[translations] update release notes

Philip Müller 2020-04-18 14:11:55 +02:00
parent 856068b3f4
commit 0884f42eaa
9 changed files with 82 additions and 62 deletions

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@ -1,13 +1,17 @@
Vi er glade for at offentliggøre en ny stabil udgivelse af Manjaro Linux, Kyria.
<big>Manjaro 20.0</big>
Vi er glade for at offentliggøre en ny stabil udgivelse af Manjaro Linux, Lysia.
Xfce-udgaven er fortsat vores stolthed og har fået den opmærksomhed, den fortjener. Få kan hævde at tilbyde en sådan poleret, integreret og førende Xfce-oplevelse. Med denne udgivelse følger Xfce 4.14 og fokus har været at at finpudse brugeroplevelsen med desktop og windows manager. Det gennemgående tema er Matcha. Den nye funktion Display-profiler giver dig mulighed for at gemme en eller flere profiler til din foretrukne skærmkonfiguration. For at gøre det lidt lettere har vi implementeret automatisk anvendelse af profiler, når nye skærme er tilsluttet.
Vores KDE-udgave giver det kraftfulde Plasma 5.17-skrivebordsmiljø et unikt udseende og præg, som vi er designet specifikt til denne version. Det komplette sæt af Breath2-temaer inkluderer lyse og mørke versioner, animerede vinduer, Konsole-profiler, Yakuake-temaer og mange flere små detaljer. Vi har givet tekst programmet Kate nogle ekstra farveskemaer og tilbyder Plasma-Simplemenu som et alternativ til den traditionelle Kickoff-Launcher. Med et bredt udvalg af de nyeste KDE-Apps 19.12.2 og andre applikationer stræber Manjaro-KDE at være et alsidigt og elegant miljø klar til alle dine daglige behov.
Vores KDE-udgave giver det kraftfulde Plasma 5.18-skrivebordsmiljø et unikt udseende og præg, som vi er designet specifikt til denne version. Det komplette sæt af Breath2-temaer inkluderer lyse og mørke versioner, animerede vinduer, Konsole-profiler, Yakuake-temaer og mange flere små detaljer. Vi har givet tekst programmet Kate nogle ekstra farveskemaer og tilbyder Plasma-Simplemenu som et alternativ til den traditionelle Kickoff-Launcher. Med et bredt udvalg af de nyeste KDE-Apps 20.04 og andre applikationer stræber Manjaro-KDE at være et alsidigt og elegant miljø klar til alle dine daglige behov.
Med vores Gnome-udgave baseret på 3.34-serien inkluderer vi en visuel opdatering til mange applikationer og selve skrivebordet. Indstillingerne for baggrundsvalg er også redesign, hvilket gjorde det lettere at vælge brugerdefinerede baggrunde. Som standard tilføjede vi vores eget dynamiske baggrund, der ændres gennem dagen. GNOME 3.34 introducerer også brugerdefinerede mapper i applikationsoversigten: Træk blot et programikon oven på en anden for at oprette en mappe. Mapper fjernes automatisk igen, når alle ikoner er trukket ud af dem. Med et enklere desktoplayout får vi mere stabilitet. Vores nye Gnome-Layout-switcher giver dig mulighed for nemt at ændre dit desktoplayout med forudindstillede layouts, der efterligner populære operativsystemer. Tilgængelige layout er: Manjaro, Vanilla Gnome, Mate/Gnome2, Traditional/Windows, Moderne/MacOs, Unity/Ubuntu Theme. Vi skifter også automatisk mellem mørkt og lyst tema, når nattelys aktiveres. Et nyt tema til login-skærmen og tilføjelsen af Feral's Gamemode afslutter vores Gnome-udgave.
With our Gnome edition based on 3.36 series we include visual refreshes for a number of applications and interfaces, particularly noteworthy being the login and unlock interfaces. GNOME shell extensions are now managed using a new Extensions app, rather than Software. The Extensions app handles updating extensions, configuring extension preferences and removing or disabling unwanted extensions. A Do Not Disturb button was added to the notifications popover. When enabled, notifications are hidden until the button is toggled off. By default our own dynamic wallpaper changes its colour theme throughout the day. Additionally we updated GDM and improved our Gnome-Layout-Switcher a lot. Our Gnome edition uses Wayland now by default. For Nvidia users X11 is however used. Adjusted packages pre-installed, zsh used and a clean app drawer with applications sorted to folders by default rounds our improvements up.
Kernel 5.4 LTS bruges til denne udgivelse, såsom de seneste tilgængelige drivere til dato. I forhold til den sidste version af installationsmediet er vores værktøjer blevet forbedret og poleret.
Pamac 9.4 series received a few updates. Enhancing our package management we have enabled snap and flatpak support by default. You can now install snaps or flatpaks very easily with Pamac in UI and terminal to make more use of an even much larger selection of latest Linux applications. For Gnome users we enabled similar features as supported by Gnome-Software to get more package information by simply right clicking them in gnome-shell app drawer. And if you search for an app you don't have, pamac offers to install it for you
Pamac 9.3-serien er opdateret. Med en mere robust og pålidelig transaktionsbackend skulle vores opdateringsproces være meget bedre nu. Vi forbedrede også pakkesortering efter relevans i vores GTK-UI. I udviklingen af vores pakkehåndtering har vi som standard aktiveret snap- og flatpak-support. Du kan nu installere snaps eller flatpaks meget nemt med vores nye værktøj Bauh og gøre brug af et meget større udvalg af nyeste Linux-applikationer.
Manjaro Architect supports now ZFS installation by providing the needed kernel modules.
Vi håber, du nyder denne udgivelse og fortæl os, hvad du synes om Kyria.
Kernel 5.6 bruges til denne udgivelse, såsom de seneste tilgængelige drivere til dato. I forhold til den sidste version af installationsmediet er vores værktøjer blevet forbedret og poleret.
Vi håber, du nyder denne udgivelse og fortæl os, hvad du synes om Lysia.

