This commit is contained in:
Daniel Napora 2020-02-17 18:18:33 +01:00
parent 4fc3e19516
commit 9a7ac1f299
136 changed files with 7961 additions and 1291 deletions

View File

@ -1,145 +0,0 @@
# ~/.bashrc
[[ $- != *i* ]] && return
colors() {
local fgc bgc vals seq0
printf "Color escapes are %s\n" '\e[${value};...;${value}m'
printf "Values 30..37 are \e[33mforeground colors\e[m\n"
printf "Values 40..47 are \e[43mbackground colors\e[m\n"
printf "Value 1 gives a \e[1mbold-faced look\e[m\n\n"
# foreground colors
for fgc in {30..37}; do
# background colors
for bgc in {40..47}; do
fgc=${fgc#37} # white
bgc=${bgc#40} # black
printf " %-9s" "${seq0:-(default)}"
printf " ${seq0}TEXT\e[m"
printf " \e[${vals:+${vals+$vals;}}1mBOLD\e[m"
echo; echo
[ -r /usr/share/bash-completion/bash_completion ] && . /usr/share/bash-completion/bash_completion
# Change the window title of X terminals
case ${TERM} in
PROMPT_COMMAND='echo -ne "\033]0;${USER}@${HOSTNAME%%.*}:${PWD/#$HOME/\~}\007"'
PROMPT_COMMAND='echo -ne "\033_${USER}@${HOSTNAME%%.*}:${PWD/#$HOME/\~}\033\\"'
# Set colorful PS1 only on colorful terminals.
# dircolors --print-database uses its own built-in database
# instead of using /etc/DIR_COLORS. Try to use the external file
# first to take advantage of user additions. Use internal bash
# globbing instead of external grep binary.
safe_term=${TERM//[^[:alnum:]]/?} # sanitize TERM
[[ -f ~/.dir_colors ]] && match_lhs="${match_lhs}$(<~/.dir_colors)"
[[ -f /etc/DIR_COLORS ]] && match_lhs="${match_lhs}$(</etc/DIR_COLORS)"
[[ -z ${match_lhs} ]] \
&& type -P dircolors >/dev/null \
&& match_lhs=$(dircolors --print-database)
[[ $'\n'${match_lhs} == *$'\n'"TERM "${safe_term}* ]] && use_color=true
if ${use_color} ; then
# Enable colors for ls, etc. Prefer ~/.dir_colors #64489
if type -P dircolors >/dev/null ; then
if [[ -f ~/.dir_colors ]] ; then
eval $(dircolors -b ~/.dir_colors)
elif [[ -f /etc/DIR_COLORS ]] ; then
eval $(dircolors -b /etc/DIR_COLORS)
if [[ ${EUID} == 0 ]] ; then
PS1='\[\033[01;31m\][\h\[\033[01;36m\] \W\[\033[01;31m\]]\$\[\033[00m\] '
PS1='\[\033[01;32m\][\u@\h\[\033[01;37m\] \W\[\033[01;32m\]]\$\[\033[00m\] '
alias ls='ls --color=auto'
alias grep='grep --colour=auto'
alias egrep='egrep --colour=auto'
alias fgrep='fgrep --colour=auto'
if [[ ${EUID} == 0 ]] ; then
# show root@ when we don't have colors
PS1='\u@\h \W \$ '
PS1='\u@\h \w \$ '
unset use_color safe_term match_lhs sh
alias cp="cp -i" # confirm before overwriting something
alias df='df -h' # human-readable sizes
alias free='free -m' # show sizes in MB
alias np='nano -w PKGBUILD'
alias more=less
alias mc='EDITOR=vim . /usr/lib/mc/'
xhost +local:root > /dev/null 2>&1
complete -cf sudo
# Bash won't get SIGWINCH if another process is in the foreground.
# Enable checkwinsize so that bash will check the terminal size when
# it regains control. #65623
# (E11)
shopt -s checkwinsize
shopt -s expand_aliases
# export QT_SELECT=4
# Enable history appending instead of overwriting. #139609
shopt -s histappend
# # ex - archive extractor
# # usage: ex <file>
ex ()
if [ -f $1 ] ; then
case $1 in
*.tar.bz2) tar xjf $1 ;;
*.tar.gz) tar xzf $1 ;;
*.bz2) bunzip2 $1 ;;
*.rar) unrar x $1 ;;
*.gz) gunzip $1 ;;
*.tar) tar xf $1 ;;
*.tbz2) tar xjf $1 ;;
*.tgz) tar xzf $1 ;;
*.zip) unzip $1 ;;
*.Z) uncompress $1;;
*.7z) 7z x $1 ;;
*) echo "'$1' cannot be extracted via ex()" ;;
echo "'$1' is not a valid file"
# better yaourt colors
export YAOURT_COLORS="nb=1:pkg=1:ver=1;32:lver=1;45:installed=1;42:grp=1;34:od=1;41;5:votes=1;44:dsc=0:other=1;35"

View File

@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
<b>Nazwa kolekcji: Bunsen</b> <b>Nazwa kolekcji: Bunsen</b>
Zapisana: pon, 17 gru 2018, 19:06:26 CET Zapisana: pon, 17 gru 2018, 19:06:26 CET
X terminal config: /home/napcok/.bashrc;/home/napcok/.Xresources\n
Openbox theme: Bunsen-He\n Openbox theme: Bunsen-He\n
GTK theme: Bunsen-He\n GTK theme: Bunsen-He\n
Działające Conky:\t\n\t/home/napcok/.config/conky/MB-Text.conkyrc;\n\t/home/napcok/.config/conky/shortcuts_grey.conkyrc;\n\t/home/napcok/.config/conky/grey_manjaro_JWM.conkyrc;\n Działające Conky:\t\n\t~/.config/conky/MB-Text.conkyrc;\n\t~/.config/conky/shortcuts_grey.conkyrc;\n\t~/.config/conky/grey_manjaro_JWM.conkyrc;\n
Działające Tint2:\t\n\t/home/napcok/.config/tint2/mabox2-top.tint2rc\n Działające Tint2:\t\n\t~/.config/tint2/mabox2-top.tint2rc\n
Tapeta ustawiona przez Nitrogen:\n/usr/share/backgrounds/Arc-Carbonite.png;\n Tapeta ustawiona przez Nitrogen:\n/usr/share/backgrounds/Arc-Carbonite.png;\n

View File

@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
[CONKY] conky -c ~/.config/conky/MB-Text.conkyrc & sleep 1s; conky -c ~/.config/conky/shortcuts_grey.conkyrc & sleep 1s; conky -c ~/.config/conky/grey_manjaro_JWM.conkyrc & sleep 1s; [CONKY] conky -c ~/.config/conky/MB-Text.conkyrc & sleep 1s; conky -c ~/.config/conky/shortcuts_grey.conkyrc & sleep 1s; conky -c ~/.config/conky/grey_manjaro_JWM.conkyrc & sleep 1s;

View File

@ -49,13 +49,13 @@ update_interval 1
${voffset 8}$color${font Cantarell:size=16}${time %A}$font${voffset -18}$alignr${color 006600}${font Cantarell:size=38}${time %e}$font ${voffset 8}$color${font Cantarell:size=16}${time %A}${voffset -18}$alignr${color 006600}${font Cantarell:size=38}${time %e}
$color${voffset -20}$color${font Cantarell:size=18}${time %B}$font${voffset -1} $color${font Cantarell:size=20}${time %Y}$font $color${voffset -20}$color${font Cantarell:size=18}${time %B}${voffset -1} $color${font Cantarell:size=20}${time %Y}
#${voffset 10}$alignr$color Kraków (PL) ${weather EPKK temperature temperature 15}°C #${voffset 10}$alignr$color Kraków (PL) ${weather EPKK temperature temperature 15}°C
# #
${voffset 10}${goto 40}${color}CPU$alignr$cpu% ${font Cantarell:size=9}${voffset 10}${goto 40}${color}CPU$alignr$cpu%
$color2${goto 40}$alignr${cpubar 4,165} $color2${goto 40}$alignr${cpubar 4,165}
${voffset 5}${goto 40}$font$color2${top name 1}$alignr$color${top cpu 1}% ${voffset 5}${goto 40}$color2${top name 1}$alignr$color${top cpu 1}%
${goto 40}$color2${top name 2}$alignr$color${top cpu 2}% ${goto 40}$color2${top name 2}$alignr$color${top cpu 2}%
${goto 40}$color2${top name 3}$alignr$color${top cpu 3}% ${goto 40}$color2${top name 3}$alignr$color${top cpu 3}%
${goto 40}$color2${top name 4}$alignr$color${top cpu 4}% ${goto 40}$color2${top name 4}$alignr$color${top cpu 4}%
@ -78,6 +78,6 @@ ${alignr}${color2}${font Cantarell:size=9}uptime ${color}${uptime_short}
${alignr}${color2}${font Cantarell:size=9}${alignr}jądro ${color}${kernel} ${alignr}${color2}${font Cantarell:size=9}${alignr}jądro ${color}${kernel}
${alignr}${color2}${font Cantarell:size=9}${alignr}arch ${color}${machine} ${alignr}${color2}${font Cantarell:size=9}${alignr}arch ${color}${machine}
${alignr}${color2}${font Cantarell:size=9}${alignr}system plików ${color}${fs_type} ${alignr}${color2}${font Cantarell:size=9}${alignr}system plików ${color}${fs_type}
${voffset 10}${alignr}${color} dostępne aktualizacje ${color 006600}${font Cantarell:bold:size=10}${execpi 1800 pamac checkupdates -aq | wc -l}${font}${color} ${voffset 10}${alignr}${color} dostępne aktualizacje ${color 006600}${font Cantarell:bold:size=10}${execpi 1800 pamac checkupdates -aq | wc -l}${color}
${alignr}${color} zainstalowane pakiety: ${color2}${execi 10000 pacman -Q | wc -l} ${alignr}${color} zainstalowane pakiety: ${color2}${execi 10000 pacman -Q | wc -l}

View File

@ -19,14 +19,14 @@ update_interval 1.0
use_xft yes use_xft yes
${voffset 8}$color${font Cantarell:size=16}${time %a}$font${voffset -8}$alignr${color db6823}${font Cantarell:size=38}${time %e}$font ${voffset 8}$color${font Cantarell:size=16}${time %a}${voffset -8}$alignr${color db6823}${font Cantarell:size=38}${time %e}
$color${voffset -30}$color${font Cantarell:size=18}${time %b}$font${voffset -3} $color${font Cantarell:size=20}${time %Y}$font $color${voffset -30}$color${font Cantarell:size=18}${time %b}$font${voffset -3} $color${font Cantarell:size=20}${time %Y}
${voffset 10}$alignr$color Kraków (PL) ${weather EPKK temperature temperature 15}°C ${voffset 10}$alignr$color Kraków (PL) ${weather EPKK temperature temperature 15}°C
# #
${voffset 10}${goto 40}${color}CPU$alignr$cpu% {font Cantarell:size=9}${voffset 10}${goto 40}${color}CPU$alignr$cpu%
$color2${goto 40}$alignr${cpubar 4,175} $color2${goto 40}$alignr${cpubar 4,175}
${voffset 5}${goto 40}$font$color2${top name 1}$alignr$color${top cpu 1}% ${voffset 5}${goto 40}$color2${top name 1}$alignr$color${top cpu 1}%
${goto 40}$color2${top name 2}$alignr$color${top cpu 2}% ${goto 40}$color2${top name 2}$alignr$color${top cpu 2}%
${goto 40}$color2${top name 3}$alignr$color${top cpu 3}% ${goto 40}$color2${top name 3}$alignr$color${top cpu 3}%
${goto 40}$color2${top name 4}$alignr$color${top cpu 4}% ${goto 40}$color2${top name 4}$alignr$color${top cpu 4}%
@ -42,12 +42,12 @@ ${voffset 10}$alignr dysk ${color2}${fs_size /} - ${fs_used /}
$alignr$color pamięć ${color2}$memmax - $mem $alignr$color pamięć ${color2}$memmax - $mem
#${alignr}${color2}${font Cantarell:size=9}swap $swapmax - $swap #${alignr}${color2}${font Cantarell:size=9}swap $swapmax - $swap
# #
${voffset 10}$alignr${color} Manjaro Linux ${execi 10000 awk -F'=' '/DISTRIB_RELEASE=/ {printf $2" "} /CODENAME/ {print $2}' /etc/lsb-release} ${voffset 10}$alignr${color} Mabox Linux ${execi 10000 awk -F'=' '/DISTRIB_RELEASE=/ {printf $2" "} /CODENAME/ {print $2}' /etc/lsb-release}
# #
${voffset 10}$alignr${execi 1200 whoami}@${nodename} ${voffset 10}$alignr${execi 1200 whoami}@${nodename}
${alignr}${color2}${font Cantarell:size=9}uptime ${color}${uptime_short} ${alignr}${color2}${font Cantarell:size=9}uptime ${color}${uptime_short}
${alignr}${color2}${font Cantarell:size=9}${alignr}jądro ${color}${kernel} ${alignr}${color2}${font Cantarell:size=9}${alignr}jądro ${color}${kernel}
${alignr}${color2}${font Cantarell:size=9}${alignr}architektura ${color}${machine} ${alignr}${color2}${font Cantarell:size=9}${alignr}architektura ${color}${machine}
${alignr}${color2}${font Cantarell:size=9}${alignr}system plików ${color}${fs_type} ${alignr}${color2}${font Cantarell:size=9}${alignr}system plików ${color}${fs_type}
${voffset 10}${alignr}${color} dostępne aktualizacje ${color db6823}${font Cantarell:bold:size=10}${execpi 1800 pamac checkupdates -aq| wc -l}${font}${color} ${voffset 10}${alignr}${color} dostępne aktualizacje ${color db6823}${font Cantarell:bold:size=10}${execpi 1800 pamac checkupdates -aq| wc -l}${font Cantarell:size=9}${color}
${alignr}${color} zainstalowane pakiety: ${color2}${execi 10000 pacman -Q | wc -l}

View File

@ -49,11 +49,11 @@ update_interval 1
${voffset 8}$color${font Cantarell:size=16}${time %A}$font${voffset -8}$alignr${color 5e0b0b}${font Cantarell:size=38}${time %e}$font ${voffset 8}$color${font Cantarell:size=16}${time %A}${voffset -8}$alignr${color 5e0b0b}${font Cantarell:size=38}${time %e}
$color${voffset -30}$color${font Cantarell:size=18}${time %B}$font${voffset -3} $color${font Cantarell:size=20}${time %Y}$font $color${voffset -30}$color${font Cantarell:size=18}${time %B}$font${voffset -3} $color${font Cantarell:size=20}${time %Y}
#${voffset 10}$alignr$color Kraków (PL) ${weather EPKK temperature temperature 15}°C #${voffset 10}$alignr$color Kraków (PL) ${weather EPKK temperature temperature 15}°C
# #
${voffset 10}${goto 40}${color}CPU$alignr$cpu% ${font Cantarell:size=9}${voffset 10}${goto 40}${color}CPU$alignr$cpu%
$color2${goto 40}$alignr${cpubar 4,160} $color2${goto 40}$alignr${cpubar 4,160}
${voffset 5}${goto 40}$font$color2${top name 1}$alignr$color${top cpu 1}% ${voffset 5}${goto 40}$font$color2${top name 1}$alignr$color${top cpu 1}%
${goto 40}$color2${top name 2}$alignr$color${top cpu 2}% ${goto 40}$color2${top name 2}$alignr$color${top cpu 2}%
@ -78,6 +78,6 @@ ${alignr}${color2}${font Cantarell:size=9}uptime ${color}${uptime_short}
${alignr}${color2}${font Cantarell:size=9}${alignr}jądro ${color}${kernel} ${alignr}${color2}${font Cantarell:size=9}${alignr}jądro ${color}${kernel}
${alignr}${color2}${font Cantarell:size=9}${alignr}architektura ${color}${machine} ${alignr}${color2}${font Cantarell:size=9}${alignr}architektura ${color}${machine}
${alignr}${color2}${font Cantarell:size=9}${alignr}system plików ${color}${fs_type} ${alignr}${color2}${font Cantarell:size=9}${alignr}system plików ${color}${fs_type}
${voffset 10}${alignr}${color} dostępne aktualizacje ${color 5e0b0b}${font Cantarell:bold:size=10}${execpi 1800 pamac checkupdates -aq | wc -l}${font}${color} ${voffset 10}${alignr}${color} dostępne aktualizacje ${color 5e0b0b}${font Cantarell:bold:size=10}${execpi 1800 pamac checkupdates -aq | wc -l}${font Cantarell:size=9}${color}
${alignr}${color} zainstalowane pakiety: ${color2}${execi 10000 pacman -Q | wc -l} ${alignr}${color} zainstalowane pakiety: ${color2}${execi 10000 pacman -Q | wc -l}

View File

@ -84,24 +84,29 @@ TEXT
${color}PROGRAMY${alignr}${color2}super to windows key${voffset -6} ${color}PROGRAMY${alignr}${color2}super to windows key${voffset -6}
${color2}${hr 1}${voffset -4} ${color2}${hr 1}${voffset -4}
${color2}menedżer plików ${alignr}${color}super+f ${color2}menedżer plików ${alignr}${color}super+f
${color2}menu ${alignr}${color}super / super+spacja
${color2}uruchom... ${alignr}${color}super+m / alt+F2
${color2}przeglądarka www ${alignr}${color}super+w ${color2}przeglądarka www ${alignr}${color}super+w
${color2}terminal ${alignr}${color}super+t ${color2}terminal ${alignr}${color}super+t
${color2}kontrola głośności ${alignr}${color}super+v ${color2}kontrola głośności ${alignr}${color}super+v
${color2}menu ${alignr}${color}super / super+spacja
${color2}uruchom... ${alignr}${color}super+m / alt+F2
${color2}zrzuty ekranu... ${alignr}${color}PrtScr
${color2}wł/wył Compton ${alignr}${color}super+c ${color2}wł/wył Compton ${alignr}${color}super+c
${color2}blokuj ekran ${alignr}${color}super+l ${color2}blokuj ekran ${alignr}${color}super+l
${color2}xkill ${alignr}${color}super+k ${color2}xkill ${alignr}${color}super+k
${color2}wyjście ${alignr}${color}super+x ${color2}wyjście ${alignr}${color}super+x
${color}PANELE${voffset -6}
${color2}${hr 1}${voffset -4}
${color2}miejsca (lewy) ${alignr} ${color}ctrl+TAB
${color2}ustawienia (prawy) ${alignr} ${color}super+TAB
${color2}pokaż/ukryj DOK (Gkrellm) ${alignr} ${color}super+alt+d
${color}OKNA${voffset -6} ${color}OKNA${voffset -6}
${color2}${hr 1}${voffset -4} ${color2}${hr 1}${voffset -4}
${color2}zamknij ${alignr} ${color}alt+F4 ${color2}zamknij ${alignr} ${color}alt+F4
${color2}minimalizuj ${alignr} ${color}alt+F5 ${color2}minimalizuj ${alignr} ${color}alt+F5
${color2}maksymalizacja ${alignr} ${color}alt+F6 ${color2}maksymalizacja ${alignr} ${color}alt+F6
${color2}obniż ${alignr} ${color}alt+esc
${color2}pokaż pulpit ${alignr} ${color}super+d ${color2}pokaż pulpit ${alignr} ${color}super+d
${color2}wł/wył obramowanie ${alignr} ${color}super+b ${color2}wł/wył obramowanie ${alignr} ${color}super+b
${color2}wł/wył pełny ekran ${alignr} ${color}F11 ${color2}wł/wył pełny ekran ${alignr} ${color}F11 / super+ENTER
${color2}powiększanie/przesuwanie ${alignr} ${color}super+alt+strzałki ${color2}powiększanie/przesuwanie ${alignr} ${color}super+alt+strzałki
${color2}rozmieszczanie okien: ${color2}rozmieszczanie okien:
${color2} - połowa ekranu ${alignr} ${color}super+strzałki ${color2} - połowa ekranu ${alignr} ${color}super+strzałki

View File

@ -84,24 +84,29 @@ TEXT
${color}PROGRAMY${alignr}${color2}super to windows key${voffset -6} ${color}PROGRAMY${alignr}${color2}super to windows key${voffset -6}
${color2}${hr 1}${voffset -4} ${color2}${hr 1}${voffset -4}
${color2}menedżer plików ${alignr}${color}super+f ${color2}menedżer plików ${alignr}${color}super+f
${color2}menu ${alignr}${color}super / super+spacja
${color2}uruchom... ${alignr}${color}super+m / alt+F2
${color2}przeglądarka www ${alignr}${color}super+w ${color2}przeglądarka www ${alignr}${color}super+w
${color2}terminal ${alignr}${color}super+t ${color2}terminal ${alignr}${color}super+t
${color2}kontrola głośności ${alignr}${color}super+v ${color2}kontrola głośności ${alignr}${color}super+v
${color2}menu ${alignr}${color}super / super+spacja
${color2}uruchom... ${alignr}${color}super+m / alt+F2
${color2}zrzuty ekranu... ${alignr}${color}PrtScr
${color2}wł/wył Compton ${alignr}${color}super+c ${color2}wł/wył Compton ${alignr}${color}super+c
${color2}blokuj ekran ${alignr}${color}super+l ${color2}blokuj ekran ${alignr}${color}super+l
${color2}xkill ${alignr}${color}super+k ${color2}xkill ${alignr}${color}super+k
${color2}wyjście ${alignr}${color}super+x ${color2}wyjście ${alignr}${color}super+x
${color}PANELE${voffset -6}
${color2}${hr 1}${voffset -4}
${color2}miejsca (lewy) ${alignr} ${color}ctrl+TAB
${color2}ustawienia (prawy) ${alignr} ${color}super+TAB
${color2}pokaż/ukryj DOK (Gkrellm) ${alignr} ${color}super+alt+d
${color}OKNA${voffset -6} ${color}OKNA${voffset -6}
${color2}${hr 1}${voffset -4} ${color2}${hr 1}${voffset -4}
${color2}zamknij ${alignr} ${color}alt+F4 ${color2}zamknij ${alignr} ${color}alt+F4
${color2}minimalizuj ${alignr} ${color}alt+F5 ${color2}minimalizuj ${alignr} ${color}alt+F5
${color2}maksymalizacja ${alignr} ${color}alt+F6 ${color2}maksymalizacja ${alignr} ${color}alt+F6
${color2}obniż ${alignr} ${color}alt+esc
${color2}pokaż pulpit ${alignr} ${color}super+d ${color2}pokaż pulpit ${alignr} ${color}super+d
${color2}wł/wył obramowanie ${alignr} ${color}super+b ${color2}wł/wył obramowanie ${alignr} ${color}super+b
${color2}wł/wył pełny ekran ${alignr} ${color}F11 ${color2}wł/wył pełny ekran ${alignr} ${color}F11 / super+ENTER
${color2}powiększanie/przesuwanie ${alignr} ${color}super+alt+strzałki ${color2}powiększanie/przesuwanie ${alignr} ${color}super+alt+strzałki
${color2}rozmieszczanie okien: ${color2}rozmieszczanie okien:
${color2} - połowa ekranu ${alignr} ${color}super+strzałki ${color2} - połowa ekranu ${alignr} ${color}super+strzałki

