+=("^sep($SATURATION)") for i in 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1; do clr=$(pastel desaturate 0.$i "${1}" | pastel format hex) if [ "${clr}" != "${oldclr}" ];then out2+=("$clr ${ccol_ind},$2 $3 '${clr}' ${6};${5}") oldclr=${clr} fi done out2+=("^sep()") out2+=(" $CURRENT $1 ,$2 $3 '${1}' ${6};${5}") out2+=("^sep()") for i in 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9; do clr=$(pastel saturate 0.$i "${1}" | pastel format hex) if [ "${clr}" != "${oldclr}" ];then out2+=("$clr ${ccol_ind},$2 $3 '${clr}' ${6};${5}") oldclr=${clr} fi done # SATURATION END # ROTATE HSL out2+=("^tag(rotate_hsl)") out2+=("^sep($ROTATE_HSL_HUE)") for i in {135..15..15};do clr=$(pastel rotate -- -$i "${1}" |pastel format hex) out2+=("$clr ${ccol_ind} -$i°,$2 $3 '${clr}' ${6};${5}") done out2+=("^sep()") out2+=(" $CURRENT $1 ,$2 $3 '${1}' ${6};${5}") out2+=("^sep()") for i in {15..135..15};do clr=$(pastel rotate $i "${1}" |pastel format hex) out2+=("$clr ${ccol_ind} $i°,$2 $3 '${clr}' ${6};${5}") done # ROTATE HSL END printf '%s\n' "${out[@]}" printf '%s\n' "${out2[@]}" } pickcolor () { #notify-send.sh -t 50000 "From pickcolor" "1: $1\n2: $2\n3: $3\n4: $4\n5: $5\n6: $6" color=$(gcolor3 2>/dev/null) if [ "$color" ]; then mycmd=("$1 $2 '${color}' ${4};${3}") fi eval "${mycmd[@]}" } pixelcolor() { picker=${picker:-gpick} if [ "$picker" == "gpick" ]; then command="gpick -pso 2>/dev/null" else command="xcolor --preview-size ${size} --scale ${scale}" fi color="$(${command})" if [ -n "${color}" ]; then mycmd=("$1 $2 '${color}' ${4};${3}") fi eval "${mycmd[@]}" } case "$1" in pick) pickcolor "$2" "${3}" "${4} ${5}" "${6}";; pixelcolor) pixelcolor "$2" "${3}" "${4} ${5}" "${6}";; *) main "$@" ;; esac