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@ -1,15 +1,17 @@
<big>Manjaro 19.0</big>
<big>Manjaro 20.0</big>
Wir freuen uns, eine weitere stabile Version von Manjaro Linux zu veröffentlichen, die wir Kyria nennen.
Wir freuen uns, eine weitere stabile Version von Manjaro Linux zu veröffentlichen, die wir Lysia nennen.
Die Xfce-Edition bleibt unser Flaggschiff und hat die Aufmerksamkeit erhalten, die sie verdient. Nur wenige können von sich behaupten, ein so ausgefeiltes, integriertes und hochmodernes Xfce-Erlebnis zu bieten. Mit dieser Version liefern wir Xfce 4.14 aus, und haben uns hauptsächlich darauf konzentriert, die Benutzererfahrung auf dem Desktop und im Windowmanager zu verbessern. Außerdem haben wir zu einem neuen Thema gewechselt, das wir Matcha nennen. Die neue Funktion Display-Profile ermöglicht es, ein oder mehrere Profile für ihre bevorzugte Display-Konfiguration zu speichern. Um die Sache noch mehr zu versüßen, haben wir die automatische Anwendung von Profilen beim Anschluss neuer Displays implementiert.
Unsere KDE-Edition bietet die leistungsstarke, ausgereifte und funktionsreiche Plasma 5.17 Desktop-Umgebung mit einem einzigartigen Look-and-Feel, den wir für diese Version komplett neu gestaltet haben. Der vollständige Satz von Breath2-Themen umfasst helle und dunkle Versionen, einen animierten Startbildschirm, Konsole-Profile, Yakuake-Skins und viele weitere kleine Details. Wir haben den Texteditor Kate mit einigen zusätzlichen Farbschemata abgerundet und bieten Plasma-Simplemenu als Alternative zum traditionellen Kickoff-Launcher an. Mit einer großen Auswahl der neuesten KDE-Anwendungen 19.12.2 und anderen Anwendungen will Manjaro-KDE eine vielseitige und elegante Umgebung sein, die für alle ihre täglichen Bedürfnisse bereit ist.
Unsere KDE-Edition bietet die leistungsstarke, ausgereifte und funktionsreiche Plasma 5.18 Desktop-Umgebung mit einem einzigartigen Look-and-Feel, den wir für diese Version komplett neu gestaltet haben. Der vollständige Satz von Breath2-Themen umfasst helle und dunkle Versionen, einen animierten Startbildschirm, Konsole-Profile, Yakuake-Skins und viele weitere kleine Details. Wir haben den Texteditor Kate mit einigen zusätzlichen Farbschemata abgerundet und bieten Plasma-Simplemenu als Alternative zum traditionellen Kickoff-Launcher an. Mit einer großen Auswahl der neuesten KDE-Anwendungen 20.04 und anderen Anwendungen will Manjaro-KDE eine vielseitige und elegante Umgebung sein, die für alle ihre täglichen Bedürfnisse bereit ist.
Mit unserer Gnome-Edition basierend auf der 3.34er Serie inkludieren wir eine visuelle Auffrischung für zahlreiche Anwendungen und den Desktop selbst. Die Einstellungen für die Hintergrundauswahl wurden ebenfalls neu gestaltet, wodurch die Auswahl von benutzerdefinierten Hintergründen erleichtert wird. Standardmäßig haben wir unser eigenes dynamisches Hintergrundbild hinzugefügt, das sich im Laufe des Tages ändert. GNOME 3.34 führt auch benutzerdefinierte Ordner in der Anwendungsübersicht ein: Ziehen Sie einfach ein Programmsymbol über ein anderes, um einen Ordner zu erstellen. Ordner werden automatisch wieder entfernt, wenn alle Symbole aus ihnen herausgezogen wurden. Mit einem einfacheren Desktop-Layout gewinnen wir mehr Stabilität. Unser neuer Gnome-Layout-Switcher ermöglicht es Ihnen, ihr Desktop-Layout mit voreingestellten Layouts, die gängige Betriebssysteme imitieren, einfach zu ändern. Verfügbare Layouts sind: Manjaro, Vanilla Gnome, Mate/Gnome2, traditioneller Desktop/Windows, moderner Desktop/MacOS, Unity/Ubuntu Thema. Außerdem wechseln wir automatisch zwischen dem dunklen und dem hellen Thema, wenn Nightlight ausgelöst wird. Ein neues Thema für den Anmeldebildschirm und die Hinzufügung von Feral's Gamemode runden unsere Gnome-Edition ab.
With our Gnome edition based on 3.36 series we include visual refreshes for a number of applications and interfaces, particularly noteworthy being the login and unlock interfaces. GNOME shell extensions are now managed using a new Extensions app, rather than Software. The Extensions app handles updating extensions, configuring extension preferences and removing or disabling unwanted extensions. A Do Not Disturb button was added to the notifications popover. When enabled, notifications are hidden until the button is toggled off. By default our own dynamic wallpaper changes its colour theme throughout the day. Additionally we updated GDM and improved our Gnome-Layout-Switcher a lot. Our Gnome edition uses Wayland now by default. For Nvidia users X11 is however used. Adjusted packages pre-installed, zsh used and a clean app drawer with applications sorted to folders by default rounds our improvements up.
Kernel 5.4 LTS wird für diese Version verwendet, ebenso die neuesten derzeit verfügbaren Treiber. Gegenüber der letzten Version des Installationsmediums wurden unsere Tools verbessert und aufpoliert.
Pamac 9.4 series received a few updates. Enhancing our package management we have enabled snap and flatpak support by default. You can now install snaps or flatpaks very easily with Pamac in UI and terminal to make more use of an even much larger selection of latest Linux applications. For Gnome users we enabled similar features as supported by Gnome-Software to get more package information by simply right clicking them in gnome-shell app drawer. And if you search for an app you don't have, pamac offers to install it for you
Die Pamac 9.3 Serie hat einige Updates bekommen. Mit einem robusteren und zuverlässigeren Transaktions-Backend dürfte unser Aktualisierungsprozess jetzt viel reibungsloser ablaufen. Außerdem haben wir die Sortierung der Pakete nach Relevanz in unserer GTK-UI verbessert. Zur Verbesserung unserer Paketverwaltung haben wir die Unterstützung von Snap- und Flatpaks standardmäßig aktiviert. Mit unserem neuen Tool Bauh können Sie jetzt sehr einfach Snaps oder Flatpaks installieren und eine noch viel größere Auswahl an aktuellen Linux-Anwendungen nutzen.
