PyRadio module is back
This commit is contained in:
@ -300,15 +300,17 @@ out+=("^sep()")
out+=(" $COLORIZE,^pipe(randomizer c)")
out+=("Conky Manager,^pipe(colorizer-conky)")
#out+=("Systray HW monitor,^pipe(colorizer-phwmon)")
###if pgrep -f pyradio >/dev/null ;then
### out+=("^sep()")
### out+=("PyRadio,^pipe(colorizer-pyradio)")
if pgrep -f pyradio >/dev/null ;then
if pgrep -f cava >/dev/null ;then
@ -702,6 +704,7 @@ if [[ "$1" == "-s" ]]; then
[ $(pidof picom) ] && MENU_RADIUS=$jgtools_radius
[ -z $jgmenu_use_borders ] && menu_border=0
@ -22,6 +22,10 @@
PR_WINID=$(wmctrl -lp |grep 'PyRadio: \|PyRadio -'|cut -d' ' -f1)
wmctrl -iR ${PR_WINID}
if [[ ! -f "$HOME"/local/share/applications/pyradio.desktop ]];then
pyradio --terminal terminator > /dev/null 2>&1
me="colorizer-pyradio -s"
@ -51,7 +55,7 @@ case "$LANG" in
COLORIZE_PYRADIO="Pokoloruj PyRadio"
START_PYRADIO="Uruchom PyRadio"
INFO="Ważna informacja"
INFO_HEAD="Jak działa automatyczna zmiana kolorów?"
INFO_TXT="Automatyczna zmiana kolorów działa z motywem <b>mbcolors</b> (User theme).\nAby go ustawić:\n- użyj klawisza <b>t</b> - wybór motywów\n- zaznacz motyw <i>mbcolors</i> i naciśnij <b>spację</b> - (ustawia jako domyślny)\n- wciśnij <b>c</b> - aby włączyć śledzenie zmian w pliku motywu.\n\n"
GENERATEFROMWP="Generuj z kolorów tapety..."
@ -59,7 +63,7 @@ case "$LANG" in
DARKBG="Ciemne tło"
SETCOLORS="Ustaw kolory..."
RESETTHEME="Resetuj motyw"
EXPORTTHEME="Eksportuj jako nowy motyw"
EXPORTTHEME="<b>Eksportuj</b> jako nowy motyw"
CONFIG_AND_DOCS="Konfiguracja i Dokumentacja"
MANUAL="Manual PyRadio"
@ -70,7 +74,7 @@ case "$LANG" in
INFO="Info (important)"
INFO_HEAD="How it works?"
INFO_TXT="Automatic theme generation works with <b>mbcolors</b> user theme.\n Configuration:\n- use <b>t</b> key to show theme selection dialog\n- navigate to <i>mbcolors</i> theme and press <b>c</b>\n\n"
GENERATEFROMWP="Generate from wallpaper colors..."
@ -78,7 +82,7 @@ case "$LANG" in
DARKBG="Dark Background"
SETCOLORS="Set colors individually..."
RESETTHEME="Reset theme"
EXPORTTHEME="Export as new theme"
EXPORTTHEME="<b>Export</b> as new theme"
CONFIG_AND_DOCS="Config and Docs"
MANUAL="PyRadio Manual"
@ -104,51 +108,61 @@ read MB1 MB2 MBFG<<< "$(grep '^Messages Border ' ${THEMERC})"
#out+=("$START_PYRADIO,terminator --geometry=420x440-20-20 -e pyradio")
if pgrep -f "/usr/bin/python /usr/bin/pyradio" >/dev/null ;then
out+=("PYRADIO <span bgcolor='#333333' color='#d3d3d3'> <small>W + r</small> </span>,gtk-launch pyradio;sleep 1;$me")
out+=(" $INFO, -i pyradio -u critical '$INFO_HEAD' '$INFO_TXT'")
out+=("<tt><span weight='bold' bgcolor='$SBG' fgcolor='$SFG'> AbCd </span></tt> Stations,^checkout(stations)")
out2+=("Stations Text,^pipe(mbclr '$SFG' prtctl stations_txt 'Stations Text' '$me')")
out2+=("Stations Background,^pipe(mbclr '$SBG' prtctl stations_bg 'Stations Background' '$me')")
out2+=("<tt><span weight='bold' bgcolor='$SBG' fgcolor='$SFG'> AbCd </span></tt> Text,^pipe(mbclr '$SFG' prtctl stations_txt 'Stations Text' '$me')")
out2+=("<tt><span weight='bold' bgcolor='$SBG' fgcolor='$SFG'> </span></tt> Background,^pipe(mbclr '$SBG' prtctl stations_bg 'Stations Background' '$me')")
out+=("<tt><span weight='bold' bgcolor='$SBG' fgcolor='$ASFG'> AbCd </span></tt> Active Station (text),^pipe(mbclr '$ASFG' prtctl active_station ACTIVE_STATION '$me')")
out+=("<tt><span weight='bold' bgcolor='$NCBG' fgcolor='$NCFG'> AbCd </span></tt> Normal Cursor,^checkout(normalcursor)")
out2+=("^sep(Normal Cursor)")
out2+=("Normal Cursor Text,^pipe(mbclr '$NCFG' prtctl normal_cursor_txt 'Normal Cursor Text' '$me')")