View File

@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
# jgmenurc
stay_alive = 0
#hide_on_startup = 0
csv_cmd = pmenu
tint2_look = 1
position_mode = ipc
terminal_exec = terminator
terminal_args = -e
#monitor = 0
#hover_delay = 100
#hide_back_items = 1
#columns = 1
menu_margin_x = 4
menu_margin_y = 32
menu_width = 220
#menu_height_min = 0
#menu_height_max = 0
#menu_height_mode = static
menu_padding_top = 25
menu_padding_right = 2
menu_padding_bottom = 5
menu_padding_left = 2
menu_radius = 0
menu_border = 1
menu_halign = left
menu_valign = top
sub_spacing = 0
#sub_padding_top = auto
#sub_padding_right = auto
#sub_padding_bottom = auto
#sub_padding_left = auto
sub_hover_action = 1
#item_margin_x = 3
item_margin_y = 2
item_height = 20
item_padding_x = 8
item_radius = 0
item_border = 0
#item_halign = left
sep_height = 5
sep_halign = center
sep_markup =
font = Ubuntu 12px
#font_fallback = xtg
icon_size = 20
#icon_text_spacing = 10
#icon_theme =
#icon_theme_fallback = xtg
#arrow_string = ▸
#arrow_width = 15
color_menu_bg = #E0E2E3 80
color_menu_border = #62808E 100
#color_norm_bg = #2b303b 0
color_norm_fg = #414C51 100
color_sel_bg = #62808E 100
color_sel_fg = #1ED1B1 100
color_sel_border = #62808E 100
color_sep_fg = #62808E 100
#csv_name_format = %n (%g)
#csv_single_window = 0
#csv_no_dirs = 0
color_title_bg = #555F64 100
color_title_fg = #1ED1B1 100

View File

@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
# jgmenurc
stay_alive = 0
#hide_on_startup = 0
csv_cmd = pmenu
tint2_look = 1
position_mode = ipc
terminal_exec = terminator
terminal_args = -e
#monitor = 0
#hover_delay = 100
#hide_back_items = 1
#columns = 1
menu_margin_x = 4
menu_margin_y = 32
menu_width = 220
#menu_height_min = 0
#menu_height_max = 0
#menu_height_mode = static
menu_padding_top = 25
menu_padding_right = 2
menu_padding_bottom = 5
menu_padding_left = 2
menu_radius = 0
menu_border = 1
menu_halign = left
menu_valign = top
sub_spacing = 0
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sub_hover_action = 1
#item_margin_x = 3
item_margin_y = 2
item_height = 20
item_padding_x = 8
item_radius = 0
item_border = 0
#item_halign = left
sep_height = 5
sep_halign = center
sep_markup =
font = Ubuntu 12px
#font_fallback = xtg
icon_size = 20
#icon_text_spacing = 10
#icon_theme =
#icon_theme_fallback = xtg
#arrow_string = ▸
#arrow_width = 15
color_menu_bg = #222D32 80
color_menu_border = #16A085 100
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color_norm_fg = #B9C2C7 100
color_sel_bg = #4DB6AC 100
color_sel_fg = #222D32 100
color_sel_border = #4DB6AC 100
color_sep_fg = #16A085 100
#csv_name_format = %n (%g)
#csv_single_window = 0
#csv_no_dirs = 0
color_title_bg = #222D32 100
color_title_fg = #16A085 100

View File

@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
# jgmenurc
stay_alive = 0
#hide_on_startup = 0
csv_cmd = pmenu
tint2_look = 1
position_mode = ipc
terminal_exec = terminator
terminal_args = -e
#monitor = 0
#hover_delay = 100
#hide_back_items = 1
#columns = 1
menu_margin_x = 4
menu_margin_y = 32
menu_width = 220
#menu_height_min = 0
#menu_height_max = 0
#menu_height_mode = static
menu_padding_top = 25
menu_padding_right = 2
menu_padding_bottom = 5
menu_padding_left = 2
menu_radius = 0
menu_border = 0
menu_halign = left
menu_valign = top
sub_spacing = 0
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#sub_padding_bottom = auto
#sub_padding_left = auto
sub_hover_action = 1
#item_margin_x = 3
item_margin_y = 2
item_height = 20
item_padding_x = 8
item_radius = 0
item_border = 0
#item_halign = left
sep_height = 5
sep_halign = center
sep_markup =
font = Ubuntu 12px
#font_fallback = xtg
icon_size = 20
#icon_text_spacing = 10
#icon_theme =
#icon_theme_fallback = xtg
#arrow_string = ▸
#arrow_width = 15
color_menu_bg = #454a54 80
color_menu_border = #aeb0b6 100
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color_norm_fg = #a8adb5 100
color_sel_bg = #5294E2 100
color_sel_fg = #ffffff 100
color_sel_border = #5294E2 100
color_sep_fg = #a8adb5 100
#csv_name_format = %n (%g)
#csv_single_window = 0
#csv_no_dirs = 0
color_title_bg = #2d3036 100
color_title_fg = #D3DAE3 100

View File

@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
# jgmenurc
stay_alive = 0
#hide_on_startup = 0
csv_cmd = pmenu
tint2_look = 1
position_mode = ipc
terminal_exec = terminator
terminal_args = -e
#monitor = 0
#hover_delay = 100
#hide_back_items = 1
#columns = 1
menu_margin_x = 4
menu_margin_y = 32
menu_width = 220
#menu_height_min = 0
#menu_height_max = 0
#menu_height_mode = static
menu_padding_top = 25
menu_padding_right = 2
menu_padding_bottom = 5
menu_padding_left = 2
menu_radius = 0
menu_border = 0
menu_halign = left
menu_valign = top
sub_spacing = 0
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#sub_padding_right = auto
#sub_padding_bottom = auto
#sub_padding_left = auto
sub_hover_action = 1
#item_margin_x = 3
item_margin_y = 2
item_height = 20
item_padding_x = 8
item_radius = 0
item_border = 0
#item_halign = left
sep_height = 5
sep_halign = center
sep_markup =
font = Ubuntu 12px
#font_fallback = xtg
icon_size = 20
#icon_text_spacing = 10
#icon_theme =
#icon_theme_fallback = xtg
#arrow_string = ▸
#arrow_width = 15
color_menu_bg = #454a54 80
color_menu_border = #aeb0b6 100
#color_norm_bg = #2b303b 0
color_norm_fg = #a8adb5 100
color_sel_bg = #5294E2 100
color_sel_fg = #ffffff 100
color_sel_border = #5294E2 100
color_sep_fg = #a8adb5 100
#csv_name_format = %n (%g)
#csv_single_window = 0
#csv_no_dirs = 0
color_title_bg = #2d3036 100
color_title_fg = #D3DAE3 100

View File

@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
# jgmenurc
stay_alive = 0
#hide_on_startup = 0
csv_cmd = pmenu
tint2_look = 1
position_mode = ipc
terminal_exec = terminator
terminal_args = -e
#monitor = 0
#hover_delay = 100
#hide_back_items = 1
#columns = 1
menu_margin_x = 4
menu_margin_y = 32
menu_width = 220
#menu_height_min = 0
#menu_height_max = 0
#menu_height_mode = static
menu_padding_top = 25
menu_padding_right = 2
menu_padding_bottom = 5
menu_padding_left = 2
menu_radius = 0
menu_border = 0
menu_halign = left
menu_valign = top
sub_spacing = 0
#sub_padding_top = auto
#sub_padding_right = auto
#sub_padding_bottom = auto
#sub_padding_left = auto
sub_hover_action = 1
#item_margin_x = 3
item_margin_y = 2
item_height = 20
item_padding_x = 8
item_radius = 0
item_border = 0
#item_halign = left
sep_height = 5
sep_halign = center
sep_markup =
font = Ubuntu 12px
#font_fallback = xtg
icon_size = 20
#icon_text_spacing = 10
#icon_theme =
#icon_theme_fallback = xtg
#arrow_string = ▸
#arrow_width = 15
color_menu_bg = #f5f6f7 80
color_menu_border = #aeb0b6 100
#color_norm_bg = #2b303b 0
color_norm_fg = #2d3036 100
color_sel_bg = #5294E2 100
color_sel_fg = #ffffff 100
color_sel_border = #5294E2 100
color_sep_fg = #a8adb5 100
#csv_name_format = %n (%g)
#csv_single_window = 0
#csv_no_dirs = 0
color_title_bg = #2d3036 100
color_title_fg = #D3DAE3 100

View File

@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
# jgmenurc
stay_alive = 0
#hide_on_startup = 0
csv_cmd = pmenu
tint2_look = 1
position_mode = ipc
terminal_exec = terminator
terminal_args = -e
#monitor = 0
#hover_delay = 100
#hide_back_items = 1
#columns = 1
menu_margin_x = 4
menu_margin_y = 32
menu_width = 220
#menu_height_min = 0
#menu_height_max = 0
#menu_height_mode = static
menu_padding_top = 25
menu_padding_right = 2
menu_padding_bottom = 5
menu_padding_left = 2
menu_radius = 0
menu_border = 0
menu_halign = left
menu_valign = top
sub_spacing = 0
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#sub_padding_right = auto
#sub_padding_bottom = auto
#sub_padding_left = auto
sub_hover_action = 1
#item_margin_x = 3
item_margin_y = 2
item_height = 20
item_padding_x = 8
item_radius = 0
item_border = 0
#item_halign = left
sep_height = 5
sep_halign = center
sep_markup =
font = Ubuntu 12px
#font_fallback = xtg
icon_size = 20
#icon_text_spacing = 10
#icon_theme =
#icon_theme_fallback = xtg
#arrow_string = ▸
#arrow_width = 15
color_menu_bg = #f5f6f7 80
color_menu_border = #aeb0b6 100
#color_norm_bg = #2b303b 0
color_norm_fg = #2d3036 100
color_sel_bg = #5294E2 100
color_sel_fg = #ffffff 100
color_sel_border = #5294E2 100
color_sep_fg = #a8adb5 100
#csv_name_format = %n (%g)
#csv_single_window = 0
#csv_no_dirs = 0
color_title_bg = #2d3036 100
color_title_fg = #D3DAE3 100

View File

@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
# jgmenurc
stay_alive = 0
#hide_on_startup = 0
csv_cmd = pmenu
tint2_look = 1
position_mode = ipc
terminal_exec = terminator
terminal_args = -e
#monitor = 0
#hover_delay = 100
#hide_back_items = 1
#columns = 1
menu_margin_x = 4
menu_margin_y = 32
menu_width = 220
#menu_height_min = 0
#menu_height_max = 0
#menu_height_mode = static
menu_padding_top = 25
menu_padding_right = 2
menu_padding_bottom = 5
menu_padding_left = 2
menu_radius = 0
menu_border = 0
menu_halign = left
menu_valign = top
sub_spacing = 0
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#sub_padding_right = auto
#sub_padding_bottom = auto
#sub_padding_left = auto
sub_hover_action = 1
#item_margin_x = 3
item_margin_y = 2
item_height = 20
item_padding_x = 8
item_radius = 0
item_border = 0
#item_halign = left
sep_height = 5
sep_halign = center
sep_markup =
font = Ubuntu 12px
#font_fallback = xtg
icon_size = 20
#icon_text_spacing = 10
#icon_theme =
#icon_theme_fallback = xtg
#arrow_string = ▸
#arrow_width = 15
color_menu_bg = #3c4049 80
color_menu_border = #aeb0b6 100
#color_norm_bg = #2b303b 0
color_norm_fg = #a8adb5 100
color_sel_bg = #5294E2 100
color_sel_fg = #ffffff 100
color_sel_border = #5294E2 100
color_sep_fg = #a8adb5 100
#csv_name_format = %n (%g)
#csv_single_window = 0
#csv_no_dirs = 0
color_title_bg = #dbdfe3 100
color_title_fg = #5c616c 100

View File

@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
# jgmenurc
stay_alive = 0
#hide_on_startup = 0
csv_cmd = pmenu
tint2_look = 1
position_mode = ipc
terminal_exec = terminator
terminal_args = -e
#monitor = 0
#hover_delay = 100
#hide_back_items = 1
#columns = 1
menu_margin_x = 4
menu_margin_y = 32
menu_width = 220
#menu_height_min = 0
#menu_height_max = 0
#menu_height_mode = static
menu_padding_top = 25
menu_padding_right = 2
menu_padding_bottom = 5
menu_padding_left = 2
menu_radius = 0
menu_border = 0
menu_halign = left
menu_valign = top
sub_spacing = 0
#sub_padding_top = auto
#sub_padding_right = auto
#sub_padding_bottom = auto
#sub_padding_left = auto
sub_hover_action = 1
#item_margin_x = 3
item_margin_y = 2
item_height = 20
item_padding_x = 8
item_radius = 0
item_border = 0
#item_halign = left
sep_height = 5
sep_halign = center
sep_markup =
font = Ubuntu 12px
#font_fallback = xtg
icon_size = 20
#icon_text_spacing = 10
#icon_theme =
#icon_theme_fallback = xtg
#arrow_string = ▸
#arrow_width = 15
color_menu_bg = #3c4049 100
color_menu_border = #aeb0b6 100
#color_norm_bg = #2b303b 0
color_norm_fg = #a8adb5 100
color_sel_bg = #5294E2 100
color_sel_fg = #ffffff 100
color_sel_border = #5294E2 100
color_sep_fg = #a8adb5 100
#csv_name_format = %n (%g)
#csv_single_window = 0
#csv_no_dirs = 0
color_title_bg = #dbdfe3 100
color_title_fg = #5c616c 100

View File

@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
# jgmenurc
stay_alive = 0
#hide_on_startup = 0
csv_cmd = pmenu
tint2_look = 1
position_mode = ipc
terminal_exec = terminator
terminal_args = -e
#monitor = 0
#hover_delay = 100
#hide_back_items = 1
#columns = 1
menu_margin_x = 4
menu_margin_y = 32
menu_width = 220
#menu_height_min = 0
#menu_height_max = 0
#menu_height_mode = static
menu_padding_top = 25
menu_padding_right = 2
menu_padding_bottom = 5
menu_padding_left = 2
menu_radius = 0
menu_border = 0
menu_halign = left
menu_valign = top
sub_spacing = 0
#sub_padding_top = auto
#sub_padding_right = auto
#sub_padding_bottom = auto
#sub_padding_left = auto
sub_hover_action = 1
#item_margin_x = 3
item_margin_y = 2
item_height = 20
item_padding_x = 8
item_radius = 0
item_border = 0
#item_halign = left
sep_height = 5
sep_halign = center
sep_markup =
font = Ubuntu 12px
#font_fallback = xtg
icon_size = 20
#icon_text_spacing = 10
#icon_theme =
#icon_theme_fallback = xtg
#arrow_string = ▸
#arrow_width = 15
color_menu_bg = rgb:10/20/30 80
color_menu_border = #aeb0b6 100
#color_norm_bg = #2b303b 0
color_norm_fg = rgb:90/a0/b0 100
color_sel_bg = rgb:90/94/98 100
color_sel_fg = white 100
color_sel_border = rgb:90/94/98 100
color_sep_fg = #a8adb5 100
#csv_name_format = %n (%g)
#csv_single_window = 0
#csv_no_dirs = 0
color_title_bg = rgb:90/94/98 100
color_title_fg = white 100

View File

@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
# jgmenurc
stay_alive = 0
#hide_on_startup = 0
csv_cmd = pmenu
tint2_look = 1
position_mode = ipc
terminal_exec = terminator
terminal_args = -e
#monitor = 0
#hover_delay = 100
#hide_back_items = 1
#columns = 1
menu_margin_x = 4
menu_margin_y = 32
menu_width = 220
#menu_height_min = 0
#menu_height_max = 0
#menu_height_mode = static
menu_padding_top = 25
menu_padding_right = 2
menu_padding_bottom = 5
menu_padding_left = 2
menu_radius = 0
menu_border = 0
menu_halign = left
menu_valign = top
sub_spacing = 0
#sub_padding_top = auto
#sub_padding_right = auto
#sub_padding_bottom = auto
#sub_padding_left = auto
sub_hover_action = 1
#item_margin_x = 3
item_margin_y = 2
item_height = 20
item_padding_x = 8
item_radius = 0
item_border = 0
#item_halign = left
sep_height = 5
sep_halign = right
sep_markup =
font = Ubuntu 12px
#font_fallback = xtg
icon_size = 20
#icon_text_spacing = 10
#icon_theme =
#icon_theme_fallback = xtg
#arrow_string = ▸
#arrow_width = 15
color_menu_bg = #C8CFCB 80
color_menu_border = #C8CFCB 100
#color_norm_bg = #2b303b 0
color_norm_fg = #13071B 100
color_sel_bg = #74998B 100
color_sel_fg = #101010 100
color_sel_border = #74998B 100
color_sep_fg = #4c4c4c 100
#csv_name_format = %n (%g)
#csv_single_window = 0
#csv_no_dirs = 0
color_title_bg = #C8CFCB 100
color_title_fg = #13071B 100

View File

@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
# jgmenurc
stay_alive = 0
#hide_on_startup = 0
csv_cmd = pmenu
tint2_look = 1
position_mode = ipc
terminal_exec = terminator
terminal_args = -e
#monitor = 0
#hover_delay = 100
#hide_back_items = 1
#columns = 1
menu_margin_x = 4
menu_margin_y = 32
menu_width = 220
#menu_height_min = 0
#menu_height_max = 0
#menu_height_mode = static
menu_padding_top = 25
menu_padding_right = 2
menu_padding_bottom = 5
menu_padding_left = 2
menu_radius = 0
menu_border = 0
menu_halign = left
menu_valign = top
sub_spacing = 0
#sub_padding_top = auto
#sub_padding_right = auto
#sub_padding_bottom = auto
#sub_padding_left = auto
sub_hover_action = 1
#item_margin_x = 3
item_margin_y = 2
item_height = 20
item_padding_x = 8
item_radius = 0
item_border = 0
#item_halign = left
sep_height = 5
sep_halign = right
sep_markup =
font = Ubuntu 12px
#font_fallback = xtg
icon_size = 20
#icon_text_spacing = 10
#icon_theme =
#icon_theme_fallback = xtg
#arrow_string = ▸
#arrow_width = 15
color_menu_bg = #C8CFCB 80
color_menu_border = #C8CFCB 100
#color_norm_bg = #2b303b 0
color_norm_fg = #13071B 100
color_sel_bg = #74998B 100
color_sel_fg = #101010 100
color_sel_border = #74998B 100
color_sep_fg = #4c4c4c 100
#csv_name_format = %n (%g)
#csv_single_window = 0
#csv_no_dirs = 0
color_title_bg = #C8CFCB 100
color_title_fg = #13071B 100

View File

@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
# jgmenurc
stay_alive = 0
#hide_on_startup = 0
csv_cmd = pmenu
tint2_look = 1
position_mode = ipc
terminal_exec = terminator
terminal_args = -e
#monitor = 0
#hover_delay = 100
#hide_back_items = 1
#columns = 1
menu_margin_x = 4
menu_margin_y = 32
menu_width = 220
#menu_height_min = 0
#menu_height_max = 0
#menu_height_mode = static
menu_padding_top = 25
menu_padding_right = 2
menu_padding_bottom = 5
menu_padding_left = 2
menu_radius = 0
menu_border = 0
menu_halign = left
menu_valign = top
sub_spacing = -2
#sub_padding_top = auto
#sub_padding_right = auto
#sub_padding_bottom = auto
#sub_padding_left = auto
sub_hover_action = 1
#item_margin_x = 3
item_margin_y = 2
item_height = 20
item_padding_x = 8
item_radius = 0
item_border = 0
#item_halign = left
sep_height = 5
sep_halign = center
sep_markup =
font = Ubuntu 12px
#font_fallback = xtg
icon_size = 20
#icon_text_spacing = 10
#icon_theme =
#icon_theme_fallback = xtg
#arrow_string = ▸
#arrow_width = 15
color_menu_bg = #eeeeec 80
color_menu_border = #9d9d9d 100
#color_norm_bg = #2b303b 0
color_norm_fg = #444444 100
color_sel_bg = #4481c0 100
color_sel_fg = #f6f8fb 100
color_sel_border = #4481c0 100
color_sep_fg = #4c4c4c 100
#csv_name_format = %n (%g)
#csv_single_window = 0
#csv_no_dirs = 0
color_title_bg = #3465A4 100
color_title_fg = #ffffff 100
color_title_border = #729fcf 100

View File

@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
# jgmenurc
stay_alive = 0
#hide_on_startup = 0
csv_cmd = pmenu
tint2_look = 1
position_mode = ipc
terminal_exec = terminator
terminal_args = -e
#monitor = 0
#hover_delay = 100
#hide_back_items = 1
#columns = 1
menu_margin_x = 4
menu_margin_y = 32
menu_width = 220
#menu_height_min = 0
#menu_height_max = 0
#menu_height_mode = static
menu_padding_top = 25
menu_padding_right = 2
menu_padding_bottom = 5
menu_padding_left = 2
menu_radius = 0
menu_border = 0
menu_halign = left
menu_valign = top
sub_spacing = -2
#sub_padding_top = auto
#sub_padding_right = auto
#sub_padding_bottom = auto
#sub_padding_left = auto
sub_hover_action = 1
#item_margin_x = 3
item_margin_y = 2
item_height = 20
item_padding_x = 8
item_radius = 0
item_border = 0
#item_halign = left
sep_height = 5
sep_halign = right
sep_markup =
font = Ubuntu 12px
#font_fallback = xtg
icon_size = 20
#icon_text_spacing = 10
#icon_theme =
#icon_theme_fallback = xtg
#arrow_string = ▸
#arrow_width = 15
color_menu_bg = #292929 80
color_menu_border = #9d9d9d 100
#color_norm_bg = #2b303b 0
color_norm_fg = #cbcbcb 100
color_sel_bg = #787878 100
color_sel_fg = #ffffff 100
color_sel_border = #787878 100
color_sep_fg = #a6a6a6 100
#csv_name_format = %n (%g)
#csv_single_window = 0
#csv_no_dirs = 0
color_title_bg = #292929 100
color_title_fg = #cbcbcb 100
color_title_border = #729fcf 100