Manjaro Architect supports now ZFS installation by providing the needed kernel modules.
Wir hoffen, dass Ihnen dieses Release gefällt; lassen Sie uns wissen, was Sie von Kyria halten.
Kernel 5.6 wird für diese Version verwendet, ebenso die neuesten derzeit verfügbaren Treiber. Gegenüber der letzten Version des Installationsmediums wurden unsere Tools verbessert und aufpoliert.
Wir hoffen, dass Ihnen dieses Release gefällt; lassen Sie uns wissen, was Sie von Lysia halten.

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@ -1,15 +1,17 @@
<big>Manjaro 19.0</big>
<big>Manjaro 20.0</big>
Nous avons le plaisir d'annoncer la sortie d'une nouvelle version stable de Manjaro Linux, baptisée Kyria.
Nous avons le plaisir d'annoncer la sortie d'une nouvelle version stable de Manjaro Linux, baptisée Lysia.
Xfce reste l'édition principale, avec toute l'attention qui lui est due. Peu de gens peuvent se targuer d'offrir une expérience Xfce aussi soignée, intégrée et à jour. Cette version embarque Xfce 4.14 et nous avons principalement travaillé à soigner l'expérience utilisateur sur le bureau et le gestionnaire de fenêtre. Nous avons aussi basculé vers un nouveau thème nommé Matcha. Une nouvelle fonctionnalité Profils d'affichage vous permet d'enregistrer plusieurs profils pour vos configurations préférées. Nous avons également implémenté l'application automatique de profils à la connexion de nouveaux écrans.
Notre édition KDE délivre l'environnement de bureau Plasma 5.17, puissante, mature et fonctionnelle, avec une apparence unique, que nous avons complètement retravaillé pour cette sortie. Le paquet de thèmes Breath2 inclut des versions claires et sombres, un écran de démarrage animé, des profils Konsole, des skins Yakuake et bien plus. Nous avons complété l'éditeur Kate avec quelques palettes de couleurs, et ajouté Plasma-Simplemenu comme alternative au traditionnel lanceur Kickoff. Avec une large sélection des dernières applications KDE 19.12.2 et plus encore, Manjaro KDE vise à être un environnement polyvalent et élégant, prêt pour tous vos besoins quotidiens.
Notre édition KDE délivre l'environnement de bureau Plasma 5.18, puissante, mature et fonctionnelle, avec une apparence unique, que nous avons complètement retravaillé pour cette sortie. Le paquet de thèmes Breath2 inclut des versions claires et sombres, un écran de démarrage animé, des profils Konsole, des skins Yakuake et bien plus. Nous avons complété l'éditeur Kate avec quelques palettes de couleurs, et ajouté Plasma-Simplemenu comme alternative au traditionnel lanceur Kickoff. Avec une large sélection des dernières applications KDE 20.04 et plus encore, Manjaro KDE vise à être un environnement polyvalent et élégant, prêt pour tous vos besoins quotidiens.
Dans l'édition Gnome basée sur la branche 3.34, nous avons rafraîchi l'apparence de plusieurs applications ainsi que du bureau lui-même. La sélection du fond d'écran a également été revue, facilitant la sélection de fond personnalisé. Nous avons ajouté notre propre fond dynamique par défaut, qui change au fil de la journée. GNOME 3.34 introduit également les dossiers personnalisés dans la vue d'ensemble: déplacez simplement l'icône d'une application au-dessus d'une autre pour créer un dossier. Les dossiers sont automatiquement enlevés lorsque toutes les icônes ont été retirées. Avec un agencement de bureau plus simple, nous gagnons en stabilité. Notre nouveau Gnome-Layout-Switcher vous permet de changer simplement vers des agencements imitant les systèmes d'exploitation les plus populaires. Sont disponibles: Manjaro, Vanilla Gnome, Mate/Gnome2, Bureau traditionnel Windows, Bureau moderne MacOs, Unity/Ubuntu. De plus, nous basculons automatiquement entre thèmes sombres et clairs si Nightlight est actif. Un nouveau thème pour l'écran de connexion et l'addition du Mode Jeu par Feral complètent notre édition Gnome.
With our Gnome edition based on 3.36 series we include visual refreshes for a number of applications and interfaces, particularly noteworthy being the login and unlock interfaces. GNOME shell extensions are now managed using a new Extensions app, rather than Software. The Extensions app handles updating extensions, configuring extension preferences and removing or disabling unwanted extensions. A Do Not Disturb button was added to the notifications popover. When enabled, notifications are hidden until the button is toggled off. By default our own dynamic wallpaper changes its colour theme throughout the day. Additionally we updated GDM and improved our Gnome-Layout-Switcher a lot. Our Gnome edition uses Wayland now by default. For Nvidia users X11 is however used. Adjusted packages pre-installed, zsh used and a clean app drawer with applications sorted to folders by default rounds our improvements up.
Cette édition utilise le noyau 5.4 LTS, ainsi que les tous derniers pilotes disponibles à ce jour. Concernant le dernier média d'installation, nos outils ont également été améliorés et soignés.
Pamac 9.4 series received a few updates. Enhancing our package management we have enabled snap and flatpak support by default. You can now install snaps or flatpaks very easily with Pamac in UI and terminal to make more use of an even much larger selection of latest Linux applications. For Gnome users we enabled similar features as supported by Gnome-Software to get more package information by simply right clicking them in gnome-shell app drawer. And if you search for an app you don't have, pamac offers to install it for you
Pamac est passé à la branche 9.3. Grace à une gestion plus robuste et fiable des transactions, notre procédure de mise à jour devrait être plus fluide. Nous avons amélioré le tri des paquets par pertinence dans notre interface GTK. Nous avons enrichi notre gestionnaire de paquets avec le support de snap et flatpak par défaut. Vous pouvez à présent installer des paquets snap et flatpack très facilement, via notre nouvel outil Bauh et profiter d'une sélection plus large des dernières applications Linux.
