This commit is contained in:
Daniel Napora 2020-04-22 20:59:18 +02:00
parent 4d357d70be
commit 3614b5e763
37 changed files with 350 additions and 1155 deletions

View File

@ -106,16 +106,16 @@ galculator
#------------------------------------------------- #-------------------------------------------------
gtk3-classic gtk3
#---------=> package manager #---------=> package manager
pamac-gtk pamac-gtk
pamac-cli pamac-cli
apparmor #apparmor
flatpak #flatpak
snapd #snapd
snapd-glib #snapd-glib
pamac-snap-plugin #pamac-snap-plugin
#---------=> office #---------=> office
qpdfview qpdfview
@ -303,7 +303,7 @@ mb-jgtools
cornora cornora
gkrellm gkrellm
gkrellm-themes mabox-gkrellm-themes
gkrellmlaunch gkrellmlaunch
bunsen-themes-git bunsen-themes-git
lx-colors-themes lx-colors-themes
@ -313,7 +313,7 @@ numix-square-icon-theme
numix-circle-icon-theme numix-circle-icon-theme
#dmenu-extended-git #dmenu-extended-git
#hexchat #hexchat
obkey #obkey
bash-completion bash-completion
clipit clipit
mabox-browser-settings mabox-browser-settings
@ -341,7 +341,7 @@ freetype2
#---------=> system #---------=> system
accountsservice accountsservice
zensu zensu
gnome-keyring #gnome-keyring
manjaro-hotfixes manjaro-hotfixes
polkit polkit
polkit-gnome polkit-gnome

View File

@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
#GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet resume=UUID=7b746ed4-c725-4b2b-8f12-88ce68915bbb"
# If you want to enable the save default function, uncomment the following
# line, and set GRUB_DEFAULT to saved.
# Preload both GPT and MBR modules so that they are not missed
GRUB_PRELOAD_MODULES="part_gpt part_msdos"
# Uncomment to enable Hidden Menu, and optionally hide the timeout count
# Uncomment to use basic console
# Uncomment to disable graphical terminal
# The resolution used on graphical terminal
# note that you can use only modes which your graphic card supports via VBE
# you can see them in real GRUB with the command `vbeinfo'
# Uncomment to allow the kernel use the same resolution used by grub
# Uncomment if you want GRUB to pass to the Linux kernel the old parameter
# format "root=/dev/xxx" instead of "root=/dev/disk/by-uuid/xxx"
# Uncomment to disable generation of recovery mode menu entries
# Uncomment and set to the desired menu colors. Used by normal and wallpaper
# modes only. Entries specified as foreground/background.
# Uncomment one of them for the gfx desired, a image background or a gfxtheme
# Uncomment to get a beep at GRUB start
#GRUB_INIT_TUNE="480 440 1"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
[Desktop Entry]
Name=Conky Session
Comment=Conky Session
Exec=mb-conky-session --autostart

View File

@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
[Desktop Entry]
Name=Geoclue Demo agent
GenericName=Demo geoclue agent

View File

@ -1,158 +0,0 @@
[Desktop Entry]
Name[af]=Sertifikaat- en sleutelberging
Name[ar]=مخزن الشهادات والمفاتيح
Name[as]= ি
Name[ast]=Certificaos y almacenamientu de claves
Name[be]=Сховішча сертыфікатаў і ключоў
Name[bg]=Съхранение на сертификати и ключове
Name[bn_IN]=িি ি
Name[bs]=Skladište sertifikata i ključeva
Name[ca]=Magatzem de certificats i de claus
Name[ca@valencia]=Magatzem de certificats i de claus
Name[cs]=Odemknout certifikáty a umístění klíčů
Name[da]=Certifikat- og nøglelager
Name[el]=Αποθήκη πιστοποιητικών και κλειδιών
Name[en_GB]=Certificate and Key Storage
Name[eo]=Memorejo de atestiloj kaj ŝlosiloj
Name[es]=Certificados y almacenamiento de claves
Name[et]=Sertifikaadi- ja võtmehoidla
Name[eu]=Ziurtagirien/gakoen biltegia
Name[fa]=مخزن کلید و گواهینامه
Name[fi]=Varmenne- ja avainsäilö
Name[fr]=Stockage de certificats et de clés
Name[fur]=Archivi certificâts e clâfs
Name[gd]=Teisteanas agus stòras na h-iuchrach
Name[gl]=Almacenamento de chave ou certificado
Name[he]=אחסון תעודה ומפתח
Name[hi]= ि
Name[hr]=Vjerodajnice i spremište ključeva
Name[hu]=Tanúsítvány- és kulcstároló
Name[id]=Penyimpanan Kunci dan Sertifikat
Name[is]=Geymsla skilríkis og lykils
Name[it]=Archivio certificati e chiavi
Name[kk]=Сертификаттар және кілттер қоймасы
Name[kn]= ಿ
Name[lt]=Liudijimų ir raktų saugykla
Name[lv]=Sertifikātu un atslēgu glabātava
Name[mjw]=Certificate pen Key Storage
Name[mk]=Склад на клучеви и сертификати
Name[mr]= ि
Name[ms]=Sijil dan Penyimpanan Kekunci
Name[nb]=Lager for sertifikat/nøkkel
Name[nl]=Certificaat- en sleutelopslag
Name[nn]=Serifikat- og nøkkellager
Name[oc]=Emmagazinatge de certificats e de claus
Name[or]= ି
Name[pl]=Przechowalnia certyfikatów i kluczy
Name[pt]=Armazenamento de chaves e certificados
Name[pt_BR]=Certificados e armazenamento de chaves
Name[ro]=Stocare pentru certificate și chei
Name[ru]=Хранилище сертификатов и ключей
Name[sk]=Úložisko certifikátov a kľúčov
Name[sl]=Hranjenje potrdil in ključev
Name[sr]=Складиште сертификата и кључева
Name[sr@latin]=Skladište sertifikata i ključeva
Name[sv]=Certifikat och nyckellagring
Name[ta]=ி/ி ி
Name[te]= ి ి
Name[tr]=Sertifika ve Anahtar Deposu
Name[ug]=گۇۋاھنامە ۋە شىفىرلىق ئاچقۇچ ئامبىرى
Name[uk]=Сертифікат та сховище ключів
Name[vi]=Lưu tr Chng nhn và khóa
Name=Certificate and Key Storage
Comment[af]=GNOME-sleutelring: PKCS#11-komponent
Comment[ar]=حلقة مفاتيح جنوم: مكون PKCS#11
Comment[as]=GNOME Keyring: PKCS#11
Comment[ast]=Depósitu de claves de GNOME: Componente PKCS#11
Comment[be]=Вязкі ключоў GNOME: кампанент PKCS#11
Comment[bg]=Ключодържател на GNOME: компонент за PKCS#11
Comment[bn]=GNOME ি: PKCS#11
Comment[bn_IN]=GNOME Keyring: PKCS#11
Comment[bs]=Gnomovi privjesci: PKCS#11 komponenta
Comment[ca]=Anell de claus del GNOME: component PKCS#11
Comment[ca@valencia]=Anell de claus del GNOME: component PKCS#11
Comment[cs]=Klíčenka GNOME: komponenta PKCS#11
Comment[da]=GNOME-nøgleringsdæmon: PKCS#11-komponent
Comment[de]=GNOME-Schlüsselbunddienst: PKCS#11-Komponente
Comment[el]=Κλειδοθήκη GNOME: Συστατικό στοιχείο PKCS#11
Comment[en_GB]=GNOME Keyring: PKCS#11 Component
Comment[eo]=GNOME Ŝlosilaro: PKCS#11 ero
Comment[es]=Depósito de claves de GNOME: Componente PKCS#11
Comment[et]=GNOME võtmerõngas: PKCS#11 komponent
Comment[eu]=GNOMEren gako-sorta: PKCS#11 osagaia
Comment[fa]=دستهکلید گنوم: عناصر PKCS#11
Comment[fi]=Gnomen avainnippu: PKCS#11-komponentti
Comment[fr]=Trousseau de clés de GNOME : composant PKCS#11
Comment[fur]=Puarteclâfs di GNOME: component PKCS#11
Comment[gd]=Dul-iuchrach GNOME: Co-phàirt PKCS#11
Comment[gl]=GNOME Keyring: compoñente PKCS#11
Comment[gu]=GNOME : PKCS#11
Comment[he]=קבוצת מפתחות של GNOME:רכיב PKCS#11
Comment[hi]= ि: PKCS#11
Comment[hr]=GNOME skup ključeva: PKCS#11 komponena
Comment[hu]=GNOME kulcstartó PKCS#11 összetevő
Comment[id]=GNOME Keyring: Komponen PKCS#11
Comment[it]=Portachiavi di GNOME: componente PKCS#11
Comment[ja]=GNOME : PKCS#11
Comment[kk]=GNOME Keyring: PKCS#11 құрамасы
Comment[km]=GNOME Keyring PKCS#11
Comment[kn]=GNOME ಿ: PKCS#11
Comment[ko]= : PKCS#11
Comment[lt]=GNOME raktinė: PKCS#11 komponentas
Comment[lv]=GNOME atslēgu saišķis PKCS#11 komponente
Comment[mjw]=GNOME Keyring: PKCS#11 Component
Comment[mk]=Приврзок на GNOME: PKCS#11 компонента
Comment[ml]= ി: PKCS#11
Comment[mr]=GNOME िि: PKCS#11
Comment[ms]=GNOME Keyring: Komponen PKCS#11
Comment[nb]=GNOME nøkkelring: PKCS#11-komponent
Comment[nl]=Sleutelbos-service: PKCS#11-component
Comment[nn]=GNOME Nøkkelring: PKCS#11-komponent
Comment[oc]=Trossèl de claus GNOME : component PKCS#11
Comment[or]=GNOME ି ି: PKCS#11
Comment[pa]= ਿ: PKCS#11
Comment[pl]=Baza kluczy dla środowiska GNOME: składnik PKCS#11
Comment[pt]=GNOME Keyring: componente PKCS#11
Comment[pt_BR]=Chaveiro do GNOME: Componente PKCS#11
Comment[ro]=Inelul de chei GNOME: Componenta PKCS#11
Comment[ru]=Связка ключей GNOME: компонент PKCS#11
Comment[sk]=Modul PKCS#11 zväzku kľúčov GNOME
Comment[sl]=Zbirka ključev GNOME: enota PKCS#11
Comment[sr]=Гномови привесци: ПКЦС#11 компонента
Comment[sr@latin]=Gnomovi privesci: PKCS#11 komponenta
Comment[sv]=GNOME-nyckelring: PKCS#11-komponent
Comment[ta]=GNOME ி: PKCS#11
Comment[te]=GNOME ి: PKCS#11
Comment[th]= GNOME: PKCS#11
Comment[tr]=GNOME Anahtarlığı: PKCS#11 Bileşeni
Comment[ug]=گىنوم ئاچقۇچ ھالقىسىPKCS#11 دېتالى
Comment[uk]=Служба в'язки ключів GNOME: компонент PKCS#11
Comment[vi]=Chùm chìa khóa GNOME: thành phn PKCS#11
Comment[zh_CN]=GNOME PKCS#11
Comment[zh_HK]=GNOME PKCS#11
Comment[zh_TW]=GNOME PKCS#11
Comment=GNOME Keyring: PKCS#11 Component
Exec=/usr/bin/gnome-keyring-daemon --start --components=pkcs11