View File

@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
# jgmenurc
stay_alive = 0
#hide_on_startup = 0
csv_cmd = pmenu
tint2_look = 1
position_mode = ipc
terminal_exec = terminator
terminal_args = -e
#monitor = 0
#hover_delay = 100
#hide_back_items = 1
#columns = 1
menu_margin_x = 4
menu_margin_y = 32
menu_width = 220
#menu_height_min = 0
#menu_height_max = 0
#menu_height_mode = static
menu_padding_top = 25
menu_padding_right = 2
menu_padding_bottom = 5
menu_padding_left = 2
menu_radius = 0
menu_border = 0
menu_halign = left
menu_valign = top
sub_spacing = -2
#sub_padding_top = auto
#sub_padding_right = auto
#sub_padding_bottom = auto
#sub_padding_left = auto
sub_hover_action = 1
#item_margin_x = 3
item_margin_y = 2
item_height = 20
item_padding_x = 8
item_radius = 0
item_border = 0
#item_halign = left
sep_height = 5
sep_halign = right
sep_markup =
font = Ubuntu 12px
#font_fallback = xtg
icon_size = 20
#icon_text_spacing = 10
#icon_theme =
#icon_theme_fallback = xtg
#arrow_string = ▸
#arrow_width = 15
color_menu_bg = #3C3C3C 80
color_menu_border = #9d9d9d 100
#color_norm_bg = #2b303b 0
color_norm_fg = #d9d9d9 100
color_sel_bg = #9c9c9c 100
color_sel_fg = #000000 100
color_sel_border = #9c9c9c 100
color_sep_fg = #535353 100
#csv_name_format = %n (%g)
#csv_single_window = 0
#csv_no_dirs = 0
color_title_bg = #3c3c3c 100
color_title_fg = #d9d9d9 100
color_title_border = #729fcf 100

View File

@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
# jgmenurc
stay_alive = 0
#hide_on_startup = 0
csv_cmd = pmenu
tint2_look = 0
at_pointer = 0
terminal_exec = terminator
terminal_args = -e
#monitor = 0
#hover_delay = 100
#hide_back_items = 1
#columns = 1
menu_margin_x = 4
menu_margin_y = 32
menu_width = 220
#menu_height_min = 0
#menu_height_max = 0
#menu_height_mode = static
menu_padding_top = 83
menu_padding_right = 2
menu_padding_bottom = 5
menu_padding_left = 2
menu_radius = 0
menu_border = 2
#menu_halign = left
#menu_valign = top
#sub_spacing = 1
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#sub_padding_right = auto
#sub_padding_bottom = auto
#sub_padding_left = auto
sub_hover_action = 1
#item_margin_x = 3
item_margin_y = 2
item_height = 20
item_padding_x = 8
item_radius = 0
item_border = 0
#item_halign = left
sep_height = 5
sep_halign = right
sep_markup =
font = Ubuntu 12px
#font_fallback = xtg
icon_size = 20
#icon_text_spacing = 10
#icon_theme =
#icon_theme_fallback = xtg
#arrow_string = ▸
#arrow_width = 15
color_menu_bg = #CECECE 70
color_menu_border = #888888 100
color_norm_bg = #2b303b 0
color_norm_fg = #222222 100
color_sel_bg = #ababab 100
color_sel_fg = #000000 100
color_sel_border = #ababab 100
color_sep_fg = #222222 100
#csv_name_format = %n (%g)
#csv_single_window = 0
#csv_no_dirs = 0
color_title_bg = #CECECE 100
color_title_fg = #222222 100

View File

@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
# jgmenurc
stay_alive = 0
#hide_on_startup = 0
csv_cmd = pmenu
tint2_look = 1
position_mode = ipc
terminal_exec = terminator
terminal_args = -e
#monitor = 0
#hover_delay = 100
#hide_back_items = 1
#columns = 1
menu_margin_x = 4
menu_margin_y = 32
menu_width = 220
#menu_height_min = 0
#menu_height_max = 0
#menu_height_mode = static
menu_padding_top = 25
menu_padding_right = 2
menu_padding_bottom = 5
menu_padding_left = 2
menu_radius = 0
menu_border = 0
menu_halign = left
menu_valign = top
sub_spacing = -2
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#sub_padding_bottom = auto
#sub_padding_left = auto
sub_hover_action = 1
#item_margin_x = 3
item_margin_y = 2
item_height = 20
item_padding_x = 8
item_radius = 0
item_border = 0
#item_halign = left
sep_height = 5
sep_halign = right
sep_markup =
font = Ubuntu 12px
#font_fallback = xtg
icon_size = 20
#icon_text_spacing = 10
#icon_theme =
#icon_theme_fallback = xtg
#arrow_string = ▸
#arrow_width = 15
color_menu_bg = #3a3a3a 80
color_menu_border = #3C3D3E 100
#color_norm_bg = #2b303b 0
color_norm_fg = #E6E6E6 100
color_sel_bg = #9c9c9c 100
color_sel_fg = #FFFFFF 100
color_sel_border = #9c9c9c 100
color_sep_fg = #535353 100
#csv_name_format = %n (%g)
#csv_single_window = 0
#csv_no_dirs = 0
color_title_bg = #3a3a3a 100
color_title_fg = #E6E6E6 100
color_title_border = #729fcf 100

View File

@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
# jgmenurc
stay_alive = 0
#hide_on_startup = 0
csv_cmd = pmenu
tint2_look = 1
position_mode = ipc
terminal_exec = terminator
terminal_args = -e
#monitor = 0
#hover_delay = 100
#hide_back_items = 1
#columns = 1
menu_margin_x = 4
menu_margin_y = 32
menu_width = 220
#menu_height_min = 0
#menu_height_max = 0
#menu_height_mode = static
menu_padding_top = 25
menu_padding_right = 2
menu_padding_bottom = 5
menu_padding_left = 2
menu_radius = 0
menu_border = 1
menu_halign = left
menu_valign = top
sub_spacing = 0
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#sub_padding_right = auto
#sub_padding_bottom = auto
#sub_padding_left = auto
sub_hover_action = 1
#item_margin_x = 3
item_margin_y = 2
item_height = 20
item_padding_x = 8
item_radius = 0
item_border = 0
#item_halign = left
sep_height = 5
sep_halign = Center
sep_markup =
font = Ubuntu 12px
#font_fallback = xtg
icon_size = 20
#icon_text_spacing = 10
#icon_theme =
#icon_theme_fallback = xtg
#arrow_string = ▸
#arrow_width = 15
color_menu_bg = #fcfbfa 80
color_menu_border = #aaaaaa 100
#color_norm_bg = #2b303b 0
color_norm_fg = #000000 100
color_sel_bg = #5c9edb 100
color_sel_fg = #ffffff 100
color_sel_border = #5c9edb 100
color_sep_fg = #aaaaaa 100
#csv_name_format = %n (%g)
#csv_single_window = 0
#csv_no_dirs = 0
color_title_bg = #589bda 100
color_title_fg = #ffffff 100
color_title_border = #7cb6ec 100

View File

@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
# jgmenurc
stay_alive = 0
#hide_on_startup = 0
csv_cmd = pmenu
tint2_look = 1
position_mode = ipc
terminal_exec = terminator
terminal_args = -e
#monitor = 0
#hover_delay = 100
#hide_back_items = 1
#columns = 1
menu_margin_x = 4
menu_margin_y = 32
menu_width = 220
#menu_height_min = 0
#menu_height_max = 0
#menu_height_mode = static
menu_padding_top = 25
menu_padding_right = 2
menu_padding_bottom = 5
menu_padding_left = 2
menu_radius = 0
menu_border = 1
menu_halign = left
menu_valign = top
sub_spacing = 0
#sub_padding_top = auto
#sub_padding_right = auto
#sub_padding_bottom = auto
#sub_padding_left = auto
sub_hover_action = 1
#item_margin_x = 3
item_margin_y = 2
item_height = 20
item_padding_x = 8
item_radius = 0
item_border = 0
#item_halign = left
sep_height = 5
sep_halign = Left
sep_markup =
font = Ubuntu 12px
#font_fallback = xtg
icon_size = 20
#icon_text_spacing = 10
#icon_theme =
#icon_theme_fallback = xtg
#arrow_string = ▸
#arrow_width = 15
color_menu_bg = #f1eee0 80
color_menu_border = #aaaaaa 100
#color_norm_bg = #2b303b 0
color_norm_fg = #444444 100
color_sel_bg = #b4c994 100
color_sel_fg = #ffffff 100
color_sel_border = #b4c994 100
color_sep_fg = #aaaaaa 100
#csv_name_format = %n (%g)
#csv_single_window = 0
#csv_no_dirs = 0
color_title_bg = #95ad70 100
color_title_fg = #ffffff 100
color_title_border = #7cb6ec 100

View File

@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
# jgmenurc
stay_alive = 0
#hide_on_startup = 0
csv_cmd = pmenu
tint2_look = 1
position_mode = ipc
terminal_exec = terminator
terminal_args = -e
#monitor = 0
#hover_delay = 100
#hide_back_items = 1
#columns = 1
menu_margin_x = 4
menu_margin_y = 32
menu_width = 220
#menu_height_min = 0
#menu_height_max = 0
#menu_height_mode = static
menu_padding_top = 25
menu_padding_right = 2
menu_padding_bottom = 5
menu_padding_left = 2
menu_radius = 0
menu_border = 1
menu_halign = left
menu_valign = top
sub_spacing = -2
#sub_padding_top = auto
#sub_padding_right = auto
#sub_padding_bottom = auto
#sub_padding_left = auto
sub_hover_action = 1
#item_margin_x = 3
item_margin_y = 2
item_height = 20
item_padding_x = 8
item_radius = 0
item_border = 0
#item_halign = left
sep_height = 5
sep_halign = right
sep_markup =
font = Ubuntu 12px
#font_fallback = xtg
icon_size = 20
#icon_text_spacing = 10
#icon_theme =
#icon_theme_fallback = xtg
#arrow_string = ▸
#arrow_width = 15
color_menu_bg = #ffffff 80
color_menu_border = #aaaaaa 100
#color_norm_bg = #2b303b 0
color_norm_fg = #111111 100
color_sel_bg = #97b8e2 100
color_sel_fg = #ffffff 100
color_sel_border = #97b8e2 100
color_sep_fg = #aaaaaa 100
#csv_name_format = %n (%g)
#csv_single_window = 0
#csv_no_dirs = 0
color_title_bg = #E6E7E6 100
color_title_fg = #111111 100
color_title_border = #729fcf 100

View File

@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
# jgmenurc
stay_alive = 0
#hide_on_startup = 0
csv_cmd = pmenu
tint2_look = 1
position_mode = ipc
terminal_exec = terminator
terminal_args = -e
#monitor = 0
#hover_delay = 100
#hide_back_items = 1
#columns = 1
menu_margin_x = 4
menu_margin_y = 32
menu_width = 220
#menu_height_min = 0
#menu_height_max = 0
#menu_height_mode = static
menu_padding_top = 25
menu_padding_right = 2
menu_padding_bottom = 5
menu_padding_left = 2
menu_radius = 0
menu_border = 1
menu_halign = left
menu_valign = top
sub_spacing = 0
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#sub_padding_right = auto
#sub_padding_bottom = auto
#sub_padding_left = auto
sub_hover_action = 1
#item_margin_x = 3
item_margin_y = 2
item_height = 20
item_padding_x = 8
item_radius = 0
item_border = 0
#item_halign = left
sep_height = 5
sep_halign = right
sep_markup =
font = Ubuntu 12px
#font_fallback = xtg
icon_size = 20
#icon_text_spacing = 10
#icon_theme =
#icon_theme_fallback = xtg
#arrow_string = ▸
#arrow_width = 15
color_menu_bg = #1A2833 80
color_menu_border = #aaaaaa 100
#color_norm_bg = #2b303b 0
color_norm_fg = #d9d9d9 100
color_sel_bg = #587289 100
color_sel_fg = #d9d9d9 100
color_sel_border = #587289 100
color_sep_fg = #535353 100
#csv_name_format = %n (%g)
#csv_single_window = 0
#csv_no_dirs = 0
color_title_bg = #1A2833 100
color_title_fg = #d9d9d9 100
#color_title_border = #7cb6ec 100

View File

@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
# jgmenurc
stay_alive = 0
#hide_on_startup = 0
csv_cmd = pmenu
tint2_look = 1
position_mode = ipc
terminal_exec = terminator
terminal_args = -e
#monitor = 0
#hover_delay = 100
#hide_back_items = 1
#columns = 1
menu_margin_x = 4
menu_margin_y = 32
menu_width = 220
#menu_height_min = 0
#menu_height_max = 0
#menu_height_mode = static
menu_padding_top = 25
menu_padding_right = 2
menu_padding_bottom = 5
menu_padding_left = 2
menu_radius = 0
menu_border = 10
menu_halign = left
menu_valign = top
sub_spacing = 4
#sub_padding_top = auto
#sub_padding_right = auto
#sub_padding_bottom = auto
#sub_padding_left = auto
sub_hover_action = 1
#item_margin_x = 3
item_margin_y = 2
item_height = 20
item_padding_x = 8
item_radius = 0
item_border = 0
#item_halign = left
sep_height = 5
sep_halign = Left
sep_markup =
font = Ubuntu 12px
#font_fallback = xtg
icon_size = 20
#icon_text_spacing = 10
#icon_theme =
#icon_theme_fallback = xtg
#arrow_string = ▸
#arrow_width = 15
color_menu_bg = #ffffff 80
color_menu_border = #ffffff 100
#color_norm_bg = #2b303b 0
color_norm_fg = #656565 100
color_sel_bg = #ffffff 100
color_sel_fg = #000000 100
color_sel_border = #ffffff 100
color_sep_fg = #959595 100
#csv_name_format = %n (%g)
#csv_single_window = 0
#csv_no_dirs = 0
color_title_bg = #ffffff 100
color_title_fg = #656565 100
#color_title_border = #7cb6ec 100

View File

@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
# jgmenurc
stay_alive = 0
#hide_on_startup = 0
csv_cmd = pmenu
tint2_look = 1
position_mode = ipc
terminal_exec = terminator
terminal_args = -e
#monitor = 0
#hover_delay = 100
#hide_back_items = 1
#columns = 1
menu_margin_x = 4
menu_margin_y = 32
menu_width = 220
#menu_height_min = 0
#menu_height_max = 0
#menu_height_mode = static
menu_padding_top = 25
menu_padding_right = 2
menu_padding_bottom = 5
menu_padding_left = 2
menu_radius = 0
menu_border = 10
menu_halign = left
menu_valign = top
sub_spacing = -2
#sub_padding_top = auto
#sub_padding_right = auto
#sub_padding_bottom = auto
#sub_padding_left = auto
sub_hover_action = 1
#item_margin_x = 3
item_margin_y = 2
item_height = 20
item_padding_x = 8
item_radius = 0
item_border = 0
#item_halign = left
sep_height = 5
sep_halign = Left
sep_markup =
font = Ubuntu 12px
#font_fallback = xtg
icon_size = 20
#icon_text_spacing = 10
#icon_theme =
#icon_theme_fallback = xtg
#arrow_string = ▸
#arrow_width = 15
color_menu_bg = #eff0f1 80
color_menu_border = #ffffff 100
#color_norm_bg = #2b303b 0
color_norm_fg = #000000 100
color_sel_bg = #464646 100
color_sel_fg = #ffffff 100
color_sel_border = #464646 100
color_sep_fg = #959595 100
#csv_name_format = %n (%g)
#csv_single_window = 0
#csv_no_dirs = 0
color_title_bg = #eff0f1 100
color_title_fg = #000000 100
color_title_border = #eff0f1 100

View File

@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
# jgmenurc
stay_alive = 0
#hide_on_startup = 0
csv_cmd = pmenu
tint2_look = 1
position_mode = ipc
terminal_exec = terminator
terminal_args = -e
#monitor = 0
#hover_delay = 100
#hide_back_items = 1
#columns = 1
menu_margin_x = 4
menu_margin_y = 32
menu_width = 220
#menu_height_min = 0
#menu_height_max = 0
#menu_height_mode = static
menu_padding_top = 25
menu_padding_right = 2
menu_padding_bottom = 5
menu_padding_left = 2
menu_radius = 0
menu_border = 10
menu_halign = left
menu_valign = top
sub_spacing = -2
#sub_padding_top = auto
#sub_padding_right = auto
#sub_padding_bottom = auto
#sub_padding_left = auto
sub_hover_action = 1
#item_margin_x = 3
item_margin_y = 2
item_height = 20
item_padding_x = 8
item_radius = 0
item_border = 0
#item_halign = left
sep_height = 5
sep_halign = Left
sep_markup =
font = Ubuntu 12px
#font_fallback = xtg
icon_size = 20
#icon_text_spacing = 10
#icon_theme =
#icon_theme_fallback = xtg
#arrow_string = ▸
#arrow_width = 15
color_menu_bg = #eff0f1 80
color_menu_border = #ffffff 100
#color_norm_bg = #2b303b 0
color_norm_fg = #000000 100
color_sel_bg = #464646 100
color_sel_fg = #ffffff 100
color_sel_border = #464646 100
color_sep_fg = #959595 100
#csv_name_format = %n (%g)
#csv_single_window = 0
#csv_no_dirs = 0
color_title_bg = #eff0f1 100
color_title_fg = #000000 100
color_title_border = #eff0f1 100

View File

@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
# jgmenurc
stay_alive = 0
#hide_on_startup = 0
csv_cmd = pmenu
tint2_look = 1
position_mode = ipc
terminal_exec = terminator
terminal_args = -e
#monitor = 0
#hover_delay = 100
#hide_back_items = 1
#columns = 1
menu_margin_x = 4
menu_margin_y = 32
menu_width = 220
#menu_height_min = 0
#menu_height_max = 0
#menu_height_mode = static
menu_padding_top = 25
menu_padding_right = 2
menu_padding_bottom = 5
menu_padding_left = 2
menu_radius = 0
menu_border = 10
menu_halign = left
menu_valign = top
sub_spacing = -2
#sub_padding_top = auto
#sub_padding_right = auto
#sub_padding_bottom = auto
#sub_padding_left = auto
sub_hover_action = 1
#item_margin_x = 3
item_margin_y = 2
item_height = 20
item_padding_x = 8
item_radius = 0
item_border = 0
#item_halign = left
sep_height = 5
sep_halign = Left
sep_markup =
font = Ubuntu 12px
#font_fallback = xtg
icon_size = 20
#icon_text_spacing = 10
#icon_theme =
#icon_theme_fallback = xtg
#arrow_string = ▸
#arrow_width = 15
color_menu_bg = #eff0f1 80
color_menu_border = #ffffff 100
#color_norm_bg = #2b303b 0
color_norm_fg = #000000 100
color_sel_bg = #464646 100
color_sel_fg = #ffffff 100
color_sel_border = #464646 100
color_sep_fg = #959595 100
#csv_name_format = %n (%g)
#csv_single_window = 0
#csv_no_dirs = 0
color_title_bg = #eff0f1 100
color_title_fg = #000000 100
color_title_border = #eff0f1 100

View File

@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
# jgmenurc
stay_alive = 0
#hide_on_startup = 0
csv_cmd = pmenu
tint2_look = 1
position_mode = ipc
terminal_exec = terminator
terminal_args = -e
#monitor = 0
#hover_delay = 100
#hide_back_items = 1
#columns = 1
menu_margin_x = 4
menu_margin_y = 32
menu_width = 220
#menu_height_min = 0
#menu_height_max = 0
#menu_height_mode = static
menu_padding_top = 25
menu_padding_right = 2
menu_padding_bottom = 5
menu_padding_left = 2
menu_radius = 0
menu_border = 10
menu_halign = left
menu_valign = top
sub_spacing = -2
#sub_padding_top = auto
#sub_padding_right = auto
#sub_padding_bottom = auto
#sub_padding_left = auto
sub_hover_action = 1
#item_margin_x = 3
item_margin_y = 2
item_height = 20
item_padding_x = 8
item_radius = 0
item_border = 0
#item_halign = left
sep_height = 5
sep_halign = Left
sep_markup =
font = Ubuntu 12px
#font_fallback = xtg
icon_size = 20
#icon_text_spacing = 10
#icon_theme =
#icon_theme_fallback = xtg
#arrow_string = ▸
#arrow_width = 15
color_menu_bg = #3F3F3F 80
color_menu_border = #ffffff 100
#color_norm_bg = #2b303b 0
color_norm_fg = #ffffff 100
color_sel_bg = #000000 80
color_sel_fg = #ffffff 100
color_sel_border = #000000 100
color_sep_fg = #959595 100
#csv_name_format = %n (%g)
#csv_single_window = 0
#csv_no_dirs = 0
color_title_bg = #3F3F3F 100
color_title_fg = #ffffff 100
color_title_border = #000000 100

View File

@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
# jgmenurc
stay_alive = 0
#hide_on_startup = 0
csv_cmd = pmenu
tint2_look = 1
position_mode = ipc
terminal_exec = terminator
terminal_args = -e
#monitor = 0
#hover_delay = 100
#hide_back_items = 1
#columns = 1
menu_margin_x = 4
menu_margin_y = 32
menu_width = 220
#menu_height_min = 0
#menu_height_max = 0
#menu_height_mode = static
menu_padding_top = 25
menu_padding_right = 2
menu_padding_bottom = 5
menu_padding_left = 2
menu_radius = 0
menu_border = 10
menu_halign = left
menu_valign = top
sub_spacing = -2
#sub_padding_top = auto
#sub_padding_right = auto
#sub_padding_bottom = auto
#sub_padding_left = auto
sub_hover_action = 1
#item_margin_x = 3
item_margin_y = 2
item_height = 20
item_padding_x = 8
item_radius = 0
item_border = 0
#item_halign = left
sep_height = 5
sep_halign = Left
sep_markup =
font = Ubuntu 12px
#font_fallback = xtg
icon_size = 20
#icon_text_spacing = 10
#icon_theme =
#icon_theme_fallback = xtg
#arrow_string = ▸
#arrow_width = 15
color_menu_bg = #efebe7 80
color_menu_border = #ffffff 100
#color_norm_bg = #2b303b 0
color_norm_fg = #000000 100
color_sel_bg = #464646 100
color_sel_fg = #ffffff 100
color_sel_border = #464646 100
color_sep_fg = #959595 100
#csv_name_format = %n (%g)
#csv_single_window = 0
#csv_no_dirs = 0
color_title_bg = #efebe7 100
color_title_fg = #000000 100
color_title_border = #efebe7 100