Manjaro Architect supports now ZFS installation by providing the needed kernel modules.
Nous espérons que vous apprécierez cette sortie, partagez ce que vous pensez de Kyria!
Cette édition utilise le noyau 5.6, ainsi que les tous derniers pilotes disponibles à ce jour. Concernant le dernier média d'installation, nos outils ont également été améliorés et soignés.
Nous espérons que vous apprécierez cette sortie, partagez ce que vous pensez de Lysia!

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@ -1,15 +1,17 @@
<big>Manjaro 19.0</big>
<big>Manjaro 20.0</big>
We are happy to publish another stable release of Manjaro Linux, named Kyria.
We are happy to publish another stable release of Manjaro Linux, named Lysia.
The Xfce edition remains our flagship offering and has received the attention it deserves. Only a few can claim to offer such a polished, integrated and leading-edge Xfce experience. With this release we ship Xfce 4.14 and have mostly focused on polishing the user experience with the desktop and window manager. Also we have switched to a new theme called Matcha. A new feature Display-Profiles allows you to store one or more profiles for your preferred display configuration. We also have implemented auto-application of profiles when new displays are connected.
Our KDE edition provides the powerful, mature and feature-rich Plasma 5.17 desktop environment with a unique look-and-feel, which we completely re-designed for this release. The full set of Breath2-themes includes light and dark versions, animated splash-screen, Konsole profiles, Yakuake skins and many more little details. We have rounded off text editor Kate with some additional color schemes and offer Plasma-Simplemenu as an alternative to the traditional Kickoff-Launcher. With a wide selection of latest KDE-Apps 19.12.2 and other applications Manjaro-KDE aims to be a versatile and elegant environment ready for all your everyday needs.
Our KDE edition provides the powerful, mature and feature-rich Plasma 5.18 desktop environment with a unique look-and-feel, which we completely re-designed for this release. The full set of Breath2-themes includes light and dark versions, animated splash-screen, Konsole profiles, Yakuake skins and many more little details. We have rounded off text editor Kate with some additional color schemes and offer Plasma-Simplemenu as an alternative to the traditional Kickoff-Launcher. With a wide selection of latest KDE-Apps 20.04 and other applications Manjaro-KDE aims to be a versatile and elegant environment ready for all your everyday needs.
In Gnome edition which is based on version 3.34 series, we also have included a visual refresh for several applications and the desktop itself. The background selection settings also received a redesign, making it easier to select custom backgrounds. By default we added our own dynamic wallpaper that changes throughout the day. GNOME 3.34 also introduces custom folders in the application overview: Simply drag an application icon on top of another to create a folder. Folders are automatically removed again when all icons have been dragged out. With a simpler desktop layout we gain more stability. Our new Gnome-Layout-Switcher enables you to change your desktop layout easily with preset layouts mimicking popular operating systems. Available layouts are: Manjaro, Vanilla Gnome, Mate/Gnome2, Traditional Desktop/Windows, Modern Desktop/MacOs, Unity/Ubuntu Theme. We also automatically change between dark and light theme when Nightlight is triggered. A new theme for the login screen and the addition of Feral's Gamemode round up our Gnome edition.
With our Gnome edition based on 3.36 series we include visual refreshes for a number of applications and interfaces, particularly noteworthy being the login and unlock interfaces. GNOME shell extensions are now managed using a new Extensions app, rather than Software. The Extensions app handles updating extensions, configuring extension preferences and removing or disabling unwanted extensions. A Do Not Disturb button was added to the notifications popover. When enabled, notifications are hidden until the button is toggled off. By default our own dynamic wallpaper changes its colour theme throughout the day. Additionally we updated GDM and improved our Gnome-Layout-Switcher a lot. Our Gnome edition uses Wayland now by default. For Nvidia users X11 is however used. Adjusted packages pre-installed, zsh used and a clean app drawer with applications sorted to folders by default rounds our improvements up.
Kernel 5.4 LTS is used for this release, such as the latest drivers available to date. Relative to the last installation media release, our tools have been improved and polished.
Pamac 9.4 series received a few updates. Enhancing our package management we have enabled snap and flatpak support by default. You can now install snaps or flatpaks very easily with Pamac in UI and terminal to make more use of an even much larger selection of latest Linux applications. For Gnome users we enabled similar features as supported by Gnome-Software to get more package information by simply right clicking them in gnome-shell app drawer. And if you search for an app you don't have, pamac offers to install it for you
Pamac 9.3 series received a few updates. With a more robust and reliable transaction backend our update process should be much smoother now. Also we improved package sorting by relevance in our GTK-UI. Enhancing our package management we have enabled snap and flatpak support by default. You can now install snaps or flatpaks very easily, with our new tool Bauh and make use of a larger selection of the latest Linux applications.
Manjaro Architect supports now ZFS installation by providing the needed kernel modules.
We hope you enjoy this release and let us know what you think of Kyria.
Kernel 5.6 is used for this release, such as the latest drivers available to date. Relative to the last installation media release, our tools have been improved and polished.
We hope you enjoy this release and let us know what you think of Lysia.

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@ -1,15 +1,17 @@
<big> Manjaro 19.0 </big>
<big> Manjaro 20.0 </big>
Siamo felici di pubblicare un'altra versione stabile di Manjaro Linux, nome in codice Kyria.
Siamo felici di pubblicare un'altra versione stabile di Manjaro Linux, nome in codice Lysia.