View File

@ -1,158 +0,0 @@
[Desktop Entry]
Name[ar]=خدمة حفظ سرية
Name[ast]=Serviciu d'almacenamientu de secretos
Name[be]=Служба сховішча для сакрэтаў
Name[bg]=Услуга за шифриран носител
Name[bn]= ি ি
Name[bn_IN]= ি
Name[bs]=Servis sa tajno skladištenje
Name[ca]=Servei d'emmagatzematge de secrets
Name[ca@valencia]=Servei d'emmagatzematge de secrets
Name[cs]=Služba utajení dat
Name[da]=Secret Storage Service
Name[el]=Υπηρεσία κρυφής αποθήκευσης
Name[en_GB]=Secret Storage Service
Name[eo]=Servo pri sekreta memorejo
Name[es]=Servicio de almacenamiento de secretos
Name[et]=Saladuste hoidmise teenus
Name[eu]=Ezkutuko biltegiaren zerbitzua
Name[fa]=خدمت مخزن محرمانه
Name[fi]=Salaisuuksien säilöntäpalvelu
Name[fr]=Service de stockage secret
Name[fur]=Servizi archivi segret
Name[gd]=Seirbheis stòrais dhìomhair
Name[gl]=Servizo de almacenamento segredo
Name[he]=שרות אחסון חשאי
Name[hr]=Tajna usluga spremišta
Name[hu]=Titoktároló szolgáltatás
Name[id]=Layanan Penyimpanan Rahasia
Name[it]=Servizio archivio segreto
Name[kk]=Құпия кілттер қоймасы қызметі
Name[lt]=Slaptoji saugojimo tarnyba
Name[lv]=Slepenās glabātavas serviss
Name[mjw]=Secret Storage Service
Name[mk]=Сервис за склад на тајни
Name[mr]= ि
Name[ms]=Servis Rahsia Penyimpanan
Name[nb]=Lagringstjeneste for hemmeligheter
Name[nl]=Secret Storage Service
Name[nn]=Hemmeleg lagerteneste
Name[oc]=Servici d'emmagazinatge secret
Name[or]= ି
Name[pa]= ਿ
Name[pl]=Usługa przechowywania haseł
Name[pt]=Serviço de armazenamento secreto
Name[pt_BR]=Serviço de armazenamento secreto
Name[ro]=Serviciul secret de stocare
Name[ru]=Служба безопасного хранения
Name[sk]=Služba utajeného úložiska
Name[sl]=Shranjevanje skritih storitev
Name[sr]=Сервис са тајно складиштење
Name[sr@latin]=Servis sa tajno skladištenje
Name[sv]=Lagringstjänst för hemligheter
Name[ta]=\sி ி
Name[te]= ి
Name[tr]=Gizli Depolama Hizmeti
Name[ug]=مەخپىي ساقلاش مۇلازىمىتى
Name[uk]=Служба шифрування дисків
Name[vi]=Dch v lưu tr bo mt
Name=Secret Storage Service
Comment[af]=GNOME-sleutelring: geheimdiens
Comment[ar]=حلقة مفاتيح جنوم: خدمة سرية
Comment[as]=GNOME Keyring:
Comment[ast]=Depósitu de claves de GNOME: Serviciu de secretos
Comment[be]=Вязкі ключоў GNOME: служба сакрэтаў
Comment[bg]=Ключодържател на GNOME: услуга за тайни
Comment[bn]=GNOME ি: ি
Comment[bn_IN]=GNOME Keyring: ি
Comment[bs]=Gnomovi privjesci: servis za tajnost
Comment[ca]=Anell de claus del GNOME: servei de secrets
Comment[ca@valencia]=Anell de claus del GNOME: servei de secrets
Comment[cs]=Klíčenka GNOME: Služba utajení dat
Comment[da]=GNOME-nøglering: Secret Service
Comment[de]=GNOME-Schlüsselbunddienst: Sicherheitsdienst
Comment[el]=Κλειδοθήκη GNOME: Κρυφή υπηρεσία
Comment[en_GB]=GNOME Keyring: Secret Service
Comment[eo]=GNOME Ŝlosilaro: Sekreta servo
Comment[es]=Depósito de claves de GNOME: Servicio de secretos
Comment[et]=GNOME võtmerõngas: saladuste teenus
Comment[eu]=GNOMEren gako-sorta: ezkutuko zerbitzua
Comment[fa]=دستهکلید گنوم: خدمت محرمانه
Comment[fi]=Gnomen avainnippu: Salainen palvelu
Comment[fr]=Trousseau de clés de GNOME : service secret
Comment[fur]=Puarteclâfs di GNOME: servizi segret
Comment[gd]=Dul-iuchrach GNOME: Seirbheis dhìomhair
Comment[gl]=GNOME Keyring: servizo segredo
Comment[gu]=GNOME :
Comment[he]=קבוצת מפתחות של GNOME: שירות חשאי
Comment[hi]= ि:
Comment[hr]=GNOME skup ključeva: Tajna usluga
Comment[hu]=GNOME kulcstartó titokszolgáltatás
Comment[id]=GNOME Keyring: Layanan Rahasia
Comment[it]=Portachiavi di GNOME: servizio segreto
Comment[ja]=GNOME :
Comment[kk]=GNOME Keyring: Құпия кілттер қызметі
Comment[km]=GNOME Keyring
Comment[kn]=GNOME ಿ:
Comment[ko]= :
Comment[lt]=GNOME raktinė: slaptoji tarnyba
Comment[lv]=GNOME atslēgu saišķis slepenais serviss
Comment[mjw]=GNOME Keyring: Secret Service
Comment[mk]=Приврзок на GNOME: таен сервис
Comment[ml]= ി:
Comment[mr]=GNOME िि: ि
Comment[ms]=GNOME Keyring: Servis Rahsia
Comment[nb]=GNOME nøkkelring: Hemmelige tjenester
Comment[ne]=ि िि :
Comment[nl]=Sleutelbos-service: Secret Service
Comment[nn]=GNOME Nøkkelring: Hemmeleg teneste
Comment[oc]=Trossèl de claus GNOME : servici secret
Comment[or]=GNOME ି ି:
Comment[pa]= ਿ : ਿ
Comment[pl]=Baza kluczy dla środowiska GNOME: usługa haseł
Comment[pt]=GNOME Keyring: serviço secreto
Comment[pt_BR]=Chaveiro do GNOME: Serviço secreto
Comment[ro]=Inelul de chei GNOME: Serviciul secret
Comment[ru]=Связка ключей GNOME: служба безопасности
Comment[sk]=Služba utajenia zväzku kľúčov GNOME
Comment[sl]=Zbirka ključev GNOME: skrite storitve
Comment[sr]=Гномови привесци: сервис за тајност
Comment[sr@latin]=Gnomovi privesci: servis za tajnost
Comment[sv]=GNOME-nyckelring: Hemlighetstjänst
Comment[ta]=GNOME ி: ி
Comment[te]=GNOME ి:
Comment[th]= GNOME:
Comment[tr]=GNOME Anahtarlığı: Gizli Hizmet
Comment[ug]=گىنوم ئاچقۇچ ھالقىسىمەخپىيەت مۇلازىمىتى
Comment[uk]=Служба в'язки ключів GNOME: служба шифрування
Comment[vi]=Chùm chìa khóa GNOME: dch v bo mt
Comment=GNOME Keyring: Secret Service
Exec=/usr/bin/gnome-keyring-daemon --start --components=secrets