View File

@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
# jgmenurc
stay_alive = 0
#hide_on_startup = 0
csv_cmd = pmenu
tint2_look = 1
position_mode = ipc
terminal_exec = terminator
terminal_args = -e
#monitor = 0
#hover_delay = 100
#hide_back_items = 1
#columns = 1
menu_margin_x = 4
menu_margin_y = 32
menu_width = 220
#menu_height_min = 0
#menu_height_max = 0
#menu_height_mode = static
menu_padding_top = 25
menu_padding_right = 2
menu_padding_bottom = 5
menu_padding_left = 2
menu_radius = 0
menu_border = 10
menu_halign = left
menu_valign = top
sub_spacing = -2
#sub_padding_top = auto
#sub_padding_right = auto
#sub_padding_bottom = auto
#sub_padding_left = auto
sub_hover_action = 1
#item_margin_x = 3
item_margin_y = 2
item_height = 20
item_padding_x = 8
item_radius = 0
item_border = 0
#item_halign = left
sep_height = 5
sep_halign = Left
sep_markup =
font = Ubuntu 12px
#font_fallback = xtg
icon_size = 20
#icon_text_spacing = 10
#icon_theme =
#icon_theme_fallback = xtg
#arrow_string = ▸
#arrow_width = 15
color_menu_bg = #5c514a 80
color_menu_border = #ffffff 100
#color_norm_bg = #2b303b 0
color_norm_fg = #000000 100
color_sel_bg = #464646 100
color_sel_fg = #ffffff 100
color_sel_border = #464646 100
color_sep_fg = #959595 100
#csv_name_format = %n (%g)
#csv_single_window = 0
#csv_no_dirs = 0
color_title_bg = #5c514a 100
color_title_fg = #000000 100
color_title_border = #5c514a 100

View File

@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
# jgmenurc
stay_alive = 0
#hide_on_startup = 0
csv_cmd = pmenu
tint2_look = 1
position_mode = ipc
terminal_exec = terminator
terminal_args = -e
#monitor = 0
#hover_delay = 100
#hide_back_items = 1
#columns = 1
menu_margin_x = 4
menu_margin_y = 32
menu_width = 220
#menu_height_min = 0
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menu_padding_top = 25
menu_padding_right = 2
menu_padding_bottom = 5
menu_padding_left = 2
menu_radius = 0
menu_border = 10
menu_halign = left
menu_valign = top
sub_spacing = -2
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sub_hover_action = 1
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item_margin_y = 2
item_height = 20
item_padding_x = 8
item_radius = 0
item_border = 0
#item_halign = left
sep_height = 5
sep_halign = Left
sep_markup =
font = Ubuntu 12px
#font_fallback = xtg
icon_size = 20
#icon_text_spacing = 10
#icon_theme =
#icon_theme_fallback = xtg
#arrow_string = ▸
#arrow_width = 15
color_menu_bg = #eff0f1 80
color_menu_border = #ffffff 100
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color_norm_fg = #000000 100
color_sel_bg = #464646 100
color_sel_fg = #ffffff 100
color_sel_border = #464646 100
color_sep_fg = #959595 100
#csv_name_format = %n (%g)
#csv_single_window = 0
#csv_no_dirs = 0
color_title_bg = #eff0f1 100
color_title_fg = #000000 100
color_title_border = #eff0f1 100

View File

@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
# jgmenurc
stay_alive = 0
#hide_on_startup = 0
csv_cmd = pmenu
tint2_look = 1
position_mode = ipc
terminal_exec = terminator
terminal_args = -e
#monitor = 0
#hover_delay = 100
#hide_back_items = 1
#columns = 1
menu_margin_x = 4
menu_margin_y = 32
menu_width = 220
#menu_height_min = 0
#menu_height_max = 0
#menu_height_mode = static
menu_padding_top = 25
menu_padding_right = 2
menu_padding_bottom = 5
menu_padding_left = 2
menu_radius = 0
menu_border = 10
menu_halign = left
menu_valign = top
sub_spacing = -2
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sub_hover_action = 1
#item_margin_x = 3
item_margin_y = 2
item_height = 20
item_padding_x = 8
item_radius = 0
item_border = 0
#item_halign = left
sep_height = 5
sep_halign = Left
sep_markup =
font = Ubuntu 12px
#font_fallback = xtg
icon_size = 20
#icon_text_spacing = 10
#icon_theme =
#icon_theme_fallback = xtg
#arrow_string = ▸
#arrow_width = 15
color_menu_bg = #646464 80
color_menu_border = #ffffff 100
#color_norm_bg = #2b303b 0
color_norm_fg = #ffffff 100
color_sel_bg = #000000 100
color_sel_fg = #ffffff 100
color_sel_border = #000000 100
color_sep_fg = #959595 100
#csv_name_format = %n (%g)
#csv_single_window = 0
#csv_no_dirs = 0
color_title_bg = #3F3F3F 100
color_title_fg = #ffffff 100
color_title_border = #000000 100

View File

@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
# jgmenurc
stay_alive = 0
#hide_on_startup = 0
csv_cmd = pmenu
tint2_look = 1
position_mode = ipc
terminal_exec = terminator
terminal_args = -e
#monitor = 0
#hover_delay = 100
#hide_back_items = 1
#columns = 1
menu_margin_x = 4
menu_margin_y = 32
menu_width = 220
#menu_height_min = 0
#menu_height_max = 0
#menu_height_mode = static
menu_padding_top = 25
menu_padding_right = 2
menu_padding_bottom = 5
menu_padding_left = 2
menu_radius = 0
menu_border = 10
menu_halign = left
menu_valign = top
sub_spacing = -2
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sub_hover_action = 1
#item_margin_x = 3
item_margin_y = 2
item_height = 20
item_padding_x = 8
item_radius = 0
item_border = 0
#item_halign = left
sep_height = 5
sep_halign = Left
sep_markup =
font = Ubuntu 12px
#font_fallback = xtg
icon_size = 20
#icon_text_spacing = 10
#icon_theme =
#icon_theme_fallback = xtg
#arrow_string = ▸
#arrow_width = 15
color_menu_bg = #646464 80
color_menu_border = #ffffff 100
#color_norm_bg = #2b303b 0
color_norm_fg = #ffffff 100
color_sel_bg = #000000 100
color_sel_fg = #ffffff 100
color_sel_border = #000000 100
color_sep_fg = #959595 100
#csv_name_format = %n (%g)
#csv_single_window = 0
#csv_no_dirs = 0
color_title_bg = #3F3F3F 100
color_title_fg = #ffffff 100
color_title_border = #000000 100

View File

@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
# jgmenurc
stay_alive = 0
#hide_on_startup = 0
csv_cmd = pmenu
tint2_look = 1
position_mode = ipc
terminal_exec = terminator
terminal_args = -e
#monitor = 0
#hover_delay = 100
#hide_back_items = 1
#columns = 1
menu_margin_x = 4
menu_margin_y = 32
menu_width = 220
#menu_height_min = 0
#menu_height_max = 0
#menu_height_mode = static
menu_padding_top = 25
menu_padding_right = 2
menu_padding_bottom = 5
menu_padding_left = 2
menu_radius = 0
menu_border = 10
menu_halign = left
menu_valign = top
sub_spacing = -2
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#sub_padding_right = auto
#sub_padding_bottom = auto
#sub_padding_left = auto
sub_hover_action = 1
#item_margin_x = 3
item_margin_y = 2
item_height = 20
item_padding_x = 8
item_radius = 0
item_border = 0
#item_halign = left
sep_height = 5
sep_halign = Left
sep_markup =
font = Ubuntu 12px
#font_fallback = xtg
icon_size = 20
#icon_text_spacing = 10
#icon_theme =
#icon_theme_fallback = xtg
#arrow_string = ▸
#arrow_width = 15
color_menu_bg = #646464 80
color_menu_border = #ffffff 100
#color_norm_bg = #2b303b 0
color_norm_fg = #ffffff 100
color_sel_bg = #000000 100
color_sel_fg = #ffffff 100
color_sel_border = #000000 100
color_sep_fg = #959595 100
#csv_name_format = %n (%g)
#csv_single_window = 0
#csv_no_dirs = 0
color_title_bg = #3F3F3F 100
color_title_fg = #ffffff 100
color_title_border = #000000 100

View File

@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
# jgmenurc
stay_alive = 0
#hide_on_startup = 0
csv_cmd = pmenu
tint2_look = 1
position_mode = ipc
terminal_exec = terminator
terminal_args = -e
#monitor = 0
#hover_delay = 100
#hide_back_items = 1
#columns = 1
menu_margin_x = 4
menu_margin_y = 32
menu_width = 220
#menu_height_min = 0
#menu_height_max = 0
#menu_height_mode = static
menu_padding_top = 25
menu_padding_right = 2
menu_padding_bottom = 5
menu_padding_left = 2
menu_radius = 0
menu_border = 10
menu_halign = left
menu_valign = top
sub_spacing = -2
#sub_padding_top = auto
#sub_padding_right = auto
#sub_padding_bottom = auto
#sub_padding_left = auto
sub_hover_action = 1
#item_margin_x = 3
item_margin_y = 2
item_height = 20
item_padding_x = 8
item_radius = 0
item_border = 0
#item_halign = left
sep_height = 5
sep_halign = Left
sep_markup =
font = Ubuntu 12px
#font_fallback = xtg
icon_size = 20
#icon_text_spacing = 10
#icon_theme =
#icon_theme_fallback = xtg
#arrow_string = ▸
#arrow_width = 15
color_menu_bg = #eff0f1 80
color_menu_border = #ffffff 100
#color_norm_bg = #2b303b 0
color_norm_fg = #000000 100
color_sel_bg = #464646 100
color_sel_fg = #ffffff 100
color_sel_border = #464646 100
color_sep_fg = #959595 100
#csv_name_format = %n (%g)
#csv_single_window = 0
#csv_no_dirs = 0
color_title_bg = #eff0f1 100
color_title_fg = #000000 100
color_title_border = #eff0f1 100

View File

@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
# jgmenurc
stay_alive = 0
#hide_on_startup = 0
csv_cmd = pmenu
tint2_look = 1
position_mode = ipc
terminal_exec = terminator
terminal_args = -e
#monitor = 0
#hover_delay = 100
#hide_back_items = 1
#columns = 1
menu_margin_x = 4
menu_margin_y = 32
menu_width = 220
#menu_height_min = 0
#menu_height_max = 0
#menu_height_mode = static
menu_padding_top = 25
menu_padding_right = 2
menu_padding_bottom = 5
menu_padding_left = 2
menu_radius = 0
menu_border = 10
menu_halign = left
menu_valign = top
sub_spacing = -2
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#sub_padding_bottom = auto
#sub_padding_left = auto
sub_hover_action = 1
#item_margin_x = 3
item_margin_y = 2
item_height = 20
item_padding_x = 8
item_radius = 0
item_border = 0
#item_halign = left
sep_height = 5
sep_halign = Left
sep_markup =
font = Ubuntu 12px
#font_fallback = xtg
icon_size = 20
#icon_text_spacing = 10
#icon_theme =
#icon_theme_fallback = xtg
#arrow_string = ▸
#arrow_width = 15
color_menu_bg = #eff0f1 80
color_menu_border = #ffffff 100
#color_norm_bg = #2b303b 0
color_norm_fg = #000000 100
color_sel_bg = #464646 100
color_sel_fg = #ffffff 100
color_sel_border = #464646 100
color_sep_fg = #959595 100
#csv_name_format = %n (%g)
#csv_single_window = 0
#csv_no_dirs = 0
color_title_bg = #eff0f1 100
color_title_fg = #000000 100
color_title_border = #eff0f1 100

View File

@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
# jgmenurc
stay_alive = 0
#hide_on_startup = 0
csv_cmd = pmenu
tint2_look = 1
position_mode = ipc
terminal_exec = terminator
terminal_args = -e
#monitor = 0
#hover_delay = 100
#hide_back_items = 1
#columns = 1
menu_margin_x = 4
menu_margin_y = 32
menu_width = 220
#menu_height_min = 0
#menu_height_max = 0
#menu_height_mode = static
menu_padding_top = 25
menu_padding_right = 2
menu_padding_bottom = 5
menu_padding_left = 2
menu_radius = 0
menu_border = 10
menu_halign = left
menu_valign = top
sub_spacing = -2
#sub_padding_top = auto
#sub_padding_right = auto
#sub_padding_bottom = auto
#sub_padding_left = auto
sub_hover_action = 1
#item_margin_x = 3
item_margin_y = 2
item_height = 20
item_padding_x = 8
item_radius = 0
item_border = 0
#item_halign = left
sep_height = 5
sep_halign = Left
sep_markup =
font = Ubuntu 12px
#font_fallback = xtg
icon_size = 20
#icon_text_spacing = 10
#icon_theme =
#icon_theme_fallback = xtg
#arrow_string = ▸
#arrow_width = 15
color_menu_bg = #646464 80
color_menu_border = #ffffff 100
#color_norm_bg = #2b303b 0
color_norm_fg = #ffffff 100
color_sel_bg = #000000 100
color_sel_fg = #ffffff 100
color_sel_border = #000000 100
color_sep_fg = #959595 100
#csv_name_format = %n (%g)
#csv_single_window = 0
#csv_no_dirs = 0
color_title_bg = #3F3F3F 100
color_title_fg = #ffffff 100
color_title_border = #000000 100

View File

@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
# jgmenurc
stay_alive = 0
#hide_on_startup = 0
csv_cmd = pmenu
tint2_look = 1
position_mode = ipc
terminal_exec = terminator
terminal_args = -e
#monitor = 0
#hover_delay = 100
#hide_back_items = 1
#columns = 1
menu_margin_x = 4
menu_margin_y = 32
menu_width = 220
#menu_height_min = 0
#menu_height_max = 0
#menu_height_mode = static
menu_padding_top = 25
menu_padding_right = 2
menu_padding_bottom = 5
menu_padding_left = 2
menu_radius = 0
menu_border = 10
menu_halign = left
menu_valign = top
sub_spacing = -2
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#sub_padding_right = auto
#sub_padding_bottom = auto
#sub_padding_left = auto
sub_hover_action = 1
#item_margin_x = 3
item_margin_y = 2
item_height = 20
item_padding_x = 8
item_radius = 0
item_border = 0
#item_halign = left
sep_height = 5
sep_halign = Left
sep_markup =
font = Ubuntu 12px
#font_fallback = xtg
icon_size = 20
#icon_text_spacing = 10
#icon_theme =
#icon_theme_fallback = xtg
#arrow_string = ▸
#arrow_width = 15
color_menu_bg = #646464 80
color_menu_border = #ffffff 100
#color_norm_bg = #2b303b 0
color_norm_fg = #ffffff 100
color_sel_bg = #000000 100
color_sel_fg = #ffffff 100
color_sel_border = #000000 100
color_sep_fg = #959595 100
#csv_name_format = %n (%g)
#csv_single_window = 0
#csv_no_dirs = 0
color_title_bg = #3F3F3F 100
color_title_fg = #ffffff 100
color_title_border = #000000 100

View File

@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
# jgmenurc
stay_alive = 0
#hide_on_startup = 0
csv_cmd = pmenu
tint2_look = 1
position_mode = ipc
terminal_exec = terminator
terminal_args = -e
#monitor = 0
#hover_delay = 100
#hide_back_items = 1
#columns = 1
menu_margin_x = 4
menu_margin_y = 32
menu_width = 220
#menu_height_min = 0
#menu_height_max = 0
#menu_height_mode = static
menu_padding_top = 25
menu_padding_right = 2
menu_padding_bottom = 5
menu_padding_left = 2
menu_radius = 0
menu_border = 10
menu_halign = left
menu_valign = top
sub_spacing = -2
#sub_padding_top = auto
#sub_padding_right = auto
#sub_padding_bottom = auto
#sub_padding_left = auto
sub_hover_action = 1
#item_margin_x = 3
item_margin_y = 2
item_height = 20
item_padding_x = 8
item_radius = 0
item_border = 0
#item_halign = left
sep_height = 5
sep_halign = Left
sep_markup =
font = Ubuntu 12px
#font_fallback = xtg
icon_size = 20
#icon_text_spacing = 10
#icon_theme =
#icon_theme_fallback = xtg
#arrow_string = ▸
#arrow_width = 15
color_menu_bg = #eff0f1 80
color_menu_border = #ffffff 100
#color_norm_bg = #2b303b 0
color_norm_fg = #000000 100
color_sel_bg = #464646 100
color_sel_fg = #ffffff 100
color_sel_border = #464646 100
color_sep_fg = #959595 100
#csv_name_format = %n (%g)
#csv_single_window = 0
#csv_no_dirs = 0
color_title_bg = #eff0f1 100
color_title_fg = #000000 100
color_title_border = #eff0f1 100

View File

@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
# jgmenurc
stay_alive = 0
#hide_on_startup = 0
csv_cmd = pmenu
tint2_look = 1
position_mode = ipc
terminal_exec = terminator
terminal_args = -e
#monitor = 0
#hover_delay = 100
#hide_back_items = 1
#columns = 1
menu_margin_x = 4
menu_margin_y = 32
menu_width = 220
#menu_height_min = 0
#menu_height_max = 0
#menu_height_mode = static
menu_padding_top = 25
menu_padding_right = 2
menu_padding_bottom = 5
menu_padding_left = 2
menu_radius = 0
menu_border = 10
menu_halign = left
menu_valign = top
sub_spacing = -2
#sub_padding_top = auto
#sub_padding_right = auto
#sub_padding_bottom = auto
#sub_padding_left = auto
sub_hover_action = 1
#item_margin_x = 3
item_margin_y = 2
item_height = 20
item_padding_x = 8
item_radius = 0
item_border = 0
#item_halign = left
sep_height = 5
sep_halign = Left
sep_markup =
font = Ubuntu 12px
#font_fallback = xtg
icon_size = 20
#icon_text_spacing = 10
#icon_theme =
#icon_theme_fallback = xtg
#arrow_string = ▸
#arrow_width = 15
color_menu_bg = #eff0f1 80
color_menu_border = #ffffff 100
#color_norm_bg = #2b303b 0
color_norm_fg = #000000 100
color_sel_bg = #464646 100
color_sel_fg = #ffffff 100
color_sel_border = #464646 100
color_sep_fg = #959595 100
#csv_name_format = %n (%g)
#csv_single_window = 0
#csv_no_dirs = 0
color_title_bg = #eff0f1 100
color_title_fg = #000000 100
color_title_border = #eff0f1 100

View File

@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
# jgmenurc
stay_alive = 0
#hide_on_startup = 0
csv_cmd = pmenu
tint2_look = 1
position_mode = ipc
terminal_exec = terminator
terminal_args = -e
#monitor = 0
#hover_delay = 100
#hide_back_items = 1
#columns = 1
menu_margin_x = 4
menu_margin_y = 32
menu_width = 220
#menu_height_min = 0
#menu_height_max = 0
#menu_height_mode = static
menu_padding_top = 25
menu_padding_right = 2
menu_padding_bottom = 5
menu_padding_left = 2
menu_radius = 0
menu_border = 10
menu_halign = left
menu_valign = top
sub_spacing = -2
#sub_padding_top = auto
#sub_padding_right = auto
#sub_padding_bottom = auto
#sub_padding_left = auto
sub_hover_action = 1
#item_margin_x = 3
item_margin_y = 2
item_height = 20
item_padding_x = 8
item_radius = 0
item_border = 0
#item_halign = left
sep_height = 5
sep_halign = Left
sep_markup =
font = Ubuntu 12px
#font_fallback = xtg
icon_size = 20
#icon_text_spacing = 10
#icon_theme =
#icon_theme_fallback = xtg
#arrow_string = ▸
#arrow_width = 15
color_menu_bg = #eff0f1 80
color_menu_border = #ffffff 100
#color_norm_bg = #2b303b 0
color_norm_fg = #000000 100
color_sel_bg = #464646 100
color_sel_fg = #ffffff 100
color_sel_border = #464646 100
color_sep_fg = #959595 100
#csv_name_format = %n (%g)
#csv_single_window = 0
#csv_no_dirs = 0
color_title_bg = #eff0f1 100
color_title_fg = #000000 100
color_title_border = #eff0f1 100

View File

@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
# jgmenurc
stay_alive = 0
#hide_on_startup = 0
csv_cmd = pmenu
tint2_look = 1
position_mode = ipc
terminal_exec = terminator
terminal_args = -e
#monitor = 0
#hover_delay = 100
#hide_back_items = 1
#columns = 1
menu_margin_x = 4
menu_margin_y = 32
menu_width = 220
#menu_height_min = 0
#menu_height_max = 0
#menu_height_mode = static
menu_padding_top = 25
menu_padding_right = 2
menu_padding_bottom = 5
menu_padding_left = 2
menu_radius = 0
menu_border = 10
menu_halign = left
menu_valign = top
sub_spacing = -2
#sub_padding_top = auto
#sub_padding_right = auto
#sub_padding_bottom = auto
#sub_padding_left = auto
sub_hover_action = 1
#item_margin_x = 3
item_margin_y = 2
item_height = 20
item_padding_x = 8
item_radius = 0
item_border = 0
#item_halign = left
sep_height = 5
sep_halign = Left
sep_markup =
font = Ubuntu 12px
#font_fallback = xtg
icon_size = 20
#icon_text_spacing = 10
#icon_theme =
#icon_theme_fallback = xtg
#arrow_string = ▸
#arrow_width = 15
color_menu_bg = #eff0f1 80
color_menu_border = #ffffff 100
#color_norm_bg = #2b303b 0
color_norm_fg = #000000 100
color_sel_bg = #464646 100
color_sel_fg = #ffffff 100
color_sel_border = #464646 100
color_sep_fg = #959595 100
#csv_name_format = %n (%g)
#csv_single_window = 0
#csv_no_dirs = 0
color_title_bg = #eff0f1 100
color_title_fg = #000000 100
color_title_border = #eff0f1 100

View File

@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
# jgmenurc
stay_alive = 0
#hide_on_startup = 0
csv_cmd = pmenu
tint2_look = 1
position_mode = ipc
terminal_exec = terminator
terminal_args = -e
#monitor = 0
#hover_delay = 100
#hide_back_items = 1
#columns = 1
menu_margin_x = 4
menu_margin_y = 32
menu_width = 220
#menu_height_min = 0
#menu_height_max = 0
#menu_height_mode = static
menu_padding_top = 25
menu_padding_right = 2
menu_padding_bottom = 5
menu_padding_left = 2
menu_radius = 0
menu_border = 10
menu_halign = left
menu_valign = top
sub_spacing = -2
#sub_padding_top = auto
#sub_padding_right = auto
#sub_padding_bottom = auto
#sub_padding_left = auto
sub_hover_action = 1
#item_margin_x = 3
item_margin_y = 2
item_height = 20
item_padding_x = 8
item_radius = 0
item_border = 0
#item_halign = left
sep_height = 5
sep_halign = Left
sep_markup =
font = Ubuntu 12px
#font_fallback = xtg
icon_size = 20
#icon_text_spacing = 10
#icon_theme =
#icon_theme_fallback = xtg
#arrow_string = ▸
#arrow_width = 15
color_menu_bg = #eff0f1 80
color_menu_border = #ffffff 100
#color_norm_bg = #2b303b 0
color_norm_fg = #000000 100
color_sel_bg = #484848 100
color_sel_fg = #ffffff 100
color_sel_border = #484848 100
color_sep_fg = #959595 100
#csv_name_format = %n (%g)
#csv_single_window = 0
#csv_no_dirs = 0
color_title_bg = #eff0f1 100
color_title_fg = #000000 100
color_title_border = #eff0f1 100