L'edizione Xfce rimane la nostra offerta di punta e ha ricevuto l'attenzione che merita. Pochi possono affermare di offrire un'esperienza Xfce così raffinata, integrata e all'avanguardia. Con questa versione distribuiamo Xfce 4.14 e ci siamo concentrati principalmente sulla affinatezza dell'esperienza utente con desktop e window manager. Inoltre siamo passati a un nuovo tema di nome Matcha. La nuova funzione "Display Profile" consente di memorizzare uno o più profili per la configurazione di visualizzazione preferita. Per rendere l'operazione ancora più semplice, abbiamo implementato l'auto-applicazione dei profili quando sono collegati nuovi display.
La nostra edizione KDE offre l'ambiente Plasma 5.17 potente, maturo e ricco di funzionalità con un aspetto unico che abbiamo completamente riprogettato per questa versione. Il set completo di temi di Breath2 include versioni chiare e scure, splash-screen animato, profili Konsole, skin Yakuake e molti altri piccoli dettagli. Abbiamo completato l'editor di testo Kate con alcune combinazioni di colori aggiuntive e offriamo Plasma-Simplemenu in alternativa al tradizionale Kickoff-Launcher. Con un'ampia selezione delle ultime app KDE 19.12.2 e di altre applicazioni, Manjaro-KDE punta a essere un ambiente versatile ed elegante pronto per tutte le esigenze quotidiane.
La nostra edizione KDE offre l'ambiente Plasma 5.18 potente, maturo e ricco di funzionalità con un aspetto unico che abbiamo completamente riprogettato per questa versione. Il set completo di temi di Breath2 include versioni chiare e scure, splash-screen animato, profili Konsole, skin Yakuake e molti altri piccoli dettagli. Abbiamo completato l'editor di testo Kate con alcune combinazioni di colori aggiuntive e offriamo Plasma-Simplemenu in alternativa al tradizionale Kickoff-Launcher. Con un'ampia selezione delle ultime app KDE 20.04 e di altre applicazioni, Manjaro-KDE punta a essere un ambiente versatile ed elegante pronto per tutte le esigenze quotidiane.
Con la nostra edizione Gnome basata sulla serie 3.34 abbiamo incluso un aggiornamento grafico per numerose applicazioni e il desktop stesso. Anche le impostazioni di selezione dello sfondo hanno ricevuto una riprogettazione, facilitando la selezione di sfondi personalizzati. Per impostazione predefinita, abbiamo aggiunto il nostro sfondo dinamico che cambia durante il giorno. GNOME 3.34 introduce anche cartelle personalizzate nella panoramica dell'applicazione: trascina semplicemente l'icona di un'applicazione sopra un'altra per creare una cartella. Le cartelle vengono rimosse automaticamente quando tutte le icone sono state trascinate fuori da esse. Con un layout più semplice per il desktop abbiamo ottenuto maggiore stabilità. Il nostro nuovo Gnome-Layout-Switcher consente di modificare facilmente il layout del desktop con modelli predefiniti che imitano i sistemi operativi più diffusi. I layout disponibili sono: Manjaro, Vanilla Gnome, Mate/Gnome2, Desktop tradizionale/Windows, Desktop moderno/macOS, Unity/Ubuntu. È previsto il passaggio automatico tra tema scuro e chiaro quando viene attivata l'opzione "Luce notturna". Un nuovo tema per la schermata di accesso e l'aggiunta della funzionalità Gamemode di Feral completano la nostra edizione di Gnome.
With our Gnome edition based on 3.36 series we include visual refreshes for a number of applications and interfaces, particularly noteworthy being the login and unlock interfaces. GNOME shell extensions are now managed using a new Extensions app, rather than Software. The Extensions app handles updating extensions, configuring extension preferences and removing or disabling unwanted extensions. A Do Not Disturb button was added to the notifications popover. When enabled, notifications are hidden until the button is toggled off. By default our own dynamic wallpaper changes its colour theme throughout the day. Additionally we updated GDM and improved our Gnome-Layout-Switcher a lot. Our Gnome edition uses Wayland now by default. For Nvidia users X11 is however used. Adjusted packages pre-installed, zsh used and a clean app drawer with applications sorted to folders by default rounds our improvements up.
Per questa versione abbiamo scelto il Kernel 5.4 LTS, insieme agli ultimi driver disponibili fino ad oggi. Rispetto all'ultima versione del supporto di installazione, i nostri strumenti sono stati migliorati e perfezionati.
Pamac 9.4 series received a few updates. Enhancing our package management we have enabled snap and flatpak support by default. You can now install snaps or flatpaks very easily with Pamac in UI and terminal to make more use of an even much larger selection of latest Linux applications. For Gnome users we enabled similar features as supported by Gnome-Software to get more package information by simply right clicking them in gnome-shell app drawer. And if you search for an app you don't have, pamac offers to install it for you
L'edizione 9.3 di Pamac ha ricevuto alcuni aggiornamenti. Con un backend di transazione più robusto e affidabile, il nostro processo di aggiornamento dovrebbe essere molto più rapido ora. Inoltre, abbiamo migliorato l'ordinamento dei pacchetti in base alla rilevanza nell'interfaccia utente GTK. Migliorando la nostra gestione dei pacchetti abbiamo abilitato il supporto snap e flatpak come impostazione predefinita. Ora puoi installare facilmente snap o flatpak con il nostro nuovo strumento Bauh e utilizzare una selezione ancora più ampia delle ultime applicazioni Linux.
Manjaro Architect supports now ZFS installation by providing the needed kernel modules.
Speriamo che questa versione sia di tuo gradimento e ti chiediamo di farci sapere cosa pensi di Kyria.
Per questa versione abbiamo scelto il Kernel 5.6, insieme agli ultimi driver disponibili fino ad oggi. Rispetto all'ultima versione del supporto di installazione, i nostri strumenti sono stati migliorati e perfezionati.
Speriamo che questa versione sia di tuo gradimento e ti chiediamo di farci sapere cosa pensi di Lysia.

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@ -1,15 +1,17 @@
<big>Manjaro 19.0</big>
<big>Manjaro 20.0</big>
We are happy to publish another stable release of Manjaro Linux, named Kyria.
We are happy to publish another stable release of Manjaro Linux, named Lysia.