out2+=("Normal Cursor Background,^pipe(mbclr '$NCBG' prtctl normal_cursor_bg 'Normal Cursor Background' '$me')")
out2+=("<tt><span weight='bold' bgcolor='$NCBG' fgcolor='$NCFG'> AbCd </span></tt> Text,^pipe(mbclr '$NCFG' prtctl normal_cursor_txt 'Normal Cursor Text' '$me')")
out2+=("<tt><span weight='bold' bgcolor='$NCBG' fgcolor='$NCFG'> </span></tt> Background,^pipe(mbclr '$NCBG' prtctl normal_cursor_bg 'Normal Cursor Background' '$me')")
out+=("<tt><span weight='bold' bgcolor='$ACBG' fgcolor='$ACFG'> AbCd </span></tt> Active Cursor,^checkout(activecursor)")
out2+=("^sep(Active Cursor)")
out2+=("Active Cursor Text,^pipe(mbclr '$ACFG' prtctl active_cursor_txt 'Active Cursor Text' '$me')")
out2+=("Active Cursor Background,^pipe(mbclr '$ACBG' prtctl active_cursor_bg 'Active Cursor Background' '$me')")
out2+=("<tt><span weight='bold' bgcolor='$ACBG' fgcolor='$ACFG'> AbCd </span></tt> Text,^pipe(mbclr '$ACFG' prtctl active_cursor_txt 'Active Cursor Text' '$me')")
out2+=("<tt><span weight='bold' bgcolor='$ACBG' fgcolor='$ACFG'> </span></tt> Background,^pipe(mbclr '$ACBG' prtctl active_cursor_bg 'Active Cursor Background' '$me')")
out+=("<tt><span weight='bold' bgcolor='$ECBG' fgcolor='$ECFG'> AbCd </span></tt> Edit Cursor,^checkout(editcursor)")
out2+=("^sep(Edit Cursor)")
out2+=("Edit Cursor Text,^pipe(mbclr '$ECFG' prtctl edit_cursor_txt 'Edit Cursor Text' '$me')")
out2+=("Edit Cursor Background,^pipe(mbclr '$ECBG' prtctl edit_cursor_bg 'Edit Cursor Background' '$me')")
out2+=("<tt><span weight='bold' bgcolor='$ECBG' fgcolor='$ECFG'> AbCd </span></tt> Text,^pipe(mbclr '$ECFG' prtctl edit_cursor_txt 'Edit Cursor Text' '$me')")
out2+=("<tt><span weight='bold' bgcolor='$ECBG' fgcolor='$ECFG'> </span></tt> Background,^pipe(mbclr '$ECBG' prtctl edit_cursor_bg 'Edit Cursor Background' '$me')")
out+=("<tt><span weight='bold' bgcolor='$SBBG' fgcolor='$SBFG'> AbCd </span></tt> Status Bar,^checkout(statusbar)")
out2+=("^sep(Status Bar)")
out2+=("Status Bar Text,^pipe(mbclr '$SBFG' prtctl status_bar_txt 'Status Bar Text' '$me')")
out2+=("Status Bar Background,^pipe(mbclr '$SBBG' prtctl status_bar_bg 'Status Bar Background' '$me')")
out2+=("<tt><span weight='bold' bgcolor='$SBBG' fgcolor='$SBFG'> AbCd </span></tt> Text,^pipe(mbclr '$SBFG' prtctl status_bar_txt 'Status Bar Text' '$me')")
out2+=("<tt><span weight='bold' bgcolor='$SBBG' fgcolor='$SBFG'> </span></tt> Background,^pipe(mbclr '$SBBG' prtctl status_bar_bg 'Status Bar Background' '$me')")
out+=("<tt><span weight='bold' bgcolor='$SBG' fgcolor='$EFFG'> AbCd </span></tt> Extra Func,^pipe(mbclr '$EFFG' prtctl extra_func EXTRA_FUNC '$me')")
out+=("<tt><span weight='bold' bgcolor='$SBG' fgcolor='$PURLFG'> AbCd </span></tt> PyRadio URL,^pipe(mbclr '$PURLFG' prtctl pyradio_url 'PyRadio URL' '$me')")
out+=("<tt><span weight='bold' bgcolor='$SBG' fgcolor='$MBFG'> AbCd </span></tt> Messages Border,^pipe(mbclr '$MBFG' prtctl messages_border 'Messages Border' '$me')")
out+=("\"\"\"<tt><span weight='bold' bgcolor='$SBG' fgcolor='$PURLFG'> AbCd </span></tt> Group, PyRadio URL\"\"\",^pipe(mbclr '$PURLFG' prtctl pyradio_url 'PyRadio URL' '$me')")
out+=("<tt><span weight='bold' bgcolor='$SBG' fgcolor='$MBFG'>_________</span></tt> Messages Border,^pipe(mbclr '$MBFG' prtctl messages_border 'Messages Border' '$me')")
out+=("<tt><span bgcolor='${w[-1]}' fgcolor='${w[4]}'> 1. station </span></tt> $LIGHTBG,w2theme pyradio light;$me")
out+=("<tt><span bgcolor='${w[0]}' fgcolor='${w[-3]}'> 2. station </span></tt> $DARKBG,w2theme pyradio dark;$me")