View File

@ -1,157 +0,0 @@
[Desktop Entry]
Name[ar]=عميل مفاتيح SSH
Name[as]=SSH ি
Name[ast]=Axente de claves SSH
Name[be]=SSH-агент ключоў
Name[bg]=Агентът на SSH за ключове
Name[bn_IN]=SSH ি
Name[bs]=Agent za SSH ključeve
Name[ca]=Agent de claus SSH
Name[ca@valencia]=Agent de claus SSH
Name[cs]=Agent klíčů SSH
Name[el]=Πράκτορας κλειδιού SSH
Name[en_GB]=SSH Key Agent
Name[eo]=SSH-ŝlosila agento
Name[es]=Agente de claves SSH
Name[et]=SSH-võtmete agent
Name[eu]=SSH gako-agentea
Name[fa]=عامل کلید SSH
Name[fi]=SSH-avainten agentti
Name[fr]=Agent de clés SSH
Name[fur]=Agjent clâfs SSH
Name[gd]=Àidseant iuchair SSH
Name[gl]=Axente de chave SSH
Name[he]=סוכן מפתחות SSH
Name[hi]=AFS ििि
Name[hr]=Agent SSH ključa
Name[hu]=SSH-kulcs ügynök
Name[id]=Agen Kunci SSH
Name[it]=Agente chiavi SSH
Name[kk]=SSH кілттер агенті
Name[km]= SSH
Name[kn]=SSH ಿ ಿ
Name[lt]=SSH raktų tarnyba
Name[lv]=SSH atslēgu aģents
Name[mjw]=SSH Key Agent
Name[mk]=Агент за SSH клучеви
Name[mr]=SSH ि
Name[ms]=Agen Kekunci SSH
Name[nn]=Nøkkelagent for SSH
Name[oc]=Agent de claus SSH
Name[or]=SSH ି
Name[pl]=Agent kluczy SSH
Name[pt]=Agente de chaves SSH
Name[pt_BR]=Agente de chaves SSH
Name[ro]=Agent pentru chei SSH
Name[ru]=Агент ключей SSH
Name[sk]=Agent kľúčov SSH
Name[sl]=Agent ključev SSH
Name[sr]=Агент за ССХ кључеве
Name[sr@latin]=Agent za SSH ključeve
Name[th]= SSH
Name[tr]=SSH Anahtar Aracı
Name[ug]=SSH ئاچقۇچ ياردەمچىسى
Name[uk]=Агент ключів SSH
Name[vi]=Đi din khóa SSH
Name=SSH Key Agent
Comment[af]=GNOME-sleutelring: SSH-agent
Comment[ar]=حلقة مفاتيح جنوم: عميل SSH
Comment[as]=GNOME Keyring: SSH
Comment[ast]=Depósitu de claves de GNOME: axente SSH
Comment[be]=Вязкі ключоў GNOME: SSH-агент
Comment[bg]=Ключодържател на GNOME: агент на SSH
Comment[bn]=GNOME ি: SSH
Comment[bn_IN]=GNOME Keyring: SSH
Comment[bs]=Gnomovi privjesci: SSH agent
Comment[ca]=Anell de claus del GNOME: agent SSH
Comment[ca@valencia]=Anell de claus del GNOME: agent SSH
Comment[cs]=Klíčenka GNOME: Agent SSH
Comment[da]=GNOME-nøgleringsdæmon: SSH-agent
Comment[de]=GNOME-Schlüsselbunddienst: SSH-Agent
Comment[el]=Κλειδοθήκη GNOME: Πράκτορας SSH
Comment[en_GB]=GNOME Keyring: SSH Agent
Comment[eo]=GNOME Ŝlosilaro: SSH-agento
Comment[es]=Depósito de claves de GNOME: agente SSH
Comment[et]=GNOME võtmerõngas: SSH-agent
Comment[eu]=GNOMEren gako-sorta: SSH agentea
Comment[fa]=دستهکلید گنوم: عامل SSH
Comment[fi]=Gnomen avainnippu: SSH-agentti
Comment[fr]=Trousseau de clés de GNOME : agent SSH
Comment[fur]=Puarteclâfs di GNOME: agjent SSH
Comment[gd]=Dul-iuchrach: Àidseant SSH
Comment[gl]=GNOME Keyring: Axente SSH
Comment[gu]=GNOME : SSH
Comment[he]=קבוצת מפתחות של GNOME: סוכן SSH
Comment[hi]= ि: SSH ििि
Comment[hr]=GNOME skup ključeva: SSH agent
Comment[hu]=GNOME kulcstartó SSH-ügynök
Comment[id]=Ring Kunci GNOME: Agen SSH
Comment[it]=Portachiavi di GNOME: agente SSH
Comment[ja]=GNOME : SSH
Comment[kk]=GNOME Keyring: SSH агенті
Comment[km]=GNOME Keyring SSH
Comment[kn]=GNOME ಿ: SSH ಿ
Comment[ko]= : SSH
Comment[lt]=GNOME raktinė: SSH tarnyba
Comment[lv]=GNOME atslēgu saišķis SSH aģents
Comment[mjw]=GNOME Keyring: SSH Agent
Comment[mk]=Приврзок на GNOME: SSH агент
Comment[ml]= ി:
Comment[mr]=GNOME िि: SSH
Comment[ms]=GNOME Keyring: Agen SSH
Comment[nb]=GNOME nøkkelring: SSH-agent
Comment[ne]=ि िि : SSH
Comment[nl]=Sleutelbos-service: SSH-agent
Comment[nn]=GNOME Nøkkelring: SSH-agent
Comment[oc]=Trossèl de claus GNOME : agent SSH
Comment[or]=GNOME ି ି: SSH
Comment[pa]= ਿ: SSH
Comment[pl]=Baza kluczy dla środowiska GNOME: agent SSH
Comment[pt]=GNOME Keyring: agente SSH
Comment[pt_BR]=Chaveiro do GNOME: Agente SSH
Comment[ro]=Inelul de chei GNOME: Agent SSH
Comment[ru]=Связка ключей GNOME: SSH-агент
Comment[sk]=SSH agent zväzku kľúčov GNOME
Comment[sl]=Zbirka ključev GNOME: agent SSH
Comment[sr]=Гномови привесци: ССХ агент
Comment[sr@latin]=Gnomovi privesci: SSH agent
Comment[sv]=GNOME-nyckelring: SSH-agent
Comment[ta]=GNOME ி: SSH
Comment[te]=GNOME ి: SSH
Comment[th]= GNOME: SSH
Comment[tr]=GNOME Anahtarlığı: SSH Aracı
Comment[ug]=گىنوم ئاچقۇچ ھالقىسىSSH ياردەمچىسى
Comment[uk]=Служба в'язки ключів GNOME: агент SSH
Comment[vi]=Chùm chìa khóa GNOME: Đi din SSH
Comment[zh_CN]=GNOME SSH
Comment[zh_HK]=GNOME SSH
Comment[zh_TW]=GNOME SSH
Comment=GNOME Keyring: SSH Agent
Exec=/usr/bin/gnome-keyring-daemon --start --components=ssh

View File

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
[Desktop Entry]
Name=Picom - a X compositor
GenericName=X compositor
Comment=A X compositor
Keywords=compositor;composite manager;window effects;transparency;opacity;
Exec=picom -b --conf ~/.config/picom.conf
# Thanks to quequotion for providing this file!

View File

@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
[Desktop Entry]
Name=Snap user application autostart helper
Comment=Helper program for launching snap applications that are configured to start automatically.
Exec=/bin/snap userd --autostart

View File

@ -42,16 +42,14 @@ xcape -e 'Super_L=Super_L|space'
#/usr/bin/synclient TouchpadOff=1 & #/usr/bin/synclient TouchpadOff=1 &
## Conky ## Conky
(sleep 2s && mb-conky-session --autostart) & #(sleep 2s && mb-conky-session --autostart) &
## Basic compositing effects ## Basic compositing effects
(sleep 1s && picom -b --conf ~/.config/picom.conf) & #(sleep 1s && picom -b --conf ~/.config/picom.conf) &
## Betterlockscreen setup ## Betterlockscreen setup
betterlockscreen_setup & betterlockscreen_setup &
## Hot Corners
#cornora -tl "mb-jgtools places" -tr "mb-jgtools right" -br "mb-jgtools mblogout" -iof &
## Mabox scripts - DO NOT DISABLE ## Mabox scripts - DO NOT DISABLE
(sleep 1s && mabox-obstart startopenbox) & (sleep 1s && mabox-obstart startopenbox) &

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
/usr/share/gkrellm2/themes/DreamWorks /usr/share/gkrellm2/themes/Egan-Grey
0 0
Noto Serif 11 Noto Serif 11
Noto Serif 9 Noto Serif 9

View File

@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
# This file is part of systemd.
# systemd is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Entries in this file show the compile time defaults.
# You can change settings by editing this file.
# Defaults can be restored by simply deleting this file.
# See systemd-system.conf(5) for details.
#CPUAffinity=1 2

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 19 KiB

View File

@ -36,7 +36,8 @@ addgroups="lp,network,power,wheel,audio,video,disk,storage,optical,scanner"
# unset defaults to given values # unset defaults to given values
# names must match systemd service names # names must match systemd service names
enable_systemd=('avahi-daemon' 'bluetooth' 'ModemManager' 'NetworkManager' 'org.cups.cupsd' 'tlp' 'tlp-sleep' 'haveged' 'systemd-timesyncd' 'apparmor' 'snapd.apparmor' 'snapd') enable_systemd=('avahi-daemon' 'bluetooth' 'ModemManager' 'NetworkManager' 'org.cups.cupsd' 'tlp' 'tlp-sleep' 'haveged' 'systemd-timesyncd')
#enable_systemd=('avahi-daemon' 'bluetooth' 'ModemManager' 'NetworkManager' 'org.cups.cupsd' 'tlp' 'tlp-sleep' 'haveged' 'systemd-timesyncd' 'apparmor' 'snapd.apparmor' 'snapd')
disable_systemd=('pacman-init') disable_systemd=('pacman-init')
# the same workgroup name if samba is used # the same workgroup name if samba is used