The Xfce edition remains our flagship offering and has received the attention it deserves. Only a few can claim to offer such a polished, integrated and leading-edge Xfce experience. With this release we ship Xfce 4.14 and have mostly focused on polishing the user experience with the desktop and window manager. Also we have switched to a new theme called Matcha. A new feature Display-Profiles allows you to store one or more profiles for your preferred display configuration. We also have implemented auto-application of profiles when new displays are connected.
Our KDE edition provides the powerful, mature and feature-rich Plasma 5.17 desktop environment with a unique look-and-feel, which we completely re-designed for this release. The full set of Breath2-themes includes light and dark versions, animated splash-screen, Konsole profiles, Yakuake skins and many more little details. We have rounded off text editor Kate with some additional color schemes and offer Plasma-Simplemenu as an alternative to the traditional Kickoff-Launcher. With a wide selection of latest KDE-Apps 19.12.2 and other applications Manjaro-KDE aims to be a versatile and elegant environment ready for all your everyday needs.
Our KDE edition provides the powerful, mature and feature-rich Plasma 5.18 desktop environment with a unique look-and-feel, which we completely re-designed for this release. The full set of Breath2-themes includes light and dark versions, animated splash-screen, Konsole profiles, Yakuake skins and many more little details. We have rounded off text editor Kate with some additional color schemes and offer Plasma-Simplemenu as an alternative to the traditional Kickoff-Launcher. With a wide selection of latest KDE-Apps 20.04 and other applications Manjaro-KDE aims to be a versatile and elegant environment ready for all your everyday needs.
In Gnome edition which is based on version 3.34 series, we also have included a visual refresh for several applications and the desktop itself. The background selection settings also received a redesign, making it easier to select custom backgrounds. By default we added our own dynamic wallpaper that changes throughout the day. GNOME 3.34 also introduces custom folders in the application overview: Simply drag an application icon on top of another to create a folder. Folders are automatically removed again when all icons have been dragged out. With a simpler desktop layout we gain more stability. Our new Gnome-Layout-Switcher enables you to change your desktop layout easily with preset layouts mimicking popular operating systems. Available layouts are: Manjaro, Vanilla Gnome, Mate/Gnome2, Traditional Desktop/Windows, Modern Desktop/MacOs, Unity/Ubuntu Theme. We also automatically change between dark and light theme when Nightlight is triggered. A new theme for the login screen and the addition of Feral's Gamemode round up our Gnome edition.
With our Gnome edition based on 3.36 series we include visual refreshes for a number of applications and interfaces, particularly noteworthy being the login and unlock interfaces. GNOME shell extensions are now managed using a new Extensions app, rather than Software. The Extensions app handles updating extensions, configuring extension preferences and removing or disabling unwanted extensions. A Do Not Disturb button was added to the notifications popover. When enabled, notifications are hidden until the button is toggled off. By default our own dynamic wallpaper changes its colour theme throughout the day. Additionally we updated GDM and improved our Gnome-Layout-Switcher a lot. Our Gnome edition uses Wayland now by default. For Nvidia users X11 is however used. Adjusted packages pre-installed, zsh used and a clean app drawer with applications sorted to folders by default rounds our improvements up.
Kernel 5.4 LTS is used for this release, such as the latest drivers available to date. Relative to the last installation media release, our tools have been improved and polished.
Pamac 9.4 series received a few updates. Enhancing our package management we have enabled snap and flatpak support by default. You can now install snaps or flatpaks very easily with Pamac in UI and terminal to make more use of an even much larger selection of latest Linux applications. For Gnome users we enabled similar features as supported by Gnome-Software to get more package information by simply right clicking them in gnome-shell app drawer. And if you search for an app you don't have, pamac offers to install it for you
Pamac 9.3 series received a few updates. With a more robust and reliable transaction backend our update process should be much smoother now. Also we improved package sorting by relevance in our GTK-UI. Enhancing our package management we have enabled snap and flatpak support by default. You can now install snaps or flatpaks very easily, with our new tool Bauh and make use of a larger selection of the latest Linux applications.
Manjaro Architect supports now ZFS installation by providing the needed kernel modules.
We hope you enjoy this release and let us know what you think of Kyria.
Kernel 5.6 is used for this release, such as the latest drivers available to date. Relative to the last installation media release, our tools have been improved and polished.
We hope you enjoy this release and let us know what you think of Lysia.

View File

@ -1,15 +1,17 @@
<big>Manjaro 19.0</big>
<big>Manjaro 20.0</big>
We are happy to publish another stable release of Manjaro Linux, named Kyria.
We are happy to publish another stable release of Manjaro Linux, named Lysia.
The Xfce edition remains our flagship offering and has received the attention it deserves. Only a few can claim to offer such a polished, integrated and leading-edge Xfce experience. With this release we ship Xfce 4.14 and have mostly focused on polishing the user experience with the desktop and window manager. Also we have switched to a new theme called Matcha. A new feature Display-Profiles allows you to store one or more profiles for your preferred display configuration. We also have implemented auto-application of profiles when new displays are connected.
Our KDE edition provides the powerful, mature and feature-rich Plasma 5.17 desktop environment with a unique look-and-feel, which we completely re-designed for this release. The full set of Breath2-themes includes light and dark versions, animated splash-screen, Konsole profiles, Yakuake skins and many more little details. We have rounded off text editor Kate with some additional color schemes and offer Plasma-Simplemenu as an alternative to the traditional Kickoff-Launcher. With a wide selection of latest KDE-Apps 19.12.2 and other applications Manjaro-KDE aims to be a versatile and elegant environment ready for all your everyday needs.
Our KDE edition provides the powerful, mature and feature-rich Plasma 5.18 desktop environment with a unique look-and-feel, which we completely re-designed for this release. The full set of Breath2-themes includes light and dark versions, animated splash-screen, Konsole profiles, Yakuake skins and many more little details. We have rounded off text editor Kate with some additional color schemes and offer Plasma-Simplemenu as an alternative to the traditional Kickoff-Launcher. With a wide selection of latest KDE-Apps 20.04 and other applications Manjaro-KDE aims to be a versatile and elegant environment ready for all your everyday needs.