out+=(" $RESETTHEME,prtctl resettheme;$me")
out+=("$EXPORTTHEME,prtctl exp;$me")
out+=("$LIGHTBG,w2theme pyradio light;$me")
out+=("$DARKBG,w2theme pyradio dark;$me")
#out+=("PyRadio README,cat /usr/share/doc/pyradio/README.html| yad --html --no-buttons --no-escape --height=800 --width=600")
out+=(" $README,xdg-open /usr/share/doc/pyradio/README.html")
@ -128,7 +128,7 @@ EOF
export_theme () {
DATE=$(date +'%Y%m%d-%H-%M-%S')
cp ${THEMERC} "$HOME/.config/pyradio/themes/exported_${DATE}.pyradio-theme"
|||| -i radio "PyRadio theme exported!" "\nNew PyRadio theme created as:\n<b>exported_${DATE}.pyradio-theme</b>\n" -o " Open in editor:xdg-open ${CONF_DIR}/themes/exported_${DATE}.pyradio-theme" -o " Open Themes dir:xdg-open ${CONF_DIR}/themes"
|||| -i radio "PyRadio theme exported!" "\nNew PyRadio theme created as:\n<b>exported_${DATE}.pyradio-theme</b>\n" -o " Open in editor:xdg-open ${CONF_DIR}/themes/exported_${DATE}.pyradio-theme" -o " Open Themes dir:xdg-open ${CONF_DIR}/themes"
if [ ! -f $THEMERC ]; then
@ -60,9 +60,9 @@ nav button.w3-bar-item {padding:4px 12px !important;}
<button class="w3-bar-item w3-button w3-small tablink" onclick="openTab(event, 'Openbox')">Openbox Theme</button>
<button class="w3-bar-item w3-button w3-small tablink" onclick="openTab(event, 'Jgmenu')">Menu/Sidepanels</button>
<button class="w3-bar-item w3-button w3-small tablink" onclick="openTab(event, 'Conky')">Conky</button>
<button class="w3-bar-item w3-button w3-small tablink" onclick="openTab(event, 'Wall2theme')">Wallpaper themes</button>
<button class="w3-bar-item w3-button w3-small tablink" onclick="openTab(event, 'pyradiocava')"><i>Cava<!--, PyRadio//--></i></button>
<button class="w3-bar-item w3-button w3-small tablink" onclick="openTab(event, 'Tint2')">Tint2 Panel</button>
<button class="w3-bar-item w3-button w3-small tablink" onclick="openTab(event, 'Wall2theme')">Wallpaper themes</button>
<button class="w3-bar-item w3-button w3-small tablink" onclick="openTab(event, 'pyradiocava')"><i>Cava, PyRadio</i></button>
<button class="w3-bar-item w3-button w3-small tablink" onclick="openTab(event, 'Terminal')">Terminal theme</button>
<button class="w3-bar-item w3-button w3-small tablink" onclick="openTab(event, 'Save')">Save and Restore</button>
@ -554,7 +554,7 @@ You can add <strong>your own commands</strong> to each Conky, which will be show
<p><a class="w3-tag w3-teal" href="run://mb-music -s"> Music & Sound</a> dynamic menu can serve as basic, lightweight music player (mpv-based) you might like to try. <i>Also available from panel's volume icon - right click</i></p>
<!--<h3>PyRadio - Internet Radio</h3>
<h3>PyRadio - Internet Radio</h3>
<div class="w3-row">
<div class="w3-twothird">
@ -575,12 +575,11 @@ You can add <strong>your own commands</strong> to each Conky, which will be show
<a class="w3-button w3-bar-item w3-tiny w3-hover-green" href="run://colorizer-pyradio -s"><span class="w3-right w3-large"> </span> Customize</a>
<div class="w3-bar-block w3-grey" style="margin-top:1px;">
<a class="w3-button w3-bar-item w3-tiny w3-hover-red" href="run://prtctl resettheme"><span class="w3-right w3-large"></span >Reset</a>
<a class="w3-button w3-bar-item w3-tiny w3-hover-red" href="run://prtctl resettheme"><span class="w3-right w3-large"></span>Reset</a>
<section id="Terminal" class="w3-container tab" style="display:none;min-height:100vh">
<div class="fixed">
@ -600,8 +599,9 @@ You can add <strong>your own commands</strong> to each Conky, which will be show