View File

@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
# jgmenurc
stay_alive = 0
#hide_on_startup = 0
csv_cmd = pmenu
tint2_look = 1
position_mode = ipc
terminal_exec = terminator
terminal_args = -e
#monitor = 0
#hover_delay = 100
#hide_back_items = 1
#columns = 1
menu_margin_x = 4
menu_margin_y = 32
menu_width = 220
#menu_height_min = 0
#menu_height_max = 0
#menu_height_mode = static
menu_padding_top = 25
menu_padding_right = 2
menu_padding_bottom = 5
menu_padding_left = 2
menu_radius = 0
menu_border = 10
menu_halign = left
menu_valign = top
sub_spacing = -2
#sub_padding_top = auto
#sub_padding_right = auto
#sub_padding_bottom = auto
#sub_padding_left = auto
sub_hover_action = 1
#item_margin_x = 3
item_margin_y = 2
item_height = 20
item_padding_x = 8
item_radius = 0
item_border = 0
#item_halign = left
sep_height = 5
sep_halign = Left
sep_markup =
font = Ubuntu 12px
#font_fallback = xtg
icon_size = 20
#icon_text_spacing = 10
#icon_theme =
#icon_theme_fallback = xtg
#arrow_string = ▸
#arrow_width = 15
color_menu_bg = #646464 80
color_menu_border = #ffffff 100
#color_norm_bg = #2b303b 0
color_norm_fg = #ffffff 100
color_sel_bg = #000000 100
color_sel_fg = #ffffff 100
color_sel_border = #000000 100
color_sep_fg = #959595 100
#csv_name_format = %n (%g)
#csv_single_window = 0
#csv_no_dirs = 0
color_title_bg = #3F3F3F 100
color_title_fg = #ffffff 100
color_title_border = #000000 100

View File

@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
# jgmenurc
stay_alive = 0
#hide_on_startup = 0
csv_cmd = pmenu
tint2_look = 1
position_mode = ipc
terminal_exec = terminator
terminal_args = -e
#monitor = 0
#hover_delay = 100
#hide_back_items = 1
#columns = 1
menu_margin_x = 4
menu_margin_y = 32
menu_width = 220
#menu_height_min = 0
#menu_height_max = 0
#menu_height_mode = static
menu_padding_top = 25
menu_padding_right = 2
menu_padding_bottom = 5
menu_padding_left = 2
menu_radius = 0
menu_border = 10
menu_halign = left
menu_valign = top
sub_spacing = -2
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#sub_padding_bottom = auto
#sub_padding_left = auto
sub_hover_action = 1
#item_margin_x = 3
item_margin_y = 2
item_height = 20
item_padding_x = 8
item_radius = 0
item_border = 0
#item_halign = left
sep_height = 5
sep_halign = center
sep_markup =
font = Ubuntu 12px
#font_fallback = xtg
icon_size = 20
#icon_text_spacing = 10
#icon_theme =
#icon_theme_fallback = xtg
#arrow_string = ▸
#arrow_width = 15
color_menu_bg = #f3f3f3 80
color_menu_border = #ffffff 100
#color_norm_bg = #2b303b 0
color_norm_fg = #101010 100
color_sel_bg = #89ADD4 100
color_sel_fg = #FFFFFF 100
color_sel_border = #89ADD4 100
color_sep_fg = #aaaaaa 100
#csv_name_format = %n (%g)
#csv_single_window = 0
#csv_no_dirs = 0
color_title_bg = #f3f3f3 100
color_title_fg = #101010 100
color_title_border = #eff0f1 100

View File

@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
# jgmenurc
stay_alive = 0
#hide_on_startup = 0
csv_cmd = pmenu
tint2_look = 1
position_mode = ipc
terminal_exec = terminator
terminal_args = -e
#monitor = 0
#hover_delay = 100
#hide_back_items = 1
#columns = 1
menu_margin_x = 4
menu_margin_y = 32
menu_width = 220
#menu_height_min = 0
#menu_height_max = 0
#menu_height_mode = static
menu_padding_top = 25
menu_padding_right = 2
menu_padding_bottom = 5
menu_padding_left = 2
menu_radius = 0
menu_border = 10
menu_halign = left
menu_valign = top
sub_spacing = -2
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#sub_padding_right = auto
#sub_padding_bottom = auto
#sub_padding_left = auto
sub_hover_action = 1
#item_margin_x = 3
item_margin_y = 2
item_height = 20
item_padding_x = 8
item_radius = 0
item_border = 0
#item_halign = left
sep_height = 5
sep_halign = center
sep_markup =
font = Ubuntu 12px
#font_fallback = xtg
icon_size = 20
#icon_text_spacing = 10
#icon_theme =
#icon_theme_fallback = xtg
#arrow_string = ▸
#arrow_width = 15
color_menu_bg = #f3f3f3 80
color_menu_border = #ffffff 100
#color_norm_bg = #2b303b 0
color_norm_fg = #101010 100
color_sel_bg = #7C807F 100
color_sel_fg = #FFFFFF 100
color_sel_border = #7C807F 100
color_sep_fg = #aaaaaa 100
#csv_name_format = %n (%g)
#csv_single_window = 0
#csv_no_dirs = 0
color_title_bg = #f3f3f3 100
color_title_fg = #101010 100
color_title_border = #eff0f1 100

View File

@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
# jgmenurc
stay_alive = 0
#hide_on_startup = 0
csv_cmd = pmenu
tint2_look = 1
position_mode = ipc
terminal_exec = terminator
terminal_args = -e
#monitor = 0
#hover_delay = 100
#hide_back_items = 1
#columns = 1
menu_margin_x = 4
menu_margin_y = 32
menu_width = 220
#menu_height_min = 0
#menu_height_max = 0
#menu_height_mode = static
menu_padding_top = 25
menu_padding_right = 2
menu_padding_bottom = 5
menu_padding_left = 2
menu_radius = 0
menu_border = 10
menu_halign = left
menu_valign = top
sub_spacing = -2
#sub_padding_top = auto
#sub_padding_right = auto
#sub_padding_bottom = auto
#sub_padding_left = auto
sub_hover_action = 1
#item_margin_x = 3
item_margin_y = 2
item_height = 20
item_padding_x = 8
item_radius = 0
item_border = 0
#item_halign = left
sep_height = 5
sep_halign = center
sep_markup =
font = Ubuntu 12px
#font_fallback = xtg
icon_size = 20
#icon_text_spacing = 10
#icon_theme =
#icon_theme_fallback = xtg
#arrow_string = ▸
#arrow_width = 15
color_menu_bg = #F3F2F1 80
color_menu_border = #ffffff 100
#color_norm_bg = #2b303b 0
color_norm_fg = #100F0E 100
color_sel_bg = #BCA084 100
color_sel_fg = #FFFFFF 100
color_sel_border = #BCA084 100
color_sep_fg = #aaaaaa 100
#csv_name_format = %n (%g)
#csv_single_window = 0
#csv_no_dirs = 0
color_title_bg = #F3F2F1 100
color_title_fg = #100F0E 100
color_title_border = #eff0f1 100

View File

@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
# jgmenurc
stay_alive = 0
#hide_on_startup = 0
csv_cmd = pmenu
tint2_look = 1
position_mode = ipc
terminal_exec = terminator
terminal_args = -e
#monitor = 0
#hover_delay = 100
#hide_back_items = 1
#columns = 1
menu_margin_x = 4
menu_margin_y = 32
menu_width = 220
#menu_height_min = 0
#menu_height_max = 0
#menu_height_mode = static
menu_padding_top = 25
menu_padding_right = 2
menu_padding_bottom = 5
menu_padding_left = 2
menu_radius = 0
menu_border = 10
menu_halign = left
menu_valign = top
sub_spacing = -2
#sub_padding_top = auto
#sub_padding_right = auto
#sub_padding_bottom = auto
#sub_padding_left = auto
sub_hover_action = 1
#item_margin_x = 3
item_margin_y = 2
item_height = 20
item_padding_x = 8
item_radius = 0
item_border = 0
#item_halign = left
sep_height = 5
sep_halign = center
sep_markup =
font = Ubuntu 12px
#font_fallback = xtg
icon_size = 20
#icon_text_spacing = 10
#icon_theme =
#icon_theme_fallback = xtg
#arrow_string = ▸
#arrow_width = 15
color_menu_bg = #f3f3f3 80
color_menu_border = #ffffff 100
#color_norm_bg = #2b303b 0
color_norm_fg = #101010 100
color_sel_bg = #F1AE68 100
color_sel_fg = #FFFFFF 100
color_sel_border = #F1AE68 100
color_sep_fg = #aaaaaa 100
#csv_name_format = %n (%g)
#csv_single_window = 0
#csv_no_dirs = 0
color_title_bg = #f3f3f3 100
color_title_fg = #101010 100
color_title_border = #eff0f1 100

View File

@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
# jgmenurc
stay_alive = 0
#hide_on_startup = 0
csv_cmd = pmenu
tint2_look = 1
position_mode = ipc
terminal_exec = terminator
terminal_args = -e
#monitor = 0
#hover_delay = 100
#hide_back_items = 1
#columns = 1
menu_margin_x = 4
menu_margin_y = 32
menu_width = 220
#menu_height_min = 0
#menu_height_max = 0
#menu_height_mode = static
menu_padding_top = 25
menu_padding_right = 2
menu_padding_bottom = 5
menu_padding_left = 2
menu_radius = 0
menu_border = 10
menu_halign = left
menu_valign = top
sub_spacing = -2
#sub_padding_top = auto
#sub_padding_right = auto
#sub_padding_bottom = auto
#sub_padding_left = auto
sub_hover_action = 1
#item_margin_x = 3
item_margin_y = 2
item_height = 20
item_padding_x = 8
item_radius = 0
item_border = 0
#item_halign = left
sep_height = 5
sep_halign = center
sep_markup =
font = Ubuntu 12px
#font_fallback = xtg
icon_size = 20
#icon_text_spacing = 10
#icon_theme =
#icon_theme_fallback = xtg
#arrow_string = ▸
#arrow_width = 15
color_menu_bg = #f3f3f3 80
color_menu_border = #ffffff 100
#color_norm_bg = #2b303b 0
color_norm_fg = #101010 100
color_sel_bg = #F1A2AD 100
color_sel_fg = #FFFFFF 100
color_sel_border = #F1A2AD 100
color_sep_fg = #aaaaaa 100
#csv_name_format = %n (%g)
#csv_single_window = 0
#csv_no_dirs = 0
color_title_bg = #f3f3f3 100
color_title_fg = #101010 100
color_title_border = #eff0f1 100

View File

@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
# jgmenurc
stay_alive = 0
#hide_on_startup = 0
csv_cmd = pmenu
tint2_look = 1
position_mode = ipc
terminal_exec = terminator
terminal_args = -e
#monitor = 0
#hover_delay = 100
#hide_back_items = 1
#columns = 1
menu_margin_x = 4
menu_margin_y = 32
menu_width = 220
#menu_height_min = 0
#menu_height_max = 0
#menu_height_mode = static
menu_padding_top = 25
menu_padding_right = 2
menu_padding_bottom = 5
menu_padding_left = 2
menu_radius = 0
menu_border = 10
menu_halign = left
menu_valign = top
sub_spacing = -2
#sub_padding_top = auto
#sub_padding_right = auto
#sub_padding_bottom = auto
#sub_padding_left = auto
sub_hover_action = 1
#item_margin_x = 3
item_margin_y = 2
item_height = 20
item_padding_x = 8
item_radius = 0
item_border = 0
#item_halign = left
sep_height = 5
sep_halign = center
sep_markup =
font = Ubuntu 12px
#font_fallback = xtg
icon_size = 20
#icon_text_spacing = 10
#icon_theme =
#icon_theme_fallback = xtg
#arrow_string = ▸
#arrow_width = 15
color_menu_bg = #f3f3f3 80
color_menu_border = #ffffff 100
#color_norm_bg = #2b303b 0
color_norm_fg = #101010 100
color_sel_bg = #B790B3 100
color_sel_fg = #FFFFFF 100
color_sel_border = #B790B3 100
color_sep_fg = #aaaaaa 100
#csv_name_format = %n (%g)
#csv_single_window = 0
#csv_no_dirs = 0
color_title_bg = #f3f3f3 100
color_title_fg = #101010 100
color_title_border = #eff0f1 100

View File

@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
# jgmenurc
stay_alive = 0
#hide_on_startup = 0
csv_cmd = pmenu
tint2_look = 1
position_mode = ipc
terminal_exec = terminator
terminal_args = -e
#monitor = 0
#hover_delay = 100
#hide_back_items = 1
#columns = 1
menu_margin_x = 4
menu_margin_y = 32
menu_width = 220
#menu_height_min = 0
#menu_height_max = 0
#menu_height_mode = static
menu_padding_top = 25
menu_padding_right = 2
menu_padding_bottom = 5
menu_padding_left = 2
menu_radius = 0
menu_border = 10
menu_halign = left
menu_valign = top
sub_spacing = -2
#sub_padding_top = auto
#sub_padding_right = auto
#sub_padding_bottom = auto
#sub_padding_left = auto
sub_hover_action = 1
#item_margin_x = 3
item_margin_y = 2
item_height = 20
item_padding_x = 8
item_radius = 0
item_border = 0
#item_halign = left
sep_height = 5
sep_halign = center
sep_markup =
font = Ubuntu 12px
#font_fallback = xtg
icon_size = 20
#icon_text_spacing = 10
#icon_theme =
#icon_theme_fallback = xtg
#arrow_string = ▸
#arrow_width = 15
color_menu_bg = #f3f3f3 80
color_menu_border = #ffffff 100
#color_norm_bg = #2b303b 0
color_norm_fg = #101010 100
color_sel_bg = #C9CCB9 100
color_sel_fg = #000000 100
color_sel_border = #C9CCB9 100
color_sep_fg = #aaaaaa 100
#csv_name_format = %n (%g)
#csv_single_window = 0
#csv_no_dirs = 0
color_title_bg = #f3f3f3 100
color_title_fg = #101010 100
color_title_border = #eff0f1 100

View File

@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
# jgmenurc
stay_alive = 0
#hide_on_startup = 0
csv_cmd = pmenu
tint2_look = 1
position_mode = ipc
terminal_exec = terminator
terminal_args = -e
#monitor = 0
#hover_delay = 100
#hide_back_items = 1
#columns = 1
menu_margin_x = 4
menu_margin_y = 32
menu_width = 220
#menu_height_min = 0
#menu_height_max = 0
#menu_height_mode = static
menu_padding_top = 25
menu_padding_right = 2
menu_padding_bottom = 5
menu_padding_left = 2
menu_radius = 0
menu_border = 10
menu_halign = left
menu_valign = top
sub_spacing = -2
#sub_padding_top = auto
#sub_padding_right = auto
#sub_padding_bottom = auto
#sub_padding_left = auto
sub_hover_action = 1
#item_margin_x = 3
item_margin_y = 2
item_height = 20
item_padding_x = 8
item_radius = 0
item_border = 0
#item_halign = left
sep_height = 5
sep_halign = center
sep_markup =
font = Ubuntu 12px
#font_fallback = xtg
icon_size = 20
#icon_text_spacing = 10
#icon_theme =
#icon_theme_fallback = xtg
#arrow_string = ▸
#arrow_width = 15
color_menu_bg = #f3f3f3 80
color_menu_border = #ffffff 100
#color_norm_bg = #2b303b 0
color_norm_fg = #101010 100
color_sel_bg = #E06767 100
color_sel_fg = #FFFFFF 100
color_sel_border = #E06767 100
color_sep_fg = #aaaaaa 100
#csv_name_format = %n (%g)
#csv_single_window = 0
#csv_no_dirs = 0
color_title_bg = #f3f3f3 100
color_title_fg = #101010 100
color_title_border = #eff0f1 100

View File

@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
# jgmenurc
stay_alive = 0
#hide_on_startup = 0
csv_cmd = pmenu
tint2_look = 1
position_mode = ipc
terminal_exec = terminator
terminal_args = -e
#monitor = 0
#hover_delay = 100
#hide_back_items = 1
#columns = 1
menu_margin_x = 4
menu_margin_y = 32
menu_width = 220
#menu_height_min = 0
#menu_height_max = 0
#menu_height_mode = static
menu_padding_top = 25
menu_padding_right = 2
menu_padding_bottom = 5
menu_padding_left = 2
menu_radius = 0
menu_border = 10
menu_halign = left
menu_valign = top
sub_spacing = -2
#sub_padding_top = auto
#sub_padding_right = auto
#sub_padding_bottom = auto
#sub_padding_left = auto
sub_hover_action = 1
#item_margin_x = 3
item_margin_y = 2
item_height = 20
item_padding_x = 8
item_radius = 0
item_border = 0
#item_halign = left
sep_height = 5
sep_halign = center
sep_markup =
font = Ubuntu 12px
#font_fallback = xtg
icon_size = 20
#icon_text_spacing = 10
#icon_theme =
#icon_theme_fallback = xtg
#arrow_string = ▸
#arrow_width = 15
color_menu_bg = #f3f3f3 80
color_menu_border = #ffffff 100
#color_norm_bg = #2b303b 0
color_norm_fg = #101010 100
color_sel_bg = #A3C574 100
color_sel_fg = #FFFFFF 100
color_sel_border = #A3C574 100
color_sep_fg = #aaaaaa 100
#csv_name_format = %n (%g)
#csv_single_window = 0
#csv_no_dirs = 0
color_title_bg = #f3f3f3 100
color_title_fg = #101010 100
color_title_border = #eff0f1 100

View File

@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
# jgmenurc
stay_alive = 0
#hide_on_startup = 0
csv_cmd = pmenu
tint2_look = 1
position_mode = ipc
terminal_exec = terminator
terminal_args = -e
#monitor = 0
#hover_delay = 100
#hide_back_items = 1
#columns = 1
menu_margin_x = 4
menu_margin_y = 32
menu_width = 220
#menu_height_min = 0
#menu_height_max = 0
#menu_height_mode = static
menu_padding_top = 25
menu_padding_right = 2
menu_padding_bottom = 5
menu_padding_left = 2
menu_radius = 0
menu_border = 10
menu_halign = left
menu_valign = top
sub_spacing = -2
#sub_padding_top = auto
#sub_padding_right = auto
#sub_padding_bottom = auto
#sub_padding_left = auto
sub_hover_action = 1
#item_margin_x = 3
item_margin_y = 2
item_height = 20
item_padding_x = 8
item_radius = 0
item_border = 0
#item_halign = left
sep_height = 5
sep_halign = center
sep_markup =
font = Ubuntu 12px
#font_fallback = xtg
icon_size = 20
#icon_text_spacing = 10
#icon_theme =
#icon_theme_fallback = xtg
#arrow_string = ▸
#arrow_width = 15
color_menu_bg = #3C3C3C 80
color_menu_border = #ffffff 100
#color_norm_bg = #2b303b 0
color_norm_fg = #F3F3F3 100
color_sel_bg = #89ADD4 100
color_sel_fg = #FFFFFF 100
color_sel_border = #89ADD4 100
color_sep_fg = #555555 100
#csv_name_format = %n (%g)
#csv_single_window = 0
#csv_no_dirs = 0
color_title_bg = #3C3C3C 100
color_title_fg = #F3F3F3 100
color_title_border = #eff0f1 100

View File

@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
# jgmenurc
stay_alive = 0
#hide_on_startup = 0
csv_cmd = pmenu
tint2_look = 1
position_mode = ipc
terminal_exec = terminator
terminal_args = -e
#monitor = 0
#hover_delay = 100
#hide_back_items = 1
#columns = 1
menu_margin_x = 4
menu_margin_y = 32
menu_width = 220
#menu_height_min = 0
#menu_height_max = 0
#menu_height_mode = static
menu_padding_top = 25
menu_padding_right = 2
menu_padding_bottom = 5
menu_padding_left = 2
menu_radius = 0
menu_border = 10
menu_halign = left
menu_valign = top
sub_spacing = -2
#sub_padding_top = auto
#sub_padding_right = auto
#sub_padding_bottom = auto
#sub_padding_left = auto
sub_hover_action = 1
#item_margin_x = 3
item_margin_y = 2
item_height = 20
item_padding_x = 8
item_radius = 0
item_border = 0
#item_halign = left
sep_height = 5
sep_halign = center
sep_markup =
font = Ubuntu 12px
#font_fallback = xtg
icon_size = 20
#icon_text_spacing = 10
#icon_theme =
#icon_theme_fallback = xtg
#arrow_string = ▸
#arrow_width = 15
color_menu_bg = #3C3C3C 80
color_menu_border = #ffffff 100
#color_norm_bg = #2b303b 0
color_norm_fg = #F3F3F3 100
color_sel_bg = #7C807F 100
color_sel_fg = #FFFFFF 100
color_sel_border = #7C807F 100
color_sep_fg = #555555 100
#csv_name_format = %n (%g)
#csv_single_window = 0
#csv_no_dirs = 0
color_title_bg = #3C3C3C 100
color_title_fg = #F3F3F3 100
color_title_border = #eff0f1 100

View File

@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
# jgmenurc
stay_alive = 0
#hide_on_startup = 0
csv_cmd = pmenu
tint2_look = 1
position_mode = ipc
terminal_exec = terminator
terminal_args = -e
#monitor = 0
#hover_delay = 100
#hide_back_items = 1
#columns = 1
menu_margin_x = 4
menu_margin_y = 32
menu_width = 220
#menu_height_min = 0
#menu_height_max = 0
#menu_height_mode = static
menu_padding_top = 25
menu_padding_right = 2
menu_padding_bottom = 5
menu_padding_left = 2
menu_radius = 0
menu_border = 10
menu_halign = left
menu_valign = top
sub_spacing = -2
#sub_padding_top = auto
#sub_padding_right = auto
#sub_padding_bottom = auto
#sub_padding_left = auto
sub_hover_action = 1
#item_margin_x = 3
item_margin_y = 2
item_height = 20
item_padding_x = 8
item_radius = 0
item_border = 0
#item_halign = left
sep_height = 5
sep_halign = center
sep_markup =
font = Ubuntu 12px
#font_fallback = xtg
icon_size = 20
#icon_text_spacing = 10
#icon_theme =
#icon_theme_fallback = xtg
#arrow_string = ▸
#arrow_width = 15
color_menu_bg = #464139 80
color_menu_border = #ffffff 100
#color_norm_bg = #2b303b 0
color_norm_fg = #F3F2F1 100
color_sel_bg = #BCA084 100
color_sel_fg = #FFFFFF 100
color_sel_border = #BCA084 100
color_sep_fg = #555350 100
#csv_name_format = %n (%g)
#csv_single_window = 0
#csv_no_dirs = 0
color_title_bg = #464139 100
color_title_fg = #F3F2F1 100
color_title_border = #eff0f1 100