In Gnome edition which is based on version 3.34 series, we also have included a visual refresh for several applications and the desktop itself. The background selection settings also received a redesign, making it easier to select custom backgrounds. By default we added our own dynamic wallpaper that changes throughout the day. GNOME 3.34 also introduces custom folders in the application overview: Simply drag an application icon on top of another to create a folder. Folders are automatically removed again when all icons have been dragged out. With a simpler desktop layout we gain more stability. Our new Gnome-Layout-Switcher enables you to change your desktop layout easily with preset layouts mimicking popular operating systems. Available layouts are: Manjaro, Vanilla Gnome, Mate/Gnome2, Traditional Desktop/Windows, Modern Desktop/MacOs, Unity/Ubuntu Theme. We also automatically change between dark and light theme when Nightlight is triggered. A new theme for the login screen and the addition of Feral's Gamemode round up our Gnome edition.
With our Gnome edition based on 3.36 series we include visual refreshes for a number of applications and interfaces, particularly noteworthy being the login and unlock interfaces. GNOME shell extensions are now managed using a new Extensions app, rather than Software. The Extensions app handles updating extensions, configuring extension preferences and removing or disabling unwanted extensions. A Do Not Disturb button was added to the notifications popover. When enabled, notifications are hidden until the button is toggled off. By default our own dynamic wallpaper changes its colour theme throughout the day. Additionally we updated GDM and improved our Gnome-Layout-Switcher a lot. Our Gnome edition uses Wayland now by default. For Nvidia users X11 is however used. Adjusted packages pre-installed, zsh used and a clean app drawer with applications sorted to folders by default rounds our improvements up.
Kernel 5.4 LTS is used for this release, such as the latest drivers available to date. Relative to the last installation media release, our tools have been improved and polished.
Pamac 9.4 series received a few updates. Enhancing our package management we have enabled snap and flatpak support by default. You can now install snaps or flatpaks very easily with Pamac in UI and terminal to make more use of an even much larger selection of latest Linux applications. For Gnome users we enabled similar features as supported by Gnome-Software to get more package information by simply right clicking them in gnome-shell app drawer. And if you search for an app you don't have, pamac offers to install it for you
Pamac 9.3 series received a few updates. With a more robust and reliable transaction backend our update process should be much smoother now. Also we improved package sorting by relevance in our GTK-UI. Enhancing our package management we have enabled snap and flatpak support by default. You can now install snaps or flatpaks very easily, with our new tool Bauh and make use of a larger selection of the latest Linux applications.
Manjaro Architect supports now ZFS installation by providing the needed kernel modules.
We hope you enjoy this release and let us know what you think of Kyria.
Kernel 5.6 is used for this release, such as the latest drivers available to date. Relative to the last installation media release, our tools have been improved and polished.
We hope you enjoy this release and let us know what you think of Lysia.

View File

@ -1,15 +1,17 @@
<big>Manjaro 19.0</big>
<big>Manjaro 20.0</big>
We are happy to publish another stable release of Manjaro Linux, named Kyria.
We are happy to publish another stable release of Manjaro Linux, named Lysia.
The Xfce edition remains our flagship offering and has received the attention it deserves. Only a few can claim to offer such a polished, integrated and leading-edge Xfce experience. With this release we ship Xfce 4.14 and have mostly focused on polishing the user experience with the desktop and window manager. Also we have switched to a new theme called Matcha. A new feature Display-Profiles allows you to store one or more profiles for your preferred display configuration. We also have implemented auto-application of profiles when new displays are connected.
Our KDE edition provides the powerful, mature and feature-rich Plasma 5.17 desktop environment with a unique look-and-feel, which we completely re-designed for this release. The full set of Breath2-themes includes light and dark versions, animated splash-screen, Konsole profiles, Yakuake skins and many more little details. We have rounded off text editor Kate with some additional color schemes and offer Plasma-Simplemenu as an alternative to the traditional Kickoff-Launcher. With a wide selection of latest KDE-Apps 19.12.2 and other applications Manjaro-KDE aims to be a versatile and elegant environment ready for all your everyday needs.
Our KDE edition provides the powerful, mature and feature-rich Plasma 5.18 desktop environment with a unique look-and-feel, which we completely re-designed for this release. The full set of Breath2-themes includes light and dark versions, animated splash-screen, Konsole profiles, Yakuake skins and many more little details. We have rounded off text editor Kate with some additional color schemes and offer Plasma-Simplemenu as an alternative to the traditional Kickoff-Launcher. With a wide selection of latest KDE-Apps 20.04 and other applications Manjaro-KDE aims to be a versatile and elegant environment ready for all your everyday needs.
In Gnome edition which is based on version 3.34 series, we also have included a visual refresh for several applications and the desktop itself. The background selection settings also received a redesign, making it easier to select custom backgrounds. By default we added our own dynamic wallpaper that changes throughout the day. GNOME 3.34 also introduces custom folders in the application overview: Simply drag an application icon on top of another to create a folder. Folders are automatically removed again when all icons have been dragged out. With a simpler desktop layout we gain more stability. Our new Gnome-Layout-Switcher enables you to change your desktop layout easily with preset layouts mimicking popular operating systems. Available layouts are: Manjaro, Vanilla Gnome, Mate/Gnome2, Traditional Desktop/Windows, Modern Desktop/MacOs, Unity/Ubuntu Theme. We also automatically change between dark and light theme when Nightlight is triggered. A new theme for the login screen and the addition of Feral's Gamemode round up our Gnome edition.
With our Gnome edition based on 3.36 series we include visual refreshes for a number of applications and interfaces, particularly noteworthy being the login and unlock interfaces. GNOME shell extensions are now managed using a new Extensions app, rather than Software. The Extensions app handles updating extensions, configuring extension preferences and removing or disabling unwanted extensions. A Do Not Disturb button was added to the notifications popover. When enabled, notifications are hidden until the button is toggled off. By default our own dynamic wallpaper changes its colour theme throughout the day. Additionally we updated GDM and improved our Gnome-Layout-Switcher a lot. Our Gnome edition uses Wayland now by default. For Nvidia users X11 is however used. Adjusted packages pre-installed, zsh used and a clean app drawer with applications sorted to folders by default rounds our improvements up.