View File

@ -106,16 +106,16 @@ galculator
#------------------------------------------------- #-------------------------------------------------
gtk3-classic gtk3
#---------=> package manager #---------=> package manager
pamac-gtk pamac-gtk
pamac-cli pamac-cli
apparmor #apparmor
flatpak #flatpak
snapd #snapd
snapd-glib #snapd-glib
pamac-snap-plugin #pamac-snap-plugin
#---------=> office #---------=> office
qpdfview qpdfview
@ -305,7 +305,7 @@ mb-jgtools
cornora cornora
gkrellm gkrellm
gkrellm-themes mabox-gkrellm-themes
gkrellmlaunch gkrellmlaunch
#gkrellm-volume #gkrellm-volume
bunsen-themes-git bunsen-themes-git
@ -316,7 +316,7 @@ numix-square-icon-theme
numix-circle-icon-theme numix-circle-icon-theme
#dmenu-extended-git #dmenu-extended-git
#hexchat #hexchat
obkey #obkey
bash-completion bash-completion
clipit clipit
mabox-browser-settings-pl mabox-browser-settings-pl
@ -345,7 +345,7 @@ freetype2
#---------=> system #---------=> system
accountsservice accountsservice
zensu zensu
gnome-keyring #gnome-keyring
manjaro-hotfixes manjaro-hotfixes
polkit polkit
polkit-gnome polkit-gnome

View File

@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
#GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet resume=UUID=7b746ed4-c725-4b2b-8f12-88ce68915bbb"
# If you want to enable the save default function, uncomment the following
# line, and set GRUB_DEFAULT to saved.
# Preload both GPT and MBR modules so that they are not missed
GRUB_PRELOAD_MODULES="part_gpt part_msdos"
# Uncomment to enable Hidden Menu, and optionally hide the timeout count
# Uncomment to use basic console
# Uncomment to disable graphical terminal
# The resolution used on graphical terminal
# note that you can use only modes which your graphic card supports via VBE
# you can see them in real GRUB with the command `vbeinfo'
# Uncomment to allow the kernel use the same resolution used by grub
# Uncomment if you want GRUB to pass to the Linux kernel the old parameter
# format "root=/dev/xxx" instead of "root=/dev/disk/by-uuid/xxx"
# Uncomment to disable generation of recovery mode menu entries
# Uncomment and set to the desired menu colors. Used by normal and wallpaper
# modes only. Entries specified as foreground/background.
# Uncomment one of them for the gfx desired, a image background or a gfxtheme
# Uncomment to get a beep at GRUB start
#GRUB_INIT_TUNE="480 440 1"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
[Desktop Entry]
Name=Conky Session
Comment=Conky Session
Exec=mb-conky-session --autostart

View File

@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
[Desktop Entry]
Name=Geoclue Demo agent
GenericName=Demo geoclue agent

View File

@ -1,158 +0,0 @@
[Desktop Entry]
Name[af]=Sertifikaat- en sleutelberging
Name[ar]=مخزن الشهادات والمفاتيح
Name[as]= ি
Name[ast]=Certificaos y almacenamientu de claves
Name[be]=Сховішча сертыфікатаў і ключоў
Name[bg]=Съхранение на сертификати и ключове
Name[bn_IN]=িি ি
Name[bs]=Skladište sertifikata i ključeva
Name[ca]=Magatzem de certificats i de claus
Name[ca@valencia]=Magatzem de certificats i de claus
Name[cs]=Odemknout certifikáty a umístění klíčů
Name[da]=Certifikat- og nøglelager
Name[el]=Αποθήκη πιστοποιητικών και κλειδιών
Name[en_GB]=Certificate and Key Storage
Name[eo]=Memorejo de atestiloj kaj ŝlosiloj
Name[es]=Certificados y almacenamiento de claves
Name[et]=Sertifikaadi- ja võtmehoidla
Name[eu]=Ziurtagirien/gakoen biltegia
Name[fa]=مخزن کلید و گواهینامه
Name[fi]=Varmenne- ja avainsäilö
Name[fr]=Stockage de certificats et de clés
Name[fur]=Archivi certificâts e clâfs
Name[gd]=Teisteanas agus stòras na h-iuchrach
Name[gl]=Almacenamento de chave ou certificado
Name[he]=אחסון תעודה ומפתח
Name[hi]= ि
Name[hr]=Vjerodajnice i spremište ključeva
Name[hu]=Tanúsítvány- és kulcstároló
Name[id]=Penyimpanan Kunci dan Sertifikat
Name[is]=Geymsla skilríkis og lykils
Name[it]=Archivio certificati e chiavi
Name[kk]=Сертификаттар және кілттер қоймасы
Name[kn]= ಿ
Name[lt]=Liudijimų ir raktų saugykla
Name[lv]=Sertifikātu un atslēgu glabātava
Name[mjw]=Certificate pen Key Storage
Name[mk]=Склад на клучеви и сертификати
Name[mr]= ि
Name[ms]=Sijil dan Penyimpanan Kekunci
Name[nb]=Lager for sertifikat/nøkkel
Name[nl]=Certificaat- en sleutelopslag
Name[nn]=Serifikat- og nøkkellager
Name[oc]=Emmagazinatge de certificats e de claus
Name[or]= ି
Name[pl]=Przechowalnia certyfikatów i kluczy
Name[pt]=Armazenamento de chaves e certificados
Name[pt_BR]=Certificados e armazenamento de chaves
Name[ro]=Stocare pentru certificate și chei
Name[ru]=Хранилище сертификатов и ключей
Name[sk]=Úložisko certifikátov a kľúčov
Name[sl]=Hranjenje potrdil in ključev
Name[sr]=Складиште сертификата и кључева
Name[sr@latin]=Skladište sertifikata i ključeva
Name[sv]=Certifikat och nyckellagring
Name[ta]=ி/ி ி
Name[te]= ి ి
Name[tr]=Sertifika ve Anahtar Deposu
Name[ug]=گۇۋاھنامە ۋە شىفىرلىق ئاچقۇچ ئامبىرى
Name[uk]=Сертифікат та сховище ключів
Name[vi]=Lưu tr Chng nhn và khóa
Name=Certificate and Key Storage
Comment[af]=GNOME-sleutelring: PKCS#11-komponent
Comment[ar]=حلقة مفاتيح جنوم: مكون PKCS#11
Comment[as]=GNOME Keyring: PKCS#11
Comment[ast]=Depósitu de claves de GNOME: Componente PKCS#11
Comment[be]=Вязкі ключоў GNOME: кампанент PKCS#11
Comment[bg]=Ключодържател на GNOME: компонент за PKCS#11
Comment[bn]=GNOME ি: PKCS#11
Comment[bn_IN]=GNOME Keyring: PKCS#11
Comment[bs]=Gnomovi privjesci: PKCS#11 komponenta
Comment[ca]=Anell de claus del GNOME: component PKCS#11
Comment[ca@valencia]=Anell de claus del GNOME: component PKCS#11
Comment[cs]=Klíčenka GNOME: komponenta PKCS#11
Comment[da]=GNOME-nøgleringsdæmon: PKCS#11-komponent
Comment[de]=GNOME-Schlüsselbunddienst: PKCS#11-Komponente
Comment[el]=Κλειδοθήκη GNOME: Συστατικό στοιχείο PKCS#11
Comment[en_GB]=GNOME Keyring: PKCS#11 Component
Comment[eo]=GNOME Ŝlosilaro: PKCS#11 ero
Comment[es]=Depósito de claves de GNOME: Componente PKCS#11
Comment[et]=GNOME võtmerõngas: PKCS#11 komponent
Comment[eu]=GNOMEren gako-sorta: PKCS#11 osagaia
Comment[fa]=دستهکلید گنوم: عناصر PKCS#11
Comment[fi]=Gnomen avainnippu: PKCS#11-komponentti
Comment[fr]=Trousseau de clés de GNOME : composant PKCS#11
Comment[fur]=Puarteclâfs di GNOME: component PKCS#11
Comment[gd]=Dul-iuchrach GNOME: Co-phàirt PKCS#11
Comment[gl]=GNOME Keyring: compoñente PKCS#11
Comment[gu]=GNOME : PKCS#11
Comment[he]=קבוצת מפתחות של GNOME:רכיב PKCS#11
Comment[hi]= ि: PKCS#11
Comment[hr]=GNOME skup ključeva: PKCS#11 komponena
Comment[hu]=GNOME kulcstartó PKCS#11 összetevő
Comment[id]=GNOME Keyring: Komponen PKCS#11
Comment[it]=Portachiavi di GNOME: componente PKCS#11
Comment[ja]=GNOME : PKCS#11
Comment[kk]=GNOME Keyring: PKCS#11 құрамасы
Comment[km]=GNOME Keyring PKCS#11
Comment[kn]=GNOME ಿ: PKCS#11
Comment[ko]= : PKCS#11
Comment[lt]=GNOME raktinė: PKCS#11 komponentas
Comment[lv]=GNOME atslēgu saišķis PKCS#11 komponente
Comment[mjw]=GNOME Keyring: PKCS#11 Component
Comment[mk]=Приврзок на GNOME: PKCS#11 компонента
Comment[ml]= ി: PKCS#11
Comment[mr]=GNOME िि: PKCS#11
Comment[ms]=GNOME Keyring: Komponen PKCS#11
Comment[nb]=GNOME nøkkelring: PKCS#11-komponent
Comment[nl]=Sleutelbos-service: PKCS#11-component
Comment[nn]=GNOME Nøkkelring: PKCS#11-komponent
Comment[oc]=Trossèl de claus GNOME : component PKCS#11
Comment[or]=GNOME ି ି: PKCS#11
Comment[pa]= ਿ: PKCS#11
Comment[pl]=Baza kluczy dla środowiska GNOME: składnik PKCS#11
Comment[pt]=GNOME Keyring: componente PKCS#11
Comment[pt_BR]=Chaveiro do GNOME: Componente PKCS#11
Comment[ro]=Inelul de chei GNOME: Componenta PKCS#11
Comment[ru]=Связка ключей GNOME: компонент PKCS#11
Comment[sk]=Modul PKCS#11 zväzku kľúčov GNOME
Comment[sl]=Zbirka ključev GNOME: enota PKCS#11
Comment[sr]=Гномови привесци: ПКЦС#11 компонента
Comment[sr@latin]=Gnomovi privesci: PKCS#11 komponenta
Comment[sv]=GNOME-nyckelring: PKCS#11-komponent
Comment[ta]=GNOME ி: PKCS#11
Comment[te]=GNOME ి: PKCS#11
Comment[th]= GNOME: PKCS#11
Comment[tr]=GNOME Anahtarlığı: PKCS#11 Bileşeni
Comment[ug]=گىنوم ئاچقۇچ ھالقىسىPKCS#11 دېتالى
Comment[uk]=Служба в'язки ключів GNOME: компонент PKCS#11
Comment[vi]=Chùm chìa khóa GNOME: thành phn PKCS#11
Comment[zh_CN]=GNOME PKCS#11
Comment[zh_HK]=GNOME PKCS#11
Comment[zh_TW]=GNOME PKCS#11
Comment=GNOME Keyring: PKCS#11 Component
Exec=/usr/bin/gnome-keyring-daemon --start --components=pkcs11