View File

@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
# jgmenurc
stay_alive = 0
#hide_on_startup = 0
csv_cmd = pmenu
tint2_look = 1
position_mode = ipc
terminal_exec = terminator
terminal_args = -e
#monitor = 0
#hover_delay = 100
#hide_back_items = 1
#columns = 1
menu_margin_x = 4
menu_margin_y = 32
menu_width = 220
#menu_height_min = 0
#menu_height_max = 0
#menu_height_mode = static
menu_padding_top = 25
menu_padding_right = 2
menu_padding_bottom = 5
menu_padding_left = 2
menu_radius = 0
menu_border = 10
menu_halign = left
menu_valign = top
sub_spacing = -2
#sub_padding_top = auto
#sub_padding_right = auto
#sub_padding_bottom = auto
#sub_padding_left = auto
sub_hover_action = 1
#item_margin_x = 3
item_margin_y = 2
item_height = 20
item_padding_x = 8
item_radius = 0
item_border = 0
#item_halign = left
sep_height = 5
sep_halign = center
sep_markup =
font = Ubuntu 12px
#font_fallback = xtg
icon_size = 20
#icon_text_spacing = 10
#icon_theme =
#icon_theme_fallback = xtg
#arrow_string = ▸
#arrow_width = 15
color_menu_bg = #3C3C3C 80
color_menu_border = #ffffff 100
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color_norm_fg = #F3F3F3 100
color_sel_bg = #F1AE68 100
color_sel_fg = #FFFFFF 100
color_sel_border = #F1AE68 100
color_sep_fg = #555555 100
#csv_name_format = %n (%g)
#csv_single_window = 0
#csv_no_dirs = 0
color_title_bg = #3C3C3C 100
color_title_fg = #F3F3F3 100
color_title_border = #eff0f1 100

View File

@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
# jgmenurc
stay_alive = 0
#hide_on_startup = 0
csv_cmd = pmenu
tint2_look = 1
position_mode = ipc
terminal_exec = terminator
terminal_args = -e
#monitor = 0
#hover_delay = 100
#hide_back_items = 1
#columns = 1
menu_margin_x = 4
menu_margin_y = 32
menu_width = 220
#menu_height_min = 0
#menu_height_max = 0
#menu_height_mode = static
menu_padding_top = 25
menu_padding_right = 2
menu_padding_bottom = 5
menu_padding_left = 2
menu_radius = 0
menu_border = 10
menu_halign = left
menu_valign = top
sub_spacing = -2
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#sub_padding_bottom = auto
#sub_padding_left = auto
sub_hover_action = 1
#item_margin_x = 3
item_margin_y = 2
item_height = 20
item_padding_x = 8
item_radius = 0
item_border = 0
#item_halign = left
sep_height = 5
sep_halign = center
sep_markup =
font = Ubuntu 12px
#font_fallback = xtg
icon_size = 20
#icon_text_spacing = 10
#icon_theme =
#icon_theme_fallback = xtg
#arrow_string = ▸
#arrow_width = 15
color_menu_bg = #3C3C3C 80
color_menu_border = #ffffff 100
#color_norm_bg = #2b303b 0
color_norm_fg = #F3F3F3 100
color_sel_bg = #F1A2AD 100
color_sel_fg = #FFFFFF 100
color_sel_border = #F1A2AD 100
color_sep_fg = #555555 100
#csv_name_format = %n (%g)
#csv_single_window = 0
#csv_no_dirs = 0
color_title_bg = #3C3C3C 100
color_title_fg = #F3F3F3 100
color_title_border = #eff0f1 100

View File

@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
# jgmenurc
stay_alive = 0
#hide_on_startup = 0
csv_cmd = pmenu
tint2_look = 1
position_mode = ipc
terminal_exec = terminator
terminal_args = -e
#monitor = 0
#hover_delay = 100
#hide_back_items = 1
#columns = 1
menu_margin_x = 4
menu_margin_y = 32
menu_width = 220
#menu_height_min = 0
#menu_height_max = 0
#menu_height_mode = static
menu_padding_top = 25
menu_padding_right = 2
menu_padding_bottom = 5
menu_padding_left = 2
menu_radius = 0
menu_border = 10
menu_halign = left
menu_valign = top
sub_spacing = -2
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#sub_padding_bottom = auto
#sub_padding_left = auto
sub_hover_action = 1
#item_margin_x = 3
item_margin_y = 2
item_height = 20
item_padding_x = 8
item_radius = 0
item_border = 0
#item_halign = left
sep_height = 5
sep_halign = center
sep_markup =
font = Ubuntu 12px
#font_fallback = xtg
icon_size = 20
#icon_text_spacing = 10
#icon_theme =
#icon_theme_fallback = xtg
#arrow_string = ▸
#arrow_width = 15
color_menu_bg = #3C3C3C 80
color_menu_border = #ffffff 100
#color_norm_bg = #2b303b 0
color_norm_fg = #F3F3F3 100
color_sel_bg = #B790B3 100
color_sel_fg = #FFFFFF 100
color_sel_border = #B790B3 100
color_sep_fg = #555555 100
#csv_name_format = %n (%g)
#csv_single_window = 0
#csv_no_dirs = 0
color_title_bg = #3C3C3C 100
color_title_fg = #F3F3F3 100
color_title_border = #eff0f1 100

View File

@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
# jgmenurc
stay_alive = 0
#hide_on_startup = 0
csv_cmd = pmenu
tint2_look = 1
position_mode = ipc
terminal_exec = terminator
terminal_args = -e
#monitor = 0
#hover_delay = 100
#hide_back_items = 1
#columns = 1
menu_margin_x = 4
menu_margin_y = 32
menu_width = 220
#menu_height_min = 0
#menu_height_max = 0
#menu_height_mode = static
menu_padding_top = 25
menu_padding_right = 2
menu_padding_bottom = 5
menu_padding_left = 2
menu_radius = 0
menu_border = 10
menu_halign = left
menu_valign = top
sub_spacing = -2
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#sub_padding_right = auto
#sub_padding_bottom = auto
#sub_padding_left = auto
sub_hover_action = 1
#item_margin_x = 3
item_margin_y = 2
item_height = 20
item_padding_x = 8
item_radius = 0
item_border = 0
#item_halign = left
sep_height = 5
sep_halign = center
sep_markup =
font = Ubuntu 12px
#font_fallback = xtg
icon_size = 20
#icon_text_spacing = 10
#icon_theme =
#icon_theme_fallback = xtg
#arrow_string = ▸
#arrow_width = 15
color_menu_bg = #3C3C3C 80
color_menu_border = #ffffff 100
#color_norm_bg = #2b303b 0
color_norm_fg = #F3F3F3 100
color_sel_bg = #C9CCB9 100
color_sel_fg = #000000 100
color_sel_border = #C9CCB9 100
color_sep_fg = #555555 100
#csv_name_format = %n (%g)
#csv_single_window = 0
#csv_no_dirs = 0
color_title_bg = #3C3C3C 100
color_title_fg = #F3F3F3 100
color_title_border = #eff0f1 100

View File

@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
# jgmenurc
stay_alive = 0
#hide_on_startup = 0
csv_cmd = pmenu
tint2_look = 1
position_mode = ipc
terminal_exec = terminator
terminal_args = -e
#monitor = 0
#hover_delay = 100
#hide_back_items = 1
#columns = 1
menu_margin_x = 4
menu_margin_y = 32
menu_width = 220
#menu_height_min = 0
#menu_height_max = 0
#menu_height_mode = static
menu_padding_top = 25
menu_padding_right = 2
menu_padding_bottom = 5
menu_padding_left = 2
menu_radius = 0
menu_border = 10
menu_halign = left
menu_valign = top
sub_spacing = -2
#sub_padding_top = auto
#sub_padding_right = auto
#sub_padding_bottom = auto
#sub_padding_left = auto
sub_hover_action = 1
#item_margin_x = 3
item_margin_y = 2
item_height = 20
item_padding_x = 8
item_radius = 0
item_border = 0
#item_halign = left
sep_height = 5
sep_halign = center
sep_markup =
font = Ubuntu 12px
#font_fallback = xtg
icon_size = 20
#icon_text_spacing = 10
#icon_theme =
#icon_theme_fallback = xtg
#arrow_string = ▸
#arrow_width = 15
color_menu_bg = #3C3C3C 80
color_menu_border = #ffffff 100
#color_norm_bg = #2b303b 0
color_norm_fg = #F3F3F3 100
color_sel_bg = #E06767 100
color_sel_fg = #FFFFFF 100
color_sel_border = #E06767 100
color_sep_fg = #555555 100
#csv_name_format = %n (%g)
#csv_single_window = 0
#csv_no_dirs = 0
color_title_bg = #3C3C3C 100
color_title_fg = #F3F3F3 100
color_title_border = #eff0f1 100

View File

@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
# jgmenurc
stay_alive = 0
#hide_on_startup = 0
csv_cmd = pmenu
tint2_look = 1
position_mode = ipc
terminal_exec = terminator
terminal_args = -e
#monitor = 0
#hover_delay = 100
#hide_back_items = 1
#columns = 1
menu_margin_x = 4
menu_margin_y = 32
menu_width = 220
#menu_height_min = 0
#menu_height_max = 0
#menu_height_mode = static
menu_padding_top = 25
menu_padding_right = 2
menu_padding_bottom = 5
menu_padding_left = 2
menu_radius = 0
menu_border = 10
menu_halign = left
menu_valign = top
sub_spacing = -2
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#sub_padding_right = auto
#sub_padding_bottom = auto
#sub_padding_left = auto
sub_hover_action = 1
#item_margin_x = 3
item_margin_y = 2
item_height = 20
item_padding_x = 8
item_radius = 0
item_border = 0
#item_halign = left
sep_height = 5
sep_halign = center
sep_markup =
font = Ubuntu 12px
#font_fallback = xtg
icon_size = 20
#icon_text_spacing = 10
#icon_theme =
#icon_theme_fallback = xtg
#arrow_string = ▸
#arrow_width = 15
color_menu_bg = #3B3B3B 80
color_menu_border = #ffffff 100
#color_norm_bg = #2b303b 0
color_norm_fg = #F3F3F3 100
color_sel_bg = #A3C574 100
color_sel_fg = #FFFFFF 100
color_sel_border = #A3C574 100
color_sep_fg = #555555 100
#csv_name_format = %n (%g)
#csv_single_window = 0
#csv_no_dirs = 0
color_title_bg = #3B3B3B 100
color_title_fg = #F3F3F3 100
color_title_border = #eff0f1 100

View File

@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
# jgmenurc
stay_alive = 0
#hide_on_startup = 0
csv_cmd = pmenu
tint2_look = 1
position_mode = ipc
terminal_exec = terminator
terminal_args = -e
#monitor = 0
#hover_delay = 100
#hide_back_items = 1
#columns = 1
menu_margin_x = 4
menu_margin_y = 32
menu_width = 220
#menu_height_min = 0
#menu_height_max = 0
#menu_height_mode = static
menu_padding_top = 25
menu_padding_right = 2
menu_padding_bottom = 5
menu_padding_left = 2
menu_radius = 0
menu_border = 10
menu_halign = left
menu_valign = top
sub_spacing = -2
#sub_padding_top = auto
#sub_padding_right = auto
#sub_padding_bottom = auto
#sub_padding_left = auto
sub_hover_action = 1
#item_margin_x = 3
item_margin_y = 2
item_height = 20
item_padding_x = 8
item_radius = 0
item_border = 0
#item_halign = left
sep_height = 5
sep_halign = center
sep_markup =
font = Ubuntu 12px
#font_fallback = xtg
icon_size = 20
#icon_text_spacing = 10
#icon_theme =
#icon_theme_fallback = xtg
#arrow_string = ▸
#arrow_width = 15
color_menu_bg = #3B3B3B 80
color_menu_border = #ffffff 100
#color_norm_bg = #2b303b 0
color_norm_fg = #F3F3F3 100
color_sel_bg = #89ADD4 100
color_sel_fg = #FFFFFF 100
color_sel_border = #89ADD4 100
color_sep_fg = #555555 100
#csv_name_format = %n (%g)
#csv_single_window = 0
#csv_no_dirs = 0
color_title_bg = #3B3B3B 100
color_title_fg = #F3F3F3 100
color_title_border = #eff0f1 100

View File

@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
# jgmenurc
stay_alive = 0
#hide_on_startup = 0
csv_cmd = pmenu
tint2_look = 1
position_mode = ipc
terminal_exec = terminator
terminal_args = -e
#monitor = 0
#hover_delay = 100
#hide_back_items = 1
#columns = 1
menu_margin_x = 4
menu_margin_y = 32
menu_width = 220
#menu_height_min = 0
#menu_height_max = 0
#menu_height_mode = static
menu_padding_top = 25
menu_padding_right = 2
menu_padding_bottom = 5
menu_padding_left = 2
menu_radius = 0
menu_border = 10
menu_halign = left
menu_valign = top
sub_spacing = -2
#sub_padding_top = auto
#sub_padding_right = auto
#sub_padding_bottom = auto
#sub_padding_left = auto
sub_hover_action = 1
#item_margin_x = 3
item_margin_y = 2
item_height = 20
item_padding_x = 8
item_radius = 0
item_border = 0
#item_halign = left
sep_height = 5
sep_halign = center
sep_markup =
font = Ubuntu 12px
#font_fallback = xtg
icon_size = 20
#icon_text_spacing = 10
#icon_theme =
#icon_theme_fallback = xtg
#arrow_string = ▸
#arrow_width = 15
color_menu_bg = #3B3B3B 80
color_menu_border = #ffffff 100
#color_norm_bg = #2b303b 0
color_norm_fg = #F3F3F3 100
color_sel_bg = #7C807F 100
color_sel_fg = #FFFFFF 100
color_sel_border = #7C807F 100
color_sep_fg = #555555 100
#csv_name_format = %n (%g)
#csv_single_window = 0
#csv_no_dirs = 0
color_title_bg = #3B3B3B 100
color_title_fg = #F3F3F3 100
color_title_border = #eff0f1 100

View File

@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
# jgmenurc
stay_alive = 0
#hide_on_startup = 0
csv_cmd = pmenu
tint2_look = 1
position_mode = ipc
terminal_exec = terminator
terminal_args = -e
#monitor = 0
#hover_delay = 100
#hide_back_items = 1
#columns = 1
menu_margin_x = 4
menu_margin_y = 32
menu_width = 220
#menu_height_min = 0
#menu_height_max = 0
#menu_height_mode = static
menu_padding_top = 25
menu_padding_right = 2
menu_padding_bottom = 5
menu_padding_left = 2
menu_radius = 0
menu_border = 10
menu_halign = left
menu_valign = top
sub_spacing = -2
#sub_padding_top = auto
#sub_padding_right = auto
#sub_padding_bottom = auto
#sub_padding_left = auto
sub_hover_action = 1
#item_margin_x = 3
item_margin_y = 2
item_height = 20
item_padding_x = 8
item_radius = 0
item_border = 0
#item_halign = left
sep_height = 5
sep_halign = center
sep_markup =
font = Ubuntu 12px
#font_fallback = xtg
icon_size = 20
#icon_text_spacing = 10
#icon_theme =
#icon_theme_fallback = xtg
#arrow_string = ▸
#arrow_width = 15
color_menu_bg = #464139 80
color_menu_border = #ffffff 100
#color_norm_bg = #2b303b 0
color_norm_fg = #F3F2F1 100
color_sel_bg = #BCA084 100
color_sel_fg = #FFFFFF 100
color_sel_border = #BCA084 100
color_sep_fg = #555350 100
#csv_name_format = %n (%g)
#csv_single_window = 0
#csv_no_dirs = 0
color_title_bg = #464139 100
color_title_fg = #F3F2F1 100
color_title_border = #eff0f1 100

View File

@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
# jgmenurc
stay_alive = 0
#hide_on_startup = 0
csv_cmd = pmenu
tint2_look = 1
position_mode = ipc
terminal_exec = terminator
terminal_args = -e
#monitor = 0
#hover_delay = 100
#hide_back_items = 1
#columns = 1
menu_margin_x = 4
menu_margin_y = 32
menu_width = 220
#menu_height_min = 0
#menu_height_max = 0
#menu_height_mode = static
menu_padding_top = 25
menu_padding_right = 2
menu_padding_bottom = 5
menu_padding_left = 2
menu_radius = 0
menu_border = 10
menu_halign = left
menu_valign = top
sub_spacing = -2
#sub_padding_top = auto
#sub_padding_right = auto
#sub_padding_bottom = auto
#sub_padding_left = auto
sub_hover_action = 1
#item_margin_x = 3
item_margin_y = 2
item_height = 20
item_padding_x = 8
item_radius = 0
item_border = 0
#item_halign = left
sep_height = 5
sep_halign = center
sep_markup =
font = Ubuntu 12px
#font_fallback = xtg
icon_size = 20
#icon_text_spacing = 10
#icon_theme =
#icon_theme_fallback = xtg
#arrow_string = ▸
#arrow_width = 15
color_menu_bg = #3B3B3B 80
color_menu_border = #ffffff 100
#color_norm_bg = #2b303b 0
color_norm_fg = #F3F3F3 100
color_sel_bg = #F1AE68 100
color_sel_fg = #FFFFFF 100
color_sel_border = #F1AE68 100
color_sep_fg = #555555 100
#csv_name_format = %n (%g)
#csv_single_window = 0
#csv_no_dirs = 0
color_title_bg = #3B3B3B 100
color_title_fg = #F3F3F3 100
color_title_border = #eff0f1 100

View File

@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
# jgmenurc
stay_alive = 0
#hide_on_startup = 0
csv_cmd = pmenu
tint2_look = 1
position_mode = ipc
terminal_exec = terminator
terminal_args = -e
#monitor = 0
#hover_delay = 100
#hide_back_items = 1
#columns = 1
menu_margin_x = 4
menu_margin_y = 32
menu_width = 220
#menu_height_min = 0
#menu_height_max = 0
#menu_height_mode = static
menu_padding_top = 25
menu_padding_right = 2
menu_padding_bottom = 5
menu_padding_left = 2
menu_radius = 0
menu_border = 10
menu_halign = left
menu_valign = top
sub_spacing = -2
#sub_padding_top = auto
#sub_padding_right = auto
#sub_padding_bottom = auto
#sub_padding_left = auto
sub_hover_action = 1
#item_margin_x = 3
item_margin_y = 2
item_height = 20
item_padding_x = 8
item_radius = 0
item_border = 0
#item_halign = left
sep_height = 5
sep_halign = center
sep_markup =
font = Ubuntu 12px
#font_fallback = xtg
icon_size = 20
#icon_text_spacing = 10
#icon_theme =
#icon_theme_fallback = xtg
#arrow_string = ▸
#arrow_width = 15
color_menu_bg = #3B3B3B 80
color_menu_border = #ffffff 100
#color_norm_bg = #2b303b 0
color_norm_fg = #F3F3F3 100
color_sel_bg = #F1A2AD 100
color_sel_fg = #FFFFFF 100
color_sel_border = #F1A2AD 100
color_sep_fg = #555555 100
#csv_name_format = %n (%g)
#csv_single_window = 0
#csv_no_dirs = 0
color_title_bg = #3B3B3B 100
color_title_fg = #F3F3F3 100
color_title_border = #eff0f1 100

View File

@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
# jgmenurc
stay_alive = 0
#hide_on_startup = 0
csv_cmd = pmenu
tint2_look = 1
position_mode = ipc
terminal_exec = terminator
terminal_args = -e
#monitor = 0
#hover_delay = 100
#hide_back_items = 1
#columns = 1
menu_margin_x = 4
menu_margin_y = 32
menu_width = 220
#menu_height_min = 0
#menu_height_max = 0
#menu_height_mode = static
menu_padding_top = 25
menu_padding_right = 2
menu_padding_bottom = 5
menu_padding_left = 2
menu_radius = 0
menu_border = 10
menu_halign = left
menu_valign = top
sub_spacing = -2
#sub_padding_top = auto
#sub_padding_right = auto
#sub_padding_bottom = auto
#sub_padding_left = auto
sub_hover_action = 1
#item_margin_x = 3
item_margin_y = 2
item_height = 20
item_padding_x = 8
item_radius = 0
item_border = 0
#item_halign = left
sep_height = 5
sep_halign = center
sep_markup =
font = Ubuntu 12px
#font_fallback = xtg
icon_size = 20
#icon_text_spacing = 10
#icon_theme =
#icon_theme_fallback = xtg
#arrow_string = ▸
#arrow_width = 15
color_menu_bg = #3B3B3B 80
color_menu_border = #ffffff 100
#color_norm_bg = #2b303b 0
color_norm_fg = #F3F3F3 100
color_sel_bg = #B790B3 100
color_sel_fg = #FFFFFF 100
color_sel_border = #B790B3 100
color_sep_fg = #555555 100
#csv_name_format = %n (%g)
#csv_single_window = 0
#csv_no_dirs = 0
color_title_bg = #3B3B3B 100
color_title_fg = #F3F3F3 100
color_title_border = #eff0f1 100

View File

@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
# jgmenurc
stay_alive = 0
#hide_on_startup = 0
csv_cmd = pmenu
tint2_look = 1
position_mode = ipc
terminal_exec = terminator
terminal_args = -e
#monitor = 0
#hover_delay = 100
#hide_back_items = 1
#columns = 1
menu_margin_x = 4
menu_margin_y = 32
menu_width = 220
#menu_height_min = 0
#menu_height_max = 0
#menu_height_mode = static
menu_padding_top = 25
menu_padding_right = 2
menu_padding_bottom = 5
menu_padding_left = 2
menu_radius = 0
menu_border = 10
menu_halign = left
menu_valign = top
sub_spacing = -2
#sub_padding_top = auto
#sub_padding_right = auto
#sub_padding_bottom = auto
#sub_padding_left = auto
sub_hover_action = 1
#item_margin_x = 3
item_margin_y = 2
item_height = 20
item_padding_x = 8
item_radius = 0
item_border = 0
#item_halign = left
sep_height = 5
sep_halign = center
sep_markup =
font = Ubuntu 12px
#font_fallback = xtg
icon_size = 20
#icon_text_spacing = 10
#icon_theme =
#icon_theme_fallback = xtg
#arrow_string = ▸
#arrow_width = 15
color_menu_bg = #3B3B3B 80
color_menu_border = #ffffff 100
#color_norm_bg = #2b303b 0
color_norm_fg = #F3F3F3 100
color_sel_bg = #C9CCB9 100
color_sel_fg = #000000 100
color_sel_border = #C9CCB9 100
color_sep_fg = #555555 100
#csv_name_format = %n (%g)
#csv_single_window = 0
#csv_no_dirs = 0
color_title_bg = #3B3B3B 100
color_title_fg = #F3F3F3 100
color_title_border = #eff0f1 100