Kernel 5.4 LTS is used for this release, such as the latest drivers available to date. Relative to the last installation media release, our tools have been improved and polished.
Pamac 9.4 series received a few updates. Enhancing our package management we have enabled snap and flatpak support by default. You can now install snaps or flatpaks very easily with Pamac in UI and terminal to make more use of an even much larger selection of latest Linux applications. For Gnome users we enabled similar features as supported by Gnome-Software to get more package information by simply right clicking them in gnome-shell app drawer. And if you search for an app you don't have, pamac offers to install it for you
Pamac 9.3 series received a few updates. With a more robust and reliable transaction backend our update process should be much smoother now. Also we improved package sorting by relevance in our GTK-UI. Enhancing our package management we have enabled snap and flatpak support by default. You can now install snaps or flatpaks very easily, with our new tool Bauh and make use of a larger selection of the latest Linux applications.
Manjaro Architect supports now ZFS installation by providing the needed kernel modules.
We hope you enjoy this release and let us know what you think of Kyria.
Kernel 5.6 is used for this release, such as the latest drivers available to date. Relative to the last installation media release, our tools have been improved and polished.
We hope you enjoy this release and let us know what you think of Lysia.

View File

@ -1,15 +1,17 @@
<big>Manjaro 19.0</big>
<big>Manjaro 20.0</big>
We are happy to publish another stable release of Manjaro Linux, named Kyria.
We are happy to publish another stable release of Manjaro Linux, named Lysia.
The Xfce edition remains our flagship offering and has received the attention it deserves. Only a few can claim to offer such a polished, integrated and leading-edge Xfce experience. With this release we ship Xfce 4.14 and have mostly focused on polishing the user experience with the desktop and window manager. Also we have switched to a new theme called Matcha. A new feature Display-Profiles allows you to store one or more profiles for your preferred display configuration. We also have implemented auto-application of profiles when new displays are connected.
Our KDE edition provides the powerful, mature and feature-rich Plasma 5.17 desktop environment with a unique look-and-feel, which we completely re-designed for this release. The full set of Breath2-themes includes light and dark versions, animated splash-screen, Konsole profiles, Yakuake skins and many more little details. We have rounded off text editor Kate with some additional color schemes and offer Plasma-Simplemenu as an alternative to the traditional Kickoff-Launcher. With a wide selection of latest KDE-Apps 19.12.2 and other applications Manjaro-KDE aims to be a versatile and elegant environment ready for all your everyday needs.
Our KDE edition provides the powerful, mature and feature-rich Plasma 5.18 desktop environment with a unique look-and-feel, which we completely re-designed for this release. The full set of Breath2-themes includes light and dark versions, animated splash-screen, Konsole profiles, Yakuake skins and many more little details. We have rounded off text editor Kate with some additional color schemes and offer Plasma-Simplemenu as an alternative to the traditional Kickoff-Launcher. With a wide selection of latest KDE-Apps 20.04 and other applications Manjaro-KDE aims to be a versatile and elegant environment ready for all your everyday needs.
In Gnome edition which is based on version 3.34 series, we also have included a visual refresh for several applications and the desktop itself. The background selection settings also received a redesign, making it easier to select custom backgrounds. By default we added our own dynamic wallpaper that changes throughout the day. GNOME 3.34 also introduces custom folders in the application overview: Simply drag an application icon on top of another to create a folder. Folders are automatically removed again when all icons have been dragged out. With a simpler desktop layout we gain more stability. Our new Gnome-Layout-Switcher enables you to change your desktop layout easily with preset layouts mimicking popular operating systems. Available layouts are: Manjaro, Vanilla Gnome, Mate/Gnome2, Traditional Desktop/Windows, Modern Desktop/MacOs, Unity/Ubuntu Theme. We also automatically change between dark and light theme when Nightlight is triggered. A new theme for the login screen and the addition of Feral's Gamemode round up our Gnome edition.
With our Gnome edition based on 3.36 series we include visual refreshes for a number of applications and interfaces, particularly noteworthy being the login and unlock interfaces. GNOME shell extensions are now managed using a new Extensions app, rather than Software. The Extensions app handles updating extensions, configuring extension preferences and removing or disabling unwanted extensions. A Do Not Disturb button was added to the notifications popover. When enabled, notifications are hidden until the button is toggled off. By default our own dynamic wallpaper changes its colour theme throughout the day. Additionally we updated GDM and improved our Gnome-Layout-Switcher a lot. Our Gnome edition uses Wayland now by default. For Nvidia users X11 is however used. Adjusted packages pre-installed, zsh used and a clean app drawer with applications sorted to folders by default rounds our improvements up.
Kernel 5.4 LTS is used for this release, such as the latest drivers available to date. Relative to the last installation media release, our tools have been improved and polished.
Pamac 9.4 series received a few updates. Enhancing our package management we have enabled snap and flatpak support by default. You can now install snaps or flatpaks very easily with Pamac in UI and terminal to make more use of an even much larger selection of latest Linux applications. For Gnome users we enabled similar features as supported by Gnome-Software to get more package information by simply right clicking them in gnome-shell app drawer. And if you search for an app you don't have, pamac offers to install it for you
Pamac 9.3 series received a few updates. With a more robust and reliable transaction backend our update process should be much smoother now. Also we improved package sorting by relevance in our GTK-UI. Enhancing our package management we have enabled snap and flatpak support by default. You can now install snaps or flatpaks very easily, with our new tool Bauh and make use of a larger selection of the latest Linux applications.
Manjaro Architect supports now ZFS installation by providing the needed kernel modules.
We hope you enjoy this release and let us know what you think of Kyria.
Kernel 5.6 is used for this release, such as the latest drivers available to date. Relative to the last installation media release, our tools have been improved and polished.
We hope you enjoy this release and let us know what you think of Lysia.