View File

@ -1,158 +0,0 @@
[Desktop Entry]
Name[ar]=خدمة حفظ سرية
Name[ast]=Serviciu d'almacenamientu de secretos
Name[be]=Служба сховішча для сакрэтаў
Name[bg]=Услуга за шифриран носител
Name[bn]= ি ি
Name[bn_IN]= ি
Name[bs]=Servis sa tajno skladištenje
Name[ca]=Servei d'emmagatzematge de secrets
Name[ca@valencia]=Servei d'emmagatzematge de secrets
Name[cs]=Služba utajení dat
Name[da]=Secret Storage Service
Name[el]=Υπηρεσία κρυφής αποθήκευσης
Name[en_GB]=Secret Storage Service
Name[eo]=Servo pri sekreta memorejo
Name[es]=Servicio de almacenamiento de secretos
Name[et]=Saladuste hoidmise teenus
Name[eu]=Ezkutuko biltegiaren zerbitzua
Name[fa]=خدمت مخزن محرمانه
Name[fi]=Salaisuuksien säilöntäpalvelu
Name[fr]=Service de stockage secret
Name[fur]=Servizi archivi segret
Name[gd]=Seirbheis stòrais dhìomhair
Name[gl]=Servizo de almacenamento segredo
Name[he]=שרות אחסון חשאי
Name[hr]=Tajna usluga spremišta
Name[hu]=Titoktároló szolgáltatás
Name[id]=Layanan Penyimpanan Rahasia
Name[it]=Servizio archivio segreto
Name[kk]=Құпия кілттер қоймасы қызметі
Name[lt]=Slaptoji saugojimo tarnyba
Name[lv]=Slepenās glabātavas serviss
Name[mjw]=Secret Storage Service
Name[mk]=Сервис за склад на тајни
Name[mr]= ि
Name[ms]=Servis Rahsia Penyimpanan
Name[nb]=Lagringstjeneste for hemmeligheter
Name[nl]=Secret Storage Service
Name[nn]=Hemmeleg lagerteneste
Name[oc]=Servici d'emmagazinatge secret
Name[or]= ି
Name[pa]= ਿ
Name[pl]=Usługa przechowywania haseł
Name[pt]=Serviço de armazenamento secreto
Name[pt_BR]=Serviço de armazenamento secreto
Name[ro]=Serviciul secret de stocare
Name[ru]=Служба безопасного хранения
Name[sk]=Služba utajeného úložiska
Name[sl]=Shranjevanje skritih storitev
Name[sr]=Сервис са тајно складиштење
Name[sr@latin]=Servis sa tajno skladištenje
Name[sv]=Lagringstjänst för hemligheter
Name[ta]=\sி ி
Name[te]= ి
Name[tr]=Gizli Depolama Hizmeti
Name[ug]=مەخپىي ساقلاش مۇلازىمىتى
Name[uk]=Служба шифрування дисків
Name[vi]=Dch v lưu tr bo mt
Name=Secret Storage Service
Comment[af]=GNOME-sleutelring: geheimdiens
Comment[ar]=حلقة مفاتيح جنوم: خدمة سرية
Comment[as]=GNOME Keyring:
Comment[ast]=Depósitu de claves de GNOME: Serviciu de secretos
Comment[be]=Вязкі ключоў GNOME: служба сакрэтаў
Comment[bg]=Ключодържател на GNOME: услуга за тайни
Comment[bn]=GNOME ি: ি
Comment[bn_IN]=GNOME Keyring: ি
Comment[bs]=Gnomovi privjesci: servis za tajnost
Comment[ca]=Anell de claus del GNOME: servei de secrets
Comment[ca@valencia]=Anell de claus del GNOME: servei de secrets
Comment[cs]=Klíčenka GNOME: Služba utajení dat
Comment[da]=GNOME-nøglering: Secret Service
Comment[de]=GNOME-Schlüsselbunddienst: Sicherheitsdienst
Comment[el]=Κλειδοθήκη GNOME: Κρυφή υπηρεσία
Comment[en_GB]=GNOME Keyring: Secret Service
Comment[eo]=GNOME Ŝlosilaro: Sekreta servo
Comment[es]=Depósito de claves de GNOME: Servicio de secretos
Comment[et]=GNOME võtmerõngas: saladuste teenus
Comment[eu]=GNOMEren gako-sorta: ezkutuko zerbitzua
Comment[fa]=دستهکلید گنوم: خدمت محرمانه
Comment[fi]=Gnomen avainnippu: Salainen palvelu
Comment[fr]=Trousseau de clés de GNOME : service secret
Comment[fur]=Puarteclâfs di GNOME: servizi segret
Comment[gd]=Dul-iuchrach GNOME: Seirbheis dhìomhair
Comment[gl]=GNOME Keyring: servizo segredo
Comment[gu]=GNOME :
Comment[he]=קבוצת מפתחות של GNOME: שירות חשאי
Comment[hi]= ि:
Comment[hr]=GNOME skup ključeva: Tajna usluga
Comment[hu]=GNOME kulcstartó titokszolgáltatás
Comment[id]=GNOME Keyring: Layanan Rahasia
Comment[it]=Portachiavi di GNOME: servizio segreto
Comment[ja]=GNOME :
Comment[kk]=GNOME Keyring: Құпия кілттер қызметі
Comment[km]=GNOME Keyring
Comment[kn]=GNOME ಿ:
Comment[ko]= :
Comment[lt]=GNOME raktinė: slaptoji tarnyba
Comment[lv]=GNOME atslēgu saišķis slepenais serviss
Comment[mjw]=GNOME Keyring: Secret Service
Comment[mk]=Приврзок на GNOME: таен сервис
Comment[ml]= ി:
Comment[mr]=GNOME िि: ि
Comment[ms]=GNOME Keyring: Servis Rahsia
Comment[nb]=GNOME nøkkelring: Hemmelige tjenester
Comment[ne]=ि िि :
Comment[nl]=Sleutelbos-service: Secret Service
Comment[nn]=GNOME Nøkkelring: Hemmeleg teneste
Comment[oc]=Trossèl de claus GNOME : servici secret
Comment[or]=GNOME ି ି:
Comment[pa]= ਿ : ਿ
Comment[pl]=Baza kluczy dla środowiska GNOME: usługa haseł
Comment[pt]=GNOME Keyring: serviço secreto
Comment[pt_BR]=Chaveiro do GNOME: Serviço secreto
Comment[ro]=Inelul de chei GNOME: Serviciul secret
Comment[ru]=Связка ключей GNOME: служба безопасности
Comment[sk]=Služba utajenia zväzku kľúčov GNOME
Comment[sl]=Zbirka ključev GNOME: skrite storitve
Comment[sr]=Гномови привесци: сервис за тајност
Comment[sr@latin]=Gnomovi privesci: servis za tajnost
Comment[sv]=GNOME-nyckelring: Hemlighetstjänst
Comment[ta]=GNOME ி: ி
Comment[te]=GNOME ి:
Comment[th]= GNOME:
Comment[tr]=GNOME Anahtarlığı: Gizli Hizmet
Comment[ug]=گىنوم ئاچقۇچ ھالقىسىمەخپىيەت مۇلازىمىتى
Comment[uk]=Служба в'язки ключів GNOME: служба шифрування
Comment[vi]=Chùm chìa khóa GNOME: dch v bo mt
Comment=GNOME Keyring: Secret Service
Exec=/usr/bin/gnome-keyring-daemon --start --components=secrets