<section id="Tint2" class="w3-container tab" style="display:none;min-height:100vh;">
<h2>Tint2 panel</h2>
<p>Colorizer module for Tint2 panel is not available yet - but planned</p>
<p>Use quite powerfull Tint2 config menu for now.</p>
<p>Colorizer module for Tint2 panel is not available yet - currently in <strong>active development!</strong></p>
<p class="w3-center"><em>You can support development if you like...</em></p><p class="w3-center"><a class="w3-button w3-blue w3-hover-indigo" href=""><span class="w3-large"> </span> Buy me a coffee</a></p>
<p>For now... use quite powerfull Tint2 config menu.</p>
<p><a class="w3-button w3-inline w3-round w3-small w3-lime w3-hover-yellow " href="run://jgtint2-pipe -s"> Tint2 configuration menu</a></p>
<p><a class="w3-button w3-inline w3-round w3-small w3-lime w3-hover-yellow" href="run://jgtint2launcher -s"> Add/Remove Launchers to panel</a></p>
@ -61,9 +61,9 @@ nav button.w3-bar-item {padding:4px 12px !important;}
<button class="w3-bar-item w3-button w3-small tablink" onclick="openTab(event, 'Openbox')">Motyw Openbox</button>
<button class="w3-bar-item w3-button w3-small tablink" onclick="openTab(event, 'Jgmenu')">Menu/Panele Boczne</button>
<button class="w3-bar-item w3-button w3-small tablink" onclick="openTab(event, 'Conky')">Conky</button>
<button class="w3-bar-item w3-button w3-small tablink" onclick="openTab(event, 'Wall2theme')">Kolory z tapety</button>
<button class="w3-bar-item w3-button w3-small tablink" onclick="openTab(event, 'pyradiocava')"><i>Cava<!--, PyRadio//--></i></button>
<button class="w3-bar-item w3-button w3-small tablink" onclick="openTab(event, 'Tint2')">Panel Tint2</button>
<button class="w3-bar-item w3-button w3-small tablink" onclick="openTab(event, 'Wall2theme')">Kolory z tapety</button>
<button class="w3-bar-item w3-button w3-small tablink" onclick="openTab(event, 'pyradiocava')"><i>Cava, PyRadio</i></button>
<button class="w3-bar-item w3-button w3-small tablink" onclick="openTab(event, 'Terminal')">Kolory Terminala</button>
<button class="w3-bar-item w3-button w3-small tablink" onclick="openTab(event, 'Save')">Zapisywanie</button>
@ -566,7 +566,7 @@ Do każdego Conky możesz dodać <strong>własne polecenia</strong>, które zost
<p>Dynamiczne menu <a class="w3-tag w3-teal" href="run://mb-music -s"> Muzyka & Dźwięk</a> może służyć jako prosty i lekki odtwarzacz (bazujący na mpv). <i>Dostępny także pod prawym klikiem na ikonie dźwięku w panelu.</i></p>
<!-- <h3>PyRadio - Radio internetowe</h3>
<h3>PyRadio - Radio internetowe</h3>
<div class="w3-row">
<div class="w3-twothird">
@ -591,7 +591,7 @@ Do każdego Conky możesz dodać <strong>własne polecenia</strong>, które zost
</div> //-->
<section id="Terminal" class="w3-container tab" style="display:none;min-height:100vh">
@ -612,7 +612,8 @@ Do każdego Conky możesz dodać <strong>własne polecenia</strong>, które zost
<section id="Tint2" class="w3-container tab" style="display:none;min-height:100vh;">
<h2>Panel Tint2</h2>
<p>Moduł Tint2 Colorizera nie jest jeszcze dostępny, ale jest w planach.</p>
<p>Moduł Tint2 Colorizera nie jest jeszcze dostępny, ale już jest opracowywany.</p>
<p class="w3-center"><em>Możesz wspomóc jego rozwój jeśli chcesz...</em></p><p class="w3-center"><a class="w3-button w3-blue w3-hover-indigo" href=""><span class="w3-large"> </span> Postaw mi kawę</a></p>
<p>Póki co, możesz użyć całkiem fajnego menu konfiguracji panelu.</p>
<p><a class="w3-button w3-inline w3-round w3-tiny w3-lime" href="run://jgtint2-pipe -s">Menu konfiguracji Tint2</a></p>
Reference in New Issue
Block a user