View File

@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
# jgmenurc
stay_alive = 0
#hide_on_startup = 0
csv_cmd = pmenu
tint2_look = 1
position_mode = ipc
terminal_exec = terminator
terminal_args = -e
#monitor = 0
#hover_delay = 100
#hide_back_items = 1
#columns = 1
menu_margin_x = 4
menu_margin_y = 32
menu_width = 220
#menu_height_min = 0
#menu_height_max = 0
#menu_height_mode = static
menu_padding_top = 25
menu_padding_right = 2
menu_padding_bottom = 5
menu_padding_left = 2
menu_radius = 0
menu_border = 10
menu_halign = left
menu_valign = top
sub_spacing = -2
#sub_padding_top = auto
#sub_padding_right = auto
#sub_padding_bottom = auto
#sub_padding_left = auto
sub_hover_action = 1
#item_margin_x = 3
item_margin_y = 2
item_height = 20
item_padding_x = 8
item_radius = 0
item_border = 0
#item_halign = left
sep_height = 5
sep_halign = center
sep_markup =
font = Ubuntu 12px
#font_fallback = xtg
icon_size = 20
#icon_text_spacing = 10
#icon_theme =
#icon_theme_fallback = xtg
#arrow_string = ▸
#arrow_width = 15
color_menu_bg = #3B3B3B 80
color_menu_border = #ffffff 100
#color_norm_bg = #2b303b 0
color_norm_fg = #F3F3F3 100
color_sel_bg = #E06767 100
color_sel_fg = #FFFFFF 100
color_sel_border = #E06767 100
color_sep_fg = #555555 100
#csv_name_format = %n (%g)
#csv_single_window = 0
#csv_no_dirs = 0
color_title_bg = #3B3B3B 100
color_title_fg = #F3F3F3 100
color_title_border = #eff0f1 100

View File

@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
# jgmenurc
stay_alive = 0
#hide_on_startup = 0
csv_cmd = pmenu
tint2_look = 1
position_mode = ipc
terminal_exec = terminator
terminal_args = -e
#monitor = 0
#hover_delay = 100
#hide_back_items = 1
#columns = 1
menu_margin_x = 4
menu_margin_y = 32
menu_width = 220
#menu_height_min = 0
#menu_height_max = 0
#menu_height_mode = static
menu_padding_top = 25
menu_padding_right = 2
menu_padding_bottom = 5
menu_padding_left = 2
menu_radius = 0
menu_border = 10
menu_halign = left
menu_valign = top
sub_spacing = -2
#sub_padding_top = auto
#sub_padding_right = auto
#sub_padding_bottom = auto
#sub_padding_left = auto
sub_hover_action = 1
#item_margin_x = 3
item_margin_y = 2
item_height = 20
item_padding_x = 8
item_radius = 0
item_border = 0
#item_halign = left
sep_height = 5
sep_halign = center
sep_markup =
font = Ubuntu 12px
#font_fallback = xtg
icon_size = 20
#icon_text_spacing = 10
#icon_theme =
#icon_theme_fallback = xtg
#arrow_string = ▸
#arrow_width = 15
color_menu_bg = #3B3B3B 80
color_menu_border = #ffffff 100
#color_norm_bg = #2b303b 0
color_norm_fg = #F3F3F3 100
color_sel_bg = #A3C574 100
color_sel_fg = #FFFFFF 100
color_sel_border = #A3C574 100
color_sep_fg = #555555 100
#csv_name_format = %n (%g)
#csv_single_window = 0
#csv_no_dirs = 0
color_title_bg = #3B3B3B 100
color_title_fg = #F3F3F3 100
color_title_border = #eff0f1 100

View File

@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
# jgmenurc
stay_alive = 0
#hide_on_startup = 0
csv_cmd = pmenu
tint2_look = 1
position_mode = ipc
terminal_exec = terminator
terminal_args = -e
#monitor = 0
#hover_delay = 100
#hide_back_items = 1
#columns = 1
menu_margin_x = 4
menu_margin_y = 32
menu_width = 220
#menu_height_min = 0
#menu_height_max = 0
#menu_height_mode = static
menu_padding_top = 25
menu_padding_right = 2
menu_padding_bottom = 5
menu_padding_left = 2
menu_radius = 0
menu_border = 10
menu_halign = left
menu_valign = top
sub_spacing = -2
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#sub_padding_bottom = auto
#sub_padding_left = auto
sub_hover_action = 1
#item_margin_x = 3
item_margin_y = 2
item_height = 20
item_padding_x = 8
item_radius = 0
item_border = 0
#item_halign = left
sep_height = 5
sep_halign = Center
sep_markup =
font = Ubuntu 12px
#font_fallback = xtg
icon_size = 20
#icon_text_spacing = 10
#icon_theme =
#icon_theme_fallback = xtg
#arrow_string = ▸
#arrow_width = 15
color_menu_bg = #333333 70
color_menu_border = #eeeeec 100
#color_norm_bg = #2b303b 0
color_norm_fg = #f6cb33 100
color_sel_bg = #5e0b0b 100
color_sel_fg = #f6cb33 100
color_sel_border = #5e0b0b 100
color_sep_fg = #4c4c4c 100
#csv_name_format = %n (%g)
#csv_single_window = 0
#csv_no_dirs = 0
color_title_bg = #333333 100
color_title_fg = #f6cb33 100
color_title_border = #4c4c4c 100

View File

@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
# jgmenurc
stay_alive = 0
#hide_on_startup = 0
csv_cmd = pmenu
tint2_look = 1
position_mode = ipc
terminal_exec = terminator
terminal_args = -e
#monitor = 0
#hover_delay = 100
#hide_back_items = 1
#columns = 1
menu_margin_x = 4
menu_margin_y = 32
menu_width = 220
#menu_height_min = 0
#menu_height_max = 0
#menu_height_mode = static
menu_padding_top = 25
menu_padding_right = 2
menu_padding_bottom = 5
menu_padding_left = 2
menu_radius = 0
menu_border = 4
menu_halign = left
menu_valign = top
sub_spacing = -2
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#sub_padding_right = auto
#sub_padding_bottom = auto
#sub_padding_left = auto
sub_hover_action = 1
#item_margin_x = 3
item_margin_y = 2
item_height = 20
item_padding_x = 8
item_radius = 0
item_border = 0
#item_halign = left
sep_height = 5
sep_halign = Right
sep_markup =
font = Ubuntu 12px
#font_fallback = xtg
icon_size = 20
#icon_text_spacing = 10
#icon_theme =
#icon_theme_fallback = xtg
#arrow_string = ▸
#arrow_width = 15
color_menu_bg = #2c2c2c 80
color_menu_border = #2c2c2c 100
#color_norm_bg = #2b303b 0
color_norm_fg = #e9e9e9 100
color_sel_bg = #169f6f 100
color_sel_fg = #e9e9e9 100
color_sel_border = #169f6f 100
color_sep_fg = #169f6f 100
#csv_name_format = %n (%g)
#csv_single_window = 0
#csv_no_dirs = 0
color_title_bg = #169f6f 100
color_title_fg = #e9e9e9 100
color_title_border = #2c2c2c 100

View File

@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
# jgmenurc
stay_alive = 0
#hide_on_startup = 0
csv_cmd = pmenu
tint2_look = 1
position_mode = ipc
terminal_exec = terminator
terminal_args = -e
#monitor = 0
#hover_delay = 100
#hide_back_items = 1
#columns = 1
menu_margin_x = 4
menu_margin_y = 32
menu_width = 220
#menu_height_min = 0
#menu_height_max = 0
#menu_height_mode = static
menu_padding_top = 25
menu_padding_right = 2
menu_padding_bottom = 5
menu_padding_left = 2
menu_radius = 0
menu_border = 4
menu_halign = left
menu_valign = top
sub_spacing = -2
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#sub_padding_bottom = auto
#sub_padding_left = auto
sub_hover_action = 1
#item_margin_x = 3
item_margin_y = 2
item_height = 20
item_padding_x = 8
item_radius = 0
item_border = 0
#item_halign = left
sep_height = 5
sep_halign = center
sep_markup =
font = Ubuntu 12px
#font_fallback = xtg
icon_size = 20
#icon_text_spacing = 10
#icon_theme =
#icon_theme_fallback = xtg
#arrow_string = ▸
#arrow_width = 15
color_menu_bg = #1b2224 80
color_menu_border = #76797F 100
#color_norm_bg = #2b303b 0
color_norm_fg = #D3DAE3 100
color_sel_bg = #2f9b85 100
color_sel_fg = #ffffff 100
color_sel_border = #2f9b85 100
color_sep_fg = #76797F 100
#csv_name_format = %n (%g)
#csv_single_window = 0
#csv_no_dirs = 0
color_title_bg = #2d3036 100
color_title_fg = #D3DAE3 100
color_title_border = #eff0f1 100

View File

@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
# jgmenurc
stay_alive = 0
#hide_on_startup = 0
csv_cmd = pmenu
tint2_look = 1
position_mode = ipc
terminal_exec = terminator
terminal_args = -e
#monitor = 0
#hover_delay = 100
#hide_back_items = 1
#columns = 1
menu_margin_x = 4
menu_margin_y = 32
menu_width = 220
#menu_height_min = 0
#menu_height_max = 0
#menu_height_mode = static
menu_padding_top = 25
menu_padding_right = 2
menu_padding_bottom = 5
menu_padding_left = 2
menu_radius = 0
menu_border = 0
menu_halign = left
menu_valign = top
sub_spacing = -2
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#sub_padding_bottom = auto
#sub_padding_left = auto
sub_hover_action = 1
#item_margin_x = 3
item_margin_y = 2
item_height = 20
item_padding_x = 8
item_radius = 0
item_border = 0
#item_halign = left
sep_height = 5
sep_halign = center
sep_markup =
font = Ubuntu 12px
#font_fallback = xtg
icon_size = 20
#icon_text_spacing = 10
#icon_theme =
#icon_theme_fallback = xtg
#arrow_string = ▸
#arrow_width = 15
color_menu_bg = #f5f6f7 80
color_menu_border = #aeb0b6 100
#color_norm_bg = #2b303b 0
color_norm_fg = #2d3036 100
color_sel_bg = #2f9b85 100
color_sel_fg = #ffffff 100
color_sel_border = #2f9b85 100
color_sep_fg = #a8adb5 100
#csv_name_format = %n (%g)
#csv_single_window = 0
#csv_no_dirs = 0
color_title_bg = #2d3036 100
color_title_fg = #D3DAE3 100
color_title_border = #eff0f1 100

View File

@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
# jgmenurc
stay_alive = 0
#hide_on_startup = 0
csv_cmd = pmenu
tint2_look = 1
position_mode = ipc
terminal_exec = terminator
terminal_args = -e
#monitor = 0
#hover_delay = 100
#hide_back_items = 1
#columns = 1
menu_margin_x = 4
menu_margin_y = 32
menu_width = 220
#menu_height_min = 0
#menu_height_max = 0
#menu_height_mode = static
menu_padding_top = 25
menu_padding_right = 2
menu_padding_bottom = 5
menu_padding_left = 2
menu_radius = 0
menu_border = 0
menu_halign = left
menu_valign = top
sub_spacing = -2
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#sub_padding_right = auto
#sub_padding_bottom = auto
#sub_padding_left = auto
sub_hover_action = 1
#item_margin_x = 3
item_margin_y = 2
item_height = 20
item_padding_x = 8
item_radius = 0
item_border = 0
#item_halign = left
sep_height = 5
sep_halign = center
sep_markup =
font = Ubuntu 12px
#font_fallback = xtg
icon_size = 20
#icon_text_spacing = 10
#icon_theme =
#icon_theme_fallback = xtg
#arrow_string = ▸
#arrow_width = 15
color_menu_bg = #f5f6f7 80
color_menu_border = #aeb0b6 100
#color_norm_bg = #2b303b 0
color_norm_fg = #2d3036 100
color_sel_bg = #F0544C 100
color_sel_fg = #ffffff 100
color_sel_border = #F0544C 100
color_sep_fg = #a8adb5 100
#csv_name_format = %n (%g)
#csv_single_window = 0
#csv_no_dirs = 0
color_title_bg = #2d3036 100
color_title_fg = #D3DAE3 100
color_title_border = #eff0f1 100

View File

@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
# jgmenurc
stay_alive = 0
#hide_on_startup = 0
csv_cmd = pmenu
tint2_look = 1
position_mode = ipc
terminal_exec = terminator
terminal_args = -e
#monitor = 0
#hover_delay = 100
#hide_back_items = 1
#columns = 1
menu_margin_x = 4
menu_margin_y = 32
menu_width = 220
#menu_height_min = 0
#menu_height_max = 0
#menu_height_mode = static
menu_padding_top = 25
menu_padding_right = 2
menu_padding_bottom = 5
menu_padding_left = 2
menu_radius = 0
menu_border = 0
menu_halign = left
menu_valign = top
sub_spacing = -2
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#sub_padding_right = auto
#sub_padding_bottom = auto
#sub_padding_left = auto
sub_hover_action = 1
#item_margin_x = 3
item_margin_y = 2
item_height = 20
item_padding_x = 8
item_radius = 0
item_border = 0
#item_halign = left
sep_height = 5
sep_halign = center
sep_markup =
font = Ubuntu 12px
#font_fallback = xtg
icon_size = 20
#icon_text_spacing = 10
#icon_theme =
#icon_theme_fallback = xtg
#arrow_string = ▸
#arrow_width = 15
color_menu_bg = #f5f6f7 80
color_menu_border = #aeb0b6 100
#color_norm_bg = #2b303b 0
color_norm_fg = #2d3036 100
color_sel_bg = #3498db 100
color_sel_fg = #ffffff 100
color_sel_border = #3498db 100
color_sep_fg = #a8adb5 100
#csv_name_format = %n (%g)
#csv_single_window = 0
#csv_no_dirs = 0
color_title_bg = #2d3036 100
color_title_fg = #D3DAE3 100
color_title_border = #eff0f1 100

View File

@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
# jgmenurc
stay_alive = 0
#hide_on_startup = 0
csv_cmd = pmenu
tint2_look = 1
position_mode = ipc
terminal_exec = terminator
terminal_args = -e
#monitor = 0
#hover_delay = 100
#hide_back_items = 1
#columns = 1
menu_margin_x = 4
menu_margin_y = 32
menu_width = 220
#menu_height_min = 0
#menu_height_max = 0
#menu_height_mode = static
menu_padding_top = 25
menu_padding_right = 2
menu_padding_bottom = 5
menu_padding_left = 2
menu_radius = 0
menu_border = 0
menu_halign = left
menu_valign = top
sub_spacing = -2
#sub_padding_top = auto
#sub_padding_right = auto
#sub_padding_bottom = auto
#sub_padding_left = auto
sub_hover_action = 1
#item_margin_x = 3
item_margin_y = 2
item_height = 20
item_padding_x = 8
item_radius = 0
item_border = 0
#item_halign = left
sep_height = 5
sep_halign = center
sep_markup =
font = Ubuntu 12px
#font_fallback = xtg
icon_size = 20
#icon_text_spacing = 10
#icon_theme =
#icon_theme_fallback = xtg
#arrow_string = ▸
#arrow_width = 15
color_menu_bg = #1a1a1a 80
color_menu_border = #2d3036 100
#color_norm_bg = #2b303b 0
color_norm_fg = #D3DAE3 100
color_sel_bg = #F0544C 100
color_sel_fg = #ffffff 100
color_sel_border = #F0544C 100
color_sep_fg = #2d3036 100
#csv_name_format = %n (%g)
#csv_single_window = 0
#csv_no_dirs = 0
color_title_bg = #2d3036 100
color_title_fg = #D3DAE3 100
color_title_border = #eff0f1 100

View File

@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
# jgmenurc
stay_alive = 0
#hide_on_startup = 0
csv_cmd = pmenu
tint2_look = 1
position_mode = ipc
terminal_exec = terminator
terminal_args = -e
#monitor = 0
#hover_delay = 100
#hide_back_items = 1
#columns = 1
menu_margin_x = 4
menu_margin_y = 32
menu_width = 220
#menu_height_min = 0
#menu_height_max = 0
#menu_height_mode = static
menu_padding_top = 25
menu_padding_right = 2
menu_padding_bottom = 5
menu_padding_left = 2
menu_radius = 0
menu_border = 0
menu_halign = left
menu_valign = top
sub_spacing = -2
#sub_padding_top = auto
#sub_padding_right = auto
#sub_padding_bottom = auto
#sub_padding_left = auto
sub_hover_action = 1
#item_margin_x = 3
item_margin_y = 2
item_height = 20
item_padding_x = 8
item_radius = 0
item_border = 0
#item_halign = left
sep_height = 5
sep_halign = center
sep_markup =
font = Ubuntu 12px
#font_fallback = xtg
icon_size = 20
#icon_text_spacing = 10
#icon_theme =
#icon_theme_fallback = xtg
#arrow_string = ▸
#arrow_width = 15
color_menu_bg = #14161B 80
color_menu_border = #2d3036 100
#color_norm_bg = #2b303b 0
color_norm_fg = #D3DAE3 100
color_sel_bg = #3498db 100
color_sel_fg = #ffffff 100
color_sel_border = #3498db 100
color_sep_fg = #2d3036 100
#csv_name_format = %n (%g)
#csv_single_window = 0
#csv_no_dirs = 0
color_title_bg = #2d3036 100
color_title_fg = #D3DAE3 100
color_title_border = #eff0f1 100

View File

@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
# jgmenurc
stay_alive = 0
#hide_on_startup = 0
csv_cmd = pmenu
tint2_look = 1
position_mode = ipc
terminal_exec = terminator
terminal_args = -e
#monitor = 0
#hover_delay = 100
#hide_back_items = 1
#columns = 1
menu_margin_x = 4
menu_margin_y = 32
menu_width = 220
#menu_height_min = 0
#menu_height_max = 0
#menu_height_mode = static
menu_padding_top = 25
menu_padding_right = 2
menu_padding_bottom = 5
menu_padding_left = 2
menu_radius = 0
menu_border = 0
menu_halign = left
menu_valign = top
sub_spacing = -2
#sub_padding_top = auto
#sub_padding_right = auto
#sub_padding_bottom = auto
#sub_padding_left = auto
sub_hover_action = 1
#item_margin_x = 3
item_margin_y = 2
item_height = 20
item_padding_x = 8
item_radius = 0
item_border = 0
#item_halign = left
sep_height = 5
sep_halign = center
sep_markup =
font = Ubuntu 12px
#font_fallback = xtg
icon_size = 20
#icon_text_spacing = 10
#icon_theme =
#icon_theme_fallback = xtg
#arrow_string = ▸
#arrow_width = 15
color_menu_bg = #1b2224 80
color_menu_border = #2d3036 100
#color_norm_bg = #2b303b 0
color_norm_fg = #D3DAE3 100
color_sel_bg = #2f9b85 100
color_sel_fg = #ffffff 100
color_sel_border = #2f9b85 100
color_sep_fg = #2d3036 100
#csv_name_format = %n (%g)
#csv_single_window = 0
#csv_no_dirs = 0
color_title_bg = #2d3036 100
color_title_fg = #D3DAE3 100
color_title_border = #eff0f1 100

View File

@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
# jgmenurc
stay_alive = 0
#hide_on_startup = 0
csv_cmd = pmenu
tint2_look = 1
position_mode = ipc
terminal_exec = terminator
terminal_args = -e
#monitor = 0
#hover_delay = 100
#hide_back_items = 1
#columns = 1
menu_margin_x = 4
menu_margin_y = 32
menu_width = 220
#menu_height_min = 0
#menu_height_max = 0
#menu_height_mode = static
menu_padding_top = 25
menu_padding_right = 2
menu_padding_bottom = 5
menu_padding_left = 2
menu_radius = 0
menu_border = 0
menu_halign = left
menu_valign = top
sub_spacing = -2
#sub_padding_top = auto
#sub_padding_right = auto
#sub_padding_bottom = auto
#sub_padding_left = auto
sub_hover_action = 1
#item_margin_x = 3
item_margin_y = 2
item_height = 20
item_padding_x = 8
item_radius = 0
item_border = 0
#item_halign = left
sep_height = 5
sep_halign = center
sep_markup =
font = Ubuntu 12px
#font_fallback = xtg
icon_size = 20
#icon_text_spacing = 10
#icon_theme =
#icon_theme_fallback = xtg
#arrow_string = ▸
#arrow_width = 15
color_menu_bg = #f5f6f7 80
color_menu_border = #aeb0b6 100
#color_norm_bg = #2b303b 0
color_norm_fg = #2d3036 100
color_sel_bg = #F0544C 100
color_sel_fg = #ffffff 100
color_sel_border = #F0544C 100
color_sep_fg = #a8adb5 100
#csv_name_format = %n (%g)
#csv_single_window = 0
#csv_no_dirs = 0
color_title_bg = #2d3036 100
color_title_fg = #D3DAE3 100
color_title_border = #eff0f1 100

View File

@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
# jgmenurc
stay_alive = 0
#hide_on_startup = 0
csv_cmd = pmenu
tint2_look = 1
position_mode = ipc
terminal_exec = terminator
terminal_args = -e
#monitor = 0
#hover_delay = 100
#hide_back_items = 1
#columns = 1
menu_margin_x = 4
menu_margin_y = 32
menu_width = 220
#menu_height_min = 0
#menu_height_max = 0
#menu_height_mode = static
menu_padding_top = 25
menu_padding_right = 2
menu_padding_bottom = 5
menu_padding_left = 2
menu_radius = 0
menu_border = 0
menu_halign = left
menu_valign = top
sub_spacing = -2
#sub_padding_top = auto
#sub_padding_right = auto
#sub_padding_bottom = auto
#sub_padding_left = auto
sub_hover_action = 1
#item_margin_x = 3
item_margin_y = 2
item_height = 20
item_padding_x = 8
item_radius = 0
item_border = 0
#item_halign = left
sep_height = 5
sep_halign = center
sep_markup =
font = Ubuntu 12px
#font_fallback = xtg
icon_size = 20
#icon_text_spacing = 10
#icon_theme =
#icon_theme_fallback = xtg
#arrow_string = ▸
#arrow_width = 15
color_menu_bg = #f5f6f7 80
color_menu_border = #aeb0b6 100
#color_norm_bg = #2b303b 0
color_norm_fg = #2d3036 100
color_sel_bg = #3498db 100
color_sel_fg = #ffffff 100
color_sel_border = #3498db 100
color_sep_fg = #a8adb5 100
#csv_name_format = %n (%g)
#csv_single_window = 0
#csv_no_dirs = 0
color_title_bg = #2d3036 100
color_title_fg = #D3DAE3 100
color_title_border = #eff0f1 100