View File

@ -1,157 +0,0 @@
[Desktop Entry]
Name[ar]=عميل مفاتيح SSH
Name[as]=SSH ি
Name[ast]=Axente de claves SSH
Name[be]=SSH-агент ключоў
Name[bg]=Агентът на SSH за ключове
Name[bn_IN]=SSH ি
Name[bs]=Agent za SSH ključeve
Name[ca]=Agent de claus SSH
Name[ca@valencia]=Agent de claus SSH
Name[cs]=Agent klíčů SSH
Name[el]=Πράκτορας κλειδιού SSH
Name[en_GB]=SSH Key Agent
Name[eo]=SSH-ŝlosila agento
Name[es]=Agente de claves SSH
Name[et]=SSH-võtmete agent
Name[eu]=SSH gako-agentea
Name[fa]=عامل کلید SSH
Name[fi]=SSH-avainten agentti
Name[fr]=Agent de clés SSH
Name[fur]=Agjent clâfs SSH
Name[gd]=Àidseant iuchair SSH
Name[gl]=Axente de chave SSH
Name[he]=סוכן מפתחות SSH
Name[hi]=AFS ििि
Name[hr]=Agent SSH ključa
Name[hu]=SSH-kulcs ügynök
Name[id]=Agen Kunci SSH
Name[it]=Agente chiavi SSH
Name[kk]=SSH кілттер агенті
Name[km]= SSH
Name[kn]=SSH ಿ ಿ
Name[lt]=SSH raktų tarnyba
Name[lv]=SSH atslēgu aģents
Name[mjw]=SSH Key Agent
Name[mk]=Агент за SSH клучеви
Name[mr]=SSH ि
Name[ms]=Agen Kekunci SSH
Name[nn]=Nøkkelagent for SSH
Name[oc]=Agent de claus SSH
Name[or]=SSH ି
Name[pl]=Agent kluczy SSH
Name[pt]=Agente de chaves SSH
Name[pt_BR]=Agente de chaves SSH
Name[ro]=Agent pentru chei SSH
Name[ru]=Агент ключей SSH
Name[sk]=Agent kľúčov SSH
Name[sl]=Agent ključev SSH
Name[sr]=Агент за ССХ кључеве
Name[sr@latin]=Agent za SSH ključeve
Name[th]= SSH
Name[tr]=SSH Anahtar Aracı
Name[ug]=SSH ئاچقۇچ ياردەمچىسى
Name[uk]=Агент ключів SSH
Name[vi]=Đi din khóa SSH
Name=SSH Key Agent
Comment[af]=GNOME-sleutelring: SSH-agent
Comment[ar]=حلقة مفاتيح جنوم: عميل SSH
Comment[as]=GNOME Keyring: SSH
Comment[ast]=Depósitu de claves de GNOME: axente SSH
Comment[be]=Вязкі ключоў GNOME: SSH-агент
Comment[bg]=Ключодържател на GNOME: агент на SSH
Comment[bn]=GNOME ি: SSH
Comment[bn_IN]=GNOME Keyring: SSH
Comment[bs]=Gnomovi privjesci: SSH agent
Comment[ca]=Anell de claus del GNOME: agent SSH
Comment[ca@valencia]=Anell de claus del GNOME: agent SSH
Comment[cs]=Klíčenka GNOME: Agent SSH
Comment[da]=GNOME-nøgleringsdæmon: SSH-agent
Comment[de]=GNOME-Schlüsselbunddienst: SSH-Agent
Comment[el]=Κλειδοθήκη GNOME: Πράκτορας SSH
Comment[en_GB]=GNOME Keyring: SSH Agent
Comment[eo]=GNOME Ŝlosilaro: SSH-agento
Comment[es]=Depósito de claves de GNOME: agente SSH
Comment[et]=GNOME võtmerõngas: SSH-agent
Comment[eu]=GNOMEren gako-sorta: SSH agentea
Comment[fa]=دستهکلید گنوم: عامل SSH
Comment[fi]=Gnomen avainnippu: SSH-agentti
Comment[fr]=Trousseau de clés de GNOME : agent SSH
Comment[fur]=Puarteclâfs di GNOME: agjent SSH
Comment[gd]=Dul-iuchrach: Àidseant SSH
Comment[gl]=GNOME Keyring: Axente SSH
Comment[gu]=GNOME : SSH
Comment[he]=קבוצת מפתחות של GNOME: סוכן SSH
Comment[hi]= ि: SSH ििि
Comment[hr]=GNOME skup ključeva: SSH agent
Comment[hu]=GNOME kulcstartó SSH-ügynök
Comment[id]=Ring Kunci GNOME: Agen SSH
Comment[it]=Portachiavi di GNOME: agente SSH
Comment[ja]=GNOME : SSH
Comment[kk]=GNOME Keyring: SSH агенті
Comment[km]=GNOME Keyring SSH
Comment[kn]=GNOME ಿ: SSH ಿ
Comment[ko]= : SSH
Comment[lt]=GNOME raktinė: SSH tarnyba
Comment[lv]=GNOME atslēgu saišķis SSH aģents
Comment[mjw]=GNOME Keyring: SSH Agent
Comment[mk]=Приврзок на GNOME: SSH агент
Comment[ml]= ി:
Comment[mr]=GNOME िि: SSH
Comment[ms]=GNOME Keyring: Agen SSH
Comment[nb]=GNOME nøkkelring: SSH-agent
Comment[ne]=ि िि : SSH
Comment[nl]=Sleutelbos-service: SSH-agent
Comment[nn]=GNOME Nøkkelring: SSH-agent
Comment[oc]=Trossèl de claus GNOME : agent SSH
Comment[or]=GNOME ି ି: SSH
Comment[pa]= ਿ: SSH
Comment[pl]=Baza kluczy dla środowiska GNOME: agent SSH
Comment[pt]=GNOME Keyring: agente SSH
Comment[pt_BR]=Chaveiro do GNOME: Agente SSH
Comment[ro]=Inelul de chei GNOME: Agent SSH
Comment[ru]=Связка ключей GNOME: SSH-агент
Comment[sk]=SSH agent zväzku kľúčov GNOME
Comment[sl]=Zbirka ključev GNOME: agent SSH
Comment[sr]=Гномови привесци: ССХ агент
Comment[sr@latin]=Gnomovi privesci: SSH agent
Comment[sv]=GNOME-nyckelring: SSH-agent
Comment[ta]=GNOME ி: SSH
Comment[te]=GNOME ి: SSH
Comment[th]= GNOME: SSH
Comment[tr]=GNOME Anahtarlığı: SSH Aracı
Comment[ug]=گىنوم ئاچقۇچ ھالقىسىSSH ياردەمچىسى
Comment[uk]=Служба в'язки ключів GNOME: агент SSH
Comment[vi]=Chùm chìa khóa GNOME: Đi din SSH
Comment[zh_CN]=GNOME SSH
Comment[zh_HK]=GNOME SSH
Comment[zh_TW]=GNOME SSH
Comment=GNOME Keyring: SSH Agent
Exec=/usr/bin/gnome-keyring-daemon --start --components=ssh

View File

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
[Desktop Entry]
Name=Picom - a X compositor
GenericName=X compositor
Comment=A X compositor
Keywords=compositor;composite manager;window effects;transparency;opacity;
Exec=picom -b --conf ~/.config/picom.conf
# Thanks to quequotion for providing this file!

View File

@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
[Desktop Entry]
Name=Snap user application autostart helper
Comment=Helper program for launching snap applications that are configured to start automatically.
Exec=/bin/snap userd --autostart

View File

@ -43,16 +43,13 @@ xcape -e 'Super_L=Super_L|space'
#/usr/bin/synclient TouchpadOff=1 & #/usr/bin/synclient TouchpadOff=1 &
## Conky ## Conky
(sleep 2s && mb-conky-session --autostart) & #(sleep 2s && mb-conky-session --autostart) &
## Basic compositing effects ## Basic compositing effects
(sleep 1s && picom -b --conf ~/.config/picom.conf) & #(sleep 1s && picom -b --conf ~/.config/picom.conf) &
## Betterlockscreen setup ## Betterlockscreen setup
betterlockscreen_setup & betterlockscreen_setup &
## Hot Corners
#cornora -tl "mb-jgtools places" -tr "mb-jgtools right" -br "mb-jgtools mblogout" -iof &
## Mabox scripts - DO NOT DISABLE ## Mabox scripts - DO NOT DISABLE
(sleep 1s && mabox-obstart startopenbox) & (sleep 1s && mabox-obstart startopenbox) &

