#!/bin/bash ### clicksnap - click on the appropriate area of the window to snap it in a given direction. # Works with active and inactive windows # Author: Daniel Napora # https://maboxlinux.org # ### Configuration # Gap between windows GAP="32" # TITLEBAR HEIGHT - no idea how to find it from cli TITLEBAR_HEIGHT="20" # Activate moved windows? activate_window="false" ### End Configuration eval $(xdotool getmouselocation --shell) Mouse_x="$X" Mouse_y="$Y" HEX_ID=$(printf '0x%x\n' $WINDOW) CHILD_ID=$(xwininfo -id $HEX_ID -children|grep "\"" | awk '{print $1}') if xwininfo -id $CHILD_ID -wm |grep Undecorated ; then # Undecorated T="0" else # Decorated T="$TITLEBAR_HEIGHT" fi eval $(xdotool getwindowgeometry --shell $WINDOW) Win_x="$X" Win_y="$Y" Win_width="$WIDTH" Win_height="$HEIGHT" Rel_x="$((Mouse_x-Win_x))" Rel_y="$((Mouse_y-Win_y))" pos_x="$(((Mouse_x-Win_x)/(Win_width/3)))" pos_y="$(((Mouse_y-Win_y)/(Win_height/3)))" POS_CODE="$pos_x$pos_y" OFFSET=$(wmctrl -d |grep "*" | awk -F' ' '{print $8}') REALSIZE=$(wmctrl -d |grep "*" | awk -F' ' '{print $9}') AVAIL_X="${REALSIZE%x*}" AVAIL_Y="${REALSIZE#*x}" OFF_X="${OFFSET%,*}" OFF_Y="${OFFSET#*,}" case $POS_CODE in 00) # top-left W=$((AVAIL_X/2-GAP)) H=$((AVAIL_Y/2-T-GAP)) X=$((0+OFF_X+GAP/2)) Y=$((0+OFF_Y+GAP/2));; 10) # top W=$((AVAIL_X-GAP)) H=$((AVAIL_Y/2-T-GAP)) X=$((0+OFF_X+GAP/2)) Y=$((0+OFF_Y+GAP/2));; 20) # top-right W=$((AVAIL_X/2-GAP)) H=$((AVAIL_Y/2-T-GAP)) X=$((AVAIL_X/2+OFF_X+GAP/2)) Y=$((0+OFF_Y+GAP/2));; 01) # left W=$((AVAIL_X/2-GAP)) H=$((AVAIL_Y-T-GAP)) X=$((0+OFF_X+GAP/2)) Y=$((0+OFF_Y+GAP/2));; 11) # center W=$((AVAIL_X/8*6-OFF_X)) H=$((AVAIL_Y/8*6-T)) X=$((AVAIL_X/8+OFF_X/2)) Y=$((AVAIL_Y/8+OFF_Y/2));; 21) # right W=$((AVAIL_X/2-GAP)) H=$((AVAIL_Y-T-GAP)) X=$((AVAIL_X/2+OFF_X+GAP/2)) Y=$((0+OFF_Y+GAP/2));; 02) # bottom-left W=$((AVAIL_X/2-GAP)) H=$((AVAIL_Y/2-T-GAP)) X=$((0+OFF_X+GAP/2)) Y=$((AVAIL_Y/2+OFF_Y+GAP/2));; 12) # bottom W=$((AVAIL_X-GAP)) H=$((AVAIL_Y/2-T-GAP)) X=$((0+OFF_X+GAP/2)) Y=$((AVAIL_Y/2+OFF_Y+GAP/2));; 22) # bottom-right W=$((AVAIL_X/2-GAP)) H=$((AVAIL_Y/2-T-GAP)) X=$((AVAIL_X/2+OFF_X+GAP/2)) Y=$((AVAIL_Y/2+OFF_Y+GAP/2));; esac xdotool windowsize $WINDOW $W $H xdotool windowmove $WINDOW $X $Y if [ $activate_window == "true" ]; then xdotool windowactivate $WINDOW; fi