View File

@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
# jgmenurc
stay_alive = 0
#hide_on_startup = 0
csv_cmd = pmenu
tint2_look = 1
position_mode = ipc
terminal_exec = terminator
terminal_args = -e
#monitor = 0
#hover_delay = 100
#hide_back_items = 1
#columns = 1
menu_margin_x = 4
menu_margin_y = 32
menu_width = 220
#menu_height_min = 0
#menu_height_max = 0
#menu_height_mode = static
menu_padding_top = 25
menu_padding_right = 2
menu_padding_bottom = 5
menu_padding_left = 2
menu_radius = 0
menu_border = 0
menu_halign = left
menu_valign = top
sub_spacing = -2
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sub_hover_action = 1
#item_margin_x = 3
item_margin_y = 2
item_height = 20
item_padding_x = 8
item_radius = 0
item_border = 0
#item_halign = left
sep_height = 5
sep_halign = center
sep_markup =
font = Ubuntu 12px
#font_fallback = xtg
icon_size = 20
#icon_text_spacing = 10
#icon_theme =
#icon_theme_fallback = xtg
#arrow_string = ▸
#arrow_width = 15
color_menu_bg = #f5f6f7 80
color_menu_border = #aeb0b6 100
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color_norm_fg = #2d3036 100
color_sel_bg = #2f9b85 100
color_sel_fg = #ffffff 100
color_sel_border = #2f9b85 100
color_sep_fg = #a8adb5 100
#csv_name_format = %n (%g)
#csv_single_window = 0
#csv_no_dirs = 0
color_title_bg = #2d3036 100
color_title_fg = #D3DAE3 100
color_title_border = #eff0f1 100

View File

@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
# jgmenurc
stay_alive = 0
#hide_on_startup = 0
csv_cmd = pmenu
tint2_look = 1
position_mode = ipc
terminal_exec = terminator
terminal_args = -e
#monitor = 0
#hover_delay = 100
#hide_back_items = 1
#columns = 1
menu_margin_x = 4
menu_margin_y = 32
menu_width = 220
#menu_height_min = 0
#menu_height_max = 0
#menu_height_mode = static
menu_padding_top = 25
menu_padding_right = 2
menu_padding_bottom = 5
menu_padding_left = 2
menu_radius = 0
menu_border = 0
menu_halign = left
menu_valign = top
sub_spacing = -2
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#sub_padding_bottom = auto
#sub_padding_left = auto
sub_hover_action = 1
#item_margin_x = 3
item_margin_y = 2
item_height = 20
item_padding_x = 8
item_radius = 0
item_border = 0
#item_halign = left
sep_height = 5
sep_halign = center
sep_markup =
font = Ubuntu 12px
#font_fallback = xtg
icon_size = 20
#icon_text_spacing = 10
#icon_theme =
#icon_theme_fallback = xtg
#arrow_string = ▸
#arrow_width = 15
color_menu_bg = #f5f6f7 80
color_menu_border = #aeb0b6 100
#color_norm_bg = #2b303b 0
color_norm_fg = #2d3036 100
color_sel_bg = #2f9b85 100
color_sel_fg = #ffffff 100
color_sel_border = #2f9b85 100
color_sep_fg = #a8adb5 100
#csv_name_format = %n (%g)
#csv_single_window = 0
#csv_no_dirs = 0
color_title_bg = #2d3036 100
color_title_fg = #D3DAE3 100
color_title_border = #eff0f1 100

View File

@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
# jgmenurc
stay_alive = 0
#hide_on_startup = 0
csv_cmd = pmenu
tint2_look = 1
position_mode = ipc
terminal_exec = terminator
terminal_args = -e
#monitor = 0
#hover_delay = 100
#hide_back_items = 1
#columns = 1
menu_margin_x = 4
menu_margin_y = 32
menu_width = 220
#menu_height_min = 0
#menu_height_max = 0
#menu_height_mode = static
menu_padding_top = 25
menu_padding_right = 2
menu_padding_bottom = 5
menu_padding_left = 2
menu_radius = 0
menu_border = 0
menu_halign = left
menu_valign = top
sub_spacing = 0
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#sub_padding_bottom = auto
#sub_padding_left = auto
sub_hover_action = 1
#item_margin_x = 3
item_margin_y = 2
item_height = 20
item_padding_x = 8
item_radius = 0
item_border = 0
#item_halign = left
sep_height = 5
sep_halign = Left
sep_markup =
font = Ubuntu 12px
#font_fallback = xtg
icon_size = 20
#icon_text_spacing = 10
#icon_theme =
#icon_theme_fallback = xtg
#arrow_string = ▸
#arrow_width = 15
color_menu_bg = #DCDAD5 80
color_menu_border = #aeb0b6 100
#color_norm_bg = #2b303b 0
color_norm_fg = #000000 100
color_sel_bg = #01007F 100
color_sel_fg = #FFFFFF 100
color_sel_border = #01007F 100
color_sep_fg = #8F8F8F 100
#csv_name_format = %n (%g)
#csv_single_window = 0
#csv_no_dirs = 0
color_title_bg = #DCDAD5 100
color_title_fg = #000000 100
color_title_border = #8F8F8F 100

View File

@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
# jgmenurc
stay_alive = 0
#hide_on_startup = 0
csv_cmd = pmenu
tint2_look = 1
position_mode = ipc
terminal_exec = terminator
terminal_args = -e
#monitor = 0
#hover_delay = 100
#hide_back_items = 1
#columns = 1
menu_margin_x = 4
menu_margin_y = 32
menu_width = 220
#menu_height_min = 0
#menu_height_max = 0
#menu_height_mode = static
menu_padding_top = 25
menu_padding_right = 2
menu_padding_bottom = 5
menu_padding_left = 2
menu_radius = 0
menu_border = 0
menu_halign = left
menu_valign = top
sub_spacing = 3
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#sub_padding_bottom = auto
#sub_padding_left = auto
sub_hover_action = 1
#item_margin_x = 3
item_margin_y = 2
item_height = 20
item_padding_x = 8
item_radius = 0
item_border = 0
#item_halign = left
sep_height = 5
sep_halign = center
sep_markup =
font = Ubuntu 12px
#font_fallback = xtg
icon_size = 20
#icon_text_spacing = 10
#icon_theme =
#icon_theme_fallback = xtg
#arrow_string = ▸
#arrow_width = 15
color_menu_bg = #B8B8D8 80
color_menu_border = #aeb0b6 100
#color_norm_bg = #2b303b 0
color_norm_fg = #000022 100
color_sel_bg = #555577 100
color_sel_fg = #CCCCFF 100
color_sel_border = #555577 100
color_sep_fg = #8F8F8F 100
#csv_name_format = %n (%g)
#csv_single_window = 0
#csv_no_dirs = 0
color_title_bg = #6699CC 100
color_title_fg = #CCCCFF 100
color_title_border = #000000 100

View File

@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
# jgmenurc
stay_alive = 0
#hide_on_startup = 0
csv_cmd = pmenu
tint2_look = 1
position_mode = ipc
terminal_exec = terminator
terminal_args = -e
#monitor = 0
#hover_delay = 100
#hide_back_items = 1
#columns = 1
menu_margin_x = 4
menu_margin_y = 32
menu_width = 220
#menu_height_min = 0
#menu_height_max = 0
#menu_height_mode = static
menu_padding_top = 25
menu_padding_right = 2
menu_padding_bottom = 5
menu_padding_left = 2
menu_radius = 0
menu_border = 0
menu_halign = left
menu_valign = top
sub_spacing = 0
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#sub_padding_bottom = auto
#sub_padding_left = auto
sub_hover_action = 1
#item_margin_x = 3
item_margin_y = 2
item_height = 20
item_padding_x = 8
item_radius = 0
item_border = 0
#item_halign = left
sep_height = 5
sep_halign = left
sep_markup =
font = Ubuntu 12px
#font_fallback = xtg
icon_size = 20
#icon_text_spacing = 10
#icon_theme =
#icon_theme_fallback = xtg
#arrow_string = ▸
#arrow_width = 15
color_menu_bg = #f9f2ee 80
color_menu_border = #000000 100
#color_norm_bg = #2b303b 0
color_norm_fg = #000000 100
color_sel_bg = #5c4e45 100
color_sel_fg = #f9f2ee 100
color_sel_border = #5c4e45 100
color_sep_fg = #8F8F8F 100
#csv_name_format = %n (%g)
#csv_single_window = 0
#csv_no_dirs = 0
color_title_bg = #5c4e45 100
color_title_fg = #ffffff 100
color_title_border = #000000 100

View File

@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
# jgmenurc
stay_alive = 0
#hide_on_startup = 0
csv_cmd = pmenu
tint2_look = 1
position_mode = ipc
terminal_exec = terminator
terminal_args = -e
#monitor = 0
#hover_delay = 100
#hide_back_items = 1
#columns = 1
menu_margin_x = 4
menu_margin_y = 32
menu_width = 220
#menu_height_min = 0
#menu_height_max = 0
#menu_height_mode = static
menu_padding_top = 25
menu_padding_right = 2
menu_padding_bottom = 5
menu_padding_left = 2
menu_radius = 0
menu_border = 0
menu_halign = left
menu_valign = top
sub_spacing = 0
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sub_hover_action = 1
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item_margin_y = 2
item_height = 20
item_padding_x = 8
item_radius = 0
item_border = 1
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sep_height = 5
sep_halign = center
sep_markup =
font = Ubuntu 12px
#font_fallback = xtg
icon_size = 20
#icon_text_spacing = 10
#icon_theme =
#icon_theme_fallback = xtg
#arrow_string = ▸
#arrow_width = 15
color_menu_bg = #181818 80
color_menu_border = #000000 100
#color_norm_bg = #2b303b 0
color_norm_fg = #ffffff 100
color_sel_bg = #7f1e31 100
color_sel_fg = #ffffff 100
color_sel_border = #c3314f 100
color_sep_fg = #242424 100
#csv_name_format = %n (%g)
#csv_single_window = 0
#csv_no_dirs = 0
color_title_bg = #181818 100
color_title_fg = #ffffff 100
color_title_border = #000000 100

View File

@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
# jgmenurc
stay_alive = 0
#hide_on_startup = 0
csv_cmd = pmenu
tint2_look = 1
position_mode = ipc
terminal_exec = terminator
terminal_args = -e
#monitor = 0
#hover_delay = 100
#hide_back_items = 1
#columns = 1
menu_margin_x = 4
menu_margin_y = 32
menu_width = 220
#menu_height_min = 0
#menu_height_max = 0
#menu_height_mode = static
menu_padding_top = 25
menu_padding_right = 2
menu_padding_bottom = 5
menu_padding_left = 2
menu_radius = 0
menu_border = 0
menu_halign = left
menu_valign = top
sub_spacing = 0
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#sub_padding_bottom = auto
#sub_padding_left = auto
sub_hover_action = 1
#item_margin_x = 3
item_margin_y = 2
item_height = 20
item_padding_x = 8
item_radius = 0
item_border = 1
#item_halign = left
sep_height = 5
sep_halign = center
sep_markup =
font = Ubuntu 12px
#font_fallback = xtg
icon_size = 20
#icon_text_spacing = 10
#icon_theme =
#icon_theme_fallback = xtg
#arrow_string = ▸
#arrow_width = 15
color_menu_bg = #181818 80
color_menu_border = #000000 100
#color_norm_bg = #2b303b 0
color_norm_fg = #ffffff 100
color_sel_bg = #18375a 100
color_sel_fg = #ffffff 100
color_sel_border = #25548a 100
color_sep_fg = #242424 100
#csv_name_format = %n (%g)
#csv_single_window = 0
#csv_no_dirs = 0
color_title_bg = #181818 100
color_title_fg = #ffffff 100
color_title_border = #000000 100

View File

@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
# jgmenurc
stay_alive = 0
#hide_on_startup = 0
csv_cmd = pmenu
tint2_look = 0
at_pointer = 0
terminal_exec = terminator
terminal_args = -e
#monitor = 0
#hover_delay = 100
#hide_back_items = 1
#columns = 1
menu_margin_x = 4
menu_margin_y = 32
menu_width = 220
#menu_height_min = 0
#menu_height_max = 0
#menu_height_mode = static
menu_padding_top = 83
menu_padding_right = 2
menu_padding_bottom = 5
menu_padding_left = 2
menu_radius = 0
menu_border = 2
#menu_halign = left
#menu_valign = top
#sub_spacing = 1
#sub_padding_top = auto
#sub_padding_right = auto
#sub_padding_bottom = auto
#sub_padding_left = auto
sub_hover_action = 1
#item_margin_x = 3
item_margin_y = 2
item_height = 20
item_padding_x = 8
item_radius = 0
item_border = 1
#item_halign = left
sep_height = 5
sep_halign = center
sep_markup =
font = Ubuntu 12px
#font_fallback = xtg
icon_size = 20
#icon_text_spacing = 10
#icon_theme =
#icon_theme_fallback = xtg
#arrow_string = ▸
#arrow_width = 15
color_menu_bg = #181818 60
color_menu_border = #000000 20
color_norm_bg = #2b303b 0
color_norm_fg = #ffffff 100
color_sel_bg = #375a18 60
color_sel_fg = #ffffff 100
color_sel_border = #548a25 100
color_sep_fg = #242424 100
#csv_name_format = %n (%g)
#csv_single_window = 0
#csv_no_dirs = 0
color_title_bg = #181818 80
color_title_fg = #ffffff 100

View File

@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
# jgmenurc
stay_alive = 0
#hide_on_startup = 0
csv_cmd = pmenu
tint2_look = 1
position_mode = ipc
terminal_exec = terminator
terminal_args = -e
#monitor = 0
#hover_delay = 100
#hide_back_items = 1
#columns = 1
menu_margin_x = 4
menu_margin_y = 32
menu_width = 220
#menu_height_min = 0
#menu_height_max = 0
#menu_height_mode = static
menu_padding_top = 25
menu_padding_right = 2
menu_padding_bottom = 5
menu_padding_left = 2
menu_radius = 0
menu_border = 0
menu_halign = left
menu_valign = top
sub_spacing = 0
#sub_padding_top = auto
#sub_padding_right = auto
#sub_padding_bottom = auto
#sub_padding_left = auto
sub_hover_action = 1
#item_margin_x = 3
item_margin_y = 2
item_height = 20
item_padding_x = 8
item_radius = 0
item_border = 1
#item_halign = left
sep_height = 5
sep_halign = center
sep_markup =
font = Ubuntu 12px
#font_fallback = xtg
icon_size = 20
#icon_text_spacing = 10
#icon_theme =
#icon_theme_fallback = xtg
#arrow_string = ▸
#arrow_width = 15
color_menu_bg = #181818 80
color_menu_border = #000000 100
#color_norm_bg = #2b303b 0
color_norm_fg = #ffffff 100
color_sel_bg = #7f1e31 100
color_sel_fg = #ffffff 100
color_sel_border = #c3314f 100
color_sep_fg = #242424 100
#csv_name_format = %n (%g)
#csv_single_window = 0
#csv_no_dirs = 0
color_title_bg = #181818 100
color_title_fg = #ffffff 100
color_title_border = #000000 100

View File

@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
# jgmenurc
stay_alive = 0
#hide_on_startup = 0
csv_cmd = pmenu
tint2_look = 0
at_pointer = 0
terminal_exec = terminator
terminal_args = -e
#monitor = 0
#hover_delay = 100
#hide_back_items = 1
#columns = 1
menu_margin_x = 4
menu_margin_y = 32
menu_width = 220
#menu_height_min = 0
#menu_height_max = 0
#menu_height_mode = static
menu_padding_top = 83
menu_padding_right = 2
menu_padding_bottom = 5
menu_padding_left = 2
menu_radius = 0
menu_border = 2
#menu_halign = left
#menu_valign = top
#sub_spacing = 1
#sub_padding_top = auto
#sub_padding_right = auto
#sub_padding_bottom = auto
#sub_padding_left = auto
sub_hover_action = 1
#item_margin_x = 3
item_margin_y = 2
item_height = 20
item_padding_x = 8
item_radius = 0
item_border = 0
#item_halign = left
sep_height = 5
sep_halign = center
sep_markup =
font = Ubuntu 12px
#font_fallback = xtg
icon_size = 20
#icon_text_spacing = 10
#icon_theme =
#icon_theme_fallback = xtg
#arrow_string = ▸
#arrow_width = 15
color_menu_bg = #444444 80
color_menu_border = #444444 100
color_norm_bg = #2b303b 0
color_norm_fg = #eeeeee 100
color_sel_bg = #f06860 100
color_sel_fg = #ffffff 100
color_sel_border = #f06860 100
color_sep_fg = #262626 100
#csv_name_format = %n (%g)
#csv_single_window = 0
#csv_no_dirs = 0
color_title_bg = #444444 100
color_title_fg = #eeeeee 100

View File

@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
# jgmenurc
stay_alive = 0
#hide_on_startup = 0
csv_cmd = pmenu
tint2_look = 1
position_mode = ipc
terminal_exec = terminator
terminal_args = -e
#monitor = 0
#hover_delay = 100
#hide_back_items = 1
#columns = 1
menu_margin_x = 4
menu_margin_y = 32
menu_width = 220
#menu_height_min = 0
#menu_height_max = 0
#menu_height_mode = static
menu_padding_top = 25
menu_padding_right = 2
menu_padding_bottom = 5
menu_padding_left = 2
menu_radius = 0
menu_border = 0
menu_halign = left
menu_valign = top
sub_spacing = 0
#sub_padding_top = auto
#sub_padding_right = auto
#sub_padding_bottom = auto
#sub_padding_left = auto
sub_hover_action = 1
#item_margin_x = 3
item_margin_y = 2
item_height = 20
item_padding_x = 8
item_radius = 0
item_border = 0
#item_halign = left
sep_height = 5
sep_halign = center
sep_markup =
font = Ubuntu 12px
#font_fallback = xtg
icon_size = 20
#icon_text_spacing = 10
#icon_theme =
#icon_theme_fallback = xtg
#arrow_string = ▸
#arrow_width = 15
color_menu_bg = #303030 80
color_menu_border = #000000 100
#color_norm_bg = #2b303b 0
color_norm_fg = #b8b8b8 100
color_sel_bg = #e18a51 100
color_sel_fg = white 100
color_sel_border = #e18a51 100
color_sep_fg = #242424 100
#csv_name_format = %n (%g)
#csv_single_window = 0
#csv_no_dirs = 0
color_title_bg = #303030 100
color_title_fg = white 100
color_title_border = #000000 100

View File

@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
# jgmenurc
stay_alive = 0
#hide_on_startup = 0
csv_cmd = pmenu
tint2_look = 1
position_mode = ipc
terminal_exec = terminator
terminal_args = -e
#monitor = 0
#hover_delay = 100
#hide_back_items = 1
#columns = 1
menu_margin_x = 4
menu_margin_y = 32
menu_width = 220
#menu_height_min = 0
#menu_height_max = 0
#menu_height_mode = static
menu_padding_top = 25
menu_padding_right = 2
menu_padding_bottom = 5
menu_padding_left = 2
menu_radius = 0
menu_border = 0
menu_halign = left
menu_valign = top
sub_spacing = 0
#sub_padding_top = auto
#sub_padding_right = auto
#sub_padding_bottom = auto
#sub_padding_left = auto
sub_hover_action = 1
#item_margin_x = 3
item_margin_y = 2
item_height = 20
item_padding_x = 8
item_radius = 0
item_border = 0
#item_halign = left
sep_height = 5
sep_halign = center
sep_markup =
font = Ubuntu 12px
#font_fallback = xtg
icon_size = 20
#icon_text_spacing = 10
#icon_theme =
#icon_theme_fallback = xtg
#arrow_string = ▸
#arrow_width = 15
color_menu_bg = #303030 80
color_menu_border = #000000 100
#color_norm_bg = #2b303b 0
color_norm_fg = #b8b8b8 100
color_sel_bg = #6d95de 100
color_sel_fg = #f8f8f8 100
color_sel_border = #6d95de 100
color_sep_fg = #242424 100
#csv_name_format = %n (%g)
#csv_single_window = 0
#csv_no_dirs = 0
color_title_bg = #303030 100
color_title_fg = white 100
color_title_border = #000000 100

View File

@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
# jgmenurc
stay_alive = 0
#hide_on_startup = 0
csv_cmd = pmenu
tint2_look = 1
position_mode = ipc
terminal_exec = terminator
terminal_args = -e
#monitor = 0
#hover_delay = 100
#hide_back_items = 1
#columns = 1
menu_margin_x = 4
menu_margin_y = 32
menu_width = 220
#menu_height_min = 0
#menu_height_max = 0
#menu_height_mode = static
menu_padding_top = 25
menu_padding_right = 2
menu_padding_bottom = 5
menu_padding_left = 2
menu_radius = 0
menu_border = 0
menu_halign = left
menu_valign = top
sub_spacing = -2
#sub_padding_top = auto
#sub_padding_right = auto
#sub_padding_bottom = auto
#sub_padding_left = auto
sub_hover_action = 1
#item_margin_x = 3
item_margin_y = 2
item_height = 20
item_padding_x = 8
item_radius = 0
item_border = 0
#item_halign = left
sep_height = 5
sep_halign = center
sep_markup =
font = Ubuntu 12px
#font_fallback = xtg
icon_size = 20
#icon_text_spacing = 10
#icon_theme =
#icon_theme_fallback = xtg
#arrow_string = ▸
#arrow_width = 15
color_menu_bg = #d3d7cf 80
color_menu_border = #000000 100
#color_norm_bg = #2b303b 0
color_norm_fg = #000000 100
color_sel_bg = #ce5c00 100
color_sel_fg = #ffffff 100
color_sel_border = #ce5c00 100
color_sep_fg = #242424 100
#csv_name_format = %n (%g)
#csv_single_window = 0
#csv_no_dirs = 0
color_title_bg = #ce5c00 100
color_title_fg = #ffffff 100
color_title_border = #fcaf3e 100

Some files were not shown because too many files have changed in this diff Show More