## Mabox Autostart File ## ## ## ## Note that global autostart .desktop files will also be in ## /etc/xdg/openbox/autostart. These will include applications ## such as the Network Manager and Parcellite ## ## DPMS - Display Power Management Signaling ## This is disabled by default to prevent auto-actions when ## the system is idle, such as screen blanking (10 mins) or ## suspending (1 hour). ## Ensure that obmenu-generator (a pipe menu) is set to the user. ## Does this for each session (i.e. ease of use for addtional ## accounts where created. /usr/lib/polkit-gnome/polkit-gnome-authentication-agent-1 & ## Background (sleep 1s && nitrogen --restore) & ## Panel (sleep 2s && mb-tint2-session) & ## Startup ##(sleep 1s && pnmixer) & (sleep 1s && volumeicon) & #(sleep 1s && gkrellm) & ## Regeneracja menu (sleep 1s && mb-regenerate-menu) & ## Optionally enable screensaver #(sleep 1s && xautolock -time 15 -locker 'xlock -mode blank') & ## Optionally disable touchpad #/usr/bin/synclient TouchpadOff=1 & ## Conky (sleep 2s && mb-conky-session --autostart) & ## Basic compositing effects (sleep 1s && picom) & ## Betterlockscreen setup betterlockscreen_setup &