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
#---- Generated by tint2conf e7dc ---- #---- Generated by tint2conf a9df ----
# See for # See for
# full documentation of the configuration options. # full documentation of the configuration options.
#------------------------------------- #-------------------------------------
@ -174,7 +174,7 @@ task_thumbnail_size = 210
task_font_color = #5c616c 100 task_font_color = #5c616c 100
task_active_font_color = #5f8a45 100 task_active_font_color = #5f8a45 100
task_urgent_font_color = #dc143c 100 task_urgent_font_color = #dc143c 100
task_iconified_font_color = #5c616c 86 task_iconified_font_color = #5c616c 85
task_icon_asb = 80 0 0 task_icon_asb = 80 0 0
task_active_icon_asb = 100 0 10 task_active_icon_asb = 100 0 10
task_urgent_icon_asb = 100 0 0 task_urgent_icon_asb = 100 0 0
@ -269,7 +269,7 @@ button_uwheel_command =
button_dwheel_command = button_dwheel_command =
button_font_color = #000000 100 button_font_color = #000000 100
button_padding = 0 0 button_padding = 0 0
button_background_id = -1 button_background_id = 0
button_centered = 0 button_centered = 0
button_max_icon_size = 16 button_max_icon_size = 16
@ -278,15 +278,15 @@ button_max_icon_size = 16
button = new button = new
button_icon = distributor-logo-mabox button_icon = distributor-logo-mabox
button_text = button_text =
button_tooltip = Menu główne button_tooltip = Lewy -> Menu główne, Prawy -> Menu ustawień
button_lclick_command = mb-jgtools main ipc button_lclick_command = mb-jgtools main ipc
button_rclick_command = button_rclick_command = mb-jgtools settings ipc
button_mclick_command = button_mclick_command =
button_uwheel_command = button_uwheel_command =
button_dwheel_command = button_dwheel_command =
button_font_color = #000000 100 button_font_color = #000000 100
button_padding = 0 0 button_padding = 0 0
button_background_id = -1 button_background_id = 0
button_centered = 0 button_centered = 0
button_max_icon_size = 24 button_max_icon_size = 24
@ -303,7 +303,7 @@ button_uwheel_command =
button_dwheel_command = button_dwheel_command =
button_font_color = #000000 100 button_font_color = #000000 100
button_padding = 0 0 button_padding = 0 0
button_background_id = -1 button_background_id = 0
button_centered = 0 button_centered = 0
button_max_icon_size = 16 button_max_icon_size = 16

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
#---- Generated by tint2conf 5f64 ---- #---- Generated by tint2conf 61d4 ----
# See for # See for
# full documentation of the configuration options. # full documentation of the configuration options.
#------------------------------------- #-------------------------------------
@ -261,9 +261,9 @@ ac_disconnected_cmd =
button = new button = new
button_icon = distributor-logo-mabox button_icon = distributor-logo-mabox
button_text = button_text =
button_tooltip = Główne menu button_tooltip = Lewy ->Główne menu, Prawy - Menu ustawień
button_lclick_command = mb-jgtools main ipc button_lclick_command = mb-jgtools main ipc
button_rclick_command = button_rclick_command = mb-jgtools settings ipc
button_mclick_command = button_mclick_command =
button_uwheel_command = mb-jgtools places button_uwheel_command = mb-jgtools places
button_dwheel_command = mb-jgtools right button_dwheel_command = mb-jgtools right

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
#---- Generated by tint2conf 233d ---- #---- Generated by tint2conf ce38 ----
# See for # See for
# full documentation of the configuration options. # full documentation of the configuration options.
#------------------------------------- #-------------------------------------
@ -137,7 +137,7 @@ border_color_pressed = #161616 100
#------------------------------------- #-------------------------------------
# Panel # Panel
panel_items = PLT:S:B:CP panel_items = PLT:S:B:C
panel_size = 96% 40 panel_size = 96% 40
panel_margin = 0 0 panel_margin = 0 0
panel_padding = 2 2 2 panel_padding = 2 2 2
@ -179,7 +179,7 @@ taskbar_name_padding = 8 0
taskbar_name_background_id = 4 taskbar_name_background_id = 4
taskbar_name_active_background_id = 4 taskbar_name_active_background_id = 4
taskbar_name_font = Ubuntu 10 taskbar_name_font = Ubuntu 10
taskbar_name_font_color = #a1a1a1 24 taskbar_name_font_color = #a1a1a1 23
taskbar_name_active_font_color = #f3f3ff 100 taskbar_name_active_font_color = #f3f3ff 100
taskbar_distribute_size = 1 taskbar_distribute_size = 1
taskbar_sort_order = none taskbar_sort_order = none
@ -288,7 +288,7 @@ ac_disconnected_cmd = notify-send "AC Disconected"
# Separator 1 # Separator 1
separator = new separator = new
separator_background_id = 0 separator_background_id = 0
separator_color = #777777 84 separator_color = #777777 83
separator_style = empty separator_style = empty
separator_size = 0 separator_size = 0
separator_padding = 4 0 separator_padding = 4 0
@ -297,7 +297,7 @@ separator_padding = 4 0
# Separator 2 # Separator 2
separator = new separator = new
separator_background_id = 0 separator_background_id = 0
separator_color = #777777 84 separator_color = #777777 83
separator_style = empty separator_style = empty
separator_size = 0 separator_size = 0
separator_padding = 4 0 separator_padding = 4 0
@ -306,7 +306,7 @@ separator_padding = 4 0
# Separator 3 # Separator 3
separator = new separator = new
separator_background_id = 0 separator_background_id = 0
separator_color = #777777 84 separator_color = #777777 83
separator_style = empty separator_style = empty
separator_size = 0 separator_size = 0
separator_padding = 4 0 separator_padding = 4 0
@ -317,24 +317,7 @@ button = new
button_icon = distributor-logo-mabox button_icon = distributor-logo-mabox
button_text = button_text =
button_lclick_command = mb-jgtools main ipc button_lclick_command = mb-jgtools main ipc
button_rclick_command = button_rclick_command = mb-jgtools settings ipc
button_mclick_command =
button_uwheel_command =
button_dwheel_command =
button_font_color = #000000 100
button_padding = 0 0
button_background_id = 0
button_centered = 0
button_max_icon_size = 0
# Button 2
button = new
button_icon = tint2conf
button_text =
button_tooltip = Konfiguruj panel
button_lclick_command = tint2conf $HOME/.config/tint2/gradient.tint2rc
button_rclick_command =
button_mclick_command = button_mclick_command =
button_uwheel_command = button_uwheel_command =
button_dwheel_command = button_dwheel_command =

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
#---- Generated by tint2conf dd97 ---- #---- Generated by tint2conf df7b ----
# See for # See for
# full documentation of the configuration options. # full documentation of the configuration options.
#------------------------------------- #-------------------------------------
@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ border_color_pressed = #000000 100
#------------------------------------- #-------------------------------------
# Panel # Panel
panel_items = PPL:TSBCPP panel_items = PPL:TSBCP
panel_size = 100% 32 panel_size = 100% 32
panel_margin = 0 0 panel_margin = 0 0
panel_padding = 4 0 2 panel_padding = 4 0 2
@ -242,7 +242,7 @@ button = new
button_icon = distributor-logo-mabox button_icon = distributor-logo-mabox
button_text = button_text =
button_lclick_command = mb-jgtools main ipc button_lclick_command = mb-jgtools main ipc
button_rclick_command = button_rclick_command = mb-jgtools settings ipc
button_mclick_command = button_mclick_command =
button_uwheel_command = button_uwheel_command =
button_dwheel_command = button_dwheel_command =
@ -255,23 +255,6 @@ button_max_icon_size = 0
#------------------------------------- #-------------------------------------
# Button 3 # Button 3
button = new button = new
button_icon = tint2conf
button_text =
button_tooltip = Ustawienia panelu
button_lclick_command = tint2conf
button_rclick_command =
button_mclick_command =
button_uwheel_command =
button_dwheel_command =
button_font_color = #000000 100
button_padding = 0 0
button_background_id = 0
button_centered = 0
button_max_icon_size = 20
# Button 4
button = new
button_icon = arrow-right button_icon = arrow-right
button_text = button_text =
button_tooltip = Prawy panel (super+tab) button_tooltip = Prawy panel (super+tab)

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
#---- Generated by tint2conf f461 ---- #---- Generated by tint2conf e00b ----
# See for # See for
# full documentation of the configuration options. # full documentation of the configuration options.
#------------------------------------- #-------------------------------------
@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ border_color_pressed = #ffffff 0
#------------------------------------- #-------------------------------------
# Panel # Panel
panel_items = PPLTSCPP panel_items = PPLTSCP
panel_size = 98% 34 panel_size = 98% 34
panel_margin = 4 4 panel_margin = 4 4
panel_padding = 1 1 4 panel_padding = 1 1 4
@ -247,9 +247,9 @@ ac_disconnected_cmd =
button = new button = new
button_icon = arrow-left button_icon = arrow-left
button_text = button_text =
button_tooltip = Lewy panel - Miejsca (ctrl+tab) button_tooltip = Lewy -> Menu główne, Prawy -> Menu ustawień
button_lclick_command = mb-jgtools places button_lclick_command = mb-jgtools places ipc
button_rclick_command = button_rclick_command = mb-jgtools settings ipc
button_mclick_command = button_mclick_command =
button_uwheel_command = button_uwheel_command =
button_dwheel_command = button_dwheel_command =
@ -264,8 +264,9 @@ button_max_icon_size = 0
button = new button = new
button_icon = distributor-logo-mabox button_icon = distributor-logo-mabox
button_text = button_text =
button_tooltip = Lewy -> Menu główne, Prawy -> Menu ustawień
button_lclick_command = mb-jgtools main ipc button_lclick_command = mb-jgtools main ipc
button_rclick_command = button_rclick_command = mb-jgtools settings ipc
button_mclick_command = button_mclick_command =
button_uwheel_command = button_uwheel_command =
button_dwheel_command = button_dwheel_command =
@ -278,23 +279,6 @@ button_max_icon_size = 0
#------------------------------------- #-------------------------------------
# Button 3 # Button 3
button = new button = new
button_icon = tint2conf
button_text =
button_tooltip = Edytuj ustawienia panelu
button_lclick_command = tint2conf $HOME/.config/tint2/mabox2001.tint2rc
button_rclick_command =
button_mclick_command =
button_uwheel_command =
button_dwheel_command =
button_font_color = #000000 100
button_padding = 8 4
button_background_id = 7
button_centered = 0
button_max_icon_size = 0
# Button 4
button = new
button_icon = arrow-right button_icon = arrow-right
button_text = button_text =
button_tooltip = Prawy panel (super+tab) button_tooltip = Prawy panel (super+tab)

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
#---- Generated by tint2conf 03e6 ---- #---- Generated by tint2conf a5d7 ----
# See for # See for
# full documentation of the configuration options. # full documentation of the configuration options.
#------------------------------------- #-------------------------------------
@ -153,7 +153,7 @@ taskbar_name_padding = 6 3
taskbar_name_background_id = 6 taskbar_name_background_id = 6
taskbar_name_active_background_id = 7 taskbar_name_active_background_id = 7
taskbar_name_font = sans bold 9 taskbar_name_font = sans bold 9
taskbar_name_font_color = #222222 47 taskbar_name_font_color = #222222 46
taskbar_name_active_font_color = #222222 100 taskbar_name_active_font_color = #222222 100
taskbar_distribute_size = 1 taskbar_distribute_size = 1
taskbar_sort_order = none taskbar_sort_order = none
@ -257,15 +257,15 @@ ac_disconnected_cmd =
button = new button = new
button_icon = arrow-left button_icon = arrow-left
button_text = button_text =
button_tooltip = Lewy panel - Miejsca (ctrl+tab) button_tooltip = Lewy -> Menu główne, Prawy -> Menu ustawień
button_lclick_command = mb-jgtools places button_lclick_command = mb-jgtools places ipc
button_rclick_command = button_rclick_command = mb-jgtools settings ipc
button_mclick_command = button_mclick_command =
button_uwheel_command = button_uwheel_command =
button_dwheel_command = button_dwheel_command =
button_font_color = #000000 100 button_font_color = #000000 100
button_padding = 0 0 button_padding = 0 0
button_background_id = -1 button_background_id = 0
button_centered = 0 button_centered = 0
button_max_icon_size = 16 button_max_icon_size = 16
@ -275,7 +275,7 @@ button = new
button_icon = distributor-logo-mabox button_icon = distributor-logo-mabox
button_text = button_text =
button_lclick_command = mb-jgtools main ipc button_lclick_command = mb-jgtools main ipc
button_rclick_command = button_rclick_command = mb-jgtools settings ipc
button_mclick_command = button_mclick_command =
button_uwheel_command = button_uwheel_command =
button_dwheel_command = button_dwheel_command =
@ -298,7 +298,7 @@ button_uwheel_command =
button_dwheel_command = button_dwheel_command =
button_font_color = #000000 100 button_font_color = #000000 100
button_padding = 0 0 button_padding = 0 0
button_background_id = -1 button_background_id = 0
button_centered = 0 button_centered = 0
button_max_icon_size = 16 button_max_icon_size = 16

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
#---- Generated by tint2conf cb66 ---- #---- Generated by tint2conf 305a ----
# See for # See for
# full documentation of the configuration options. # full documentation of the configuration options.
#------------------------------------- #-------------------------------------
@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ border_color_pressed = #000000 100
#------------------------------------- #-------------------------------------
# Panel # Panel
panel_items = PPLTSBCPP panel_items = PPLTSBCP
panel_size = 80% 30 panel_size = 80% 30
panel_margin = 0 0 panel_margin = 0 0
panel_padding = 2 2 0 panel_padding = 2 2 0
@ -260,8 +260,9 @@ button_max_icon_size = 16
button = new button = new
button_icon = distributor-logo-mabox button_icon = distributor-logo-mabox
button_text = button_text =
button_tooltip = Lewy -> Menu główne, Prawy -> Menu ustawień
button_lclick_command = mb-jgtools main ipc button_lclick_command = mb-jgtools main ipc
button_rclick_command = button_rclick_command = mb-jgtools settings ipc
button_mclick_command = button_mclick_command =
button_uwheel_command = button_uwheel_command =
button_dwheel_command = button_dwheel_command =
@ -274,22 +275,6 @@ button_max_icon_size = 0
#------------------------------------- #-------------------------------------
# Button 3 # Button 3
button = new button = new
button_icon = tint2conf
button_text =
button_lclick_command = tint2conf
button_rclick_command =
button_mclick_command =
button_uwheel_command =
button_dwheel_command =
button_font_color = #000000 100
button_padding = 0 0
button_background_id = 5
button_centered = 0
button_max_icon_size = 0
# Button 4
button = new
button_icon = arrow-right button_icon = arrow-right
button_text = button_text =
button_tooltip = Prawy panel (super+tab) button_tooltip = Prawy panel (super+tab)

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
#---- Generated by tint2conf b7fb ---- #---- Generated by tint2conf 152e ----
# See for # See for
# full documentation of the configuration options. # full documentation of the configuration options.
#------------------------------------- #-------------------------------------
@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ border_color_pressed = #e9e4e4 60
#------------------------------------- #-------------------------------------
# Panel # Panel
panel_items = LTBSCP panel_items = LTBSC
panel_size = 100% 34 panel_size = 100% 34
panel_margin = 0 0 panel_margin = 0 0
panel_padding = 1 1 2 panel_padding = 1 1 2
@ -229,22 +229,6 @@ battery_dwheel_command =
ac_connected_cmd = ac_connected_cmd =
ac_disconnected_cmd = ac_disconnected_cmd =
# Button 1
button = new
button_icon = tint2conf
button_text =
button_lclick_command = tint2conf
button_rclick_command =
button_mclick_command =
button_uwheel_command =
button_dwheel_command =
button_font_color = #000000 100
button_padding = 0 0
button_background_id = 0
button_centered = 0
button_max_icon_size = 0
#------------------------------------- #-------------------------------------
# Tooltip # Tooltip
tooltip_show_timeout = 0.3 tooltip_show_timeout = 0.3

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
#---- Generated by tint2conf 3897 ---- #---- Generated by tint2conf 2a08 ----
# See for # See for
# full documentation of the configuration options. # full documentation of the configuration options.
#------------------------------------- #-------------------------------------
@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ border_color_pressed = #ffffff 0
#------------------------------------- #-------------------------------------
# Panel # Panel
panel_items = PPFTFSCPP panel_items = PPFTFSCP
panel_size = 100% 30 panel_size = 100% 30
panel_margin = 0 0 panel_margin = 0 0
panel_padding = 0 1 4 panel_padding = 0 1 4
@ -263,7 +263,7 @@ button_max_icon_size = 0
button = new button = new
button_text =  Programy button_text =  Programy
button_lclick_command = mb-jgtools main ipc button_lclick_command = mb-jgtools main ipc
button_rclick_command = button_rclick_command = mb-jgtools settings ipc
button_mclick_command = button_mclick_command =
button_uwheel_command = button_uwheel_command =
button_dwheel_command = button_dwheel_command =
@ -276,23 +276,6 @@ button_max_icon_size = 0
#------------------------------------- #-------------------------------------
# Button 3 # Button 3
button = new button = new
button_text = 
button_tooltip = Edytuj ten panel
button_lclick_command = tint2conf $HOME/.config/tint2/transparent.tint2rc
button_rclick_command =
button_mclick_command =
button_uwheel_command =
button_dwheel_command =
button_font = Noto Sans 8
button_font_color = #ffffff 100
button_padding = 0 0
button_background_id = 0
button_centered = 1
button_max_icon_size = 0
# Button 4
button = new
button_text = > button_text = >
button_tooltip = Prawy panel (super+tab) button_tooltip = Prawy panel (super+tab)
button_lclick_command = mb-jgtools right button_lclick_command = mb-jgtools right

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
/usr/share/gkrellm2/themes/CoplandOS /usr/share/gkrellm2/themes/Egan-Grey
0 0
Noto Sans 11 Noto Sans 11
Noto Sans 9 Noto Sans 9

View File

@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
# This file is part of systemd.
# systemd is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Entries in this file show the compile time defaults.
# You can change settings by editing this file.
# Defaults can be restored by simply deleting this file.
# See systemd-system.conf(5) for details.
#CPUAffinity=1 2

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 19 KiB

View File

@ -37,7 +37,8 @@ addgroups="lp,network,power,wheel,audio,video,disk,storage,optical,scanner"
# unset defaults to given values # unset defaults to given values
# names must match systemd service names # names must match systemd service names
enable_systemd=('avahi-daemon' 'bluetooth' 'ModemManager' 'NetworkManager' 'org.cups.cupsd' 'tlp' 'tlp-sleep' 'haveged' 'systemd-timesyncd' 'apparmor' 'snapd.apparmor' 'snapd') enable_systemd=('avahi-daemon' 'bluetooth' 'ModemManager' 'NetworkManager' 'org.cups.cupsd' 'tlp' 'tlp-sleep' 'haveged' 'systemd-timesyncd')
#enable_systemd=('avahi-daemon' 'bluetooth' 'ModemManager' 'NetworkManager' 'org.cups.cupsd' 'tlp' 'tlp-sleep' 'haveged' 'systemd-timesyncd' 'apparmor' 'snapd.apparmor' 'snapd')
disable_systemd=('pacman-init' 'systemd-rfkill.service' 'systemd-rfkill.socket') disable_systemd=('pacman-init' 'systemd-rfkill.service' 'systemd-rfkill.socket')
# the same workgroup name if samba is used # the same workgroup name if samba is used